J&J’s Talcum Powder Settlement Offer
J&J has come to the table and offered a $6.475 billion settlement proposal to resolve all talcum powder claims – past, present, and future – in a third bankruptcy, this time as a prepackaged bankruptcy. Here’s how that would work:...
Investigating Pediatrician for Drug for Sex Scandal
Investigating Pediatrician for Drug for Sex Scandal Under the Guise of Medical Treatment OnderLaw is investigating allegations that Pediatrician Dr. Craig Spiegel traded drugs for sex and money.  Spiegel, an affiliate of SSM Health DePaul Hospital and a former Voluntary Clinical...
How Does a Construction Injury Differ from a Workplace Injury?
Construction workers face the risk of serious injuries daily. Even if everyone is doing their part to ensure that workers are properly trained, get the required rest periods, and follow all important safety measures, accidents happen. Sometimes, these construction accidents...
Falling Objects in Construction Areas
Construction areas are filled with potential hazards that could lead to a grave accident. If you or a loved one are in the construction industry, you are likely all too familiar with the daily risks that working on these job...
How Is Safety Regulated on a Construction Site?
Construction sites can be extremely dangerous places. Both federal and state regulations are in place to protect workers and ensure that all necessary precautions are taken to ensure safety in the workplace. Despite this legal framework, accidents can and do...
The Leading Causes of Construction Accidents and How to Seek Justice After One
Construction sites can be an accident waiting to happen. A serious construction site accident can occur when a person or company involved with the job site fails to follow the required standards or procedures. If you are a construction worker...
The Dangers of Defective Equipment on a Construction Site
The construction industry depends on extensive manpower and all types of heavy industrial equipment to get the job done. Even when everyone on the job site follows the applicable safety standards, a defective piece of equipment can wreak havoc and...
Vehicular accident blocks left shoulder at I-170NB
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to the Missouri Department of Transportation, a vehicular accident occurred at I-170 NB to Hanley Road causing its left shoulder to close at 11:01 A.M. on October 1.   ACCIDENT I-170 NB TO HANLEY RD...
“Exxon Knew”: A Call to Action
“Exxon did know. Between the years 1977 and 2002 … Exxon’s climate change reports have been more accurate than reports made by NASA researchers about how emissions heat the planet.” For environmental activists and avid news readers, the phrase 'Exxon Knew' has become a...
Who Is Liable for a Construction Accident?
If you were recently injured in a construction accident, you may have the legal right to multiple forms of financial compensation. When a construction accident happens, there are numerous individuals or entities who could be considered legally responsible for what...
The Top 5 Construction Site Hazards
Construction workers have an inherent degree of risk attached to their daily lives, given the nature of their work environments. These jobs often require workers to be exposed to large equipment and machinery, chemicals, electrical components, and other hazards that...
The Most Common Types of Construction Site Injuries
Construction sites are full of potential hazards due to the presence of heavy machinery, equipment, chemicals, and other environmental dangers that are often present on a daily basis. A serious construction accident can affect your ability to work, to provide...
Steps to Take After a Construction Accident
Construction accident injuries and fatalities are far too common. Workers are frequently subjected to a wide variety of potentially deadly hazards. Construction workers tend to sustain occupational injuries and illnesses at a much higher rate compared to individuals employed in...
5 Signs of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect
Nursing home abuse and neglect can take many forms. The signs and symptoms can be very obvious or far more subtle. It’s important to understand what these manifestations of abuse can look like if you believe your loved one may...
Average Payout for a Dog Bite in Missouri
Dogs are one of the most popular pets in the U.S. Unfortunately, millions of dog bites occur every year across the United States due to lack of discipline or training. Thousands of people require medical attention for the bites they...
Benefits for Injured Workers Under Workers’ Compensation
A serious work injury can leave you dealing with tremendous pain, not to mention worried about how your injury will affect your ability to keep up with your job duties and financial responsibilities. If you have been injured on the...
Can I Get Compensation for a Burn?
A serious burn injury can impact your quality of life, your ability to work, and even your relationships with your family, friends, and other loved ones. When you suffer a serious burn injury caused by someone else’s careless or reckless...
Healing from Motorcycle Accident Injuries
Getting hurt in a serious motorcycle accident can be both physically painful and emotionally devastating, especially if the recovery process for your injuries is prolonged. If you are healing from motorcycle accident injuries, you have the power to keep your...
How Can I Make My Window Blinds Safe for Children?
Most homeowners and renters across the nation have window blinds in their homes, but too few are aware of the significant risk these products can pose to children in their households. If you are a parent of young children, there...
How Do I Report a Nursing Home to the State of Missouri?
When your loved one is in the care of a nursing home, you rightly expect that they will be safe and cared for and that their needs will be attended to daily. If you begin to notice physical, emotional, or...
How Much Compensation Do You Get for TBI?
A traumatic brain injury (TBI) can have a detrimental impact on someone's quality and even length of life. While some TBI cases may conclude with a full recovery, others can leave ongoing and even deadly disabilities. When you or your...
How Much Do Pharmaceutical Companies Pay in Lawsuits?
When you experience dangerous side effects or complications from a pharmaceutical drug, you may wonder what your legal options are and if you could have grounds to seek compensation. Whether or not you may be entitled to sue a pharmaceutical...
Lawsuits for Third-Degree Burns
Every year, millions of people suffer from burn injuries across the United States. They can happen in a wide variety of ways, including not only fires but also chemicals, hot liquids, radiation, and electricity. Burn injuries can range from a...
Can You Sue a Pharmaceutical Company for Side Effects?
Pharmaceutical companies constantly release new products to the market, many of which are adequately tested, safe, and effective. However, there are far too many instances of dangerous or defective drugs getting into the hands of consumers and causing grave or...
How Much Is a Negligence Settlement for a Car Accident?
Most of the time, getting compensated after a car accident is a matter of filing a claim against your own auto insurance policy and that of the other driver or drivers involved in your wreck. After a more severe collision,...
Common Types of Nursing Home Abuse
Everyone wants to protect their loved ones and give them the best life possible. When people place their elders in nursing homes, it is with the hope and expectation that their loved one will be safe and taken care of...
Is A Burn A Catastrophic Injury?
Practically everyone has experienced a burn—whether spilling hot water, accidentally touching a candle, or even getting a carpet burn. Because of the perception that burns happen too often to be considered very serious, sometimes people minimize the pain of their...
Long-Term Effects of Catastrophic Injuries
A catastrophic injury is one that permanently affects your quality of life and leaves you dealing with permanent physical, psychological, and emotional effects. These injuries have a deep impact, both personally and professionally, leaving a mark on virtually every area...
What Is Pharmaceutical Litigation?
Pharmaceutical drugs have revolutionized medicine and can have life-changing benefits for patients. However, when a pharmaceutical company releases a dangerous or defective drug to the market or allows it to remain commercialized even after known safety hazards are revealed, consumers...
What Is the Statute of Limitations on a Dog Bite in Missouri?
Being attacked or injured by another person’s dog can be unexpected and frightening. We see dogs every day, and more often than not they do not attack. But when the worst happens, juggling everyday life on top of the injuries...
Proving a Traumatic Brain Injury
A traumatic brain injury or TBI can occur in a wide range of settings, including motor vehicle accidents, terrible falls, and workplace incidents. While some traumatic brain injuries may be immediately obvious, other TBIs may take days to fully manifest...
How Long Does it Take to Get a Workers’ Comp Settlement in Missouri?
If you are suffering from a work-related injury or disease, you may be entitled to receive workers’ compensation benefits on a temporary or even permanent basis. While some workers’ compensation cases may be relatively smooth and proceed through the system...
Average Workers’ Comp Settlement Amount
A serious injury can affect every area of your life, from your ability to work to your interactions with loved ones. If you have suffered a serious injury while at work, you likely have cause to pursue a workers’ compensation...
How Long Can You Stay on Workers’ Comp in Missouri?
Workers’ compensation benefits are designed to cover costs associated with injuries sustained on the job. Through your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance, you could not only get coverage for your medical bills, but also for part of your lost income caused...
How Long Do You Have to File a Wrongful Death Suit in Missouri?
When you lose a loved one, the pain of such a staggering loss can impact your ability to even function on a daily basis. When your loss was brought about by someone else’s negligent actions, this knowledge will not only...
What Is Considered a Long-Term Injury?
A long-term injury is a serious injury that permanently impacts your ability to live as you did before the incident. While long-term injuries occur for a variety of reasons, acts of negligence are responsible for far too many of these...
OnderLaw’s Annual Toy Drive
In the spirit of the holiday season, OnderLaw is delighted to share the joy and warmth we've brought to children through our ongoing partnership with the Toys for Tots program. At OnderLaw, we believe in giving back to the St....
Lead in Kids’ Snack: Recall on Cinnamon Applesauce Pouches
No one should have to worry the snacks they are feeding their child will cause them harm. When parents place their trust in food for their children, they expect that is safe for them to consume. Sadly, this is not...
A Wake-Up Call for St. Louis: Ensuring Pedestrian Safety on Our Roads
In a span of just two days, St. Louis County witnessed two tragic pedestrian fatalities on the same stretch of Interstate 270. The most recent incident involved 38-year-old Dominique Williams, who lost her life while crossing the eastbound lanes near...
St. Louis: Understanding Our Most Dangerous Intersections
In recent years, St. Louis has witnessed a worrying rise in traffic-related injuries and fatalities, particularly within the city limits. At OnderLaw, we're committed to raising awareness about this pressing issue and offering legal support to those affected by traffic...
Seeking Justice: Filing a Sex Abuse Claim Against Care Facilities and Trust-Based Settings
When someone is in need of physical, mental, or behavioral help from an inpatient facility or treatment center, it is unimaginable to think that they might be abused by those entrusted with their care. Yet hundreds of former patients and...
Calculating Pain and Suffering in a Personal Injury Lawsuit
Any comprehensive personal injury claim should account for every financial loss you’ll experience because of your injury—both in the short term and the long term. Establishing the financial value of many losses is straightforward. When it comes to being compensated...
Can You Get Money from a Motorcycle Accident?
In addition to being physically and mentally traumatic, serious motorcycle accidents tend to be extremely expensive for the riders unfortunate enough to get injured in them. Between medical expenses, damage to your motorcycle, and the potential that you might have...
Chances of Getting a Settlement After an Accident
If you recently suffered a serious injury as a direct result of another person’s reckless or careless actions, the idea of taking them to court and getting a civil judge to order compensation for your damages can certainly be an...
Dealing with the Aftermath of a Bike Accident
Even if you’re wearing appropriate safety gear and acting as responsibly as any cyclist could, getting involved in any kind of bike crash—especially one caused by a negligent motor vehicle driver—can be a uniquely frightening and traumatizing experience. It’s understandable...
Determining Fault for a Car Accident in Missouri
After getting hurt in a traumatic car accident, it’s easy to assume that the other person involved is the one responsible for causing the wreck. When it comes to being compensated for the injuries losses you’ve sustained, though, determining fault...
How Much Are Most Truck Accident Settlements?
Generally speaking, personal injury claims based on collisions between tractor-trailers and commuter cars tend to involve more compensation than claims built around crashes just involving commuter cars. However, it’s a lot harder than you might think to get more specific...
Should I Hire an Attorney After a Car Accident?
If you’ve recently been in a serious car accident or even a minor fender-bender, you’re probably dealing with unexpected bills and personal losses, as well as physical and psychological trauma. With all that’s already on your plate, it’s understandable to...
The Most Common Injuries in Truck Accidents
Even at relatively low speeds, collisions involving tractor-trailers tend to cause especially serious injuries compared to any other type of traffic collision. Because of that, truck accidents also tend to make for uniquely complicated civil claims, especially if there is...
The Most Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries
Even if you do everything right as a motorcycle rider, you may still be at risk of suffering serious injuries in an accident caused by another driver acting recklessly or carelessly around you. No matter what specifically leads to a...
What to Do After a Motorcycle Accident
Whether or not you’ve been involved in a motor vehicle collision before, getting caught up in a wreck while riding a motorcycle can be a uniquely frightening and traumatic experience. In the aftermath of such an accident, it can be...
Who Can Sue for Wrongful Death in Missouri?
If you recently lost a loved one through a traumatic accident or criminal act, you know better than anyone that no amount of money can make up for the immense impact their loss will have on your life. However, a...
Who Is Responsible for Most Motorcycle Accidents?
Both in popular culture and in civil courtrooms, motorcycle riders are often stereotyped as thrill-seekers who intentionally flaunt the rules of the road and of society at large. This belief sometimes leads people to assume that motorcyclists are to blame...
Who Is Usually at Fault if a Bicycle Is Involved in an Accident?
Bicyclists who get into traffic accidents with multi-ton motor vehicles are much more likely to suffer serious injuries from the incident compared to anyone inside the cars or trucks involved. That said, It is not uncommon for police officers who...
Huntington’s Disease and the New Frontiers of Neural Circuits: What This Means for Medical Advancement
Huntington's disease, a genetic neurodegenerative condition that affects a significant portion of the adult population, has remained an enigma for medical professionals and researchers for many years. However, a recent breakthrough study conducted by the University of Barcelona has shed...
Qalsody and the Hope it Brings for Veterans with ALS: A New Dawn in Medical Advancement
Medical advancements and the endless search for cures to debilitating diseases have always been at the forefront of healthcare. In recent times, one such advancement has brought renewed hope, especially for a particular segment of the population – the veterans....
Michigan to Lift Statute of Limitations for Sexual Assault Survivors
In a significant move to show support for survivors of sexual assault and ensure abusers are held accountable, Michigan lawmakers have created a comprehensive legislative package known as the Access to Justice initiative. State Representative Julie Brixie of Meridian Townships...
The Unseen Threat in Your Tap Water
Clean water is a cornerstone of good health—a fundamental need that should be met without question. Yet, this vital resource is under siege by a silent but deadly contaminant: trichloroethylene, or TCE. This industrial solvent, a known carcinogen, lurks in...
The Unspoken Dangers Behind Lifesaving Devices: The CPAP Machine Recall
It was supposed to be a source of relief and recovery—a device to help those with sleep apnea breathe easier at night. Yet, the Philips CPAP machines turned out to be a potential source of danger, prompting a massive recall...
The Imperative to Ban Trichloroethylene: Safeguarding Public Health
In an era where the intersection of industry and environment is often marked by cautionary tales, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is championing public health with a proposed ban on a hazardous chemical: trichloroethylene (TCE). This toxic substance,...
Unmasking the Hazards of Methylene Chloride in Paint Strippers
You might not have heard much about methylene chloride, but it's time we shed some light on this chemical found in paint strippers and various industrial products. Countless Americans have been regularly exposed to its dangers and are now suffering...
Blood-Brain Barrier Opening: A New Frontier in Treating Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson's disease (PD), a neurodegenerative disorder, has posed significant challenges for medical practitioners and researchers worldwide. Despite the immense progress in medical science, finding a cure for this disease, like many of its peers such as Alzheimer’s and Huntington’s disease,...
The Call for More Regulation in the Age of Autonomous Vehicles: A Wake-Up Call from California to the UK
Driverless vehicles, once the stuff of science fiction, have increasingly become a reality on roads across the United States and the world. However, with rapid technological advancements come responsibilities to ensure the safety of the general public. A recent decision...
Hazardous Truck Crashes: The Silent, Growing Threat on Our Highways
The recent tragic train derailment in Ohio captured the nation's attention, shining a spotlight on the need for stricter train regulations. While train accidents involving hazardous materials undeniably have serious implications, there's a different form of transportation that's been quietly...
The Air We Breathe: Understanding the Implications of Texas’ Proposed Cancer Risk Levels
At OnderLaw, we stand firm in our commitment to advocating for public health and safety. We believe that every individual has the right to clean air, a healthy environment, and protection from potential harm. Today, we shed light on a...
Soulard Man Awarded $1.25M in Landmark Bayer-Monsanto Roundup Cancer Trial
New Evidence Shows Glyphosate is Not the Only Carcinogen in the Weed Killer ST. LOUIS, MO. (Oct. 20, 2023) A Soulard man who suffered non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma after using Bayer-Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide has been awarded $1.25 million in a landmark ruling...
Pentagon Investigation Reveals Worrying Levels of PFAS Contamination in Minnesota
Recent revelations have brought alarming news for the residents of Minnesota. The Department of Defense (DoD) is delving deep into investigations regarding PFAS contamination in six significant sites across the state. The implications of these findings can be dire, especially...
Simi Valley’s Proactive Approach to Traffic Safety: A Step in the Right Direction
Traffic safety has always been a concern for many cities around the world, and the City of Simi Valley is no exception. But, the recent unanimous approval by the City Council to bolster the police motor traffic unit is a...
Motorcycle Fatalities: A Growing Concern We Can’t Ignore
Motorcycle riders cherish the thrill, the freedom, and the connection with the open road that only two wheels can provide. Yet, with this freedom comes an increased risk, as the unfortunate and recent rise in motorcycle fatalities in Portmore and...
The Call for Equal Safety: Why the New Female Car Crash Dummy is a Game Changer
In the field of personal injury law, one aspect becomes abundantly clear: Not all injuries are created equal, and neither are the causes. The recent revelation that car crash tests have historically been designed only around the male physique brings...
Corporate Greed, Negligence, and the Climate Crisis: Why Transparency is Key
The world is in the throes of an unprecedented climate crisis, and while individual actions matter, the lion's share of responsibility rests on the shoulders of big corporations. Recent legislation in California offers a glimpse of hope in this daunting...
The Importance of Motorcycle Helmets and the Rising Demand for Safety
The surge in motorcycle riding's popularity brings with it a vital concern: rider safety. A recent report by Allied Market Research underlined the increasing significance and growth of the motorcycle helmet market. At OnderLaw, as advocates for road safety and...
The Danger Lurking in Your Seltzer Can: A Vital Recall Alert
We often trust the labels on the products we buy, especially when it comes to our food and beverages. Ingredient lists are vital, especially for those with allergies, and even a minor oversight can lead to severe health complications or...
The Importance of Vigilance: Blood Pressure Medication Recall Highlights Potential Dangers
When it comes to medication, trust and accuracy are paramount. We place immense faith in manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies, believing that the medicines they provide will help us, not harm us. However, a recent incident serves as a sobering reminder...
Prioritizing Safety on Open Autumn Roads: The Essential Motorcycle Gear Guide
The allure of fall riding is undeniable. With the trees showcasing a spectrum of warm colors and the open roads inviting adventure, motorcycling in autumn is a thrilling experience. However, this beautiful season also brings with it unique challenges for...
The Hidden Danger in Your Tap: Why We Must Advocate for Cleaner Drinking Water
Drinking water is a fundamental need and right. When we turn on our faucets, we expect the water that flows to be pure and safe. However, new research from the University of New Mexico sounds the alarm on a hidden...
The Next Wave in Motorcycle Safety: Embracing Bike-Mounted Airbag Systems
Accidents on the road can happen in a split second, and for motorcyclists, the consequences can be devastating. While helmets and protective clothing provide a level of safety, innovations in motorcycle safety technology are paving the way for even more...
Urgent Recall Alert for Onewheel Electric Skateboards: Your Safety is Our Priority
In a crucial announcement from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and Future Motion Inc., California, an urgent recall for 300,000 Onewheel Self-Balancing Electric Skateboards has been issued. The skateboards have been reported to lose their balance, posing a...
The Importance of Bike Lanes in Accident Reduction
At OnderLaw, we believe in championing the rights of the injured and emphasizing the importance of proactive safety measures. Bike lanes stand as a testament to this principle. A recent statement by Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, asserting that there...
How Long Does a Personal Injury Lawsuit Take in Missouri?
Anyone who has ever been hurt in a serious accident knows how quickly bills and other financial obligations can start piling up after the dust settles, as well as how impactful personal and psychological losses from a severe injury can...
Suing for Pain and Suffering in Missouri
In addition to objective economic losses, it is also possible in many situations to demand compensation for subjective non-economic losses when filing suit over a serious personal injury. However, the exact value of the latter type of damages—and even your...
What Can a Personal Injury Lawyer Do for You?
Personal injury litigation can be complex under even the most favorable circumstances, and there is no shortage of legal obstacles that can keep unprepared plaintiffs from getting paid anything for their injury-related losses—let alone the full amount they deserve. Fortunately,...
What Percentage Do Most Personal Injury Lawyers Take?
On top of being physically painful and disruptive to every part of your professional and personal life, getting seriously injured in an accident caused by someone else's negligence can also be extremely expensive. From medical bills and missed work income...
When Should You Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer?
Any type of accident that leaves you with a serious physical injury is a traumatic experience that can disrupt every one of your short-term plans and potentially even alter the course of your life. It’s a chaotic time, and adding...
Antibody-Drug Conjugates (ADCs): The New Frontier in Ovarian Cancer Treatment
Ovarian cancer, an often silent but deadly disease, is perpetually in need of innovative therapies that can efficiently combat its resistance. The latest breakthrough in this direction is the development and approval of an antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) named mirvetuximab soravtansine....
The Critical Role of Corporate Cooperation in Vehicle Recalls: Kia and Hyundai Lead by Example
As personal injury attorneys, we regularly witness the catastrophic outcomes of defects and malfunctions in vehicles. The safety of drivers, passengers, and even pedestrians often hangs in the balance when car manufacturers delay in addressing potential dangers. That's why the...
Balancing the Scales: The Question of Fairness in Colorado’s New Air Quality Rules
Environmental justice and corporate responsibility have long been intertwined issues, with corporations and communities often at odds when it comes to ensuring both the protection of the environment and economic growth. The recent decision by Colorado’s Air Quality Control Commission...
AI: A Game-Changer for Workplace Safety
In the modern age, where technology intersects with almost every aspect of our daily lives, it's a natural progression to leverage these advancements for safety. At OnderLaw, we champion efforts to prevent workplace injuries and recognize the monumental potential of...
Air Quality and Its Unforeseen Connection to Breast Cancer: What Every Woman Should Know
We often think about the quality of the air we breathe in terms of respiratory health, but have you ever considered its potential implications on breast cancer? Recent findings might be surprising and concerning, especially for women living in areas...
The Unexpected Danger Season: Why Fall Tops the Charts for Auto Accidents
As we embrace the pumpkin-spiced lattes and vibrant foliage of Fall, there’s something else we need to be cognizant of – the heightened risk of auto accidents. Contrary to popular belief, icy winters aren’t the prime time for vehicle mishaps....
Breaking the Age-Old Silence: The Hidden Crisis of Elder Abuse
One of the areas we're most passionate about is shedding light on issues often left in the shadows. Elder abuse is one such glaring issue. Many are under the misconception that it's rare, that it doesn't happen often. However, the...
Recent Study Finds Contaminated Water in Soda Fountains
We often take for granted the quality of the water we drink, especially when it comes from establishments we frequent, like fast-food restaurants. However, a recent study from Loma Linda University (LLU) offers a cautionary tale for all those who...
Missouri Environmental Law Attorneys
  Missouri Environmental Lawyer OnderLaw is a trusted resource for professional plaintiff representation in cases involving environmental pollution caused by irresponsible corporations in Missouri. Our team of experienced Missouri environmental lawyers has decades of experience advocating for the rights of...
Top 10 Cities Identified for PFAS Health Risks: Iowa, IL and NC Worst in Nation
PFAS contamination in drinking water has reached an all-time high, and the top 10 worst areas in the U.S. have been identified in a recent study. Brunswick County, North Carolina and Quad Cities, Iowa and Illinois are leading the nation...
The Glittering Waters of Lake Tahoe: More Than Meets the Eye
The pristine waters of Lake Tahoe, an emblem of California’s untouched beauty, are under siege. While the South Lake Tahoe Public Utility District proudly speaks of the lake's purity, a darker tale lurks beneath the surface, and it's one that...
Peloton’s Safety Concerns and the Importance of Product Accountability
When we invest in a product, especially one designed to enhance our well-being, we expect it to be safe, thoroughly tested, and free from inherent risks. But as recent events highlight, this is not always the case. The tragic story...
Motorcycle Safety: Not Just a Choice, But a Responsibility
At OnderLaw, we've seen our fair share of accidents, injuries, and tragedies. Yet, some remain as jarring as motorcycle incidents. The recent BikeFest at Lake of the Ozarks, which saw over a thousand bike riders congregate, brought this ever-pertinent issue...
Every Voice Matters: The Imperative of Justice in Medical Negligence
Imagine a routine medical procedure turning your life upside down due to a doctor's oversight. You endure pain, heartache, and loss, only to discover that the very system meant to protect you fails to even listen to your story. This...
Lead in Drinking Water: A Crisis of Corporate Accountability
Water is life. Yet, recent revelations indicate that this life-giving resource could also be harboring a silent killer: lead. This heavy metal, now found to be more deadly than smoking in terms of heart disease, is a concern not just...
The Dire Need for AI Regulation: Protecting Individuals in the Age of Machines
The age of artificial intelligence (AI) is upon us. It's a reality we encounter daily, from personalized advertising to voice-operated home systems. But with innovation, comes responsibility. The recent gathering of the world’s leading AI minds and senators revealed a...
Water Beads: Popular Toy or Hidden Danger?
Water beads, which appear as shiny, colorful orbs, are sensory toys gaining widespread popularity. However, these squishy beads are becoming an alarming concern among parents and health professionals. Loved by children for their tactile and visual appeal, the fun nature...
California Bill Aims to Hold Corporations Accountable for Carbon Emissions
In an age when climate change is top of mind for so many, understanding the exact role major corporations play in carbon emissions is crucial. A groundbreaking bill in California aims to shed light on this matter, potentially changing the...
The Lahaina Banyan Tree: An Emblem of Resilience and Hope in the Wake of Tragedy
In times of immense adversity and hardship, where do we find hope? For the residents of Lahaina, amidst the devastating aftermath of the Maui wildfires, hope is embodied in the enduring spirit of the 150-year-old Lahaina banyan tree. A Symbol...
The Disturbing Rise of Fatal Hit-and-Runs: A Decade in Review
As personal injury attorneys, the team at OnderLaw has always been deeply committed to protecting the rights and well-being of accident victims. A new study reveals a harrowing trend that should concern everyone on the road. A Decade of Deadly...
New Missouri Law Benefitting First Responders with PTSD
Missouri has taken a significant step forward in acknowledging and supporting the sacrifices of our first responders. A new law now recognizes Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as a legitimate reason for workers' compensation among this brave cohort. The Silent Struggles...
Philips Respironics CPAP Devices – Claims Ongoing Despite Recent Agreement
Sleep apnea is more than just a sleep disorder; it affects the quality of life and overall well-being of millions. For many, CPAP machines by Philips Respironics were the beacon of hope for peaceful nights. It's our duty to share...
Empowering New York Workers: Groundbreaking Legislation Steps Forward
At OnderLaw, we are not only dedicated to defending the rights of those who have suffered injuries but also steadfastly stand by the rights of every worker. The recent legislation package signed by Governor Kathy Hochul is a tremendous step...
Navigating the Road to Autonomous Vehicles
The dawn of a new era in transportation is upon us. The streets of Austin are now home to approximately 125 fully electric autonomous vehicles (AVs). Three major companies, including Cruise, Volkswagen ADMT, and Waymo, have dipped their wheels into...
Camp Lejeune Agreement Announced
Many contracted workers, members of the military, and their families may finally see the U.S. Navy and Department of Justice held accountable for deceiving them. A settlement agreement has been reached for thousands of people who have suffered illness or...
3D Printed ‘Living Material’ Could Clean Our Waters
At OnderLaw, we've always championed the cause of ensuring a safer, healthier environment for everyone. Today, we're thrilled to discuss a groundbreaking discovery by the University of California San Diego, which promises a sustainable solution to cleanse our waters of...
52 Million Air Bag Inflators Recalled – Met With Refusal
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has made a startling revelation: 52 million air bag inflators made by ARC Automotive Inc., and licensed by another company, could potentially explode, ejecting shrapnel that can seriously injure or kill occupants. The...
Labor Day: More Than Just a Day Off – A Reflection on the Workers Who Built America
Labor Day is upon us. For many, this means barbecues and last-minute summer getaways. But do we truly grasp the depth of its significance? Labor Day is far more than just a day off; it’s a tribute to the backbone...
Bicycling Towards a Safer Future: How Bike Plans Are Shaping Illinois Communities
Biking isn't just about transportation anymore; it's about shaping the future of our communities. As an advocate for the safety of everyone on our roads, from cyclists to pedestrians and drivers, OnderLaw takes immense pride in seeing communities transition towards...
Is Your Trader Joe’s Haul Safe? Unpacking the Recent Wave of Recalls
Trader Joe’s, a beloved grocery chain renowned for its eclectic mix of unique food products, has recently faced some scrutiny due to a spate of recalls. While recalls are a regular part of the food industry, aimed at ensuring the...
Harley-Davidson’s Major Recall: What Every Owner Needs to Know
Riding a motorcycle can be exhilarating. But it's crucial that our bikes are in perfect condition to ensure our safety. A recent announcement from Harley-Davidson underscores the importance of this, reminding us of the need to be vigilant about our...
The Hidden Danger in Direct-to-Consumer Drug Ads
In an age dominated by technology and information, it has never been easier for consumers to access health-related advice and solutions. The COVID-19 pandemic saw an explosion in direct-to-consumer prescription drug advertising across digital platforms. But with convenience comes a...
When Medical Oversight Can Mean Life or Death: The Hamby v. Glauser Case
Medical care can be a complex world to navigate, especially for patients and their families. While healthcare professionals dedicate their lives to saving others, mistakes do happen. The question we face today is: was the unfortunate passing of Joshua Hamby,...
GLP-1RA Weight-Loss Drugs: A Cause for Concern Among Children and Adolescents?
As personal injury attorneys, our commitment at OnderLaw is not only to those who have suffered due to negligence but also to raise awareness about emerging health concerns. Today, we address the rising apprehensions surrounding the use of GLP-1RA weight-loss...
The New Era of Sustainability: What Businesses Need to Know Now
The future of sustainability is not just a trend – it's a new horizon for responsible corporate governance. The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) just unveiled a game-changing set of global sustainability standards, prompting a ripple effect that's about to...
Dietary Supplements: The Unseen Risks and the Need for Better Oversight
Every day, the majority of Americans consume dietary supplements, believing they are making a choice for their health and wellness. But the reality is, there's a substantial gap in federal oversight of these products. At OnderLaw, we're passionate about ensuring...
Keeping Unsafe Products Off Your Doorstep: A Battle at the Border and Online
The battle against unsafe consumer products is intensifying, both at the nation's borders and in the sprawling e-commerce market. As we continue to advocate for the rights of injury victims, we must also raise awareness about these products' pathways into...
Implications of NCCI’s Proposed Reduction in Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rates for Florida
The potential for a 15.1% reduction in workers' compensation insurance rates in Florida is a headline that's caught the attention of many businesses and employees across the state. But what does this really mean for workers, especially those who've unfortunately...
Embracing Safety: The Revolution of New York City’s 10th Avenue
At OnderLaw, our priority has always been the safety and well-being of the community. With New York City's bustling streets becoming more diverse in their modes of transportation, it’s never been more important to design roadways that prioritize the safety...
How to Avoid Scams when Donating Money to Maui Wildfire Victims
Disasters like Maui's Lahaina Fire, Olinda Fire, and Kuna Fire tend to bring out the best in human nature. Many people want to do what they can to help people, pets and wildlife — especially in a devastated area that...
The Tragic Miami Crane Collapse: A Grim Reminder of the Importance of Construction Safety
Construction sites are bustling areas where every detail matters. In Miami's HCA Florida Mercy Hospital, a routine renovation took an unexpected turn when a construction crane malfunctioned. As we examine this recent incident, it underscores the significance of safety protocols...
Maui’s Hawaiian Electric Removes Key Evidence
In a devastating chain of events, wildfires ravaged through Maui, leading to the unfortunate loss of at least 115 lives. But the distress doesn't end there. Hawaiian Electric, a major electricity provider, stands accused of negligence that possibly sparked the...
Maui Fire Victims: Where Can I Find Help?
Maui’s wildfires have been the most devastating fires in history on the island, and arguably one of the most horrific wildfire in the U.S. since fires were first recorded. There is hope, however. Here are some places where you can...
The Importance of Proper Allegations: Florida Nursing Home Negligence Cases
In recent times, nursing home negligence has been brought to the forefront of legal discussions, revealing the vast and devastating impacts of negligence on our elders. The State of Florida, known for its substantial elderly population, has instituted specific regulations...
Maui Sues Hawaiian Electric Company: Negligence In Devastating Fires
Tragedies remind us of the heavy weight of responsibility carried by corporations, particularly utilities, which hold the power to safeguard lives or unwittingly wreak devastation. The recent wildfire tragedy in Lahaina, spearheaded by alleged negligence from Hawaiian Electric Company, is...
The True Cost of Corporate Carbon Emissions: A Wake-Up Call for Accountability
In a world increasingly defined by climate change and its myriad consequences, accountability remains paramount. But who's truly accountable when it comes to the vast amounts of CO2 that are pumped into the atmosphere every year? OnderLaw, deeply vested in...
Lahaina’s Fire and the Ongoing Fight for Water Rights
The tragic fire in Lahaina, one of the deadliest in U.S. history, reignited not only the flames of destruction but also decades-long tensions surrounding water rights in Maui. Native Hawaiians, who have historically been stewards of the island's water resources,...
U.S. Courts Protect Big Pharma
A parent’s worst nightmare became a heartbreaking reality for the England family of Virginia. Nicholas England, a vibrant 22-year-old, took his own life just days after commencing an allergy medicine. His tragic story unveils not just the potential dangers of...
Learning from Tragedy: Wildfire Prevention and the Role of the State
The haunting aftermath of the West Maui wildfire leaves not just a scar on the land but also raises pressing questions about preparedness and foresight. Through our work at OnderLaw, we've seen firsthand the importance of proactive safety measures, and...
Prioritizing Safety & Trust in AI Development
In a rapidly evolving world where Artificial Intelligence (AI) permeates every facet of our lives, from the ads we see on social media to the healthcare recommendations we receive, ensuring that AI is developed responsibly is of paramount importance. At...
Previous Lawsuits Indicate Maui Was Concerned About Big Oil and Fire Risks
In 2020, Maui County bravely launched a lawsuit against some of the world's colossal oil and gas corporations, including Exxon and Chevron. The suit asserts these companies knew the catastrophic impacts of burning fossil fuels and its contribution to global...
PFAS in Drinking Water: A Tipping Point in Environmental Regulation
The landscape of environmental safety has experienced a significant shift, as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has recently imposed drinking water regulations aimed at six PFAS compounds. This decision has generated a mix of commendation and critique, shedding light...
The Shocking Truth About Helmet Testing Failures: What Every Rider Needs to Know
In the spirit of equipping riders with the knowledge to make informed choices about their gear, we felt it imperative to share some eye-opening insights from a recent article, Helmet Testing Failure Rate Revisited: Summer 2023 Edition. 1. Not All...
2022 Saw Highest Children’s Product Recalls Since 2013
Children's safety is a top priority for every parent. At OnderLaw, we champion the rights of families affected by injuries due to defective products. Today, we shine a spotlight on a concerning trend. The Stark Numbers: 2022 witnessed a staggering...
Uber’s Accountability: The Tale of Edgard Velarde
A San Francisco bicyclist's case against Uber Technologies Inc. could very well be a landmark moment in how rideshare companies are held accountable in the future. The Backstory: A Collision in a No-Stopping Zone In 2018, Edgard Velarde, a hardworking...
Unmasking a Silent Crisis: The Fearful Reality in America’s Nursing Homes
When we place our elderly loved ones in nursing homes, our core expectation is that they receive the care, attention, and respect they rightfully deserve. Yet, a shocking report titled “'They Make You Pay’: How Fear of Retaliation Silences Residents...
Texas’ $142B Investment in Transportation Infrastructure and What It Means for You
Today, we want to dive into a significant announcement that promises to reshape the landscape of Texas transportation - an investment that is not just about connectivity, but also about your safety on the roads. A Game-Changing Commitment to Infrastructure:...
Hair Straighteners & Cancer: The Unraveled Truth
In the age where beauty, style, and personal care seem to be intertwined with our daily lives, understanding the health implications of our choices is paramount. One such topic making waves recently is the link between hair straighteners and serious...
A New Era in Water Safety: Revolutionary Sensors Detect Dangerous Contaminants
Water contamination is one of the most pressing public health issues of our time. As personal injury lawyers, we've seen the devastating effects that contaminants like lead, mercury, and E. coli can have on individuals and communities. So, when a...
The Triumph of an LA Neighborhood’s Persistence and the Power of Advocacy
The recent transformative journey of a 100-year-old LA sidewalk stands as a testament to the determination of a community, the potency of persistent voices, and the ripple effect of amplifying awareness. The Century-Old Hazard on West Adams Blvd A century-old...
Did Apple Deceive Millions of iPhone Users?
In a world where companies often have the upper hand, the Apple “Batterygate” settlement serves as a potent reminder that consumers hold a power that should not be underestimated. At its core, the Apple incident was a breach of trust:...
Toxic Air Pollution at Steel Mills Sparks Debate
Air pollution has become a major concern worldwide, and industries play a significant role in contributing to this crisis. The recent proposal by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to reduce toxic air pollution at steel mills has sparked debate, with...
Bike Lanes: Our Next Big Infrastructure Project?
In the 20th century, America dreamt big and built bigger, constructing an intricate interstate highway system that changed the fabric of our nation. But as we step into an era marked by climate change and a need for sustainable development,...
The Urgent Need for Construction Safety: A Heartbreaking Tragedy in Maryland
A recent tragedy in Maryland, where six road construction workers lost their lives due to a vehicle crashing into their work zone, brings to the forefront the pressing need for enhanced construction safety measures. Such incidents highlight the vulnerabilities faced...
Tik Tok Video Reminds Us of the Nuances Between Workers’ Comp and Job Security
In the digital age, it's not unusual to see personal grievances aired on social platforms. Recently, a TikTok video by user Brenden (@freebird876) has been drawing attention for shedding light on a contentious issue that many workers face: the intersection...
How New Technology Is Keeping Your Food Safe
When we sit down to a meal, it's a moment of trust. We place our faith in brands to provide us with safe, high-quality food products. Yet, when this trust is broken due to quality control failures, the consequences can...
Were The Hawaii Wildfires Preventable? The Responsibility of Hawaiian Electric
The tragic and devastating wildfires that recently ravaged Maui have left countless residents searching for answers and accountability. As more facts emerge, it's apparent that these catastrophic events, which claimed over 95 lives, might have been preventable. The question on...
The Unfolding Tragedy of the Camp Lejeune Water Contamination
At OnderLaw, we pride ourselves on championing justice for the oppressed and neglected. Few cases epitomize this mission more starkly than the unfolding tragedy of the Camp Lejeune water contamination. For decades, the brave men and women who lived and...
Dog Interaction Safety Tips Released as Dog Bite Accidents Increase
In just the first half of 2023, Miami-Dade County Animal Services reported 1,080 animal bites to humans – marking an 11% rise from the previous year. Nationally, the numbers are more staggering. The CDC estimates a staggering 4.5 million dog...
Colorado Has Most Fatal Year for Motorcyclists
The open road, the feel of the wind on your face, the hum of the engine beneath you - for many, motorcycle riding is more than just a method of transportation; it's a passion. But, as the recent press release...
Garland Paint Plant Leaves Water Purity In Question
In the world of personal injury law, a cornerstone principle is that entities, whether corporations or individuals, must act responsibly to protect others from foreseeable harm. A recent event in Garland, as reported by CBSNewsTexas, drives home this very point...
The Surprising Hazards of Texting While Walking
Recently, a study has drawn our attention towards a growing concern among younger populations—texting while walking. While most people understand the dangers of texting while driving, few realize the potential risks tied to texting while walking. However, the University of...
Forever Chemicals Found in Mississippi Water
There's an emerging concern about the safety and quality of drinking water, particularly in places like Mississippi. Recent findings indicate that the dangerous "forever chemicals" - PFAS - might be more prevalent than many realize. With Alabama already facing challenges...
E-Bike Injuries: A New Legal Challenge on Our Roads
Electric bikes, popularly known as e-bikes, have taken the world by storm. With the promise of quicker commutes, reduced carbon footprints, and bringing the joy of cycling to more people, e-bikes have become the choice of transportation for many. However,...
Quirky Cases: The Intricacies of Liability Law
When one mentions personal injury or employer liability, we often think of the more common accidents and events – slips, falls, machinery accidents, and the like. However, the world of liability law is vast, multifaceted, and at times, surprisingly unique....
Texas Ranks Most Fatal State for Truck Drivers 3-Year Study Finds
When it comes to truck accidents, the Lone Star state is unfortunately living up to its larger-than-life reputation. The data paints a sobering picture: Texas, with its sprawling highways and bustling trade routes, has recently emerged as the nation's most...
Deciphering the FDA’s New Actions on Partially Hydrogenated Oils
As we navigate the ever-evolving world of food safety and standards, the FDA's recent decisions regarding partially hydrogenated oils (PHOs) have come to the forefront. As champions of consumer safety and advocates for informed choices, we at Onderlaw see these...
Mesothelioma Cases Account for 91% of All Asbestos Lawsuits This Year So Far
At OnderLaw, we continually monitor and analyze legal trends that affect our community. Recent developments regarding asbestos-related matters have prompted us to share these insights with you. Let's break it down: The Resurgence of Asbestos-Related Lawsuits After a noticeable decline,...
New Study Finds Roads are 28 Times More Deadly for Motorcyclists
Introduction Motorcyclists form a unique and passionate community on our roads, but they also face unprecedented risks. A new research study revealed a shocking fact: motorcyclists are 28 times more likely to die in traffic crashes than occupants in passenger...
How GPS Bike Computers Are Enhancing Bicycle Safety
The future of cycling is being shaped significantly by GPS bike computers, a technological marvel that is not only enhancing performance but also introducing vital safety measures for cyclists around the world. Here's a closer look at how this technology...
You Be The Judge: Moral Ethics and AI in Autonomous Vehicles
The future is racing towards us on the wheels of autonomous vehicles (AVs), and with it, a complex web of moral dilemmas. Should an AV swerve towards a couple of people instead of a large group of bystanders? How should...
Artificial Intelligence and the Danger of Eating Disorder Promotion
In a society increasingly reliant on artificial intelligence (AI), shocking revelations have recently emerged that highlight a grave concern: AI systems are inadvertently promoting dangerous practices related to eating disorders. Through a series of tests conducted by researchers and media,...
The Barbie Dilemma: A Plastic-Free Promise That Wasn’t Meant to Be
At OnderLaw, we firmly believe in holding corporations accountable, whether that means protecting consumers from dangerous products or ensuring that companies fulfill their commitments to social and environmental responsibility. In that spirit, we feel compelled to discuss the recent hoax...
Fort Worth’s Echo Heights Fights for Industrial Zoning Pause
The recent developments in Fort Worth's Echo Heights neighborhood highlight the unwavering determination of local activists and residents to create a safer and healthier environment for themselves and future generations. Let's delve into the ongoing battle between concerned citizens and...
Surprising Connection Between Swimsuit Color and Safety
Recent reports have shed light on how dark-colored swimsuits, often adorning our little swimmers, can create hidden dangers, potentially leading to drowning or serious injuries. The Camouflage Conundrum: Campaigners have issued a vital warning that dark-colored swimsuits, including shades of...
Corporations Push Back on Tighter Environmental Regulations
The battle for cleaner air is intensifying, with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposing tighter regulations on air pollution to protect public health and save tens of thousands of lives each year. However, not everyone is rejoicing at the prospect...
Michigan Overturns Open & Obvious Doctrine
A critical ruling made by the Michigan Supreme Court has effectively overturned a long-standing doctrine in premises liability law. The implications of this ruling in Kandil-Elsayed v. F & E Oil, Inc. and Pinski v. Kroger Co of Michigan are...
Safety In Jeopardy: Prioritizing Larger Cars over Street Safety
The roads of the United States are witnessing a disturbing surge in deadly traffic incidents, and the blame lies on one culprit: ever-larger cars and trucks that dominate our streets. As a leading personal injury law firm, we are deeply...
Documents Expose Corporate Cover-up: The Link Between Paraquat and Parkinson’s Disease
For years, the company Syngenta has adamantly denied any link between its widely used weed-killing chemical, paraquat, and Parkinson's disease, but a recent investigation has uncovered a different reality. We explore the revelations from a cache of internal documents, obtained...
Urgent Alert: Boil Water Advisory in Macomb County, Michigan
Attention Michigan locals! A critical situation has arisen that demands immediate action. Over 150,000 residents in four Macomb County communities and one Oakland County city have been issued a "boil water advisory." The reason? A massive 36-inch water mains pipe...
California Eliminates 5 Toxic Chemicals Out of Consumer Food
In May, the California State Assembly passed AB 418, a groundbreaking bill that aims to kick five toxic chemicals out of our food products. And guess what? These chemicals have been linked to cancer and developmental issues in kids, so...
Pedestrian Safety and Crosswalk Design
Every year, thousands of lives are lost while attempting to cross roads in the U.S., making pedestrian safety an ongoing concern in cities and towns of all sizes. Recent news reports have been shedding light on crosswalk design and construction,...
The Final Word: Henrietta Lacks’ Legacy
The saga of Henrietta Lacks, a woman who unknowingly transformed modern science, has finally reached a resolution. OnderLaw is committed to justice, fairness, and an informed public - here's a comprehensive look at the recent developments. Henrietta Lacks was an...
National Transportation Safety Board to Launch Investigation
The recent spate of SEPTA crashes, including one that tragically claimed a passenger's life, has prompted the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) to launch an investigation. Now, there are rumblings that the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) might also join the...
Guilty Plea for Uber Self-Driving Car Employee and What It Means for Your Safety
Today, let's delve into a significant incident that made headlines a few years ago—the Uber self-driving car accident that led to a tragic loss of life. The driver behind the autonomous vehicle, Rafaela Vasquez, recently pleaded guilty to endangerment and...
Michigan Crash Victims Will Still Receive Compensation Despite No-Fault Law
A recent ruling by the Michigan Supreme Court brings some important clarity for those affected by the state's no-fault auto insurance system. The court's 5-2 opinion upholds that new medical cost controls, introduced in Michigan's no-fault auto insurance overhaul, do...
Forbes Releases Most Accident-Prone States Across the U.S.
At OnderLaw, we prioritize the safety and well-being of every motorist, regardless of where they drive. Car accidents can happen anywhere, but some cities carry a higher risk for collisions than others. Understanding these risks empowers drivers to take defensive...
Manhattan Crane Incident and the Importance of Construction Safety
The recent incident in Manhattan involving a tall construction crane catching fire and injuring six people—including two firefighters—is a stark reminder of the crucial importance of construction safety. The horrifying images of the crane's arm crashing into a neighboring building...
Texas Loophole Blocks Corporations From Environmental Complaints
Today, we want to bring your attention to an important issue that affects us all: the so-called "1-mile rule" in Texas, which has far-reaching consequences for our environment and the health of our citizens. Recently, an article by Dylan Baddour...
NYC DOT’s Progressive Initiatives Promote Safer Biking and Soar Bike Ridership to Record Levels
The New York City Department of Transportation (NYC DOT) has unveiled a series of ambitious measures aimed at expanding bike infrastructure and ensuring the safe operation of e-bikes within the city. Under the leadership of Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez, the agency...
How Underride Guard Regulations Impact Your Safety
Underride truck accidents pose a significant threat to passenger vehicle occupants, given the massive size and weight of trucks. In particular, underride accidents can be devastating, often resulting in catastrophic injuries or even fatalities for those involved. Let's examine nature...
U.S. Pedestrian Deaths on the Rise New Study Reports
A recent report from the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) paints a troubling picture. In the first half of 2022 alone, a shocking 3,434 pedestrians lost their lives on U.S. roads. Even worse, the trend is persisting with 2.37 pedestrian...
Amazon Announces New Recall System
As champions of consumer rights and advocates for safety, we at OnderLaw welcome and commend Amazon's recent initiative of launching the "Your Recalls and Product Safety Alerts" page. This new feature aims to enhance customer awareness about product recalls and...
Environmental Win For Cape Cod Bay
State regulators have taken a stand and denied a permit modification requested by the company responsible for decommissioning the nuclear power plant in Plymouth. And what does this mean? It's a massive win for us all, as it prevents the...
Topeka Rehab Center Reminds Us About the Important of Reporting
Today, we are shedding light on the Topeka Center for Rehabilitation and Healthcare (TCRH), a nursing home facing significant issues impacting resident care. Our aim is to raise awareness about such cases and emphasize the critical need to report nursing...
Record Motorcycle Accidents In Minnesota Raise Concern for Motorcycle Safety
As we reflect on a heartbreaking weekend on Minnesota's roads, our thoughts are with the families affected by the recent accidents. We are keenly aware of the unpredictable nature of these incidents, emphasizing the urgent need to prioritize motorcycle safety...
New Study Finds Dog Bites Rise With The Temperature
Recent research from Harvard Medical School and Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital has shed light on an unexpected correlation between weather conditions and dog bites. The study reveals that the incidence of dog bites increases with rising temperatures, ozone pollution, and ultraviolet...
The Rise Of E-Scooters: Who Holds Liability?
In the wake of the tragic accident involving YouTube celebrity Emily Hartridge, the spotlight has turned towards the legal implications of the burgeoning e-scooter rental industry. With e-scooters rapidly becoming a popular transportation option in cities across the country, questions...
EPA’s New Asbestos Reporting Rule Marks a Step Towards Safer Future
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) recently announced final rule on asbestos reporting. As the team at OnderLaw, we are dedicated to championing causes that promote safety and justice. Join us as we explore the significance of this new directive,...
From The Lawyer’s Desk: 10 Important Documents That Can Help Your Personal Injury Case
At OnderLaw, we firmly believe in advocating for our clients and ensuring they have all the necessary resources to pursue justice. If you've suffered a personal injury, it's crucial to understand the significance of having the right documents to support...
Recalled Baby Sleeper Still Being Sold Through Social Media
At OnderLaw, we prioritize the safety and well-being of families and children above all else. Today, we bring your attention to a concerning issue surrounding social media resale marketplaces and recalled products, specifically the Fisher-Price Rock 'n Play Sleeper. Despite...
Can I File a Slip and Fall Claim if Intoxicated?
Slip and fall incidents are common personal injury cases that often present challenges in court. If you were intoxicated at the time of your accident, you may wonder if you still have the right to seek compensation for your injuries....
Understanding Whistleblower Impact on Employers
Ensuring a safe and accountable work environment is crucial for both employees and employers. In recent developments, the Anti-Money Laundering Whistleblower Improvement Act, part of last year's omnibus spending bill, has taken center stage, raising the stakes for whistleblowers and...
Recent Court Order Impacting Window Covering Safety
Recent developments in the window covering industry have sparked discussions about child safety and the impact of regulatory decisions. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit's decision to grant a motion by the Window Covering Manufacturers Association (WCMA)...
What Does Remote Work Mean For Workers’ Compensation?
The pandemic brought a monumental shift in the way Americans work, with millions transitioning to remote work arrangements. This newfound flexibility allowed individuals to set up personal offices or work from the comfort of their bedrooms. However, as remote work...
New Bike Infrastructure Causing Mayhem Before Opening
In this insightful blog post, we delve into the recent implementation of new bike lanes on Valencia Street in San Francisco, intended to enhance safety for cyclists. Positioned amidst heavy traffic and commercial activity, these lanes have generated both anticipation...
Social Media Addiction: Who Is At Fault?
Introducing a highly consequential legal battle that has captured the attention of many: the Social Media Addiction case. This Multi-District Litigation (MDL) has brought several prominent defendants into the spotlight, including Meta Platforms, Inc., Instagram LLC, Snap, Inc., TikTok, Inc.,...
Scalding Chicken Nugget Case Finalizes Verdict
Today, we delve into a compelling legal case that unfolded in Florida, involving an incident at a renowned fast-food chain. The incident revolves around a young 8-year-old girl named Olivia Caraballo, who suffered second-degree burns from a McDonald's chicken nugget...
Embracing Freedom: The Great Nebraska Helmet Debate
Picture this: the feeling of freedom as the wind rushes through your hair, the allure of the open road stretching before you, and the proposition of leaving that helmet behind – because Nebraska lawmakers are currently considering making helmets optional...
Florida’s Controversial Rule Change in Medical Malpractice Cases
A recent development has altered Florida's medical malpractice landscape. The state's Supreme Court has made a rule change that could have far-reaching implications for medical providers and patients alike. However, what's concerning is the lack of transparency in its implementation,...
What Does the Greyhound Bus Crash Teach Us About Truck Driver Safety?
Tragic accidents involving public transportation vehicles like buses and trains can have a devastating impact on the lives of passengers and other road users. A recent tragic Greyhound bus incident in Illinois highlighted a concerning issue—the presence of parked trucks on...
How Safe Is Your Ride? The Most Common Types of Motorcycles Involved in Accidents
Motorcycles offer a thrilling and liberating experience on the open road, but it's important to acknowledge that not all motorcycles are created equal when it comes to safety. Just as certain cars have higher accident rates, specific types of motorcycles...
You Be the Judge: The Case of Red Bull’s Misleading Slogan
We're back with another fascinating legal case that has certainly caught our attention. You be the judge! Today, we have a story that left the famous energy drink giant, Red Bull, a bit deflated. So, grab your gavel and get...
Top Workplace Exposures for Workplace Injury Cases
At OnderLaw, we understand the seriousness of workplace injuries, and we're here to ensure injured workers get the justice they deserve. Today, we want to talk about some of the most common workplace hazards that can lead to injury cases....
The Changing Landscape of Railway Safety: Protecting Your Rights
Railroads have played a crucial role in our transportation system, offering cost savings and improved safety. But recent stats and concerns from union workers point to a potential tipping point in railway safety. Over the past decade, train accident rates...
The Importance of Fake Engine Sounds in EVs for Pedestrian Safety
Electric vehicles (EVs) have become quite popular as a green alternative to gas-powered cars. But their quiet operation has raised concerns about pedestrian safety. Often these vehicles are so quiet that pedestrians and cyclists can't hear them coming, leading to...
From the Archives: Palsgraf v. Long Island Railroad and Proximate Cause
Back in 1928, something seemingly ordinary happened at a train station that had a profound impact on the legal world. Helen Palsgraf, while trying to board a moving train, got caught in a series of events that led to her...
Holding Corporations Accountable: The Power of Apps like Yuka in Product Safety
In today's digital age, consumers have a powerful tool at their fingertips to make informed decisions about the products they purchase. With the rise of mobile applications like Yuka, individuals can now easily access valuable information about the safety and...
Staying on Top of Car Recalls: Ensuring Your Safety and Protecting Your Legal Rights
At OnderLaw, we prioritize the safety and well-being of our clients. It is our responsibility to keep you informed about potential risks on the road, and one important aspect of this is staying updated on car recalls. Recently, Toyota announced...
5 Essential Apps to Have on Your Phone in Case of a Car Accident
Car accidents are unfortunate events that can occur unexpectedly, leaving us overwhelmed and uncertain about what steps to take next. However, with the advancements in technology, smartphones can now assist us in such situations. Equipping your phone with the right...
Navigating the Impact of Colossus AI on Personal Injury Law
Introduction: In the evolving landscape of personal injury law, advancements in technology have introduced new challenges and opportunities. One such technology is Colossus, an artificial intelligence software program used by insurance companies to evaluate auto accident insurance claims. In this...
6 Reasons to Exercise Caution on Rural Roads During Summer Road Trips
What does a summer road trip evoke in your mind? Freedom, adventure, and the open road, perhaps? While hitting the road and exploring the countryside can be an exciting experience, it's crucial to be aware of the potential risks, especially...
Food Poisoning or Foodborne Illness? Understanding the Legal Distinctions
When you experience illness after consuming contaminated food, it's important to understand the legal distinctions between food poisoning and foodborne illness. In this blog post, we'll delve into the nuances of these terms, explore the legal implications, and provide guidance...
Breed-Specific Legislation: Unraveling the Controversy and Its Impact on Personal Injury Law
Breed-specific legislation (BSL) has become a contentious topic in the realm of dog ownership and personal injury law. These laws target specific dog breeds, imposing restrictions or bans based on the belief that certain breeds are inherently aggressive. In this...
Where Will My Lawsuit be Filed? Venue FAQs
A critical consideration in the legal process is determining where to file the mass tort case. What are the factors that influence venue selection? How do these decisions impact the overall outcome of your lawsuit? Venue: What Court Should I...
Hair Relaxer Lawsuits: A Consolidated Effort
Hair relaxer lawsuit have now been consolidated into a multidistrict litigation (MDL). MDLs, sometimes referred to as mass torts, are a mechanism the used to bring together similar lawsuits from all over the country and try them within the same...
Judge Denies Aearo Bankruptcy; 3M Appeals Ruling
Facts to Know: 10 out of 16 trials have resulted in plaintiff wins. The 3M CAEv2 Military Earplugs Litigation is the largest in history. 3M attempted to use subsidiary Aearo's bankruptcy to limit liability. The judge said no. 3M is...
Understanding Summary Judgment: What Does It Mean for Your Case?
The legal process is full of terms that seem ambiguous or confusing. One such term is "summary judgment." Knowing what a summary judgment is and how it can affect your case can be really important in certain litigations. What is...
The Disturbing Truth: Iowa, N.C. Among Top 10 PFAS Cancer, Pregnancy Problems
At OnderLaw, we are deeply concerned about the findings from a recent analysis regarding the presence of toxic 'forever chemicals' in tap water and their potential link to cancers and pregnancy complications. The analysis suggests a troubling 70% correlation between...
4 Weird-but-True Personal Injury Cases: Unusual Tales That Shed Light on Liability
Personal injury cases can sometimes involve bizarre circumstances that leave us scratching our heads. In this blog post, we share four weird-but-true personal injury cases that highlight the importance of understanding liability in unusual situations. These cases serve as reminders...
Making Strides: Declining Traffic Fatalities and the Pursuit of Car Safety
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has recently released its projections for traffic fatalities in 2023, revealing a promising decrease in the number of lives lost in traffic crashes during the first three months of the year. As a...
Beach Safety and Liability: Protecting Yourself and Understanding Your Rights
As summer beckons us to the sunny shores of public beaches, it's essential to stay informed about beach safety and understand the concept of liability in beach-related accidents. In this blog post, we delve into who may be held liable,...
You Be the Judge: Auto Dealer Courtesy Vehicle Programs and Vicarious Liability
Welcome to our "You Be the Judge" series, where we present a real case and invite you to weigh in on the verdict. Today, we explore an intriguing legal question: Should an auto dealership that provides a courtesy vehicle be...
7 Lesser-Known Facts about Personal Injury Claims: Debunking Myths
Personal injury claims are often surrounded by misconceptions and myths that can cloud the understanding of individuals seeking compensation for their injuries. To shed light on the truth and empower those navigating the legal process, we've compiled a list of...
The Road to Recovery: Exploring Rehabilitation Options After a Personal Injury
Suffering a personal injury can be a life-altering event, impacting not only your physical well-being but also your emotional and mental state. On the road to recovery, rehabilitation plays a crucial role in helping you regain independence, improve functionality, and...
Then vs. Now: How The Bret Michaels v. CBS Case Changed Personal Injury Law
Personal injury cases have the power to reshape legal landscapes, bringing about significant changes in how justice is served and rights are protected. One such case that revolutionized personal injury law is the landmark lawsuit of Bret Michaels vs. CBS....
Defective Products and Consumer Safety: Urgent Need for Action
Consumer safety should be a top priority for manufacturers and regulatory bodies. However, a recent report by the U.S. Public Interest Research Group Education Fund sheds light on the flaws within the current system that hinder the protection of consumers...
Speaking Out About Nursing Home Neglect: Breaking the Silence
Nursing home neglect and abuse are deeply concerning issues that affect some of the most vulnerable members of our society. A recent survey conducted by the Long Term Care Community Coalition highlights an alarming barrier preventing nursing home residents from...
Common Mistakes to Avoid After a Car Accident
Being involved in a car accident can be a stressful and overwhelming experience. In the midst of dealing with injuries, vehicle damage, and insurance claims, it's crucial to remain composed and make informed decisions. Unfortunately, many individuals unknowingly make mistakes...
Daycare Negligence: Understanding the Role of Licensing and Regulatory Agencies
When parents entrust their children to daycare facilities, they place their trust in the hands of caregivers and administrators to provide a safe and nurturing environment. To help ensure the well-being of children in daycare, licensing and regulatory agencies play...
PowerPort Chemo Ports by Bard Lead to Injuries and Lawsuits
Bard's PowerPort device, an implantable port used for intravenous chemotherapy and fluid administration, is facing a potential wave of lawsuits due to alleged complications. Currently, a dozen cases have been filed alleging defective chemotherapy ports, but OnderLaw predicts a significantly...
Exposing Corporate Profits at the Expense of Public Health: The Alarming Truth About Harmful Chemical Contamination
At OnderLaw, we are deeply committed to protecting the rights of individuals and fighting for justice against corporations that prioritize profits over public health. In this blog post, we address a pressing issue that affects not only our tap water...
From the Lawyer’s Desk: Factors That Influence the Value of Your Personal Injury Claim
Welcome to "From the Lawyer's Desk," where we share valuable insights and tips to help you navigate the world of personal injury law. In this edition, we shed light on a frequently asked question: What factors affect the value of...
From the Archives: The Landmark Cases That Transformed Personal Injury Law
In the annals of legal history, certain cases stand out as pivotal moments that forever reshape the legal landscape. One such case is the infamous Donoghue v. Stevenson (1932), a groundbreaking lawsuit that revolutionized personal injury law and laid the...
Understanding the Three Key Types of Product Defect Cases: Examples of Famous Incidents
When we purchase products, we expect them to be safe and free from defects that could harm us. However, there are instances when products fail to meet these expectations, resulting in injuries and sometimes even fatalities. In such cases, product...
Defective Product Liability: Holding Manufacturers Accountable for Fireworks Injuries
As we approach the Fourth of July holiday, a time when Americans everywhere will be celebrating with family, friends, and fireworks, it is crucial to address an alarming trend that has emerged over the past 15 years. The U.S. Consumer...
You Be The Judge: Harris v. McGraw
Welcome to another edition of "You Be The Judge," where we present a real-life case for you to weigh in on. In today's case, we dive into the legal battle between Janet Harris and Phil McGraw, better known as Dr....
Liability Challenges in High-Risk Business Ventures: Navigating Legal Complexities
The recent news of five individuals embarking on a perilous undersea voyage to explore the Titanic wreck has sparked a crucial discussion on the liabilities faced by both individuals and businesses engaging in high-risk activities. The absence of a definitive...
ATV Rental Companies and Liability: Who is Responsible for Your Injury?
ATVs (All-Terrain Vehicles) are popular recreational vehicles known for their thrill and adventure. However, with excitement comes the potential for accidents and injuries. If you've rented an ATV and experienced an accident, it's crucial to understand the legal aspects and...
Trail Maintenance and Safety: The Role of National Parks in Preventing Injuries
National parks are a haven for nature enthusiasts, offering breathtaking landscapes and immersive outdoor experiences. One of the key attractions within these parks is their well-maintained trail systems, allowing visitors to explore the beauty of nature while staying connected with...
Enhancing Safety Defect Analysis: DOT Audit Highlights Areas for Improvement at NHTSA
The Department of Transportation's Inspector General (DOTIG) recently conducted an audit of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), specifically examining the agency's analysis of safety defects in vehicles. The audit revealed areas where improvements are needed to expedite the...
Corporations’ Environmental Pollution: Endangering Our Most Vulnerable
In today's fast-paced world, the rapid growth of corporations has brought about undeniable advancements and economic prosperity. However, this progress often comes at a steep cost—the environment. Corporations, driven by profit and growth, have been major contributors to environmental pollution....
Your Liability Online: Where Your Rights and Social Media Cross
In today's digital age, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. We share our thoughts, experiences, and connect with others on various platforms. However, it's essential to understand the potential impact of our online presence on...
The Dangers of Infant Baby Loungers and Sleepers: Alarming Statistics and Non-Compliance Risks
Infant baby loungers and sleepers have gained popularity among parents as convenient and comfortable resting options for their little ones. However, recent developments have shed light on the dangers associated with these products. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)...
Beyond the Statute of Limitations: Understanding Exceptions to Time Limits in Personal Injury Cases
The statute of limitations is a legal timeframe within which a person must file a lawsuit for a personal injury claim. However, there are exceptions to this rule that allow victims to pursue legal action even after the standard time...
Advocates of Justice: How Personal Injury Lawyers Assess Cases and Fight for Compensation
Personal injuries can have a devastating impact on the lives of individuals, affecting their physical, emotional, and financial well-being. In such difficult times, personal injury lawyers serve as beacons of hope, assisting victims in their pursuit of justice and fair...
OnderLaw’s Matt O’Grady Earns National Trial Lawyers’ Top 100 Attorneys
We're proud to announce that personal injury attorney Matt O'Grady has earned National Trial Lawyers' designation of Civil Plaintiff Top 100 Trial Lawyers in Missouri. We know Matt is exceptional, not only for his record of success, but because he...
Then vs. Now: How The Ford Pinto Case Changed The Legal Landscape
In the 1970s, a landmark case involving the Ford Pinto sent shockwaves through the automotive industry and forever changed the legal landscape for personal injury law. The defective fuel tank design of the Ford Pinto resulted in tragic accidents, numerous...
You Be The Judge: Did Six Flags Dodge Responsibility or Uphold Assumed Risks?
In this captivating case, we delve into the legal fight surrounding an incident at Six Flags St. Louis during their notorious "Fright Fest" event. Carly Munoz, a visitor to the park, sustained an injury while running from a costumed clown....
Dealing with an Injury Caused by an Uninsured Driver: Your Legal Options
Being involved in a car accident is a distressing experience, but it becomes even more complicated when the driver responsible for the accident is uninsured. In such situations, it's essential to understand your legal rights and the steps you can...
Controversial Florida Legislation: The Impact on Personal Injury Cases
In a recent news report, it has been reported that Florida House and Senate have recently passed legislation that has sparked intense debate. Critics argue that these measures primarily benefit insurance companies, while proponents claim they target lawsuit abuse. In...
Premises Liability Laws: How Do They Vary by State?
Premises liability cases are an important aspect of personal injury law, addressing accidents and injuries that occur on someone else's property. While the concept of premises liability is widely recognized across jurisdictions, it's essential to understand that the specific laws...
Animal Attacks and Personal Injury Law: Exploring the Case of Gerald Rushton and the Dangers of Unconventional Pets
Animals can bring immense joy and companionship to our lives, but there are instances when their behavior can lead to tragic consequences. Personal injury cases involving animal attacks highlight the importance of understanding the legal principles surrounding such incidents. In...
Power of Truth: Top Film Documentaries and Series Exposing Corporate Greed and Personal Injury Law Success Stories
Film documentaries and series have the power to captivate audiences, shed light on important issues, and inspire change. In the realm of personal injury law and corporate greed, these storytelling mediums have brought attention to remarkable success stories and unveiled...
Challenging Corporate Impunity: How OnderLaw Seeks to Transform Legal Accountability
In recent years, the issue of corporate accountability has gained significant attention. Many have voiced concerns about the ability of large corporations to evade substantial penalties for their wrongdoings. However, amid these challenges, there are shining examples of legal firms,...
Safeguarding Pedestrian Rights: Understanding and Addressing Pedestrian Accidents
Pedestrian accidents have become a pressing concern in today's fast-paced world. As more people embrace walking as a means of transportation, ensuring their safety on the roads is of paramount importance. In this blog post, we will explore the dynamics...
Then vs. Now: The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill A Catalyst for Change
The Exxon Valdez oil spill of 1989 stands as one of the most notorious environmental disasters in history. Beyond its devastating impact on the environment, the incident led to a wave of personal injury lawsuits that ultimately triggered significant changes...
Theme Park Accidents: The Texas Giant Tragedy and Its Implications for Legal Reform
As we dive into Summer, it’s important to recognize the work that goes in to holding the most popular Summer attractions accountable for safety and security. In the realm of theme park accidents, certain incidents leave an indelible mark on...
Vacation Mishaps: What to Do If You’re Injured While Traveling this Summer
Summer is a time when many people embark on exciting vacations, seeking relaxation and adventure in new destinations. However, amidst the excitement, unexpected accidents and injuries can occur, turning a dream vacation into a nightmare. If you find yourself injured...
You Be The Judge: Sutton v. Glen Ridge Country Club
Imagine standing in front of a country club's pro shop, going about your day, when suddenly tragedy strikes. This is precisely what happened to Debra Sutton, a 59-year-old woman who suffered a severe injury when she was struck by a...
From the Attorney Desk: Tips for Documenting Evidence in a Personal Injury Case
When it comes to personal injury cases, solid evidence is the key to building a strong legal claim. Documenting evidence is crucial in establishing liability and demonstrating the extent of damages suffered. Whether you've been injured in a car accident,...
Our Planet is at a Crossroads, and the EPA is Walking the Right Way 
In the tumultuous realm of environmental policy, where the winds of change can blow in many unpredictable directions, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has emerged as a ray of hope. Recently, the EPA reversed a Trump-era directive that eased clean-air...
Exploring Compensation Options in Personal Injury Cases: A Path to Justice and Recovery
Suffering an injury due to someone else's negligence can be a challenging and overwhelming experience. Fortunately, personal injury laws exist to protect victims and ensure they receive proper compensation for their damages. If you find yourself in such a situation,...
AI-Driven Accident Reconstruction: Advancing Evidence Collection in Personal Injury Cases
Accidents happen, and when personal injuries are involved, the task of reconstructing the events leading up to the incident becomes crucial for seeking justice. In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changer in accident reconstruction, revolutionizing the...
Chronic Pain and Construction Accidents: Understanding the Impact and Seeking Compensation
Construction accidents can have life-altering consequences, with chronic pain being a significant and challenging outcome. When individuals experience ongoing pain following such incidents, it can impact every aspect of their lives—physically, emotionally, and financially. In this blog post, we'll delve...
Navigating the Complexities of Trucking Accidents: Liability and Insurance Considerations
Trucking accidents can be devastating, resulting in serious injuries, property damage, and even loss of life. In the aftermath of such accidents, determining liability and navigating the web of insurance policies can be a complex and challenging process. With multiple...
Understanding the Role of Insurance Companies in Personal Injury Cases
When it comes to personal injury cases, insurance companies play a significant role in the process. Whether it's a car accident, slip and fall, or any other incident resulting in injury, understanding how insurance companies operate can greatly impact your...
The Hidden Costs of Delayed Medical Treatment in Personal Injury Cases
When involved in an accident, seeking prompt medical attention is crucial for your well-being and the success of any potential personal injury claim. Delaying medical treatment can have serious consequences, both for your health and your legal case. In this...
A Community at Risk: Mail Carriers and Dog-Bite Injuries
Mail carriers play a vital role in our communities, diligently delivering mail to our doorsteps every day. Unfortunately, their job comes with an inherent risk of encountering aggressive dogs. In this blog post, we will explore the current dog bite...
You Decide the Verdict: Escola v. Coca-Cola
In the realm of legal history, there are cases that leave a lasting impact on society. One such case is Escola v. Coca-Cola, a landmark personal injury lawsuit that forever changed product liability laws. In this blog post, we present...
Then vs. Now: How Historic Cases Changed the Legal Landscape
The Jack in the Box E. coli outbreak of 1993 remains one of the most notable foodborne illness incidents in the United States. This blog post will delve into the legal outcome and verdict of the case, as well as...
Bizarre Personal Injury Lawsuits: When Life Takes an Interesting Turn
In the world of personal injury lawsuits, there are cases that make us shake our heads in disbelief, cases where life takes a whimsical turn, leaving us wondering how on earth such incidents occurred. While personal injuries are no laughing...
When Sports Get Dangerous: Understanding Liability and Personal Injury in Extreme Sports
Extreme sports have gained immense popularity, providing thrill-seekers with adrenaline-pumping experiences. However, the inherent risks associated with these activities can lead to accidents and personal injuries. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of liability and personal injury...
Behind the Scenes: How Personal Injury Attorneys Investigate Your Case
When it comes to personal injury cases, there's much more than meets the eye. Personal injury attorneys are not only skilled legal professionals but also diligent investigators who work tirelessly to build a strong case on your behalf. In this...
What is Juneteenth and Why Do We Celebrate?
Our OnderLaw team believes in commemorating important historical milestones and promoting justice and equality. As Juneteenth approaches, we want to take a moment to talk about the significance of this special day. How did Juneteenth come about? Why is Juneteenth...
3M Military Earplugs Bankruptcy Appeal to Set Standard for Future Trials
U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Jeffrey J. Graham has granted Aearo Technologies, a subsidiary of 3M, the opportunity to appeal the dismissal of their Chapter 11 bankruptcy case directly to the Seventh Circuit. This decision carries great weight, as it shapes the...
Defective Products: Your Rights as a Consumer in Personal Injury Cases
In today's consumer-driven society, we rely heavily on products to improve our lives, make tasks easier, and provide entertainment. However, there are instances when products fail to meet safety standards or have defects that can lead to serious injuries or...
Frequently Asked Questions About Personal Injury Law
Personal injury cases can be complex and intimidating, especially for those who have little to no knowledge about the legal system. If you've been injured due to someone else's negligence or misconduct, it's crucial to understand your rights and the...
Missouri Environmental Lawyers Advocate for Action Against Abandoned Oil Wells and Water Pollution
  A groundbreaking study has revealed alarming levels of cancer-causing benzene and toxic gases emitted from abandoned oil and gas wells in Pennsylvania, raising concerns about the millions of similar wells scattered across the United States. Unveiling the Hazards: A...
Distracted Driving Epidemic: The Rise of Personal Injury Cases Due to Cell Phone Use
In today's fast-paced world, smartphones have become an integral part of our lives. While these devices offer convenience and connectivity, they have also contributed to a concerning rise in distracted driving accidents. Personal injury cases stemming from cell phone use...
Common Types of Nursing Home Neglect and Their Consequences
When a loved one enters a nursing home, we expect them to receive the care, compassion, and support they deserve. Unfortunately, not all nursing homes meet these expectations, and neglect can occur, leading to serious consequences for the residents. In...
The Hidden History of Underride Crashes: A Grave Threat to Public Safety
In this part of the world, big commercial trucks are a common sight. They transport goods across borders, and unfortunately, they also pose a significant danger on the roads. An article by ProPublica describes Marcos, an unfortunate victim, who encountered...
Premises Liability and Smart Homes: Navigating Liability in the Age of Connected Living
As technology continues to advance, smart homes are becoming increasingly prevalent in our lives. These interconnected homes offer convenience, automation, and improved control over various aspects of our living spaces. However, with the integration of smart devices and systems into...
The Perils of Public Transportation: Seeking Compensation for Injuries
Public transportation is a vital part of our daily lives, providing convenience and accessibility for millions of commuters. However, accidents and injuries can occur, leaving individuals dealing with physical harm, emotional distress, and financial burdens. In this blog post, we...
The Impact of Personal Injury on Mental Health: Seeking Compensation for Emotional Distress
Personal injuries can have far-reaching effects beyond physical pain and medical treatments. One aspect that often goes unnoticed is the significant impact on mental health. In this blog post, we explore the profound connection between personal injuries and mental well-being,...
The Hidden Costs of Personal Injuries: Beyond Medical Bills
When we think about personal injuries, we often focus on the immediate medical expenses incurred by the injured party. However, the true financial impact of a personal injury extends far beyond medical bills alone. In this blog post, we will...
Personal Injury in the Digital Age: Cyberbullying and Online Harassment
In the digital age, the pervasive use of technology has given rise to a new form of personal injury that often goes unnoticed—cyberbullying and online harassment. These malicious acts can have severe emotional and psychological impacts on individuals, leaving lasting...
Beyond the Bruises: Hidden Injuries and the Importance of Seeking Medical Attention
In the aftermath of an accident or traumatic event, it's common for individuals to focus on visible injuries such as bruises or cuts. However, what many fail to realize is that some of the most severe injuries may not be...
Lights, Camera, Settlement: Lessons from Personal Injury Settlements in Movies
Lights, camera, action! The world of cinema has entertained us with thrilling stories, heartwarming tales, and jaw-dropping visuals. But did you know that movies can also provide valuable lessons when it comes to personal injury settlements? From dramatic courtroom scenes...
Fact vs. Fiction: Debunking Common Myths About Personal Injury Lawsuits
Personal injury lawsuits can be complex, and misconceptions surrounding them are widespread. These myths can lead to confusion and potentially hinder individuals from pursuing rightful compensation for their injuries. In this blog post, we will debunk some of the most...
Navigating Social Media: How to Protect Your Personal Injury Claim
In today's digital age, social media has become an integral part of our lives. It allows us to connect, share experiences, and express ourselves. However, when it comes to personal injury claims, what you post on social media can have...
Understanding Comparative Fault in Personal Injury Cases: Implications and Outcomes
When it comes to personal injury cases, determining fault is a crucial aspect of the legal process. In some situations, multiple parties may share a degree of responsibility for the accident or incident that caused the injury. This concept is...
Demystifying Common Legal Terms and Phrases: A Comprehensive Guide
Legal terminology can be intimidating and confusing, often creating a barrier between the legal system and the general public. Understanding common legal terms and phrases is essential for anyone navigating legal matters. In this blog, we aim to demystify some...
Oil and Gas Production on Tribal Lands Halted in New Mexico
  Our team at OnderLaw has seen the tragic impacts that oil and gas production have had on Native American lands. In a significant move, the Biden administration has ordered the withdrawal of hundreds of square miles in New Mexico...
10 Jaw-Dropping Personal Injury Cases That Made Headlines
Personal injury cases have the power to captivate public attention, shedding light on the devastating consequences of accidents and negligence. In this blog post, we delve into 10 jaw-dropping personal injury cases that made headlines worldwide. These extraordinary legal battles...
Technology in Personal Injury Law: How Innovations Are Transforming Legal Practice
In today's digital age, technology has permeated nearly every aspect of our lives, and the legal field is no exception. Personal injury law, in particular, has seen a significant transformation through the integration of innovative technologies. These advancements have revolutionized...
Understanding Catastrophic Injury: Examining Significant Law Cases
Introduction: Catastrophic injuries can have a profound and lasting impact on individuals and their families. These life-altering injuries, often caused by accidents or acts of negligence, can result in severe physical, emotional, and financial challenges. In this blog post, we...
Safeguarding Public Health: Understanding Pharmaceutical Drug Safety and Litigation
The safety and efficacy of pharmaceutical drugs play a vital role in promoting public health. In our country, a comprehensive system of safety testing and regulation is in place to ensure that medications meet stringent standards before they reach patients....
Mental Health and Climate Change
We have reached a point where even listening to stories about climate change on the news can ruin our day. We've reached a point of compassion fatigue, and climate change is truly affecting our mental health. We often focus on...
Protecting Truth and Justice: Championing Whistleblowers with Legal Expertise
Whistleblowers are the unsung heroes of truth and accountability, individuals who bravely step forward to expose corruption, fraud, and wrongdoing. Their actions not only shed light on hidden activities but also have the power to drive systemic change and safeguard...
Seeking Justice and Healing: Your Guide to Personal Injury Cases
Accidents happen when we least expect them, leaving us with physical injuries, emotional distress, and financial burdens. If you or a loved one have suffered due to someone else's negligence or wrongdoing, you may be entitled to seek justice and...
Seeking Justice and Compensation: Understanding Wrongful Death Lawsuits
Losing a loved one is an incredibly traumatic and life-altering experience. The pain of grief and loss can feel overwhelming, especially when you know that someone else's reckless or negligent actions led to the untimely demise of your loved one....
Revolutionary Drug Combination Shows Promise in Treating Ovarian Cancer
Our OnderLaw team represents thousands of women who have been diagnosed with Johnson & Johnson talc-related ovarian cancer, and every day we hear heartbreaking stories about how cancer has derailed and destroyed lives. Today, however, is hope for women living...
Dangers and Legal Complexities of Common Types of Large Trucks
Large trucks play a crucial role in our society, transporting goods, aiding in construction, and providing essential services. However, their imposing size and weight make them potential hazards on the road. When accidents involving these vehicles occur, the consequences can...
Types of Premises Liability & Steps To Take
At OnderLaw, we understand the significance of premises liability cases and have vast experience in representing clients who have suffered injuries due to the negligence of property owners. Whether you're on a commercial or private property, it is the responsibility...
Understanding Car Accidents: Road to Recovery and Legal Support
What Are The Most Common Causes Of Car Accidents? Motor vehicle accidents are unfortunately a common occurrence that can result in serious injuries. Every day, people suffer harm due to the mistakes of others on the road. It's crucial to...
Steps To Take After a Slip and Fall Accident: Protecting Your Rights
Experiencing a slip and fall accident can be a daunting and unexpected event. Amidst the initial shock and concern for your well-being, it's essential to understand the steps you can take to strengthen your case against a negligent property owner....
Exploring the Benefits of Workers’ Compensation Coverage
Work-related injuries and illnesses can be physically, emotionally, and financially devastating. However, workers' compensation coverage is designed to provide crucial support in such challenging times. Discover the various benefits included in workers' compensation coverage, ensuring that you understand your rights...
Taking Action: Protecting Your Loved One from Nursing Home Abuse
Placing a loved one in a nursing home is a difficult decision that requires trust in the facility's staff and caregivers. Unfortunately, instances of nursing home abuse and neglect can occur, leaving vulnerable residents physically and emotionally harmed. If you...
Personal Injury Investigation: Unveiling the Process
When faced with a personal injury case, the first step in seeking justice and compensation is to hire a skilled lawyer who will conduct a thorough investigation. This investigation aims to determine the cause of the accident and identify the...
Common Causes of Bicycle Accidents: Dangers on the Road
Bicycling is a popular mode of transportation and exercise. While it offers convenience and health benefits, it also exposes riders to potential dangers. Sharing the road with motor vehicles means that bicycle accidents can result in serious injuries. In this...
Rideshare Accident Statistics: Understanding the National Impact
In recent years, rideshare services have become increasingly popular across the United States, providing a convenient alternative for transportation. However, with the rise of these services, accident statistics have raised concerns about the overall safety on our roads. Delve into...
How to Handle the Aftermath of a Dog Bite Injury
Being bitten by a dog can be a traumatic experience. You may be in pain, scared, and unsure of what to do next. Here are some steps you can take to handle the aftermath of a dog bite injury: Seek...
Education: A Solution to Climate Change
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Nelson Mandela The above quote by Nelson Mandela continues to enlighten us on the iniquities that can be resolved through education, but one important factor Mandela...
Agricultural Pollution, Our Health, and Our Environment
  Sometimes we still hold onto the idyllic notion of farms as havens of bucolic tranquility and a slower pace of life. However, today we should really be picturing in our mind’s eye, large industry, and bleak destructive agricultural pollution. ...
Alarming Surge in Recalls of Infusion Pumps Raises Patient Safety Concerns
In recent years, the healthcare industry has witnessed a concerning trend with a significant increase in the number of infusion device recalls. These recalls, which involve critical medical devices used to administer fluids, medication, and vital treatments, have raised serious...
Discover the Charm of Webster Groves: Top 3 Things to Do in Missouri’s Hidden Gem
Welcome to the charming town of Webster Groves, Missouri! Many people in our OnderLaw team call Webster Groves home, and it's also home to our Webster Groves law firm office. Tucked away just outside of St. Louis, this delightful community...
3M CEO Ordered to Attend Military Earplug Lawsuit Settlement Talks
In the latest update on the Combat Arms Earplug lawsuits against 3M, the U.S. District Judge overseeing these cases has taken a significant step by ordering 3M Company CEO, Mike Roman, to attend settlement talks. With more than 230,000 U.S....
Explore the Gateway to the West: Top 5 Things to Do in St. Louis
You may wonder why a St. Louis, Missouri law firm cares about the Top 5 Things to Do in St. Louis, but the truth is that we love our city! Whether you're visiting St. Louis or you're a native, there's...
Dual Representation: Why Filing the Same Legal Claim with Two Attorneys Can Be a Problem
Dual representation occurs when a person hires two separate attorneys to handle the same legal claim or case. While it may seem like having two lawyers could be twice as beneficial, it often leads to complications and can actually harm...
Seeking Justice: E-Cigarette Vape Pen Fires Cause Injuries
You might be familiar with e-cigarettes, also known as electronic cigarettes or vapes, that people use to inhale flavored smoke and tobacco. There have been a growing number of cases where vape pen fires have caused harm to people. These...
Seeking Justice for Dangerous Drugs: Holding Pharmaceutical Companies Accountable
Prescription and over-the-counter drugs play a crucial role in treating various ailments and alleviating symptoms. While many medications are safe and effective, some can have severe or even lethal side effects. Unfortunately, it's not unusual for pharmaceutical companies to prioritize...
Truvada Judge Throws Out Gilead “Expert” Reports
March 9, 2023, U.S. District Judge Jon Tigar dismissed testimony from four Gilead kidney experts and four bone experts, who submitted "substantially similar" reports with the same structure and many verbatim or nearly verbatim passages. Plaintiffs maintain, and the judge...
Nurse Appreciation Week May 6-12
Nurses play an essential role in the healthcare industry, and their contributions cannot be overstated. They are often the first line of defense in patient care, providing assistance and support to patients, and ensuring their well-being. Our OnderLaw team is...
How are You Really? 5 Tips and 4 Resources for May Mental Health Awareness Month
May is National Mental Health Awareness Month in the United States. Mental Health America's 2023 State of Mental Health in America report revealed that over 50 million Americans, or 21% of adults, are struggling with a mental illness. It is...
EGL Recalls Motor ACE-branded Youth All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs)
EGL Motor has recalled around 4,000 ATVs designed for children aged 10 and above, as they do not conform to federal safety standards. The models K125 and C125 under the ACE brand have been found to exceed the highest permissible...
What to Know if You are Victim in a Car Accident in Missouri
Auto accidents can be traumatizing experiences for everyone involved. As a personal injury lawyer, it is essential to keep in mind that Missouri law requires drivers to maintain a minimum liability insurance coverage of 25/50/10. This means that in the...
I-55 in Central Illinois Closed After Dust Storm Leads to Semi Truck Crashes
More than 30 people have been injured while driving in a dust storm in central Illinois. Illinois State Police have closed I-55 for 28 miles between Litchfield and Divernon in Springfield due to dangerous dust storms that have caused tremendous...
Clarification Regarding Medicare and the J&J Settlement Proposal
An OnderLaw blog post from April 13, 2023, regarding Medicare and the subrogation process in the proposed Johnson & Johnson bankruptcy resolution incorrectly stated that the Medicare allocation has already been negotiated. This is not correct. The government has not...
Roundup is Affecting Young Children
Bad news about Roundup herbicide is endless. It seems as if every month, a new study is released staining the name of the Bayer-Monsanto weed killer. It is sad to see that some people’s life-threatening illnesses are becoming evermore linked...
Diesel Is Out the Door
It would seem that the end is nigh for diesel powered vehicles. Filthy distilled crude oil, injected into the combustion chamber of an engine, ignited at extremely high temperatures, is used to power over 7 million passenger vehicles in the...
Hay Fever Getting Worse? It’s Probably Because of Climate Change
We can all be pretty sure by now that climate change is affecting our planet’s future. Climate change is also affecting many things that, until now, have gone unnoticed. For example, the change in climate has had a gradual, nearly imperceptible...
Día de la Tierra: Qué es y Cómo Puede Producir Cambios?
Este Día de la Tierra, podemos efectuar el cambio que es crítico en la protección de nuestro medioambiente. Ya sea que usted decida unirse a un grupo de limpieza de su vecindario o simplemente recuerde apagar las luces cuando no...
Earth Day: What is It and How Can You Make a Difference?
  This Earth Day, we can make the change that is crucial to protecting our environment. Whether you decide to join a clean-up group in your area or simply remember to turn off the lights when they aren’t necessary, everybody...
Is Hemp a Lithium Battery Alternative?
We have made phenomenal progress electrifying our roads in the last century. Gas guzzling cars are gradually going out of style, and a more economic and environmentally friendly alternative is becoming a universal sight at traffic lights. Electric powered cars,...
¿El Cáñamo es una Alternativa a las Baterías de Litio?
Puede que el cáñamo sea la alternativa más nueva e importante a las baterías de litio Hemos alcanzado un avance notable en la electrificación de nuestras calles en el último siglo. Los carros traga-gasolina paulatinamente están pasando de moda, y...
Native American Communities Fight Back in Opioid Crisis
  Nearly every day, we hear about the opioid epidemic plaguing the United States. While pharmaceutical companies continue to support the narrative that their products are being abused, disparaged communities are calling for these corporations to be held accountable for...
$8.9 B J&J Talc Resolution: Questions and Answers
We’ve no doubt you’ve heard about the $8.9 billion deal in the works for Johnson & Johnson talc-related cancer and mesothelioma victims. We also know that you likely have a lot of questions. This agreement is tentative and still has...
$8.9 Billion J&J Talc Lawsuits Resolution Reached
Today marks a monumental day as OnderLaw announces the successful resolution of tens of thousands of Johnson & Johnson talc-related gynecologic cancer and mesothelioma claims. J&J will create an $8.9 billion bankruptcy trust, paying out approximately $12.08 billion over time...
Window Blinds Victims Find Lawyer & Ally in Jim Onder
Mini blinds or window blinds, also known as Venetian blinds, have been a popular choice for window coverings since their invention in the mid-18th century. However, they have also been the subject of litigation due to safety concerns related to...
New Report: Our Last Chance to Stop Deadly Climate Change
  Fossil fuels have been the bedrock of the world’s economy since the Industrial Revolution, for the majority of the last two centuries. And for the last two centuries, the number of chimneys and machinery billowing toxic smoke clouds into...
Nuevo Reporte: Nuestra Última Oportunidad de Frenar el Cambio Climático
  Los combustibles fósiles han formado la base de la economía del mundo desde la Revolución Industrial, por la mayoría de los últimos dos siglos. Y por los últimos dos siglos, la cantidad de chimeneas y maquinas emitiendo nubes de...
Appeals Court Denies J&J Talc Bankruptcy Strategy
OnderLaw Vows to Continue Fight for Talc Victims Johnson & Johnson's latest attempt to shield itself from responsibility for its dangerous talc products was thwarted as the Third U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia denied their request for another...
Exploding Airbags Spark Concern for Millions of U.S. Cars
Airbags which explode instead of expanding have resulted in two deaths, and four injuries and a recent notice of concern issued by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to numerous car manufacturers, including Fiat Chrysler, Ford, General Motors, Hyundai, Kia...
Bed Rail Recalls Highlight Suffocation, Fall Dangers
Bed rail accidents are on the rise, and corporations who make them are beginning to be held accountable for deaths and injuries. Within the last two years, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has advised consumers against the use...
New Study Cements Link Between Roundup and Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma 
  Recent studies have found that around 80% of Americans over the age of 6 have traces of glyphosate in their urine. Glyphosate, used in commonly known Roundup herbicide, is the most popular herbicide in the U.S. among both farmers...
Nuevo Estudio Fortalece el Vínculo Entre Roundup y el linfoma no Hodgkin
Recientes estudios han descubierto que un 80% de los estadounidenses mayores de 6 años tienen rastros de glifosato en su orina. Glifosato, usado frecuentemente en la herbicida Roundup, es el herbicida más popular en los Estados Unidos entre agricultores y...
Are Insulin Price Drops Reason for Praise?
It’s no secret that pharmaceutical companies do everything they can to make a profit. From allergy medications to life-saving products, the prices of many medications seem to be increasing every day. For some people, this really is a matter of...
What is Johnson & Johnson Talc Cancer Litigation?
Unless you have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer and have had an opportunity to research its link to Johnson's Baby Powder and Shower to Shower, you may not know what talc lawsuits are all about. Johnson & Johnson (J&J) is...
What Happens when Vaccines Cause Injuries?
Vaccines, and the negative side effects thereof, have taken centerstage in recent years. When Covid-19 swept the globe, concerns over ill effects of the vaccine were rife and many claimed to have been adversely affected by the vaccine. Some alleged severe...
RECA Les Permite a Aquellos que Fueron Expuestos a los Efectos de la Radiación Demandar al Gobierno de EEUU
La imponente nube nuclear en forma de hongo de una bomba atómica encima de una isla o una extensión desértica es una imagen que muchos de nosotros asociamos con la época de la Guerra Fría. Por más lejana que pueda...
Tenemos que Eliminar el “Greenwashing” (“Maquillaje Verde”)
Todos hemos leído o escuchado publicidades sobre los empaques 100% reciclables o sobre los niveles sorprendentemente bajos de emisiones de un carro nuevo. El sello “Hecho de 100% botellas de plástico recicladas” se ha vuelto común en muchos de los...
RECA Allows Those Exposed to Radiation Fallout to Sue the U.S. Government
The towering nuclear mushroom cloud of an atomic bomb above an island or desert expanse is an image many of us associate with the Cold War era. As foregone as that era may seem, the long-term effects of Cold War...
In a Lyft or Uber Accident? Don’t Get Taken for a Ride
$63-million victory highlights importance of hiring an attorney for Uber accidents When Boston resident Will Good used his phone app to call an Uber following his shift at a local restaurant, he could not have expected that his life was...
It is Not too Late to File a Roundup Cancer Lawsuit
It's not too late to file a Roundup cancer lawsuit against herbicide maker Bayer-Monsanto for glyphosate-related leukemias and lymphomas.   Bayer-Monsanto's Roundup herbicide has killed more than just weeds. Tens of thousands of farmers and others who used the glyphosate-based...
Artificial Tears Eyedrops Recalled After Causing Blindness, Death
"Pseudomonas aeruginosa" is a name that has been making headlines this February, with the shocking announcement of the voluntary recall of EzriCare Artificial Tears eye drops by Global Pharma Healthcare. The name refers to the bacterial enzyme which has contaminated the...
Offshore Drug Trials: Big Pharma’s Dirty Little Secret
“It’s not good for our economy or our national security.” - FDA Commissioner Robert Califf in a statement about offshore drug trials Beyond the damage that drug companies have caused by failing to disclose dangers or pushing for drugs that...
Smiths Medical Issues Urgent Recall for CADD Infusion Systems
Smiths Medical has recalled infusion systems used by thousands of patients to administer potentially life-saving medication. According to the recall, CADD infusion system administration sets and cassette reservoirs were issued a Class I recall, the most serious of recalls, because...
Planta de Energía de Minería de Bitcoin Contamina el Lago de Seneca
  Se Acusa a Atlas Holdings de Violar la Ley de Agua Limpia   Para “restaurar y mantener la integridad química, física y biológica de las aguas de la nación.” Así empieza la Ley de Agua Limpia, y esa integridad...
Bitcoin Mining Power Plant Pollutes Seneca Lake
Atlas Holdings Accused of Violating Clean Water Act     To “restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the nation’s waters.” That is how our Clean Water Act begins, and that integrity is exactly what is under...
J&J Bankruptcy Denied: What This Means for Talc Lawsuits
“At the time of LTL’s filing, J&J had well over $400 billion in equity value with a AAA credit rating and $31 billion just in cash and marketable securities. It distributed over $13 billion to shareholders in each of 2020...
Nearly 20,000 U.S. Deaths Caused by Air Pollution Each Year
  Biden Administration Urged to Improve Air Quality Standards “Mr. President, Americans are depending on your administration to protect their right to clean air and healthy communities," said more than 160 public health and climate activists acting as the Climate...
Exxon Sabía: Un llamado a la Acción
“Exxon sí sabía. Entre los años 1977 y 2002…los informes sobre el cambio del clima de Exxon han sido más exactos que los informes hechos por los investigadores de NASA sobre lo forma en que las emisiones calientan el planeta.”...
Contaminación Agrícola Al Centro de Demanda de La EPA
  La Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA por sus siglas en inglés) actualmente se encuentra bajo una avalancha de demandas con respecto a su falta de reglamentación de las granjas ganaderes industriales. Grupos defensores están responsabilizando a la EPA por...
Casi 20.000 Muertes en EEUU Causadas por la Contaminación de Aire Cada Año
  Se insta a la Administración de Biden que mejore los estándares de calidad del aire. “Señor Presidente, los estadounidenses dependen de su administración para proteger su derecho al aire limpio y a comunidades saludables,” dijeron más de 160 activistas...
Farming Pollution at Center of EPA Lawsuit
  The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is currently under a landslide of lawsuits regarding its failure to regulate factory farming pollution. Advocacy groups are holding them EPA accountable for neglecting its duty to enforce its own regulations for tens of...
Ortal Gas Fireplaces Recalled for Fire Dangers
Some buyers of the Traditional 90 and Traditional 110 gas fireplaces by Ortal were recently given more fire than they had bargained for from the fireplaces. The company had to recall models of its gas fireplaces after receiving numerous reports...
New Window Blind Regulations Fall Short Once Again
Loop Cords Still Not Outlawed Despite 232 Deaths Twenty-one years ago, Matt and Linda Kaiser set out to achieve justice for their daughter Cheyenne by forcing window covering manufacturers to create safer products. Through the years, not only did they...
Why Should I File a Lawsuit?
Does Standing Up to Corporations Make a Difference? A majority of Americans believe that the products we use, the medications we take, and the air and water we rely on to live are protected by regulatory agencies whose job it...
Home and Hospital Bed Rail Recalls Awaken Caregivers to Dangers
  Thousands of bed rails were recently recalled by Nova Medical Products due to asphyxiation and entrapment concerns. The recall products included the Home Bed Rail Model No. 6093 and Model No. 6094. It would seem this is not an...
Surf 9 Paddleboards Recalled for Glue Problem, Drowning Hazard
We may not give much thought to the glue used to manufacture products – that is, until things start to fall apart. This is exactly what happened to Surf 9 when, in December, it had to recall some 13,300 Body Glove...
Demanda de Coterra en Llamas Mientras Dimock Gana Acuerdo de Fracking de $16 Millones
  La pequeña ciudad de Dimcok, Pensilvania prevaleció contra el magnate de petróleo y gas Coterra, ganando un acuerdo de $16.29M en su demanda sobre contaminación de agua relacionada al fracking. Fiscal General Josh Shapiro publicó el acuerdo, con el...
Coterra’s Claims Up in Flames as Dimock Wins $16M Fracking Settlement 
  The Town of Dimock, Pennsylvania prevailed against oil and gas magnate Coterra, winning a $16.29M settlement in its fracking-related contaminated water claim. State Attorney General Josh Shapiro released the agreement, by which Coterra Energy will invest the settlement into...
2025: En Año en que 3M Acabará con los ‘Químicos Eternos’
Se prevé que 2025 será el año en que 3M acabe con toda su producción de los productos que contengan los ‘químicos eternos’, también conocidos como los PFAS. ¿Pero será demasiado tarde? Se han presentado más de 3,000 casos contra...
2025: The Year 3M Will End ‘Forever Chemicals’
2025 is set to be the year that 3M cease all production of products containing ‘forever chemicals’, also known as PFAS. But will it be too late? There have been more than 3,000 cases filed against 3M and other PFAS-producing...
Boppy Newborn Loungers Linked to at Least 8 Baby Deaths
Pottery Barn Kids' Boppy Newborn Loungers, Boppy Original Newborn Loungers, and Boppy Preferred Newborn Loungers — the complete line of Boppy Newborn Loungers — have been recalled by The Boppy Co. after at least eight babies suffocated in the pillows....
La Tribu del Rio Grande Lucha para Proteger su Patrimonio del Fracking
  Las personas históricamente marginadas que viven sobre la frontera de Tejas y México nuevamente se encuentran bajo alta presión por las grandes corporaciones que quieren explotar sus tierras sagradas. Las compañías de petróleo y gas ávidas por más están...
Rio Grande Tribe Fights to Save its Heritage from Fracking
  Historically marginalized people who live along the Texas and Mexico border are once again under serious pressure from large corporations who wish to exploit their sacred land. Oil and gas companies greedy for more are attempting to exploit sacred...
Bayer-Monsanto Plans Fail with Supreme Court Loss
  Bayer’s five-point plan to the closure of glyphosate related litigation began: “Step 1: Seek positive ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court.”  The Roundup manufacturer, however, fell at its first hurdle in late 2022. The Supreme Court denied Bayer’s bid,...
EPA Releases New Interim Health Advisories Concerning PFAS
  Per- and polyfluoroakyl substances, otherwise known as PFAS, are everywhere.  They are in our water, air, soil, products and, not surprisingly, they’re in us. PFAS are a bond between carbon and fluorine, the strongest bond in organic chemistry, making...
Strawberry Kiwi Capri Sun Faces Lawsuit Over PFAS
Physical danger or personal harm is usually the last thing on someone's mind when they take a sip of store-bought juice, or bite into a hamburger from a fast food drive-thru, or give their child breakfast cereal in the morning. This...
Sig Sauer Faces Lawsuit over Gun Discharges
Product liability lawsuits range from the mild to the wild – literally. A recent lawsuit against New Hampshire gun manufacturer Sig Sauer has made their P320 pistols appear to be something straight out of the Wild West. More than 100...
What is Subrogation and Why Do I have to Pay?
Many people expect a straight-forward process when they win a mass tort lawsuit: They win their claim, the defendant pays, and they get a check. If we had our way, that’s the way the process would work. Unfortunately, thanks to...
Can Judgments be Overturned? Evenflo Big Kid Boosters a Case in Point
A recent case regarding car seats serves as a good reminder that not all decisions are final when it comes to the U.S. justice system. A court decision can be overturned and a case revived when an appeal is raised...
Glyphosate and Pregnancy: A Dangerous Combination
  A study conducted by Indiana University has found that glyphosate and pregnancy don't mix. 99% of pregnant women in their sample group had traces of glyphosate in their urine. According to Cambridge University, glyphosate is the most consumed pesticide...
El Glifosato y el Embarazo: Una Combinación Peligrosa
  Un estudio realizado por la Universidad de Indiana mostró que el glifosato y el embarazo no se combinan. El 99% de mujeres embarazadas de su grupo de muestra tenían indicios de glifosato en su orina. Según la Universidad de...
What Types of Cases are Mass Tort Lawsuits?
Mass tort litigations, often in the form of multidistrict litigations, or MDLs, are now one of the most prevalent types of lawsuits in U.S. civil courts today. They’ve become increasingly popular as more people have recognized that holding corporations accountable...
What are the Potential Outcomes of Mass Tort Lawsuits?
To understand the potential outcomes of a mass tort litigation, it’s first important to understand how these lawsuits work. Mass tort litigations are an important type of lawsuit in which a corporation or entity is held accountable for physical or...
What is a Mass Tort?
If you’re unfortunate enough to have been injured by a dangerous product, drug, or medical device, you’ve likely heard the term “mass tort” in reference to your lawsuit. For those who are unfamiliar with the ins and outs of the...
We’ve Cut the Cord for Window Blind Safety!
Two decades ago, a young grieving mother walked into OnderLaw and forever changed all of our lives. Today, 21 years after that mother began her fight to save other children from the dangers of window covering cords, together we’ve made...
Earplugs Judge Says 3M Can’t Use Drug Defense
U.S. District Judge M. Casey Rodgers, who is presiding over hundreds of thousands of lawsuits against 3M over allegedly faulty earplugs has ruled that the corporation cannot use testimony from three purported “experts” in its defense. Rodgers said their testimony is scientifically...
What Happens If Your Case Settles?
The vast majority of mass tort cases, such as those involved in litigations against Bayer-Monsanto, Johnson & Johnson, Philips, Gilead, and other corporations, do not actually go to trial. If they did, the process would take literally hundreds of years. Instead, a relatively...
EPA Seeks to Classify PFOA/PFOS as Hazardous Substances
  The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS), two of the most common per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), as hazardous substances. This would classify them as Superfund chemicals under the Comprehensive Environmental Response,...
La Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA por sus siglas en inglés) busca clasificar los PFOA/PFOS como sustancias peligrosas
  La Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA por sus siglas en inglés) busca calificar el ácido perfluorooctanoico (PFOA por sus siglas en inglés) y el ácido perfluorooctanosulfónico (PFOS por sus siglas en inglés), dos de las sustancias perfluoroalquiladas y polifluoroalquiladas...
Convirtiendo el Black Friday (Viernes Negro) en Green Friday (Viernes Verde)
El verde tal vez no sea el color que asociamos con el día del año más entretenido de compras. Sin embargo, es el nombre que muchas empresas ahora están poniendo a su versión de lo que se ha convertido en...
Your Mental Health Matters: Resources for Coping, Grief and Loss
We often say that together we’re making a difference, and we are. We’re standing up to corporations and holding them accountable for causing harm, and we’re changing the way they do business. But we also recognize that every one of...
14 Baby Deaths Lead to Warning About Baby Rockers, Swings, Recliners
After 14 recent deaths, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is warning parents to avoid allowing their infants to sleep in inclined baby rockers, gliders, soothers, and swings. The federal agency is also telling parents to never leave babies...
Talc Pulled from Store Shelves Around the World! Together, We Did This.
We’ve done it! Johnson & Johnson has announced that it will remove talc from all of their baby powders – not just in North America, but around the world! Our OnderLaw team is proud to stand beside thousands of women...
La Historia de las Prácticas Cuestionables y Contaminación de Parte de Monsanto
  Durante años, Monsanto contaminaba su tierra. La empresa sabía que no podía defenderse. Ahora sí pueden. En una seria de informes especiales llamados “Contaminación, Pobreza y Gente de Color: Tierra Sucia y Diabetes” (Pollution, Poverty, and People of Color:...
Monsanto’s History of Questionable Practices and Pollution
  For years, Monsanto polluted their land. The corporation knew they couldn't fight back. Now they can. In a series of special reports called "Pollution, Poverty, and People of Color: Dirty Soil and Diabetes," Scientific American reporter Brett Israel revealed...
Do I Need an Attorney for My Camp Lejeune Toxic Water Claim?
Many current and former Marines, their families, and contracted workers who have lived and worked at US Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune are learning that there will soon be compensation available for their cancers, Parkinson's disease, stillborn babies, children born...
Why Are Medical Records Important to My Case?
Medical records are one of the last things most people think about when they are injured. Most people want to focus on recovering, and rightfully so. But behind the scenes, doctors, nurses, and other professionals compile a story of that...
Camp Lejeune Cancers Caused by Contaminated Water
From 1953 to 1987, U.S. Marines and their families were lied to while they drank and bathed in toxic water at U.S. Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune. When they complained about the taste and smell of the water, they were...
Four Ways to Prevent Truck Accidents
The idea of being in a truck accident is frightening. A fully loaded tractor-trailer generally weighs around 80,000 pounds. The average car weighs just 4,000 pounds. Of the 37,133 fatal accidents in a recent year, over 13 percent of them...
Justice Begins for Camp Lejeune Marines with Cancer from Contaminated Water
Serving in the United States military is about pride and honor. Those willing to fight for our country have earned respect — often in difficult ways. But what the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and Department of Defense...
What You Need to Know About Calculating Lost Wages
Accidents can happen anywhere and at any time, and the consequences can be devastating. When a person is injured in an accident that was the fault of another party, they have the right to file a claim for compensation. Understandably,...
How to Read an Accident Report
If you have recently been in an accident in the state of Missouri, chances are that a police officer arrived to create a Missouri Uniform Crash Report. This is often called an “accident report” colloquially. Missouri law states that law...
Five Ways to Prevent Bicycle Accidents
As the weather warms up and the COVID emergency diminishes, people are getting out more and riding their bicycles. We all like the exercise and low gas costs of riding a bike, but there’s no doubt that bicycle accidents are...
Best Ways to Secure Medical Records
These days, everything is online and seemingly available to everyone. That includes medical records and files. This is very convenient for you and your doctor since you can travel from doctor to doctor and even state to state, with your...
Why Do Truck Accident Cases Take So Long to Settle?
Accidents between large trucks and passenger cars are often challenging to handle. Since commercial trucks, such as tractor-trailers, can weigh up to 80,000 pounds and compact cars weigh around 3,000 pounds, it's an instant mismatch. The smaller vehicle occupants typically...
Exactech Hip and Knee Replacement Recall Lawsuits
What is Behind Exactech Lawsuits? Hundreds of thousands of people who underwent hip and knee replacement surgeries are now eligible to file a lawsuit for their faulty implants. Exactech, headquartered in Gainesville, Florida, has removed all models of hip and...
A New Low: J&J Tested Talc and Asbestos on Black Prisoners
Recently released documents from prison studies conducted in the 1960s and 1970s have revealed another chink in the armor of Johnson & Johnson's "family friendly" reputation. The baby powder giant was injecting primarily Black prisoners at Holmesberg Prison in Pennsylvania...
Lejeune Justice Act for Marines with Cancer Passes House, Heads to Senate
Camp Lejeune Justice Bill A bill aimed at helping Camp Lejeune Marines affected by toxic water passed the U.S. House and is on its way to the Senate. If it passes, the Camp Lejeune Justice Act, introduced by U.S Senators...
What You Need to Know About Documenting Your Pain and Suffering
When you seek a settlement in an insurance claim, the process can be straightforward. It might not be a challenge to prove some aspects of your case, such as fault and total incurred medical expenses. However, other parts of a...
Similac PM 60/40 Baby Formula Recalled After Infant Illnesses, Deaths
If your child is suffering a Cronobacter or Salmonella infection after being fed recalled baby formula Similac PM 60/40, EleCare, or Alimentum, contact OnderLaw's child protection unit at (844) 346-3457. The FDA is investigating the illnesses or deaths of five infants...
J&J Bankruptcy to Move Forward; Trials Halted
See the Court's response to talc-related cancer victims' Motion to Dismiss J&J subsidiary, LTL Management, LLC's bankruptcy. As you can tell, the judge was forced to comply with a loophole in bankruptcy law that is allowing the corporate giant to...
How to Prove My Job Caused My Accident
When you experience an injury that has come about as the result of someone else’s negligence or recklessness, it can be difficult to focus on the steps you need to take to prove that another party is at fault. Being...
Why Are Medical Records Important to My Personal Injury Case?
If you are filing a personal injury claim, you might wonder why your legal team finds it necessary to access your whole medical history. Understandably, many people initially find such a request somewhat intrusive. However, it is important to understand...
At least 1 injured when vehicle slams into guardrail on I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - One person was hospitalized after a car struck a guardrail on westbound I-270 near McDonnell Boulevard this morning, Fox 2 reports. Emergency responders were called to the scene at about 5 a.m. Tuesday, and performed CPR...
Accident reported on westbound I-70 west of St. Charles
ST. CHARLES, MO - An accident is blocking at least one lane of westbound I-70 at SR-370, Fox 2 reports. The collision was first reported at 3:27 p.m., and continues to affect traffic in the area nearly an hour later....
Debris from Earth City Expressway overpass shatters man’s windshield
ST. CHARLES CO., MO - A man's windshield was shattered last Thursday by debris that fell from an overpass over SR-370, Fox 2 reports. Steve Yarber was driving east on SR-370 when an object fell from the Earth City Expressway...
2 SLMPD officers injured by speeding driver near St. Louis University
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department officers were injured yesterday evening when they were hit by a vehicle while working the scene of a previous accident, KMOX reports. The collision happened on westbound I-64/40 near S...
Authorities report accident on Cave Springs at W. Clay
ST. LOUIS, MO- An accident happened on Cave Springs at W. Clay on the morning of January 24, Lance Hildebrand reports. ST. PETERS Cave Springs at W. Clay, there's an accident reported#Y98 #STL @Y98 #STLtraffic #STLnews @Audacy Follow me on...
Crash affects commuters on Highway 100 at Highway 44
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash took place on Highway 100 at Highway 44 on the morning of January 24, Lance Hildebrand reports. VILLA RIDGE Hwy. 100, at the Hwy. 44 overpass, there's a crash reported (that's the overpass at exit...
Crash slows traffic on Westbound 70 at Madison
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to Lance Hildebrand, a crash took place on Westbound 70 at Madison on the morning of January 24. Downtown on westbound 70, near Madison, that crash has been cleared from the right side of the highway#Y98...
Accident impacts traffic on Southbound 55 at Meramec Bottom Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to Lance Hildebrand, an accident took place on Southbound 55 at Meramec Bottom Road on the morning of January 24. Southbound 55, before Meramec Bottom Road, a report of an accident#Y98 #STL @Y98 #STLtraffic #STLnews @Audacy...
2 injured in T-bone collision in O’Fallon
O'FALLON, MO - Two people were injured yesterday when their vehicle was T-boned at an intersection in southeast O'Fallon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. A 2014 Subaru Crosstrek was traveling west on E Terra Lane at around noon...
2 injured in T-bone collision in O’Fallon
O'FALLON, MO - Two people were injured yesterday when their vehicle was T-boned at an intersection in southeast O'Fallon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. A 2014 Subaru Crosstrek was traveling west on E Terra Lane at around noon...
2 injured in T-bone collision in O’Fallon
O'FALLON, MO - Two people were injured yesterday when their vehicle was T-boned at an intersection in southeast O'Fallon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. A 2014 Subaru Crosstrek was traveling west on E Terra Lane at around noon...
Car crashes, erupts in flames after driver shot in north St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO - A car crashed and subsequently erupted in flames in north St. Louis early this morning after its driver was shot in the arm, Fox 2 Now reports. The car crashed in the vicinity of Mimika and...
Man injured in hit-and-run collision on I-70 in N St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO - A young man was injured when his vehicle was rear-ended by a hit-and-run driver on I-70 in north St. Louis yesterday evening, according to police reports. Keith Blocker, 18, was headed west on I-70 at about...
Firefighters pull 2 men, dog from crash on I-44 in Meramec Twp
MERAMEC TWP, MO - Firefighters with the Eureka and Fenton Fire Departments pulled two men and a dog from the wreckage of a truck crash on I-44 southwest of St. Louis earlier this month. Leader Publications reports that firefighters were...
Traffic collision reported on Cave Springs at Veterans Memorial Parkway
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to Lance Hildebrand, a collision happened on Cave Springs at Veterans Memorial Parkway on the afternoon of January 21. ST. PETERS Cave Springs at Veterans Memorial Pkwy., an accident reported#Y98 #STL @Y98 #STLtraffic #STLnews @Audacy Follow...
Crash slows traffic on Smizer Mill at Bowles
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash happened on Smizer Mill at Bowles on the afternoon of January 21, Lance Hildebrand reports. FENTON Smizer Mill at Bowles, a crash w/ injuries#Y98 #STL @Y98 #STLtraffic #STLnews @Audacy Follow me on Instagram, too --...
Traffic incident reported on 44 Westbound at Lindbergh
ST. LOUIS, MO- An accident happened on 44 Westbound at Lindbergh on the evening of January 21, Lance Hildebrand reports. Westbound 44, before Lindbergh, there's an accident w/ lane blockage#Y98 #STL @Y98 #STLtraffic #STLnews @Audacy Follow me on Instagram, too -- @Y98Lance...
Collision affects traffic on Highway 67 at Clark Bridge
ST. LOUIS, MO- A collision happened on Highway 67 at Clark Bridge on the evening of January 21, Lance Hildebrand reports. WEST ALTON Hwy. 67, south of the Clark Bridge, a report of an accident#Y98 #STL @Y98 #STLtraffic #STLnews @Audacy...
Pedestrian hit and killed in early-morning crash on Florissant Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO – A man reportedly lying in the roadway was fatally struck by a driver on Florissant Avenue last night, according to information from the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened at 10789 W Florissant Ave, near...
26-year-old man dead after being ejected during crash on Lakewood Trl
TROY, MO (LINCOLN COUNTY) – A 26-year-old man died after being ejected during a rollover crash on Lakewood Trail in Lincoln County this afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened at 99 Lakewood Trail near Creech...
Man accidentally shoots 2 teens
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 27-year-old man is in custody after accidentally shooting two teens Thursday, KSDK reports. The shooting happened around 9:50 a.m on the 3100 block of Michigan Avenue. The 27-year-old shot a 17-year-old in the leg and...
Driver seriously injured following crash on I-70 near Cave Springs Rd
O'FALLON, MO - A driver was seriously injured following a single-vehicle crash on I-70 EB near Cave Springs Rd Thursday, according to MSHP. At around 4:56 p.m., Brandon T Trendley, 35, was driving an Infinity G37 when he went off...
Crash blocks traffic at IL 41 and Knox Hwy 10
GALESBURG, IL - A car wreck disrupted traffic at IL 41 and Knox Hwy 10 Friday, Fox 2 Now reports. The crash happened around 9:05 a.m. It was cleared from the road at 3:15 p.m. Additional information is not available....
Firefighters injured battling blaze at Toni Marie Ct and Castle Ridge Dr
BALLWIN, MO - Two firefighters were hurt while they were battling a house fire at Toni Marie Ct and Castle Ridge Dr Friday, according to Fox 2 Now. Firefighters responded to the house fire around 1 a.m. The firefighters suffered...
Driver injured following 3-vehicle collision on I-70 near Airflight Dr
ST. LOUIS, MO - A driver was hurt after striking two other vehicles on I-70 near Airflight Dr Wednesay, according to MSHP. Steven R Hass, 68, was driving a Pontiac Grand Prix when he failed to stay in his lane...
Crash reported on I-70 WB near TR Hughes Blvd
O'FALLON, MO - According to MSHP, a person was injured in a two-vehicle collision on I-70 Wb east of TR Hughes Blvd Thursday. Jessica D Reed, 39, was driving a Chevrolet Suburban when her front left tire came off, causing...
Update: Officials release name of firefighter killed in roof collapse in NW St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to Fox 2 Now, the name of the firefighter who died in a roof collapse on the 5900 block of Cote Brilliante has been released. Fire crews were called to the scene of a fire...
Crash closes 2 lanes at MO 141 SB and Ladue Farm Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to Fox 2 Now, a car accident closed two lanes of traffic at MO 141 SB and Ladue Farm Rd Thursday. The crash was reported to authorities at 2:02 p.m. It is unclear if anyone...
Authorities report crash on I-170 SB at Airport Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash took place on I-170 SB at Airport Road on the afternoon of January 19, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. VEHICLE FIRE I-170 SB BEFORE AIRPORT RD 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 1:05 PM —...
Authorities respond to accident on I-44 EB at Six Flags Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- An accident happened on I-44 EB at Six Flags Road on the morning of January 19, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-44 EB PAST SIX FLAGS RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 5:48 — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Accident blocks traffic on I-55 NB at Route A
ST. LOUIS, MO- An accident happened on I-55 NB at Route A on the morning of January 19, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-55 NB PAST ROUTE A RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 8:39 AM — MoDOT STL...
Traffic incident reported on I-70 WB at Wentzville Parkway
ST, LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, an accident happened on I-70 WB at Wentzville Parkway on the afternoon of January 19. CRASH I-70 WB PAST WENTZVILLE PKWY LEFT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 1:16 PM — MoDOT STL...
Driver strikes ditch, injures 2 near Bridgeton
ST. CHARLES, MO - A passenger was injured in a single-vehicle crash in the northbound ramp from I-270 to MO 370 Saturday, according to MSHP. At around 9:05 a.m., James B Reasons, 90 drove off the side of the road...
Driver crashes into guardrail, injures passenger at Butler Hill Rd and I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO - One person was hurt in a crash at Butler Hill Rd and I-55 Tuesday, according to MSHP. Johnny R Shoopman, 43, was driving a Cadillac Escalade when he lost control of the vehicle and collided with...
Wreck disrupts traffic on I-70 WB near Wentzville Pkwy
WENTZVILLE, MO - According to MoDOT STL, the left lane of I-70 WB past Wentzville Pkwy was blocked by a car crash Wednesday. CRASH I-70 WB PAST WENTZVILLE PKWY LEFT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 1:16 PM — MoDOT STL...
Car accident reported on I-44 EB near Six Flags Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO - Emergency crews were dispatched to a crash on I-44 EB past Six Flags Rd Wednesday, according to MoDOT STL. CRASH I-44 EB PAST SIX FLAGS RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 5:48 — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Accident affects traffic on US-67 at Waterford Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- An accident happened on US-67 at Waterford Road on the afternoon of January 18, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH US 67 NB PAST WATERFORD DR RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 12:54 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Authorities report accident on I-270 SB at I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO- An accident happened on I-270 SB at I-64 on the afternoon of January 18, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-270 SB PAST I-64 LEFT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:21 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Collision affects traffic on I-270 SB at I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO- Authorities responded to a collision on I-270 SB at I-64 on the evening of January 18, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-270 SB AT I-64 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 7:57 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Accident blocks traffic on I-55 NB at Mcnutt Street
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, an accident happened on I-55 NB at Mcnutt Street on the evening of January 18. CRASH I-55 NB PAST MCNUTT ST RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 7:51 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Emergency crews clear crash on I-270 SB near I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO - A car wreck was reported on I-270 SB past I-64 Tuesday, according to MoDOT STL. CRASH I-270 SB PAST I-64 CLEARED AT 3:45 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) January 18, 2022 It is unclear precisely...
2 injured after driver runs stop sign at MO 30 EB and Delores Dr
FENTON, MO - According to MSHP, two people suffered minor injuries following a two-vehicle collision at MO-30 and Delores Dr Tuesday. At around 10:30 a.m., Ted Woeber, 55, was driving a Chevrolet Spark when he ran a stop sign and...
Man dies following 2-vehicle crash near IL 158 and Besse Ln
MILLSTADT TOWNSHIP, IL - According to KMOV, police responded to a fatal 2-car collision near IL 158 and Besse Ln Monday. The driver of a box truck failed to yield to a red Dodge Truck driven by Steven Vaughn, 56,...
Crash disrupts traffic near Maryland Heights
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to Fox 2 Now, the right lane of I-270 SB and Dorsett Rd was closed due to a traffic accident Tuesday. The incident occurred around 2:05. Crews had the area cleared at 3:50 p.m. The...
Authorities respond to collision on I-70 WB at Riverview
ST. LOUIS, MO- A collision took place on I-70 WB at Riverview on the morning of January 17, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-70 WB BEFORE RIVERVIEW 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 10:45 AM — MoDOT STL...
Collision impacts traffic on I-44 WB at I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a collision took place on I-44 WB at I-64 on the morning of January 17. CRASH I-44 WB BEFORE I-64 RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 1:08 — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Crash affects traffic on MO 364 at MO 94
ST. LOUIS, MO-  A crash took place on MO 364 at MO 94 on the afternoon of January 17, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH MO 364 WB PAST MO 94 WB RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:48 PM...
Accident Blocks Traffic on I-70 WB at Bermuda Road
ST. LOUIS, MO-  An accident happened on I-70 WB at Bermuda Road on the afternoon of January 17, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-70 WB AT BERMUDA RD 2 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 5:34 PM — MoDOT STL...
Emergency crews clear crash at I-70 EB and Bryan Rd
O'FALLON, MO - According to MoDOT STL, crews responded to an automobile accident at I-70 EB and Bryan Rd Monday. CRASH I-70 EB AT BRYAN RD CLEARED AT 11:18 AM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) January 17, 2022 It is...
Troopers respond to crash on MO 21
UNION TOWNSHIP, MO - A two-vehicle collision was reported on MO 21 near Tindall Rd Sunday, according to MSHP. Kelly M. Dasher, 24, was operating a Chevrolet Lumina when she struck the side of a Dodge Ram driven by Kevin...
Police investigate fatal crash on S Illinois St
MILLSTADT, IL - A fatal crash was reported on the 6500 block of S Illinois St Monday, according to KMOV. First responders were called to the scene of the crash around 12:30 p.m. Additional details are not available. This article...
First responders at scene of rollover crash on I-55 near Washington Park
ST. CLAIR COUNTY, IL -A rollover crash was reported on I-55 near Washington Park and Woodriver Monday, according to FOX 2 Now. A driver struck a guardrail on the interstate around 1 a.m. The impact caused the vehicle to go...
Collision affects traffic on I-44 WB on- ramp at I-64 WB
ST. LOUIS, MO- A collision happened on I-44 WB on-ramp at I-64 WB on the morning of January 16, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-44 WB ON RAMP FROM I-64 WB RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:30 — MoDOT STL...
Collision blocks traffic on I-44 WB at I-270
ST. LOUIS MO- MoDOT STL Traffic reports that a collision took place on I-44 WB at I-270 on the evening of January 16. CRASH I-44 WB AT I-270 LEFT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 5:33 — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) January...
Accident impacts traffic on I-270 SB at I-70 WB
ST. LOUIS, MO- An accident happened on I-270 SB at I-70 WB on the afternoon of January 16, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-270 SB TO I-70 WB RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 3:39 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Crash blocks traffic on W 340 MO at Fee Fee Road CST
ST. LOUIS, MO- MoDOT STL Traffic reports that a crash took place on W 340 MO at Fee Fee Road CST on the afternoon of January 16. CRASH W 340 MO AT FEE FEE RD CST RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST....
Two people hurt in hit-and-run crash on Blair Ave and Madison St
ST. LOUIS, MO – Two people were injured following a hit-and-run crash that happened on Blair Avenue on Thursday afternoon, according to information from the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department. The crash happened near the intersection of Blair Ave and...
Girl and woman hospitalized after rollover crash on Hwy 32 near Salem
SALEM, MO (DENT COUNTY) – A woman and a 10-year-old girl were injured in a single-vehicle rollover crash on Highway 32 west of Salem yesterday morning, according to information from the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened on Highway...
Kentucky woman dead after being dragged by semi-truck on Hwy W
FORISTELL, MO (ST. CHARLES COUNTY) – A woman from Kentucky was fatally hit and dragged by a truck on Highway W in the Foristell area this morning, according to information from the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened at...
Crash reported on I-64 past Boones Crossing
CHESTERFIELD, MO - Emergency crews cleared a crash on I-64 EB past Boones Crossing Friday, according to MoDOT STL. CRASH I-64 EB PAST BOONES CROSSING LEFT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 3:19 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) January 14, 2022...
Traffic accident blocks right lane of I-70 EB past Airflight Dr
ST. LOUIS, MO - A car wreck was reported on I-70 EB past Airflight Dr Friday, according to MoDOT STL. CRASH I-70 EB PAST AIRFLIGHT DR RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 3:10 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) January 14,...
Fatal hit-and-run collision reported at West Florissant Ave and Riverview Blvd
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to KSDK, a hit-and-run driver fatally T-boned another driver at West Florissant ave and Riverview Blvd Wednesday. The driver of a Pontiac Bonneville was driving at excessive speeds on West Florissant Ave when it ran...
Driver fatally strikes pedestrian near Dutchtown
ST. LOUIS, MO - A driver fatally collided with a pedestrian at Chippewa St and Hydraulic Ave Thursday, according to Fox 2 Now. First responders were called to the scene around 6:10 p.m. Authorities have not yet disclosed the names...
Collision blocks traffic on I-70 EB at Rivers Mall Drive
ST. LOUIS, MO-  According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a collision took place on I-70 EB at Rivers Mall Drive on the afternoon of January 13. CRASH I-70 EB BEFORE MID RIVERS MALL DR RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:08...
Accident affects traffic on I-55 NB at MO 141
ST. LOUIS, MO-  According to MoDOT STL Traffic, an accident took place on I-55 NB at MO 141 on the afternoon of January 13. CRASH I-55 NB BEFORE MO 141 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:00 PM — MoDOT STL...
Authorities report accident on I- 55 NB at Richardson Road
ST. LOUIS, MO-  An accident took place on I- 55 NB at Richardson Road on the afternoon of January 13, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-55 NB ON RAMP FROM RICHARDSON RD BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Driver rear-ends vehicle at MO 364 and South Henke Rd
LAKE SAINT LOUIS, MO - A driver struck the rear of another driver at MO 64 WB and South Henke Rd Wednesday, according to MSHP. Matthew J. Federhofer, 32, was driving a Kia Forte when he crashed into the back...
Traffic accident reported on I-64 EB before Vandeventer Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO - Emergency crews responded to a car wreck on I-64 EB before Vandeventer Ave Thursday, MoDOT STL reports. CRASH I-64 EB BEFORE VANDEVENTER AVE RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 11:35 AM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Emergency crews clear crash on I-70 EB before Mid Rivers Mall Dr
ST. PETERS, MO - A car accident was reported on I-70 Eb before Mid Rivers Mall Dr Thursday, according to MoDOT STL. CRASH I-70 EB BEFORE MID RIVERS MALL DR USE CENTER LANES EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 3:53 PM — MoDOT...
Roof collapse kills firefighter on Cote Brilliante
ST. LOUIS, MO - A firefighter died when a roof collapsed on him on the 5900 block of Cote Brilliante Thursday, according to KMOV. Dispatchers received calls concerning a fire at a two-story brick building around noon. Firefighters arrived and...
Crash blocks traffic on MO 364 at Bryan Road
ST.  LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a crash happened on MO 364 at Bryan Road on the afternoon of January 12. CRASH MO 364 WB PAST BRYAN RD RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 3:34 PM — MoDOT...
Crash impacts traffic on I-70 WB at MO 141
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash happened on I-70 WB at MO 141 on the afternoon of January 12, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-70 WB AT MO 141 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:35 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Accident blocks traffic on I-64 EB at Big Bend Boulevard
ST. LOUIS, MO- MoDOT STL Traffic reports that an accident took place on I-64 EB at Big Bend Boulevard on the afternoon of  January 12. CRASH I-64 EB BEFORE BIG BEND BLVD 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:09...
Crash takes place on I-170 WB at I-170
ST. LOUIS, MO- Authorities responded to a crash on I-170 WB at I-170 on the evening of January 12, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-70 WB PAST I-170 BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 7:57 PM — MoDOT STL...
Emergency crews cleared crash at WB I-70 and MO 141
ST. LOUIS, MO - A car crash blocked the right shoulder of WB I-70 and MO 141 Wednesday, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-70 WB AT MO 141 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:35 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Accident reported near North Clayton
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to Fox 2 Now, emergency crews were dispatched to a crash at Delmar Blvd and NB I-170 Wednesday. The incident blocked the right lane of traffic around 3:27 p.m. Crews had the area cleared by...
Police investigate fatal hit-and-run crash near Jennings
ST. LOUIS, MO - A hit-and-run driver fatally struck another vehicle at West Florissant Ave and Riverview Blvd Wednesday, according to KMOV. Emergency crews responded to the two-vehicle collision around 10:15 a.m. Police are looking for a driver who fled...
Officials ID Plane Crash Victims
ST. CHARLES, MO - Officials have named the two pilots who died in a plane crash Saturday, KY3 reports. George King, 55, and Amanda Youngblood, 35, were pilots for cargo airline AirNet II LLC. They departed Spirit of St. Louis...
Accident slows traffic on S Hampton Avenue at I-64 WB
ST. LOUIS, MO- An accident happened on S Hampton Avenue at I-64 WB on the afternoon of January 11, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH S HAMPTON AVE CST AT I-64 WB RP 2 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Authorities report accident on I- 55 SB at Route Z
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, an accident happened on I- 55 SB  at Route Z on the afternoon of January 11. CRASH I-55 SB BEFORE ROUTE Z RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 5:07 PM — MoDOT...
Crash affects traffic on I-44 WB at Arsenal Street
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash took place on I-44 WB at Arsenal Street on the evening of January 11, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-44 WB PAST ARSENAL ST 3 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:40 PM —...
Collision blocks traffic on I-70 EB at Fifth Street
ST. LOUIS, MO- MoDOT STL Traffic reports that a collision took place on I-70 EB at Fifth Street on the evening of January 11. CRASH I-70 EB AT FIFTH ST RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 8:59 PM — MoDOT STL...
Troopers respond to hit-and-run collision on I-270 at MM 208.8
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - A driver fled the area after colliding with another driver on I-270 Monday, according to MSHP. The suspect was driving west on I-270 when they changed lanes and collided with a Toyota Corolla driven by...
3 injured following 2-car collision at Lake St. Louis Blvd and WB I-64
LAKE ST. LOUIS, MO - Three people suffered injuries following a two-car collision at Lake St. Louis Blvd and WB I-64 Monday, MSHP reports. Lacy A. Gambill, 49, was driving a Nissan Murano when she rear-ended a Honda CRV driven...
Emergency crews clear crash near Clayton-Tamm
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash was reported at S Hampton Ave and WB I-64 Tuesday, according to MoDOT STL. CRASH S HAMPTON AVE CST AT I-64 WB RP RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 1:18 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Plane crash kills 2 near St. Louis
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - A plane crash claimed the lives of two people Saturday, KDVR reports. The twin-engine Beech 58 plane departed from Spirit of St. Louis Airport in Chesterfield and was heading to Centennial Airport in Englewood, Colorado....
Authorities respond to collision on I -70 EB at Lucas & Hunt Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a collision happened on I-70 EB at Lucas & Hunt Road on the morning of January 10. CRASH I-70 EB BEFORE LUCAS & HUNT RD 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Accident impacts traffic on MO 141 NB at MO 370
ST. LOUIS, MO- MoDOT STL Traffic reports that an accident took place on MO 141 NB at MO 370 on the afternoon of January 10. CRASH MO 141 NB TO MO 370 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:44...
Accident affects traffic on I-270 EB at MO 367 NB
ST. LOUIS, MO-  According to MoDOT STL Traffic, an accident happened on I-270 EB at MO 367 NB on the evening of January 10. CRASH I-270 EB TO MO 367 NB BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:27 PM...
Crash affects traffic on I-270 NB at Dougherty Ferry Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash happened on I-270 NB at Dougherty Ferry Road on the evening of January 10, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-270 NB BEFORE DOUGHERTY FERRY RD RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 7:43 PM —...
Car wreck reported on I-70 near Lucas and Hunt Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO - First responders were dispatched to a traffic accident on I-70 before Lucas and Hunt Rd Monday, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-70 EB BEFORE LUCAS & HUNT RD 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Troopers respond to head-on collision on I-270 near MM 15.2
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO - Two people were hurt following a two-vehicle collision on I-270 near MM 15.2 Sunday, MSHP reports. Victoria C. Hanson, 25, was driving a Ford Focus on SB I-270 when she lost control of her vehicle...
Man dies following apartment fire on Prospect Village Ln
MANCHESTER, MO - An apartment fire on Prospect Village Ln claimed the life of a man Monday, Fox 2 reports. Firefighters were dispatched to the scene around 3 a.m. The fire damaged at least three apartments. Officials have not released...
State police investigate fatal single-vehicle crash on Il 255 near MM 6
MADISON COUNTY, IL - According to Fox 2, a woman died in a single-vehicle rollover crash on Il 255 near MM 6 Saturday. Chimanita Dodd was driving a Chevrolet Blazer when she crashed and was ejected from her vehicle. The...
Accident blocks traffic on EB I-64 at Grand Boulevard
ST. LOUIS, MO- MoDOT STL Traffic reports that an accident took place on EB I-64 at Grand Boulevard on the morning of January 9. CRASH I-64 EB PAST GRAND BLVD 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:39 AM —...
Accident impacts traffic on I-270 NB at MO 370
ST. LOUIS, MO-  An accident took place on I-270 NB at MO 370 on the morning of January 9, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-270 NB BEFORE MO 370 RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 7:37 AM — MoDOT STL...
Crash affects commuters on I-55 NB at Virginia Avenue
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash took place on I-55 NB at Virginia Avenue on the morning of January 9, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-55 NB AT VIRGINIA AVE 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 11:53 AM —...
Collision blocks traffic on I-64 at Research Park CIR
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a collision took place on I-64 at Research Park CIR on the evening of January 9. CRASH I-64 EB PAST RESEARCH PARK CIR LEFT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 7:36 PM —...
11-year-old, 2 women hurt after driver allegedly runs light on Gravois Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO – Three people, including an 11-year-old girl, were injured in a crash after a driver reportedly ran a red light on Gravois Road this morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred on eastbound...
Man dead after head-on crash on State Hwy W in Lincoln County
TROY, MO – A man was killed in a head-on, multi-vehicle crash on State Highway W in Lincoln County this evening, according to information from the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened at 2910 SH W at 5:37 p.m.,...
One dead, two injured in crash on I-55 near Arsenal St
ST. LOUIS, MO – One person was killed and two others were injured in a collision on I-55 in South St. Louis this morning, according to information from KMOV 4. The crash happened on northbound I-55 near Arsenal Street at...
2 injured following rollover crash on Hwy 21 north of Grassy Ln
DE SOTO, MO - According to MSHP, two people were injured in a single-vehicle rollover crash on Hwy 21 north of Grassy Ln Friday. Steven L McCarter, 60, was driving a Ford F-150 south on Hwy 21 when he drove...
Emergency crews clear crash near Green Park
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a car wreck was reported on SB I-55 before Lindbergh Blvd Friday. CRASH I-55 SB BEFORE LINDBERGH BLVD BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:07 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Driver fatally collides with pedestrian on I-70
WARREN COUNTY, MO - A driver fatally struck and killed a man who was chasing a dog on I-70 Thursday, according to KSDK. A woman driving a Honda Civic on WB I-70 struck David Courtway, 55, as he entered the...
Crash disrupts traffic at I-70 and Cave Springs Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to Fox 2 Now, the right lane of traffic at WB I-70 and Cave Springs Rd was blocked by a car wreck Friday. Crews had the roadway cleared by 2:27 p.m. Additional details are not...
Accident blocks traffic on I-255 WB at Lindbergh Boulevard
ST. LOUIS, MO- An accident took place on I-255 WB at Lindbergh Boulevard on the morning of January 6, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-255 WB PAST LINDBERGH BLVD 2 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 7:43 AM —...
Accident impacts traffic on I-44 EB at Elm Avenue
ST. LOUIS, MO-  An accident took place on I-44 EB at Elm Avenue on the morning of January 6, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-44 EB AT ELM AVE 2 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 8:29 AM —...
Crash affects commuters on I- 55 SB at Exit 4 Route E / Cooter / Holland MM 4.0
ST. LOUIS, MO- MoDOT STL Traffic reports that a crash took place on I- 55 SB at Exit 4 Route E / Cooter / Holland MM 4.0 on the afternoon of January 6. CRASH I-55 SB PAST EXIT 4 ROUTE...
Collision blocks traffic on MO 141 NB at I- 44
ST. LOUIS, MO- A collision happened on MO 141 NB at I- 44 on the afternoon of January 6, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH MO 141 NB AT I-44 LEFT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 3:21 PM — MoDOT STL...
Driver rear-ends vehicle at Lisa Rd and Old Hwy 21
BARNHART, MO - A driver was injured following a two-car collision on Old Hwy 21 south of Lisa Rd Thursday, according to MSHP. Mary A Allbright, 58, was driving a Chevrolet Trax when she struck the rear of a Kia...
Crews respond to crash on I-255 past Lindbergh Blvd
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a car accident blocked two left lanes of WB I-255 past Lindbergh Blvd. CRASH I-255 WB PAST LINDBERGH BLVD 2 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 7:43 AM — MoDOT STL...
Wreck closes left lane at NB MO 141 and I-44
ST. LOUIS, MO - The left lane of traffic of NB MO 141 and I-44 was closed due to a car accident Thursday, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH MO 141 NB AT I-44 LEFT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 3:21...
Single-vehicle rollover crash reported on Poplar Street Bridge
ST. LOUIS, MO - A bystander helped a motorist get out of their SUV following a rollover crash on the Poplar Street Bridge Thursday, according to Fox 2 Now. First responders were called to the crash site around 1 a.m....
Crash affects traffic on EB I-44 at Washington
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash happened on EB I-44 at Washington on the morning of January 5, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-44 EB BEFORE WASHINGTON RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 10:00 AM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Accident impacts traffic on I-64 EB at I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO -  According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a crash took place on I-64 EB at I-270 on the morning of January 5. CRASH I-64 EB PAST I-270 RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 1:50 PM — MoDOT STL...
Accident blocks traffic on I-44 WB at MO 141
ST. LOUIS, MO- An accident took place on I-44 WB at MO 141 on the afternoon of January 5, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-44 WB PAST MO 141 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 3:07 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Crash affects commuters on WB I-70 at O’ Fallon Park
ST. LOUIS, MO-  MoDOT STL Traffic reports that a crash took place on WB I-70 at O' Fallon Park on the afternoon of January 5. CRASH I-70 WB AT O'FALLON PARK RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 5:57 PM —...
Crash reported on EB I-64 past I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to MoDOT STL Traffic, first responders were dispatched to the scene of an accident Wednesday. CRASH I-64 EB PAST I-270 RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 1:50 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) January 5,...
Emergency crews clear crash on I-44 near MO 141
ST. LOUIS, MO - A wreck was reported on WB I-44 past MO 141 Wednesday, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-44 WB PAST MO 141 CLEARED AT 3:04 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) January 5, 2022 The crash...
Driver crashes near Larry Flint’s Hustler Club while fleeing police
WASHINGTON PARK, Il - According to Fox 2, two people were hurt when a driver fleeing from the police crashed near Larry Flint’s Hustler Club Wednesday. The pursuit began around 1:45 a.m. The driver exited I-64 at Kingshighway before rolling...
Fatal single vehicle crash reported near Cahokia High School
CAHOKIA HEIGHTS, IL - Police responded to a fatal single-vehicle wreck at Mildred Ave and Range Ln Tuesday, according to Fox 2. At around 10:30 p.m. the driver failed to stop at an intersection and struck a shed and a...
Collision impacts traffic on I-55 NB at MO 141
ST. LOUIS, MO- MoDOT STL Traffic reports that a collision took place on I-55 NB at MO 141 on the evening of January 3. CRASH I-55 NB AT MO 141 LEFT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 10:32 PM — MoDOT...
Accident blocks traffic on WB I-70 at St. Charles Rock Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- An accident took place on WB I-70 at St. Charles Rock Road on the morning of January 4, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. INCIDENT I-70 WB PAST ST CHARLES ROCK RD RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Accident impacts traffic on WB I-70 at MO 370
ST. LOUIS, MO- An accident took place on WB I-70 at MO 370 on the afternoon of January 4, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-70 WB PAST MO 370 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:15 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Collision blocks traffic on I- 64 WB at Prospect Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a collision happened on I- 64 WB at Prospect Road on the afternoon of January 4. CRASH I-64 WB AT PROSPECT RD LEFT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 5:53 PM — MoDOT...
MSHP troopers respond to head-on collision on Hwy YY near Hwy 185
WASHINGTON, MO - A head-on collision was reported on Hwy YY west of Hwy 185 Tuesday, according to MSHP. Tracey L Bade, 60, was driving a Chevrolet Cruze east on Hwy YY when he collided head-on with a Ford Explorer...
Emergency crews clear crash on- I-70 near Fifth St
ST. CHARLES, MO - First responders were dispatched to a traffic accident on westbound I-70 past 5th St Tuesday, MoDOT STL reports. CRASH I-70 WB PAST FIFTH ST BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 9:44 AM — MoDOT STL...
Car accident blocks right shoulder of I-70 near MO 370
ST. LOUIS, MO - A car accident blocked the right shoulder of westbound I-70 past MO 370 Tuesday, according to MoDOT STL. CRASH I-70 WB PAST MO 370 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:15 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Wrong-way driver collides with SUV, kills 4 on Hwy 63 north of Columbia
COLUMBIA, MO - A wrong-way driver fatally struck a SUV on Hwy 63 near Columbia Monday, KSDK reports. Keith Sumner, 19, was driving south in the northbound lanes when he struck an SUV driven by Jessica McKinlay, 29, around 7:30...
Accident impacts traffic on MO 141 NB at Fiedler Lane
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, an accident took place on MO 141 NB at Fiedler Lane on the morning of January 3. CRASH MO 141 NB PAST FIEDLER LN RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 1:27 PM...
Crash affects traffic on I-270 EB at Mcdonnnell Boulevard
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a crash happened on I-270 EB at Mcdonnnell Boulevard on the afternoon of January 3. CRASH I-270 EB NB AT MCDONNELL BLVD LEFT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 5:24 PM — MoDOT...
Crash affects commuters on I-270 NB at Dougherty Ferry Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash happened on I-270 NB at Dougherty Ferry Road on the afternoon of January 3, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-270 NB BEFORE DOUGHERTY FERRY RD RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 5:50 PM —...
Accident blocks traffic on I-44 WB at I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO- MoDOT STL Traffic reports that a crash took place on I-44 WB at I-270 on the evening of January 3. CRASH I-44 WB PAST I-270 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 9:06 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Crews clear traffic accident near Dellwood
ST. LOUIS, MO - A car accident was reported at eastbound I-270 and West Florissant Ave Monday, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-270 EB AT WEST FLORISSANT AVE RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:54 PM — MoDOT STL...
Car accident disrupts traffic near Glasgow Village
ST. LOUIS, MO - The right lane of westbound I-270 and Lilac Ave was blocked by a wreck Monday, according to Fox 2 Now. The incident was reported to authorities at 2:10 p.m. It was cleared by emergency crews by...
Driver fatally collides with semi-truck on I-57 near Mount Vernon
MOUNT VERNON, MO - A driver fatally struck a semi-truck on I-57 Wednesday, according to The Telegraph. Terry Stromski, 76, was driving a GMC Sierra truck when he collided with a stopped semi-truck operated by Nodell D. Graves, 31, around...
2 people hurt when teen crashes into tree at Old Lemay Ferry Rd and Frisco Hill Rd
IMPERIAL TOWNSHIP, MO - According to MSHP, two teens were hurt in a single-vehicle crash at Old Lemay Ferry Rd and Frisco Hill Rd Monday. The 17-year-old driver of a Chevy Cavalier attempted to pass a vehicle in a no-passing...
Accident impacts traffic on I-64 EB at 14Th Street
ST. LOUIS,MO- An accident happened on I-64 EB at 14Th Street on the morning of January 2, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-64 EB BEFORE 14TH ST BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 2:39 AM — MoDOT STL...
Crash affects traffic on I-44 WB at I-64 WB
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a crash happened on I-44 WB at I-64 WB on the afternoon of January 2. CRASH I-44 WB BEFORE I-64 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 7:34 AM — MoDOT STL...
Collision affects commuters on US 67 SB at Route D
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a collision happened on US 67 SB at Route D on the morning of January 2. CRASH US 67 SB PAST ROUTE D RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 7:14 AM —...
Accident blocks traffic on I-70 WB at St. Charles Rock Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- MoDOT STL Traffic reports that an accident took place on I-70 WB at St. Charles Rock Road on the afternoon of January 2. CRASH I-70 WB PAST ST CHARLES ROCK RD LEFT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Accident reported near St John
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to Fox 2 Now, the right lane of eastbound I-170 at MO 180 was closed due to a traffic accident Thursday. The traffic accident was reported to authorities at 3:20 p.m. Emergency crews had the...
Wreck closes left lane at EB I-64 near McKnight Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO - The left lane of eastbound I-64 before McKnight Rd was closed because of an accident Thursday, according to Fox 2 Now. Emergency crews were dispatched to the crash site at 3:19 p.m. They arrived at 3:48...
Driver injured after striking power poles
FERGUSON, MO - Emergency crews responded to an accident on Suburban Ave and South Clark Ave Thursday, Fox 2 Now reports. The driver struck two power poles in a rollover crash around 1 a.m. One of the power poles was...
Driver plows into T-Mobile store near Downtown
ST. LOUIS, MO - A driver slammed into a T-Mobile store near N Tucker Blvd and Washington Ave Wednesday, Fox 2 Now reports. First responders were called to the scene around 6:30 p.m. Of the two people inside the vehicle...
Collision affects traffic on I-270 SB at Tesson Ferry Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- A collision happened on I-270 SB at Tesson Ferry Road on the afternoon of December 29, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-270 SB TO TESSON FERRY RD BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:15 PM...
Accident impacts traffic on I-70 EB at Hanley Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- An accident took place on I-70 EB at Hanley Road on the evening of December 29, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-70 EB BEFORE HANLEY RD RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:23 PM — MoDOT STL...
Crash affects traffic on I-64 EB at I-270 NB
ST. LOUIS, MO- MoDOT STL Traffic reports that a crash took place onI-64 EB at I-270 NB on the evening of December 29. CRASH I-64 EB TO I-270 NB LEFT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 7:10 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Crash affects commuters on I-55 SB at Route M
ST. LOUIS, MO-  According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a crash took place on I-55 SB at Route M on the evening of December 29. CRASH I-55 SB AT ROUTE M 2 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 9:07 PM —...
2 hurt following 4-vehicle crash at EB I-70 and Cave Springs Blvd
ST. PETERS, MO - A four-vehicle collision was reported at eastbound I-70 and Cave Springs Blvd Tuesday, according to MSHP. Jamison Nash, 41, was driving a Ford Edge when he lost control of the vehicle around 8:05 a.m. and collided...
Emergency crews clear crash near Spanish Lake
ST. LOUIS, MO - A car crash closed the right lane of westbound I-270 past Riverview Dr Wednesday, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-270 WB PAST RIVERVIEW DR RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 5:04 PM — MoDOT STL...
Wreck closes exit ramp from EB I-44 to Jamieson Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to Fox 2 Now, the exit ramp from eastbound I-44 to Jamieson Ave was closed due to a car wreck Wednesday. Emergency crews were sent to clear the accident from the roadway at 3:22 p.m....
Man injured following rollover crash on Rte 3 near 4th St
VENICE, IL - A driver was hurt following a crash on Rte 3 near 4th St Wednesday, according to Fox 2 Now. Firefighters responded to the wreck around 1:45 a.m. They cut the driver from their vehicle and then transported...
Accident affects traffic on I-55 SB at Germania Avenue
ST. LOUIS, MO- MoDOT STL Traffic reports that an accident took place on I-55 SB at Germania Avenue on the afternoon of December 28. CRASH I-55 SB BEFORE GERMANIA AVE BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 3:29 PM —...
Crash affects commuters on I-55 SB at Loughborough
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a crash took place on I-55 SB at Loughborough on the afternoon of December 28. CRASH I-55 SB BEFORE LOUGHBOROUGH RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 18:08 — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) December...
Collision affects traffic on I-44 WB at I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash happened on I-44 WB at I-64 on the evening of December 28, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-44 WB BEFORE I-64 RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:57 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) December...
Crash affects commuters on I-64 EB at I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash happened on I-64 EB at I-270 on the evening of December 28, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-64 EB BEFORE I-270 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 8:19 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) December 29,...
Troopers respond to 2-vehicle collision on MO-185 and Acorn Rd
SULLIVAN, MO - A driver suffered minor injuries following a crash at MO 185 and Acorn Rd Monday, MSHP reports. Kaden L. Bayles, 25, was driving a GMC Sierra when he failed to yield to a Dodge Stratus driven by...
First responders dispatched to crash on WB I-270 past Florissant Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to MoDOT STL Traffic, emergency crews cleared a crash on westbound I-270 past Florissant Rd Tuesday. CRASH I-270 WB PAST NEW FLORISSANT RD CLEARED AT 12:25 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) December 28, 2021...
Emergency crews clear wreck on SB I-55 before Germania Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a traffic accident was reported on southbound I-55 near Germania Ave Tuesday. CRASH I-55 SB BEFORE GERMANIA AVE CLEARED AT 3:13 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) December 28, 2021 Emergency...
Fatal motorcycle crash reported on I-70 near Lindbergh
ST. LOUIS, MO - First responders were dispatched to a fatal motorcycle crash near Lindbergh Blvd on I-70 Friday, according to Fox 2 Now. Cesar Estrada-Lopez, 18, was launched off his motorcycle when he rear-ended a Dodge Journey. Estrada-Lopez was...
Accident impacts traffic on I-64 WB at King Highway Boulevard
ST. LOUIS, MO- An accident took place on  I-64 WB at Kings Highway Boulevard on the morning of December 27, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-64 WB BEFORE KINGSHIGHWAY BLVD USE CENTER LANES EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 09:39 — MoDOT STL...
Crash affects traffic on I-170 SB at Forest Park Parkway
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash took place on I-170 SB at Forest Park Parkway on the morning of December 27, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-170 SB TO FOREST PARK PKWY BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 10:02 AM...
Accident blocks traffic on I-170 SB at Ladue Road
ST. LOUIS, MO-  According to MoDOT STL Traffic, an accident took place on I-170 SB at Ladue Road on the morning of December 27. CRASH I-170 SB TO LADUE RD BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 12:52 — MoDOT...
Crash affects commuters on I-64 EB at Boones
ST. LOUIS, MO- Authorities responded to a crash on I-64 EB at Boones on the evening of December 27, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-64 EB PAST BOONES CROSSING LEFT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 8:13 PM — MoDOT STL...
Accident reported on I-170 near Charles Rock Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO - A traffic accident was reported on NB I-170 past Charles Rock Rd Monday morning, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-170 NB PAST ST CHARLES ROCK RD CLEARED AT 9:49 AM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Crews clear crash near Downtown Clayton
ST. LOUIS, MO - A traffic accident was reported at southbound I-170 and Ladue Rd Monday, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-170 SB TO LADUE RD BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 12:52 — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Pedestrian fatally struck by hit-and-run driver near Walnut Park West
ST. LOUIS, MO - A hit-and-run driver fatally hit a pedestrian at West Florissant Ave and Thrush Ave Friday, Fox 2 Now reports. First responders were dispatched to the crash site around 8:10 p.m. They pronounced the victim dead at...
Hit-and-run driver fatally strikes pedestrian at Midland Blvd and Woodson Rd
OVERLAND, MO - According to KMOV, a hit-and-run driver fatally collided with a pedestrian at Midland Blvd and Woodson Rd on Saturday. Additional information, such as when the incident happened and the name of the victim, is not available. Police...
Woman killed, man and 12-year-old hurt in crash on Rt. H near De Soto
DE SOTO, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – A woman was killed and two other people, including a child from North Carolina, were injured in a two-vehicle crash on Route H in Jefferson County this evening. According to the Missouri State Highway...
Accident impacts traffic on I-70 EB at MO 141
ST. LOUIS, MO- An accident happened on I-70 EB at MO 141 on the evening of December 23, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-70 EB BEFORE MO 141 BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 7:35 PM — MoDOT STL...
Authorities respond to collision on I-55 NB at I-255
ST. LOUIS, MO- A collision happened on I-55 NB at I-255 on the evening of December 23, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-55 NB PAST I-255 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 8:29 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) December...
Crash affects commuters on MO 94 EB at Sherman Drive
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash took place on MO 94 EB at Sherman Drive on the evening of December 23, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH MO 94 EB PAST SHERMAN DR RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 10:47 PM —...
Accident affects traffic on I-70 WB at Grand Avenue
ST. LOUIS, MO- An accident happened on I-70 WB at Grand Avenue on the evening of December 23, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-70 WB AT GRAND AVE RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 12/24/2021 0:32 — MoDOT STL...
3 injured following 2-vehicle crash at Rte B and Rte M
WARDSVILLE, MO - Three people were seriously hurt following a two-car collision at Rte B and Rte M Wednesday, according to MSHP. A juvenile driving a Ford 500 failed to yield to a Chevrolet Impala driven by Florence R. Harris,...
Emergency vehicles at scene of crash near Sunset Hills
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to MoDOT STL, a crash closed two right lanes of traffic at southbound I-270 and I-44 Thursday. CRASH I-270 SB AT I-44 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 2:02 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Crews clear crash near Hi-Pointe
ST. LOUIS, MO - A car wreck was reported at westbound I-64 and McCausland Ave Thursday, according to MoDOTSTl Traffic. CRASH I-64 WB AT MC CAUSLAND AVE CLEARED AT 2:01 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) December 23, 2021 Emergency...
Accident blocks left lane of I-270 and Page Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO - The left lane of southbound I-270 and Page Ave was blocked by a car crash Thursday, according to Fox 2 Now. Emergency crews had the crash cleared at 3 p.m. It is unclear if anyone was...
Collision affects traffic on I-44 WB at 9th Street
ST. LOUIS, MO- A collision happened on I-44 WB at 9th Street on the evening of December 22, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-64 WB AT 9TH ST RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 7:07 PM — MoDOT STL...
Collision impacts traffic on I-44 WB at I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash happened on I-44 WB at I-64 on the evening of December 22, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-44 WB BEFORE I-64 LEFT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 9:13 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Crash affects traffic on I-55 SB at US 67
ST LOUIS, MO- A crash happened on I-55 SB at US 67 on the evening of December 22, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-55 SB PAST US 67 RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 9:15 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Accident impacts traffic on I-70 EB at Zumbehl Road
ST.LOUIS, MO- MoDOT STL Traffic reports that an accident took place on I-70 EB at Zumbehl Road on the evening of December 22. CRASH I-70 EB BEFORE ZUMBEHL RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 10:28 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Traffic accident reported on WB I-64 near Boones Crossing
ST. LOUIS, MO - First responders were dispatched to a car wreck on westbound I-64 before Boones Crossing Wednesday, according to MoDOT STL. CRASH I-64 WB BEFORE BOONES CROSSING CLEARED AT 2:01 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) December 22,...
Emergency crews clear crash near Collinsville
ST. LOUIS, MO - A car wreck was reported on westbound I-255 to northbound I-66 Wednesday, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-255 WB TO I-55 NB BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 2:40 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Driver backs into pedestrian at Alton Square Mall
ALTON, IL - A driver struck and injured a pedestrian at Alton Square Mall Tuesday, The Telegraph reports. Dispatchers sent fire crews and police to the scene of the accident just after 6 p.m. The driver collided with the pedestrian...
Driver found guilty for fatal 2019 crash
MIDLAND TOWNSHIP, MO - A driver who fatally struck firefighter on Page Ave and N Warson Rd was found guilty of two charges of manslaughter and resisting arrest Tuesday, according to KMOV. Nicholas Washington, 24, was driving a Chevrolet Camaro...
Authorities respond to collision on I-64 EB at Chesterfield Airport Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- A collision happened on I-64 EB at Chesterfield Airport Road on the evening of December 21, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-64 EB PAST CHESTERFIELD AIRPORT RD LEFT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:53 PM — MoDOT...
Accident slows traffic on I-64 EB at Mc Knight Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash took place on I-64 EB at Mc Knight Road on the evening of December 21, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-64 EB BEFORE MC KNIGHT RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 7:31 PM — MoDOT...
Accident affects traffic on MO 370 EB at MO 94
ST. LOUIS, MO- An accident took place on MO 370 EB at MO 94 on the evening of December 21, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH MO 370 EB PAST MO 94 RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 8:03 PM...
Crash impacts traffic on US 67 NB at I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO- Authorities responded to a crash on US 67 NB at I-55 on the evening of December 21, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH US 67 NB AT I-55 RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 8:39 PM — MoDOT...
Collision affects traffic on I-55 SB at MO 141
ST. LOUIS, MO- A collision happened on I-55 SB at MO 141 on the evening of December 21, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-55 SB BEFORE MO 141 3 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 12/22/2021 0:34 — MoDOT STL...
Crash reported at I-70 and Grand Blvd
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a traffic accident was reported at eastbound I-70 and Grand Blvd Tuesday. CRASH I-70 EB AT GRAND AVE CLEARED AT 9:43 AM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) December 21, 2021 Emergency...
Crash closes right lane on WB I-64 near Big Bend Blvd
ST. LOUIS, MO - The right lane of traffic of westbound I-64 before Big Bend Blvd was closed by a traffic accident Monday, according to MoDOT STL. CRASH I-64 WB BEFORE BIG BEND BLVD RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Driver rear-ends vehicle, injures 1 person
ST. LOUIS, MO - A driver was hurt in a two-vehicle crash on I- 55 north of Meramec Bottom Rd Monday, according to MSHP. Shawn P. Henry, 31, was driving a Ford Focus when he rear-ended a Dodge Ram driven...
3 dead following collision involving firetruck near Broadway Blvd and Westport Rd
KANSAS CITY, MO - A crash between a fire truck and an SUV near Broadway Blvd and Westport Rd left three people dead last week, Fox 4 reports. Jennifer San Nicholas, 41, was driving the SUV when it collided with...
Collision affects traffic on I-270 EB at Lindbergh Boulevard
ST. LOUIS, MO-  A collision took place on I-270 EB at Lindbergh Boulevard on the afternoon of December 20, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-270 EB BEFORE LINDBERGH BLVD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:57 PM — MoDOT STL...
Collision impacts traffic on NB I-270 at Dougherty Ferry Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- A collision took place on NB I-270 at Dougherty Ferry Road on the afternoon of December 20, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-270 NB BEFORE DOUGHERTY FERRY RD RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:34 PM —...
Crash affects traffic on I-44 WB at I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a crash happened on I-44 WB at I-64 on the evening of December 20. CRASH I-44 WB BEFORE I-64 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:40 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) December...
Accident impacts traffic on I-64 EB at Hanley Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- An accident took place on I-64 EB at Hanley Road on the evening of December 20, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-64 EB PAST HANLEY RD 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 7:11 PM — MoDOT...
1-person hurt following 3-vehicle wreck on US 67
ST. LOUIS - A three-vehicle collision hurt one person on US 67 north of MO 32 Friday, MSHP reports. Lisa M. Wigger, 38, was driving a Chrysler Pacifica when she swerved to avoid colliding with a vehicle. Brieanna M. Malady,...
Traffic accident reported at S Tesson Ferry Rd and I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to MoDOT STL Traffic, emergency crews cleared a crash at I-270 and S Tesson Ferry Rd Monday. CRASH S TESSON FERRY RD CRD AT I-270 SB EXIT RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 3:16 PM —...
Emergency crews clear crash near Town and Country
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash was reported on northbound I-270 before I-64 Monday, according to MoDOT STL. CRASH I-270 NB BEFORE I-64 CLEARED AT 2:37 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) December 20, 2021 Emergency crews had the wreck...
Explosion at bakery on Edwards St injures worker
ST. LOUIS, MO - A worker was hurt in an explosion at Missouri Baking Co on Edwards St Saturday, Fox 2 Now reports. The explosion occurred when the employee tried to light an oven around 3 a.m. First responders transported...
How to Calculate Lost Future Earnings
When you suffer injuries in an accident, your immediate concern might be how it will affect your finances. Treating an injury can be expensive, especially if your treatment lasts for months. If you can’t afford your bills, you could face...
Crash affects traffic on WB I-70 at Zumbehl Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash happened on WB I-70 at Zumbehl Road on the evening of December 18, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-70 WB PAST ZUMBEHL RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 8:59 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Accident impacts traffic on I-55 SB at Arsenal Street
S. LOUIS, MO- Authorities responded to an accident on I-55 SB at Arsenal Street on the morning of December 19, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-55 SB PAST ARSENAL ST 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 12:46 AM...
Crash affects commuters on I-70 EB at Bermuda Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- MoDOT STL Traffic reports that a crash took place on I-70 EB at Bermuda Road on the afternoon of December 19. CRASH I-70 EB PAST BERMUDA RD 2 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:33 PM —...
Accident blocks traffic on I-55 SB at I-255
ST. LOUIS, MO- Authorities responded to an accident on I-55 SB at I-255 on the afternoon of December 19, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-55 SB PAST I-255 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 18:33 — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) December...
Two people injured in crash on Gravois Ave and Morgan Ford Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO – Two people were injured in a crash on Gravois Avenue on Thursday afternoon, according to information from the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department (SLMPD). The crash happened on Gravois Avenue near Morgan Ford Road and Delor...
Two men severely injured after driver runs red light on Rt U near Hwy 61
MOSCOW MILLS, MO (LINCOLN COUNTY) – Two people were seriously injured after a driver reportedly ran a red light on Route U in Lincoln County last night, according to information from the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened on...
Driver strikes tree, injures 3 juveniles at Indian Creek Rd and State Hwy NN
ERIE GOODMAN TOWNSHIP, MO - Three people were seriously injured after a driver slammed into a tree near Indian Creek Rd and State Hwy NN Friday, according to MSHP. A 16-year-old male was driving a Mercury Grand Marqui at excessive...
Traffic accident blocks right shoulder at NW Plz Dr and MO 180
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to MoDOT STL Traffic, the right shoulder of traffic at NW Plz Dr and MO 180 was blocked by a crash Friday. CRASH W 180 MO AT NORTHWEST PLAZA RD PVT RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE...
Train collides with semi-truck near College Hill
ST. LOUIS, MO - A train struck a semi-truck near East Grand Ave and Hall St Friday, according to Fox 2 Now. Authorities have not provided additional information, such as the time of the crash or the condition of the...
3 dead, 4 injured following apartment fire at E 23rd St and Kate St
GRANITE CITY, IL - An apartment fire at E 23rd St and Kate St took the lives of 3 people and injured four others Thursday, Fox 2 Now reports. The fire began in the seven-unit building around 12:45 p.m. Of...
Authorities respond to collision on US 67 NB at MO 94
ST. LOUIS, MO- A collision happened on US 67 NB at MO 94 on the evening of December 16, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH US 67 NB BEFORE MO 94 LEFT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 7:00 PM — MoDOT...
Accident affects traffic on I-270 WB at New Halls Ferry Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- An accident took place on I-270 WB at New Halls Ferry Road on the evening of December 16, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-270 WB AT NEW HALLS FERRY RD RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 7:16...
Collision affects commuters on EB I-70 at MO 370
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash took place on EB I-70 at MO 370 on the evening of December 16, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-70 EB BEFORE MO 370 2 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 9:43 PM —...
Collision affects traffic on 180 MO at Depaul Drive
ST. LOUIS, MO- A collision happened on 180 MO at Depaul Drive on the evening of December 16, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH 180 MO PAST DEPAUL DR LEFT LANE CLOSED 180 MO PAST DEPAUL DR CENTER TURN LANE CLOSED...
Emergency crews clear crash near Bridgeton
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a car accident was reported on northbound I-270 past MO 370 Thursday. CRASH I-270 NB PAST MO 370 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 3:43 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) December...
2 hurt after car slams into tree
IMPERIAL, MO - Two people were injured when a driver collided with a tree on Old Lemay Ferry Rd north of Frisco Hill Rd Thursday, according to MSHP. Madelyn R. Hartwid was driving a Pontiac Grand Prix when her car...
Car accident reported near Hi-Pointe
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to Fox 2 Now, a traffic accident happened at I-64 and Skinker Blvd Thursday. Emergency crews were dispatched to the crash site around 2:05 p.m. They had the area cleared by 3:09 p.m. It is...
Driver fatally slams into tree on West Adams Ave
KIRKWOOD, MO -A woman is dead after she drove into a tree on W Adams Ave near Ballas Rd Wednesday, KSDK said. Martha Wainwright, 49, was driving a Ford Mustang when she attempted to pass a car in front of...
Accident impacts traffic on I-70 EB at Natural Bridge Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- Authorities were on the scene of a crash on I-70 EB at Natural Bridge Road on the afternoon of December 15, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-70 EB BEFORE NATURAL BRIDGE RD LEFT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE...
Crash affects traffic on I-70 WB at Florissant
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a crash happened on I-70 WB at Florissant on the afternoon of December 15. CRASH I-70 WB BEFORE WEST FLORISSANT RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:45 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Crash affects commuters on I-270 SB at Dougherty Ferry Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash happened on I-270 SB at Dougherty Ferry Road on the afternoon of December 15, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-270 SB BEFORE DOUGHERTY FERRY RD BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:49 PM...
Accident blocks traffic on I-270 NB at Dorsett Road
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident happened on  I-270 NB at Dorsett Road on the evening of December 15, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-270 NB PAST DORSETT RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:55 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Driver strikes median, injures 2 on I-70 near Mid Rivers Mall Dr
ST. PETERS, MO - MSHP reports that two people were hurt following a single-vehicle collision on westbound I-70 past Mid Rivers Mall Dr Tuesday. David W. Haston, 41, was driving a Pontiac Grand Am on I-70 when he went off-road,...
2 hurt following 2-car crash at MO-21 and Delbridge Rd
BRETON TOWNSHIP, MO - Two people were injured in a multi-car collision at MO 21 and Delbridge Rd Wednesday morning, MSHP reports. Chelbi L. Poucher, 18, was driving a Dodge Journey when she pulled into the path of Kia Soul...
Wreck closes right lane at NB US 67 and I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to MoDOT STL, the right lane of traffic at Hwy 67 and I-70 was closed due to a crash Wednesday. CRASH US 67 NB AT I-70 RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 8:46 AM —...
Traffic accident reported on NB I-270 past I-44
ST. LOUIS, MO - A car crash was reported on northbound I-270 past I-44 Wednesday, according to MoDOT STL. CRASH I-270 NB PAST I-44 CLEARED AT 8:12 AM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) December 15, 2021 Emergency crews had the...
Accident impacts traffic on I-70 WB at Adelaide Avenue
ST. LOUIS, MO-MoDOT STL Traffic reports that an accident took place on I-70 WB at Adelaide Avenue on the morning of December 14. CRASH I-70 WB AT ADELAIDE AVE RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 8:43 AM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Crash affects traffic on I-64 WB at Jefferson Avenue
ST. LOUIS, MO- MoDOT STL Traffic reports that a crash took place on I-64 WB at Jefferson Avenue on the afternoon of December 14. CRASH I-64 WB PAST JEFFERSON AVE RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 1:46 PM — MoDOT...
Accident blocks traffic on I-270 NB at Dorsett Road
ST. LOUIS, MO-  According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a crash took place on I-270 NB at Dorsett Road on the afternoon of MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-270 NB AT DORSETT RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:21 PM — MoDOT...
Collision affects commuters on I-55 SB at Butler Hill Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- A collision happened on I-55 SB at Butler Hill Road on the evening of December 14, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-55 SB PAST BUTLER HILL RD RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:51 PM — MoDOT...
MSHP troopers respond in 2-car crash on SB I-270 north of SH 21
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two people were hurt in a two-car crash on southbound I-270 north of SH 21 Monday, according to MSHP. Alyssa D. Temple, 31, was driving a Honda CRV when she failed to notice that a Jeep...
Police respond to crash on WB I-64 near Jefferson Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a crash was reported on westbound I-64 past Jefferson Ave Tuesday. CRASH I-64 WB PAST JEFFERSON AVE RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 1:46 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) December...
Incident reported at MO F and Deflance Rd
DEFLANCE, MO - A traffic accident was reported at MO F and Deflance Rd Tuesday, according to Fox 2 Now. Emergency crews had the incident cleared by 4 p.m. It is unclear if anyone was hurt in the accident. This...
Driver fatally collides with teen who escaped from juvenile detention center
ST. LOUIS, MO - On Tuesday morning, a driver fatally struck a 17-year-old who escaped from a juvenile detention center in September, Fox 2 Now reports. Mobile undercover surveillance detectives located a vehicle occupied by the suspect near N Broadway...
Crash affects traffic on I-64 EB at Forest Park Avenue
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash took place on I-64 EB at Forest Park Avenue on the afternoon of December 13, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-64 EB ON RAMP FROM FOREST PARK AVE BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE...
Accident slows traffic on I-64 WB at Route N
ST. LOUIS, MO-  According to MoDOT STL Traffic, an accident happened on I-64 WB at Route N on the afternoon of December 13. CRASH I-64 WB PAST ROUTE N BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:02 PM — MoDOT...
Accident impacts traffic on I-70 WB at O’ Fallon Park
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash took place on I-70 WB at O' Fallon Park on the evening of December 13, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-70 WB AT O'FALLON PARK 3 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 7:07 PM...
Collision affects traffic on I-270 SB at Tesson Ferry Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- MoDOT STL Traffic reports that a collision took place on I-270 SB at Tesson Ferry Road on the evening of December 13. CRASH I-270 SB AT TESSON FERRY RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:49 PM —...
Traffic accident closes right lane on SB MO 141 near Arnold Commons Dr
ARNOLD, MO - The right lane of southbound MO 141 near Arnold Commons Dr was closed due to a crash Monday, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH MO 141 SB PAST ARNOLD COMMONS DR RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Crews clear incident at US 67 and I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - An incident was reported on US 67 and I-270 Monday afternoon, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. INCIDENT US 67 AT 270 CLEARED AT 2:19 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) December 13, 2021 Crews had the roadway...
Minor injured after driver falls asleep at the wheel on I-44
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - MSHP reports that a four-year-old boy was hurt when a driver fell asleep and struck the rear of another vehicle on I-44 at the 257 mile marker Sunday. Michael W. Kirchwehm, 18, was driving a Buick...
Driver rear-ends semi-truck on I-44 near Bowles Ave
FENTON, MO - A driver was hurt after they rear-ended a semi-truck on eastbound I-44 east of Bowles Ave Monday, according to MSHP. At 7:55 a.m., Charles D. Lewis, 67, was driving east on I-44 when he collided with the...
Accident takes place on I-70 EB at I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash happened on I-70 EB at I-64 on the morning of December 12, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-70 EB AT I-64 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 3:08 — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) December 12,...
Crash impacts traffic on I-44 EB at Kings Highway Boulevard
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash happened on I-44 EB at Kings Highway Boulevard on the afternoon of December 12, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-44 WB ON RAMP FROM KINGSHIGHWAY BLVD BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 1:53...
Collision blocks traffic on I-44 WB at BUS 44 Pacific
ST. LOUIS, MO-  MoDOT STL Traffic reports that a collision took place on I-44 WB at BUS 44 Pacific on the evening of December 12. CRASH I-44 WB BEFORE BUS 44 PACIFIC 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 19:25...
Crash impacts traffic on I-70 EB at Salisbury
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a crash happened on I-70 EB at Salisbury on the evening of December 12. CRASH I-70 EB AT SALISBURY RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 8:23 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Pedestrian struck, killed by hit-and-run driver on MLK Drive
ST. LOUIS, MO – A pedestrian died after being struck by a hit-and-run driver on Martin Luther King Drive early this morning, according to information from KMOV4. The collision occurred near the intersection of MLK Dr and Deer Street at...
Teen driver severely injured after being ejected during crash on Hwy N
WENTZVILLE, MO – A teenage driver was seriously injured after being ejected during a crash on Highway N in St. Charles County yesterday afternoon, according to details provided by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred on eastbound Highway...
Woman and 1-year-old girl injured in rear-end crash on I-70
BRIDGETON, MO (ST. LOUIS COUNTY) – A woman and an infant girl were injured in a rear-end crash on I-70 early this morning, according to information from the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened on eastbound I-70 west of...
Driver rear-ends, injures another driver on WB I-70 near MO 79
ST. PETERS, MO - A driver suffered moderate injuries after they were rear-ended by another driver on WB I-70 east of MO 79 Thursday, according to MSHP. At around 5:10 p.m., Sean C Lanham, 29, was driving a GMC Arcadia...
Crews clear crash from EB I-64 before I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to MoDOT STL, a wreck was reported on eastbound I-64 before I-270 Friday. CRASH I-64 EB BEFORE I-270 BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 12:52 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) December 10, 2021...
Car accident blocks right shoulder of SB I-55 past Arsenal St
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to MoDOT STL Traffic, the right shoulder of I-55 past Arsenal St was blocked by a wreck Friday. CRASH I-55 SB PAST ARSENAL ST RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 1:35 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Fatal 2-vehicle crash reported on MO 47 near Warrenton
WARRENTON, MO - According to ABC 17, two drivers died following a head-on collision on MO 47 north of Warrenton Thursday. Matthew O'Donnell, 46, was driving north on MO 47 when he crossed into the southbound lanes and collided with...
What Documents Do I Need for My Personal Injury Case?
The documentation you need after suffering an injury in an accident will depend on the type of personal injury case you have. Documents considered valuable in a car accident claim might not be useful in a wrongful death lawsuit. It’s...
Collision impacts traffic on I-55 NB at Potomac Street
ST. LOUIS, MO- A collision happened on I-55 NB at Potomac Street on the afternoon of December 9, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-55 NB AT POTOMAC ST RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 2:55 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Crash affects traffic on I-44 WB at Tucker/SMB
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash took place on I-44 WB at Tucker/SMB on the afternoon of December 9, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-44 WB AT TUCKER/SMB RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 5:07 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Accident blocks traffic on I-270 SB at I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO- MoDOT STL Traffic reports that an accident took place on I-270 SB at I-55 on the afternoon of December 9. CRASH I-270 SB BEFORE I-55 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:42 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Crash impacts traffic on I-64 WB at I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash took place on I-64 WB at I-270 on the evening of December 9, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-64 WB PAST I-270 RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 9:37 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Driver crashes, injures 2 at MO-32 and Miller Switch Rd
UNION TOWNSHIP, MO - Two people were injured when a car struck an embankment at MO-32 and Miller Switch Rd Wednesday, according to MSHP. Larry M. James, 79, was driving a Chevrolet Silverado when he went off the road and...
First responders dispatched to wreck near Champ
ST. LOUIS, MO - A traffic accident was reported at westbound I-70 and MO 141 Thursday, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-70 WB AT MO 141 CLEARED AT 3:43 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) December 9, 2021 Dispatchers...
Troopers respond to fatal crash on SH 47 near Hwy U
HAWK POINT, MO - According to Fox 2 Now, two people lost their lives in a crash on State Hwy 47 south of Hwy U Thursday. Authorities have not disclosed any other information at this time. This article will be...
Car accident blocks right shoulder at NB I-55 and Potomac St
ST. LOUIS, MO - A wreck was reported on northbound I-55 and Potomac St Thursday, according to Fox 2 Now. Emergency crews were called to the scene around 2:05 p.m. They had the area cleared by 3:46 p.m. It is...
Accident slows traffic on I-270 SB at I-55/Lemay Ferry
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash happened on I-270 SB at I-55/Lemay Ferry on the evening of December 8, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-270 SB TO I-55/LEMAY FERRY BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 7:05 PM — MoDOT STL...
Authorities respond to collision on I-70 EB Express Lanes at 9th Street
ST. LOUIS, MO- MoDOT STL Traffic reports that a collision took place on I-76 EB Express Lanes at 9th Street on the evening of December 8. CRASH I-70 EB EXPRESS LANES EB AT 9TH ST RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Accident impacts traffic on I-170 SB at St. Charles Rock Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, an accident took place on I-170 SB at St. Charles Rock Road on the evening of December 8. CRASH I-170 SB PAST ST CHARLES ROCK RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 7:03...
Crash affects traffic on I-70 EB at Tucker Boulevard
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash took place on I-70 EB at Tucker Boulevard on the evening of December 8, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-70 EB BEFORE TUCKER BLVD 2 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 8:08 PM —...
Crash closes right lane at WB I-70 and TR Hughes Blvd
O'FALLON, MO - The right lane of traffic of westbound I-70 and TR Hughes Blvd was closed due to a car accident Wednesday, according to MoDOT STL. CRASH I-70 WB AT TR HUGHES BLVD RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Accident blocks lane on I-70 near Champ
ST. LOUIS, MO - Emergency crews were dispatched to eastbound I-70 before Hwy 141 in Champ Wednesday, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-70 EB BEFORE MO 141 RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 2:50 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Driver rear-ends vehicle, injures 2 near Doe Run
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO - A juvenile and an adult were injured in a two-vehicle collision at MO 221 and Buck Mt Rd Tuesday, according to MSHP. At 3:17 p.m., a 16-year-old male driving a Toyota Corolla attempted to pass...
Man injured in 3-vehicle crash on Hwy 109 near Hwy W
ST. LOUIS, MO - A man was hurt in a multi-vehicle collision on Hwy 109 north of Hwy W Tuesday, according to MSHP. The incident occurred when a Hyundai Elantra driven by Adam J. Meyer, 39,  and a Nissan Altima...
Accident affects traffic on I-70 EB at Jennings Station Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- An accident took place on I-70 EB at Jennings Station Road on the afternoon of December 7, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-70 EB BEFORE JENNINGS STATION RD RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 5:32 PM —...
Accident impacts traffic on I-270 SB at Ladue Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, an accident happened on I-270 SB at Ladue Road on the afternoon of December 7. CRASH I-270 SB AT LADUE RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 5:42 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Crash affects traffic on EB I-70 at Lucas & Hunt Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- MoDOT STL Traffic reports that a crash took place on EB I-70 at Lucas & Hunt Road on the afternoon of December 7. CRASH I-70 EB AT LUCAS & HUNT RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:34...
Crash affects commuters on I-270 EB at Florissant Avenue
ST. LOUIS, MO-  A crash took place on I-270 EB at Florissant Avenue on the evening of December 7, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-270 EB PAST WEST FLORISSANT AVE RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:55 PM — MoDOT...
Troopers respond to rollover crash on WB I-64 at MM 24
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to MSHP,  a driver was injured in a rollover crash on westbound I-64 at mile marker 24 Tuesday. Sherreece M McIntyre, 32, was driving a Mazda CX9 at high speeds when she collided with the...
Car wreck closes right lane on WB I-64 and Mason Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to MoDOT STL Traffic, the right lane of westbound I-64 and Mason Rd was blocked by a traffic accident Tuesday. CRASH I-64 WB AT MASON RD RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 10:03 AM —...
Crash blocks 3 lanes near Brentwood
ST. LOUIS, MO - Three lanes of southbound I-170 and Brentwood Blvd were blocked by a car accident Monday, Fox 2 Now reports. Emergency crews were dispatched to the crash site around 11:45 a.m. They had the area cleared by...
3 injured in 3-vehicle collision on Telegraph Rd near Tenbrook Rd
ARNOLD, MO - Three people were injured in a multi-car collision on Telegraph Rd near Tenbrook Rd Monday, according to My Leader Paper. Tatyana V. Kozlova, 22, was driving a Toyota Corolla south on Telegraph Rd when her vehicle strayed...
Crash affects traffic on I-44 WB at Southwest Avenue
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash took place on I-44 WB at Southwest Avenue on the afternoon of December 6, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-44 WB BEFORE SOUTHWEST AVE 3 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 2:15 PM —...
Accident slows traffic on I-270 NB at I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO- An accident took place on I-270 NB at I-64 on the afternoon of December 6, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-270 NB BEFORE I-64 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 2:08 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) December...
Crash impacts traffic on WB I-70 at I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash took place on WB I-70 at I-64 on the evening of December 6, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-70 WB PAST I-64 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:46 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Accident blocks traffic on NB I-70 at Page Avenue
ST. LOUIS, MO- MoDOT STL Traffic reports that an accident took place on NB I-70 at Page Avenue on the evening of December 6. CRASH I-170 NB PAST PAGE AVE 3 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 7:32 PM —...
Driver injured in multi-vehicle crash on MO-8 at Old Hwy 8
RANDOLPH TOWNSHIP, MO - A driver was hurt when he pulled out in front of another vehicle at MO-8 and Old Hwy 8 Sunday, according to MSHP. James Lynch, 81, was driving a GMC 1500 when he failed to yield...
Traffic accident closes multiple right lanes on I-44 near Southwest Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO - MoDOTSTL Traffic reports that a crash closed three right lanes on westbound I-44 before Southwest Ave Monday. CRASH I-44 WB BEFORE SOUTHWEST AVE 3 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 2:15 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Emergency crews clear crash on NB I-270 near I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to MoDOT STL Traffic, the right shoulder on northbound I-270 before I-64 was blocked by a car wreck Monday. CRASH I-270 NB BEFORE I-64 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 2:08 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Wrong-way driver fatally collides with vehicle on I-65 at Barack Obama Ave
EAST ST. LOUIS - A wrong-way driver fatally struck a vehicle on I-65 and Barack Obama Ave on Sunday, according to KMOV. Police say Ryan B Heinlein, 35, was driving a Ford Edge west in the eastbound lanes of I-65...
Crash slows traffic on EB I-270 at Bellefontaine Road
ST. LOUIS, MO-  Authorities responded to a crash on EB I-270 at Bellefontaine Road on the afternoon of December 4, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-270 EB PAST BELLEFONTAINE RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 5:51 PM — MoDOT STL...
Traffic accident reported on I-270 NB at Dorsett Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- An accident took place on I-270 NB at Dorsett Road on the afternoon of December 4,  MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-270 NB PAST DORSETT RD BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:43 PM — MoDOT...
Crash takes place on I-270 NB at MO 370
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash happened on I-270 NB at MO 370 on the evening of December 4, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-270 NB BEFORE MO 370 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 10:42 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Authorities respond to accident on I-64 EB at Mississippi River
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a crash took place on I-64 EB at Mississippi River on the evening of December 5. CRASH I-64 EB AT MISSISSIPPI RIVER RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 9:01 PM — MoDOT STL...
One person killed in house fire in Mehlville
MEHLVILLE, MO – A man was killed in a house fire in southern St. Louis County early this morning, according to information from KSDK. The fire occurred at a home in Mehlville on Eileen Ann Drive, near Highway 67 (Lemay...
13-year-old driver hospitalized after rollover collision in Laclede County
AUGLAIZE TOWNSHIP, MO (LACLEDE COUNTY) – A 13-year-old driver was injured after she crashed her vehicle while trying to avoid a collision with an animal on Friday night in Laclede County, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash...
Trucker injured after rear-ending SUV in traffic
MARYLAND HEIGHTS, MO - A truck driver was injured yesterday afternoon when he became distracted and collided with an SUV stopped in traffic, which caused his semi to run off the roadway and overturn. State troopers say the crash happened...
Woman injured after being rear-ended on I-64 in Lake St. Louis
LAKE ST. LOUIS, MO - A woman was injured yesterday afternoon when her vehicle was rear-ended by a pickup truck on I-64 at Lake St. Louis Boulevard. Police report that Christen Carlos was headed west on I-64 when she slowed...
2 injured when speeding car hits trailer in Farmington
FARMINGTON, MO - A speeding driver injured himself and his passenger when he drove into a semi-towed trailer on US 67 in Farmington, MSHP reports. State troopers say that 30-year-old Trevor Biri was driving too fast for conditions, which caused...
Woman, child injured in 2-car crash near Mineral Point
MINERAL POINT, MO - A woman and a teen boy were injured yesterday morning when she rear-ended the vehicle in front of hers, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. The crash happened on MO-8 near N Oak Road at about...
Traffic delay in I-44 WB
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to MoDOT STL, a stalled vehicle that causes a delay in traffic flow in I-44 WB at Lindbergh Boulevard was reported at 10:59 A.M. on September 17. Addition information with regards to its cause is...
Authorities report crash on WB I-44 at MO 141
ST. LOUIS. MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a crash happened on WB I-44 at MO 141 on the afternoon of December 2.   CRASH I-44 WB PAST MO 141 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 5:03 PM — MoDOT STL...
Authorities respond to accident on NB I-55 at Reavis Barracks Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- MoDOT STL Traffic reports that a crash took place on NB I-55 at Reavis Barracks Road on the afternoon of December 2. CRASH I-55 NB BEFORE REAVIS BARRACKS RD 2 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 5:36...
Traffic accident reported on NB I-270 at Dorsett Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- An accident happened on NB I-270 at Dorsett Road on the evening of December 2, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-270 NB PAST DORSETT RD BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:42 PM — MoDOT...
Authorities respond to crash on I- 64 WB at I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a crash took place on I- 64 WB at I-270 on the evening of December 2. CRASH I-64 WB PAST I-270 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 9:10 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Crews clear crash at WB I-70 and Goodfellow
ST. LOUIS, MO - Emergency crews were dispatched to a wreck at westbound I-70 and Goodfellow Thursday, according to MoDOT STL. CRASH I-70 WB AT GOODFELLOW CLEARED AT 3:34 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) December 2, 2021 Crews had...
2-vehicle crash injures two people at Hwy. 141 and Fiedler Ln
ROCK TOWNSHIP, MO - Two women were hurt in a multi-car collision at Hwy. 141 and Fiedler Ln Tuesday, My Leader Paper reports. According to troopers, Lisa A Buehler, 50, was driving a Chevrolet Equinox on southbound Hwy 141 when...
Oxygen explosion injures two at 5 Cut St
ALTON, IL - An oxygen explosion at Alton Steel in Building No. 5 at 5 Cut St injured two people Wednesday, according to The Telegraph. Fire crews were called to the scene around 4:45 p.m. They found two people had...
Update: Officer dies following Wednesday crash
BELLEFONTAINE NEIGHBORS, MO - According to KMOV, one of the officers involved in a crash near Crete Dr and Chambers Rd on Wednesday has died. Detectives attempted to pull over a vehicle driven by Alfred Mayes, 33, when he sped...
Collision affects traffic on I-44 WB at 7th Boulevard
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MODOT STL Traffic, a crash took place on I-44 WB at 7th Boulevard on the afternoon of December 1. CRASH I-44 WB AT 7TH BLVD RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:07 PM — MoDOT...
Crash impacts traffic on I-270 NB at Dorsett Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- MoDOT STL Traffic reports that a crash took place on I-270 NB at Dorsett Road on the afternoon of December 1. CRASH I-270 NB PAST DORSETT RD BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:12 PM —...
Accident blocks traffic on I-44 EB at Route AF/MO 185
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash happened on I-44 EB at Route AF/MO 185 on the afternoon of December 1, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-44 EB PAST ROUTE AF/MO 185 S RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:53 PM —...
Crash affects commuters on I-64 EB at Mason Road
ST. LOUIS, MO-  According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a crash happened on I-64 EB at Mason Road on the evening of December 1. CRASH I-64 EB AT MASON RD 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 7:44 PM — MoDOT...
Emergency crews clear crash on I-64 near Clarkson Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO - A wreck was reported on westbound I-64 before Clarkson Rd Wednesday, according to MoDOT STL. CRASH I-64 WB BEFORE CLARKSON RD CLEARED AT 3:48 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) December 1, 2021 Emergency crews had...
Driver collides with police cruiser, injures officers
BELLEFONTAINE NEIGHBORS, MO - Two police officers were taken to the hospital after a driver rammed into their cruiser near Crete Dr and Chambers Rd Wednesday, Fox 2 Now reports. Additional information is not available at this time. This article...
Hit-and-run driver fatally strikes pedestrian on W Florissant Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO - The victim of a fatal hit-and-run collision on the 11800 block of West Florissant Ave was identified by authorities Wednesday, KSDK reports. On November 10, the driver of a dark-colored SUV struck Melvin McCombs, 55, as...
Wreck closes two lanes on WB I-64 past Outer Forty Rd
CHESTERFIELD, MO - Two lanes were closed due to a crash on westbound I-64 after Outer Forty Rd, Fox 2 Now reports. Emergency crews had the area cleared by 4:31 p.m. No other information is available at this time. This...
Five Tips for Talking to Your Doctor About Your Car Accident Injuries
A car accident can interfere with your life and daily routine. You’re suddenly forced to take time away from work and other responsibilities to attend your doctor’s appointments. Recovering from an injury can take time and lead to various burdens....
Crash takes place on I-270 SB at Tesson Ferry Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash happened on I-270 SB at Tesson Ferry Road on the afternoon of November 30, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-270 SB AT TESSON FERRY RD RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 5:07 PM —...
Collision takes place on I-70 WB at Capitol Drive
ST. LOUIS, MO- A collision happened on I-70 WB at Capitol Drive on the evening of November 30, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-70 WB PAST FIRST CAPITOL DR RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 7:53 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Authorities report crash on I-64 WB at Mason Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash happened on I-64 WB at Mason Road on the evening of November 30, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-64 WB ON RAMP FROM MASON RD BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 7:22 PM...
Authorities respond to accident on MO 141 SB at Gravois Bluff Boulevard
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, an accident happened on MO 141 SB at Gravois Bluff Boulevard on the evening of November 30. CRASH MO 141 SB PAST GRAVOIS BLUFF BLVD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:42 PM...
Crash reported on EB I-270 near Riverview Dr
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to MoDOT STL, emergency crews were dispatched to the scene of a wreck on eastbound I-270 past Riverview Dr Tuesday. CRASH I-270 EB PAST RIVERVIEW RD BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 1:21 PM...
Driver rear-ends, injures man on WB I-70 exit ramp to TR Hughes Blvd
O'FALLON, MO - A driver rear-ended the vehicle in front of him on the exit ramp from westbound I-70 to TR Hughes Blvd Monday, MSHP reports. Tiffany English, 26, and Dennis Tinsman, 68, were both stopped on the ramp. English...
Man rescues family from Hillvale Apartments fire
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to KTVI, a man rescued multiple family members from a fire at Hillvale Apartments on Selber Ct Monday. Arnez Merriweather ran outside after smoke began to fill his apartment. Once out, he realized a family...
Driver fatally collides with multiple vehicles on I-44
FENTON, MO - A man died after driving the wrong way on I-44 near Maritz Overpass St and colliding with multiple vehicles Monday, Fox 2 Now reports. Michael Branlett was driving a Jeep Grand Cherokee without a seatbelt while going...
Accident impacts traffic on EB I-64 at Hanley Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- An accident took place on EB I-64 at Hanley Road on the afternoon of November 29, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-64 EB PAST HANLEY RD RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 17:02 — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Crash affects traffic on I-270 NB at Dorsett Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash happened on I-270 NB at Dorsett Road on the afternoon of November 29, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-270 NB PAST DORSETT RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:42 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Crash affects commuters on I-44 WB at MO 141
ST. LOUIS, MO-  A crash happened on I-44 WB at MO 141 on the evening of November 29, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-44 WB BEFORE MO 141 2 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 7:21 PM — MoDOT...
Accident blocks traffic on I-270 EB at Lindbergh Boulevard
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, an accident took place on I-270 EB at Lindbergh Boulevard on the evening of November 29. CRASH I-270 EB PAST LINDBERGH BLVD LEFT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 7:45 PM — MoDOT...
Emergency crews clear crash on MO 141
ST. LOUIS, MO - Crews were dispatched to the scene of a car accident on southbound MO 141 past Page Ave Monday, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH MO 141 SB PAST PAGE AVE CLEARED AT 09:55 — MoDOT STL...
3 people die following multi-car crash on I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - A three-vehicle crash killed three people and injured four on I-270 Sunday, Fox 4 reports. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, Kenrick Smalling, 24, drove a Lexus when they sideswiped a car and an SUV...
Dupo trench Collapse traps worker
DUPO, MO - According to KMOV, a trapper became trapped when a trench collapsed at the Union Pacific railyards at Adams Rd and Carondelet Ave. The accident happened around noon and trapped the worker up to his shoulders. Multiple rescue...
Car crash closes two lanes on I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO - A car accident closed two lanes of traffic at northbound I-55 and Butler Hill Rd Monday, Fox 2 Now reports. It is unclear when the incident happened, but crews had the area clear by 2:05 p.m....
Collision affects traffic on I-270 WB at W Florissant Avenue
ST.LOUIS, MO- A collision happened on I-270 WB at W Florissant Avenue on the afternoon of November 28, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-270 WB AT W FLORISSANT AVE USE CENTER LANE EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 17:51 — MoDOT STL...
Crash affects traffic on US 67 NB at Route B/ Natural Bridge Road
ST.LOUIS, MO- A crash took place on US 67 NB at Route B/ Natural Bridge Road on the evening of November 27, MODOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH US 67 NB PAST ROUTE B/NATURAL BRIDGE RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Accident slows traffic on I-55 NB at Exit 141 Route Z/ St. Mary
ST. LOUIS, MO-  MoDOT STL Traffic reports that an accident took place on I-55 NB at Exit 141 Route Z/ St. Mary on the afternoon of November 28. CRASH I-55 NB PAST EXIT 141 ROUTE Z/ST MARY AT MM 141.0...
Accident blocks traffic on I-270 EB at Elizabeth Avenue
ST. LOUIS, MO- An accident happened on I-270 EB at Elizabeth Avenue on the evening of November 28, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-270 EB PAST ELIZABETH AVE RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 21:02 — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
3 dead, 4 injured in multi-vehicle crash on I-270 in Florissant
FLORISSANT, MO – Three people were killed and another four, including two children, were injured in a multi-vehicle crash on I-270 this evening, according to information from the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened on eastbound I-270 west of...
St. Clair man seriously injured after being hit by pickup truck on I-44
ST. CLAIR, MO – A pedestrian was severely injured after being hit by a pickup truck on I-44 in Franklin County on Friday night, according to information from the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred on the I-44 S...
Accident slows traffic on US 67 SB at Butler Hill Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, an accident took place on US 67 SB at Butler Hill Road on the morning of November 24. INCIDENT US 67 SB PAST BUTLER HILL RD RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 1:18...
Collision impacts traffic on I-55 SB at MO 141
ST.LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a collision happened on I-55 SB at MO 141 on the afternoon of November 24. CRASH I-55 SB PAST MO 141 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 2:17 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Accident impacts traffic on I-70 EB at I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO- An accident took place on I-70 EB at I-270 on the evening of November 24, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-70 EB TO I-270 BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 5:31 PM — MoDOT STL...
Authorities respond to collision on EB I-70 at Jennings Station Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- A collision happened on EB I-70 at Jennings Station Road on the evening of November 24, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-70 EB BEFORE JENNINGS STATION RD 2 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:48 PM —...
Accident affects commuters on I-55 SB at Exit 129/ Perryville
ST. LOUIS, MO- An accident took place on I-55 SB at Exit 129/ Perryville on the evening of November 24, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-55 SB PAST EXIT 129 MO 51/PERRYVILLE AT MM 128.0 LEFT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE...
Road crews clear crash on I-170
ST. LOUIS, MO - A car accident on southbound I-170 before Brentwood Blvd was reported Wednesday, according to MoDOT STL. CRASH I-170 SB BEFORE BRENTWOOD BLVD CLEARED AT 7:33 AM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) November 24, 2021 It is...
Crash reported near Arnold
ST. LOUIS, MO - Emergency crews were dispatched to the scene of a traffic accident on southbound I-55 after Mo 141 Wednesday, MoDOT STL reports. CRASH I-55 SB PAST MO 141 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 2:17 PM — MoDOT...
First responders rescue 2 people from wreck on I-170
UNIVERSITY CITY, MO - Rescue crews were dispatched to the scene of a car wreck on southbound I-170 near Forest Park Pkwy Wednesday, Fox 2 Now reports. The incident happened around 6:45 a.m. Crews extricated at least 2 people from...
Emergency crews respond to crash near Mehlville
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash was reported at US 61 and Nottingham Estates Dr Wednesday, Fox 2 Now reports. Emergency crews were dispatched to the crash at 11:07 a.m. They had the area cleared by 2:35 p.m. The cause...
Authorities report crash on EB I-64 at Hanley Road
ST, LOUIS, MO- MoDOT STL Traffic reports that a crash took place on EB I-64 at Hanley Road on the evening of November 23. CRASH I-64 EB PAST HANLEY RD BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 21:32 — MoDOT...
Authorities respond to accident on WB I-70 at Shreve
ST. LOUIS, MO- MoDOT STL Traffic reports that an accident took place on WB I-70 at Shreve on the evening of November 23. CRASH I-70 WB AT SHREVE 2 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 7:47 PM — MoDOT STL...
Accident takes place on I-70 EB at Lucas & Hunt Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, an accident happened on I-70 EB at Lucas & Hunt Road on the evening of November 23. CRASH I-70 EB PAST LUCAS & HUNT RD 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Crash impacts traffic on I-64 EB at Big Bend Boulevard
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash happened on I- 64 EB at Big Bend Boulevard on the evening of November 23, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-64 EB BEFORE BIG BEND BLVD BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 8:05...
Troopers respond to fatal crash
HAWK POINT, MO - Troopers responded to a fatal head-on crash at Hwy A and Maryln Ln Monday, MSHP reports. Timothy Durbin, 56, was driving an Infiniti G35X east on Hwy A as Racheal Koch, 30, was operating a Saturn...
Crash blocks right shoulder of SB Rte 367 and Parker Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO - The right shoulder at southbound Rte 367 and Parker Rd was blocked by a traffic accident Tuesday, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH ROUTE 367 SB AT PARKER RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 10:03 AM...
“Suspicious” apartment fire kills boy
ALTON, IL - Fox 2 Now reports that what officials are calling a "suspicious" apartment fire near Mitchell St and Belle St killed a five-year-old boy Monday night. The child's mother and her boyfriend were in the apartment when the...
Ammonia leak reported on West Park Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO - Three people have been taken to the hospital following an Ammonia leak on the 5700 block of West Park Ave Tuesday, Fox 2 Now reports. Emergency crews, including firefighters and a HAZMAT team, were called to...
Authorities respond to collision on I-70 WB at Grand Avenue
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a collision happened on I-70 WB at Grand Avenue on the evening of November 22. CRASH I-70 WB BEFORE GRAND AVE LEFT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:46 PM — MoDOT STL...
Accident blocks traffic on I-70 WB at West Florissant
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, an accident happened on I-70 WB at West Florissant on the afternoon of November 22. CRASH I-70 WB BEFORE WEST FLORISSANT BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:22 PM — MoDOT...
Crash slows traffic on I-270 SB at Ladue Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash happened on I-270 SB at Ladue Road on the afternoon of November 22, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-270 SB BEFORE LADUE RD RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 5:34 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Collision impacts traffic on MO 364 EB at Woodstone Drive
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a collision took place on MO 364 EB at Woodstone Drive on the morning of November 22. CRASH MO 364 EB PAST WOODSTONE DR 3 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 12:09...
Crews clear crash near Norwood Court
ST. LOUIS, MO - Emergency crews cleared a car accident at westbound I-70 and Lucas and Hunt Rd Monday morning, MoDOT STL reports. CRASH I-70 WB AT LUCAS & HUNT RD CLEARED AT 10:13 AM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Fiery, multi-car crash injures 3 people on WB I-64 near Clayton Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO - A three-vehicle crash on westbound I-64 sent three people to the hospital early Monday morning, according to KMOV. The driver of a Nissan Sentra was heading west on I-64 when it collided with the center median...
“Inattentive” motorist collides with police SUV, injures 4 on I-44
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO - According to ABC 17, four people were injured when a driver rammed into the back of a police SUV on I-44 Sunday afternoon. The 36-year-old officer was assisting a stranded motorist when a 25-year-old driver...
Car accident blocks multiple lanes on MO 364
ST. CHARLES, MO - According to Fox 2 Now, a crash blocked three right lanes of traffic on eastbound MO 364 past Woodstone Monday. Emergency crews were dispatched to the scene of the accident around 10:45 a.m. They had the...
Crash blocks traffic on EB I- 70 at Bermuda Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash happened on EB I- 70 at Bermuda Road on the afternoon of November 21, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-70 EB PAST BERMUDA RD 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 3:06 PM —...
Accident slows traffic on I-270 NB at Dorsett Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- An accident took place on I-270 NB at Dorsett Road on the afternoon of November 21, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-270 NB PAST DORSETT RD BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 5:23 PM — MoDOT...
Accident reported on I-44 EB at Big Bend Boulevard
ST. LOUIS, MO-  An accident took place on I-44 EB at Big Bend Boulevard on the afternoon of November 21, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-44 EB PAST BIG BEND BLVD RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:01 PM —...
Collision reported on I-70 EB at Union
ST. LOUIS, MO- A collision took place on I-70 EB at Union on the afternoon of November 21, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-70 EB AT UNION RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:11 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Infant, girl, and 2 men injured in multi-vehicle crash on I-44 near Oakland
OAKLAND, MO (ST. LOUIS COUNTY)  – Four people, including an infant boy and a 10-year-old girl, were hurt in a crash involving a semi-truck on I-44 near the Oakland area this afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The...
Four Things You Should Never Say After a Car Accident
When you sustain injuries in a car accident, it’s natural to assume others will want to help you recover. You might think the insurance adjuster who calls you will be on your side and willing to fight for the maximum...
2 injured after driver suffers medical episode on State Hwy 47 and College Rd
CENTRAL TOWNSHIP, MO - According to MSHP, two people were injured when a driver had a medical episode while driving on State Hwy 47 at College Rd Friday. Kerwin G. Hoffman, 54, was driving a Dodge Journey when traveled off...
First responders dispatched near Sunset Hills
ST. LOUIS, MO - A car wreck was reported at northbound I-270 and I-44 Friday, according to MoDOT STL. CRASH I-270 NB AT I-44 BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 1:03 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) November 19,...
Crews respond to Wentzville crash
WENTZVILLE PKWY, MO - According to MoDOT STL, a car accident was reported at I-70 and Wentzville Pkwy Friday. CRASH I-70 WB PAST WENTZVILLE PKWY LEFT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 1:49 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) November 19, 2021...
Update: Authorities release additional details concerning fatal crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - The names of the two DOT workers who died after being struck by a vehicle while re-striping Telegraph Rd near I-255 has been released, Fox 2 Now reports. The crew had their flashing lights on to...
Authorities report crash on I-270 EB at MO 367
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash happened on I-270 EB at MO 367 on the evening of November 18, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-270 EB AT MO 367 BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 8:03 PM — MoDOT...
Authorities report crash on I-55 SB at Broadway Street
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash happened on I-55 SB at Broadway Street on the evening of November 18, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-55 SB AT BROADWAY ST 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 8:05 PM — MoDOT STL...
Authorities respond to accident on I-70 WB at Lindbergh Boulevard
ST. LOUIS, MO- MoDOT STL Traffic reports that an accident took place on I-70 WB at Lindbergh Boulevard on the evening of November 18. CRASH I-70 WB PAST LINDBERGH BLVD 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 9:34 PM —...
Authorities respond to crash on I-270 NB at Manchester Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a crash took place on I-270 NB at Manchester Road on the evening of November 18. CRASH I-270 NB AT MANCHESTER RD RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 10:27 PM — MoDOT...
First responders report to traffic accident on I-70 near Lake St. Louis Blvd
ST. LOUIS, MO - Emergency crews cleared a crash on eastbound I-70 after Lake St. Louis Blvd Thursday, MoDOT STL reports. CRASH I-70 EB PAST LAKE ST LOUIS BLVD CLEARED AT 2:14 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) November 18,...
Debris from crash blocks center lane at MO 364 and Upper Bottom Rd
ST. CHARLES, MO - Emergency crews were dispatched to the scene of an accident at westbound MO 364 and Upper Bottom Rd Thursday, according to St. Louis Traffic. It is unclear when the incident happened, but crews had all lanes...
Fatal crash kills 2 DOT workers on Telegraph Rd near I-255
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to KMOV, two workers were killed after they were struck by a vehicle while restriping Telegraph Rd Thursday. The collision happened around 11:30 a.m. The two workers who were killed were a man and a...
Wrong-way collision injures driver on Halls Ferry Rd
JENNINGS, MO  - A man was seriously injured in a wrong-way collision on Halls Ferry Rd Thursday, Fox 2 Now reports. The driver was operating a Dodge truck when he was driving north on the southbound lanes of Halls Ferry...
Authorities report crash on NB I-55 at Virginia Avenue
ST. LOUIS, MO- Authorities responded to a crash on NB I-55 at Virginia Avenue on the afternoon of November 17, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-55 NB PAST VIRGINIA AVE RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:20 PM — MoDOT...
Authorities report collision on I-64 EB at Mc Knight Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- Authorities were on the scene of a collision on I-64 EB at Mc Knight Road on the afternoon of November 17, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-64 EB BEFORE MC KNIGHT RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:02...
Authorities respond to accident on EB MO 370 at I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to  MoDOT STL Traffic, an accident took place on EB MO 370 at I-70 on the morning of November 17. CRASH MO 370 EB PAST I-70 2 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 11:07 AM —...
Authorities respond to crash on EB I-64 at Boones Crossing
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a crash happened on EB I-64 at Boones Crossing on the morning of November 17. CRASH I-64 EB PAST BOONES CROSSING RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 8:47 AM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Driver rear-ends another driver on Hwy 370
ST. PETERS, MO - A driver was injured when she rear-ended a vehicle in front of her, which caused her car to overturn on eastbound Hwy 370 past Salt River Rd, according to MSHP. Jessica D. Reed, 39, was driving...
Police respond to wreck on I-270 and Manchester Rd
BALLWIN, MO - According to MoDOT STL, emergency vehicles were spotted at the scene of a crash on southbound I-270 and Manchester Rd. EMERGENCY VEHICLES I-270 SB AT MANCHESTER RD RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 2:26 PM — MoDOT...
Emergency vehicles respond to crash on I-44
ST. LOUIS, MO - Emergency crews were at the scene of a traffic accident on westbound I-44 before I-64 Wednesday, according to MoDOT STL. EMERGENCY VEHICLES I-44 WB BEFORE I-64 CLEARED AT 2:18 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) November...
Firefighters at scene of accident at Route 3 and Southwoods Dr
COLUMBIA, IL - According to Republic-Times, first responders reported to a two-vehicle collision at Route 3 and Southwoods Dr Wednesday morning. Harriet Grove, 91, was driving a Chevrolet Malibu as she was attempting to turn onto northbound Route 3 from...
Crash impacts traffic on SB I-270 at Tesson Ferry Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a crash took place on I- 270 SB at Tesson Ferry Road on the afternoon of November 16. CRASH I-270 SB PAST TESSON FERRY RD 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Accident slows traffic on I-55 SB at Potomac Street
ST. LOUIS, MO- MoDOT STL Traffic reports that an accident took place on I-55 SB at Potomac Street on the afternoon of November 16. CRASH I-55 SB PAST POTOMAC ST RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 3:42 PM — MoDOT STL...
Crash takes place on WB I-70 at Lindbergh Boulevard
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash took place on WB I-70 at Lindbergh Boulevard on the afternoon of November 16, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-70 WB BEFORE LINDBERGH BLVD 2 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 1:14 PM —...
Authorities respond to accident on WB I-255 at Telegraph Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, an accident happened on WB I-255 at Telegraph Road on the evening of November 16. CRASH I-255 WB AT TELEGRAPH RD LEFT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:44 AM — MoDOT STL...
Police respond to crash at I-170 and I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - First responders were dispatched to a crash at southbound I-170 and westbound I-70 Tuesday, MoDOT STL reports. CRASH I-170 SB TO I-70 WB BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 8:19 AM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Crews clear crash near Sunset Hills
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to MoDOT STL, emergency crews were dispatched to the scene of a wreck at northbound I-270 and I-44 Tuesday. CRASH I-270 NB AT I-44 CLEARED AT 9:15 AM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) November 16,...
Juvenile driver rear-ends motorist on Little Brennan Rd and State Rte 30
MURPHY, MO - According to MSHP, a woman was injured after she was rear-ended by a male juvenile driver Tuesday. The male 16-year-old was driving a 2011 Chrysler 200 when he rear-ended a 2002 Chevy Impala operated by Tracy A....
Semi-truck driver rear-ends semi-truck trailer on I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - A semi-truck passenger suffered minor injuries after a semi-truck driver slammed into the trailer part of another semi-truck on westbound I-70 east of U.S. 67 Tuesday, MSHP reports. David P. Brake, 52, drove a 2021 Freightliner...
Authorities report accident on NB MO 141 at Gravois Road
ST. LOUIS, MO-  MoDOT STL Traffic reports that an accident took place on NB MO 141 at Gravois Road on the evening of November 15. CRASH MO 141 NB PAST GRAVOIS RD RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 7:50 PM...
Crash impacts traffic on I-270 SB at Dougherty Ferry Road
ST. LOUIS, MO-  According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a crash happened on I-270 SB at Dougherty Ferry Road on the afternoon of November 15. CRASH I-270 SB TO DOUGHERTY FERRY RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:31 PM — MoDOT...
Collision slows traffic on MO 94 at Pralle Lane
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a collision happened on MO 94 at Pralle Lane on the afternoon of November 15. CRASH MO 94 EB PAST PRALLE LN RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 16:51 — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Authorities report collision on I-44 WB at MLK/Convention
ST. LOUIS, MO- A collision happened on I-44 WB at MLK/Convention on the afternoon of November 15, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-44 WB AT MLK/CONVENTION RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 3:51 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) November...
Drivers fatally collides with pedestrian near Ferguson Township
FLORISSANT, MO - A man died after he was struck by multiple drivers near W. Florissant Ave and Dunn Rd Friday night, KMOV reports. Micheal Dukes, 45, was hit but a hit-and-run driver on southbound W Florrisant. The force from...
Fiery crash claims lives of 3 teens
BALLWIN, MO - Three teens died and two others were injured when a car crashed into a tree and burst into flames Sunday, ABC 17 reports. The driver, a 16-year-old boy, and two passengers, a 15-year-old girl and a 15-year-old...
Emergency vehicles at scene of crash on NB I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to MoDOT STL, first responders were dispatched to a wreck on northbound I-55 past Virginia Ave. EMERGENCY VEHICLES I-55 NB PAST VIRGINIA AVE 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 3:17 PM — MoDOT STL...
Crews clear crash on I-270
CREVE COEUR, MO - Emergency crews were dispatched to clear a wreck on southbound I-270 passed Olive Blvd Monday, Fox 2 Now reports. The crews were dispatched around 1:25 p.m. They had the area cleared by 3:15 p.m. No other...
Traffic incident reported on I-64 EB at Big Bend Boulevard
ST. LOUIS, MO-  According to MoDOT STL Traffic, an accident happened on I-64 EB at Big Bend Boulevard on the afternoon of November 14. CRASH I-64 EB AT BIG BEND BLVD 3 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:19 PM...
Accident affects commuters on I-70 WB at Route A
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, an accident happened on I-70 WB at Route A on the afternoon of November 14. CRASH I-70 WB PAST ROUTE A 2 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 3:51 PM — MoDOT...
Crash affects commuters on MO 141 NB at Forest Avenue
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a crash happened on MO 141 NB at Forest Avenue on the afternoon of November 14. CRASH MO 141 NB PAST FOREST AVE 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 2:45 PM...
Crash slows traffic on I-70 WB at Grand Avenue
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash happened on I-70 WB at Grand Avenue on the afternoon of November 14, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-70 WB AT GRAND AVE 2 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 2:06 PM — MoDOT...
Traffic accident blocks center lane at WB I-255 and Telegraph Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO - The center lane at westbound I-255 and Telegraph Rd was blocked by a traffic accident Friday, Fox reports. Dispatchers sent crews to clear the debris caused by the wreck around 3:15 p.m. They the lane cleared...
Emergency crews clear crash at WB I-70 and Shreve Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO - A car wreck was reported at westbound I-70 and Shreve Ave Friday, MoDOT STL reports. CRASH I-70 WB AT SHREVE CLEARED AT 3:53 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) November 12, 2021 Emergency crews had the...
Hit-and-run driver strikes bus head-on at Rogers Place and Arsenal St
ST. LOUIS, MO - Fox reports that the driver of a pickup truck collided with a bus and multiple other vehicles after running a stop sign at Rogers Place and Arsenal St. The driver first collided with a car before...
Hit-and-run driver kills 1 person, injures another outside sports bar
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to Fox, an argument turned deadly when a hit-and-run driver intentionally ran over two people, killing one of them, outside O'Brien's Sports Bar and Grill Friday. The driver was involved in an argument before he...
Accident reported on I-44 EB at I-270
ST.LOUIS, MO- An accident took place on I-44 EB at I-270 on the evening of November 11, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-44 EB BEFORE I-270 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:55 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) November...
Collision affects commuters on I-55 SB at Loughborough
ST.LOUIS, MO- A collision took place on I-55 SB at Loughborough on the evening of November 11, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-55 SB BEFORE LOUGHBOROUGH 2 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 7:13 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Crash affects traffic on I-70 EB at Lucas & Hunt Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash took place on I-70 EB at Lucas & Hunt Road on the evening of November 11, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-70 EB AT LUCAS & HUNT RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 7:02...
Authorities report crash on I-170 SB at Forest Park Parkway
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a crash happened on I-170 SB at Forest Park Parkway on the afternoon of November 11. CRASH I-170 SB PAST FOREST PARK PKWY 2 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 5:33 PM...
Traffic accident reported at NB I-270 and Gravois Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO - The right lane of traffic at northbound I-270 and Gravois Rd was blocked by a crash Thursday, Mo DOT STL reports. CRASH I-270 NB PAST GRAVOIS RD RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 7:47 AM —...
Crash closes right lane at WB I-70 and First Capitol Dr
ST. CHARLES, MO - The right lane of westbound I-70 and First Capitol Dr was blocked by a car wreck Thursday, MoDOT STL reports. CRASH I-70 WB PAST FIRST CAPITOL DR RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 3:59 PM —...
Semi-truck collides with pedestrian on I-44
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - Troopers responded to a hit-and-run collision involving a semi-truck and a pedestrian Wednesday night. The pedestrian was walking partially in the right lane of I-44 when the semi-truck collided with them around 11:55 p.m. The truck...
Hit-and-run driver fatally collides with pedestrian on W Florissant Ave
FLORISSANT, MO - A hit-and-run driver fatally struck a pedestrian on the 11800 block of W Florissant Ave Wednesday, Fox 2 Now reports. First responders were called to the scene around 6:30 p.m. They transported the victim to an area...
Authorities report accident on I-70 WB at Cave Springs/Truman Road
ST. LOUIS,  MO- An accident happened on I-70 WB at Cave Springs/Truman Road on the evening of November 10, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-70 WB PAST CAVE SPRINGS/ TRUMAN RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 23:27 — MoDOT STL...
Accident impacts traffic on I-270 NB at Manchester Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- MoDOT STL Traffic reports that an accident took place on I-270 NB at Manchester Road on the afternoon of November 10. CRASH I-270 NB TO MANCHESTER RD BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 12:51 PM —...
Authorities report accident on I-70 EB at First Capitol Drive
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, an accident happened on I-70 EB at First Capitol Drive on the morning of November 10. CRASH I-70 EB PAST FIRST CAPITOL DR RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 8:44 AM —...
Collision blocks traffic on US 67 NB at Papin Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- A collision happened on US 67 NB at Papin Road on the morning of November 10, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH US 67 NB AT PAPIN RD LEFT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 10:08 AM — MoDOT...
First responders report to traffic accident near Des Peres
ST. LOUIS, MO - A car crash was reported at northbound I-270 and Manchester Rd Wednesday, according to MoDOT STL. CRASH I-270 NB TO MANCHESTER RD LEFT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 12:51 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) November 10,...
Troopers respond to fatal accident at Rt Z and St. Mary Church Rd
ST. MARY, MO - A fatal, head-on collision was reported at Rt Z and St. Mary Church Rd Wednesday, according to MSHP. Billie R Nickelson, 21, was driving Chevrolet Cobalt east on St. Mary Church Rd when he crossed the...
Apartment carport collapse injures 1 on Clifton Ave
HOUSTON, TX - A person was hurt when an apartment carport collapsed and trapped them inside their vehicle Tuesday, Fox 2 Now reports. The accident was caused when the vehicle hit a support beam, causing the carport to complex. Firefighters...
Car crash blocks right shoulder on I-64 and I-70
RICHMOND HEIGHTS, MO - According to Fox 2 Now Traffic, a car wreck blocked the right lane of traffic on I-64 at I-170 Tuesday. Emergency crews had the roadway cleared by 6:25 a.m. The cause of the crash is unclear....
What Questions Should I Ask a Truck Accident Witness?
Accidents involving commercial trucks can be catastrophic. The occupants of small cars often suffer more severe and debilitating injuries than truck drivers. Although you might know without any doubt that the trucker caused the crash and should be held liable...
Authorities report crash on I-64 EB at McKnight Road
ST. LOUIS, MO-  MoDOT STL Traffic reports that an accident took place on I-64 EB at Mc Knight Road on the evening of November 9. CRASH I-64 EB PAST MC KNIGHT RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:51 PM —...
Crash affects commuters on I-55 SB at Richardson Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash happened on I-55 SB at Richardson Road on the afternoon of November 9, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-55 SB BEFORE RICHARDSON RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:37 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Crash slows traffic on I-70 WB at TR Hughes Boulevard
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a crash happened on I-70 WB at TR Hughes Boulevard on the morning of November 9. CRASH I-70 WB PAST TR HUGHES BLVD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 8:01 AM — MoDOT...
Crash slows traffic on I-270 NB at Manchester Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- MoDOT STL Traffic reports that a crash took place on I-270 NB at Manchester Road on the morning of November 9. CRASH I-270 NB BEFORE MANCHESTER RD BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 7:36 AM —...
Troopers respond to crash on US 61
IMPERIAL, MO - According to MSHP, a two-vehicle collision was reported on US 61 south of Imperial Main St Tuesday. At around 8:20 a.m., Robert D Christian, 46, was driving a Ford L9000 north on US 61 as Connor M...
Car wreck reported on WB I-64
FLORISSANT, MO - According to MoDOT STL, emergency crews worked the scene of a crash on westbound I-64 before Lindbergh Blvd Tuesday. CRASH I-64 WB BEFORE LINDBERGH BLVD CLEARED AT 12:49 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) November 9, 2021...
Emergency crews clear crash on I-55
ARNOLD, MO - Emergency crews were dispatched to the scene of a car wreck on southbound I-55 before Richardson Rd Tuesday, MoDOT STL reports. CRASH I-55 SB BEFORE RICHARDSON RD BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:37 PM —...
Traffic accident blocks right lane on SB I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - Fox 2 Now reports that a crash happened on eastbound I-64 past I-270 Tuesday. Emergency crews were dispatched to the crash site around 1:55 p.m. They had the roadway cleared by 5 p.m. No other information...
Traffic incident reported on I-270 SB at Page Avenue
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a collision happened on I-270 SB at Page Avenue on the afternoon of November 8. INCIDENT I-270 SB TO PAGE AVE EB RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 2:16 PM — MoDOT STL...
Crash affects traffic on I-64 EB at Big Bend Boulevard
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash took place on I-64 EB at Big Bend Boulevard on the morning of November 8, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-64 EB AT BIG BEND BLVD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 11:51 AM...
Collision impacts traffic on I-270 NB at Gravois Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- A collision took place on I-270 NB at Gravois Road on the morning of November 8, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-270 NB PAST GRAVOIS RD 2 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 9:28 AM —...
Traffic collision reported on I-270 NB at Manchester Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- A collision took place on I-270 NB at Manchester Road on the morning of November 8, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-270 NB AT MANCHESTER RD 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 7:46 AM — MoDOT...
Crews clear roadway after crash on I-270
FLORISSANT, MO - Emergency crews cleared a crash on eastbound I-270 passed New Florissant Rd Monday, MoDOT STL reports. CRASH I-270 EB PAST NEW FLORISSANT RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 3:59 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) November 8,...
Fatal motorcycle crash reported on I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to Fox 2 Now, emergency crews responded to the scene of a fatal motorcycle crash at I-55 and Broadway Sunday. The incident was reported to authorities at 4:25 p.m. It is unclear what caused the...
Fatal crash reported at Muegge Road and Cutright Ln
ST. CHARLES, MO - According to Fox 2 Now, one driver is dead and another was injured following a head-on collision on Muegge Rd near Cutright Ln Monday. The name of the deceased will be released once their next of...
Car wreck blocks multiple lanes on SB I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to Fox 2 Now, two lanes of traffic on southbound I-170 before I-64 were blocked by a car crash Monday. Emergency crews were dispatched to the crash site around 4:31. They had the roadway cleared...
Traffic incident reported on I-55 SB at S Broadway Street
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a collision happened on I-55 SB at S Broadway Street on the evening of November 7. CRASH I-55 SB PAST S BROADWAY ST 3 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 8:21 PM...
Crash affects commuters on I-55 NB at Weber Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a crash took place on I-55 NB at Weber Road on the evening of November 7. CRASH I-55 NB AT WEBER RD 2 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 20:33 — MoDOT...
Crash impacts traffic on I-55 NB at Arsenal Street
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash happened on I-55 NB at Arsenal Street on the evening of November 7,  according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-55 NB BEFORE ARSENAL ST RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 8:29 PM — MoDOT STL...
Collision affects traffic on I-270 SB at I-44
ST. LOUIS, MO- A collision took place on I-270 SB at I-44 on the afternoon of November 7, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-270 SB PAST I-44 4 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 5:36 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
20-year-old dead, 2 adults and 2 children hurt in I-270 rollover crash
ST. LOUIS, MO – A 20-year-old woman was killed and four people were injured, including two young children, in a single-vehicle rollover crash on I-270 this afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened on I-270 north...
Pedestrian hit and killed by teen driver near Belle in Maries Co.
BELLE, MO (MARIES COUNTY) – A pedestrian was hit and killed by a teenage driver in an early-morning crash on Highway 28 in Maries County this morning, according to information from the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred about...
Emergency crews clear crash at SB I-270 and Olive Blvd
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to MoDOT STL, a traffic accident was reported at southbound I-270 and Olive Blvd Friday. CRASH I-270 SB AT OLIVE BLVD CLEARED AT 4:26 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) November 5, 2021 The exact...
Right lane blocked by crash on I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to Fox 2 Now, a traffic accident blocked the right lane of traffic on eastbound I-64 before Mason Rd Friday. The incident was reported to authorities around 2:12 p.m. Emergency crews expect to have the...
Crash near Maryland Heights blocks traffic
ST. LOUIS, MO - The right shoulder of southbound I-270 and Dorsett Rd was blocked by a traffic accident Friday, Fox 2 Now reports. First responders were called to the scene around 5:10 p.m. The cause of the crash is...
Driver crashes into building at Jefferson Ave and Russel Blvd
ST. LOUIS, MO - A driver collided with a building at Jefferson Ave and Russel Blvd Friday, Fox 2 Now reports. EMS crews responded to the crash around 1 a.m. As they were responding to the crash, the driver of...
Collision reported on I-44 EB at Cole Street
ST. LOUIS, MO- A collision took place on I-44 EB at Cole Street on the evening of November 4, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-44 EB AT COLE ST RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:21 PM — MoDOT STL...
Crash slows traffic on I-270 SB at Gravois Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash happened on I-270 SB at Gravois Road on the afternoon of November 4, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-270 SB AT GRAVOIS RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 5:38 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Authorities report crash on I-55 NB at US- 67
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a crash took place on I-55 NB at US- 67 on the afternoon of November 4. CRASH I-55 NB AT US 67 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 5:27 PM —...
Authorities report crash on I-64 WB at Hampton
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash happened on I-64 WB at Hampton on the afternoon of November 4, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-64 WB BEFORE HAMPTON RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:55 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Wreck reported on WB I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO - A traffic accident was reported on westbound I-64 before Hampton Ave Thursday, according to MoDOT STL. CRASH I-64 WB BEFORE HAMPTON CLEARED AT 4:52 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) November 4, 2021 Dispatchers sent first...
Crash reported at I-270 SB and Gravois Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to MoDOT STL, first responders were called to the scene of a car wreck at southbound I-270 and Gravois Rd Thursday. CRASH I-270 SB AT GRAVOIS RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 5:38 PM —...
Car crash blocks right lane near Hi-Pointe
ST. LOUIS, MO - A car wreck blocked the right lane at westbound I-64 and Oakland Ave Thursday, Fox 2 Now reports. Emergency crews were dispatched to the scene of the accident around 4:30 p.m. They had the right lane...
Crews block of crash near Hyde Park
ST. LOUIS, MO - Emergency crews blocked off the scene of a crash at Salisbury St and N 11th St Thursday, Fox 2 Now reports. Dispatchers sent crews to the crash site around 4:25. They had the area cleared by...
Crash slows traffic on I-64 EB at I-170
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash took place on I-64 EB at I-170 on the evening of November 3, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-64 EB AT I-170 RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 7:48 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Collision affects commuters on I-44 EB at Hampton Avenue
ST. LOUIS, MO - A collision happened on I-44 EB at Hampton Avenue on the afternoon of November 3, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-44 EB BEFORE HAMPTON AVE RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:06 PM — MoDOT STL...
Crash blocks traffic on I-55 SB at Meramec
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a collision happened on I-55 SB at Meramec on the afternoon of November 3. CRASH I-55 SB AT MERAMEC BOTTOM RD LEFT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 3:21 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Collision affects traffic on I-70 EB at Lucas & Hunt Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- A collision took place on I-70 EB at Lucas & Hunt Road on the morning of November 3, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-70 EB TO LUCAS & HUNT RD BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Police respond to crash on I-44
ST. LOUIS, MO - First responders were dispatched to a car wreck on eastbound I-44 before Hampton Ave Wednesday, MoDOT STL reports. CRASH I-44 EB BEFORE HAMPTON AVE RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:06 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Car wreck blocks 2 lanes of traffic at Eb I-64 and I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to Fox 2 Now, a traffic accident was reported on eastbound I-64 and I-70 Wednesday. The accident happened around 6:55 p.m. and it blocked the right lane and right shoulder of eastbound I-64. Emergency crews...
Collision involving school bus reported at Humbert Rd and Seiler Rd
GODFREY, IL -A collision involving a school bus and a Jeep Renegade at Humbert Road and Seiler Road injured one person Wednesday, The Telegraph reports. First responders transported an adult injured in the incident to a nearby hospital. Nobody on...
Apartment fire kills 1 on Pershing Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to Fox 2 Now, a person died following a fire at an apartment fire on the 5600 block of Pershing Ave Wednesday. The fire happened sometime in the morning. Additional details are not available at...
Crash takes place on I-64 EB at Big Bend Boulevard
ST. LOUIS, MO- Authorities responded to a crash on I-64 EB at Big Bend Boulevard on the evening of November 2, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-64 EB BEFORE BIG BEND BLVD 3 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 7:38...
Authorities report crash on I-44 WB at I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a crash happened on I-44 WB at I-64 on the afternoon of November 2. CRASH I-44 WB BEFORE I-64 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:37 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) November...
Collision slows traffic on I-270 WB at Lilac Avenue
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a collision took place on I-270 WB at Lilac Avenue on the afternoon of November 2. CRASH I-270 WB PAST LILAC AVE 3 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 5:19 PM —...
Authorities Report Crash on I-64 WB at Kings Highway Boulevard
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash took place on I-64 WB at Kings Highway Boulevard on the afternoon of November 2, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-64 WB AT KINGSHIGHWAY BLVD RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:40 PM — MoDOT...
Police dispatched to car wreck on I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - First responders were dispatched to the scene of a traffic accident on westbound I-710 before Lindbergh Blvd Tuesday, MoDOT STL reports. STALLED VEHICLE I-70 WB BEFORE LINDBERGH BLVD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:08 PM —...
Emergency crews clear crash on I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to MoDOT STL, a car crash was reported on eastbound I-64 before I-270 Tuesday. CRASH I-64 EB BEFORE I-270 CLEARED AT 5:14 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) November 2, 2021 It is unclear exactly...
Man charged for fatal wrong-way crash at I-44 and Walnut St
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to St. Louis Post-Dispatch, a man has been charged for the fatal wrong-way crash at I-44 and Walnut St in April. Prosecutors say that Curtis R. Lee was driving a Ford Transit on April 9...
Wreck blocks multiple lanes of westbound I-64 near Kingshighway Blvd
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to Fox 2 Now, multiple lanes of traffic were blocked by a traffic accident on westbound I-64 past Kingshighway Blvd Tuesday. Dispatchers sent emergency crews to the crash site at 3:52 p.m. They had all...
Collision blocks traffic on MO 30 WB at Sugar Creek Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- A collision took place on MO 30 WB at Sugar Creek Road on the evening of November 1, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH MO 30 WB PAST SUGAR CREEK RD RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Traffic incident reported on I- 64 EB at Mc Knight Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- A collision took place on I-64 EB at Mc Knight Road on the afternoon of November 1, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-64 EB AT MC KNIGHT RD 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:48 PM...
Crash slows traffic on I-70 WB at Cypress Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash happened on I-70 WB at Cypress Road on the afternoon of November 1, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-70 WB BEFORE CYPRESS RD RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 5:45 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Crash takes place on I-170 NB at Page Avenue
ST. LOUIS, MO- Authorities responded to a crash on I-170 NB at Page Avenue on the afternoon of November 1, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-170 NB BEFORE PAGE AVE RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:57 PM — MoDOT...
Driver injured after being rear-ended at SB I-270 and I-44
ST. LOUIS, MO - Troopers were dispatched to the scene of a wreck at southbound I-270 and I-44 Monday. At around 2:25 p.m., Jeffery M Haney, 41, was driving a *Chevrolet Impala on southbound I-270 when he struck the rear...
First responders at scene of traffic accident on I-170
ST. LOUIS, MO - First responders were dispatched to a car wreck on northbound I-170 before Page Ave Monday, MoDOT STL reports. CRASH I-170 NB BEFORE PAGE AVE RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:57 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Emergency crews respond to crash on WB I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to MoDOT STL, a crash was reported on westbound I-70 before Cypress Rd Monday. CRASH I-70 WB BEFORE CYPRESS RD RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 5:45 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) November 1,...
2 injured after driver runs red light at Homer Adams Pkwy and Alton Square Mall Dr
ALTON, IL - According to The Telegraph, two people were injured after a driver ran a red light and collided with another vehicle at Homer Adams Pkwy and Alton Square Mall Dr Saturday. A Toyota driver was on northbound Alton...
What Not to Say to a Truck Driver After an Accident
The moments following a truck accident can be shocking, scary, and overwhelming. If you suffered injuries, you’re likely in pain and unable to process what just happened. You might not know what steps you should take next. Unfortunately, if you...
Authorities report crash on I-70 SB at Page Avenue
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a crash took place on I-70 SB at Page Avenue on the evening of October 30. CRASH I-170 SB BEFORE PAGE AVE LEFT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 11:08 PM — MoDOT...
Crash reported on I-70 WB at Jennings Station Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash took place on I-70 WB at Jennings Station Road on the morning of October 31, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-70 WB PAST JENNINGS STA RD 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 2:57 AM...
Crash blocks traffic on I-70 WB at Grand Avenue
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a crash took place on I-70 WB at Grand Avenue on the afternoon of October 31. CRASH I-70 WB TO GRAND AVE BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:03 PM —...
Crash impacts traffic on I-270 EB at MO 367
ST. LOUIS, MO- Authorities were on the scene of a crash on SH288 EB at MO 367 on the afternoon of October 31, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-270 EB BEFORE MO 367 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Two people injured in two-vehicle crash on Washington Ave and Broadway
ST. LOUIS, MO – Two people were injured, one of them seriously so, when two vehicles collided on Washington Avenue on Tuesday afternoon, according to information from the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department (SLMPD). The crash happened on Washington Avenue...
4 teens injured in single-vehicle crash on I-55 in Ste. Genevieve
STE. GENEVIEVE, MO – Four teenagers were injured in a single-vehicle crash in Ste. Genevieve this afternoon, according to information from the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened on northbound I-55 near mile marker 151 at 2:17 p.m., when...
Normandy police officer hospitalized after being hit by car on I-170
BRIDGETON, MO – A Normandy police officer was hospitalized after being hit by another driver on I-170 last night near Bridgeton, according to KSDK News. The collision happened on northbound I-170 near St. Charles Rock Road at about 7:30 p.m.,...
Two teen girls injured in rear-end crash on I-55 near Mehlville
MEHLVILLE, MO – Two teenage girls were injured in a car accident near the Mehlville area on I-55 late last night, according to information from the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened on northbound I-55 near Butler Hill Road...
Teen driver suffers minor injuries after falling asleep at wheel
PERRY CO., MO - An 18-year-old driver was lucky to escape with only minor injuries after falling asleep at the wheel and running off the I-55 roadway late last night. The Missouri State Highway Patrol says the woman was traveling...
Driver hospitalized after crash in Franklin Co. caused by animal in roadway
FRANKLIN CO., MO - A motorist was injured early this morning when he crashed his car while attempting to avoid an animal in the roadway. The Missouri State Highway Patrol reports that the collision happened at 3:45 a.m. on Route...
Driver injured in crash caused by wet conditions in St. Clair
ST. CLAIR, MO - A woman was injured yesterday a single-vehicle accident on Gravois Avenue caused in part by the wet road conditions, responding police report. The woman was headed westbound in the 600 block when she lost control of...
Elderly woman injured when vehicle strikes guardrail on I-44
SULLIVAN, MO - A 73-year-old woman was injured yesterday afternoon when the car in which she was a passenger struck a guardrail on westbound I-44, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. An MSHP trooper was called to milepost 224 at...
Crash affects commuters on I-270 EB at Lindbergh Boulevard
ST. LOUIS, MO- Authorities responded to a crash on I-270 EB at Lindbergh Boulevard on the morning of October 29, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-270 EB PAST LINDBERGH BLVD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 1:20 AM — MoDOT...
Crash slows traffic on I-70 EB at Lucas & Hunt Road
ST. LOUIS,  MO- Authorities responded to a crash on I-70 EB at Lucas & Hunt Road on the afternoon of October 28, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-70 EB AT LUCAS & HUNT RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:38...
Authorities respond to crash on I-55 NB at Weber Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash took place on I-55 NB at Weber Road on the afternoon of October 28, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-55 NB AT WEBER RD BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:36 PM — MoDOT...
Crash reported on I-64 WB at 9th Street
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash took place onI-64 WB at 9th Street on the afternoon of October 28, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-64 WB TO 9TH ST RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 3:31 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
MSHP responds to 2-car collision at MO 8 and Stoney Point Road
MINERAL POINT, MO - MSHP reports that a wrong-way driver struck another vehicle at MO 8 and Stoney Point Rd Wednesday. Parrish T Strodder, 58, was driving a Ford F-150 on eastbound MO 8 when he entered the westbound lanes...
Crews clear accident near Bella Villa
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to MoDOT STL, emergency crews were called to the scene of a traffic accident at northbound I-55 and Weber Rd Thursday. CRASH I-55 NB AT WEBER RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:36 PM —...
Traffic accident reported at I-64 and MO 94
WELDON SPRING, MO - Officers were dispatched to a traffic accident at I-64 and MO 94 Thursday, according to MoDOT STL. CRASH I-64 EB AT MO 94 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 5:05 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) October...
Crews close right lane of EB I-64 near S McKnight Rd
BRENTWOOD, MO - According to Fox 2 Now, first responders were dispatched to a crash on eastbound I-64 before McKnight Rd Thursday. Crews closed the road to clear the accident around 3:45 p.m. The area was cleared by 4:45 p.m....
Crash affects commuters on I-64 EB at Big Bend Boulevard
ST. LOUIS, MO- Authorities were on the scene of a crash on I-64 EB at Big Bend Boulevard on the afternoon of October 27, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-64 EB BEFORE BIG BEND BLVD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Crash takes place on I-270 EB at I-170
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash took place on I-270 EB at I-170 on the evening of October 27, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-270 EB AT I-170 LEFT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:56 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Authorities report crash on I-70 EB at Airflight Drive
ST. LOUIS, MO- Authorities were on the scene of a crash on I-70 EB at Airflight Drive on the evening of October 27, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-70 EB BEFORE AIRFLIGHT DR RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 19:33 —...
Crash reported on I-70 WB at Bermuda Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a crash happened on I-70 WB at Bermuda Road on the evening of October 27. CRASH I-70 WB PAST BERMUDA RD RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 8:39 PM — MoDOT STL...
Driver strikes deer, injures 2 on MO 23
CONCORDIA, MO - An adult and a juvenile were injured after a vehicle collided with a deer on northbound MO 23 near Davis Creek Rd, according to MSHP. Brittany M Bacl, 26,  was driving a Ford Escort when she struck...
Emergency crews respond to crash on EB I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - A car accident was reported on eastbound I-70 past I-170 Wednesday, according to MoDOT STL. CRASH I-70 EB PAST I-170 CLEARED AT 2:24 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) October 27, 2021 Dispatchers sent crews to...
Emergency crews clear wreck on EB I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to MoDOT STL, a traffic accident was reported on eastbound I-64 before Big Ben Blvd Wednesday. CRASH I-64 EB BEFORE BIG BEND BLVD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:46 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Car wreck closes left lane at WB I-44 and Six Flags Rd
EUREKA, MO - The debris from a traffic accident caused the left lane of westbound I-44 and Six Flags Rd to close Wednesday, Fox 2 Now reports. Dispatchers sent emergency crews to the crash site after they received calls concerning...
Crash slows traffic on US 67 NB at Taylor Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash took place on US- 67 NB at Taylor Road on the evening of October 26, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH US 67 NB PAST TAYLOR RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 9:50 PM — MoDOT...
Crash affects commuters on I-64 EB at Big Bend Boulevard
ST. LOUIS, MO- Authorities responded to a crash on I-64 EB at Big Bend Boulevard on the evening of October 26, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-64 EB BEFORE BIG BEND BLVD 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:51...
Crash slows traffic on I-70 WB at 5th Street
ST.LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a crash happened on  I-70 WB at 5th Street on the afternoon of October 26. CRASH I-70 WB AT FIFTH ST RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:37 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Authorities respond to crash on I-270 EB at MO 367
ST. LOUIS, MO- Authorities were on the scene of a crash on I-270 EB at MO 367 on the afternoon of October 26, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-270 EB AT MO 367 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:30 PM...
Single-vehicle crash injures 3 on State Rd Y
DITTMER, MO - Two juveniles and one adult were injured in a single-vehicle crash at 8752 State Rd Y Tuesday, according to MSHP. At around 3:40 a.m., Justin L Craft, 18, was driving a Ford Ranger when he attempted to...
Emergency crews clear crash on WB I-70
ST. CHARLES, MO - A traffic accident was reported at westbound I-70 and Fifth St Tuesday, according to MoDOT STL. CRASH I-70 WB AT FIFTH ST RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:37 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) October 26,...
Car wreck closes right lane on I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO - Three right lanes of eastbound I-64 before Big Bend Blvd was closed due to a traffic accident Tuesday, MoDOT STL reports. CRASH I-64 EB BEFORE BIG BEND BLVD 3 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:51...
Traffic accident closes WB I-44
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to Fox 2 Now, emergency crews closed down westbound I-44 from Hampton Ave to Southwest Ave because of a car wreck. Crews were dispatched to the crash site around 4:30. They had all lanes cleared...
Crash slows traffic on I-270 SB at Page Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO - Authorities responded to a crash on I-270 SB at Page Ave on the evening of October 25, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-170 SB PAST PAGE AVE 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 9:46...
Crash impacts traffic on I-64 WB at Clarkson Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a crash happened on I-64 WB at Clarkson Road on the afternoon of October 25. CRASH I-64 WB AT CLARKSON RD RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 05:54 PM — MoDOT STL...
Crash takes place on I-270 NB at Dorsett Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- MoDOT STL Traffic reports that a crash took place on I-270 NB at Dorsett Road on the afternoon of October 25. CRASH I-270 NB PAST DORSETT RD 2 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 3:23 PM — MoDOT...
Crash affects traffic on I-70 EB at Lucas & Hunt Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- Authorities responded to a crash on I-70 EB at Lucas & Hunt Road on the afternoon of October 25, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-70 EB PAST LUCAS & HUNT RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Car wreck blocks right shoulder on EB I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - The right shoulder of eastbound I-70 past Hunt Rd was blocked by a traffic accident Monday, MoDOT STL reports. CRASH I-70 EB PAST LUCAS & HUNT RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 03:00 PM — MoDOT...
Crash reported near sunset hills
ST. LEWIS, MO - According to MoDOT STL, first responders were dispatched to the scene of a crash at southbound I-270 past I-44 Monday. CRASH I-270 SB PAST I-44 RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:54 PM — MoDOT STL...
Motorcyclist injured after colliding with traffic signal on N Lindbergh Blvd
HOUSTON, TX - According to KMOV, a motorcyclist was hurt after he fell asleep and struck a directional signal on N Lindbergh Blvd Saturday. The victim was swerving through traffic when he collided with the signal in the Maryland Heights...
Fatal scooter accident reported on I-55
PEVELY, MO - A man died after he was struck by multiple vehicles on I-55 Friday, Fox 2 Now reports. A Chevrolet Cruze rear-ended Dante R. Trice, 54, who was riding a Lance Cali Classic 50 scooter. The impact knocked...
Crash impacts traffic on I-70 EB at MO 79
ST. LOUIS, MO- Authorities responded to a crash on I-70 EB at MO 79 at 3:50 p.m. on October 24, according to MoDOT STL CRASH I-70 EB BEFORE MO 79 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 3:50 PM — MoDOT STL...
Authorities report crash on MO 141 NB at I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO- Authorities were on the scene of a crash on MO 141 NB at I-64 at 2:24 p.m. on October 24, MoDOT STL Traffic reports.   CRASH MO 141 NB AT I-64 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 2:24...
Crash slows traffic on I-55 NB at Arsenal Street
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash happened on I-55 NB at Arsenal Street at 9: 09 p.m. on October 24, according to MoDOT STL TrAffic.   CRASH I-55 NB BEFORE ARSENAL ST RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 9:09 AM — MoDOT...
Crash affects commuters on I-44 WB at Big Bend Boulevard
ST. LOUIS, MO-A crash took place on I-44 WB at Big Bend Boulevard at 6;10 a.m. on October 24, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-44 WB BEFORE BIG BEND BLVD BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:10 AM —...
De Soto man severely injured in single-vehicle rollover crash on Rt. P
POTOSI, MO – A man from De Soto was severely injured in a single-vehicle crash on Route P in Washington County this evening, according to information from the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened on Route P, north of...
Motorcyclist dead after being run over by semi-truck on I-55
PEVELY, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – A motorcyclist was killed after he was ejected from his bike during a crash, and was then run over by a semi-truck on I-55 on Friday night, according to information from the Missouri State Highway...
Driver reportedly runs over man, steals cell phone after road rage incident
MANCHESTER, MO – Two people were injured after a driver allegedly ran over another man following a road rage incident in Manchester on Thursday afternoon, according to information from KSDK. The incident happened on Manchester Road near Parkway South High...
Traffic accident blocks right shoulder near Forest Park Southeast
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to MoDOT STL, a car wreck was reported at westbound I-64 and Kingshighway Blvd Friday. CRASH I-64 WB AT KINGSHIGHWAY BLVD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:08 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) October 22,...
Crash closes right lane near North Clayton
ST. LOUIS, MO - The right lane of traffic at northbound I-170 and Forest Park Pkwy was closed due to a traffic accident Friday, Fox 2 Now reports. First responders were called to the crash site around 5:30 p.m. It...
Crash injures driver on Hwy D
PHELPS COUNTY, MO - A man was airlifted to the hospital following a single-vehicle crash on Hwy D, KRCG reports. James Barnhardt, 67, was driving a Sterling L9500 on eastbound Hwy D when he strayed off the road, struck a...
Driver drives off edge of Hampton Ave bridge, dies
ST. LOUIS, MO - A woman died after she drove off the Hampton Ave bridge Sunday, according to the Saint Louis Post-Dispatch. At around 1:30 p.m., Molly Hutchins, 55, was driving a Toyota Rav 4 on southbound Hampton when she...
Crash impacts traffic on I-270 SB at Tesson Ferry Road
ST.LOUIS, MO- A crash took place on I-270 SB at Tesson Ferry Road on October 21, according to St. Louis Traffic. CRASH I-270 SB BEFORE TESSON FERRY RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 5:37 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Crash affects commuters on I-55 SB at Butler Hill Road
ST.LOUIS, MO- A crash took place on I-55 SB at Butler Hill Road at on October 22, St. Louis reports. CRASH I-55 SB TO BUTLER HILL RD BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 10/22/2021 12:51 AM — MoDOT STL...
Traffic accident reported on I-70 EB at Union
ST. LOUIS, MO- An accident took place on I-70 EB at Union on October 22, St. Louis Traffic reports. CRASH I-70 EB BEFORE UNION 2 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 10/22/2021 12:33 AM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) October...
Crash reported on I-55 SB at US 67
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash took place on I-55 SB at US 67 on October 21, St Louis Traffic reports. CRASH I-55 SB BEFORE US 67 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 18:11 — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) October 21, 2021...
Traffic accident blocks right shoulder on I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to MoDOT STL, the right shoulder on southbound I-270 before Tesson Ferry Rd was blocked by a car crash Wednesday. CRASH I-270 SB BEFORE TESSON FERRY RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 5:37 PM —...
Emergency crews respond to crash at I-55 and US 67
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash was reported at northbound I-55 and US 67 Wednesday, according to MoDOT STL. CRASH I-55 NB AT US 67 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 18:03 — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) October 21,...
2-car collision injures 1 on MO-94 and US-67
WEST ALTON, MO -  A driver was injured when they pulled out in front of another vehicle and collided with it at Mo 94 and US 67 Wednesday, according to MSHP. Steven N. Janssen, 19, was driving a Mercury Grand...
Bug bomb inhalation at Hampton Inn and Suites sends 2 to hospital
ALTON, IL - Two people were taken to a hospital after they breathed in fumes from bug bombs activated in a room at the Hampton Inn And Suites on Homer Adams Pkwy Wednesday, The Telegraph reports. Firefighters were called to...
Authorities report crash on W 94 MO at S US 67 SB
ST.  LOUIS, MO- A crash took place on W 94 MO at S US 67 SB at on October 20, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH W 94 MO AT S US 67 SB US RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Crash impacts traffic on I-44 WB at Big Bend Boulevard
ST. LOUIS, MO- Authorities were on the scene of a crash on I-44 WB at Big Bend Boulevard on October 20, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-44 WB BEFORE BIG BEND BLVD CENTER LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 10:12 PM...
Crash blocks traffic on I-70 WB at MO 115
ST. LOUIS, MO- Authorities responded to a crash on I-70 WB at MO 115 on October 20, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-70 WB ON RAMP FROM MO 115 BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 9:12 PM — MoDOT...
Authorities report crash on I-270 at Olive Boulevard
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash happened on I-270 SB at Olive Boulevard on October 20, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-270 SB BEFORE OLIVE BLVD 2 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 18:52 — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) October...
First responders at scene of wreck on NB I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash happened on northbound I-55 past Loughborough Ave Wednesday, according to MoDOT STL. Dispatchers sent first responders to the crash site around 4:10 p.m. They expect to have the area cleared and reopened by 4:37...
Emergency crews respond to accident near Frontenac
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to MoDOT STL, a traffic accident happened on westbound I-64 past Spoede Rd Wednesday. CRASH I-64 WB PAST SPOEDE RD CLEARED AT 16:33 — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) October 20, 2021 It is unclear when...
Driver taken to hospital following crash on I-44
ST. LOUIS, MO -  A man was hospitalized following a multi-vehicle crash on I-44 near mile marker 269 Tuesday, according to MSHP. Charles L Scarbough, 76, was on eastbound I-44 when he rear-ended a VW Atlas operated by Catherine M...
Car crash reported near St. Louis Lambert International Airport
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash at northbound US 67 and Missouri Bottom Rd closed the right lane of traffic Wednesday, according to Fox 2 Now. The incident was reported to authorities around 5:27 p.m. It is unclear what caused...
What Not to Say to an Insurance Adjuster
If you’ve been injured in an accident due to someone else’s actions, you may be entitled to compensation. The steps you take following your accident can impact the compensation that you may be entitled to receive. Insurance Adjusters’ Role Insurance...
Authorities report crash on I-70 EB at I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash happened on I-70 EB at I-270 at 5:40 p.m. on October 19, according to St. Louis Traffic. CRASH I-70 EB BEFORE I-270 BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:07 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Authorities respond to crash on MO 141 SB at Forest Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO- Authorities responded to a crash on MO 141 SB at Forest Ave at 7:04 p.m. on October 19, St. Louis Traffic reports. CRASH MO 141 SB PAST FOREST AVE RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 7:45 PM...
Crash slows traffic on I-55 NB at Lindbergh
ST. LOUIS, MO- Authorities responded to a crash on I-55 NB at Lindbergh at 5:54 p.m. on October 19, St. Louis Traffic reports. CRASH I-55 NB AT LINDBERGH RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 5:54 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Crash takes place on I-64 WB at Clayton Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash happened on I-64 WB at Clayton Ave at 5:05 p.m. on October 19, St. Louis Traffic reports. CRASH I-64 WB BEFORE CLAYTON AVE CLEARED AT 5:05 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) October 19, 2021...
Crash takes place on I-270 NB at Manchester Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash happened on I-270 NB at Manchester Road at 4:40 p.m. on October 19, St. Louis Traffic reports. CRASH I-270 NB BEFORE MANCHESTER RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:40 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Wreck causes traffic jam on I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash on eastbound I-70 before I-270 created a traffic jam during Tuesday evening's rush-hour, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-70 EB BEFORE I-270 BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:07 PM — MoDOT STL...
Car wreck closes right lane near Mehlville
ST. LOUIS, MO - The right lane of traffic at I-55 and Lindbergh Blvd was closed due to a traffic accident Tuesday, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-55 NB AT LINDBERGH RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 5:54 PM —...
Driver strikes, kills pedestrian near Boulevard Heights
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, a driver fatally collided with a pedestrian at Hampton Ave and Gravois Ave on Monday. The collision happened around 8 p.m. No other information has been provided at this time....
Crash blocks lane at I-64 and Illinois St
FAIRVIEW HEIGHTS, IL - A crash was reported at eastbound I-64 and Illinois St on Tuesday, according to Fox 2 Now. The incident was reported to authorities at 5:11 p.m. Crews had the area cleared by 5:55 p.m. No word...
Authorities report crash on I- 64 EB at I-170
ST. LOUIS, MO- Authorities responded to a crash on I-64 EB at I-170 at 6:36 p.m. on October 18, St. Louis Traffic reports. CRASH I-64 EB AT I-170 LEFT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:36 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Crash slows traffic on MO 364 at Bennington Place
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash took place on MO 364 at Bennington Place at 4:44 p.m. on October 18, according to St. Louis Traffic. CRASH MO 364 WB AT BENNINGTON PL 2 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:44 PM...
Authorities report crash on I-64 WB at Hanley Road
ST. LOUIS, MO -Authorities responded to a crash on I- 64 WB at Hanley Road at 8:41 p.m. on October 18, St. Louis Traffic reports. CRASH I-64 WB AT HANLEY RD 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 8:41 AM...
Crash affects commuters on MO 141 at Manchester Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash happened on MO 141  at Manchester Road at 7:19 a.m. on October 18, according to St. Louis Traffic. CRASH MO 141 NB PAST MANCHESTER RD USE CENTER LANES EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 7:19 AM — MoDOT STL...
Emergency crews clear crash on I-270
ST. CHARLES, MO - Dispatchers sent emergency crews to the scene of a crash on southbound I-270 before MO 370 Monday, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. CRASH I-270 SB BEFORE MO 370 CLEARED AT 4:43 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Crash injures officer, 3 children at Hwy K and Christina Marie Dr
O'FALLON, MO - Three children and one police officer were hurt following a collision between a van and a squad car at Hwy K and Christina Marie Dr Sunday, according to KMOV. Authorities received calls concerning the car wreck around...
Vehicle fatally collides with elderly man on Lindbergh Blvd
GREEN PARK, MO - An elderly man died after being run over on Lindbergh Blvd near Mueller Rd Saturday, Fox 2 Now reports. According to the police, Kent Zimmerman, 76, was walking across the road when struck by a vehicle...
Emergency crews respond to wreck near Central West End
ST. LOUIS, MO - The right lane of traffic at Clayton Ave and westbound I-64 was closed due to a traffic accident Monday, according to Fox 2 Now. Dispatchers received calls concerning the car crash around 4 p.m. The cause...
Crash impacts traffic at I-64 EB at Chestnut Street
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to St. Louis Traffic, a crash happened at I-64 EB Chestnut Street at 9:0-7 p.m. on October 17. CRASH I-64 EB AT CHESTNUT ST 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 9:07 PM — MoDOT STL...
Crash takes place at I-64 WB past Chesterfield
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash happened at I-64 WB past Chesterfield at 1:55 p.m. on October 17, St. Louis Traffic reports. CRASH I-64 WB PAST CHESTERFIELD W 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 1:55 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Crash slows traffic at I-64 WB NB
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash took place at I-64 WB NB neat prospect road at 12:12 a.m. on October 17, according to St. Louis Traffic. CRASH I-64 WB NB PAST PROSPECT RD LEFT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 12:12 —...
Crash affects commuters at I-55 NB
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash took place at I-55 NB near Butler Hill Road at 6:08 p.m on October 17, St. Louis traffic reports. CRASH I-55 NB PAST BUTLER HILL RD RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:08 AM...
1 person killed in rollover crash near Hampton and Manchester Aves
ST. LOUIS, MO – One person died as a result of a rollover accident in the Clayton-Tamm area in Dogtown this afternoon, according to KMOV 4. The accident occurred near Hampton and Manchester at around 1:30 p.m., when at least...
Teen airlifted to hospital after motorcycle crash on Hwy DD in Maries Co.
BRINKTOWN, MO (MARIES COUNTY) – A man and a teenager were injured, the latter severely so, after their motorcycle crashed on Highway DD in Maries County on Friday afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred on...
Two 19-year-olds injured after car crashes off side of I-70 ramp into two trucks
ST. LOUIS, MO – Two 19-year-olds were injured early this morning in a crash on I-70 that caused the engine block to separate from the rest of their vehicle, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The collision happened on...
Single vehicle crash injures 1 person at I-270 and I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO - A man was injured in a single-vehicle crash on the southbound ramp of I-270 to I-55 Thursday, MSHP reports. Comelia L. Taylor, 36, was driving a Ford Explorer on southbound I-270 when she lost control of...
Car wreck reported on I-44
ST. LOUIS, MO - A traffic accident was reported on eastbound I-44 past Antire Rd Friday, MoDOT STL reports. CRASH I-44 EB PAST ANTIRE RD CLEARED AT 4:56 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) October 15, 2021 First responders arrived...
Man charged for fatal crash on Stoneywood Rd
SUNSET HILLS, MO - A man has been charged with a fatal crash on Stoneywood Rd that left a 10-year-old boy dead and injured two other children on October 10, KSDK reports. Christopher Townsend was driving at speeds around 87...
Wreck closes right lane at SB Hwy 141 and Astra Way
ARNOLD, MO - First responders were called to the site of a traffic accident at southbound Hwy 141 and Astra Way Friday, Fox 2 reports. The car crash happened around 5:24 p.m. Emergency crews had the right lane reopened by...
Crash affects commuters at I-270 SB past Gravois Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- St. Louis Traffic reports that a crash took place at I-270 SB approaching Gravois Road at  11:21 p.m. on October 14. CRASH I-270 SB PAST GRAVOIS RD USE CENTER LANES EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 11:21 PM — MoDOT...
Crash affects traffic at I-170 SB
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash happened at I-170 SB near I-270 at 10:46 p.m. on October 14, according to St. Louis Traffic. CRASH I-170 SB PAST I-270 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 10:46 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) October...
Crash blocks traffic at I-270 SB approaching Tesson Ferry Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to St. Louis traffic, a crash took place at I-270 SB approaching Tesson Ferry Road at 9: 43 p.m. on October 14. CRASH I-270 SB BEFORE TESSON FERRY RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 9:43 PM...
Crash reported at I-44 EB past Shrewsbury Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash took place at I-44 EB approaching Shrewsbury Avenue at 7:41 p.m. on October 14, according to St. Louis traffic. CRASH I-44 EB PAST SHREWSBURY AVE RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 7:41 PM — MoDOT STL...
Car wreck closes right lane on WB I-44
ST. LOUIS, MO - The right lane of westbound I-44 past Lindbergh Blvd was closed due to a car crash Thursday, MoDOT STL reports. CRASH I-44 WB PAST LINDBERGH BLVD RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:37 PM — MoDOT...
Single-car crash injures 3 teens on Hwy 367
ALTON, IL - Three teens were injured in a crash on Hwy 367 near Lindbergh Wednesday, WBGZ reports. The teens were on their way to Marquette Catholic School when the car went off the road and into a ravine for...
Fatal collision reported at Jennings Station Rd and Brookfield Dr
JENNINGS, Mo - First responders were called to the scene of a fatal wreck at Jennings Station Road and Brookfield Drive Thursday morning, Fox 2 Now reports. A car flipped multiple times after colliding with a utility pole around 5:20...
Crash closes center lane at SB I-55 and Butler Hill Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO - Emergency crews were called to the scene of a crash at southbound I-55 and Butler Hill Rd Thursday, Fox 2 Now reports. Crews were called to the scene of the wreck around 2:54 p.m. to clean...
Authorities respond to crash at MO 30 past Delores Drive
ST. LOUIS, MO- A vehicle crash occurred along MO 30 EB just after Delores Drive at 9:56 p.m. October 13, a MoDOT STL Traffic was reported. The right lane was closed due to the crash, authorities said. Our team will...
Lane blocked on Route 367 due to reported car wreck
ST. LOUIS, MO- A car wreck was reported along Route 367 near the US67 interchange this afternoon, according to the MoDOT STL Traffic. Authorities responded to the crash around 12:46 p.m. The right lane was closed due to the crash....
A crash blocked the right lane at the E Watson Road
ST. LOUIS, MO- A vehicle crash was reported at the E Watson Road CST, Geyer Road CST at 4:08 p.m. October 13, MoDOT STL Traffic said. The crash caused the right lane of the Geyer Road CST blocked by motorists....
Right lane blocked on 141 SB due to crash
ST. LOUIS, MO-A vehicle crash occurred on MO 141 Southbound near Creve Coeur Mill Road around 3:54 p.m. on October 13, according to the MoDOT STL Traffic. The crash caused the right lane blocked while crews worked to clear the...
Car wreck closes right lane at EB I-64 near Vandeventer Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO - The right lane of eastbound I-64 past Vandeventer Ave was closed due to a traffic accident, according to MoDOT STL. CRASH I-64 EB PAST VANDEVENTER AVE RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 5:23 PM — MoDOT...
2-vehicle crash injures 1 person on I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - A driver was injured following a two-car collision at northbound I-270 near Page Ave, MSHP reports. Joseph V. Bondurant, 28, was stopped in a Dodge Charger with his hazard lights on at the exit point. Bondurant...
House burns down on Washington St
VENICE, Il - Firefighters were at the scene of a house fire on Washington St Wednesday morning, Fox 2 Now reports. Dispatchers sent fire crews to the 500 block of Washington St around 6:45 a.m. It is unclear if anyone...
Minivan rear-ends SUV, injures 5 on Rte 159 and Summer Point
FORT RUSSELL TOWNSHIP, IL - Five people were injured after a minivan slammed into the back of an SUV at Rte 159 and Summer Point Tuesday, The Intelligencer reports. According to Illinois State Police, Linda L. Schmidt, 71, was driving...
A crash reported on I-70; expect traffic delays
ST. LOUIS, MO- According to MoDOT STL Traffic, a vehicle crash happened in the westbound lanes of I-70, after Route A at about6:24 p.m. October 12. Authorities reported expecting traffic delays in the area, as two lanes were closed due...
Emergency personnel respond to crash at I-70 WB at Carrie Ave.
ST. LOUIS, MO- A vehicle accident happened along the I-70 Westbound on-ramp from Carrie Ave at around 10:43 p.m. on October 12, said MoDOT STL Traffic. The cause of the accident remains unclear at this time. However, significant delays were...
Authorities respond to crash on I-270 EB at Riverview Rd.
ST. LOUIS, MO- A vehicle crash occurred along I-270 EB just after Riverview Road at around 9:11 p.m. October 12, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. Authorities were forced to shut down at least one right lane, causing significant delays in...
Right lane closed following crash on I-70 at Mo-141
ST. LOUIS, MO- A vehicle crash occurred in the eastbound lanes of I-70, approaching MO 141 at about 7:31 pm on October 12, said MoDOT STL Traffic. At least one right lane was blocked in the area while crews worked...
Emergency crews respond to crash on I-44
ST. LOUIS, MO - A traffic accident was reported on westbound I-44 past MO 141 Tuesday, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. CRASH I-44 WB PAST MO 141 RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 5:09 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Traffic incident reported on WB I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO - A car wreck closed two lanes of traffic on westbound I-64 before Hampton Ave, according to Fox 2 Now. The accident happened around 3:44 p.m. Crews had the area cleared by 5 p.m. Additional details are...
Vehicle fatally collides with pedestrian IL Route 161
FAIRVIEW HEIGHTS, IL - A female driver fatally struck a pedestrian on IL 161 near Old Lincoln Trail Monday, according to Fox 2 Now. The driver called 911 after hitting the victim around 9:30 p.m. Police released the driver after...
Driver collides with patrol car, injures officer at Lindbergh Blvd and Chapel Ridge Dr
HAZELWOOD, MO - A driver struck a Hazelwood Police Department patrol car at Lindbergh Blvd and McDonnell Blvd Monday, Fox 2 Now reports. The officer was driving on northbound Lindbergh Blvd when he was struck by a vehicle that failed...
Officers respond to crash on I-44 EB at Jamieson Ave.
ST. LOUIS, MO- A collision happened along I-44 eastbound, approaching Jamieson Ave at around 1:18 p.m. on October 11, MoDOT STL Traffic reports. Two right lanes were blocked due to the crash that also caused significant traffic delays in the...
Traffic delays due to accident on I-64 EB at Olive Blvd.
ST. LOUIS, MO- A vehicle accident was reported at the I-64 Eastbound after Olive Boulevard at 5:56 p.m. October 11, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. Authorities did not report the cause of the accident. However, they said that the right...
Lane blocked due to vehicle crash on US 61 SB at Route A
ST. LOUIS, MO- A vehicle crash happened in the southbound lanes of US-61 at  RT A yesterday, MoDOT STL Traffic reports The right lane was closed due to the accident, confirmed authorities. There is no information available about the cause...
Accident reported on I-70 Eastbound at Jennings Station Rd.
ST. LOUIS, MO- A crash occurred on  I-70 Eastbound near Jennings Station Road at 1:15 p.m. October 11, according to the report of MoDOT STL Traffic. Due to the accident, the left lane was blocked and traffic delays occurred in...
Single-vehicle crash injures juvenile on SB I-55
PERRY COUNTY, MO - A juvenile sufferred minor injuries in a single-vehicle collision on I-55 Monday, MSHP reports. The 16-year-old female was driving a Chevrolet Aveo on Southbound I-55 near mile marker 125 when she strayed off the road and...
Traffic accident reported near Eureka
EUREKA, MO - According to MoDOT STL, dispatchers sent first responders to the scene of a car crash at eastbound I-44 and Lewis Rd Monday. CRASH I-44 EB AT LEWIS RD CLEARED AT 1:45 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Car wreck reported at WB I-64 and Clarkson Rd
CHESTERFIELD, MO -  Emergency crews were dispatched to westbound I-64 and Clarkson Rd Monday, Fox 2 Now reports. It is unclear when the crash happened, but crews had the area reopened for traffic by 6:21 p.m. Additional information is not...
Crash closes 2 lanes of traffic on EB I-44 near Six Flags Rd
EUREKA, MO - A traffic accident blocked two lanes of traffic on eastbound I-44 before Six Flags Rd Monday, Fox 2 Now reports. Emergency crews were dispatched to the crash site around 4:21.  They had both lanes reopened by 6:21...
Left lane closed at I-44 before Hampton Ave due to crash
According to St. Louis  Transportation office, a vehicle crash occurred at the I-44 approaching Hampton Ave, 10:36 p.m. October 10. Left lane was closed due to the crash and caused traffic delays. There are no additional information was reported by...
Lanes closed due to accident at I-70
According to the St. Louis Transportation traffic, a vehicle crash occurred at I-70 EB before 270 at around 5:26 p.m. October 10. Right lanes were blocked due to the crash and caused traffic delays. No other information was reported by...
Hanley Road to I-64 reported a vehicle crash
According to St. Louis Transportation office, a vehicle accident was reported at the I-64 WB to Hanley Road at 9:42 p.m. October 10. Authorities said that the crash caused traffic delays. No additional information was reported. CRASH I-64 WB TO...
Lane blocked due to accident at Salisbury
A vehicle accident was reported at the I-70 EB at Salisbury at 7:01 p.m. October 10,  according to the St. Louis Traffic. The crash resulted to traffic delays as the right lane was blocked. There was no additional information about...
Why Is the Black Box Important in Truck Accidents?
Being in a truck accident can cause severe injuries to everyone involved. Unlike collisions involving two passenger vehicles, the size and weight of a semi-truck make collisions with it even more dangerous. If the truck accident is caused by the...
Woman injured after crashing into fire hydrant on Oregon and Gravois
ST. LOUIS, MO – A woman was seriously injured after crashing into a fire hydrant on Oregon Avenue early Friday morning, according to the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department. The crash happened on Oregon Ave and Gravois Avenue at 5:46...
Woman dead, teen injured after rollover crash on Hwy 67 near Valles Mines
VALLES MINES, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – A woman was killed and a teenage boy was injured in a single-vehicle crash on Highway 67 in Jefferson County this morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened near Valles...
Two injured in single-vehicle rollover crash on I-44 in Fanning
FANNING, MO (CRAWFORD COUNTY) – Two people were injured in a rollover crash on I-44 in western Crawford County on Thursday afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened near the town of Fanning on I-44 westbound...
1 injured following head-on collision on Perrine Rd
FARMINGTON, MO - A woman suffered minor injuries after a driver collided with her vehicle head-on Friday, MSHP reports. Thomas A Manthe, 58, was driving a Ram truck when he crossed the center line and struck the Ford Escape operated...
Car accident closes right lane of EB I-64 and Big Bend Blvd
ST. LOUIS, MO - Emergency crews were dispatched to the scene of an accident around at eastbound I-64 and Big Bend Blvd Friday, according to Fox 2 Now. Crews arrived around 4:03 p.m.  They had the right lane reopened by...
Traffic accident blocks right shoulder of I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to MoDOT STL, the right shoulder of southbound I-270 past Ladue Rd was blocked by a car crash Friday. CRASH I-270 SB PAST LADUE RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 5:22 PM — MoDOT STL...
Hit-and-run driver fatally strikes pedestrian between Benton Park and McKinley Heights
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to the Associated Press, a fatal hit-and-run accident was reported between the neighborhoods of Benton Park and McKinley Heights Thursday. The collision occurred sometime Thursday morning. Police say the suspect initially pulled over but then...
Left lane blocked due to collision at Winghaven Blvd
According to the St. Louis Transportation, a vehicle collision was reported at around 5:49 p.m. of October 7. Left lane of the I-64 Westbound at Winghaven Boulevard was blocked due to the collision. There is no other information about the...
Accident reported at I-270 to I-70, lane closed
A vehicle accident was reported at I-270 Southbound to I-70 at around 6:00 p.m . October 8, according to the St. Louis transportation. The accident cause the lane closed to traffic. No other information was reported by the authorities. CRASH...
A vehicle crash at Olive Boulevard of I-70
A report from the St. Louis Transportation about a vehicle crash at Olive Boulevard of I-70. The authorities said that the crash happened at around 10:47 p.m. October 7. Due to the crash, right lane was closed and no other...
A vehicle crash at I-70 westbound, lane blocked
A vehicle crash occurred at the I-70 Westbound of Cave spring/ Truman road  at around 6:32 p. m. October 7, according to St. Louis Transportation. The accident caused the right lane blocked. There are no further information about the accident....
Driver injured after being rear-ended at St Marys Rd and Hwy AT
VILLA RIDGE, MO -  A man suffered minor injuries after he was rear-ended Thursday, MSHP reports. A Ford F-150 driven by Shawn K Soto, 51, was stopped at a stop sign located at St Mary's Rd and Hwy At when...
Crash reported on I-270 near I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - First responders were dispatched to the scene of a crash on the ramp from northbound I-270 to I-70 Thursday, MoDOT STL reports. CRASH I-270 NB TO I-70 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 5:10 PM — MoDOT...
Train fatally strikes pedestrian at Gravois Ave and Bingham Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO - A train fatally ran over a man Wednesday night at Gravois Ave and Bingham Ave, Fox 2 Now reports. According to police, the collision occurred around 9 p.m. None of the 89 passengers on board the...
Pedestrian dies following hit-and-run collision at Gravois Ave and Devolsey St
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to KMOV, a  fatal hit-and-run collision was reported at Gravois Ave and Devolsey St Thursday. Emergency crews arrived at the crash site and pronounced the man dead at the accident scene around 9:40 a.m. Following...
Accident at I-170 Northbound caused traffic delays
According to St. Louis Transportation office a vehicle accident was reported at I-170 Northbound before I-270 at 7:37 p.m. October 6. Right lane was blocked and delays in traffic occurred due to the accident. There are no cause of the...
Accident reported at Route Z of I-55 Southbound
A vehicle accident was reported at Route Z of I-55 around 6: 34 p.m. October 6,according to the St. Louis transportation office. The accident caused the right lane blocked according to the authorities. Details of the cause of the accident...
Reported accident at I-55 Southbound of M Route
A vehicle accident was reported at I-55 Southbound M Route at around 6:17 p.m. October 6, according to St. Louis Transportation traffic office. The accident caused the left lane closed to traffic according to the authorities. There are no other...
I-270 eastbound right lane closed, accident reported
A vehicle accident occurred at I-270 Eastbound before Lindbergh Boulevard at around 6:54 a.m. October 6, according to St. Louis Transportation office. Right lane of I-270 was closed due to the accident. There was no report on how that accident...
Car accident reported on MO 94 near I-6
ST. CHARLES, MO - A wreck closed multiple left lanes at eastbound MO 94 and I-62 on Wednesday, MoDOT STL reports. ACCIDENT MO 94 EB PAST I-64 2 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 2:36 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Crash at Jefferson Fiedler Ln and Bridleton Woods injures 2
ROCK TOWNSHIP, MO - Two drivers suffered minor injuries when a vehicle rear-ended the car in front of it Wednesday, MSHP reports. Presley L Herr, 20, struck the rear of the Mercy Mountaineer driven by Don W Holiday, 52, with...
Accident blocks lane at WB I-64 and Bunkum Rd
EAST ST. LOUIS, IL - A lane of traffic at westbound I-64 and Bunkum Rd was blocked by a car crash Wednesday, Fox 2 Now reports. Emergency crews were called to the area at 3:41 p.m. They had the site...
Vehicle fatally strikes man on I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to The Kansas City Star, a vehicle fatally collided with a man running across lanes of traffic on I-55 in the Carondelet neighborhood of St. Louis Tuesday. First responders pronounced the man dead at the...
A fatal vehicle crash at I-64 Maryville Centre Drive
According to the St. Louis transportation office, a fatal vehicle accident happened at I-64 Westbound of Maryville Centre Drive at 6:57 p.m. October 5. Right lane of Maryville drive were closed due to the accident. There are no other details...
Accident at Caroline Drive, left lanes closed
A vehicle accident was reported at the  30  Westbound past the Caroline Drive at 7:21 p.m. October 5. according to St. Louis transportation office. Two left lanes of were closed due to accident and there are no other details on...
Right Lane closed at I-64 EB due to a crash
A fatal crash occurred at I-64 Eastbound  at I-170 highway at 12:35 a.m. October 6, according to St. Louis transportation office. The accident caused the right lane closed according to the authorities. Details about the crash and the victims are...
Right lane closed at I-270 due to accident
A vehicle accident occurred at the I-270 Southbound past I-70 at 8:09 p.m. October 5 according to the St. Louis transportation office. The accident caused the right lane closed. There are no details on the cause of the accident and...
First responders dispatched near Frontenac
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to MoDOT STL, a traffic accident was reported at westbound I-64 and Spoede Rd Tuesday. EMERGENCY VEHICLES I-64 WB AT SPOEDE RD CLEARED AT 4:16 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) October 5, 2021 It...
Traffic accident reported near Westwood
ST. LOUIS, MO - A car crash was reported at westbound I-64 and Ballas Rd Tuesday, Fox 2 Now says. The incident closed the right lane of traffic around 3:47 p.m. It was cleared around 4:46 p.m. No other information...
Driver mildly injured after colliding with school bus on Hwy 30
HIGH RIDGE, MO - A driver was injured after striking a school bus on Hwy 30 near Little Brennan Rd last Friday, Leader Publications reports. A 42-year-old man was driving a Chevrolet Silverado on eastbound Hwy 30 when he ran...
SUV fatally strikes elderly man at Lindbergh Blvd and Fox Meadows Ln
SUNSET HILLS, MO - According to KMOV, Gregory Bullard, 73, was struck and killed by a Ford Explorer at Lindbergh Blvd and Fox Meadows Ln Monday. Additional information is not available at this time. This article is one in a...
Two men hospitalized following building collapse on Margaretta Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two men were hospitalized after a building collapse on the 4800 block of Margaretta Ave Sunday, KSDK reports. The two victims were working on the demolition of a garage when a breeze came through, causing the...
Single-vehicle wreck injures teen driver
COLOMBIA, IL - A female 17-year-old refused medical treatment following a single-vehicle crash on the ramp from Route 158 to southbound Route 3 Sunday, Republic-Times reports. The 17-year-old was driving a white pickup truck when she lost control of the...
2-vehicle crash injures 2 on Illinois 156
WATERLOO, IL - Two people were taken to the hospital following a two-vehicle crash on Illinois 156 Sunday morning, Republic-Times reports. Steven J Allard, 19, was driving a Dodge Ram on eastbound Illinois 156 when he strayed into oncoming traffic...
Fatal crash reported at Idaho Ave and Blow St
ST. LOUIS, MO - A car crash at Idaho Ave and Blow St left a woman injured and a child dead on Sunday, KSDK reports. A 27-year-old woman was driving a Kia Optima on northbound I-55 when she went off...
Left lane closed due to a car accident in MO-30
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to the Missouri Department of Transportation, a car accident happened in MO-30 EB past Caroline Drive causing a left lane to close at 7:52 A.M. on October 1. The cause of the accident was not...
Right lane closed due to accident at I-270
A crash caused the right lane blocked at I-270 Southbound at 1:13 a.m. Sunday, October 3 according to the St. Louis Traffic office. The accident happened Southbound before Ladue road and there are no further information about the accident yet....
Left lane closed to due accident at Intersection 44
An accident happened at Eastbound of Intersection 44 before Madison 2 at around 12:16 a.m. of October 3, Sunday according to the St. Louis Traffic Office. The accident caused the two left lanes to  motorists. Details of the cause of...
Accident at I-170 SB, right lane closed
According the St Louis Traffic, an accident happened at the Intersection-170 at 11:49 of October 3. The accident caused the delays in traffic because the right lane was closed. No further details are disclosed yet. This article is one in...
Person hospitalized after being hit by suspected drunk driver in the Grove
ST. LOUIS, MO – One person was taken to the hospital after being hit by a suspected drunk driver in the Grove late last night, according to KMOV 4. The crash occurred on Manchester Avenue near S Boyle Avenue at...
24-year-old severely injured crash on Hwy 21
KINGSTON TOWNSHIP, MO – A 24-year-old man from Cadet was severely injured in a rollover crash on Highway 21 in Washington County this afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred on MO-21, north of Peppersville Road,...
Two right lanes closed due to a vehicle fire at I-44
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to the Missouri Department of Transportation, two right lanes closed due to a vehicle fire that occurred at I-44 past Lewis Road at 3:21 P.M. on September 30.     VEHICLE FIRE I-44 EB PAST...
Car accident happened in I-64 WB at Timberlake Manor Pkwy
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to the Missouri Department of Transportation, a car accident happened in I-64 WB at Timberlake Manor Parkway causing a right lane to close 2:27 P.M. on September 30. The cause of the accident was not...
Vehicular accident causes one lane in I-64 WB to close
ST. LOUIS, MO - A vehicular accident happened to cause the right lane to close in I-64 WB past McKnight Road at 10:39 A.M. on September 29, Missouri Department of Transportation reports. The cause of the accident was not reported, and...
Vehicle fire causes two right lanes to close at I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to the Missouri Department of Transportation, two right lanes closed due to a vehicle fire that occurred at I-64 past Long Road at 10:15 P.M. on September 29. The cause of the accident was not...
Car accident delays traffic in I-270 NB
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to the Missouri Department of Transportation, a car accident delays traffic from I-270 NB to I-44 EB at 8:21 A.M. on September 30. The cause of the accident was not reported, and no information on...
All lanes besides the center lane blocked due to a car accident
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to the Missouri Department of Transportation, only the center lane is being used because of a car accident that happened in I-55 SB before Gasconade Street at 7:42 A.M. on September 30. The cause of...
Car accident happened in MO 364 EB at Bennington PL
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to the Missouri Department of Transportation, a car accident happened in MO 364 EB at Bennington PL at 8:21 A.M. on September 30. The cause of the accident was not reported, and no information on...
Car accident caused lane closure in E Reavis Barracks Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to the Missouri Department of Transportation, a car accident caused a lane closure in E Reavis Barracks Road, CRD at Union Road CRD as reported on 9:00 A.M. on September 29. The cause of the...
What Is a Truck Driver’s Travel Log?
Semi-trucks, when involved in accidents, can cause severe damage and life-threatening injuries to the occupants of passenger vehicles. This is due to the size of semi-trucks, and the weight of these trucks only increases with the size of the load...
Elderly man fatally struck by vehicle on Harman Ln
SHILOH, IL - According to KMOV, a vehicle struck and killed an elderly man on Harman Ln near Raven Oak Dr Wednesay. James J Bentivoglio, 66, was walking his dog when the collision occurred. First responders were called to the...
Collision involving bus injures 2 people at Hwy 30 and Little Brennen Rd
HIGH RIDGE, MO - KMOV reports two people were injured after a school bus collided and a black pickup truck at Hwy 30 and Little Brennen Rd Friday. The wreck occurred around 6:45 a.m. One of the 30 students on...
Wrong way crash injures 2 on MO 47 near Huff Ln
PERRY TOWNSHIP, MO - Two people were injured in a wrong-way collision on MO 47 east of Huff Ln, MSHP reports. Devyn M Horton, 22, was driving a Dodge Charger on eastbound MO 47 when she strayed into the westbound...
Minor injuries reported from crash at Airline Dr and Illinois 111
BETHALTO, IL - According to The Telegraph, several people suffered minor injuries when a vehicle ran a red light and collided with a trailer on Wednesday. The incident occurred at Airline Dr and Illinois 111. First responders were called to...
Passenger dies after teen driver fatally collides with parked vehicle
ST. LOUIS -  KDSK reports that the 17-year-old passenger in a vehicle driven by a teen died following a collision with a parked pickup truck on Wednesday. According to police, the teen was driving a Ford Taurus on westbound Riverview...
Hit-and-run driver fatally collides with pedestrian on US Route 67
WEST ALTON, MO - A pedestrian was fatally struck by a hit-and-run driver on southbound US 67 north of Riverlands Way Tuesday, River Bender reports. Richard P Rowland, 57, was walking north on Southbound US 67 when he was struck...
First responders dispatched to wreck on I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to MoDOT STL, a traffic accident was reported on southbound I-55 before Gasconade St Thursday. ACCIDENT I-55 SB BEFORE GASCONADE ST USE CENTER LANES EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 8:22 AM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) September...
Crash closes right lane at MO 364 and Bennington Pl
ST. LOUIS, MO - A traffic accident was reported at eastbound MO 364 and Bennington Pl Thursday, MoDOT STL reports. ACCIDENT MO 364 EB AT BENNINGTON PL RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 8:52 AM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Rollover crash reported on St Marys Rd
VILLA RIDGE, MO - A driver was injured in a single-vehicle rollover crash early Wednesday, MSHP reports. Nicholas K Davidson, 27, was driving on St Marys Rd when he went off the roadway, into an embankment, and then overturned. First...
Emergency crews respond to fatal 3-vehicle crash on Hwy 8
BRETON TOWNSHIP, MO - A fatal multi-vehicle wreck was reported on Hwy 8 west of Edgehill Rd Wednesday, according to MSHP. Justin A Gray, 40, was driving a Honda CRV on Hwy 8 when he lost control of his vehicle...
Wreck closes right lane on EB I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO - A traffic accident closed down the right lane of eastbound I-64 before I-270, according to MoDOT STL. ACCIDENT I-64 EB BEFORE I-270 RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:24 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) September...
Car Accident occurred in I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to the Missouri Department of Transportation, a car accident happened in I-270 SB at I-44 at 3:53 P.M. on September 26. The cause of the accident was not reported, and no information on any injuries...
A right closed due to a vehicular accident in I-70 WB
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to the Missouri Department of Transportation, a right lane of I-70 WB before MO 79 was closed due to a vehicular accident at 2:14 P.M. on September 26. The cause of the accident was not...
Vehicle fire occurred at I-70 EB
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to the Missouri Department of Transportation, a vehicle fire occurred at I-70 EB at Hanley Road at 12:05 P.M. on September 26. The cause of the accident was not reported, and no information on any...
A car accident causes three right lanes to close in I-44
ST. LOUIS, MO – Three right lanes of I-44 WB past I-270 were closed due to a car accident at 2:26 A.M. on September 26, Missouri Department of Transportation reports. No information on any injuries that this accident might have inflicted....
Injury accident reported at Riverview Blvd and Edna St
ST. LOUIS - An accident with injury was reported at Riverview Blvd and Edna St Wednesday, KMOV reports. The crash occurred around 4 a.m. The victim was transported to an area hospital in critical condition. Addition information is not available....
2 right lanes closed due to an accident in I-70 WB
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two right lanes of I-70 WB past Madison was closed due to a car accident at 1:08 A.M. on September 26, Missouri Department of Transportation reports. The cause of the accident was not reported, and no information...
Left lane of I-44 WB closed due to car accident
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to the Missouri Department of Transportation, a vehicular accident that caused a left lane to close at I-44 WB past bus 44 Pacific happened at 07:02 P.M. on September 25. No information on any injuries...
Right lane closed due to vehicular accident at I-70 EB
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to the Missouri Department of Transportation, a vehicular accident that caused a right lane to close at I-70 EB before MO 370 happened at 05:37 P.M. on September 25. No information on any injuries that...
Two right lanes at I-70 WB closed due to vehicle fire
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to the Missouri Department of Transportation, the two right lanes of I-70 WB at MO 141 were closed due to a vehicle fire at 5:26 P.M. on September 25. The cause of the accident was...
Car accident reported at WB I-64 and I-170
ST LOUIS, MO - According to MoDOT STL, a crash was reported at westbound I-64 and I-70 Tuesday afternoon. ACCIDENT I-64 WB AT I-170 BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:26 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) September 28,...
Driver fails to yield, collides with car at U.S. 67 and Montauk Dr
PLATTIN TOWNSHIP, MO - A driver suffered minor injuries when he failed to yield to another car at U.S. 67 and Montauk Dr Tuesday, MSHP reports. A Ford Fusion driven by David M Smith, 44, was stopped at westbound Montauk...
Patient dies after ambulance is vandalized near Ellendale
ST. LOUIS - A victim who was injured in a crash at Arsenal St and Ivanhoe Ave died when the ambulance on the way to take them to the hospital was delayed, KSDK reports. At around 4 p.m., the ambulance...
Motorcyclist dies following fatal 3-vehicle crash on Rte 4
MARINE, IL - The Telegraph reports that a fatal multi-vehicle traffic accident occurred on Rte 4 near Fruit Rd Tuesday morning. Firefighters were dispatched to the scene of the accident around 7:30 a.m. The Illinois State Police and the Madison...
First responders dispatched to wreck near St. Peters
ST. LOUIS, MO - A traffic accident closed two lanes of traffic on I-70 near Missouri 370 Monday evening, according to Fox 2 Now. The crash was reported to authorities around 4:55 p.m.  The blocked lanes slowed down traffic to...
Police respond to fatal downtown crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - A traffic accident involving a Mercedes and a Ford F-150 at the intersection of Tucker Blvd and Locust St took the life of a 46-year-old man Sunday, KMOV reports. According to witnesses, a man and a...
2-vehicle crash on Central Ave injures woman
ALTON, IL - A two-vehicle collision on the 1200 block of Central Ave left a woman seriously injured Monday morning, Advantage News reports. Emergency crews transported the victim to OSF Saint Anthony's Health Center. ARCH Air Medical Service will eventually...
Crash kills 1, injures another on Hwy 67 near Richard Dr
WEST ALTON, MO - A crash Sunday on Hwy 67 claimed the life of a woman and sent a teen to the hospital, KSDK reports. Shelly Connor, 55, was driving a Toyota Highlander on Hwy 67 when she left the...
A car accident closed the left lane of I-70 EB
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to the Missouri Department of Transportation, the left lane of I-70 EB past Lucas & Hunt Road was closed due to a car accident at 1:17 P.M. on September 25. The cause of the accident...
Two right lanes closed due to a vehicular accident in I-270 WB
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to the Missouri Department of Transportation, a vehicular accident that caused two right lanes to close at I-270 WB at Old Halls Ferry Road happened at 11:44 A.M. on September 25. No information on any...
A vehicular accident closed a right lane of I-270 EB past Lindbergh Blvd
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to the Missouri Department of Transportation, the right lane of I-270 EB past Lindbergh Boulevard was closed due to a vehicular accident at 7:37 A.M. on September 25. The cause of the accident was not...
Vehicular accident stops traffic at I-70 EB to T R Hughes Blvd
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to the Missouri Department of Transportation, the traffic stoppage of I-70 EB to T R Hughes Boulevard was due to a vehicular accident at 6:16 A.M. on September 25. The cause of the accident was...
Motorcyclist severely injured after crashing into deer on MO-221
DOE RUN, MO (ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY) – A man from Park Hills was severely injured after crashing into a deer on Highway 221 early this morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred on MO-221, about a...
2 people injured after driver crashes into barrier on Lumiere Place Blvd
ST. LOUIS, MO – Two people were injured after a driver crashed into a barrier on Lumiere Place Boulevard early Thursday morning, according to the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department (SLMPD). The crash happened at about 2:30 a.m. when the...
Pedestrian dead after being hit by car on Ellen Street in Dixon
DIXON, MO (PULASKI COUNTY) – A pedestrian was fatally struck by a driver on Ellen Street in Dixon yesterday morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened on S Ellen Street at 9:50 a.m., when the driver...
Dump truck driver hospitalized after swerving to avoid deer in roadway
JEFFERSON CO., MO - The driver of a dump truck was injured this morning when he crashed his vehicle while attempting to avoid a deer in the roadway, per an official MSHP accident report. Mark Ryker, 54, was negotiating a...
Van fatally strikes motorcyclist in Lincoln Co.
TROY, MO - A motorcyclist was killed yesterday evening after being struck by a van whose driver made a left turn in front of him, state police report. The fatal collision took place on MO-47 near Ridge Road at about...
Car accident on EB I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - A car accident on eastbound I-70 past Bermuda Road caused the closure of its right lane on 6:52 P.M. on Sept. 23, according to MoDOT STL Traffic.   ACCIDENT I-70 EB PAST BERMUDA RD RIGHT LANE...
Bicyclist seriously injured in collision with motorcycle in St. Clair
ST. CLAIR, MO - A woman was seriously injured yesterday evening when her bicycle was struck by a motorcycle that had whipped onto the shoulder in an attempt to pass another vehicle, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. Brian...
Man injured following rear-end collision on Hwy 364 in St. Charles Co.
ST. CHARLES CO., MO - A man was injured this morning when his vehicle was rear-ended by a pickup truck on Highway 364 in Dardenne Prairie, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. Gavin M. Fowler, 23, was headed west on...
Left lane of I-70 EB closed due to a vehicular accident
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to the Missouri Department of Transportation, the left lane of I-70 EB past Florissant Road is closed due to a vehicular accident at 4:42 P.M. on September 23. The cause of the accident was not...
Car accident caused closure of right shoulder on I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - MoDOT STL reports that a car accident caused the right shoulder to close on I-70 EB at Jennings STA Rd at 4:33 P.M. on September 23. No other information is available.   ACCIDENT I-70 EB AT...
Right shoulder of I-55 closed due to a vehicular accident
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to the Missouri Department of Transportation, a vehicular accident caused the right shoulder to close in I-55 SB at Meramec Bottom Road at 4:28 P.M. on September 23. The cause of the accident was not...
Tree cutting accident injures man on Irwin St
EAST ALTON, IL - A man was taken to a hospital in St. Louis after a tree he cut on the 100 block of Irwin St fell on top of him Thursday, Advantage News reports. ARCH Air Medical Services flew...
Man fell, injured at Alton Square Mall
ALTON - A man was injured when he fell from the second floor to the first floor at Alton Square Mall Wednesday, according to River Bender. Firefighters took the victim to an area hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. The exact time...
Rush-hour accident delays traffic on I-64 at Clayton Ave.
ST. LOUIS, MO - Drivers in west St. Louis faced major delays following a rush-hour crash this morning. According to Missouri DoT, the crash occurred shortly before 9:30 a.m. on the westbound side of the interstate, near Clayton Avenue. ACCIDENT...
Accident causes delays on I-170 at Natural Bridge Rd.
ST. LOUIS, MO - At least one lane was shut down following a Thursday afternoon crash on I-170. According to a report by Missouri DoT, the crash occurred shortly before 1 p.m. on the southbound side of the interstate, near...
Two right lanes closed due to a car accident in I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - MoDOT STL reports that a car accident caused two right lanes to close on I-70 EB before Union at 3:57 P.M. on September 21. No other information is available.   ACCIDENT I-70 EB BEFORE UNION 2...
Vehicular accident in I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - A vehicular accident occurred in I-70 EB to Jennings Station Road at 03:45 P.M. on September 21st, Missouri Department of Transportation reports.   ACCIDENT I-70 EB TO JENNINGS STATION RD BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Lanes blocked due to a car accident in I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - MoDOT STL reports that a car accident caused a blockage in 3 right lanes in I-70 EB at 3:27 P.M. on September 21. No details about any injuries due to the accident have been made available...
Left lane closure due to a vehicular accident at I-170
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to the Missouri Department of Transportation, a vehicular accident caused a left lane to close in I-170 SB past Page Avenue at 1:48 P.M. on September 21. The cause of the accident was not reported,...
Traffic incident delays traffic on I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO - MoDOT STL reports that an accident delayed traffic on eastbound I-64 before Kingshighway Blvd Wednesday morning. ACCIDENT I-64 EB BEFORE KINGSHIGHWAY BLVD BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 11:32 AM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Rollover crash injures driver on Hwy A
BRAZEAU TOWNSHIP, MO - A man sufferred moderate injuries following a rollover crash on Hwy A near PCR 428 Tuesday, according to MSHP. Jeff W Davis, 57, was driving a Ford Ranger on westbound Hwy A at an unsafe speed...
Ambulance veers off I-170 near Delmar Blvd
UNIVERSITY CITY, MO - KSDK reports that three people were inside an ambulance went it strayed off the road and crashed into trees before coming to a rest in a parking lot. Police and firefighters were dispatched to the parking...
Incident closes 2 lanes on I-64 near Big Bend Blvd
ST. LOUIS, MO - First responders were dispatched to an accident on westbound I-64 before Big Bend Blvd Wednesday, according to Fox Two Now. The incident closed two lanes. Emergency crews had all lanes on I-64 reopened by 4:24 p.m....
Vehicular accident caused blockage of a closed lane in I-270 NB at Gravois Road
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to the Missouri Department of Transportation, the left lane of I-270 NB at Gravois Road closed due to a vehicular accident at 12:42 P.M. on September 21. No details about any injuries due to the...
Left lane at I-270 NB blocked by a traffic collision
ST. LOUIS, MO - The left lane of North Tesson Ferry Road CRD at West I-270 NB was closed due to a traffic collision at 10:51 A.M. on September 21, the Missouri Department of Transportation reports.   ACCIDENT N TESSON FERRY...
Left lane of Kingshighway Blvd closed due to a car accident
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to the Missouri Department of Transportation, the left lane of I-64WB before Kingshighway Boulevard closed due to a car accident at 10:06 A.M. on September 21. No details about any injuries due to the accident...
Traffic delay caused by a car accident at I-70 EB
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to the Missouri Department of Transportation, a car accident caused traffic delays in I-70 EB on-ramp from West of Florissant Avenue at 9:45 A.M. on September 21.   ACCIDENT I-70 EB ON RAMP FROM W...
Vehicular accident caused delays in I-70 EB past Cave Springs/Truman Road
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to Missouri Department of Transportation, a vehicular accident caused delays on the right shoulder of the road in I-70 EB past Cave Springs/Truman Road in St. Louis, Missouri at 12:14 P.M. on September 20.  ...
Vehicular accident in I-44 WB at Elm Avenue caused two right lanes to close
ST. LOUIS, MO - A vehicular accident in I-44 WB at Elm Avenue caused two right lanes to close at 06:45 A.M. on September 20, Missouri Department of Transportation reports.   ACCIDENT I-44 WB AT ELM AVE 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED...
Vehicular accident in I-70 WB, St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO - A vehicular accident in I-70 WB at First Capitol Road caused a traffic slowdown at 06:51 P.M. on September 19th, Missouri Department of Transportation reports.   ACCIDENT I-70 WB AT FIRST CAPITOL DR BE PREPARED TO STOP...
Vehicular accident in I-70 EB at Lucas & Hunt Road
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to the Missouri Department of Transportation, two left lanes were closed due to a vehicular accident in I-70 EB at Lucas & Hunt Road reported at 06:00 P.M. on September 19th.   ACCIDENT I-70 EB...
Injury accident reported at State Hwy JJ and North Service Rd
STANTON, MO - Missouri State Highway Patrol reports that a woman was seriously injured in a crash at the intersection of State Hwy JJ and North Service Rd Tuesday. Mary A Ellers, 84, was in a Toyota Highlander at a...
Wreck closes 2 lanes on I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two left lanes of traffic on northbound I-270 were closed Monday afternoon due to an accident near Gravois Rd, according to MoDOT STL. ACCIDENT I-270 NB AT GRAVOIS RD 2 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Fatal motorcycle crash reported on WB I-44
WEBSTER GROVES, MO - A fatal motorcycle accident was reported on  I-44 near Elm Ave on Monday morning, according to KMOV. First responders arrived at the crash site around 6:30 a.m. They pronounced Ryan Hemkesns, 41, dead at the scene....
Accident closes multiple lanes on I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO -  Two lanes of traffic on eastbound I-70 between Bircher Blvd and Union Blvd were closed due to a crash Tuesday afternoon, Fox 2 Now reports. The incident was reported to authorities at 2:26 p.m. Emergency crews...
Accident reported on I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - A traffic accident was reported on eastbound I-70 near Hughes Blvd Monday, according to MoDOT STL. ACCIDENT I-70 EB PAST T R HUGHES BLVD CLEARED AT 2:19 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) September 20, 2021...
2-vehicle crash injures 1 on North Service Rd
SULLIVAN,  MO - A man was flown to a hospital in St. Louis with moderate injuries following a multi-vehicle accident on the North Service Rd Sunday, according to My Sullivan News. Jill Swarthout, 52, was driving a Dodge Ram when...
Webster Groves motorcycle crash blocks ramp on I-44
WEBSTER GROVES, MO - Fox 2 reports that a man had a fatal motorcycle crash on the ramp at I-44 and Elm Ave Monday morning. Police called in an accident reconstruction team to help with the investigations. They used spray...
Fatal crash reported near Grand Center
ST. LOUIS, MO - An early morning crash took the life of a woman Monday, according to KMOV. The woman plowed into a wall near Delmar Blvd and Grand Blvd around 5:30 a.m. She was pronounced dead at the scene...
Lane closed due to vehicular accident in US 67 NB
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to the Missouri Department of Transportation, one lane was closed that was caused by a vehicular accident in US 67 NB Past Missouri River reported at 05:09 A.M. on September 19th.   ACCIDENT US 67...
Vehicular accident occurred in I-70 EB Past Wentzville Pkwy
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident occurred in the right shoulder of I-70 EB Past Wentzville Pkwy at 5:00 P.M. on September 19, as reported by the Missouri Department of Transportation.   ACCIDENT I-70 EB PAST WENTZVILLE PKWY RIGHT SHOULDER...
Stalled vehicle causes closure of a lane in I-270NB
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to Missouri Department of Transportation, a stalled vehicle causes a right lane to close on I-270NB before Manchester Road at 08:30 A.M. on September 19th.   STALLED VEHICLE I-270 NB BEFORE MANCHESTER RD RIGHT LANE...
A vehicular accident causing one lane to close in I-44 EB
ST. LOUIS, MO - One lane closed caused by a vehicular accident in I-44 EB before MO 100 West at 07:30 A.M. on September 19th, as reported by the Missouri Department of Transportation.   ACCIDENT I-44 EB BEFORE MO 100...
How Are Truck Accidents Different from Other Auto Accidents
Being involved in a car accident or a truck accident is a traumatic experience that comes with potentially life-altering consequences. The damage done to your body and your mental and emotional health can be severe and debilitating. If your accident...
Man severely injured in hit-and-run crash on Kingshighway Blvd
ST. LOUIS, MO – A man was severely injured in a hit-and-run crash on Kingshighway Boulevard on Monday afternoon, according to the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department (SLMPD). The crash occurred near the intersection of Kingshighway Boulevard and Raymond Avenue...
2 people injured after motorcyclist attempts to avoid deer on Hwy E
LACLEDE COUNTY, MO – Two people were injured while trying to swerve to avoid hitting a deer on Highway E in Laclede County late last night, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred on Highway E, about...
4 people injured in speed-related crash on I-270 in Sunset Hills
SUNSET HILLS, MO – Four people were injured, three of them seriously so, in a rollover crash on I-270 in the Sunset Hills area yesterday evening, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened on northbound I-270, north...
2 adults, 2 juveniles injured after rollover crash in Devils Elbow
DEVILS ELBOW, MO (PULASKI COUNTY) – Four people from Michigan, including two juveniles, were injured in a single-vehicle rollover crash on I-44 in Devils Elbow early yesterday morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred on eastbound...
Vehicle crash in I-70 WB
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to the Missouri Department of Transportation, a vehicle crash happened at the right shoulder of I-70 WB past Union as reported on 5:08 A.M on the 18th of September.   ACCIDENT I-70 WB PAST UNION...
Vehicular accident causes two lanes at I-270 to close
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two lanes were closed caused by a vehicular accident in I-270 WB past Elizabeth Avenue at 03:50 A.M. on September 18th, as reported by the Missouri Department of Transportation.   ACCIDENT I-270 WB PAST ELIZABETH AVE...
Wreck closes Missouri 0
NOVINGER, MO - A wreck closed down southbound Missouri O from Schoolhouse Rd to Ridgetop Rd Friday morning, according to Fox 2 Now traffic. The incident was reported at 5:38 p.m. Police have not released information on what caused the...
Emergency crews clear accident on I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to MoDOT STL, a wreck was reported on westbound I-270 near Elizabeth Ave Friday afternoon ACCIDENT I-270 WB PAST ELIZABETH AVE CLEARED AT 4:11 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) September 17, 2021 Crews had...
Traffic accident closes 2 lanes near Mark Twain
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two lanes at westbound I-70 and Union Blvd were closed due to a crash Friday afternoon, according to Fox 2 Now. The wreck was reported around 2:30. Emergency crews had the debris and wreckage cleared from...
Fatal crash involving semi-truck reported near Florissant
BERKELEY, MO - A fatality has been reported in an accident involving a semi-truck and another vehicle at James S McDonnell Blvd and Banshee Rd Friday, according to Fox 2 Now. At least one person died in the collision. Additional...
Stalled vehicle delays traffic in I-64 EB Hampton Ave.
ST. LOUIS, MO - A stalled vehicle causes a delay in traffic flow in I-64 EB at Hampton Avenue started at 7:53 A.M, according to MoDOT STL. Addition information is unavailable. This article is one in a series presented by...
Single-vehicle crash injures woman on SB US 61
O'FALLON, MO - A woman was injured on southbound US 61 near Hwy P  Thursday morning, according to MSHP. Shannon V Behrens, 26, was heading south on U.S. 61 a Honda Accord when she strayed off the road and into...
Wreck reported on I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - Emergency crews were dispatched to the scene of an accident on southbound I-70 before I-64 Thursday morning, according to MoDOT STL. ACCIDENT I-170 SB BEFORE I-64 CLEARED AT 09:07 — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) September 16,...
Traffic accident closes Lemay Ferry Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO - The stretch of Lemay Ferry Rd between Dumont Pl and Greenpark Rd was closed Thursday due to a wreck, Fox News now reports. The crash occurred at 8:34. Lemay Ferry Rd was reopened around 3:45 p.m....
Man suffers minor injuries from being trapped under truck on Londell Rd
ARNOLD, MO - A man was pinned underneath a truck Thursday morning on the 1300 block of Londell Rd, Fox 2 Now reports. According to firefighters, the truck fell off the jack stands and trapped the man underneath it. His...
Collision reported on Dougherty Ferry Road
ST. LOUIS, MO - MoDOT STL reports that an accident occurred on I-270 NB before Dougherty Ferry Road at 7:31 P.M. on September 16th. https://twitter.com/StLouisTraffic/status/1438465525483401220?s=20 This article is one in a series presented by OnderLaw to inform our neighbors about...
Vehicle fire causes traffic backup near Six Flags Road
ST. LOUIS, MO - A vehicle fire cause the closure of the right lane on I-44WB before Bus 44 Six Flags Road at 12:13 A.M. on September 17th, as reported by the Missouri Department of Transportation. https://twitter.com/StLouisTraffic/status/1438536637168832513?s=20 This article is...
Collision reported at I-70 near Riverview
ST. LOUIS, MO –A crash caused the closure of two right lanes at I-70 WB near Riverview at 12:55 A.M. on September 16th, as reported by the Missouri Department of Transportation. https://twitter.com/StLouisTraffic/status/1438184758920441859?s=20 This article is one in a series presented by...
Collision reported on I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to the Missouri Department of Transportation, a car accident caused the closure of two right lanes at I-270 NB Past Dorsett Road at 8:46 P.M. on September 15th. https://twitter.com/StLouisTraffic/status/1438121306189271043?s=20 This article is one in a...
Vehicle collision with two bicycles at River Road
NEWTON COUNTY, MO - According to MSHP, there was a crash involving a 2008 FORD FOCUS vehicle and two trek bicycles at River Road- 1 Mile South of Joplin at 6:37 P.M on September 15, 2021.   The 2008 Ford...
HOLDEN, MO - According to MSHP, a crash occurred as a 2015 Mazda was turning into the crossover at US 50 EASTBOUND AT NW, a 2012 Honda overtook and struck the rear of vehicle and there was an impact at...
Sleeping Driver Escapes Death At Hilderbrecht Road
ST. FRANCOIS, MO - The driver of a 2015 Ford Escape truck fell asleep while driving Eastbound causing the vehicle to travel off the right side of the roadway, and crashed into a tree at 3740 Hilderbrecht RD at 11:25...
Crash at Westbound Truman Road East of Stark Avenue
JACKSON, MO -  According to MSHP, fatalities were reported following a crash involving a truck and a pedestrian at Westbound Truman Road East of Stark Avenue at 12:30 A.M on September 16, 2021.       The victim has been...
Single-vehicle crash injures man on Pike Country Rd
BUFFALO, MO - A man suffered serious injuries following a single-vehicle crash at the intersection of CR 255 and CR 252 Tuesday night, according to MSHP. Lloyd Kuntz, 49, was driving east in a GMC Sierra without a seat belt...
First responders dispatch to accident on I-70
JENNINGS, MO - A traffic accident was reported on eastbound I-70 before Jennings Station Rd on Wednesday, according to MoDOT STL. ACCIDENT I-70 EB BEFORE JENNINGS STATION RD CLEARED AT 2:30 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) September 15, 2021...
Traffic accident reported on I-270 near Lewis and Clark Blvd
ST. LOUIS, MO - A wreck closed down two lanes of traffic on eastbound I-270 before Lewis and Clark Blvd Wednesday, according to Fox 2 Now. The incident was reported around 3:37. Emergency crews had all lanes reopened by 4:06...
Passenger killed when tree falls onto car on Missouri 21
LESTERVILLE, MO - A man was killed and a woman was injured after a tree fell onto their car while they were traveling on southbound Missouri 21, according to My Mo Info. Diana Ainley was driving a Kia Forte on...
Right lane of Maryville closed due to a an accident
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to MoDOT STL, the right lane of I-64 WB at Maryville Centre Drive was closed due to an accident. However, no details were given on the cause and possible injuries inflicted by the crash. The...
One injured in crash on Dr. Martin Luther King Drive
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to the Metropolitan Police Department, one person was injured in a collision on Martin Luther King Drive this morning. The crash reportedly occurred at 8:40 a.m. The victim was transported to a nearby hospital for...
Serious injury caused by a car crash in Spring Ave.
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to Metropolitan Police Department of St. Louis, a car accident happened on Spring Avenue as a vehicle crashed into another vehicle without a driver. The report indicates that the incident happened at 6:54 P.M. and...
Car crash leads to 4 suspected serious injuries in Riverview Blvd.
ST. LOUIS, MO - As reported by the Metropolitan Police Department of St. Louis, a car crash involving two vehicles led to suspected serious injuries of 4 individuals. A car struck into a streetlight at Veronica Avenue and Riverview Boulevards...
2-vehicle crash involving school bus injures 1 person on Cannon Mine Rd
CADET, MO - A woman suffered minor injuries following an accident involving a school bus at Cannon Mine Rd on Monday afternoon, according to MSHP. Police say the school bus driver was westbound on Cannon Mile Road when she tried...
Multi-vehicle crash injures 1 at Park Hills
PARK HILLS, MO - A person suffered minor injuries following a multi-car crash at Hwy 8 and Hwy P Monday afternoon, according to MSHP. At around 12:55, Crystle L McClain, 41, was driving a Dodge Caravan on Northbound Hwy P...
Crash reported on Missouri 364 near Maryland Heights
MARYLAND HEIGHTS, MO - First responders were sent to the scene of a wreck on westbound Missouri 364 past Maryland Heights Expwy on Tuesday, MoDOT STL reports. ACCIDENT MO 364 WB PAST MARYLAND HEIGHTS EXPWY CLEARED AT 12:52 PM —...
Fatal crash reported near Sunset Hills
ST. LOUIS, MO - A two-vehicle crash on I-70 took the life of one person on I-270 near I-44 Tuesday, according to KMOV. The traffic accident occurred around 9 a.m. when the driver of a vehicle slammed into the back...
Motorcyclist killed in chain-reaction crash on MO-47 near Washington
WASHINGTON, MO - A man was killed early this afternoon when his motorcycle was struck from behind on MO-47 south of Washington, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. Eddie Jacobs, 62, was stopped in traffic north of Woodland Drive when...
Crash affecting SB traffic on I-270 in Creve Coeur
CREVE COUER, MO - A collision is causing rush hour delays on southbound I-270 ahead of MO-340/Olive Boulevard, Fox2Now reports. The accident took place at approximately 4:45 p.m. today, and closed two of the interstate's southbound lanes. Traffic slowed to...
MoDOT reports accident on I-270 at Riverview
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident blocked the right shoulder of eastbound I-270 at Riverview Road, the Missouri Department of Transportation reports. ACCIDENT I-270 EB AT RIVERVIEW RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:04 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Driver injures 2 when he pulls out in front of motorcyclist at Rte O and Hillsborough Rd
FARMINGTON, MO - Two people were injured after a Jeep Wrangler pulled out in front of a motorcyclist at Rte O and Hillsborough Rd on Saturday, according to MSHP. Devin R McEntire, 19, was driving a Jeep Wrangler when he...
Man injured after striking dear on Rte F
BOONE TOWNSHIP, MO - A motorcyclist was injured after they struck a deer on Rte F near Barn Rd on Saturday, MSHP reports. Jason S Bolzenius, 46, was riding a Suzuki GSXR 750 when he collided with the animal. Bolzenius...
Motorcyclist fatally strikes Cadillac near Black Jack
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO - One person died when a motorcyclist slammed into a Cadillac at N Hwy 67 and Old Halls Ferry Rd on Saturday, according to River Bender. A red Cadillac was traveling on southbound on Old Halls...
Crash reported near Town and Country
TOWN AND COUNTRY, MO - A wreck closed the right lane at WB I-64 and Maryville Centre Dr on Monday, according to Fox 2 Now. The traffic accident closed the right lane. Emergency crews arrived at the scene of the...
Woman and teen injured in crash after man runs red light in Murphy
MURPHY, MO – A woman was seriously injured and a teenager was hurt after their vehicle was T-boned by another driver on Highway 30 on Friday night, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred on eastbound Hwy...
St. Louis man and Tenn. woman seriously injured in early-morning crash
ST. CHARLES, MO – Two people, including a woman from Tennessee, were severely injured in a single-vehicle crash on Highway 94 in St. Charles early this morning. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the crash happened on westbound Hwy...
1 injured after driver runs red light at Old Hwy 21 and Tantra Ct
IMPERIAL TOWNSHIP, MO - A man was injured in a crash when a driver ran a red light at Old Hwy 21 and Tantra Ct, according to MSHP. Derek W Basler, 31, ran the red light at the intersection and...
Wreck reported on I-64 near McKnight Rd
ST LOUIS, MO - Emergency crews were dispatched to a crash on eastbound I-64 past McKnight Rd Thursday evening, according to MoDOT STL. ACCIDENT I-64 EB PAST MC KNIGHT RD CLEARED AT 6:45 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) September...
Crash closes right lane of NB I-70 near I-64
ST LOUIS, MO - The right lane of northbound I-70 past I-64 was blocked by a traffic accident Friday morning, according to MoDOT STL. ACCIDENT I-270 NB PAST I-64 RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 9:32 AM — MoDOT STL...
Update: Police release names of victims killed on Kensington Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO - The names of the pedestrian and motorcyclist that died following a fatal collision on Kensington Ave near Kingshighway Blvd on Monday have been released by police, according to FOX 2 Now. Eric Fulton, 50, was ejected...
Driver injured following 3-vehicle wreck on Rte D near Busch Memorial Conservation
ST CHARLES, MO - One person was injured in a multi-vehicle accident on Rte D near August A. Busch Memorial Conservation Area Thursday, MSHP reports. According to Highway Patrol, traffic was slowed on eastbound Rte D when a 16-year-old girl...
Wreck reported on I-270 near Manchester Rd
ST LOUIS, MO - First responders were dispatched to the scene of an accident on northbound I-270 past Manchester Rd Thursday, according to MoDOT STL. ACCIDENT I-270 NB PAST MANCHESTER RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 3:07 PM — MoDOT...
Update: Police release name of motorcyclist who died on I-70
ST PETERS, MO - Officials have released the name of the motorcyclist who died in a crash on I-70 near Mid Rivers Mall Dr Wednesday, KSDK reports. Austin Bergheger, 26, was riding a motorcycle when he collided with a pickup...
Rollover crash injures 2 officers at Dr MLK Dr and Marcus Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO - A rollover crash injured two police officers Wednesday evening, according to Fox 2 Now. The accident happened around midnight when a police car collided with a pick-up truck. One of the two officers who were injured...
How Do Helmet Laws Impact Fault in Bicycle Accidents?
Bike paths have been sprouting up on streets all across the country as more people have ditched driving and taken up biking to get to where they need to go or to stay healthy and in shape. States have followed...
2-vehicle collision injures 1 at 3705 TELEGRAPH ROAD
ARNOLD, MO - A woman suffered minor injuries after being rear-ended at 3705 Telegraph Rd Wednesday, MSHP reports. Linda K Bohnert, 59, was driving a Chevrolet Equinox on Telegraph Rd. She was rear-ended by a Chevrolet Silverado 2500 operated by...
Multiple left lanes closed by crash at WB I-70 and Mid Rivers Mall Dr
ST PETERS, MO - A wreck blocked two left lanes at westbound I-70 and Mid Rivers Mall Dr Wednesday morning, according to MoDOT STL. ACCIDENT I-70 WB AT MID RIVERS MALL DR 2 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 10:27...
Wreck reported at SB I-270 and Dougherty Ferry Rd
ST LOUIS, MO - A crash blocked two right lanes at southbound I-270 and Dougherty Ferry Rd on Wednesday, according to MoDOT STL. ACCIDENT I-270 SB AT DOUGHERTY FERRY RD 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 1:42 PM —...
2 injured by chemical burns on St Charles
ST LOUIS, MO - A woman and a child suffered non-life-threatening injuries after being burned by a chemical on the 1000 block of St Charles Wednesday, KMOV reports. Police have not released any other information at this time. This article...
Wreck reported on SB I-70 near Forest Park Pkwy
UNIVERSITY CITY, MO - Emergency crews were dispatched to the scene of an accident on southbound I-70 past Forest Park Pkwy Monday, according to MoDOT STL. ACCIDENT I-170 SB PAST FOREST PARK PKWY CLEARED AT 3:43 PM — MoDOT STL...
Driver rear-ends vehicle, injures 3 on I-270 near MO 370
ST. CHARLES, MO - Two adults and one juvenile were injured in a two-vehicle crash on eastbound I-270 past MO 370 Sunday night, MSHP reports. Ticillia Caffey, 31, was driving a Passat on eastbound I-270. As she approached MO 370,...
Accident closes right lane on I-270 and Manchester Rd
ST. LOUIS - A traffic accident blocked the right lane of northbound I-270 and Manchester Rd Tuesday, according to Fox 2 Now. The crash was reported at 1:50 p.m. Emergency crews had all lanes reopened by 2:50 p.m. It is...
Motorcyclist and pedestrian die following collision on Kensington Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO - A motorcyclist fatally collided with a pedestrian on Kensington Ave near Kingshighway Blvd Monday evening, according to KSDK. The unidentified male motorcyclist slammed into a parked car and the pedestrian behind it before being launched off...
Accident reported on I-70 near Olive Blvd
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash was reported on northbound I-70 before Olive Blvd Sunday afternoon, according to MoDOT STL. ACCIDENT I-170 NB BEFORE OLIVE BLVD 2 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:24 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
2 Injured after driver rear-ends car on I-55 near Union Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO - One person suffered moderate injuries and another suffered serious injuries following a two-car collision on I-55 north of Union Rd Sunday night, MSHP reports. Bryant J Bourrage, 32, was speeding in a Buick Lacrosse on southbound...
Wreck closes 3 lanes at SB I-270 near I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - Three lanes at southbound I-270 after I-70 was closed due to a crash Monday afternoon, Fox 2 Now reports. The crash was reported around 4:15 p.m. Additional details are not available. This article is one in...
1 dead following fatal collision between 2 water scooters on Table Rock Lake
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 14-year-old girl died following a water scooter accident on Table Rock Lake Saturday afternoon, KOAM reports. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred around 4 p.m. The teen was operating a Bombardier...
California man dead, another injured in truck crash on I-44 in Bourbon
BOURBON, MO (CRAWFORD COUNTY) – A man from California was killed, and another was injured after a semi-truck collided with a guardrail on I-44 in Crawford County yesterday, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened on I-44...
IL man falls off pickup tailgate, dies at Bass River Resort in Crawford Co.
CRAWFORD COUNTY, MO – A man from Illinois sitting on the tailgate of a pickup truck was killed when he fell off the moving vehicle at the Bass River Resort in Crawford County last night. According to the Missouri State...
Man reported injured in two-vehicle crash on I-70 and St. Louis Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO – A man was reported as injured after a collision involving two vehicles and a street sign on I-70 earlier this week, according to the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department (SLMPD). The crash happened on I-70 near...
Toddler, girl, and man reported injured in crash on Minnesota Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO – Three people, including a little girl and a toddler, were reportedly injured during a two-vehicle crash on Minnesota Avenue on Thursday night, according to the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department (SLMPD). The crash occurred on Minnesota...
Driver injures 2 after running red light near St Hwy U and I-61
MOSCOW MILLS, MO - Two people were injured after a car ran a red light and struck another vehicle near State Hwy U and I-64 Friday, MSHP reports. Brianna G Marciante, 26, was driving a Honda Civic on northbound I-61...
Right shoulder of I-70 near I-270 blocked by accident
ST. LOUIS, MO - A wreck blocked the right shoulder on eastbound I-70 before I-270 on Friday, according to MoDOT STL. ACCIDENT I-70 EB BEFORE I-270 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:02 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) September 3,...
Wreck reported at WB I-64 and Big Bend Blvd
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident occurred at westbound I-64 and Big Ben Blvd on Friday, according to MoDOT STL. ACCIDENT I-64 WB AT BIG BEND BLVD CLEARED AT 3:21 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) September 3, 2021 The...
Crash blocks left lane on EB I-70 near Lees Summit Blvd
KANSAS CITY, MO - A traffic accident was reported on eastbound I-70 before Lees Summit Blvd on Friday, Fox 2 Now reports. The accident blocked the left lane of traffic. It was reported at 2:55 p.m. Emergency crews had the...
Emergency crews dispatched to EB I-70 near Jennings Station Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO - A wreck closed two lanes of eastbound I-70 before Jennings Station Rd Thursday, MoDOT STl reports. ACCIDENT I-70 EB BEFORE JENNINGS STATION RD 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:42 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
2 lanes on EB I-255 near I-55 closed due to wreck
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two right lanes of eastbound I-255 past I-55 was closed due to an accident Thursday, MoDOT STL reports. ACCIDENT I-255 EB PAST I-55 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 10:07 AM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
2-vehicle accident injures 1 on NB I-270 north of I-44
ST. LOUIS, MO - A driver was injured after striking a disabled vehicle on northbound I-270 near I-44 on Wednesday, MSHP reports. Eliza M Chrzanowska, 31, was driving a Nissan Rogue on I-44. At around 5:26 p.m. she merged onto...
Driver injured after rear-ending car on U.S. 67
FARMINGTON, MO - A driver was moderately injured after rear-ended on southbound U.S. 67 south of Canterberry Rd Wednesday, MSHP reports. At around 7:40 a.m., Carlee A Eifert, 27, drove an Infiniti QX56 on southbound U.S. 67 behind a Chevrolet...
Right shoulder of WB I-64 near Boyle Ave blocked by traffic incident
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash blocked the right shoulder of westbound I-64 past Boyle Ave on Wednesday morning, MoDOT STL. ACCIDENT I-64 WB PAST BOYLE AVE RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 10:22 AM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) September...
2-vehicle collision at US 67 and Flucom Rd injures 2
DE SOTO, MO - Two people were injured following a multi-vehicle collision on US 67 and Flucom Rd, MSHP reports. Derek J Heaston, 28, was behind the wheel of a  Hyundai Elantra heading north on U.S. 67 as Teresa A...
Emergency crews dispatched to wreck near Charles Rock Rd on I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash was reported on southbound I-70 near Charles Rock Rd Wednesday afternoon, according to MoDOT STL. ACCIDENT I-170 SB PAST ST CHARLES ROCK RD CLEARED AT 3:32 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) September 1,...
Right shoulder of I-70 near I-270 blocked by crash
HOUSTON, TX - A wreck blocked the right shoulder near I-270 on I-70 Wednesday afternoon, according to MoDOT STL. ACCIDENT I-70 EB BEFORE I-270 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:45 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) September 1, 2021 Details...
How Does Truck Driver Fatigue Affect Truck Accidents?
Our roads and highways are flooded with trucks transporting goods across the United States. The trucking industry is a multi-billion dollar industry that is vital to the functioning of our society. Commercial trucks are everywhere, bringing products to individuals, corporations,...
Crash blocks right lanes of SB I-55
IMPERIAL, MO - The right lanes of southbound I-55 were blocked by an accident on Tuesday, according to MoDOT STL. ACCIDENT I-55 SB PAST IMPERIAL MAIN ST 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 8:59 AM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
O’Fallon crash injures 1 at Main St and Tom Ginnever Ave
O'FALLON, TX - A person suffered moderate injuries after running a red light and crashing into another vehicle around 8:20 a.m. Monday, MSHP reports. Amanda M Hill, 40, was driving a Hyundai Sonata on Tom Ginnever Ave when she ran...
Wreck blocks right shoulder on NB MO 141 near Fiedler Ln
FENTON, MO - The right shoulder on the part of northbound MO 141 past Fiedler Ln was blocked by a crash on Tuesday, MoDOT STL reports. ACCIDENT MO 141 NB PAST FIEDLER LN RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 1:11 PM...
1 injured after GMC Sierra rear-ends Volvo VNL on U.S. 61
UNION TOWNSHIP, MO - A two-vehicle accident was reported on the part of northbound U.S. 61, south of Creech Lane. According to MSHP, Richard F Allen, 60, was parked on the shoulder of U.S. 61 in a GMC Sierra. When...
Crash blocks 2 right lanes at WB I-44, near Big Bend Blvd
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash on the part of westbound I-44 before Big Ben Blvd blocked two lanes of traffic on Monday, MoDOT STL reports. ACCIDENT I-44 WB BEFORE BIG BEND BLVD 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
House fire injures 1 on Converse Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO - A man was hospitalized after escaping from a house fire on the 3300 block of Converse Avenue Monday, KSDK reports. Firefighters were dispatched to the house after receiving calls concerning the fire around 9 a.m. The...
Wrong-way collision kills 2 women at Father Biondi SJ Way and I-44
HOUSTON, TX - A wrong-way collision killed two women at Father Biondi SJ Way and I-44 on Sunday, KMOV reports. According to police, a Chevrolet S-10 was driving the wrong way on westbound I-44 when it collided head-on with Kia...
2-vehicle crash injures 3 on Hwy 67 near Bonne Terre
BONNE TERRE, MO - Two teens and a woman were injured in a two-vehicle crash on Hwy 67, near Hwy 47, on Sunday, according to My Leader Paper. According to troopers, Jacob Rusk, 21, was driving on northbound Hwy 67...
Plaintiffs Charge On Following Disappointing J&J Ruling
Talc Trials Move Forward Despite J&J Bankruptcy Threat A Delaware bankruptcy judge has opened a door for Johnson & Johnson to attempt to take advantage of a bankruptcy loophole to delay compensation to tens of thousands of victims with talc-related...
3 injured when semi runs off US 63, collides with trees
BRANDSVILLE, MO - Three people were injured this morning when their semi truck ran off the US 63 roadway and collided with a copse of trees, according to a report filed by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. Landen Greene, 21,...
Emergency vehicles called to WB I-70 at Goodfellow
ST. LOUIS, MO - Emergency vehicles were called to the scene of an incident on westbound I-70 at Goodfellow Boulevard this morning, MoDOT reports. EMERGENCY VEHICLES I-70 WB AT GOODFELLOW RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 10:00 AM — MoDOT...
Driver injured in rollover crash on Rte BB south of Huntsville
HUNTSVILLE, MO - A man was injured in a rollover crash six miles south of Huntsville this morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. Kyle Thompson, 38, was headed east on Route BB at about 6:15 a.m. today when...
Driver flees after single-vehicle injury accident southwest of Marshfield
MARSHFIELD, MO - A driver fled the scene of a single-vehicle accident about eight miles southwest of Marshfield this morning that left his passenger injured. At about 2:15 a.m. today, a Missouri State Highway Patrol trooper arrived on the scene...
Accident reported on I-270, near Dorsett Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO - A traffic accident was reported on southbound I-270 Thursday afternoon, according to MoDOT STL. ACCIDENT I-270 SB BEFORE DORSETT RD BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 14:25 — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) August 26, 2021...
Motorcyclist hospitalized after rear-ending pickup at I-55 and Butler Hill Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO - A man was seriously injured in a 3-car collision at I-55 and Butler Hill Rd on Wednesday morning, MSHP reports. All three vehicles were stopped on northbound I-55 due to traffic.  Kyleey L. Curtis, 35, was...
10-car crash injures 2 adults, 1 child on I-70
O’FALLON, MO - A crash involving nearly a dozen vehicles injured three people on I-70 Thursday morning, KMOV reports. The victims of the accident included two adults and one child. Their current condition is unknown. The exact time the crash...
2 injured from bus crash at Virginia Ave and Bowen St
ST. LOUIS, MO - Multiple injuries were in a bus crash at Virginia Avenue and Bowen Street on Wednesday afternoon, according to Fox 2 Now. The bus was from schools in Wilkerson and Dewey. Fifteen students were on board at...
Wreck reported at NB I-270 and Gravois Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident was reported at northbound I-270 and Gravois Rd on Wednesday morning, according to MoDOT STL. ACCIDENT I-270 NB AT GRAVOIS RD CLEARED AT 9:06 AM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) August 25, 2021 The...
Crash injures 2 on I-55, near Butler Hill Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two people were seriously injured following a wreck on I-55, south of Butler Rd Wednesday morning, MSHP reports. John M Peyeatt Jr, 27, was driving a Ford F-150 north on I-55.  As it approached the intersection...
Man fatally strikes rock bluff on exit ramp from Hwy 61 to Rte A
WENTZVILLE, MO - An elderly man died in a fiery crash on the exit ramp from Hwy 61 to Rte A Tuesday morning, according to 70 West Sentinel. Kenneth R. White, 79, was driving his motor home on northbound Hwy...
Motorcyclist injured after rear-ending car on NB I-55, near I-255
ST. LOUIS, MO - A motorcyclist was hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries after rear-ending a car on I-55 Wednesday, according to KMOV. Troopers were dispatched to the northbound I-55 just before I-255 after receiving reports of the accident around 9 a.m....
Wreck blocks right shoulder near Meremac St on MO 141
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash blocked the right shoulder on the part of NB MO-141 past Meremac St on Monday, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT MO 141 NB PAST MEREMAC ST RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 1:26 PM...
Firefighters rescue man from apartment fire at Keokuk St
ST. LOUIS, MO - Firefighters rescued a man trapped in an apartment fire at Keokuk St, near S Compton Ave, on Monday, Fox 2 Now reports. The fire was started when children started a fire in their bedroom while playing...
Carbon monoxide exposure on kills 1, injures 4 at Lake of the Ozarks
LAKE OF THE OZARKS, MO - An elderly man died and four other people on a boat were injured after being exposed to Carbon Monoxide at Lake of the Ozarks Saturday, according to The Kansas City Star. Steven Sutton, 66,...
Woman struck, killed by Audi at Page Ave and N Warson Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO - A woman was fatally struck by an Audi at Page Ave and N Warson Rd on Monday night, KSDK reports. The driver was driving on eastbound Page Ave when he collided with Norma Monsivais, 53, near...
Wreck blocks 2 right lanes on I-44, near Pacific Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash on the section of I-44 near Pacific Ave blocked two lanes of traffic on Monday afternoon, MoDOT STL reports. ACCIDENT I-44 EB PAST PACIFIC 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:15 PM —...
Woman fatally strikes light pole near Ellis Grove Pkwy on Rte 141
ARNOLD, MO - A woman died after colliding with a light pole early on Rte 141 near Ellis Grove Pkwy Sunday morning, KMOV reports. Brittany Uzel, 24, was driving a Honda Civic on northbound 141. As she approached the intersection...
SUV driver kills 1, injures 2 after colliding with truck on I-44
ST. LOUIS, MO - A person died and two others were injured after an SUV collided with the trailer part of a semi-truck on I-44 Friday morning, Fox 3 Now reports. According to police, a person was standing near a...
Update: More details on deadly I-70 crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - A tow truck driver was fatally struck while trying to tow a vehicle on eastbound I-70 near Adelaide Ave on Friday, KMOV reports. Anthony McCoy, 33, attempted to tow a vehicle in the third eastbound lane...
2-vehicle collision injures 1 on State Hwy 00, Near State Rte F
FARMINGTON, MO - A man was injured following a two-vehicle collision on the section of southbound State Hwy OO south of State Rte F, according to MSHP. Christopher W Kazmierczak, 18, was driving a Chevrolet 1500 on southbound State Hwy...
Accident reported on right shoulder of I-55, near Richardson Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash occurred on the right shoulder of the part of southbound I-55 past Richardson St on Friday afternoon, according to MoDOT STL. ACCIDENT I-55 SB PAST RICHARDSON RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 3:05 PM...
Accident critically injures 1 at EB I-70 and Adelaide Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO - A person was hospitalized in critical condition following a crash at eastbound I-70 and Adelaide  Ave on Friday morning, KMOV reports. According to firefighters, the accident occurred around 8:30 a.m. One person was taken by emergency...
Driver strikes, injures motorcyclist on New Sugar Creek Rod
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - A woman struck and seriously injured a motorcyclist sometime Thursday evening on New Sugar Creek Rd, My MO Info reports. Heather Wilson, 43, was driving a Ford Edge on southbound New Sugar Creek Rd when she...
Crash reported in right shoulder of I-44, near Bowles Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident occurred in the right shoulder of the section of I-44 EB near Bowles Ave on Thursday morning, according to MoDOT STL. ACCIDENT I-44 EB PAST BOWLES AVE CLEARED AT 8:48 AM — MoDOT STL...
Accident closes 3 right lanes at I-70 WB and Salisbury St
ST. LOUIS, MO - Three lanes of traffic at westbound I-70 and Salisbury St were closed on Thursday afternoon due to an accident, MoDOT STL reports. ACCIDENT I-70 WB AT SALISBURY 3 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 14:54 —...
Motorcyclist injured after colliding with vehicle near Woodland Dr
CHARRETTE TOWNSHIP, MO - A motorcyclist was injured after striking a semi-truck on Hwy TT Thursday morning, MSHP reports. Ronald E Schellenger, 53, was riding a Harley-Davidson motorcycle on southbound Hwy TT when he strayed into the northbound lane and...
Driver injures 2 after colliding with tree on Route H
FARMINGTON, MO - A driver and his passenger were injured after their vehicle collided with a tree on Rte H Tuesday, the Daily Journal reports. Sometime Tuesday evening, Leonard A Martin, 18, was driving a Jeep Grand Cherokee on northbound...
Crash reported on I-270 near I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO - A traffic accident was reported on the section of southbound I-270 near southbound I-55 on Wednesday morning, MoDOT STL reports. ACCIDENT I-270 SB TO I-55 SB CLEARED AT 11:25 AM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) August...
2 injured when driver hits guy wire, utility pole on Black Creek Rd
WINDSOR TOWNSHIP, MO - Two people were injured when a driver took a curve too fast on the section of Black Creek Rd near Miller Rd, MSHP reports. Abigail E Meckfessel, 19, was speeding in a Ford Taurus on northbound...
Driver injured after falling asleep on Hwy 67, near Route CC
FESTUS, MO - A driver suffered moderate injuries after falling asleep at the wheel on the section of Hwy 67 north of Route CC, according to MSHP. James W Wallace, 20, fell asleep while driving a Dodge 1500 on southbound...
Man crashes into tree, dies on the 6200 block of Fort Bellefontaine Rd
FLORISSANT, MO - A 54-year-old man died after his car slammed into a tree on the 6200 block of Fort Bellefontaine Rd on Tuesday night, according to RiverBender. Emergency crews were dispatched to the scene after receiving reports of the...
Crash reported on I-64 near Boones Crossing
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident was reported on the section of westbound I-64 before Boones Crossing Tuesday afternoon, according to MoDOT STL. ACCIDENT I-64 WB BEFORE BOONES CROSSING CLEARED AT 5:47 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) August 17,...
Multi-vehicle collision injures 2 on I-55
ARNOLD, MO - Two people sufferred minor injuries following a collision on the section of I-55 south of Richardson Rd Tuesday morning, according to MSHP. At around 9:48 a.m., Alex M Melton, 21, was driving a Honda Acura on northbound...
2-vehicle crash injures 1 on Hwy NN, near State Route 30
CEDAR HILL, MO - A person was injured after a car collided with a semi-truck on the section of Hwy NN near State Route 30 Tuesday afternoon, according to MSHP. At around 3:42 p.m., George G Massey, 52, was driving...
Pedestrian injured after hit-and-run at Union Blvd and Wabada Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO - A pedestrian was hospitalized in critical condition following a hit-and-run collision at Union Blvd and Wabada Ave around 12:30 a.m., Fox 2 Now reports. Police are searching for the suspect. They have not released information concerning...
First responders dispatched to accident at I-55 and Arsenal St
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident was reported at southbound I-55 and Arsenal St on Monday morning, according to MO DOT STL. ACCIDENT I-55 SB AT ARSENAL ST 3 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 02:24 AM — MoDOT STL...
3-vehicle crash injures 1 on I-270 near James S McDonnell Blvd
ST. LOUIS, MO - A woman sufferred mild injuries after being involved in a multi-vehicle crash on the section of northbound I-270 north of James S McDonnell Blvd on Sunday, according to the MSHP. A 2014 Chevrolet Equinox driven by...
Accident reported on I-70, near Florissant Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash occurred on the section of eastbound I-70 near Florissant Rd around 2:35 p.m. Monday afternoon, according to Mo DOT STL. ACCIDENT I-70 EB PAST FLORISSANT RD CLEARED AT 2:34 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Multi-vehicle crash injures 1 on Hwy 79, near Moscow Mills
MOSCOW MILLS, MO - A man was seriously injured following an accident on the section of Hwy 79 that's north of Brevator Rd, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol Crash Reports. Andrea L Davis and James H Fredeking were...
Jefferson County man killed in multi-vehicle collision on I-55 in Imperial
IMPERIAL, MO – A man from Jefferson County was killed in a multi-vehicle collision on I-55 in Imperial late Saturday night, according to KMOV4. The crash occurred on I-55, south of Imperial Main at about 11:30 p.m., when 40-year-old Jefferson...
Motorcyclist dead after colliding with Jeep on Hwy 61 in Ste. Genevieve Co.
STE. GENEVIEVE COUNTY, MO – A man was killed after his motorcycle collided with another vehicle on Highway 61 in Ste. Genevieve County this afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The collision occurred on southbound US-61, south of...
Woman severely injured in rollover crash on Highway Y in Crawford County
VIBURNUM, MO (CRAWFORD COUNTY) – A woman from Steelville was severely injured in a rollover crash on Highway Y in Crawford County early this morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred on Highway Y, about four...
59-year-old man killed in rear-end crash on I-270 in Florissant
FLORISSANT, MO – A man was killed in a rear-end collision on I-270 in Florissant last night, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred on northbound I-270, near Missouri 370 at 6:35 p.m., as a 2020 Volvo...
Crash reported on I-64 near 14th St
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash was reported on the section of eastbound I-64 before 14th St on Friday afternoon, MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-64 EB BEFORE 14TH ST RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:21 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
1 injured in multi-vehicle collision at Little Brennan Rd and Hwy 30
HIGH RIDGE, MO - A woman suffered minor injuries following a collision at Little Brennan Rd and Hwy 30 on Friday morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. A 17-year-old juvenile girl was driving a Jeep Wrangler on northbound...
2-vehcle collision in Wentzville injures 4
WENTZVILLE, MO - Four people were hospitalized with minor injuries after a car backed into another vehicle on the section of U.S. 61 south of Granville Dr, reports the Missouri Highway Patrol. At around 11:25 a.m., a 15-year-old girl driving...
3 injured from wrong-way crash on State Road A near Festus
FESTUS, MO - Three people were injured in a crash on the section of State Road A west of Veterans Blvd in Festus on Thursday night, according to My Mo Info. At around 8:40 p.m. Melody Rawe, 63, was driving...
Crash at I-55 and Meramec Bottom Rd closes 2 lanes of traffic
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident at the intersection of northbound I-55 and Meramec Bottom Rd blocked two lanes of traffic on Thursday afternoon, according to the Missouri Department of Transportation. ACCIDENT I-55 NB AT MERAMEC BOTTOM RD 2 LEFT...
3-vehicle crash on I-170 near Scudder Rd kills 2
KINLOCH, MO - Two people were killed in a multi-vehicle crash on the section of northbound 170 near Scudder Rd on Tuesday, according to KMOV. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, Nadaris Walton, 20, was driving a Toyota Camry...
Driver strikes tree at O’Fallon Park, dies
ST. LOUIS, MO - A man is dead after he drove into a tree in O'Fallon Park on August 2, according to KMOV. Kenneth Horace drove his GMC Sierra into O'Fallon Park from the intersection of Grant St and Harris...
Pedestrian killed after walking into roadway near Page Ave and Walton Rd
OVERLAND, MO - A person driving a Jeep Liberty struck and killed a male pedestrian as he walked into the roadway on the section of Page Ave east of Walton Rd, according to KMOV. According to the Highway Patrol, the...
2-vehicle crash on State Hwy 43 injures 1 person, kills another
SENECA, MO - A crash on State Hwy 43 hospitalized one woman and killed one man on Tuesday night, according to KSN. Jessica Oliver, 29, was heading north on State Hwy 43 in a Chevy Cavalier. She collided with Lincoln...
Buchanan County crash injures 2
ST JOSEPH, MO - An accident injured two people Tuesday afternoon in St. Joseph, according to the St. Joseph Post. Tyler M Odell was heading east on U.S. 36  in a Jeep Cherokee. Odell ran a light at the intersection...
Man drowns attempting to save swimmer at Forest Lake
BENTON TOWNSHIP, MO - Steve Puckett, 64, drowned trying to save a swimmer on Forest Lake Monday, according to The Kansas City Star. Puckett and a 67-year-old friend rented a pontoon boat. Witnesses on another boat saw Puckett's friend swimming...
Park Hills crash injures man
PARK HILLS, MO - A man was injured after colliding with an unknown object at the intersection of Missouri 8 and U.S. 67 Wednesday morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident was reported at 5 a.m. The...
Motorcycle crash kills 1 in Washington County
POTOSI, MO - A motorcyclist died in an accident on MO-8 Tuesday afternoon, according to the MSHP Incident Report. At around 2:18 p.m., Shane A. Gamble, 34 was heading east on a Harley Davidson motorcycle as a Chevrolet Silverado operated...
Driver injured from St Peters crash
ST PETERS, MO - A driver suffered minor injuries after an accident on I-70 Monday afternoon. Makel D. Matthews, 19, was driving a Chevrolet Cavalier at the same time Yunier P Rodriguez was driving a Dodge Ram. Both drivers were...
Troopers find body of missing swimmer at Lake of the Ozarks
LAKE OF THE OZARKS, MO - Troopers have found the body of a swimmer who went missing Monday, according to KRGC. Sean Jouglard, 21, was a passenger on a boat. Jouglard did not resurface after going for a swim. Divers...
Hit-and-run collision on I-70 kills 1
ST. LOUIS, MO - A hit-and-run collision killed a man last Thursday evening, reports KSDK. The incident occurred on the section of I-70 near Branch St in Hyde Park. Police were called to the scene around 11:17 p.m. According to...
Hit-and-run accident on Chambers Rd kills man
FERGSON, MO - A hit-and-run accident killed a man near the intersection of Chambers Rd and Coppinger Dr, according to KMOV. Police were dispatched to the area after receiving reports of a man being struck by a car while trying...
Fire on North 29th St kills 5 children
ST LOUIS, MO - A fire at 560 North 29th St killed five children early Friday morning, reports the International Business Times. fire broke out in a home in St. Louis on Friday morning, killing five young siblings, just months...
Moped rider crashes, dies on Pestalozzi St
ST. LOUIS - A moped rider died after crashing on the 3300 block of Pestalozzi St Monday morning, according to KSDK. First responders were dispatched to the area after receiving reports of a moped rider losing control of the vehicle...
2 injured in boating accident on Meramec River
MERAMEC RIVER, MO - A boating accident injured two men on Saturday, according to 70 West Sentinel. The incident happened around 8:30 p.m. at the Meramec River. Joshua J. Rigsby, 38, was traveling downstream in a boat as Bradley J....
Elderly woman injured in rollover crash on Hwy 8 in St. James
ST. JAMES, MO (PHELPS COUNTY) – An elderly woman was seriously injured in a rollover crash on Highway 8 in Phelps County yesterday afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred on Highway 8, near County Road...
24-year-old severely injured in ATV rollover crash in St. Francois County
LOUGHBORO, MO (ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY) – A 24-year-old man was severely injured after an ATV crashed and overturned on Route B late last night, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened at 11:50 p.m. near the community...
Woman killed in early-morning 2-vehicle collision in South St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO – A woman was killed in a two-vehicle collision in South St. Louis early this morning, according to KMOV 4. The crash occurred near the intersection of McNair Avenue and Gravois Avenue at about 5 a.m., after...
Man fatally struck by hit-and-run driver in Fountain Park area
ST. LOUIS, MO – A man was fatally struck by a hit-and-run driver in the Fountain Park area this morning, according to KSDK. The crash occurred near Page Boulevard and Marcus Avenue at about 9:30 a.m., when a man in...
Man hospitalized after I-70 motorcycle crash in Warren County
WARREN COUNTY, MO -- A 58-year-old High Ridge man was injured Thursday morning after a collision involving two motorcycles on Interstate 70 near Wentzville, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper T. W. Burris responded to the accident in the...
Woman injured after crashing into tree on Hwy AT in Franklin County
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO -- A 46-year-old Union woman was injured Wednesday night in a single-car collision on Highway AT near Villa Ridge, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened in the eastbound lanes of Highway AT west of...
Crash blocks lane on I-64 WB near Frontenac
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO -- A vehicle collision Friday afternoon was blocking the right lane on Interstate 64 westbound near Frontenac, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. The incident occurred in the westbound lanes of I-64 west of South Spoede Road...
Collision closes two lanes on I-70 WB near Old North St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle accident late Thursday night closed two right lanes on Interstate 70 westbound near the Old North St. Louis neighborhood in St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-70 WB BEFORE BRANCH BE PREPARED...
Woman injured in I-270 NB crash near southwest St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A 62-year-old woman was injured Thursday evening in a single-car collision on Interstate 270 in southwest St. Louis, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The incident occurred in the northbound lanes of I-270 south of Missouri...
Teen hospitalized after crashing into tree in Jefferson County
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO -- A 17-year-old boy was seriously injured Tuesday afternoon in a single-vehicle collision in De Soto, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper M. D. Benson responded to the accident near 3902 Flucom Road at around 3:35...
Crash closes three lanes on I-270 SB near Des Peres
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle collision Friday morning closed three right lanes on Interstate 270 southbound near West County Center in St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-270 SB AT MANCHESTER RD 3 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST....
Crash closes multiple lanes on I-70 WB in northwest St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle accident Friday afternoon blocked three left lanes on Interstate 70 westbound in northwest St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-70 WB BEFORE JENNINGS STA RD 3 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Woman hospitalized after multi-car crash on I-270 near Bridgeton
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO -- A 51-year-old woman was injured Wednesday afternoon in a rear-end collision involving four vehicles on Interstate 270 near Bridgeton, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident took place in the northbound lanes of I-270...
Three injured in two-car crash on MO-47 in Washington County
WASHINGTON COUNTY, MO -- An infant, a teenager, and a woman were injured Wednesday afternoon in a two-car collision on Missouri Route 47 near Richwoods, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened at the intersection of Highway H...
Crash shuts down I-70 EB in west St. Charles County
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO -- A vehicle crash late Thursday morning closed all lanes on Interstate 70 eastbound near Wentzville, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. I-70 EB CLOSED PAST WENTZVILLE PKWY USE ALT ROUTE — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) August...
Collision closes multiple lanes on I-270 NB near Des Peres
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO -- A vehicle collision Thursday afternoon closes four left lanes on Interstate 270 northbound near Des Peres in west St. Louis County, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-270 NB AT MANCHESTER RD 4 LEFT LANES...
Man injured after falling asleep at wheel on MO-94 in St. Charles
ST. CHARLES, MO -- A 25-year-old O'Fallon man was injured Wednesday morning in a single-car crash after falling asleep at the wheel on Missouri Route 94 in St. Charles, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened in the...
Woman hospitalized after single-car crash on Hwy 32 in Mineral Point
WASHINGTON COUNTY, MO -- A 42-year-old Desloge woman was seriously injured early Wednesday morning in a single-car collision while trying to avoid a deer on Highway 32 near Mineral Point, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. Police said incident occurred...
Crash blocks lane on I-44 EB near Columbus Square in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle accident Thursday afternoon closed the right lane on Interstate 44 eastbound near the Columbus Square neighborhood in downtown St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-44 EB AT COLE ST RIGHT LANE CLOSED...
Collision closes two lanes on I-44 EB in downtown St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle collision Thursday morning closed two left lanes on Interstate 44 eastbound in downtown St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-44 EB BEFORE JEFFERSON AVE 2 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 11:01...
Man seriously injured in motorcycle crash on Hwy E in Franklin County
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO -- A 63-year-old suffered serious injuries Saturday night after his motorcycle overturned in a single-vehicle crash on Highway E in New Haven, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The incident took place in the eastbound lanes of...
Man injured in utility pole crash on Old Hwy M in Jefferson County
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO -- A 38-year-old Cedar Hill man was injured Tuesday afternoon in a single-car collision involving a utility pole on Old Highway M near Imperial, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper T. H. Elliston responded to the...
Crash blocks lane on I-44 EB near Six Flags St. Louis in Eureka
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO -- A vehicle collision Wednesday morning closed the left lane on Interstate 44 eastbound near Six Flags St. Louis in Eureka, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-44 EB BEFORE SIX FLAGS RD LEFT LANE CLOSED...
Collision closes lane on I-270 WB in north St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle crash Wednesday afternoon closed the right lane on Interstate 270 westbound in north St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-270 WB PAST MO 367 RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 1:44 PM...
Woman injured after two-car crash on US-67 SB in Jefferson County
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO -- A 47-year-old Bonne Terre woman was hospitalized Tuesday evening in a collision involving two vehicles on U.S. Highway 67 southbound near De Soto, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper M. D. Benson responded to the...
Motorcyclist hospitalized in pickup crash on Hwy 47 in Marthasville
WARREN COUNTY, MO -- A 44-year-old St. Clair man suffered serious injuries Saturday afternoon after his motorcycle was struck by a pickup truck on Highway 47 in Marthasville, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper J. L. Hughes responded to...
Crash delays traffic on I-70 WB in St. Charles
ST. CHARLES, MO -- A vehicle accident Wednesday morning closed the left lane on Interstate 70 westbound in St. Charles, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-70 WB AT FIRST CAPITOL DR LEFT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 8:02 AM...
Collision closes multiple lanes on I-64 WB in downtown St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle collision Wednesday morning closed up to five lanes on Interstate 64 westbound in downtown St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-64 WB BEFORE MARKET ST 3 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Young man killed in motorcycle crash on I-64 WB near Weldon Spring
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO -- A 28-year-old Silex man died early Sunday morning in a single-vehicle motorcycle collision on Interstate 64 westbound near Weldon Spring, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper E. M. Reynoso responded to the accident in...
Man injured in multi-car rear-end collision in Jefferson County
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO -- A 70-year-old Fenton man was injured Saturday afternoon in a rear-end crash involving three vehicles in Imperial, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The incident occurred on Lions Den Road off Old Lemay Ferry Road at...
Collision causes traffic jam on I-270 EB in north St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle collision late Tuesday morning caused a traffic backup on Interstate 270 eastbound in north St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-270 EB TO MO 367 NB BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE...
Crash shuts down two lanes on MO-370 WB near Hazelwood
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO -- A vehicle accident Tuesday afternoon closed two right lanes on Missouri Route 370 westbound near Hazelwood, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT MO 370 WB PAST ST LOUIS MILLS BLVD 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST....
Man injured in multi-vehicle collision on I-70 in Warren County
WARREN COUNTY, MO -- A 30-year-old Columbia man was injured Saturday morning in a rear-end collision involving three vehicles on Interstate 70 eastbound near Wentzville, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The incident occurred in the eastbound lanes of I-70...
Man seriously injured in motorcycle crash on I-55 in Jefferson County
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO -- A 32-year-old Festus man suffered serious injuries early Saturday morning in a single-vehicle motorcycle accident on Interstate 55 southbound in Jefferson County, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened on a stretch of I-55...
Collision closes lane on I-270 SB near northwest St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle collision Tuesday morning closed the right lane on Interstate 270 southbound near northwest St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-270 SB AT I-70 RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 9:36 AM —...
Crash closes lane on MO-180 WB near Bridgeton
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO -- A vehicle accident Tuesday morning closed the center lane on Missouri Route 180 westbound near Bridgeton, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT W 180 MO AT E I-270 NB IS CENTER LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE...
Woman injured in rollover crash on Highway A near Festus
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO -- A 72-year-old woman was injured Friday afternoon in a single-vehicle rollover collision on Highway A westbound near Festus, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened in the westbound lanes of Highway A east of...
Two injured in rear-end collision on I-170 in northwest St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- Two people were hospitalized Saturday afternoon after a rear-end collision involving two vehicles on Interstate 170 northbound in northwest St. Louis, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper D. O. Gillespie responded to the accident near...
Crash shuts down I-64 WB for hours near Weldon Spring
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO -- A vehicle crash early Sunday morning completely closed Interstate 64 westbound for almost five hours near Weldon Spring, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-64 WB PAST RESEARCH PARK CIR BE PREPARED TO STOP EST....
Collision closes three lanes on US-67 near Hazelwood
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO -- A vehicle collision Sunday evening closed three left lanes on US Route 67 southbound near Hazelwood, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT US 67 SB AT MCDONNELL BLVD 3 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Teenage girl injured in single-car crash on MO-185 near Potosi
WASHINGTON COUNTY, MO -- A 17-year-old girl was hospitalized Friday evening after losing control of her vehicle on Missouri Route 185 southbound near Potosi, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper B. M. Breedlove responded to the incident in a...
Man hospitalized after single-car crash on US-50 near east Union
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO -- A 31-year-old man was injured Friday afternoon after a distracted-driving collision involving one vehicle on U.S. Highway 50 near east Union, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened in the westbound lanes of US-50...
Crash shuts down two lanes on I-64 WB in Chesterfield
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO -- A vehicle crash Sunday evening closed two right lanes on Interstate 64 westbound near Chesterfield Mall in Chesterfield, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-64 WB AT CLARKSON RD 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE...
Collision closes two lanes on I-55 SB in southwest St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle accident Sunday evening closed two right lanes on Interstate 55 southbound in southwest St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-55 SB PAST I-255 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 7:02 PM...
3 people injured in multi-vehicle crash on Hwy 63 near Rolla
ROLLA, MO (PHELPS COUNTY) – Three people were injured, one of them seriously so, in a collision on Highway 63 south of Rolla yesterday afternoon, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened on Highway 63, about a mile...
28-year-old man dead after motorcycle crashes into guardrail on I-64
WELDON SPRING, MO (ST. CHARLES COUNTY) – A 28-year-old man was killed in a single-motorcycle crash on I-64 in Weldon Spring early this morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened on westbound I-64 (Highway 61), east...
1 person dead after being partially ejected in N St. Louis crash
ST. LOUIS, MO – One person was killed after being ejected in a collision in North St. Louis this morning, according to KMOV 4. The crash occurred near the intersection of Carrie Avenue and Hall Street at about 8 a.m.,...
2 people injured in 2-vehicle collision on I-70 and Branch St
ST. LOUIS, MO – Two people were injured, one of them seriously, in a two-vehicle collision on I-70 on Thursday night, according to the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department (SLMPD). The crash happened in the 228200 block of I-70 W,...
Festus man severely injured in rollover motorcycle crash in Herculaneum
HERCULANEUM, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – A 32-year-old man was severely injured in a rollover motorcycle crash in Jefferson County early this morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened near Herculaneum on southbound I-55, near mile marker...
Oklahoma woman killed in rollover accident on I-44 near Leasburg
LEASBURG, MO (CRAWFORD COUNTY) – A woman from Oklahoma was killed in a rollover accident on I-44 in Crawford County early yesterday morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred on eastbound I-44, near Exit 214, at...
Man injured in two-car collision on I-70 WB in northwest St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A 43-year-old man was injured early Sunday morning in a crash involving two cars on Interstate 70 westbound near the Walnut Park West neighborhood in northwest St. Louis, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper A....
Woman injured in two-car collision on Highway J in Lincoln County
LINCOLN COUNTY, MO -- A 37-year-old Wright City woman was injured Thursday night in a two-car collision on Highway J near Troy, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident took place on a stretch of Highway J at Deerpath...
Crash shuts down lane on I-55 near Marine Villa in south St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle collision early Friday morning closed the left lane on Interstate 55 northbound near the Marine Villa neighborhood in south St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-55 NB PAST POTOMAC ST LEFT LANE...
Collision closes three lanes on MO-364 WB in St. Charles
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO -- A vehicle crash Friday afternoon closed two left lanes and a right lane on Missouri Route 364 in St. Charles, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT MO 364 WB BEFORE ARENA PKWY 2 LEFT LANES...
Man injured in multi-car crash on I-70 EB in northwest St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A 25-year-old Florissant man was injured Thursday afternoon in a collision involving four vehicles on Interstate 70 eastbound in northwest St. Louis, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The incident took place in the eastbound lanes...
Man injured in single-car collision on I-55 NB in southwest St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A 36-year-old man was injured Thursday afternoon in a single-vehicle crash on Interstate 55 northbound in southwest St. Louis, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper J. S. Huskey responded to the accident in the northbound...
Crash closes three lanes on I-64 WB in west St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle collision Friday morning closed three right lanes on Interstate 64 westbound in west St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-64 WB BEFORE BALLAS RD 3 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 8:47...
Collision shuts down three lanes on I-270 NB in southwest St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle accident late Friday morning closed three left lanes and caused a traffic jam on Interstate 270 northbound in southwest St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-270 NB PAST I-55 3 LEFT LANES...
Woman injured in single-car crash on Highway B in Jefferson County
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO -- A 62-year-old Hillsboro woman was injured Thursday morning in a single-vehicle collision on Highway B near Rivers Township, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper T. W. Brewer said the accident occurred in the northbound lanes...
Man hospitalized after motorcycle crash on Hwy U in Washington County
WASHINGTON COUNTY, MO -- A 26-year-old Park Hills man was seriously injured Wednesday night in a single-vehicle motorcycle crash on Highway U near Mineral Point, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened in the northbound lanes of Highway...
Collision closes lane on I-44 WB near The Hill in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle crash late Thursday morning closed the right lane on Interstate 44 westbound near St. Louis's The Hill neighborhood, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-44 WB BEFORE HAMPTON AVE RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE...
Crash shuts down two lanes on I-64 WB near Frontenac
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO -- A vehicle collision Thursday morning closed two right lanes on Interstate 64 westbound in west St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-64 WB PAST SPOEDE RD 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Two seriously injured after head-on crash on MO-94 in St. Charles
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO -- A 28-year-old man and a 60-year-old woman were seriously injured Wednesday afternoon after a head-on collision on Missouri Route 94 in St. Charles, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened in the westbound...
Man hospitalized after crash with telephone pole in Jefferson County
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO -- A 41-year-old man was injured Wednesday afternoon after losing control of his car and crashing into a telephone pole near De Soto, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The incident occurred on Mount Olive Road south...
Collision closes two lanes on I-270 SB in west St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle crash Thursday afternoon closed two left lanes on Interstate 270 southbound near St. Luke's Des Peres Hospital in west St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-270 SB BEFORE DOUGHERTY FERRY RD 2...
Crash shuts down two lanes on I-64 EB in west St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle collision Thursday afternoon closed two left lanes on Interstate 64 eastbound in west St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-64 EB PAST MC KNIGHT RD 2 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Woman hospitalized after multi-car crash on US-61 in Jefferson County
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO -- A 73-year-old Festus woman was injured Tuesday night in a collision involving three vehicles on US Route 61 near Perryville, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The incident occurred at the intersection of US-61 and Highway...
Man injured in two-car crash on I-55 SB in southwest St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A 56-year-old Fenton man was injured Tuesday evening in a collision involving a jeep and a van on Interstate 55 southbound in southwest St. Louis, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper N. W. Stevens responded...
Collision shuts down I-64 EB near St. Louis Zoo
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle crash early Wednesday morning completely closed Interstate 64 eastbound near the St. Louis Zoo in west St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. I-64 EB CLOSED BEFORE KINGSHIGHWAY BLVD USE ALT ROUTE — MoDOT...
Crash closes two lanes on I-44 EB near LaSalle Park in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle accident Wednesday afternoon closed two right lanes on Interstate 44 eastbound and northbound near the LaSalle park neighborhood in St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-44 EB NB BEFORE PARK AVE 2...
Man injured in two-car crash on Highway KK in Franklin County
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO -- A 27-year-old Owensville man was injured Tuesday afternoon in a collision involving two cars and a juvenile driver on Highway KK near Washington, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The incident occurred on a stretch of...
Young woman injured in two-car collision near I-55 in Jefferson County
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO -- An 18-year-old woman was injured Tuesday afternoon in a crash involving two vehicles near a ramp to Interstate 55 in Imperial, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The incident occurred on Imperial Main Street over I-55...
Crash shuts down lane on I-270 WB in north St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle collision Wednesday morning was blocking the right lane on Interstate 270 westbound near the Bellefontaine Conservation Area in north St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-270 WB PAST MO 367 RIGHT LANE...
Collision closes two lanes on I-270 NB in southwest St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle accident Wednesday afternoon closed two right lanes on Interstate 270 northbound in southwest St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-270 NB BEFORE DOUGHERTY FERRY RD 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Man seriously injured in I-55 SB crash in Ste. Genevieve County
STE. GENEVIEVE COUNTY, MO -- A 65-year-old Festus man suffered serious injuries Sunday morning after a single-car collision on Interstate 55 southbound in Ste. Genevieve County, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened in the southbound lanes of...
Two hospitalized after multi-car crash on Hwy D in St. Francois County
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO -- Two drivers were injured Tuesday morning after a collision involving three vehicles on Highway D near Bonne Terre, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The incident occurred in the northbound lanes of Highway D near...
Collision closes lane on I-44 WB in Eureka
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO -- A vehicle crash Tuesday afternoon closed the right lane on Interstate 44 westbound in Eureka, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-44 WB AT MO 109 EUREKA RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 3:18 PM...
Crash shuts down two lanes on I-170 NB in northwest St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle accident Tuesday afternoon closed two right lanes on Interstate 170 northbound in northwest St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-170 NB BEFORE ST CHARLES ROCK RD USE CENTER LANE EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Two injured in two-car crash near ramp to US-50 EB in Franklin County
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO -- Two people were hospitalized Monday afternoon after a collision involving two vehicles near an onramp to US Route 50 eastbound in Union, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper R. J. Steele responded to the accident...
Man injured in two-car crash on I-70 WB in northwest St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A 42-year-old man was injured Monday afternoon after a collision involving two vehicles on Interstate 70 westbound in northwest St. Louis, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper J. V. Bondurant responded to the accident in...
Crash shuts down two lanes on Jennings Station Road in north St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle crash Monday night closed two right lanes on South Jennings Station Road in northwest St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT S JENNINGS STATION RD CST AT I-70 WB 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED...
Collision closes three lanes on I-70 WB in northwest St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle accident Tuesday morning closed three left lanes on Interstate 70 westbound in northwest St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-70 WB BEFORE I-170 3 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 10:31 AM...
Two women hospitalized after multi-car crash on I-44 near Valley Park
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO -- Two young women were seriously injured Sunday morning in a collision involving four vehicles on Interstate 44 westbound near Valley Park, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper A. J. Leroux responded to the accident...
Two hospitalized after ATV crash on Highway Z in Jefferson County
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO -- Two passengers were injured Sunday afternoon when an ATV overturned on Highway Z near Pevely, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened in the southbound lanes of Highway Z near Victory Drive and was...
Crash shuts down I-70 WB near St. Louis Lambert International Airport
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle accident Monday afternoon completely closed Interstate 70 westbound near St. Louis Lambert International Airport in northwest St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-70 WB BEFORE I-170 BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE...
Vehicle fire closes two lanes on I-70 WB in downtown St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle fire Sunday night closed two right lanes on Interstate 70 westbound in downtown St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. VEHICLE FIRE I-70 WB BEFORE BRANCH 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 10:40...
Two struck by pickup truck after crash in Ste. Genevieve County
STE. GENEVIEVE COUNTY, MO -- Two men were injured Sunday evening when they were struck by a pickup truck moments after another vehicle accident on Interstate 55 southbound in Ste. Genevieve County, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The incident...
Young man injured in multi-car crash on I-270 NB in west St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A 24-year-old man was hospitalized Monday morning after a collision involving two other vehicles on Interstate 270 northbound in west St. Louis, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper A. J. Leroux responded to the accident...
Collision shuts down four lanes on I-270 NB near Des Peres
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO -- A vehicle crash Monday morning closed four right lanes on Interstate 270 northbound near Des Peres, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-270 NB BEFORE MANCHESTER RD 4 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 7:18...
Collision shuts down I-270 NB near Creve Coeur
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO -- A vehicle accident Sunday afternoon completely closed Interstate 270 northbound near Creve Coeur, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. I-270 NB CLOSED PAST OLIVE BLVD USE ALT ROUTE — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) July 25, 2021...
Florissant man killed, 2 injured in crash on Hwy 94 in St. Charles Co.
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO – A man was killed and two others were injured in a crash on Highway 94 in St. Charles County yesterday evening, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened on eastbound MO-94, west...
Woman and 2 children hospitalized after hit-and-run in St. Francois Co.
RANDOLPH TOWNSHIP, MO (ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY) – A woman and two children were injured in a hit-and-run crash in St. Francois County yesterday afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened at Wortham Road, east of Robinson...
Driver injured in two-vehicle collision in downtown St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO – A driver was injured in a two-vehicle collision in the west downtown area earlier this week, according to the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department. (SLMPD). The crash occurred at N Market Street and 18th Street around...
Man seriously hurt after crashing into cable box and culvert in Fenton
FENTON, MO – A man was severely injured after he crashed into a cable box and a culvert in Fenton this afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred on Romaine Creek Road and Moncrief Drive at...
2-year-old and 2 adults injured in rear-end crash on Hwy 47 in Lincoln Co.
LINCOLN COUNTY, MO – Three people, including a 2-year-old girl, were injured in a rear-end collision on Highway 47 in Lincoln County last night, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred on MO-47, near Route W, at...
3 people from Wisc. killed in multi-vehicle crash on I-44 in Crawford Co.
BOURBON, MO (CRAWFORD COUNTY) – Three people were killed after a U-Haul truck experienced a malfunction on I-44 in Crawford County yesterday afternoon, according to information from the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened on westbound I-44, near the...
Man injured after car overturns on MO-185 in Washington County
WASHINGTON COUNTY, MO -- A 60-year-old Sullivan man was hospitalized Friday morning after his car went airborne and overturned on Missouri Route 185 in Washington County, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper A. D. Pogue responded to the accident...
Woman injured in two-car crash on I-55 NB in Jefferson County
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO -- A 39-year-old woman was injured Thursday night in a collision involving two vehicles on Interstate 55 northbound near Pevely, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened in the northbound lanes of I-55 north of...
Collision closes two lanes on I-270 WB in north St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle accident early Friday morning closed two right lanes on Interstate 270 westbound in north St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-270 WB AT W FLORISSANT AVE 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE...
Crash shuts down two lanes on I-270 NB in Maryland Heights
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO -- A vehicle collision Friday afternoon closed two right lanes on Interstate 270 northbound near Maryland Heights, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-270 NB PAST DORSETT RD 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 14:36...
Woman hospitalized after two-car crash on Hwy D near Bonne Terre
STE. GENEVIEVE COUNTY, MO -- A 75-year-old Farmington woman was injured Thursday afternoon in a collision involving two vehicles at a Highway D intersection in Ste. Genevieve County, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened on Highway D...
Three hospitalized after head-on collision on Route OO near Farmington
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO -- Two men and a woman were injured Thursday afternoon in a two-vehicle collision on Route OO in Francois County, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened on Route OO at the intersection to...
Collision closes three lanes on I-55 SB in southwest St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle crash Friday afternoon has closed three left lanes on Interstate 55 southbound near southwest St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-55 SB AT GERMANIA AVE 3 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Crash shuts down two lanes on I-64 EB near Chesterfield
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO -- A vehicle accident Thursday night closed two right lanes on Interstate 64 eastbound near Chesterfield, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-64 EB PAST BOONES CROSSING 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 9:33 PM...
Man injured after sideswiping truck on I-70 EB in St. Charles
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO -- A 31-year-old man was hospitalized early Sunday morning after his SUV sideswiped a commercial truck on Interstate 70 eastbound in St. Charles, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened in the eastbound lanes...
Man ejected from motorcycle in Jefferson County crash
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO -- A 53-year-old Illinois man was hospitalized late Sunday morning after a single-vehicle motorcycle accident in Peverly, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper B. J. Magnan responded to the crash on Marble Springs Road west of...
Crash blocks shoulder on I-64 WB near Midtown St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle accident Thursday morning was blocking the right shoulder along Interstate 64 westbound near the Midtown neighborhood in St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-64 WB PAST MARKET ST RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE...
Collision blocks shoulder on I-70 EB near Old North St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle crash Thursday morning was blocking the right shoulder on Interstate 70 eastbound near the Old North St. Louis neighborhood in St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-70 EB PAST TUCKER BLVD RIGHT...
Woman hospitalized after multi-car crash on MO-8 in Washington County
WASHINGTON COUNTY, MO -- An 81-year-old Potosi woman was injured Thursday afternoon after her car struck three other vehicles on Missouri Route 8 near the village of Mineral Point, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The incident occurred in the...
Driver injured in two-truck crash on I-70 WB in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A 50-year-old man was injured Thursday morning in a collision involving two conventional trucks on Interstate 70 westbound in St. Louis, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened in the westbound lanes of I-70...
Crash blocks shoulder on I-70 WB near St. Louis Lambert Intl. Airport
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle crash late Thursday morning blocked the left shoulder on Interstate 70 westbound near St. Louis Lambert International Airport in northwest St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-70 WB BEFORE LAMBERT ST LOUIS...
Collision cleared on I-64 EB in west St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle accident late Thursday afternoon has been cleared from Interstate 64 eastbound west St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-64 EB BEFORE I-270 CLEARED AT 11:38 AM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) July...
Motorcyclist injured after dodging deer on Highway T near Labadie
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO -- A 40-year-old man was injured early Wednesday morning in a motorcycle crash after trying to avoid a deer on Highway T near Labadie, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper N. A. Schuetz responded to the...
Woman injured in two-car crash on Highway BB in St. Francois County
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO -- A 79-year-old woman was injured Tuesday night after the driver of another vehicle rolled a stop sign on Highway BB near Irondale, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper T. E. McVeigh responded to the...
Crash shuts down two lanes on I-55 near Marine Villa in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle collision Tuesday night closed two left lanes on Interstate 55 northbound near the Marine Villa neighborhood in St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-55 NB AT POTOMAC ST 2 LEFT LANES CLOSED...
Collision closes lane on I-270 SB near Maryland Heights
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO -- A vehicle crash Wednesday morning shut down the right lane on Interstate 270 southbound near Maryland Heights, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-270 SB PAST DORSETT RD RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 9:21...
Woman hospitalized after two-car crash in Ste. Genevieve County
STE. GENEVIEVE COUNTY, MO -- A 53-year-old French Village woman suffered injuries Tuesday evening when her car was struck head-on by another vehicle near Festus, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The incident occurred on Dry Fork Road west of...
Woman injured after car crashes into cow on I-55 NB in Perry County
PERRY COUNTY, MO -- A 47-year-old Perryville woman was injured Monday night after her vehicle struck a cow on Interstate 55 northbound in Perry County, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper J. C. Jenkins responded to the incident in...
Vehicle fire shuts down two lanes on I-44 near Fenton
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO -- A vehicle fire Wednesday morning closed to right lanes on Interstate 44 near Fenton, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. VEHICLE FIRE I-44 EB BEFORE BOWLES AVE 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 10:16 AM...
Crash shuts down two lanes on I-64 WB near Chesterfield
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO -- A vehicle accident late Wednesday morning closed two left lanes on Interstate 64 westbound near Chesterfield, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-64 WB PAST SPIRIT OF ST LOUIS BLVD 2 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST....
Man hospitalized after crash on Highway T in Franklin County
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO -- A 51-year-old Springfield man was seriously injured late Monday evening in a single-vehicle collision involving a pickup truck on Highway T near Labadie, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened along the eastbound lanes...
Man injured in rear-end crash on Blanchette Memorial Bridge
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO -- A 40-year-old man was injured Monday evening in a rear-end collision on Interstate 70 eastbound near Marysville, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened on the stretch of I-70 eastbound that runs on...
Collision shuts down two lanes on I-64 WB in west St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle crash Tuesday afternoon has closed two right lanes on Interstate 64 westbound in west St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-64 WB BEFORE BALLAS RD 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Crash closes lane on I-44 EB near LaSalle Park in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle accident Monday evening shut down the left lane on Interstate 44 eastbound and northbound near the LaSalle Park neighborhood in St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-44 EB NB AT PARK AVE...
Young man injured in crash on US-61 in St. Charles County
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO -- A 19-year-old Louisiana man was injured early Monday morning in a single-vehicle crash on US Route 61 near Wentzville, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper D. O. Johnson responded to the accident along the...
Woman seriously injured after crash on I-55 NB in southwest St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A 26-year-old Illinois woman suffered serious injuries Sunday night after a single-vehicle crash involving a cargo van on Interstate 55 northbound in southwest St. Louis, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened in the...
Collision closes lane for hours on I-55 NB near Perryville
PERRY COUNTY, MO -- A vehicle accident Monday night kept the right lane closed for at least eleven hours on Interstate 55 northbound near Perryville, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-55 NB PAST EXIT 129 MO 51/PERRYVILLE AT MM...
Crash shuts down two lanes on I-70 EB near Maryland Heights
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO -- A vehicle collision Monday evening closed two right lanes on Interstate 70 eastbound near Maryland Heights in far northwest St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-70 EB BEFORE MO 141 2 RIGHT LANES...
Woman hospitalized after rear-end crash on MO-47 in Franklin County
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO -- A 46-year-old woman was injured Monday afternoon after crashing her car into another vehicle's towed unit on Missouri Route 47 near the city of Washington, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident occurred in the...
Ballwin man injured in single-car crash on I-70 near Bridgeton
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO -- A 50-year-old Ballwin man was hospitalized Sunday afternoon after a single-vehicle collision on an Interstate 70 ramp near Bridgeton in St. Charles County, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened on the ramp...
Collision closes lane on I-44 EB near downtown St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle accident Monday afternoon closed the right lane on Interstate 44 eastbound near downtown St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-44 EB BEFORE I-64 RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 16:39 — MoDOT...
Crash shuts down three lanes on I-55 SB in southeast St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle collision Sunday afternoon closed three left lanes on Interstate 55 southbound near the Carondelet neighborhood in southeast St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-55 SB BEFORE GERMANIA AVE 3 LEFT LANES CLOSED...
Woman injured in two-car crash on Route C in Washington County
WASHINGTON COUNTY, MO -- A 57-year-old woman was injured Sunday afternoon after a head-on crash with another vehicle on Route C near Steelville, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper B. M. Breedlove reported the accident at 17158 Route C...
Two hospitalized after motorcycle rolls stop sign in Warren County
WARREN COUNTY, MO -- Two Villa Ridge residents were injured late Sunday morning when their motorcycle struck another vehicle at an intersection near Wright City, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The incident occurred on Highway M at Highway O...
Crash closes two lanes on I-70 EB near St. Louis Lambert Intl Airport
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle accident early Monday morning shut down two left lanes on Interstate 70 eastbound near St. Louis Lambert International Airport, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-70 EB BEFORE NATURAL BRIDGE RD 2 LEFT LANES...
Collision shuts down two lanes on I-170 NB near Kinloch
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO -- A vehicle accident Monday afternoon closes two right lanes on Interstate 170 northbound in northwest St. Louis near Kinloch, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-170 NB BEFORE SCUDDER AVE 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST....
Dittmer man dead after car crashes into tree on Hwy 30
DITTMER, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – A man is dead after his vehicle crashed into a tree on Highway 30 in Jefferson County early this morning, according to information from the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened on westbound Hwy...
2 men killed in fiery, early-morning crash with tow truck on I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO – Two men were killed in a fiery collision involving a tow truck on I-70 early this morning, according to KSDK News. The crash happened on I-70 and Goodfellow Boulevard at about 4:15 a.m., when a car...
29-year-old man severely injured in motorcycle rollover crash on Hwy 185
PEA RIDGE, MO (WASHINGTON COUNTY) – A 29-year-old man was severely injured in a motorcycle rollover crash on Highway 185 in Washington County on Friday night, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred on northbound MO-185, near...
Man severely injured after motorcycle crashes into sign, tree on Hwy FF
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO – A man from St. Clair was severely injured after his motorcycle crashed into a sign on Highway FF in Franklin County this afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The collision occurred on northbound Highway...
Man dead after crashing into two semi-trucks on I-44 near St. Robert
ST. ROBERT, MO (PULASKI COUNTY) – A man was killed in a multi-vehicle crash involving two trucks on I-44 on Friday morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred near St. Robert on westbound I-44, near the...
Man in motorized wheelchair killed by hit-and-run driver in Jennings
JENNINGS, MO (ST. LOUIS COUNTY) – A man crossing the street in a motorized wheelchair was fatally struck by a hit-and-run driver in Jennings late last night, according to KSDK. The crash occurred as the victim was attempting to go...
Woman killed in truck crash on Highway 94 near Weldon Spring
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO -- A 45-year-old St. Charles woman died Friday morning in a intersection collision on Highway 94 near Weldon Spring, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened on Highway 94 at Wolfrum Road and was...
Woman injured after multi-car crash on I-70 WB in northwest St. Louis
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO -- A 34-year-old woman was injured early Friday morning in a collision involving three vehicles on Interstate 70 westbound in northwest St. Louis, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened on a stretch of...
Collision shuts down left lane on I-270 SB near Bridgeton
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO -- A vehicle crash Friday afternoon closed the left lane on Interstate 270 southbound near Bridgeton, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-270 SB PAST ST CHARLES ROCK RD LEFT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 3:06...
Crash closes lane on I-44 EB near Compton Heights in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle accident Friday afternoon closed the right lane on Interstate 44 eastbound the Compton Heights neighborhood of St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-44 EB AT GRAND BLVD RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE...
Woman injured in multi-vehicle collision on I-270 WB near Florissant
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO -- A 35-year-old woman was injured Thursday afternoon after a collision involving four vehicles on Interstate 270 westbound near Florissant in north St. Louis, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened on a stretch...
Two injured in two-car crash on US-67 near Festus
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO -- Two male drivers were injured Thursday afternoon after an intersection crash on US Route 67 near Festus in Jefferson County, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened in the northbound lanes of US-67 at...
Collision shuts down I-64 EB near Wentzville
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO -- A vehicle accident Friday afternoon had Interstate 64 eastbound completely closed in Wentzville near northwest St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. I-64 EB CLOSED AT PROSPECT RD USE ALT ROUTE — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Crash closes two lanes on I-70 EB near Maryland Heights
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO -- A vehicle accident Friday afternoon closed two right lanes on Interstate 70 eastbound near Maryland Heights in northwest St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-70 EB BEFORE MO 141 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED...
UPDATE: Young man hurt in crash on I-55 NB in southwest St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A 21-year-old De Soto man was injured Thursday morning in a rear-end collision involving three vehicles on Interstate 55 northbound in southwest St. Louis, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened in the northbound...
Three injured after crash on I-170 NB in northwest St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- Three residents of St. Charles were hospitalized early Thursday morning in a single-car collision on Interstate 170 northbound in northwest St. Louis, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper B. T. Gregory reported the accident in...
Crash closes lane on I-70 WB in north St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle crash Thursday morning closed the right lane on Interstate 70 westbound in north St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. The incident occurred in the westbound lanes of I-70 east of West Florissant Avenue...
Vehicle fire shuts down two lanes on I-44 WB near Webster Groves
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO -- A vehicle fire Thursday afternoon closed two right lanes on Interstate 44 westbound in Webster Groves near southwest St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. VEHICLE FIRE I-44 WB AT BIG BEND BLVD 2 RIGHT...
Young woman hospitalized after two-car crash on Route F near Pacific
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO -- A 19-year-old woman was injured Wednesday evening after a collision involving two vehicles on Route F near Pacific in Jefferson County, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened at the intersection of Route F...
Three injured in rear-end collision on I-44 EB near Fenton
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO -- Three people were hospitalized Wednesday afternoon after a rear-end crash involving three vehicles on Interstate 44 eastbound near Fenton, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper J. R. Brown responded to the accident in the...
Crash shuts down lane on I-55 NB in southwest St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle collision Thursday morning closed the right lane on Interstate 55 northbound in southwest St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-55 NB PAST BUTLER HILL RD RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 8:47...
Collision closes two lanes on I-44 EB in west St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle accident Thursday morning shut down two right lanes on Interstate 44 eastbound in west St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-44 EB PAST JAMIESON AVE 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Woman injured in single-vehicle crash on Route E in Cadet
WASHINGTON COUNTY, MO -- A 60-year-old woman was injured Saturday evening in a single-car collision along Route E in Cadet, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper D. M. Dooley responded to the accident along the northbound lanes of Route...
Young man injured in rear-end crash on MO-47 in Washington County
WASHINGTON COUNTY, MO -- An 18-year-old Fletcher man was injured Tuesday evening after his car was rear-ended by another vehicle on Missouri Route 47 near Warrenton, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened on a stretch of MO-47...
Crash closes lane on I-44 EB near Fenton
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO -- A vehicle accident Wednesday afternoon shut down the right lane on Interstate 44 eastbound in Fenton, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-44 EB BEFORE I-270 RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:13 PM —...
Collision shuts down two lanes on I-170 SB in west St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle crash Wednesday afternoon closed two left lanes on Interstate 170 southbound in west St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-170 SB BEFORE I-64 2 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:28 PM...
Two injured in single-vehicle crash on I-270 SB in northeast St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- Two people were hospitalized Tuesday afternoon after a single-car collision on Interstate 270 southbound in northeast St. Louis, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The incident occurred on the I-270 southbound ramp to Interstate 55 northbound...
Woman suffering medical emergency injured in crash near Fenton
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO -- A 49-year-old woman was injured Tuesday afternoon in a single-vehicle collision after suffering a medical emergency near Fenton, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper B. J. Magnan responded to the accident on Romaine Creek Road...
Vehicle fire closes two lanes on I-44 EB near High Ridge
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO -- A vehicle fire late Wednesday morning shut down two right lanes on Interstate 44 eastbound near High Ridge in Jefferson County, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. VEHICLE FIRE I-44 EB AT ANTIRE RD 2 RIGHT LANES...
Crash closes two lanes on I-270 NB in southwest St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle collision Wednesday afternoon shut down two right lanes on Interstate 270 northbound in southwest St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-270 NB PAST GRAVOIS RD 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Man injured after rollover crash on Highway 370 near Bridgeton
BRIDGETON, MO -- A 28-year-old Hazelwood man was hospitalized Sunday morning after a single-vehicle rollover crash on Highway 370 near Bridgeton, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The incident occurred in the eastbound lanes of Highway 370 west of Missouri...
Woman hospitalized after car overturns near Big River in Cedar Hill
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO -- A 34-year-old Jackson woman was seriously injured Monday evening in a single-vehicle collision on Missouri Route BB in Cedar Hill, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper S. T. Roettger responded to the scene along the...
Crash causes traffic jam on I-270 NB near Maryland Heights
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO -- A vehicle accident caused delays during the Tuesday evening commute on Interstate 270 northbound near Maryland Heights, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-270 NB PAST DORSETT RD BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Collision causes traffic jam on I-270 SB in northeast St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle crash Tuesday afternoon caused a traffic backup on Interstate 270 southbound in far northeast St. Louis near Troy, Illinois, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-270 SB TO I-55 NB/LINDBERGH BE PREPARED TO STOP...
Truck driver injured in two-vehicle accident on I-70 EB near Foristell
WARREN COUNTY, MO -- A 63-year-old man was injured Monday afternoon when his box truck rear-ended another vehicle on Interstate 70 eastbound near Foristell, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened in the eastbound lanes of I-70 at...
Two hospitalized after intersection crash near De Soto
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO -- A 38-year-old woman and a 43-year-old man were hospitalized Monday afternoon after a single-vehicle crash near De Soto in Jefferson County, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened at the intersection of Ware Church...
Crash closes exit ramp on I-70 WB in north St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle accident Monday night caused standstill traffic and shut down on offramp on Interstate 70 westbound in north St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-70 WB TO ADELAIDE AVE BE PREPARED TO STOP...
Crash shuts down three lanes on I-270 NB in southwest St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle collision Monday night closed three right lanes on Interstate 270 northbound in southwest St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-270 NB AT I-44 3 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 7/13/2021 12:38...
Man seriously injured in hit-and-run crash on US-61 SB near Troy
LINCOLN COUNTY, MO -- A 64-year-old man suffered serious injuries Sunday evening in a hit-and-run collision on US Route 61 southbound near Troy, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The incident occurred in the stretch of US-61 southbound north of...
Two injured in two-car collision on I-55 NB in southwest St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- Two people were hospitalized Monday morning after a two-vehicle crash on Interstate 55 northbound in southwest St. Louis, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened in the northbound lanes of I-55 south of Meramec...
Crash closes two lanes on I-44 EB near Pacific
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO -- A vehicle accident shut down two right lanes on Interstate 44 eastbound near Pacific in Franklin County, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-44 EB BEFORE PACIFIC 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 8:07 AM...
Collision shuts down I-70 EB in northwest St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle accident Monday afternoon closed Interstate 70 eastbound in northwest St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. I-70 EB CLOSED PAST BERMUDA RD USE ALT ROUTE — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) July 12, 2021 The...
Young man struck by car after accident on I-44 in Franklin County
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO -- A 21-year-old man was injured Monday morning when he was struck by a vehicle moments after having been in another crash on Interstate 44 in Franklin County, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The incident occurred...
Young woman riding bicycle struck and killed in Clayton hit-and-run
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO -- A 19-year-old St. Louis woman was killed early Monday morning when an unknown vehicle struck her and fled the scene in Clayton, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The incident occurred in the northbound lanes...
Crash shuts down two lanes on I-270 EB near Florissant
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle collision Monday afternoon closed two right lanes on Interstate 270 eastbound in north St. Louis near Florissant, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-270 EB AT WEST FLORISSANT AVE 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST....
Collision closes two lanes on I-55 SB in southeast St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle accident Monday afternoon shut down two left lanes on Interstate 55 southbound in southeast St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-55 SB PAST BATES ST 2 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
2 passengers injured in hit-and-run crash on Ohio and Gravois Aves
ST. LOUIS, MO – Two people were injured in a hit-and-run collision on Ohio Avenue early yesterday morning, according to the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department. The collision happened on Ohio Ave, near Gravois Avenue (Highway 30), at 1:51 a.m.,...
28-year-old man hospitalized after rollover crash on Hwy 370 in Bridgeton
BRIDGETON, MO – A 28-year-old man was injured in a rollover accident on Highway 370 in Bridgeton this morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred on eastbound Highway 370, west of Missouri 141 at 6:40 a.m.,...
Woman seriously injured during wet-weather rollover crash on Hwy 67
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO – A woman was seriously injured in a rollover crash on Highway 67 in St. Francois County yesterday afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred on Highway 67, near Highway JJ, at...
30-year-old woman hospitalized after crashing into transformer box
WASHINGTON, MO (FRANKLIN COUNTY) – A 30-year-old woman was hospitalized following a single-vehicle crash on Route A in Franklin County late last night, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred on southbound Route A, near Pottery Road,...
Teen boy injured after crashing into pole on Hwy 19 in Crawford County
OAK HILL, MO (CRAWFORD COUNTY) – A teenage boy was injured in a single-vehicle crash on Highway 19 in Crawford County yesterday, according to information from the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened on Highway 19 near Oak Hill...
Teenage boy injured in two-vehicle collision on US-61 SB near Hayti
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO -- A 13-year-old boy was injured Sunday night in a crash involving two cars on US Route 61 near Hayti, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident occurred in the southbound lanes of US-61 at the...
Young man injured in motorcycle crash near Eureka
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO -- A 22-year-old House Springs man was hospitalized Monday afternoon after a motorcycle accident near Eureka, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper J. S. Huskey responded to the crash on Twin River Road east of Jim...
Collision blocks shoulder on I-270 WB near Hazelwood
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO -- A vehicle collision Friday morning was blocking the right-hand shoulder along Interstate 270 westbound near Hazelwood, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-270 WB AT MCDONNELL BLVD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 10:36 AM —...
Accident blocks shoulder on MO-30 WB near Fenton
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO -- A vehicle collision Friday afternoon was blocking the right shoulder on Missouri Route 30 westbound near Fenton, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT MO 30 WB PAST MO 141 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:34...
Two injured in two-car collision on MO-47 near Troy
WASHINGTON COUNTY, MO -- Two people were injured Thursday evening in a crash involving two vehicles on Missouri Route 47 near Troy, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened at the intersection where MO-47 meets Highway H and...
Motorcyclist hospitalized after crash on Highway P near Wentzville
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO -- A 24-year-old woman was seriously injured Thursday night when she lost control of her motorcycle on Highway P near Wentzville in St. Charles County, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened on a...
Crash shuts down two lanes on I-270 WB in north St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle collision Friday afternoon has closed two right lanes on Interstate 270 westbound in north St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-270 WB PAST NEW HALLS FERRY RD 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST....
Collision causes delays on I-44 EB near LaSalle Park in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle crash late Friday morning caused a traffic backup on Interstate 44 eastbound near the LaSalle Park neighborhood in St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-44 EB NB PAST PARK AVE BE PREPARED...
Two injured in two-car crash on I-70 WB in northwest St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- Two women were injured early Monday morning in a collision involving two vehicles on Interstate 70 westbound in northwest St. Louis, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The incident occurred in the westbound lanes of I-70...
Young woman injured in single-car collision near Gerald
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO -- A 19-year-old Union resident was injured Sunday night in a single-vehicle crash near Gerald in Franklin County, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident occurred along Buffalo Ridge Road north of Highway ZZ and was...
Collision closes lane on I-64 WB in St. Charles County
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO -- A vehicle crash Wednesday evening closed the right lane on Interstate 64 westbound near Wentzville, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-64 WB NB PAST PROSPECT RD RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 17:50 —...
Collision blocks shoulder on I-270 SB in west St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle accident Thursday morning was blocking the right shoulder along Interstate 270 southbound in west St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-270 SB AT I-64 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 9:53 AM —...
Woman injured after two-vehicle crash on Highway T near Foristell
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO -- A 58-year-old woman was injured Tuesday evening in a crash involving a pickup truck on Highway T near Foristell, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened at Mile Lane and was reported at...
Man hospitalized after two-vehicle crash in Warrenton work zone
WARREN COUNTY, MO -- A 36-year-old man was injured Thursday morning after his trailer was struck by another vehicle on Route U in Warrenton, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened in the northbound lanes of Route U...
Vehicle fire shuts down two lanes on I-55 NB in southwest St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle fire Thursday afternoon has closed two right lanes on Interstate 55 northbound in southwest St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. VEHICLE FIRE I-55 NB BEFORE BUTLER HILL RD 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST....
Collision causes delays on I-64 westbound near Chesterfield
CHESTERFIELD, MO -- A vehicle accident Thursday afternoon is causing a traffic backup on Interstate 64 westbound near Chesterfield, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-64 WB ON RAMP FROM BOONES CROSSING BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 3:53...
What is a Texas Two-Step Bankruptcy and Will It Work for J&J?
Continuing Threat of Texas Two-Step Back in January 2021, we shared in our newsletter that J&J was threatening to file a shady type of bankruptcy called a Texas two-step. That threat still lingers.   Later this month, a judge is...
Woman injured in two-vehicle collision on I-70 EB in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A 28-year-old woman was injured Tuesday afternoon when her vehicle struck an agricultural truck on Interstate 70 eastbound in St. Louis, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened on a stretch of I-70 eastbound...
Man injured in two-car crash on Route Y in St. Francois County
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO -- A 62-year-old man was injured Tuesday afternoon in a collision involving another vehicle on Highway Y near French Village, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident occurred on a stretch of Highway Y west...
Collision causes traffic jam on I-70 westbound in northwest St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle accident Wednesday morning caused gridlock traffic near the Interstate 70 westbound ramp leading into Missouri Route 141 northbound, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-70 WB TO MO 141 NB BE PREPARED TO STOP...
Vehicle fire closes two lanes on I-55 NB in southwest St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle fire Tuesday evening shut down two right lanes on Interstate 55 northbound in southwest St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. VEHICLE FIRE I-55 NB BEFORE BUTLER HILL RD 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST....
Motorcyclist seriously injured in car crash on I-255 EB in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A 62-year-old man was seriously injured Tuesday evening after crashing his motorcycle into another vehicle on Interstate 255 eastbound in southwest St. Louis, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident occurred on a stretch of...
Pedestrian killed in car crash on I-270 southbound in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A 66-year-old man was struck and killed early Wednesday morning in a crash after having been in another car accident on Interstate 270 southbound in St. Louis, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper B. A....
Crash closes three lanes on I-55 northbound in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle collision late Wednesday morning shut down three right lanes on Interstate 55 northbound in St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-55 NB BEFORE BROADWAY ST 3 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Collision causes traffic jam on I-44 eastbound in southwest St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle accident Wednesday afternoon delayed traffic on Interstate 44 eastbound in southwest St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-44 EB ON RAMP FROM US 50 HWY EB BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE...
Two injured in motorcycle crash on Route F in Jefferson County
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO -- Two people were injured early Monday morning in a single-vehicle motorcycle collision on Route F in Pacific of Jefferson County, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper B. A. Alcorn responded to the accident along the...
Teenage girl injured in single-car collision in Jefferson County
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO -- A 14-year-old girl was injured Monday afternoon in a single-vehicle collision in Festus of Jefferson County, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened on Meyer Road east of Country Lane and was reported at...
Crash closes lane on I-70 EB in north St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle accident early Tuesday morning shut down the right lane on Interstate 70 eastbound in north St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-70 EB BEFORE WEST FLORISSANT RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Collision closes two lanes on I-44 EB in southwest St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle crash Tuesday morning shut down two left lanes on Interstate 44 eastbound in southwest St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-44 EB BEFORE LINDBERGH BLVD 2 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Man seriously injured in single-vehicle crash near Robertsville
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO -- A 58-year-old California resident suffered serious injuries Sunday evening after his vehicle overturned in a crash near Robertsville in Franklin County, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper N. A. Schuetz responded to the crash on...
Three injured in two-vehicle collision on I-170 SB in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- Three young men were hospitalized Sunday evening after their car was struck by another vehicle on Interstate 170 southbound in northwest St. Louis, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper K. G. Barba responded to the...
Crash closes two lanes on I-270 westbound in north St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle collision Tuesday morning shut down two right lanes on Interstate 270 westbound in north St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-270 WB PAST MO 367 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Beware of Button Batteries: The Hidden, Deadly Danger
Button batteries, also called lithium coin batteries, are found in hundreds of thousands of electronics, small appliances, musical greeting cards, key fobs, toys and more. Each year, thousands of children swallow these dangerous button batteries or become injured when they’re...
Collision closes lane on I-70 EB in northwest St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle accident Tuesday afternoon closed the right lane on Interstate 70 eastbound in northwest St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-70 EB AT GOODFELLOW RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 12:44 PM —...
Young man injured in Highway Y crash in Cass County
CASS COUNTY, MO -- A 24-year-old man was injured Thursday night in a single-vehicle collision on Highway Y near Belton, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened at East 214th Street and was reported by police at 10:03...
Man hospitalized after crashing into semi on US-67 near Poplar Bluff
BUTLER COUNTY, MO -- A 35-year-old man was injured Thursday night after a two-vehicle collision on US Route 67 near Poplar Bluff, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened on a stretch of US-67 about two miles south...
Collision blocks shoulder on I-64 westbound at Missouri River
CHESTERFIELD, MO -- A vehicle crash Friday afternoon impacted the right shoulder of Interstate 64 westbound over the Missouri River near Chesterfield, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-64 WB AT MISSOURI RIVER RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 3:33 PM...
Collision cleared on I-64 westbound in west St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle accident Thursday evening was reported cleared from Interstate 64 westbound in west St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-64 WB PAST SPOEDE RD CLEARED AT 5:38 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Two injured in motorcycle crash on MO-125 near Chadwick
CHRISTIAN COUNTY, MO -- Two New York residents were hospitalized Friday morning after a motorcycle crash along Missouri Route 125 near Chadwick, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper T. R. Wright responded to the collision along MO-125 about 3.5...
Motorcyclist fatally injured in MO-367 crash near Moline Acres
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO -- A 44-year-old St. Louis man died Thursday evening after his motorcycle was struck by a vehicle on Missouri Route 367 near Moline Acres, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The fatal incident happened off Marquis...
Crash closes two lanes on MO-370 in Bridgeton
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO -- A collision Thursday evening shut down two left lanes on Missouri Route 370 eastbound in Bridgeton, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT MO 370 EB AT MO 141 2 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Collision closes four lanes on I-70 eastbound in northwest St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle accident Thursday evening shut down four right lanes on Interstate 70 eastbound in northwest St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-70 EB PAST MO 141 4 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Man injured in two-car crash on MO-79 in Clarksville
PIKE COUNTY, MO -- A 50-year-old man was injured Wednesday afternoon in a two-vehicle crash on Missouri State Route 79 in Clarksville, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper D. M. Bochucinski responded to the crash at around 3:45 p.m....
Teenage girl killed in two-car collision on Route B in Hillsboro
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO -- A 16-year-old girl was fatally injured Wednesday evening in a two-vehicle collision along Route B in Hillsboro, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened in the northbound lanes of Route B north of Reynolds...
Accident closes four lanes on I-270 northbound in west St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A collision Thursday afternoon shut down four right lanes on Interstate 270 northbound in west St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-270 NB PAST I-64 4 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 5:22 PM...
Crash closes three lanes on I-170 northbound in northwest St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle accident Thursday afternoon shut down three left lanes on Interstate 170 northbound in northwest St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-170 NB PAST ST CHARLES ROCK RD 3 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST....
Two hospitalized after US-67 southbound crash in St. Francois County
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO -- Two Pevely residents were injured Thursday morning in a single-vehicle crash on US Route 67 southbound near Bonne Terre, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened at Parkwood Drive and was reported at...
Man injured in single-vehicle crash on Route Y in St. Francois County
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO -- A 26-year-old French Village man suffered injuries Thursday morning in a single-car collision along Route Y in St. Francois County, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened on a stretch of Route Y...
Crash closes two lanes on I-270 northbound in southwest St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A collision Thursday afternoon shut down two right lanes on Interstate 270 northbound in southwest St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-270 NB AT I-44 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 2:02 PM...
Collision closes two lanes on I-64 westbound in west St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle accident Thursday afternoon shut down two right lanes on Interstate 64 westbound in west. St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-64 WB AT I-170 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:04...
Man seriously injured in Highway 266 crash in Lawrence County
LAWRENCE COUNTY, MO -- A 59-year-old Springfield man suffered serious injuries in a two-vehicle collision on Highway 266 in Halltown, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. Authorities responded to the accident at around 1:08 p.m. A 2009 Chevrolet Silverado failed...
Man hospitalized after I-70 eastbound crash near Maryland Heights
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO -- A 41-year-old man was injured Tuesday afternoon in a single-car collision along Interstate 70 eastbound near Maryland Heights, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper K. G. Barba responded to the crash along I-70 eastbound...
Collision shuts down three lanes on MO-141 northbound in Arnold
ARNOLD, MO -- A vehicle crash Wednesday morning forced three left lanes to close on Missouri Route 141 northbound in Arnold, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT MO 141 NB AT I-55 3 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 7:43...
Collision closes lane at busy west St. Peters intersection
ST. PETERS, MO -- A vehicle accident Wednesday morning shut down the right lane along Mexico Road in west St. Peters, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT E MEXICO RD CST AT Rt K RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Two young men injured in I-64 crash in St. Charles County
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO -- Two Macon residents were hospitalized late Tuesday afternoon after a single-vehicle collision along Interstate 64 eastbound near Weldon Spring, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened on a stretch of I-64 eastbound east...
Woman hospitalized after Highway D crash in St. Francois County
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO -- A 64-year-old woman was injured Tuesday night in a single-vehicle collision along Highway D in Farmington, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper A. D. Pogue responded to the crash along Highway D north of...
Accident closes lane on I-70 westbound in Bridgeton
BRIDGETON, MO -- A vehicle collision late Wednesday morning shut down the left lane along Interstate 70 westbound in Bridgeton, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-70 WB PAST ST CHARLES ROCK RD LEFT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 12:27...
Collision closes two lanes on I-55 southbound in Jefferson County
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO -- A vehicle accident Wednesday afternoon shut down two right lanes along Interstate 55 southbound in Arnold, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-55 SB PAST RICHARDSON RD 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 15:08 —...
Man seriously injured in motorcycle crash on Highway 179 near Jefferson City
LINCOLN COUNTY, MO -- An 83-year-old Troy man was seriously injured Tuesday morning in a motorcycle accident along Highway 179 near Jefferson City, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The incident occurred in the northbound lanes of Highway 179 south...
Two hospitalized after MO-221 truck crash in St. Francois County
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO -- Two people were injured Monday afternoon when their vehicle was struck by a commercial truck in Doe Run, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper A. D. Pogue responded to the scene along Missouri Route...
Collision shuts down two lanes on I-270 westbound in north St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle crash late Monday night forced two right lanes on Interstate 270 to close in north St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-270 WB PAST MO 367 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE...
Crash shuts down two lanes on I-44 westbound in west St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle accident Tuesday morning closed two left lanes along Interstate 44 westbound in west St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-44 WB AT BERRY RD 2 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 9:24...
Woman and two children injured in Highway BB collision near Union
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO -- A woman and two children suffered injuries Monday afternoon in a two-vehicle crash on Highway BB near Union, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident occurred along Highway BB at the intersection to US Route...
Woman injured in single-car crash on Highway AH near Union
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO -- A 28-year-old St. Clair woman was injured Monday night in a single-vehicle collision along Highway AH near Union, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened in the eastbound lanes of Highway AH east of...
Collision closes right lane on I-70 eastbound near Maryland Heights
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO -- A vehicle accident Tuesday afternoon shut down the right lane along Interstate 70 eastbound near Maryland Heights, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-70 EB BEFORE MO 141 RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 3:42...
Collision closes lane on I-64 eastbound in west St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle accident Tuesday afternoon blocked the right shoulder and closed the left lane along Interstate 64 eastbound in west St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-64 EB BEFORE I-270 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE...
Young man injured in rollover crash in Stoddard County
STODDARD COUNTY, MO -- A 25-year-old Dexter man was injured early Monday morning in a single-vehicle rollover crash along Route AD near Dexter, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. A 2016 Chevrolet Malibu was traveling northbound along Route AD two...
Pedestrian struck and killed along MO-273 in Platte County
PLATTE COUNTY, MO -- A 61-year-old Weston man was killed early Monday morning when he was struck by a car along the shoulder of MO-273 in Platte County, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. A 2002 Chevrolet truck traveling southbound...
Collision closes lane on I-44 eastbound near Fox Park in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle accident early Monday morning shut down the right lane along Interstate 44 eastbound in St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-44 EB BEFORE JEFFERSON AVE RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 1:53...
Collision closes lanes in Maryland Heights intersection
ST. LOUIS, MO -- An accident late Monday morning forced two right lanes in Maryland Heights to shut down, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT E PAGE AVE CST AT SCHULTZ RD CST 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Woman injured in single-vehicle crash in Greene County
GREENE COUNTY, MO -- A 51-year-old Springfield woman suffered injuries late Sunday night in a single-car crash near Ash Grove, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened on North Farm Road 43rd and was reported by Trooper J....
Young woman injured after car hydroplanes in Warren County
WARREN COUNTY, MO -- A 22-year-old Wright City woman was injured in a single-vehicle car accident Sunday evening after her car hydroplaned along Highway J in Warren County, according to a crash report by Missouri State Highway Patrol. The woman...
Accident closes lane on I-64 westbound in Chesterfield
CHESTERFIELD, MO -- A vehicle collision Monday afternoon has shut down the left lane along Interstate 64 westbound in Chesterfield, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-64 WB AT LONG RD LEFT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 3:30 PM —...
Collision shuts down two lanes on I-64 eastbound in northwest St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle crash Monday afternoon forced two right lanes on Interstate 64 eastbound to close down in northwest St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-64 EB BEFORE VANDEVENTER AVE 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST....
Man dead after crashing into retaining wall in SW Garden area
SOUTH ST. LOUIS, MO – A driver died after crashing into a wall in the Southwest Garden neighborhood early yesterday morning, according to KMOV 4. The crash happened at about 12:30 a.m. in the 4400 block of Shaw Boulevard, near...
Man dead after being ejected from motorcycle in South St. Louis crash
SOUTH ST. LOUIS, MO – A motorcyclist was fatally ejected from his motorcycle in an accident in South St. Louis on Friday afternoon, according to KMOV 4. The crash occurred on Gravois Avenue and Rosa Avenue at about 3:30 p.m.,...
Three people killed in head-on collision on Route JJ near Elsberry
ELSBERRY, MO (LINCOLN COUNTY) – Three people were killed in a head-on collision in Lincoln County on Thursday morning, according to information from the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened southwest of Elsberry on Route JJ, west of Lakeview...
2 people injured in single-vehicle rollover crash on Hwy 61
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO – Two people were injured, one of them seriously so, in a single-vehicle rollover crash on Highway 61 in St. Charles County on Thursday night, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened northwest...
16-year-old motorcyclist dead after crashing into fence in Villa Ridge
VILLA RIDGE, MO – A 16-year-old boy was killed after his motorcycle crashed into a fence in Villa Ridge on Wednesday night, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred at 823 American Inn Road, south of Fawn...
Three injured in crash on Route BB in Randolph County
RANDOLPH COUNTY, MO -- Three Moberly men were injured early Friday morning in a single-vehicle collision on Route BB near Huntsville in Randolph County, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened about 4.5 miles southwest of Huntsville and...
Man seriously injured in semi accident on Route B in Atchison County
ATCHISON COUNTY, MO -- A 29-year-old Excello man suffered serious injuries Tuesday afternoon in a single-vehicle semi-truck crash on Route B in Atchison County, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper C. J. Blue responded to the accident along Route...
Collision shuts down three lanes on I-270 SB in Bridgeton
BRIDGETON, MO -- A vehicle crash Friday morning forced three left lanes to close on Interstate 270 southbound in Bridgeton, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-270 SB PAST ST CHARLES ROCK RD 3 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Collision shuts down three lanes on MO-30 EB in southwest St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle crash late Friday morning closed three left lanes on Missouri Route 30 eastbound in southwest St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT MO 30 EB AT I-270 3 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE...
Three children injured in single-car crash in Texas County
TEXAS COUNTY, MO -- Three boys suffered injuries Thursday evening in a single-car accident near Cabool in Texas County, according to a crash report by Missouri State Highway Patrol. Authorities responded to the scene on Bado Road five miles north...
Woman injured in single-car crash on US-36 near Callao
MACON COUNTY, MO -- A 40-year-old Marceline woman was injured early Friday morning in a single-car accident on US Route 36 near Callao, according to a crash report by Missouri State Highway Patrol. Authorities responded to the scene on US-36...
Collision shuts down two lanes on I-64 westbound on Missouri River
CHESTERFIELD, MO -- A vehicle crash Friday afternoon forced two right lanes to close on Interstate 64 westbound at the Missouri River in Chesterfield, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-64 WB AT MISSOURI RIVER 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST....
Collision closes lanes on I-44 EB near LaSalle Park in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle accident Friday afternoon shut down center lanes on Interstate 44 eastbound and northbound in St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-44 EB NB BEFORE PARK AVE CENTER LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Man injured in single-car collision on I-270 eastbound near Florissant
FLORISSANT, MO -- A 41-year-old Wentzville man was injured Thursday morning in a single-vehicle crash on Interstate 270 eastbound near Florissant, according to a crash report by Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper E. R. Besserud responded to the accident along...
Two seriously injured in crash on Highway TT near Grovespring
WRIGHT COUNTY, MO -- Two people suffered serious injuries Thursday morning in a two-vehicle collision on Highway TT near Grovespring, according to a crash report by Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper Z. B. Tate responded to the accident about ten...
Accident blocks shoulder on I-270 eastbound near Florissant
FLORISSANT, MO -- A collision early Thursday morning was blocking the right shoulder along Interstate 270 near Florissant in St. Louis County, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-270 EB PAST LINDBERGH BLVD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:26 AM...
Collision cleared on I-44 eastbound near Eureka
EUREKA, MO -- An accident was reported cleared Thursday morning on Interstate 44 eastbound near Eureka in St. Louis County, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-44 EB BEFORE MO 109 CLEARED AT 1:46 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Man injured in two-car collision on Route DD near Piedmont
PIEDMONT, MO -- An 82-year-old man was injured Thursday morning when his car was struck by another vehicle on Route DD near Piedmont, according to a crash report by Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper K. A. Barnett responded to the...
Young woman seriously injured in Osage County crash
OSAGE COUNTY, MO -- A 23-year-old Jefferson City woman suffered serious injuries late Monday morning in a single-car crash on US Route 50 near Loose Creek, according to a crash report by Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper B. R. Lange...
Crash closes lane on I-270 southbound near Sunset Hills
SUNSET HILLS, MO -- A collision Thursday morning closed the right lane along Interstate 270 southbound near Sunset Hills in St. Louis County, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-270 SB PAST I-44 RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 8:22...
Collision shuts down two lanes on I-70 eastbound near Pine Lawn
PINE LAWN, MO -- A vehicle crash late Thursday morning closed down two right lanes on Interstate 70 eastbound near Pine Lawn in St. Louis County, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-70 EB AT JENNINGS STA RD 2 RIGHT...
Three injured in two-car crash on US 60 in Seymour
SEYMOUR, MO -- Three people were hospitalized Tuesday evening after a two-vehicle collision on US Highway 60 in Seymour, according to a crash report by Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper A. M. James responded to the crash along US 60...
Man seriously injured in Highway H crash near Dora
OZARK COUNTY, MO -- A man suffered serious injuries Tuesday evening in a crash caused by another car's disconnected tire near Dora, according to a crash report by Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper W. A. Wadlington reported the accident on...
Man injured in MO-7 southbound collision near Garden City
GARDEN CITY, MO -- A man sustained minor injuries Tuesday night in a two-vehicle crash along MO-7 southbound south of Garden City, according to a crash report by Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper D. M. Bradshaw and Cass County deputies...
Man seriously injured in single-vehicle crash near Ozark
OZARK, MO -- A 31-year-old Merriam Woods man was seriously injured Tuesday evening in a single-car accident near Ozark, according to a crash report by Missouri State Highway Patrol. Christian County police reported the incident on Sawmill Road five miles...
Accident closes lane on I-70 eastbound near St. Charles
ST. CHARLES, MO -- A collision Wednesday morning shut down the right lane on Interstate 70 eastbound near St. Charles, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-70 EB BEFORE ZUMBEHL RD RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 9:08 AM —...
Accident shuts down four lanes on I-270 SB near Town and Country
TOWN AND COUNTRY, MO -- A collision Wednesday afternoon closed down four left lanes on Interstate 270 southbound near Town and Country, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-270 SB BEFORE MANCHESTER RD 4 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Collision shuts down lane on I-270 westbound near Florissant
FLORISSANT, MO -- An accident late Tuesday night shut down the left lane on Interstate 270 westbound near Florissant, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-270 WB PAST ELIZABETH AVE LEFT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 11:55 PM — MoDOT...
Accident shuts down two lanes on I-70 westbound near St. Peters
ST. PETERS, MO -- A vehicle collision early Wednesday morning closed down two left lanes on Interstate 70 westbound near St. Peters, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-70 WB PAST MO 370 2 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Your Sleep Apnea Machine Could Give You Cancer
Here’s What You Should Know about Philips CPAP, BiPAP, and ASV Recalls. Millions of commonly used Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP), Adaptive-Servo Ventilation (ASV), and Bi-Level Positive Airway Pressure (Bi-PAP) devices, used to treat sleep apnea, have been recalled after...
Young man injured in crash on I-270 westbound in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A 19-year-old man was injured late Monday night in a single-vehicle crash on Interstate 270 westbound in St. Louis, according to a crash report by Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened west of Riverview Drive...
Man injured in motorcycle crash on US 169 in Kansas City
KANSAS CITY, MO -- A 48-year-old man was injured early Tuesday morning in a single-vehicle motorcycle accident on US 169 in Kansas City, according to a crash report by Missouri State Highway Patrol. State troopers and Kansas City police responded...
Three injured in two-car collision on MO-42 in Brumley
BRUMLEY, MO -- Three people were injured Tuesday morning after a two-vehicle collision on MO-42 in Brumley, according to a crash report by Missouri State Highway Patrol. State troopers responded to the scene along MO-42 about 1261 feet west of...
Two hospitalized after serious Highway 17 crash near Houston
HOUSTON, MO -- Two people were injured early Tuesday morning in a serious single-car crash on Highway 17 near Houston, according to a crash report by Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper C. L. Goodwin responded to the crash along a...
Collision shuts down two lanes on I-270 westbound near Hazelwood
HAZELWOOD, MO -- An accident Tuesday afternoon closed down two left lanes on Interstate 270 near Hazelwood, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-270 WB BEFORE MCDONNELL BLVD 2 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 1:30 PM — MoDOT STL...
Crash shuts down two lanes on I-44 westbound near Eureka
EUREKA, MO -- An accident Tuesday morning shut down two right lanes for hours on Interstate 44 westbound near Eureka, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-44 WB PAST BUS 44 SIX FLAGS RD 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE...
Collision blocks right shoulder on I-44 eastbound in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A collision late Tuesday morning was blocking the right shoulder along Interstate 44 eastbound in St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-44 EB BEFORE MADISON RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 12:11 — MoDOT STL...
Accident closes right lane along I-270 northbound in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle collision during the Tuesday morning commute closed the right lane on Interstate 270 northbound in St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-270 NB PAST I-44 RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 9:17...
Man seriously injured in motorcycle crash near West Plains
WEST PLAINS, MO -- A 32-year-old man suffered serious injuries late Sunday night in a motorcycle accident near West Plains, according to a crash report by Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened along Highway BB about 3.5 miles north...
Man killed in single-car crash near Greenville
GREENVILLE, MO -- A 36-year-old man was killed early Monday morning as the result of a single-car crash near Greenville, according to a crash report by Missouri State Highway Patrol. The fatal accident occurred along Route E about 2.5 miles...
Crash closes lane on I-44 WB in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle accident early Monday morning closed the right lane on Interstate 44 westbound in St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-44 WB PAST BROADWAY RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 05:03 — MoDOT...
Vehicle fire shuts down two lanes on I-44 EB in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A vehicle fire late Monday morning shut down two right lanes on Interstate 44 eastbound in St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL. The incident occurred along a stretch of I-44 eastbound before Pacific Avenue and was...
Collision delays traffic along I-170 southbound in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- An accident delayed traffic Monday afternoon on Interstate 170 southbound in St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-170 SB TO I-70 WB BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 1:35 PM — MoDOT STL...
11 people injured in shuttle accident near Branson
BRANSON, MO -- Eleven people were injured early Monday morning in a shuttle crash with another vehicle along Highway 86 near Branson, according to a crash report by Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened along a stretch of Highway...
Man injured in single-car accident along Highway A near Marshfield
MARSHFIELD, MO -- A 54-year-old Seymour resident was injured in a single-car crash south of Marshfield, according to a crash report by Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened along a stretch of Highway A about nine miles south of...
Young woman seriously injured in Poplar Bluff crash
POPLAR BLUFF, MO -- A 21-year-old Piedmont woman suffered serious injuries Monday afternoon in a single-vehicle crash along US Highway 67 near Poplar Bluff, according to a crash report by Missouri State Highway Patrol. The incident took place on US-67...
Jelco Insulin Needles Recalled for Serious Safety Issue
Jelco Hypodermic Needle-Pro Fixed Needle Insulin Syringes, manufactured by Smiths Medical, have been recalled due to skewed line graduation markings that could result in dangerous insulin injections. This is a Class I recall, indicting it is the most urgent type...
2 drivers injured in late-night crash on Hwy 185 near Meramec State Park
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO – Two people were injured, one of them seriously so, in a two-vehicle collision late last night on Highway 185, near Meramec State Park, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened on southbound MO-185,...
Woman dead, 3 people injured in head-on crash in Farmington
FARMINGTON, MO – A woman was killed and three people, including two teenagers, were injured in a head-on collision in Farmington yesterday afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened on Woodlawn Drive, south of Holly Tree...
2 drivers injured in multi-vehicle crash on Broadway and Gimblin Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO – Two drivers were injured, one of them seriously, in a multi-vehicle crash on Broadway on Wednesday night, according to the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department (SLMPD). The crash happened on N Broadway and Gimblin Road at...
1 dead, 1 injured after SUV crashes into tree and ditch in Jackson Co.
JACKSON COUNTY, MO – One man was killed, and another was injured after an SUV collided with a tree in Jackson County on Friday afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened about five miles west of...
Jefferson City woman killed in single-vehicle crash near Lebanon
LEBANON, MO (LACLEDE COUNTY) – A 30-year-old woman was killed after she collided with a fence near Lebanon on Thursday afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened on Ostrich Drive, about two miles south of Lebanon,...
Motorcyclist injured in single-vehicle crash near Branson
BRANSON, MO -- A motorcycle rider sustained minor injuries Friday morning in a single-vehicle crash near Branson, according to a crash report by Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident occurred along of a stretch of MO-248 about three miles north...
Young man injured in two-car crash near Bolivar
BOLIVAR, MO -- A 22-year-old man suffered injuries in a collision with another car Thursday evening near Bolivar, according to a crash report by Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened along a stretch of East 455th Road three miles...
Two injured in two-vehicle crash along US-50 in Johnson County
JOHNSON COUNTY, MO -- Two people were injured in an accident involving two cars on US-50 in Johnson County, according to a crash report by Missouri State Highway Patrol. Police reported the crash on a stretch of US-50 about 1,029...
Collision closes lanes near MO-231 in Lemay
LEMAY, MO -- An accident Friday morning closed two lanes at an intersection along MO-231 in Lemay, according to MoDOT STL. ACCIDENT W KINGSTON DR CRD AT SIGSBEE AVE CRD RIGHT LANE CLOSED W KINGSTON DR CRD AT SIGSBEE AVE...
Woman injured in multi-vehicle crash along I-29 in Kansas City
KANSAS CITY, MO -- A woman suffered injuries in an accident Thursday evening involving four vehicles on Interstate 29 in Kansas City, according to a crash report by Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened along a stretch of I-29...
Woman injured in crash along Rte CC in Jefferson City
JEFFERSON CITY, MO -- A 45-year-old woman sustained minor injuries in a two-vehicle crash Thursday afternoon along Route CC in Jefferson City, according to a crash report by Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened where Route CC meets US...
Collision blocks lane on I-70 WB in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A crash Friday morning blocked the left lane on Interstate 70 westbound in St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-70 WB PAST LUCAS & HUNT RD LEFT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 10:38 AM...
Collision closes lane on I-70 EB near Lake St. Louis
LAKE ST. LOUIS, MO -- A crash Friday afternoon caused the right lane to shut down along Interstate 70 eastbound near Lake St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-70 EB BEFORE LAKE ST LOUIS BLVD RIGHT LANE CLOSED...
Accident closes two lanes on MO-370 EB in St. Charles
ST. CHARLES, MO -- An accident Thursday afternoon closed down two right lanes along MO-370 eastbound in St. Charles, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT MO 370 EB AT MO RIVER 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 3:41 PM...
Woman injured in single-car crash in Ste. Genevieve County
STE. GENEVIEVE COUNTY, MO -- A woman sustained minor injuries Wednesday night after her car struck a tree in Ste. Genevieve County, according to a crash report by Missouri State Highway Patrol. The incident occurred along Route N south of...
Two women injured after two-car collision on US 61 in Morley
MORLEY, MO -- Two Oran residents were hospitalized Thursday morning after a collision along US 61 in Morley, according to a crash report by Missouri State Highway Patrol. Sergeant K. A. Almond reported the accident around 7:55 a.m. The incident...
Man seriously injured in single-car crash on Hwy A near Truxton
TRUXTON, MO -- A 27-year-old man suffered serious injuries Wednesday night after a single-vehicle accident along Highway A near Truxton, according to a crash report by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. Trooper J. L. Hughes said the accident occurred in...
Collision closes two lanes on I-55 SB in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A collision late Thursday morning closed two right lanes on Interstate 55 southbound in St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-55 SB PAST REAVIS BARRACKS RD 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 10:00...
Crash shuts down two lanes on I-64 WB in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- An accident early Thursday morning shut down two left lanes along Interstate 64 in St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-64 WB BEFORE I-44 2 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6/17/2021 12:02 AM...
Man injured in two-car collision along Highway O in Odessa
ODESSA, MO -- A 76-year-old man sustained minor injuries Thursday morning in a crash on Highway O in Odessa, according to a crash report by Missouri State Highway Patrol. A state trooper and authorities with the the Lafayette County Sheriff's...
Woman injured after crash on Hwy 30 EB in High Ridge
HIGH RIDGE, MO -- A 34-year-old woman sustained minor injuries Thursday from a crash along Highway 30 eastbound in High Ridge, according to a crash report by Missouri State Highway Patrol. A state trooper responded to the accident in an...
Accident causes delay on I-270 EB near Hazelwood
HAZELWOOD, MO -- An accident along Interstate 270 eastbound is causing traffic delays early Wednesday evening near Hazelwood, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. The incident occurred near the exit to James S. McDonnell Boulevard and was reported around 4:18 p.m....
Crash shuts down right lane on I-70 westbound near O’Fallon
O'FALLON, MO -- An accident has shut down the right lane along Interstate 70 westbound near O'Fallon, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. The incident occurred past the MO-79 merge and was reported around 3:54 p.m. MoDOT STL estimated that the...
19-year-old driver seriously injured after crash in Washington County
WASHINGTON COUNTY, MO -- A 19-year-old male driver sustained serious injuries early Wednesday after a single-car crash in Washington County, according to a crash report by Missouri State Highway Patrol. The young man, a resident of Cadet, was traveling southbound...
Minor hospitalized after single-car crash near Banner
BANNER, MS -- A 15-year-old boy sustained moderate injuries after a single-car accident along Highway 52 near Banner, according to a crash report by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The minor, a resident of Farmington, was traveling eastbound on Highway...
Teenage pedestrian struck while crossing road in Montrose
MONTROSE, MO -- A young man was hospitalized Wednesday morning after being hit by a car in Montrose, according to a crash report by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The incident occurred along MO-52 at Ohio Avenue and was reported...
Teenage girl injured in Hwy 161 crash near New Hartford
NEW HARTFORD, MO -- A 16-year-old girl sustained injuries in a crash Wednesday morning along Highway 161 near New Hartford, according to a crash report by the the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The highway crash occurred at Pike County Road...
Crash closes left lane on I-70 EB near Salisbury St in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- An accident closed the left lane on I-70 eastbound Wednesday morning near Salisbury Street in St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-70 EB AT SALISBURY LEFT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 7:42 AM —...
Accident closes lane along I-70 eastbound in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- An accident closed a left lane along Interstate 70 eastbound in St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-70 EB PAST GOODFELLOW LEFT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 10:10 AM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Accident closes I-270 eastbound in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- An accident along I-270 eastbound closed down the road for a short time Tuesday afternoon in St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-270 EB BEFORE LINDBERGH BLVD CLEARED AT 2:34 PM — MoDOT STL...
One injured in collision along Hwy 160 near West Plains
WEST PLAINS, MO -- A 66-year-old male driver was injured in a crash with a pickup truck Monday night near West Plains, according to a crash report by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. Authorities responded to the scene on Highway...
Crash closes three lanes on I-55 northbound near Arnold
ARNOLD, MO -- A crash closed three right lanes along Interstate 55 northbound late Tuesday morning near Arnold, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-55 NB AT MO 141 3 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 12:30 PM — MoDOT...
Collision closes lane along I-270 SB in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A collision has closed the right lane along Interstate 270 southbound Tuesday afternoon in St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic. ACCIDENT I-270 SB AT TESSON FERRY RD RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:26 PM...
Accident closes lane on I-44 eastbound in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO -- A crash has closed the right lane along Interstate 44 eastbound in St. Louis, according to MoDOT STL Traffic.   ACCIDENT I-44 EB PAST PACIFIC RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 3:40 PM — MoDOT STL...
Minor injured in single-vehicle crash near Aurora
MARIONVILLE, MO -- A 15-year-old girl sustained minor injuries in a single-vehicle crash late Monday night near Aurora, according to a crash report by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred on Farm Road 1190 eight miles south of...
Motorcyclist seriously injured in Koshkonong crash
KOSHKONONG, MO -- A 45-year-old man sustained serious injuries in a single-vehicle motorcycle crash early Tuesday morning in Koshkonong, according to a crash report by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. Authorities responded to the scene of the crash along MO-142...
Young woman fatally injured in crash along MO-13 in Cowgill
COWGILL, MO -- A 22-year-old woman has died in a crash Tuesday morning along MO-13 in Cowgill, according to a crash report by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. Troopers arrived to the scene of the collision on MO-13 near East...
Benton Co. rollover crash leaves 2 injured
BENTON CO., MO - Two people suffered injuries resulting from a rollover collision in Benton County late Monday afternoon. According to a report by MSHP, the incident occurred at about 3:15 p.m. along US-65, just south of the intersection with...
Police on the scene of collision along I-270 in northeast St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO - An early-morning crash causes delays along I-270 northwest of downtown St. Louis on Monday. According to a tweet by Missouri DoT, the accident occurred sometime before 8 a.m. in the northbound lanes of I-170, past the...
Collision blocks lane on I-44 at Park Ave.
ST. LOUIS, MO - An early-afternoon collision forced police to shut down at least one lane along I-44 on Monday. According to a report by Missouri DoT, the incident took place just before 11 a.m. on the northbound side of...
Lincoln County accident injures three
HAWK POINT TOWNSHIP, MO - A wreck in Lincoln County injured a woman and two children on Saturday morning, according to Highway Patrol. On Saturday, June 12 at around 11:05 a.m.  a 2018 Elantra driven by Julianna L. Frye, 36,...
Barnhart crash injures one
BARNHART, MO - An elderly woman was injured on Saturday in Jefferson County, reports MSHP. Troopers were dispatched around 4:53 p.m. to the area of Old Hwy 21 south of Schenk Rd. A Toyota Rav 4 driven by a 16-year-old...
Car strikes ditch, injures driver near Farmington
FARMINGTON, MO - A woman was injured Saturday evening after striking a ditch, reports Missouri Highway Patrol. According to troopers, the incident occurred around 6 p.m. on Missouri Rt 32 west of Trails End Ln. Charley A. Rolen, 31, suffered...
Motorcycle accident injures one in St. Joe State Park
PARK HILLS, MO - A woman was injured after they fell off of a motorcycle Saturday evening, reports Highway Patrol. According to the Highway Patrol, Katie M. Maple, 24, was riding on a 2013 Kawasaki Ninja motorcycle driven by Nicholas...
Sullivan accident kills two, injures two others
SULLIVAN, MO - An accident near Sullivan killed two women and injured two others, reports the Missouri State Highway Patrol. First responders were dispatched to 24505 Missouri Rt 184 at around 3:14. According to troopers, Robert J. Schneider was driving...
Two people injured in early-morning truck accident on I-55
IMPERIAL, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – Two people were injured, one of them seriously, in a collision involving a truck on I-55 in Jefferson County early yesterday morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred on southbound I-55,...
2 dead, 1 critically injured following car-splitting crash on I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO – Two men were killed, and another person was injured in a multi-vehicle collision on I-55 near downtown St. Louis early this morning, according to KSDK. The collision happened on southbound I-55 and Gravois Avenue, when the...
29-year-old woman injured in multi-vehicle hit-and-run in Mehlville
MEHLVILLE, MO – A 29-year-old woman was injured in a multi-vehicle hit-and-run collision on I-255 yesterday afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The collision happened on westbound I-255, west of Lemay Ferry Road, at 3:51 p.m., when the...
Man and elderly woman injured after driver runs red light on Hwy 30
MURPHY, MO – Two people were hurt in a crash after a woman reportedly ran a red light in Murphy yesterday morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened at the light on Little Brennan Road and...
Collision with deer injures man in Buffalo Township
BUFFALO TOWNSHIP, MO - A man was injured following a collision with a deer early Friday morning, reports MSHP. First responders were dispatched to US 54 and Peacock, Dr Buffalo Township at 4:50 a.m. Terrance J. Conrow, 50, was driving...
Farmington two-vehicle collision injures man
FARMINGTON, MO - An elderly man was hurt in a multi-vehicle collision Friday morning, reports Highway Patrol. Reports of the accident reached troopers at 7:40 a.m. and they were dispatched to the intersection of Karsch Blvd and State Hwy 00...
Two-vehicle crash injures one in Franklin County
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - A woman was injured in a multi-vehicle crash that took place in Franklin County Friday morning, according to MSHP. Troopers were dispatched to US Highway 50 and Old Highway 50 at 8 a.m. Friday morning. According...
Warren County crash hospitalizes four
WARREN COUNTY, MO - A multi-vehicle incident on I-70 sent four people to the hospital Thursday evening, according to the Highway Patrol. Troopers were dispatched to mile marker 201 on I-70 after receiving reports of an accident at 6:20 p.m....
Two injured in Windsor Township crash
WINDSOR TOWNSHIP, MO - A crash in Windsor Township injured two women Thursday night, reports MSHP. Troopers were dispatched to Miller Road and N Royale Dr after receiving reports of an accident at 7:15 p.m. Investigators discovered that a Nissan...
Perry Township crash injures juvenile
PERRY TOWNSHIP, MO - A car crash in Perry Township Thursday night sent a female juvenile to the hospital, reports Missouri State Highway Patrol. Troopers were dispatched to State Hwy 47 and Old Cadet Rd at around 9:45 p.m. According...
Calvey Township crash injures one
CALVEY TOWNSHIP, MO - A man suffered minor injuries from a crash in Calvey Township, reports Highway Patrol. Troopers responded to a report of an accident with injury around 1:50 a.m. and were dispatched to the section of Hwy N...
Buffalo Township crash injures one
BUFFALO TOWNSHIP, MO - A man was critically injured early Friday morning in Buffalo Township, reports MSHP. The incident took place on US 54, west of Peacock Dr. Highway Patrol were dispatched to the area around 4:50 a.m. Terrance J....
1 injured in hit-and-run collision involving 3 vehicles
ST. LOUIS, MO - A man was injured yesterday in a three-vehicle collision in which the driver responsible for the crash fled the scene, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. The incident occurred on southbound I-55 north of Reavis Barracks...
1 dead, 1 injured in wrong-way crash on Hwy YY in Franklin Co.
FRANKLIN CO., MO - One man was killed and another was injured following a head-on collision on Highway YY yesterday morning. According to the official Missouri State Highway Patrol incident report, the crash happened in the highway's 7900 block at...
Update: Vehicle fire reported on I-70 at Lucas & Hunt Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO - A vehicle fire is currently blocking the exit ramp from eastbound I-70 to Lucas and Hunt Road, Fox 2 Now reports. It is not immediately clear whether this incident is related to the crash that closed...
Elderly driver injured in single-vehicle crash in Villa Ridge
VILLA RIDGE, MO - An elderly motorist was injured yesterday afternoon in a dramatic single-vehicle collision on Highway 100 in Franklin County. According to the official MSHP report of the incident, 74-year-old Mickey Waters had been driving east shortly before...
1 injured in head-on crash on Gravois Road in Jefferson Co.
JEFFERSON CO., MO - A woman was injured yesterday when the vehicle she was driving crossed into oncoming traffic and collided head-on with a pickup truck, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. According to the MSHP incident report, the incident...
Accident blocks 2 WB lanes of I-70 at Lucas & Hunt Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident blocked the two left-most lanes of westbound I-70 just past Lucas and Hunt Road early this morning, according to a tweet from MoDOT. ACCIDENT I-70 WB PAST LUCAS & HUNT RD 2 LEFT LANES...
Woman, child injured in 2-car crash on I-44 near Wildwood
WILDWOOD, MO - A woman and an infant child were injured in a two-vehicle crash on I-44 in western St. Louis County on Wednesday, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. Destiny Arnsperger, 23, was traveling east near milepost 260...
Accident slows SB traffic on I-270 past Ladue Rd
CREVE COUER, MO - An accident is affecting southbound traffic on I-270 south of Ladue Road, the Missouri Department of Transportation reports. ACCIDENT I-270 SB PAST LADUE RD BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 8:40 AM — MoDOT STL...
Collision closes EB lane of I-70 at TR Hughes Blvd
O'FALLON, MO - A collision has blocked the left lane of eastbound I-70 at TR Hughes Boulevard, MoDOT reports. ACCIDENT I-70 EB AT T R HUGHES BLVD LEFT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:00 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
1 dead, 2 injured following crash in East St. Louis
EAST ST. LOUIS, IL - One person was killed and two others were injured following a two-vehicle crash in East St. Louis late this morning, KMOV reports. A Dodge sedan traveling west on Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive ran a...
Man hospitalized after collision with dump truck near Mansfield
MANSFIELD, MO - A man was hospitalized yesterday following a collision on Highway 60 involving a dump truck, Ozark Radio News reports. Corion Morris, a 29-year-old resident of St. Louis, was traveling west on Hwy 60 about a mile east...
Teenager injured in 18-wheeler crash in Sullivan
SULLIVAN, MO - A teenager was injured when the 18-wheeler in which they were a passenger crashed into a tree near Meramec State Park, the Sullivan Independent News reports. The incident happened at about 2:35 p.m. on Friday, near the...
Accident reported on SB I-170 at Charles Rock Rd.
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident has been reported in the southbound lanes of I-170 at Charles Rock Road/Hwy 180, according to MoDOT. ACCIDENT I-170 SB PAST ST CHARLES ROCK RD 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 1:52 PM...
Update: Victim of McKinley Bridge hit-and-run identified
ST. LOUIS, MO - The man killed by a hit-and-run driver on the McKinley Bridge on Saturday has been identified. KMOV reports that Vincent Bass, a 44-year-old resident of Madison, IL, was standing in the westbound lane of the bridge...
Incident blocks all lanes near MLK Bridge in East St. Louis
EAST ST. LOUIS, IL - An incident is blocking all eastbound lanes of traffic on I-55 near the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Bridge, Fox 2 Now reports. The incident was first reported at 2:24 p.m. and may be cleared...
Motorcyclist seriously injured after hitting animal near Bloomfield
STODDARD CO., MO - A motorcyclist was seriously injured early this morning when he struck an animal on Route AB east of Bloomfield and was thrown from his bike. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the collision happened at...
Woman injured in collision near Whiteman AFB
KNOB NOSTER, MO - A woman was injured in a collision at an intersection near Whiteman Airforce Base yesterday evening, according to the Missouri Highway Patrol. A 2010 Jeep was traveling northbound on MO-23 when a westbound Nissan pulled into...
Housefire in East St. Louis sends 1 to hospital
EAST ST. LOUIS, IL - One person was taken to a St. Louis-area hospital yesterday following a house fire on the east side of the river, Fox 2 Now reports. The fire broke out on Piggott Avenue near South 15th...
Collision blocks 2 NB lanes of MO-141 in Fenton
FENTON, MO - A collision has blocked the two right-most lanes and the right shoulder of MO-141 at MO-30, Fox 2 Now reports. The crash was first reported at 11:56 a.m. today and is expected to continue affecting northbound traffic...
Woman injured when vehicles collide at MO-116 and US 69
LATHROP, MO - A woman were yesterday evening when she pulled in front of another vehicle at an intersection in Clinton County, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. The incident happened at about 6:45 p.m. on June 7. A 2013...
Emergency vehicles sighted on I-44 at MO-109
EUREKA, MO - Emergency vehicles responded to an incident on eastbound I-44 at MO-109 this morning, according to a tweet from MoDOT. EMERGENCY VEHICLES I-44 EB TO MO 109 EUREKA RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 9:46 AM — MoDOT STL...
Driver injured when pickup collides with sedan near Buffalo
BUFFALO, MO - A motorist was injured yesterday afternoon when a pickup truck pulled into the path of his sedan on MO-32 in Dallas County. The Missouri State Highway Patrol reports that Marcus Cox, 20, was traveling west on MO-32...
Accident blocking right shoulder of NB I-44 at Park Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO - A collision is blocking the right shoulder of northbound I-44 ahead of Park Avenue, MoDOT reports. ACCIDENT I-44 EB NB BEFORE PARK AVE RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 10:36 AM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) June...
DWI driver nearly hits MSHP trooper in Boone Co.
BOONE CO., MO - A drunk driver nearly hit a Missouri State Highway Patrol trooper prior to a collision on I-70 in Boone County on Saturday afternoon, Fox 2 Now reports. The crash happened near milepost 121 at about 2:48...
Emergency responders on scene of crash on I-70 at Bermuda
ST. LOUIS, MO - A collision took place on eastbound I-70 at Bermuda Drive late Saturday night, MoDOT reports. ACCIDENT I-70 EB PAST BERMUDA RD RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 10:39 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) June 6,...
Child killed in boat accident at Lake of the Ozarks
CAMDEN CO., MO - A child died on Saturday when they fell off the back of a boat in Lake of the Ozarks, Fox 2 Now reports. The Missouri State Highway Patrol responded to the incident at about 3:40 p.m....
MoDOT reports accident on EB I-270 at Elizabeth Ave
FLORISSANT, MO - The Missouri Department of Transportation reported a collision on eastbound I-270 at Elizabeth Avenue late Saturday night. ACCIDENT I-270 EB AT ELIZABETH AVE CLEARED AT 10:45 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) June 6, 2021 The crash...
Woman killed in 3-car crash on Hwy 370 in St. Charles Co.
ST. CHARLES, MO - A woman was killed in a three-vehicle collision on Highway 370 in St. Charles on Friday, local media report. Sharon E. Mueller's 2006 Hyundai Elantra had become disabled on SH 370 west of State Highway 94...
6 passengers injured when bus struck by pickup in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO - Six people were injured Friday when the MetroBus they were riding was struck by a pickup truck in the Midtown area, KSDK reports. The collision happened shortly before 1:45 p.m. on June 4, at the intersection...
Driver killed in collision on Hwy B in St. Charles Co.
ST. CHARLES CO., MO - A St. Peters man died in a single-vehicle collision in St. Charles County. on Sunday evening, KMOV reports. The fatal crash happened on Highway B east of Highway C at about 7 p.m. Sunday, when...
J&J Takes a One-Two Punch
[caption id="attachment_10545" align="alignleft" width="227"] J&J just took a one-two punch in talc litigation. Will they do the right thing?[/caption] Last month marked a shift in Johnson & Johnson talcum powder litigation. The corporation took a major blow with the U.S....
Bayer-Monsanto Feeling Pressure in Roundup Cancer Cases
[caption id="attachment_10550" align="alignleft" width="300"] A federal judge has denied Bayer-Monsanto's attempt at settling future cases. Your OnderLaw team continues to pursue justice.[/caption] A federal judge has struck down Bayer-Monsanto's latest attempt to resolve claims made on behalf of Roundup victims...
16-year-old driver injured in alleged street-racing crash on Hwy B
BIG RIVER TOWNSHIP, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – A 16-year-old boy was injured in a reported street-racing crash in Jefferson County late Friday night, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The collision occurred on Highway B, near Ridge Road, AT...
Man severely injured after two pickup trucks collide in St. Clair
ST. CLAIR, MO – One person was seriously injured in a two-vehicle collision on Route PP in Franklin County on Friday afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened on Route PP, near Crescent Village, at 3:56...
Motorcyclist dead after crashing into back of minivan in St. Charles Co.
ORCHARD FARM, MO (ST. CHARLES COUNTY) – A 30-year-old motorcyclist was killed in an inattentive-driving collision in St. Charles County last night, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened on Route V, north of Blase Station Road,...
Motorcyclist killed after hitting pothole, crashing into truck on I-270
HAZELWOOD, MO – A motorcyclist was killed in an accident caused by hitting a pothole on I-270 early this morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened on eastbound I-270, east of Lindbergh Boulevard, at 1:25 a.m.,...
Pedestrian killed in early-morning hit-and-run collision in N St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO – A pedestrian is dead after being struck by a hit-and-run driver in North St. Louis early this morning, according to KSDK. The collision happened on McKinley Bridge at about 4 a.m., when a man was struck...
Child hospitalized after tractor accident in St. Louis Co.
TESSON FERRY TWP, MO - A child was hospitalized last night after a tractor tipped into a pond in St. Louis County, KMOV reports. Emergency responders were called to the 4100 block of Meramec Bottom Road last night after an...
2 seriously injured in collision near I-44 in Anaconda
ANACONDA, MO - Two women were rushed to the hospital this morning following a collision at an intersection in unincorporated Franklin County, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. The collision happened before 9:12 a.m. yesterday, when the driver of a...
Collision blocks 2 NB lanes of I-270 at Tesson Ferry Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO - A collision has closed two lanes of northbound I-270 at Tesson Ferry Road, slowing traffic in both directions and leading to significant delays. Fox 2 Now first reported the crash at 2:48 p.m., and traffic is...
1 injured in 3-car crash on MO-47 in Franklin Co.
UNION, MO - A three-car crash in rural Franklin County yesterday sent one person to the hospital, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The collision happened on northbound MO-47 near Timberland Drive in Union at about 7:25 a.m. Thursday....
Collision reported on SB I-270 ahead of Manchester Rd
DES PERES, MO - MoDOT has reported a collision on southbound I-270 north of Manchester Road/Historic Route 66 this afternoon. ACCIDENT I-270 SB BEFORE MANCHESTER RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:20 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) June 4,...
3 adults, 4 children injured in crash in Grand Center
ST. LOUIS, MO - Seven people were injured, including four children, in a collision on in the Grand Center area of St. Louis early this morning. Fox 2 Now reports that two vehicles collided at the intersection of Dr. Martin Luther...
Motorist seriously injured in 2-car crash near O’Fallon Park
ST. LOUIS, MO - At least one driver was seriously injured in a two-vehicle collision that took place near O'Fallon Park on Monday evening. St. Louis Metropolitan police units arrived at the intersection of W Florissant Avenue and E Harris...
Accident reported on WB I-70 at MO-79
ST. PETERS, MO - An accident has been reported in the westbound lanes of I-70 at State Highway 79, MoDOT reports. ACCIDENT I-70 WB AT MO 79 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 2:39 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) June...
Woman seriously injured in single-car crash in Fenton
FENTON, MO - A woman was seriously injured last night when her car ran off the Highway 141 roadway and struck a utility pole, reports the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The 38-year-old Fenton woman was traveling south when she lost...
Richwoods man crashes vehicle while trying to light cigarette
FRANKLIN CO., MO - A Richwoods man was injured yesterday when he lost control of his vehicle while trying to light a cigarette and subsequently drove off the roadway. The Missouri Highway Patrol was called to MO-47 north of Rye...
2 injured in chain-reaction crash caused by riding mower
FRANKLIN CO., MO - Two people were injured when several vehicles crashed while attempting to avoid a mowing tractor that entered the I-44 roadway yesterday, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. Two semi trucks and a Chevrolet Silverado were traveling...
Chemical leak on railcar threatens Metro East residents
WOOD RIVER, IL - Hundreds of residents on the eastern side of the Mississippi are under a shelter-in-place order today after multiple railcars leaked dangerous chemical vapors into the atmosphere, Fox 2 Now reports. Authorities discovered yesterday afternoon that a...
Collision blocks I-55 SB in Jefferson Co.
JEFFERSON CO., MO - A sizable collision shut down southbound I-55 past Highway Z early this morning, FOX 2 Now reports. Traffic was restored by 7:15 a.m. Southbound traffic was delayed from Pevely through Festus during the morning rush hour,...
Man arrested after striking Chesterfield police car
CHESTERFIELD, MO - Police in Chesterfield yesterday arrested a man who rammed his vehicle into a patrol car while attempting to strike an officer, KSDK reports. The incident began when police attempted to pull over a vehicle in the parking...
Accident blocks NB I-170 at St. Charles Rock Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO - A collision is blocking the right lane of northbound I-170 at St. Charles Rock Road/Highway 180, MoDOT reports. ACCIDENT I-170 NB AT ST CHARLES ROCK RD RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 10:44 AM — MoDOT...
2 injured, 1 seriously, when vehicles collide near Irondale
IRONDALE, MO - Two people were injured, one seriously, when their vehicles collided head-on near the town of Irondale in Washington County this morning. The crash happened on State Highway M west of Hedgcorth Lane sometime before 7:40 a.m. today,...
2-car collision in Farmington sends driver to hospital
FARMINGTON, MO - A man was hospitalized late this morning after an elderly motorist struck his vehicle at an intersection in Farmington. According to a report filed by the Missouri State Highway Patrol, 92-year-old Norma Etheridge failed to yield to...
Emergency vehicles respond to incident on I-64 at Big Bend
RICHMOND HEIGHTS, MO - Emergency vehicles were on the scene of an incident on westbound I-64 at Big Bend Boulevard this afternoon. EMERGENCY VEHICLES I-64 WB AT BIG BEND BLVD CLEARED AT 5:09 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) June...
3 injured in head-on crash in Ste. Genevieve Co.
STE. GENEVIEVE CO., MO - Three people were injured yesterday when their vehicles collided head-on Highway Y west of Bloomsdale, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. The collision occurred west of the intersection with Dietzfelbinger Drive shortly before 10:50 a.m.,...
2 injured in Franklin Co. when driver swerves to avoid animal
FRANKLIN CO., MO - A driver lost control of his vehicle while swerving to avoid an animal in the roadway, sending her and a passenger to the hospital with minor injuries. The Missouri State Highway Patrol says the accident occurred...
Collision reported on EB I-270 at Lindbergh Blvd
HAZLEWOOD, MO - A collision took place on eastbound I-270 at Lindbergh Boulevard this afternoon, according to the Missouri Department of Transportation. ACCIDENT I-270 EB AT LINDBERGH BLVD CLEARED AT 3:53 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) June 2, 2021...
UPDATE: Man charged in crash that killed child, injured mother
JENNINGS, MO - A man has been charged with several crimes including involuntary manslaughter after he collided with a mother and her children and then fled the scene on Saturday. The fatal incident took place in the 5500 block of...
Pedestrian dies in collision on Natural Bridge Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO - A man was killed last week when he was struck by an SUV at an intersection in northwest St. Louis, the Post-Dispatch reports. The fatal collision happened at about 9:15 p.m. on Wednesday, May 26. Gregory...
4 killed in Missouri highway accidents over Memorial Day weekend
ST. LOUIS, MO - Four people were killed on Missouri highways this Memorial Day weekend, KMOX reports. Two more died in boat accidents, and 112 were arrested for drunk driving. These numbers come from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, which...
Collision blocks I-64 EB at Outer 40 Rd/Exit 22
TOWN AND COUNTRY, MO - A collision is blocking two eastbound lanes of I-64 at Exit 22 for Outer 40 Road, Fox 2 Now reports. The collision was first reported at 4:29 p.m. today and appears to be ongoing an...
Motorcyclist killed in Forest Park collision
ST. LOUIS, MO - A motorcyclist died Saturday in a single-vehicle collision in Forest Park, KSDK reports. Joseph Mulenex was attempting to speed past traffic near the intersection of Forest Park Parkway and Union Boulevard when the 34-year-old lost control...
Accident reported on WB I-44 past Antire
HIGH RIDGE, MO - An accident took place on westbound I-44 west of Antire Road this morning, the Missouri Department of Transportation reports. ACCIDENT I-44 WB PAST ANTIRE RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 08:28 AM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Motorcyclist falls to death from I-64 overpass
ST. LOUIS, MO - A motorcyclist was ejected from his vehicle and fell to his death in downtown St. Louis on Saturday, KSDK reports. St. Louis Police were called to the scene of a single-vehicle motorcycle crash on eastbound I-64...
Child killed, woman injured in Jennings hit-and-run
JENNINGS, MO - A toddler was killed and a woman was injured in a hit-and-run collision near an intersection in Jennings on Saturday night, the Riverbender reports. St. Louis County Police were called to the 5500 block of Jennings Station...
Worker falls to death in Pontoon Beach
PONTOON BEACH, IL - A man fell to his death while working on a hotel sign in Pontoon Beach on Friday, says the Associated Press. Timothy M. Funk, 41, fell about 60 feet when the bucket lift he was using...
Two elderly men seriously injured in crash on Route K in Franklin Co.
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO – Two elderly drivers were seriously injured in a two-vehicle collision on Route K in Franklin County this morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The collision happened at Route K and Elk Run Road at...
16-year-old boy severely injured in Route TT rollover collision
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO – A 16-year-old boy from Robertsville was severely injured during a single-vehicle rollover crash on Route TT in Franklin County yesterday afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident occurred on Route TT, south of...
Woman dead, 2 injured in wrong-way crash on Hwy 384
DARDENNE PRAIRIE, MO (ST. CHARLES COUNTY) – A woman was killed, and two people were injured, one of them seriously, in a wrong-way crash on Highway 364 last night, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The collision occurred in...
Two hospitalized after ATV collides with tree in Washington County
WASHINGTON COUNTY, MO – Two people were hospitalized after an ATV collided with a tree in Washington County this afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The collision occurred about halfway between Peoria and Caledonia on Route BB, near...
Two teens and 22-year-old injured in rear-end crash in Phelps County
JEROME, MO (PHELPS COUNTY) – Three people, including two teenagers, were injured in a rear-end crash on I-44 in western Phelps County yesterday afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The collision happened at 1:55 p.m. on westbound I-44,...
Columbia driver seriously injured in Randolph County accident
RANDOLPH COUNTY, MO - A 52-year-old Columbia driver was seriously injured in a single-vehicle accident on Highway B on Wednesday afternoon. Merle A. Downing was traveling west on Highway B in a 2005 Buick Rondevous, Missouri State Highway Patrol reports....
77-year-old driver injured after rear-ending semi on I-70
WARREN COUNTY, MO - A 77-year-old Lake St. Louis driver was injured after his 2016 Kia Soul rear-ended a semi on eastbound I-70 on Thursday afternoon. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports Michael A. Weinand, 68, was traveling east on I-70...
Two people injured in Lincoln County intersection collision
LINCOLN COUNTY, MO - Two people were injured in a collision at the intersection of US-61 and Highway B on Wednesday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Dennis C. Feilner, 84, was traveling west on Highway B in a...
36-year-old passenger injured in Highway 221 accident
DOE RUN, MO - A 36-year-old Fredricktown passenger was injured in a single-vehicle crash on eastbound Highway 221 on Wednesday night. Daniel Michaels, 33, was traveling east on Highway 221 in a 1999 Honda Accord, according to Missouri State Highway...
17-year-old driver crashes into rock bluff in Jefferson County
ARNOLD, MO - A 17-year-old St. Louis driver sustained injuries after her 2010 Ford F-150 crashed into a rock bluff off of Lonedell Road on Thursday evening. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports the teenage driver was traveling south on Lonedell...
56-year-old driver seriously injured in eastbound I-270 crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 56-year-old driver from Highland, IL was seriously injured in a single-vehicle crash on eastbound I-270 on Thursday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Eldon R. Mollet was traveling east on I-270 in a 2010...
Eureka crash blocks right lane, right shoulder on eastbound I-44
EUREKA, MO - A crash blocked the right lane and right shoulder on eastbound I-44 after the Lewis Road exit (266) on Friday morning. According to KSDK, the accident occurred around 6:42 and is expected to be cleared around 9:47...
19-year-old driver injured in northbound I-270 accident
MARYLAND HEIGHTS, MO - A 19-year-old Florissant driver was injured in accident on northbound I-270 on Tuesday afternoon. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports Niyah L. Brown was traveling north on I-270 when her 2009 Honda Accord broke down and was...
Semi driver injured in eastbound I-70 crash in Warren County
WARREN COUNTY, MO - A 52-year-old semi driver from Portland, OR was injured after his semi crashed on eastbound I-70 on Tuesday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Mohamed A. Nur was traveling east on I-70 when his semi...
East St. Louis crash blocks lane on northbound I-255
EAST ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident blocked at least one lane on northbound I-255 at the I-64 exit (20) on Thursday morning. KSDK reports the traffic-blocking crash happened around 10:21 a.m. They expect the area to be cleared around...
3 people injured in t-bone collision in Farmington intersection
FARMINGTON, MO - Three people were injured in a t-bone collision at the intersection of southbound US-67 and westbound Highway H on Tuesday morning. April J. Bohler, 65, was traveling west on Highway H in a 2002 Honda CRV and...
30-year-old driver injured in semi crash on northbound I-55
PERRY COUNTY, MO - A 30-year-old driver was injured when his semi crashed and overturned on northbound I-55 on Wednesday morning. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports Phillip J. Campbell was traveling north on I-55 in a semi when it traveled...
St. Louis motorcyclist killed in hit-and-run collision on I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 57-year-old St. Louis motorcyclist was killed in a hit-and-run collision on southbound I-55 on Wednesday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, an alleged Honda Accord was traveling at high rates of speed on southbound...
St. Louis crash blocks two lanes, left shoulder on I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash blocked two lanes and the left shoulder on northbound I-270 at I-44 on Thursday morning. According to KSDK, the accident occurred around 8:12 a.m. and is expected to be cleared around 9:28 a.m. It...
DeSoto driver swerves to miss deer, hits tree in Jefferson County
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - A 56-year-old DeSoto driver swerved to miss a deer on Papin Road and crashed into a tree on Tuesday morning. Brandi R. Christensen was traveling east on Papin Road in a 2015 Chevrolet Impala when she...
34-year-old pedestrian injured after being hit in Murphy
MURPHY, MO - A 34-year-old High Ridge pedestrian was seriously injured after being struck by a 2021 Nissan Sentra on New Sugar Creek Road on Wednesday morning. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports James W. Hoekstra, 50, was traveling south on...
3 children, 1 adult injured in Farmington intersection collision
FARMINGTON, MO - Three children and one adult were injured in a collision at the intersection of US-67 and Highway H on Tuesday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 28-year-old Wyatt D. Brands was attempting to turn left onto...
Two people injured in single-vehicle crash on Highway UU
PIKE COUNTY, MO - Two people were injured in a single-vehicle crash on eastbound Highway UU on Tuesday evening. Michael A. Everett, 54, was traveling east on Highway UU in a 2011 GMC Terrain, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol....
44-year-old man sustains serious injuries in southbound I-270 accident
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 44-year-old St. Peters man sustained serious injuries in a single-vehicle accident on southbound I-270 on Tuesday morning. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports Bradley K. Boland was traveling south on I-270 in a 2005 Ford F-350....
St. Louis motorcyclist seriously injured in Washington County crash
WASHINGTON COUNTY, MO - A 28-year-old St. Louis motorcyclist was seriously injured in a single-vehicle crash on Route T on Tuesday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Tour M. Murray was traveling south on Route T on a 2016...
East St. Louis crash blocks lane on southbound I-55
EAST ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash blocked at least one lane on southbound I-55 at the IL-111 exit (6) on Wednesday morning. According to KSDK, the traffic-blocking incident occurred around 11:16 a.m. The area is anticipated to be cleared...
Summersville woman injured in rear-end collision in Wright County
WRIGHT COUNTY, MO - A 63-year-old Summersville woman was injured in a rear-end collision on Business Highway 60 on Monday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, a 16-year-old female driver was traveling west on Business Highway 60 in a...
Hit-and-run driver causes three-vehicle crash, 2 people injured
HOWELL COUNTY, MO - Two people were injured in a three-vehicle crash caused by a hit-and-run driver on Highway 17 on Monday morning. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports Glenn E. Thompson, 67, was traveling north on Highway 17 on a...
70-year-old Polk man injured in MO-133 motorcycle accident
OSAGE COUNTY, MO - A 70-year-old Polk man was injured when his motorcycle crashed while traveling on Missouri 133 on Monday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, David Payne was traveling north on Missouri 133 when his 2006 Harley...
Speeding driver rear-ends Nissan Sentra on eastbound I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 35-year-old speeding driver rear-ended a 2019 Nissan Sentra on eastbound I-270 on Monday night. Alisha Hutchins was traveling at high rates of speed on eastbound I-270 in a 2018 Kia Sorento, according to Missouri State...
Two people injured in single-vehicle crash on I-70 exit ramp
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two people were injured in a single-vehicle crash on the westbound I-70 ramp to Lucas and Hunt Road on Monday evening. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports Martez K. Rhines, 21, was traveling west on I-70 in...
57-year-old driver injured in Franklin County accident
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - A 57-year-old Marthasville driver was injured in a single-vehicle accident on Monday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Rorie S. Gist was traveling east on Highway E in a 2001 Ford F-550. She over-corrected after...
East St. Louis crash blocks lane on westbound I-64
EAST ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash blocked at least one lane on westbound I-64 the N. 25th Street exit (4B) on Tuesday morning. According to KSDK, the accident happened around 10:24 a.m. It is unclear when it will be...
Two teenagers airlifted to hospital after crash on Hwy E
LACLEDE COUNTY, MO - Two teenagers were airlifted to the hospital after a single-vehicle crash on westbound Highway E on Sunday afternoon. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports 18-year-old Sarah L. Wilson was traveling west on Highway E in a 1994...
St. Louis motorcyclist injured in Iron County crash on Highway E
IRON COUNTY, MO - A 49-year-old St. Louis motorcyclist was injured in a crash on northbound Highway E on Sunday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Edward D. Hines was traveling north on Highway E on a 2019 Harley...
Des Peres crash blocks right lane on MO-100 at I-270 exit
DES PERES, MO - A crash blocked the right lane on eastbound Missouri 100 at the I-270 exit (9) on Monday morning. KSDK reports the accident occurred around 11:40 a.m. and they anticipate the area will be cleared around 12:15...
2 injured in motorcycle crash while Ford F-150 was fleeing police
ST. CLAIR, MO - Two people were injured when their motorcycle crashed into a 1998 Ford F-150 that was fleeing from the police on Sunday afternoon. Cameron M. Shinkle, 31, was traveling east on West Springfield Road on a 2008...
St. Louis driver injured in eastbound I-70 accident
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 27-year-old St. Louis driver was injured in a crash on eastbound I-70 west of I-270  on Sunday afternoon. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports Asheli S. Robinson was traveling east on I-70 in a 2004 Hyundai...
Two people injured in hit-and-run collision on Missouri 141
ARNOLD, MO - Two people were injured in a hit-and-run collision on northbound Missouri 141 on Sunday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Sandra S. Burns, 51, was traveling north in the right lane on Missouri 141 in a...
Crash blocks lane on eastbound I-64 near Scott AFB
LEBANON, IL - A crash blocked at least one lane on eastbound I-64 at Rieder Road on Monday morning. According to KSDK, the accident happened around 9:25 a.m. and they expect the area to be cleared around 11 a.m. It...
23-year-old man killed in single-vehicle collision on Highway 63
VICHY, MO (MARIES COUNTY) – A 23-year-old man is dead after being partially ejected in a crash in Maries County last night, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The collision occurred at 7:40 p.m. on Highway 63, northeast of...
Man and 16-year-old boy injured in single-vehicle crash in Franklin County
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO – A 24-year-old man and a 16-year-old boy were injured during a single-vehicle crash in Franklin County last night, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened on Lollar Branch Road, near Westwood Drive, at...
Motorcyclist severely injured in crash after driver fails to yield on Hwy 61
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO – A man from Lake St. Louis was seriously injured in a motorcycle accident on Highway 61 last night, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened on southbound US-61, near North Point Prairie,...
Two people injured during motorcycle rollover crash near Montauk State Park
DENT COUNTY, MO – Two people were injured after a motorcycle overturned near a state park in Dent County last night, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The collision occurred on County Road 6670, about a mile east of...
Sullivan passenger injured in motorcycle crash on MO-47
UNION, MO - A 27-year-old Sullivan passenger on a motorcycle was injured after the motorcycle crashed on northbound Missouri 47 on Thursday night. Samuel L. Wallis, 27, was traveling north on Missouri 47 in a 2009 Harley Davidson, Missouri State...
Bismarck man injured in St. Francois County accident
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO - A 22-year-old Bismarck man was injured in a single-vehicle accident on Rock Road on Thursday night. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports Ethan A. Skaggs was traveling west on Rock Road in a 1998 Toyota Corolla....
2 people injured in St. Charles County intersection collision
WENTZVILLE, MO - Two people were injured in a three-vehicle crash at the intersection of Highway Z and Francis Street on Thursday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Adele M. Zilke, 19, was stopped on southbound Highway Z in...
Eureka driver rear-ends postal truck on Highway W, 1 person injured
EUREKA, MO - A 32-year-old Eureka driver rear-ended a postal truck on Highway W injuring one person on Thursday morning. Nancy S. Passiglia, 64, was traveling south on Highway W in a postal truck and slowed to make a left...
32-year-old motorcyclist seriously injured in Jefferson County crash
MERAMEC, MO -A 32-year-old motorcyclist sustained serious injures in a single-vehicle crash on Hillsboro-House Springs Road on Thursday night. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports Coty H. Rowan was traveling south on Hillsboro-House Springs Road on a 2005 Kawasaki VN2000-A. The...
St. Louis driver injured in Jefferson County crash on US-61
FESTUS, MO - A 43-year-old St. Louis man was injured in a crash on southbound US-61 on Wednesday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 43-year-old Justin L. Toenges was traveling south on US-61 in a 2020 Ford T-350 and...
Bridgeton crash blocks left lane on eastbound I-70
BRIDGETON, MO - A crash blocked the left lane on eastbound I-70 after the I-270 exits on Friday morning. According to KSDK, the accident happened around 9:36 a.m. and is expected to be cleared around 10:23 a.m. It is unclear...
19-year-old driver causes chain-reaction, rear-end collision on I-70
O'FALLON, MO - A 19-year-old Wright City driver caused a chain-reaction, rear-end collision on westbound I-70 on Wednesday afternoon. Berry L. Carroll, 58, was traveling west on I-70 in a 2008 Dodge Sprinter when he came to a stop for...
Wentzville man runs red light, two people injured in crash
O'FALLON, MO - A 56-year-old Wentzville driver ran a red light at the intersection of Highway N and Sommers Road and crashed into a 2015 BMX X5 on Wednesday morning. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports John P. Leone was traveling...
60-year-old driver suffers medical emergency, crashes into semi
WENTZVILLE, MO - A 60-year-old Wentzville woman suffered a medical emergency while driving on US-61 and crash into a semi on Wednesday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Wilma J. Brown was traveling south on US-61 in a 2000...
66-year-old driver sustains moderate injuries in box truck crash
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO - A 66-year-old Park Hills driver sustained moderate injuries when his box truck crashed on US-67 on Wednesday morning. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports Steven P. Raymer was traveling south on US-67 when his box truck...
One person killed, one seriously injured in semi head-on collision
PIKE COUNTY, MO - One person was killed and another person seriously injured in a head-on collision between a semi and a 2003 GMC Sierra on Highway 51 early Wednesday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Sloan A. Hunter,...
I-270 accident blocks multiple lanes, causes severe traffic delays
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident blocked two lanes and the left shoulder and caused severe traffic delays on westbound I-270 at Old Halls Ferry Road on Thursday morning. KSDK reports the traffic-blocking incident happened around 7 a.m. It is...
St. Louis crash blocks center lane on northbound I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash blocked the center lane and caused traffic delays on northbound I-55 just after the Butler Hill Road exit (195) on Thursday morning. According to KDSK, the accident happened around 6:38 a.m. and caused at...
Impala hydroplanes on MO-370, 19-year-old driver injured
ST. CHARLES, MO - A 2017 Chevrolet Impala hydroplaned on westbound Missouri 370 injuring the 19-year-old driver on Tuesday night. Darrion I. Hutton was traveling west on Missouri 370 when his vehicle hydroplaned and traveled off the right side of...
Richwoods driver runs stop sign, 5-year-old boy hurt in crash
TROY, MO - A 69-year-old Richwoods driver ran a stop sign at the intersection of State Highway 47 and Highway H causing a crash that injured a 5-year-old boy on Tuesday night. Jerry L. Courtway was traveling south on Highway...
17-year-old driver injured in Franklin County accident
ROBERTSVILLE, MO - A 17-year-old Gray Summit driver was injured in a single-vehicle accident on State Highway O on Tuesday afternoon. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports the teenage driver was traveling west on State Highway O in a 2006 Chevrolet...
Ford Edge hits multiple objects, driver sustains injuries
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - A 2011 Ford Edge crashed into multiple objects on Route Y causing the driver to sustain injuries on Tuesday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 49-year-old Kerry L. Johnson was traveling east on Route Y...
Wet road conditions cause 64-year-old driver to crash on US-61
EOLIA, MO - Wet road conditions cause a 64-year-old driver to crash on northbound US-61 on Tuesday afternoon. Glenda M. Moran was traveling north on US-61 in a 2006 Ford Explorer when she lost control of the vehicle due to...
Arnold driver injured in three-vehicle crash on US-61
FESTUS, MO - A 38-year-old Arnold woman was injured in a three-vehicle crash on southbound US-61 on Tuesday afternoon. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports Rebecca S. Kelly was stopped in a 2006 Dodge Caravan on southbound US-61 to make a...
Two people injured in Franklin County intersection collision
WASHINGTON, MO - Two people were injured in a crash at the intersection of Highway AJ and U.S. 50 on Tuesday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, a 17-year-old male driver was traveling south on Highway AJ in a...
St. Louis accident blocks right shoulder on I-70 near STL airport
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident blocked the right shoulder on westbound I-70 near the STL airport on Wednesday morning. According to KSDK, the crash happened just after I-170 around 8:56 a.m. They expect the area to be cleared around...
Moscow Mills driver injured in hit-and-run collision on I-70
ST. CHARLES, MO - A 34-year-old Moscow Mills driver was injured in a hit-and-run collision on eastbound I-70 on Tuesday morning. Derek J. Pieper was traveling east on I-70 in a 2011 Honda Civic in the left lane, Missouri State...
26-year-old driver injured in eastbound MO-94 crash
ST. CHARLES, MO - A 26-year-old St. Peters driver was injured in a single-vehicle crash on eastbound Missouri 94 on Monday night. Jared L. Johnson was traveling east on Missouri 94 in a 2014 Nissan Sentra and failed to maintain...
St. Clair man injured in rear-end, chain-reaction collision on I-44
ST. CLAIR, MO - A St. Clair man was injured in a rear-end, chain-reaction collision involving two emergency vehicles on eastbound I-44 on Monday night. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports a 2020 Ford Explorer and a 2016 Ford Explorer were...
ATV rear-ends another ATV in Ste. Genevieve County, 1 person injured
STE. GENEVIEVE, MO - One person was injured after an ATV rear-ended another ATV on Hill Drive on Monday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 23-year-old Skyhawk A. Diffee was traveling north on Hill Drive on a 2004 Honda...
Wright City driver runs red light, causes crash in St. Charles
ST. CHARLES, MO - A 31-year-old Wright City driver ran a red light at the intersection of Mid Rivers Mall Drive and N. St. Peters Parkway and crashed into a 2012 Honda Civic on Monday afternoon. Missouri State Highway Patrol...
Union woman injured in northbound Highway A crash
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - A 36-year-old Union woman was injured in a single-vehicle crash on northbound Highway A on Monday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Ashley L. Dietzler wast raveling north on Highway A in a 2003 Honda...
Accident blocks lane on westbound I-64 near Scott AFB
ST. CLAIR COUNTY, IL - An accident blocked at least one lane on westbound I-64 near Scott Air Force Base on Monday afternoon. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports the accident happened around 2:05 p.m. The area is expected to be...
St. Louis crash blocks left lane, left shoulder on eastbound I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash blocked the left lane and shoulder on eastbound I-70 before the Union Boulevard exit (244A) on Tuesday morning. According to KSDK, the crash happened around 9:57 a.m. and is expected to be cleared around...
Two people injured in rear-end collision on westbound I-70
MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MO - Two people were injured in a rear-end collision on westbound I-70 on Monday afternoon. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports 50-year-old Jason D. Latham was traveling west on I-70 in a 2019 Honda Pilot when he slowed...
Explorer hydroplanes on Hwy 63, driver sustains serious injuries
MACON, MO - A 2018 Ford Explorer hydroplaned on Highway 63 causing it to crash into a tree on Sunday evening. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 23-year-old Dylan H. Wertz was traveling south on Highway 63 when the Ford...
St. Louis crash causes significant delays on westbound I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash caused significant traffic delays and closed the center lane on westbound I-70 on Monday afternoon. KSDK reports the accident happened at Bermuda Drive around 2:34 p.m. There are currently delays of 18 minutes and...
Steelville man killed in northbound Missouri 185 accident
WASHINGTON COUNTY, MO - A 49-year-old Steelville man was killed in a single-vehicle accident on northbound Missouri 185 on Saturday afternoon. Troy L. Wilson was traveling north on Missouri 185 in a 2018 Nissan Versa when he lost control in...
Hillsboro woman seriously injured in Highway 8 crash
POTOSI, MO - A 40-year-old Hillsboro woman sustained serious injuries in a single-vehicle crash on eastbound Highway 8 on Sunday night. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports Rachael L. Nelson was traveling east on Highway 8 in a 2009 Pontiac G6....
18-year-old driver injured in eastbound I-270 accident
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO - An 18-year-old driver was injured in a single-vehicle accident on eastbound I-270 early Monday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Aundraya L. Laughlin was traveling east on I-270 in a 2008 Chevrolet HHR. The...
Crash blocks right lane, right shoulder on northbound I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash blocked the right lane and right shoulder of northbound I-270 on Monday morning. According to KSDK, the accident happened just after I-55 around 7:47 a.m. They report the area should be cleared around 8:51...
Man hospitalized following crash on Hwy 64 in Lebanon
LEBANON, MO – A man from Lebanon was injured after another driver attempted to turn in front of him on Highway 64 on Friday morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened at 8:45 a.m. on Highway...
22-year-old woman hurt in single-vehicle crash on I-55 in Selma
SELMA, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – A 22-year-old woman was injured following a single-vehicle crash on I-55 in Jefferson County early yesterday morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened near the town of Selma on southbound I-55,...
2 children injured in chain-reaction crash on I-70 in Earth City
EARTH CITY, MO (ST. LOUIS COUNTY) – Two children were injured in a chain-reaction crash on I-70 in northwest St. Louis County late Friday night, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The collision occurred on I-70 westbound, east of...
Elderly driver injured after late-night collision on I-64 in Westwood
WESTWOOD, MO – An elderly woman was injured after her vehicle was rear-ended by another driver on I-64 last night, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened on westbound I-64, east of New Ballas Road in Westwood,...
28-year-old woman struck and pinned by hit-and-run driver on Broadway
ST. LOUIS, MO – A woman is in critical condition after she was intentionally struck and pinned by a driver who knew her in St. Louis last night, according to KSDK. The collision happened in the 4400 block of North...
22-year-old driver injured in Lincoln County crash on Highway EE
WINFIELD, MO - A 22-year-old Foley driver was injured in a single-vehicle crash on eastbound Highway EE on Thursday morning. David S. Wright was traveling east on Highway EE in a 2004 Ford Expedition, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol....
Pedestrian seriously injured in hit-and-run driver crash on US-61
WENTZVILLE, MO - A 35-year-old Wentzville pedestrian was seriously injured after he was struck by a hit-and-run driver on southbound US-61 early Thursday morning. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports an unknown vehicle hit a pedestrian standing in one of the...
69-year-old motorcyclist injured in Highway N accident
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO - A 69-year-old motorcyclist from Granite City, IL was injured in a crash on northbound Highway N on Wednesday evening. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Donald W. Davis was traveling north on Highway N on...
Two people killed in westbound I-70 crash in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two people from St. Louis were killed in a crash on westbound I-70 early Thursday morning. Laci L. Lowrey, 30, was traveling west on I-70 in a 2008 Chevrolet Impala when it traveled off the right...
Three people injured in head-on collision on Highway 51
PERRY COUNTY, MO - Three people were injured in a head-on collision on Highway 51 on Wednesday afternoon. Dalton J. Schamberg, 18, was traveling north on Highway 51 in a 1992 Ford F-250 when he traveled into the southbound lanes,...
Speeding driver killed in northbound Missouri 47 accident
WARRENTON, MO - A 19-year-old speeding driver from Warrenton was killed in a crash on Missouri 47 on Thursday night. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports Dakota A. Logan was traveling too fast for road conditions in a 2007 Mercury Montego....
St. Louis man injured in semi rear-end collision on I-70
JENNINGS, MO - A 65-year-old St. Louis man was injured when a semi rear-ended another semi on eastbound I-70 on Wednesday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Otis Thompson was traveling east on I-70 in a 2015 International semi...
Eldon motorcyclist seriously injured in Cole County crash
COLE COUNTY, MO - A 34-year-old Eldon motorcyclist was seriously injured in a single-vehicle crash on Pit Road on Tuesday afternoon. Michael J. Huber was traveling south on Pit Road about half a mile south of Highway H on a...
Labelle driver sustains serious injuries in Marion County crash
MARION COUNTY, MO - A 32-year-old Labelle driver sustained serious injuries in an ATV accident on Marion County Road 355 on Monday night. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports Aaron M. Cunningham was traveling south on Marion County Road 355 in...
Arbela driver injured in US-136 crash in Clark County
CLARK COUNTY, MO - A 51-year-old Arbela driver was injured in a single-vehicle crash on westbound US-136 on Tuesday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Matthew W. Shoemaker was traveling west on US-136 in a 2004 Ford F-350 towing...
18-year-old driver injured in Knox County crash
KNOX COUNTY, MO - An 18-year-old Hurdland driver was injured in a single-vehicle crash on Missouri 6 on Tuesday afternoon. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports Aaron M. Herron was traveling west on Missouri 6 in a 2008 Chevrolet Cobalt. The...
Union driver injured in eastbound I-44 accident
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - A 37-year-old Union driver was injured in a single-vehicle accident on eastbound I-44 on Wednesday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Timothy M. Birlew was traveling east on I-44 in a 2015 Ford F-150. He...
Accident blocks right lane on northbound I-55 in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident blocked the right lane on northbound I-55 at the Virginia Avenue exit (203) on Thursday afternoon. KSDK reports the crash happened around 1:23 p.m. They did not report when the lane will be reopened....
St. Louis crash blocks two lanes on northbound I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash blocked two lanes on northbound I-55 at the Butler Hill Road exit (195) on Thursday afternoon. According to KDSK, the traffic-blocking accident happened around 11:46 a.m. and is expected to be cleared around 12:37...
Washington man killed in Franklin County crash on Highway 47
UNION, MO - A 45-year-old Washington man was killed in a single-vehicle crash on northbound Highway 47 on Tuesday night. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports Gregory M. Gates was traveling north on Highway 47 in a 2005 Chrysler PT Cruiser....
Camero crashes into telephone pole, one person injured
POTOSI, MO - A 2000 Chevrolet Camero crashed into a telephone pole injuring one person on Tuesday afternoon. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports 27-year-old Seth E. Gorham was traveling west on Highway 8 when he attempted to pass another vehicle....
Two people seriously injured in southbound US-67 accident
BONNE TERRE, MO - Two people were seriously injured in a three-vehicle crash on southbound US-67 on Tuesday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 74-year-old Vada J. Pikey was traveling east on Shannon Road in a 2013 Volkswagen Passat....
High Ridge motorcyclist seriously injured in Jefferson County crash
HIGH RIDGE, MO - A 44-year-old High Ridge motorcyclist was seriously injured in a single-vehicle crash on Hillsboro Valley Park Road on Monday afternoon. Willis B. Rayburn was traveling south on Hillsboro Valley Park Road on a 2005 Big Ridgeback,...
Sullivan driver hits garbage truck in Franklin County
SULLIVAN, MO - An 87-year-old Sullivan driver hit a garbage truck on Highway K on Tuesday morning. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports Keith B. Brant was traveling south on Highway K in a 1999 Chevrolet 1500. A garbage truck was...
62-year-old woman injured in Pacific intersection collision
PACIFIC, MO - A 62-year-old Labadie driver was injured in a collision at the intersection of West Osage Street and Western Avenue on Tuesday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 48-year-old Christopher L. Fowler was stopped in a 2005...
Florissant crash blocks right lane on eastbound I-270
FLORISSANT, MO - A crash blocked the right lane of eastbound I-270 at the Elizabeth Avenue exit (28) on Wednesday afternoon. According to KSDK, the crash occurred around 12:39 p.m. They expect the area to be cleared around 2:09 p.m....
33-year-old driver injured in Ste. Genevieve County accident
STE. GENEVIEVE COUNTY, MO - A 33-year-old Alton, IL driver was injured in a single-vehicle accident on southbound I-55 on Monday night. Jacob L. Buntjen was traveling south on I-55 in a 1993 Toyota Tacoma, according to Missouri State Highway...
Two people injured in rear-end chain-reaction collision on MO-21
BLACKWELL, MO - Two people were injured in a rear-end chain-reaction collision involving three vehicles on southbound Missouri 21 on Monday night. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports 19-year-old Elijah D. Cosby was traveling south on Missouri 21 in a 2005...
Fenton driver runs red light, causes three-vehicle accident on MO-141
FENTON, MO - A 26-year-old Fenton driver ran a red light at the intersection of Missouri 141 and Schneider Drive causing a three-vehicle accident on Monday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Breanna N. Mullins was traveling north on...
Four people injured in northbound Missouri 139 accident
SULLIVAN COUNTY, MO - Four people were injured in a single-vehicle accident on northbound Missouri 139 on Friday night. David A. Knotts, 33, was traveling north on Missouri 139 in a 2010 Nissan Pathfinder, Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. The...
Two teenagers airlifted to hospital after Perry County crash
PERRY COUNTY, MO - Two teenagers were airlifted to St. Louis Children's Hospital after a single-vehicle crash on Highway C on Friday night. A 16-year-old driver was traveling west on Highway C in a 1992 GMC Yukon when he failed...
One person injured in three-vehicle crash on westbound I-70
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - One person was injured in a three-vehicle crash on westbound I-70 on Saturday afternoon. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports Jacob A. McClelland, 35, was stopped in traffic congestion in a 2015 Honda Pilot on westbound...
Florissant driver injured in Franklin County crash
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - A 28-year-old Florissant driver was injured in a single-vehicle crash on Bend Road on Saturday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Brandon D. Duncan was traveling too fast in a curve in a 2019 Nissan...
St. Louis crash blocks left lane on westbound I-44
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident blocked the left lane on westbound I-44 at the North Broadway exit (292B) on Monday afternoon. According to KSDK, the crash happened around 4:01 p.m. and is anticipated to be cleared around 4:30 p.m....
Cargo van rear-ends tractor on Missouri 53, one person injured
BUTLER COUNTY, MO - A cargo van rear-ended a tractor on northbound Missouri 53 injuring one person on Monday morning. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports Richard T. Rushing, 28, was traveling north on Missouri 53 in a 2016 Ford Transit...
Lenox man injured in commercial van crash on Buffalo Road
TEXAS COUNTY, MO - A 52-year-old Lenox man was injured after crashing a Ford commercial van on Buffalo Road on Monday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Zane N. Vankirk was traveling west on Buffalo Road when his van...
Distracted driver hits ditch, Nissan overturns multiple times
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO - A 25-year-old driver became distracted by his cell phone causing his 2013 Nissan Pathfinder to hit a ditch and overturn multiple times on Missouri 47 on Saturday night. Russell T. McWilliams was traveling east on...
Two teenagers seriously injured in Pike County crash
PIKE COUNTY, MO - Two 16-year-olds were seriously injured in a single-vehicle crash on northbound Highway 161 just after midnight on Sunday. A 16-year-old driver was traveling north on Highway 161 in a 1999 Mazda B Series when the vehicle...
Speeding driver crashes in St. Francois County, sustains injuries
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO - An 18-year-old speeding driver from Farmington crashed on Bray Road and sustained moderate injuries on Sunday morning. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports Leviticus N. Henn was traveling too fast for road conditions in a 1995...
Farmington pedestrian injured in southbound US-67 accident
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO - A 32-year-old Farmington pedestrian was injured in an accident on southbound US-67 on Monday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Christopher A. Skaggs was outside his vehicle on the side of southbound US-67. Starla...
Passenger hospitalized following rollover crash in rural Crawford Co.
CRAWFORD COUNTY, MO – A passenger was taken to the hospital following a rollover crash in rural Crawford County on Wednesday afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred near the intersection of Radford Road and Enloe...
Buckhorn man dead after being ejected during crash on I-44 in Waynesville
WAYNESVILLE, MO (PULASKI COUNTY) – A man from Buckhorn was killed in a rollover crash near Waynesville on Tuesday afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred on eastbound I-44, near mile marker 157.6, at 1:26 p.m....
Cape Girardeau man taken to hospital after rollover crash on I-55
PERRY COUNTY, MO – A man from Cape Girardeau was taken to the hospital following a rollover crash on I-55 in Perry County on Friday morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred at 4:40 a.m. on...
Hillsboro man injured after motorcycle crashes into ditch on Rte B
HILLSBORO, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – A man from Hillsboro was injured after his motorcycle crashed into a ditch on Route B yesterday afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The collision happened about four miles northwest of Hillsboro and...
19-year-old driver injured after crashing car on Hwy 28 near Dixon
DIXON, MO (PULASKI COUNTY) – A 19-year-old driver was injured after crashing her vehicle on Highway 28 yesterday morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred on Highway 28, south of Highway PP and north of Camp...
3 injured in chain-reaction crash on I-70 in NW St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two adults and a child were injured yesterday evening in a chain-reaction crash that happened on westbound I-70 past Lucas and Hunt Road. According to a report filed by the Missouri State Highway Patrol, a 2006...
Student hospitalized after school bus crash in south St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO - A student was hospitalized after a school bus collided with two other vehicles at an intersection in south St. Louis this morning, KSDK reports. The crash happened at the intersection of Chippewa Street and Morgan Ford...
Accident slows traffic on I-44 EB at Park Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident on eastbound I-44 near Park Avenue/Exit 208 has closed two lanes and forced traffic to que, Fox2Now reports. The crash happened shortly before 12:30 p.m. on May 7, and seems to be serious. Few...
Teen charged for deadly October crash in Shrewsbury
SHREWSBURY, MO - An 18-year-old driver has been charged for his role in a fatal crash that took place in Shrewsbury last October, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports. The deadly incident took place at about 2:30 p.m. on October 10....
Sikeston man, 2 children hospitalized after single-vehicle rollover crash
FARMINGTON, MO - A man from Sikeston and two juvenile passengers were hospitalized following a rollover collision near Farmington on Thursday evening. According to a report by the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident took place at about 4:50 p.m....
Collision blocks lane on I-55 at I-44
ST. LOUIS, MO - Commuters near downtown St. Louis were faced with delays resulting from a collision along I-55 Friday morning. According to a tweet by Missouri DoT, the accident took place shortly before 11 a.m. in the southbound lanes...
Mini bike crash in St. Louis Co., kills 1
ST. LOUIS CO., MO - One man was killed as the result of a collision involving a mini bike in Spanish Lake on Thursday night. According to KSDK, the accident took place at about 8:40 p.m. near the intersection of...
Motorist injured in rear-end collision in St. Peters
ST. PETERS, MO - A motorist was injured yesterday when he was struck from behind by a vehicle that suffered a mechanical failure, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. Charles Williams, 37, was traveling eastbound on N St. Peters Parkway...
2 injured when car runs off Jefferson Co. road, hits multiple trees
JEFFERSON CO., MO - Two people were injured last night when their vehicle ran off a road near Hillsboro and collided with several trees. The Missouri State Highway Patrol was on the scene of the accident on Stone House Road...
Stalled vehicle slows traffic on WB I-70 at Wentzville Pkwy
WENTZVILLE, MO - A stalled vehicle is slowing westbound traffic on I-70 at Wentzville Parkway, MoDOT reports. STALLED VEHICLE I-70 EB AT WENTZVILLE PKWY CLEARED AT 13:39 — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) May 6, 2021 The incident was first brought...
Elderly driver injured in crash with semi on I-70 in St. Charles Co.
ST. CHARLES CO., MO - An elderly driver was injured this morning when a semi truck collided with her vehicle while attempting to change lanes, according to a report filed by the Missouri Highway Patrol. The collision happened at milepost...
Stolen vehicle hits unmarked police car, injuring officer
ST. LOUIS, MO - A police officer was injured yesterday morning when his unmarked police vehicle was struck by a stolen vehicle at an intersection in the city's Wells-Goodfellow neighborhood, KDSK reports. The officer was driving through the intersection of...
Update: 8 injured in 4-car collision in Webster Groves
WEBSTER GROVES, MO - A total of eight people were ultimately hospitalized as the result of a four-vehicle collision at an intersection in Webster Groves yesterday, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports. This is an update to our previous reporting. The...
Accident reported on SB I-270 south of Page Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO - MoDOT reported an accident on I-270 southbound past Page Avenue/MO-64 this morning. ACCIDENT I-270 SB PAST PAGE AVE RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 09:20 — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) May 6, 2021 The collision took place...
Debris on roadway closes 2 lanes of NB I-170 at MO-180
ST. LOUIS, MO - The right two lanes of northbound I-170 are closed at Exit 5 to MO-180 due to debris on the roadway, Fox2Now reports. The dangerous debris on the roadway was first reported at 12:29 p.m. While it...
3 hurt in 4-vehicle collision on I-70 in St. Peters
ST. PETERS, MO - Three people were injured Tuesday night when four vehicles, including a semi truck, collided on westbound I-70 near MO-94. KMOV reports that the chain-reaction crash took place at 9:30 p.m. on May 4, when a Ford...
3 injured in car-vs.-motorcycle collision in Reeds Spring
REEDS SPRING, MO - Three people were hospitalized this morning when a car collided with a motorcycle at an intersection in Reeds Spring, according to an incident report filed by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened sometime before...
Accident closes 2 WB lanes of I-70 ahead of Riverview Blvd
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident has closed two lanes of westbound I-70 just east of Riverview Boulevard, according to Fox2Now. Few other details are available at this time. We will continue to follow this story, and will update this...
5 hurt in crash at Webster Groves intersection
WEBSTER GROVES, MO - Five or more people were injured in a collision at an intersection in Webster Groves this morning, KMOV reports. The accident happened at Laclede Station and Watson Road at about 8:30 a.m. Five people were hurt,...
2 adults, several children hospitalized after crash in Berkeley
BERKELEY, MO - Two adults and as many as four children were hospitalized yesterday night following a crash on North Hanley Road near I-70, Fox2Now reports. The incident occurred sometime before 11 p.m. in the 4400 block of North Hanley...
Driver injured after vehicle spins out on wet road in Franklin Co.
FRANKLIN CO., MO - A motorist from Texas was injured yesterday afternoon when his vehicle spun out on a wet roadway and ran off the side of the road, according to a report filed by the Missouri State Highway Patrol....
St. Louis man arrested for fatal pedestrian crash in Vinita Park
VINITA PARK, MO - Police have arrested the man they say is responsible for striking and killing a pedestrian Sunday, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports. Investigators say that Gregory C. Hill, 22, was driving at a high rate of speed...
Police incident blocks NB I-55 in Arnold
ARNOLD, MO - A police incident is blocking the ramp from northbound I-55 to MO-141, Fox2Now reports. The nature of the incident, which was first reported at 6:56 a.m., is unknown at this time. However, it is blocking the right-most...
Debris blocks traffic on I-55 SB in East St. Louis
EAST ST. LOUIS, IL - Debris is currently affecting traffic on southbound I-55 at Trendley Avenue, Fox2Now reports. The situation was reported at 7:16 p.m. on May 4, and was evidently still affecting traffic at 9:03 p.m. Fox2Now estimated that...
2 hurt when driver makes left turn against light in St. Charles
ST. CHARLES, MO - Two people were injured when their vehicle was hit by a driver attempting to make a left turn against a red light yesterday, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. Police responded to a collision on...
Driver injured after rear-ending vehicle at Troy intersection
TROY, MO - A driver was injured yesterday when he rear-ended another vehicle at an intersection east of Troy, according to a report filed by the Missouri Highway Patrol. Police responded to a collision at the intersection of E Highway...
Update: Suspect arrested after fatal pedestrian crash in Villa Ridge
VILLA RIDGE, MO - Police have arrested the man they believe is responsible for fatally striking a pedestrian on Highway 100 early Sunday morning, Fox2Now reports. This is an update to our earlier reporting. Authorities discovered the body of Jason...
Traffic incident closes EB I-170 from Exit 1E to Exit 1D
ST. LOUIS, MO - A traffic incident has closed eastbound I-170 from Exit 1E/Forest Park Parkway to Exit 1D/Brentwood Boulevard, Fox2Now reports. The incident was first reported at 3:58 p.m. this afternoon. Emergency vehicles have been called to the scene....
Elderly man injured in boat accident on Bull Shores Lake
OZARK CO., MO - An elderly man from St. Louis was injured in a two-boat collision on the Spring Creek arm of Bull Shores Lake on Monday, KTLO reports. A boat operated by 49-year-old Michael Bye collided with the back...
Emergency vehicles on scene of crash on EB I-64 at Hampton Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO - Emergency vehicles are on the scene of a collision that took place on I-64 eastbound at Exit 34B, near Hampton Avenue, Fox2Now reports. The incident was reported at 3:26 p.m. today and is still ongoing as...
Driver hospitalized after crash caused by debris on I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - A driver was taken to the hospital early this morning following a rollover collision on I-70 caused by debris in the roadway, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. Daric K. Singleton was traveling west on I-70...
Driver injured in rear-end accident on I-55 NB at Union Rd.
ST. LOUIS, MO - A motorist was injured yesterday evening when his vehicle was rear-ended on I-55 northbound, according to a report filed by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. Jose M. Espinsoa-Bucio,24, was traveling north on I-55 near Union Road...
Accident affecting traffic on WB I-70 at Cave Springs Rd.
ST. PETERS, MO - An accident on westbound I-70 is affecting traffic at Exit 225/Cave Springs Road, reports Fox2Now. Few details are available at this time. The incident is ongoing, and may continue to affect traffic for some time to...
Driver receives minor injury in collision with median barrier on I-170
ST. LOUIS. MO - A driver received minor injuries this morning when he collided with the concrete median barrier on I-170 at Page Avenue, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened at about 6:40 a.m. on May...
Accident closes SB MO-141 past Conway Road
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident is currently blocking the right lane of southbound MO-141 after Conway Road, according to Fox2Now. While it is unclear from their reporting what time the accident occurred, they expect the roadway to be cleared...
Motorist seriously injured in rollover crash in Ste. Genevieve Co.
ST. GENEVIEVE CO., MO - A man was seriously injured this morning when the SUV he was driving ran off the roadway, entered an embankment, and rolled over, according to a report filed by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. Tyler...
Accident reported on SB I-5 at Meramec River
ST. LOUIS, MO - Emergency services responded to a traffic collision on southbound I-5 at the Meramec River yesterday afternoon. ***MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENT*** Southbound 55 at Meramec River — St. Louis County Scanner Traffic (@stlcmst) May 2, 2021 St. Louis...
Emergency vehicles spotted on I-270 SB at MO-340
ST. LOUIS, MO - Emergency vehicles are on the scene of an unspecified incident on southbound I-270 ahead of Exit 14 to MO-340, Fox2Now reports. The incident was first reported at 3:06 p.m. on May 3, and is ongoing at...
Army Vet and OnderLaw Client Awarded $2.2M in First 3M Military Earplugs Trial
Jury holds 3M responsible for service members’ tinnitus and hearing loss due to defective earplugs. (PENSACOLA, FL) April 30, 2021 – In a landmark bellwether trial in what may become the largest multidistrict litigation in U.S. history, a Florida jury...
Teenage girl injured in chain-reaction crash in Weldon Spring
WELDON SPRING, MO (ST. CHARLES COUNTY) – A 15-year-old girl was injured in a multi-vehicle collision on Highway 94 yesterday afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The collision occurred in Weldon Spring on westbound MO-94, near I-64, at...
Villa Ridge pedestrian fatally struck by driver on Highway 100
VILLA RIDGE, MO (FRANKLIN COUNTY) – A pedestrian was fatally struck by a driver on Highway 100 in Villa Ridge early this morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The collision happened at Highway 100 and Cromwell Drive at...
25-year-old motorcyclist killed in collision on Gravois Rd in Wilbur Park
WILBUR PARK, MO (ST. LOUIS COUNTY) – A 25-year-old man is dead following a motorcycle collision on Gravois Road south of St. Louis this morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident occurred on westbound Gravois Road and...
Seven people injured in multi-vehicle collision on I-44 and Jefferson
ST. LOUIS, MO – Multiple people were injured after around seven vehicles collided on I-44 yesterday afternoon near the Soulard area, according to KMOV. The accident happened on eastbound I-44, near Jefferson Avenue and the I-55 split, at about 4:30...
Driver injured when pickup runs off roadway in Perry Co.
PERRY CO., MO - A driver was injured yesterday when her vehicle ran off a roadway southwest of Perryville, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. Authorities arrived on the scene on Highway T west of Perry County Road 702 at...
1 injured in 2-vehicle rollover crash in Arnold
ARNOLD, MO - A driver was injured this morning in a two-vehicle rollover crash on Highway 141, according to a report filed by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The incident happened at about 8:45 a.m. this morning, when a Ford...
Driver injured in rear-end collision at Weldon Spring traffic signal
WELDON SPRING, MO - An elderly driver was injured when she rear-ended a vehicle waiting at a traffic signal shortly before 9 a.m. today. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, a 2015 Volkswagen Passat driven by 82-year-old Natalie Hudnall...
Update: Students, faculty remember HS coach killed in crash on MO-364
ST. LOUIS, MO - Students and graduates of several St. Louis-area schools are mourning the loss of a long-time coach who died in a collision on MO-364 on Tuesday evening, Fox2Now reports. Ronald Walker, 51, was killed when a Dodge...
Firefighter injured, hundreds evacuated due to Affton plant fire
AFFTON, MO - A firefighter was injured and hundreds of people were temporarily evacuated when a chemical plant in Affton went up in flames yesterday, KMOV4 reports. The fire broke out at Manor Chemicals, located in the 6900 block of...
SUV collides with building on Gravois Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO - A driver lost control of their vehicle and collided with a building on Gravois Avenue overnight Thursday, KMOV4 reports. The collision happened in the 2300 block of Gravois at about 1:30 a.m. on April 29. The...
Collision blocks I-270 SB at Big Bend Rd.
ST. LOUIS, MO - A collision is blocking at least one lane on southbound I-270 near Exit 7 for Big Bend Road, Fox2News reports. Few details about the incident are available at this time, except that it occurred shortly before...
Vehicle fire blocks 3 lanes of I-270 NB at I-44
ST. LOUIS, MO - A vehicle fire has blocked three northbound lanes of I-270 near Exit 5A/I-44, Fox2Now reports. The incident was reported shortly before 10:40 a.m. today, and appears to still be affecting traffic in the area. Few other...
Five people injured in Farmington intersection collision
FARMINGTON, MO - Five people were injured in a crash involving two vehicles at Flat River Road and Busenbark Road on Wednesday afternoon. Jackie W. Boyd, 55, was traveling east on Flat River Road in a 2001 Chevrolet 1500 when...
St. Louis driver sustains moderate injuries in I-170 crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 32-year-old St. Louis driver sustained moderate injuries in a single-vehicle crash on northbound I-170 on Wednesday night. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports Emanuel L. Loggins was traveling north on I-170 in a 2005 Mercury Montego....
Speeding driver crashes Infiniti on northbound US-61
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - A 28-year-old Moscow Mills driver was traveling too fast for wet road conditions and crashed her 2002 Infiniti G20 on northbound US-61 on Wednesday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Icess Y. Seay lost...
54-year-old driver seriously injured in Jefferson County crash
HOUSE SPRINGS, MO - A 54-year-old House Springs driver was seriously injured in a crash at Bear Creek Road and Gary Road on Wednesday afternoon. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports 91-year-old Eugene Liss was attempting to turn left from a...
Bismarck driver injured in St. Francois County crash
IRONTON, MO - A 41-year-old Bismarck driver was injured in a crash on King School Road on Wednesday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 52-year-old Rhonda F. Watson was traveling east on King School Road in a 2002 Volkswagen...
Pontoon Beach accident blocks right lane, shoulder on I-255
PONTOON BEACH, IL - An accident blocked the right lane and shoulder on northbound I-255 on Thursday morning. KSDK reports the crash occurred after the Illnois 162 exit (29) around 9:41 a.m. They anticipate the area will be cleared around...
St. Louis crash blocks left lane, shoulder on eastbound I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash blocked the left lane and shoulder on eastbound I-70 at the Kingshighway Boulevard exit (244A, 244B) on Thursday morning. According to KSDK, the crash happened around 9:55 a.m. and is expected to be cleared...
19-year-old passenger injured after Equinox hydroplanes
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO - A 19-year-old female passenger was injured after a 2012 Chevrolet Equinox hydroplaned and crashed into a median wall on Wednesday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Alice D. Wood was traveling east on I-44...
Crash in Carondelet blocks left lane on southbound I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident in the Carondelet area blocked the left lane on southbound I-55 on Wednesday afternoon. KSDK reports the crash happened at the Germania Street exit (202B) around 2:45 p.m. It is unclear if anyone was...
St. Louis vehicle fire blocks multiple lanes on eastbound I-44
ST. LOUIS, MO - A vehicle fire blocked three lanes on eastbound I-44 at the Jamieson Avenue exit (284A) on Wednesday afternoon. According to KSDK, the incident occurred around 1:11 p.m. They expect the interstate to be cleared around 2:25...
34-year-old man killed in Montgomery County motorcycle crash
MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MO - A 34-year-old McKittrick man was killed in a motorcycle crash on Missouri 19 on Tuesday night. Cody L. Berkbigler was traveling south on Missouri 19 in a 2006 Harley Davidson FXSTB Night Train, Missouri State Highway...
38-year-old driver injured in New London intersection crash
NEW LONDON, MO - A 38-year-old New London driver was injured in a crash at the intersection of Highway T and Rainbow Ridge Place on Tuesday afternoon. Christina L. Gumpton, 57, was traveling south on Highway T in a 2008...
One person killed, two injured in Missouri 364 rear-end collision
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - One person was killed and two other people injured in a rear-end collision on eastbound Missouri 364 on Tuesday night. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports 51-year-old Ronald M. Walker was stopped in the left lane...
Hyundai Santa Fe brakes fail, crashes into semi on Highway Z
WENTZVILLE, MO - A 2014 Hyundai Santa experienced brake failure and crashed into a semi on Highway Z on Tuesday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 49-year-old Jackie E. Willis Jr. was traveling south from an exit ramp on...
Bloomfield driver seriously injured in Highway 95 accident
OZARK COUNTY, MO - A 40-year-old Bloomfield driver sustained serious injuries in a single-vehicle crash on Highway 95 on Monday night. Shane L. Worthey was traveling south on Highway 95 in a 2007 Chevrolet Cobalt when he crossed the center...
40-year-old pedestrian hit, seriously injured in Boone County
BOONE COUNTY, MO - A 40-year-old pedestrian from Parson, TN was hit and seriously injured on westbound US-40 on Sunday night. Elizabeth M. Shaffer, 33, was traveling west on US-40 in a 2010 Ford Flex, according to Missouri State Highway...
Motorcyclist hits deer on westbound I-70, sustains moderate injuries
COLUMBIA, MO - A 58-year-old motorcyclist sustained moderate injuries after hitting a deer on westbound I-70 early Monday morning. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports Barry S. Durham was traveling west on I-70 on a 2019 Honda Goldwing. He hit a...
Wentzville crash blocks right lane on westbound I-70
WENTZVILLE, MO - An accident blocked the right lane on westbound I-70 near the Wentzville Parkway exit (208) on Tuesday afternoon. According to KSDK, the crash happened around 12:51 p.m. and is expected to be cleared around 1:48 p.m. It...
Brookfield man injured after RAM hits ditch on US-36
LINN COUNTY, MO - A 35-year-old Brookfield man was injured after his 2016 RAM 1500 hit a ditch off westbound US-36 on Monday afternoon. John M. Thompson was traveling west on US-36 when his RAM traveled off the road and...
St. Louis driver seriously injured in eastbound I-270 crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 32-year-old St. Louis driver was seriously injured in a single-vehicle crash on eastbound I-270 on Monday afternoon. Germanie C. Garner was traveling east on I-270 in a 2015 Infiniti QX50 when she traveled off the...
Elsberry driver injured in Lincoln County car crash
LINCOLN COUNTY, MO - A 33-year-old Elsberry driver was injured in a crash on Deer Run Road on Monday night. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports Darrell E. Biggerstaff II was traveling east on Deer Run Road in a 2007 Saturn...
39-year-old passenger injured in eastbound I-70 accident
LAKE ST. LOUIS, MO - A 39-year-old passenger from St. Louis was injured in a rear-end collision on eastbound I-70 on Monday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 69-year-old Larry W. Parr was traveling east on I-70 in a...
O’Fallon driver sustains moderate injuries in Missouri 79 crash
O'FALLON, MO - A 32-year-old O'Fallon driver sustained moderate injuries in a single-vehicle crash on southbound Missouri 79 on Sunday night. Anthony J. Laird was traveling south on Missouri 79 in a 2012 Honda Civic when he traveled off the...
Imperial motorcyclist injured in northbound US-61 accident
PEVELY, MO - A 33-year-old Imperial motorcyclist was injured in a single-vehicle accident on northbound US-61 on Sunday night. Charles A. Curry was traveling north on US-61 on a 2019 Indian FTR1200 when he hit a bump in the road...
21-year-old passenger injured in three-vehicle crash on I-64
CHESTERFIELD, MO - A 21-year-old Dardenne Prairie woman was injured in a three-vehicle crash on westbound I-64 on Monday morning. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports 55-year-old Michael G. Corley was traveling west on I-64 in a semi and was straddling...
Hillsboro driver injured in Jefferson County intersection crash
DE SOTO, MO - A 32-year-old Hillsboro driver was injured in a crash at the intersection of Missouri 21 and Missouri 110 on Sunday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 23-year-old Nicholas T. Wells was traveling south on Missouri...
33-year-old motorcyclist injured in rear-end crash on I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 33-year-old St. Louis motorcyclist was injured in a rear-end collision on southbound I-55 on Sunday night. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports Milaus L. Cyprian was traveling south on I-55 on a 2014 Kawasaki ZX636-F. He...
Hillsboro motorcyclist killed in Highway 21 crash
CADET, MO - A 46-year-old Hillsboro motorcyclist was killed in a crash on northbound Highway 21 early Monday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Darrell W. Smith was traveling north on Highway 21 on a 2009 Harley Davidson FXSTB....
St. Louis accident blocks center lane on eastbound I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident blocked the center lane on eastbound I-270 before I-64 on Monday morning. KSDK reports the crash happened around 7:28 a.m. They anticipate the area will be cleared by 7:42 a.m. It is unknown if...
Crash blocks two lanes, right shoulder on northbound I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash blocked two lanes and the right shoulder on northbound I-270 before I-44 on Monday morning. According to KSDK, the accident happened around 7:14 a.m. and is expected to be cleared around 7:47 a.m. It...
15-year-old girl and woman injured in rear-end crash on Hwy 364
ST. CHARLES, MO – A woman and a teen girl were injured in a rear-end crash on Highway 364 in St. Charles this afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened on eastbound MO-364 (Page Avenue), near...
26-year-old killed, 2 people injured in Castle Point head-on accident
CASTLE POINT, MO – A 26-year-old man was killed, and two other men were injured during a head-on crash on Highway 367 in Castle Point early yesterday morning. According to a report by the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the crash...
Elderly woman killed, 2 people hurt in Ware rollover accident
WARE, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – An elderly woman was injured, and two other people were injured during a rollover accident on Highway Y in Jefferson County yesterday afternoon. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the crash occurred in the...
17-year-old airlifted to St. Louis after crashing into creek near Hwy MM
GRAY SUMMIT, MO (FRANKLIN COUNTY) – A 17-year-old boy was seriously injured after his car crashed into a creek, then a field in Franklin County this morning, according to a report by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident occurred...
Man airlifted to hospital after crashing into multiple trees on Hwy 63
VIENNA, MO (MARIES COUNTY) – A man was seriously injured after his car went airborne and crashed into multiple vehicles on Highway 63 last night, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred at about 7:30 p.m. on...
Two people seriously injured in Camden County accident
SUNRISE BEACH, MO - Two people were seriously injured in a head-on crash on Missouri 5 on Thursday afternoon. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports 32-year-old Marie I. Capps was traveling north on Missouri 5 in a 2010 Hyundai. She traveled...
18-year-old driver injured in Callaway County crash
CALLAWAY COUNTY, MO - An 18-year-old driver was injured in a single-vehicle accident on County Road 132 on Friday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Sierra L. Knight was traveling west on County Road 132 in a 2003 Ford...
St. Louis crash blocks left lane on eastbound I-44
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident blocked the left lane on eastbound I-44 before the I-64 exit (291) on Friday afternoon. KSDK reports the crash happened around 4:36 p.m. and is expected to be cleared around 5:19 p.m. It is...
One person airlifted to hospital after Scotland County crash
SCOTLAND COUNTY, MO - One person was airlifted to the hospital for serious injuries sustained in a two-vehicle crash on State Highway Z on Wednesday night. A 17-year-old Arbela driver was traveling north on State Highway Z in a 2018...
House Springs woman injured in Eureka intersection collision
EUREKA, MO - A 35-year-old House Springs woman was injured in a collision at the intersection of northbound Missouri 109 and eastbound I-44 on Friday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Jessica L. Colter was traveling north on Missouri...
Four people injured in Franklin County rear-end collision
UNION, MO - Four people were injured in a rear-end collision on northbound Highway 47 on Thursday night. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports 25-year-old Raymond G. Defaux was traveling north on Highway 47 in a 2013 Nissan Versa. A 16-year-old...
East St. Louis crash blocks lane on southbound I-55
EAST ST. LOUIS, IL - An accident blocked at least one lane on southbound I-55 at the I-70 exit (3) on Friday afternoon. According to KSDK, the crash happened around 1:02 p.m. The blocked lane is expected to be cleared...
18-year-old passenger injured in single-vehicle crash on US-67
BONNE TERRE, MO - An 18-year-old passenger was injured in a single-vehicle crash on southbound US-67 on Wednesday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 39-year-old Kristen S. Kelley was traveling too fast for road conditions on southbound US-67 in...
Icy road conditions cause crash on Missouri 51 in Perry County
PERRY COUNTY, MO - Icy road conditions caused a two-vehicle crash on Missouri 51 on Wednesday morning. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports 26-year-old Charles J. Penford was traveling north on Missouri 51 in a 1988 Chevrolet S10 when the vehicle...
Two people injured in head-on collision on northbound Missouri 47
UNION, MO - Two people were injured in a head-on collision on northbound Missouri 47 on Tuesday evening. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 18-year-old Dalton E. Campbell was traveling south on Missouri 47 in a 2003 Chevrolet S10 when...
Accident blocks lane on westbound I-270 after Illinois 111 exit
MADISON COUNTY, IL - An accident blocked at least one lane on westbound I-270 just after the Illinois 11 exits (6A and 6B) on Thursday morning. KSDK reports the crash happened around 9:56 p.m. They expect it to be cleared...
Hazelwood crash blocks exit ramp from I-270 to US-67
HAZELWOOD, MO - A crash blocked the exit ramp from westbound I-270 to northbound US-67 on Thursday morning. According to KSDK, the accident happened around 10:53 a.m. and is anticipated to be cleared around 11:39 a.m. It is unclear if...
10-year-old girl injured in Crawford County ATV crash
OAK HILL, MO - A 10-year-old girl was injured in an ATV crash on Highway C on Sunday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, a 10-year-old girl was driving an ATV on Highway C when she lost control. The...
Two people injured in Farmington intersection collision
FARMINGTON, MO - Two people were injured in a crash at the intersection of US-67 and Highway H on Wednesday night. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports 81-year-old Virginia M. Bean was traveling on Highway H  in a 2005 Cadillac De...
Two people injured in rear-end collision on Missouri 100
GRAY SUMMIT, MO - Two people were injured in a rear-end collision on eastbound Missouri 100 on Tuesday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 64-year-old William F. Leonard was stopped in a 2004 Dodge RAM 1500 on eastbound Missouri...
Crash blocks right lane on Missouri 141 after I-64 exit
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash blocked the right lane of northbound Missouri 141 just after the I-64 exit (22) on Wednesday afternoon. The accident happened around 4:52 p.m., according to KSDK. They expect the area to be cleared around...
St. Louis accident blocks right lane on westbound I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident blocked the right lane of westbound I-70 at the W. Florissant Avenue exit (245B) on Wednesday afternoon. KSDK reports the traffic-blocking crash happened around 4:56 p.m. and is expected to be cleared around 5:40...
Bridgeton crash closes stretch of US-67 near St. Louis Airport
BRIDGETON, MO - A crash caused local authorities to close southbound US-67 between Natural Bridge Road and I-70 on Wednesday afternoon. According to KSDK, the accident happened around 4:16. They expect the road to be reopened around 5:17 p.m. It...
62-year-old woman injured in Warren County accident
WARREN COUNTY, MO - A 62-year-old Wright City woman was injured in a crash at the intersection of Highway H and W. State Highway M on Tuesday night. Molly P. Walker, 62, was traveling south on Highway H in a...
Speeding driver causes head-on collision, two people injured
DEFIANCE, MO - Two people were injured in a head-on collision on Highway D caused by a speeding driver on Tuesday evening. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports 51-year-old Myla R. Stewart was speeding in a 2015 Toyota Corolla on westbound...
St. Louis driver sustains moderate injuries in eastbound I-70 crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 26-year-old St. Louis driver sustained moderate injuries in a crash on eastbound I-70 early Tuesday evening. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 35-year-old Jerry A. Mitchell was traveling east on I-70 in a 2006 Chevrolet...
Florissant woman sustains moderate injuries in I-170 crash
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO - A 48-year-old Florissant woman sustained moderate injuries in a single-vehicle crash on southbound I-170 on Saturday night. Ronda M. Smith was traveling south on I-170 in a 2013 Chrysler 300 when she traveled off the...
Steele driver falls asleep behind the wheel, crashes on I-55
PERRY COUNTY, MO - A 43-year-old Steele driver fell asleep behind the wheel of 2004 Mazda Tribute and crashed on northbound I-55 on Sunday morning. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports Jeremy A. Webb was traveling north on I-55 when he...
77-year-old driver injured after crashing into tree in Franklin County
NEW HAVEN, MO - A 77-year-old Gerald driver was injured after crashing his 2008 Ford Ranger into a tree on Venue Lane on Tuesday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Michael J. Bowen was traveling south on Venue Lane...
Jefferson City driver injured in Callaway County accident
CALLAWAY COUNTY, MO - A 21-year-old Jefferson City driver was injured in a single-vehicle accident on westbound US-54 on Monday night. Jared J. Cooper was traveling west on US-54 in a 1998 Chevrolet Monte Carlo, Missouri State Highway Patrol reports....
Saturn hits deer in Cole County, one person injured in crash
COLE COUNTY, MO - A 45-year-old Eldon driver was injured after her 1995 Saturn hit a deer on eastbound US-54 early Tuesday morning. Donna M. Timm was traveling east on US-54 east of Sandy Fork Road when she hit a...
Two people hurt in Marion County crash on County Road 262
MARION COUNTY, MO - Two people were hurt in a single-vehicle crash on County Road 262 on Monday night. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports 34-year-old Brandon P. Wilson was traveling east on County Road 262 in a 2011 Ford Escape....
Two people injured in three-vehicle crash on eastbound I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two people were injured in a rear-end chain-reaction collision involving three vehicles on eastbound I-270 on Monday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 73-year-old Geraldine Williams was traveling east on I-270 in a 2017 Dodge...
Vehicle fire blocks lane on eastbound I-64 in Fairview Heights
FAIRVIEW HEIGHTS, IL - A vehicle fire blocked at least one lane on eastbound I-64 at Ruby Lane on Monday night. KSDK reports the accident happened around 7:08 p.m. They did not share when they expect the lane to be...
Crystal City man injured in rear-end collision on Highway 30
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - A 74-year-old Crystal City man was injured in a rear-end collision on eastbound Highway 30 on Sunday afternoon. Patricia A. Ashworth, 47, was traveling east on Highway 30 in a 2010 Jeep Grand Cherokee when she...
16-year-old driver seriously injured after Mustang hits tree
MINERAL POINT, MO - A 16-year-old driver was seriously injured after his 1989 Ford Mustang hit a tree at 11236 Stoney Point Road on Sunday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, a 16-year-old male driver was traveling south on...
18-year-old passenger injured in semi crash on westbound I-70
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO - An 18-year-old passenger in a 2002 Honda CRV was injured in a collision with a semi on westbound I-70 on Monday morning. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports 65-year-old Harold R. McDowell was traveling west on...
St. Louis crash blocks right lane on eastbound I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash blocked the right lane on eastbound I-270 after the W. Florissant Avenue exit (29) on Monday afternoon. According to KSDK, the accident happened around 2:24 p.m. and is expected to be cleared around 3:23...
Crocker man sustains moderate injuries in Miller County accident
MILLER COUNTY, MO - A 43-year-old Crocker man sustained moderate injuries in a single-vehicle accident on Highway U on Monday afternoon. James A. Davis was traveling south on Highway U in a 2016 Nissan Pathfinder, according to Missouri State Highway...
Farmington driver injured in St. Francois County rear-end crash
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO - A 60-year-old Farmington woman was injured in a rear-end collision on Monday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Linda S. Barron was stopped in traffic in a 2007 Chevrolet Equinox on Highway OO at...
10-year-old girl sent to hospital following ATV rollover accident
OAK HILL, MO (CRAWFORD COUNTY) – A 10-year-old girl was hospitalized following an ATV accident in Crawford County this afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred at 4:23 p.m. southeast of Oak Hill, on private property...
Illinois man and teen seriously hurt in crash on Rt. 9 in Ste. Genevieve Co.
BLOOMSDALE, MO (STE. GENEVIEVE COUNTY) – A 16-year-old boy and a man from Illinois were seriously injured in a collision on Route Y last night, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened in Bloomsdale at 11302 Route...
16-year-old hospitalized after colliding with tree near Hwy 185
BOONE TOWNSHIP, MO (FRANKLIN COUNTY) – A 16-year-old boy was injured after colliding with a tree in Franklin County late last night, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened on Highway 185 and Little Spring Creek Road...
Pedestrian hurt after being struck by driver in Jefferson County
MURPHY, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – A pedestrian was injured after being struck by a driver in Jefferson County late last night, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened on Little Brennan Road, near Commerce Avenue, at 11:27...
Ellington man killed in Highway 106 head-on collision
REYNOLDS COUNTY, MO - A 65-year-old Ellington man was killed in a head-on collision on Highway 106 on Sunday night. James A. Hasty was traveling east on Highway 106 in a 1998 Chevrolet Silverado when he traveled into oncoming traffic,...
79-year-old motorcyclist seriously injured in Highway 19 crash
SHANNON COUNTY, MO - A 79-year-old Jackson, MI motorcyclist was seriously injured in a crash on Highway 19 on Wednesday morning. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports Michael Osmer was traveling south on 2019 Yamaha motorcycle. The motorcycle traveled off the...
68-year-old man injured in Highway U accident
PEMISCOT, MO - A 68-year-old Caruthersville man was injured in an accident on Highway U on Thursday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, a 15-year-old female was traveling south in a 2016 Chevrolet Sonic when she failed to stop...
29-year-old motorcyclist injured in Camden County accident
CAMDEN COUNTY, MO - A 29-year-old Macks Creek motorcyclist was injured in an accident on eastbound US-54 on Thursday morning. Devin J. Nafzinger was traveling east on US-54 on a 2004 Kawasaki Vulcan 500, police report. Nafzinger swerved to avoid...
Two people injured in Clark County single-vehicle crash
CLARK COUNTY, MO - Two people were injured in a single-vehicle crash on westbound Highway C on Thursday afternoon. James M. Privia, 72, was traveling west on Highway C in a 2004 Ford Explorer, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol....
34-year-old driver causes chain-reaction rear-end collision on I-44
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 34-year-old Oklahoma driver caused a chain-reaction rear-end collision on eastbound I-44 on Thursday afternoon. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports a 2002 Mitsubishi Lancer and a 1996 GMC Sierra were slowing down for traffic on eastbound...
Wentzville woman killed in eastbound I-70 crash
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - A 21-year-old female passenger from Wentzville was killed in a two-vehicle crash on eastbound I-70 on Thursday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 22-year-old Victor C. Russo was traveling east on I-70 in a...
Teenage driver seriously injured in Pulaski County crash
ST. ROBERT, MO - A 16-year-old driver was seriously injured after crashing on eastbound I-44 just after midnight on Thursday morning. A 16-year-old Marionville male was traveling east on I-44 in a 2005 Chevrolet Malibu, according to Missouri State Highway...
One person injured in Iron County head-on collision
IRON COUNTY, MO - One person was injured in a head-on collision on Highway E on Tuesday evening. Samantha F. Hurst, 24, was traveling west on Highway E in a 2003 Chevrolet Impala, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. She...
33-year-old driver hurt after crashing into tree in Butler County
BUTLER COUNTY, MO - A 33-year-old Poplar Bluff driver was injured after crashing her 2007 Nissan Versa into a tree on Tuesday night. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports Ashley N. Sutton was traveling south on County Road 4681 when her...
Jeep Renegade driver runs stop sign, crashes into Ford Focus
VILLA RIDGE, MO - A 44-year-old Sullivan driver ran a stop sign at the intersection of Highway M and St. Louis Rock Road and hit a 2011 Ford Focus on Thursday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Lisa D....
17-year-old driver injured in Ralls County single-vehicle crash
RALLS COUNTY, MO - A 17-year-old Palmyra driver was injured in a single-vehicle crash on Sunday night. Police report the female driver was traveling west in a 2016 Chevrolet Cruze when she attempted to make a left turn onto Highway...
Winfield driver injured after Chevrolet Impala hits utility pole
WINFIELD, MO - A 37-year-old Winfield driver was injured after he crashed his 2003 Chevrolet Impala into a utility pole on Wednesday night. Jason W. Garvin was traveling north on N. Chantilly Road when he traveled off the left side...
19-year-old driver injured in I-270 exit ramp crash
BRIDGETON, MO - A 19-year-old St. Louis driver was injured after crashing on the northbound I-270 exit ramp to westbound Missouri 370 on Wednesday night. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports S'Mya M. Matthews was traveling in a 2011 Ford Escape...
Semi driver injured in southbound I-55 accident
STE. GENEVIEVE COUNTY, MO - A 44-year-old semi driver was injured in an accident on southbound I-55 on Wednesday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Courtney L. Harris was traveling north on southbound I-55 in a semi when he...
33-year-old Arnold driver sustains injuries in US-61 crash
ARNOLD, MO - A 33-year-old Arnold drivers was injured in a crash on US-61 at Missouri 231 late Tuesday night. David A. Taylor was heading south on US-61 in a 2018 Mitsubishi Outlander when he traveled into oncoming traffic to...
Three people killed, one injured in Jefferson County accident
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - Three people, including an infant, were killed and one person injured in a crash on eastbound Missouri 30 on Tuesday night. David G. Thurby, 26, was traveling east on Missouri 30 in a 2016 Chevrolet Cruze,...
Two drivers injured in rear-end collision on Missouri 94
WELDON SPRING, MO - Two drivers were injured in a rear-end collision on westbound Missouri 94 at Wolfrum Road on Tuesday night. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports 55-year-old Steven J. Graham was traveling west on Missouri 94 in a 2009...
Two people injured in Jefferson County crash on Highway Y
GRUBVILLE, MO - Two people were injured in a crash on Highway Y at Frost Road on Tuesday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 59-year-old Jeffrey B. Herron was driving a 2013 Chevrolet Suburban when he pulled into the...
Shelbyville driver dies in truck accident on Highway BB
SHELBY COUNTY, MO - A 64-year-old Shelbyville driver was killed when his semi pulling a grain hopper crashed on Highway BB on Monday afternoon. Thomas W. Davidson was traveling north on Highway BB when he lost control of his semi...
Hit-and-run driver causes 66-year-old woman to crash on I-70
O'FALLON, MO - A hit-and-run driver caused a 66-year-old O'Fallon driver to crash on eastbound I-70 on Wednesday morning. Missouri State Highway Patrol reports Janine M. Grason was traveling east on I-70 in a 2014 Subaru Forester when an unknown...
Washington woman, child injured in westbound I-44 accident
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO - A Washington woman and 6-year-old boy were injured in a single-vehicle accident on westbound I-44 on Wednesday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 25-year-old Charlee R. Robinson was traveling west on I-44 in a...
Lebanon crash blocks one lane on westbound I-64
LEBANON, IL - A crash blocked at least one lane on westbound I-64 at Rieder Road on Tuesday afternoon. According to KSDK, the accident happened around 2:05 p.m. and is anticipated to be cleared around 3:05 p.m. It is unclear...
One person injured in three-vehicle crash on eastbound I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - One person was injured in a three-vehicle crash on eastbound I-70 at Highway U on Monday afternoon. Lisa M. Camarena, 41, was stopped for traffic in the left lane on eastbound I-70 in a 2013 Cadillac...
O’Fallon driver dies from injuries sustained in Missouri 79 crash
LOUISIANA, MO - A 21-year-old O'Fallon driver passed away early Tuesday morning from injuries he sustained in a crash on northbound Missouri 79 on Monday afternoon. Police report Christopher M. Fleming was traveling north on Missouri 79 in a 1998...
22-year-old driver suffers medical emergency, crashes on I-64
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - A 22-year-old driver from Bellville, IL suffered a medical emergency and crashed on westbound I-64 on Monday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Cameron N. Coleman was traveling west on I-64 in a 2018...
Bridgeton crash blocks lane, right shoulder on northbound I-270
BRIDGETON, MO - An accident blocked at least one lane and the right shoulder on northbound I-270 near St. Louis Lambert International Airport on Tuesday afternoon. According to KSDK, the traffic-blocking crash happened before Missouri 370 around 11:54 a.m. The...
Two people injured in single-vehicle crash on northbound I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two people were injured in a single-vehicle crash on northbound I-55 on Monday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 55-year-old Patrick S. Waller was traveling north on I-55 in a 2008 Dodge 1500. He experienced...
Vehicle fire blocks right lane on northbound I-270
CREVE COEUR, MO - A vehicle fire blocked the right lane on northbound I-270 before the Olive Boulevard exit (14) on Tuesday night. According to KSDK, the crash happened around 6:07 p.m. and they anticipate it will be cleared around...
Town and Country crash blocks one lane on Missouri 141
TOWN AND COUNTRY, MO - An accident blocked at least one lane on northbound Missouri on Tuesday afternoon. KSDK reports the crash happened north of Clayton Road around 4:55 p.m. They expect the area to be cleared around 7:24 p.m....
Union man seriously injured in Franklin County accident
UNION, MO - A 47-year-old Union man sustained serious injuries in a single-vehicle accident on Porterford Road on Sunday afternoon. Gregory R. Saler was traveling south on Porterford Road in a 2006 GMC Savanna, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol....
O’Fallon woman injured in three-vehicle crash on eastbound I-70
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - A 34-year-old O'Fallon woman was injured in a three-vehicle crash on eastbound I-70 on Monday afternoon. Police report 25-year-old Alexander B. Reiche was traveling east on I-70 in a Medium Tactical Vehicle when he made...
Potosi man injured in motorcycle crash in Washington County
WASHINGTON COUNTY, MO - A 25-year-old man was injured in a motorcycle accident on northbound State Highway P on Sunday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Aaron J. Garcia-Smith was traveling north on State Highway P on a 2018...
Dupo crash blocks lane on northbound I-255
DUPO, IL - A crash blocked at least one lane on northbound I-255 at the Main Street exit (9) on Monday afternoon. According to KSDK, the accident is expected to be cleared around 3:52 p.m. It is unclear if anyone...
21-year-old driver seriously injured in three-vehicle crash
AUGUSTA, MO - A 21-year-old St. Peters driver was seriously injured in a three-vehicle accident on eastbound Missouri 94 on Sunday night. Brandon R. Sweblund, 36, was traveling west on Missouri 94 in a 2007 Toyota Sequoia when he attempted...
St. Louis motorcyclist killed in northbound Missouri 367 crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 50-year-old St. Louis motorcyclist was killed in a crash on northbound Missouri 367 on Sunday night. Christopher D. Harper was traveling north on Missouri 367 on a 2003 Suzuki GXS 1300 RX, according to Missouri...
28-year-old woman injured in eastbound I-70 accident
WENTSVILLE, MO - A 28-year-old St. Peters woman was injured in a single-vehicle accident on eastbound I-70 late Sunday night. Police report Kaitlyn E. Kemper was traveling east on I-70 in a 2003 Ford Explorer when she traveled off the...
Two people injured in rear-end collision on westbound I-70
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO - Two people were injured in rear-end collision on westbound I-70 near mile marker 229.8 early Monday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 30-year-old Michael Schultz was traveling west on I-70 in a 2017 Chevrolet...
Teen driver and 10-year-old boy seriously hurt in Perry County crash
PERRY COUNTY, MO – A 10-year-old boy and a 16-year-old driver were seriously injured during a crash in Perry County this afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened on Highway 51 and Perry County Road 600...
3 injured after car flips over I-44 median and causes multi-vehicle crash
DOOLITTLE, MO (PHELPS COUNTY) – Three people were injured, two of them seriously, during a multi-vehicle collision in Phelps County this afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred west of Doolittle on westbound I-44 (Route 66),...
20-year-old man dead after colliding with mailbox, trees in Parkdale
PARKDALE, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – A 20-year-old man was killed after he crashed his vehicle in Jefferson County early yesterday morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred in the town of Parkdale at 2320 Hillsboro Valley...
Richland man injured after crashing motorcycle in Pulaski County
GASCOZARK, MO (PULASKI COUNTY) – A man from Richland was injured after crashing his motorcycle in Pulaski County yesterday morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened on Rupert Road in the community of Gascozark at 10...
St. Charles man injured after flipping motorcycle on Hwy 94 near Defiance
DEFIANCE, MO (ST. CHARLES COUNTY) – A 55-year-old motorcyclist was injured after crashing his vehicle on Highway 94 in St. Charles County yesterday afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened north of Defiance on westbound MO-94,...
1 dead, 1 injured after wrong-way van crashes head-on with driver on I-44
ST. LOUIS, MO – One person was killed in a wrong-way accident on I-44 in downtown St. Louis early yesterday morning, according to KSDK. The accident occurred on eastbound I-44, near Walnut Street and I-64, at about 4:35 a.m. The...
Teenage-driver crash on Highway 19 injures Davisville man
CRAWFORD COUNTY, MO - A 17-year-old driver failed to yield and crashed into a 1989 Chevrolet Silverado on Highway 19 on Wednesday afternoon. The teenage driver was driving a 2000 Dodge RAM westbound and failed to yield to the Chevrolet...
Crawford County UTV crash kills one person, one person injured
CRAWFORD COUNTY, MO - One person was killed and another seriously injured in a UTV crash on Center Point Road on Saturday night. Richard A. Livesay, 57, was traveling east on Center Point Road in a 2018 Kawasaki Teryx, according...
Stover driver seriously injured in Morgan County crash
MORGAN COUNTY, MO - A 45-year-old Stover driver seriously injured in single-vehicle accident on Highway 5 on Thursday night. Police report Maida Korang was traveling east on Highway 5 in a 2001 Infiniti G20 when she traveled through the intersection...
One person injured in four-vehicle crash on westbound I-64
LAKE ST. LOUIS, MO - One person was injured in a four-vehicle crash on westbound I-64 on Thursday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, a 2013 Honda Civic, 2020 Ford Edge, and 2019 Land Rover Range Rover were traveling...
St. Clair motorcyclist dies in Missouri 30 crash, passenger injured
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - A 47-year-old St. Clair motorcyclist was killed and a 45-year-old female passenger was injured when a 1991 Ford F-150 hit a 2007 Harley Davidson on Friday afternoon. Richard N. Carpenter, 28, was traveling east on Missouri...
19-year-old driver suffers medical emergency, hits cable barrier
WARREN COUNTY, MO - A 19-year-old Lake Sherwood driver suffered a medical emergency and crashed into a cable barrier on eastbound I-70 on Friday morning. Police report Paige C. Mense was traveling east on I-70 in a 2002 Cadillac Escalade...
Distracted driver hits tree in Jefferson County
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - A 36-year-old De Soto driver became distracted and hit a tree off Mt. Olive Road on Friday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Stephanie M. Howard was traveling north on Mt. Olive Road in a...
Arnold driver injured in Jefferson County head-on crash
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - A 57-year-old Arnold driver was injured in a head-on crash on Lonedell Road on Wednesday morning. Mark E. Bingesser was traveling east on Londell Road in a 2020 Ford F-150 Raptor when he traveled into oncoming...
St. Louis woman injured in Wentzville intersection collision
WENTZVILLE, MO - A 60-year-old St. Louis woman was injured in a collision at the intersection of Highway A and Edinger Road on Wednesday morning. Paula R. Bradbury was traveling west on Highway A in a 2013 Toyota Corolla, according...
Silex driver seriously injured in Lincoln County accident
LINCOLN COUNTY, MO - A 56-year-old Silex man was seriously injured in a single-vehicle accident on northbound Norton Road on Tuesday night. Police report Steven E. Norton was traveling north on Norton Road in a 2004 Mercury Grand Marquis when...
Eureka woman injured in rear-end collision on State Route W
EUREKA, MO - A 58-year-old Eureka woman was injured in a rear-end collision on westbound State Route W on Tuesday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Karen A. Fritz was traveling west on State Route W in a 2018...
Fayette passenger seriously injured in Howard County crash
HOWARD COUNTY, MO - A 29-year-old Fayette passenger sustained serious injuries in a single-vehicle crash on Missouri 5 on Tuesday morning. Michael B. Barnette, 57, was traveling north on Missouri 5 in a 1996 Ford F-150, according to Missouri State...
Columbia driver injured in eastbound Highway 94 accident
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - A 26-year-old Columbia driver was injured in an accident on eastbound Missouri 94 on Thursday morning. Police report Caitlin L. Montgomery was traveling east on Missouri 94 in a 2011 Kia Sorento. She failed to...
26-year-old passenger seriously injured in Missouri 30 crash
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - A 26-year-old Freeburg, IL passenger was seriously injured in a crash on westbound Missouri 30 on Wednesday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 29-year-old Ian L. Jones was traveling west on Missouri 30 in a...
61-year-old driver runs red light, crashes into Dodge RAM
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - A 61-year-old Park Hills driver ran a red light and crashed into a 2009 Dodge RAM on southbound US-67 on Tuesday morning. David D. Liberty was traveling south on US-67 in a 2003 Hyundai Sonata when...
Wildwood woman killed in semi crash, car fire on eastbound I-64
RICHMOND HEIGHTS, MO - A 49-year-old Wildwood woman was killed in a semi crash and car fire on eastbound I-64 on Tuesday morning. Police report Karen L. Guccione was traveling east on I-64 in a 2004 Chevrolet Malibu when she...
27-year-old driver hits deer on US-61, passenger sustains injuries
PIKE COUNTY, MO - A 27-year-old driver from La Porte City, IA hit a deer on southbound US-61 causing his 2021 Hyundai Venue to crash early Tuesday morning. A 22-year-old passenger was injured in the crash. According to Missouri State...
Caledonia driver sustains injuries in St. Francois County crash
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO - A 31-year-old Caledonia driver was injured in a single-vehicle crash on Hazel Run Road late Monday night. Eric W. Cook was traveling west on Hazel Run Road in a 1996 Toyota Tundra, according to Missouri...
Two people injured in Villa Ridge intersection collision
VILLA RIDGE, MO - Two people were injured in a crash at the intersection of Highway M and Missouri 100 on Monday afternoon. Police report 56-year-old Gina R. Callum was traveling east on Missouri 100 in a 2006 Cadillac Escalade...
33-year-old pedestrian injured in southbound US-67 crash
BONNE TERRE, MO - A 33-year-old Park Hills pedestrian was injured after a 2017 Nissan Altima hit him on southbound US-67 on Sunday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 23-year-old Destinee D. Anderson was traveling south on US-67 when...
East St. Louis crash blocks exit ramp from I-55 to I-64
EAST ST. LOUIS, MO - A car accident blocked the exit ramp from southbound I-55 to eastbound I-64 on Wednesday morning. According to KSDK, the traffic-blocking crash happened around 10:45 a.m. and is expected to be cleared around 12:17 p.m....
32-year-old motorcyclist injured in northbound US-61 accident
LINCOLN COUNTY, MO - A 32-year-old Troy motorcyclist was injured in a crash on northbound US-61 on Sunday afternoon. Christopher M. Null was traveling north on US-61 on a 2008 Suzuki GSF1205S when he braked for an unknown reason, according...
36-year-old man seriously injured in northbound I-55 crash
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - A 36-year-old man was seriously injured in a rear-end collision on northbound I-55 late Saturday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Derick M. Asher was traveling north on I-55 in a 2006 Dodge Caravan. He...
Weldon Spring crash blocks right lane on Missouri 94
WELDON SPRING, MO - A car crash blocked the right lane on westbound Missouri 94 just after Florence Drive on Tuesday afternoon. According to KSDK, the accident happened around 2:34 p.m. They expect the area to be clear around 4:03...
16-year-old passenger injured in snowmobile crash
STE. GENEVIEVE COUNTY, MO - A 16-year-old passenger was injured in a crash involving a snowmobile accident on Saturday night. Police report 26-year-old Chase A. Caswell was driving the 2015 Artic Cat north on Dam Drive when he accelerated and...
Ford Explorer t-bones Mazda CX9, two people injured
WELDON SPRING, MO - A 2011 Ford Explorer t-boned a 2017 Mazda CX9 at Missouri 94 and Westwood Drive on Saturday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 85-year-old Richard C. Egelhoff was attempting to make a left turn from...
Roxana crash blocks lane on northbound Illinois 255
ROXANA, IL - An accident blocked at least one lane on northbound Illinois 255 at the Madison Avenue exit (5) on Tuesday morning. KSDK reports the crash happened around 8:56 a.m. and is expected to be cleared around 9:49 a.m....
Multiple crashes block eastbound I-64, causes significant delays
ST. LOUIS, MO - At least two crashes were reported on eastbound I-64 and caused traffic delays of over 30 minutes on Tuesday morning. According to KSDK, a crash was reported on the southbound I-170 exit ramp to eastbound I-64...
19-year-old injured in three-vehicle crash on westbound I-70
ST. PETERS, MO - A 19-year-old Wentzville driver was injured in a three-vehicle collision on westbound I-70 on Saturday afternoon. Jordan R. Jacobson was traveling west on I-70 in a 2012 Chevrolet Malibu, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. He...
28-year-old motorcyclist injured in Pike County accident
PIKE COUNTY, MO - A 28-year-old O'Fallon motorcyclist was injured in a crash on Pike County Road 202 on Saturday night. Rachel M. Martin was traveling west on Pike County Road 202 on a 2007 Yamaha 450 and was traveling...
St. Peters motorcyclist injured in Warren County crash
WARREN COUNTY, MO - A 27-year-old St. Peters motorcyclist was injured in a crash on northbound Missouri 47 on Saturday morning. Police report Heather M. Canania was traveling north on Missouri 47 on a 2011 Honda 250 when she lost...
47-year-old woman injured in St. Francois County ATV crash
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO - A 47-year-old Pleasant Hill woman was injured in an ATV crash at St. Joe State Park Trail 300 on Saturday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Kathi J. Matthes was traveling south on St....
Three-vehicle crash on US-36 leaves three people injured
MACON COUNTY, MO - Three people were injured in a three-vehicle crash on westbound US-36 on Friday afternoon. Danny R. Baker, 59, was traveling west on US-36 in a semi when he rear-ended a westbound dump truck, police report. The...
Three people injured in Jefferson County single-vehicle crash
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - Three people were injured in a single-vehicle crash on Saline Road on Friday evening. Joseph C. Lay, 24, was traveling too fast for road conditions in a 2021 Audi A4 on Saline Road, according to Missouri...
St. Louis woman seriously injured in southbound I-55 accident
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 26-year-old St. Louis woman sustained serious injuries in a crash on southbound I-55 late Friday night. Police report Maegan A. McPherson was traveling south on I-55 in a 2007 Chevrolet Impala and attempted to overtake...
57-year-old man injured in t-bone collision on Highway P
ST. CHARLES, MO - A 57-year-old Wentzville man was injured in a t-bone collision at the intersection of Highway P and Josephville Road on Saturday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 26-year-old Patrick A. Ray was traveling south on...
23-year-old woman injured after car goes airborne in Jefferson County
HOUSE SPRINGS, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – A 23-year-old passenger was injured after a single-vehicle crash in Jefferson County yesterday morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened on westbound Highway MM, near Randy Road, at 6:30 a.m.,...
Man dead, two women injured in fiery collision on I-70 off-ramp
ST. LOUIS, MO – A fiery, two-vehicle collision on I-70 claimed the life of a man and sent two women to the hospital early yesterday morning, according to KSDK. The accident occurred on the ramp from westbound I-70 to Bircher...
25-year-old woman injured after box truck overturns in Washington Co.
WALTON TOWNSHIP, MO (WASHINGTON COUNTY) – A 25-year-old woman was injured during a rollover truck accident in Washington County this morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened on eastbound MO-8, near Eye Road, at 10:30 a.m.,...
22-year-old man dead after being ejected in early-morning Warren Co. crash
WRIGHT CITY, MO (WARREN COUNTY) – A 22-year-old man was killed after being ejected during a collision in Warren County early this morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened northeast of Wright City on Bell Road,...
15-year-old passenger hurt in fiery, rear-end crash in Rolla
ROLLA, MO (PHELPS COUNTY) – A 15-year-old boy was injured following a fiery, rear-end collision near Rolla yesterday afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred on Highway 63, about a mile south of Rolla, at 3:33...
Bunker woman seriously injured in Highway 72 accident
REYNOLDS COUNTY, MO - A 43-year-old Bunker woman was seriously injured in a crash on southbound Highway 72 on Monday night. Laura D. Turner was traveling south on Highway 72 in a 2020 Jeep Latitude when she crossed over the...
Two people sustain serious injuries in rear-end collision
NEW MADRID COUNTY, MO - Two people sustained serious injuries in a rear-end collision on northbound I-55 on Tuesday afternoon. Police report Andrew Y. Collins was traveling north on I-55 in a 2013 Chevrolet Impala when he rear-ended a stationary...
70-year-old woman injured after Ford Ranger hits tree
MADISON COUNTY, MO - A 70-year-old Fredricktown woman was injured after she crashed her 2011 Ford Ranger into a tree on Friday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Beverly A. Eckert was traveling west on State Route J when...
Car fire blocks lane on southbound I-55/I-70
MADISON, IL - A car fire blocked at least one lane on southbound I-55/I-70 at the Illinois 203 exits (4, 4A, and 4B) on Friday afternoon. KSDK reports the car fire originated around 2:04 p.m. They expect all lanes of...
19-year-old driver sustains moderate injuries in Highway DD crash
MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MO - A 19-year-old Truxton driver sustained moderate injuries in a crash on Highway DD on Friday morning. Tyler R. Kirk was traveling east on Highway DD in a 1997 Ford Ranger when he traveled off the right...
54-year-old driver injured after Kia Sorento hit utility pole
WARREN COUNTY, MO - A 54-year-old Union driver was injured after she crashed her 2019 Kia Sorento into a utility pole on Thursday afternoon. Police report Margaret M. Evans was traveling south on State Highway TT when she ran off...
Swansea accident blocks both ways of Illinois 159
SWANSEA, IL - An accident blocked both ways of Illinois 159 from Parkway Drive to Anna Street on Friday morning. According to KSDK, the crash happened around 4:06 a.m. They expect the area to be cleared around 10:30 a.m. It...
35-year-old driver moderately injured in Highway 84 crash
HAYTI, MO - A 35-year-old Kennett driver sustained moderate injuries in a crash on Highway 84 on Tuesday night. A 17-year-old Caruthersville driver was traveling west on Highway 84 in a 1996 Chevrolet 1500 when he rear-ended a 2014 Dodge...
Dodge pickup hits several trees, 19-year-old driver injured
LACLEDE COUNTY, MO - A 19-year-old Laquey driver was injured after his 2001 Dodge pickup crashed into several trees early Tuesday morning. Police report Tyler L. Hainline was traveling east on Glacier Point Road when he traveled off the left...
16-year-old driver injured in Laclede County accident
LACLEDE COUNTY, MO - A 16-year-old driver was injured in a crash on Oak Bend Drive late Tuesday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, a 16-year-old driver was traveling south on Oak Bend Drive in a 2006 Pontiac G6...
Two people injured after Audi rear-ends Honda Odyssey
HAZELWOOD, MO - Two people were injured after a 2020 Audi Q5 rear-ended a 2000 Honda Odyssey on southbound I-270 late Wednesday night. Police report 46-year-old Dhruv I. Mazumdar was traveling south on I-270 in the Audi when he rear-ended...
Five people injured in three-vehicle crash on eastbound I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - Five people were injured in a three-vehicle crash on eastbound I-70 at Jennings Station Road on Wednesday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 28-year-old Mena E. Lucas was traveling east on I-70 in a 2011...
Swansea crash blocks both sides of traffic on Illinois 159
SWANSEA, MO - A crash blocked both sides of traffic on Illinois 159 at Illinois 161 on Thursday evening. KSDK reports the accident happened around 6:27 p.m. and suspect it will be cleared around 8:01 p.m. It is unknown if...
St. Louis crash blocks right lane on eastbound I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash blocked the right lane on eastbound I-70 just after Bermuda Road on Thursday night. According to KSDK, the traffic-blocking accident happened around 6:39 p.m. They expect the area to be cleared around 7:42 p.m....
52-year-old passenger injured in Highway 32 accident
LACLEDE COUNTY, MO - A 52-year-old passenger was injured after in a single-vehicle accident on northbound Highway 32 on Wednesday morning. Waylon G. Tuttle was traveling north on Highway 32 in a 2000 Chevrolet 1500 when he swerved to miss...
Harrisburg driver injured after crashing Toyota Avalon into ditch
BOONE COUNTY, MO - A 28-year-old Harrisburg driver was injured after crashing his 2006 Toyota Avalon into a ditch late Monday night. Devin M. Forsee was traveling north on Highway E when he crossed the center line and drove off...
25-year-old O’Fallon driver injured in semi crash on I-70
CALLAWAY, MO - A 25-year-old O'Fallon driver was injured in a crash involving a semi on westbound I-70 on Tuesday night. Police report Tyler A. Steinman was traveling west on I-70 in a 2007 Toyota Corolla when he over took...
43-year-old woman sustains injuries in westbound I-70 crash
MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MO - A 43-year-old Kansas City woman was injured in a single-vehicle crash on westbound I-70 on Monday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 52-year-old Gary G. Calhoun was traveling west on I-70 in a 2011 Chevrolet...
Two people seriously injured in westbound US-136 crash
CLARK COUNTY, MO - Two people were seriously injured in a single-vehicle crash on westbound US-136 early Wednesday morning. Police report 24-year-old Austin J. Husted was traveling west on US-136 in a 2005 Dodge Dakota. He crossed over the center...
60-year-old driver injured in rear-end chain-reaction collision
TROY, MO - A 60-year-old Louisburg driver was injured in a rear-end chain-reaction collision on Highway 47 on Tuesday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, a 17-year-old male driver was traveling east on Highway 47 in a 2015 Jeep...
St. Louis crash blocks right shoulder on northbound I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident blocked the right shoulder on northbound I-270 after the I-44 exit on Wednesday morning. According to KSDK, the accident happened around 8:41 p.m. and is expected to be cleared around 9:26 a.m. It is...
Eldon man sustains serious injuries in Miller County ATV crash
ELDON, MO - A 56-year-old Eldon man sustained serious injuries in an ATV crash on West Lakeview Drive on Monday night. Glendal E. Phares was traveling west on West Lakeview Drive on a 1986 Honda Fourtax ATV and hit a...
59-year-old Fulton man injured in Highway O motorcycle crash
FULTON, MO - A 59-year-old Fulton motorcyclist was injured in a crash on Highway O on Monday evening. Kevin D. Fidler was traveling east on Highway O on a 2016 Harley Davidson when he traveled off the right side of...
33-year-old man injured after rear-ending dump truck
CLARK COUNTY, MO - A 33-year-old man from Apopka, FL was injured after rear-ending a dump truck on southbound Missouri 27 on Monday afternoon. Police report Jeffrey A. Fletcher was traveling south on Missouri 27 in a 2000 GMC Sierra...
Purdin man seriously injured in crash involving two ATVs
LINN COUNTY, MO - A 41-year-old Purdin man was injured in a crash involving two ATVs on Monday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 36-year-old Christopher W. Bontrager was traveling west on Falk Road on a 1985 Honda ATV...
36-year-old motorcyclist sustains moderate injuries on Highway N crash
WENTSVILLE, MO - A 36-year-old Lake St. Louis motorcyclist sustained moderate injuries in a crash on eastbound Highway N on Monday night. Bryan E. Curry was traveling east on Highway N on a 2002 Honda Shadow 750 when he lost...
33-year-old driver injured in rear-end collision on I-55
STE. GENEVIEVE COUNTY, MO - A 33-year-old Ste. Genevieve driver was injured after she rear-ended a semi on southbound I-55 on Monday night. Police report Nicole R. Hogenmiller was traveling south on I-55 in a 2016 Buick Regal when she...
71-year-old Washington woman injured in three-vehicle crash
UNION, MO - A 71-year-old Washington woman was injured in a three-vehicle crash at the intersection of State Highway 47 and Clearview Road on Monday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 42-year-old Robert V. Prince was traveling north on...
Granite City crash blocks lane on eastbound I-270
GRANITE CITY, IL - An accident blocked a lane on eastbound I-270 at the Illinois 3 exits (3, 3A, & 3B) on Tuesday morning. According to KSDK, the crash occurred around 11:04 a.m. and is anticipated to be cleared around...
Common Herpes Injectable Recalled for Clotting, Stroke Risk
Four lots of acyclovir sodium injection produced by Zydus Pharmaceuticals (USA) Inc. have been voluntarily recalled after the company received notification from several hospitals and other administrators that the product had crystallized inside 50 mg/mL, 10 mL and 20 mL...
Two people sustain injuries in Jefferson County accident
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - Two people were injured in a single-vehicle accident on eastbound Highway M late Saturday night. Megan D. Tatum, 27, was traveling east on Highway M in a 2013 Honda Accord when she swerved to miss a...
Wright City driver injured in Warren County single-vehicle crash
WRIGHT CITY, MO - A 26-year-old driver was injured in a single-vehicle crash on North Service Road early Sunday morning. Police report Jose Malta-Gonzales was traveling east on North Service Road in a 2013 Dodge Charger when he lost control...
23-year-old motorcyclist injured in St. Francois County crash
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO - A 23-year-old Hazelwood motorcyclist was injured in a crash on St. Joe State Park Trail 100 on Sunday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Chelsea L. Allson was traveling south on St. Joe State...
Festus man injured in Jefferson County intersection crash
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - An 81-year-old Festus man was injured in a crash at the intersection of Highway A and Highway Z on Monday morning. Randy E. Taylor, 69, was traveling west on Highway A in a 2005 Ford F-250...
86-year-old driver hurt in St. Charles County intersection collision
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - An elderly Moscow Mills driver was injured in a collision at the intersection of US-61 and North Point Prairie Road on Sunday afternoon. Lavern F. Becker, 86, was traveling east on North Point Prairie Road...
Two people injured after Explorer hits dump truck on I-70
ST. PETERS, MO - Two people were injured after a 2013 Ford Explorer hit a dump truck on eastbound I-70 on Sunday evening. Police report that 33-year-old Terron A. Clark was traveling east on I-70 when he attempted to change...
St. Louis driver injured after Saturn hits guardrail on I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 31-year-old St. Louis woman was injured after her 2007 Saturn ION crashed into a guardrail on southbound I-270 early Monday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Katrina M. Harris was traveling south on I-270...
St. Louis accident blocks multiple lanes on northbound I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident blocked two lanes on northbound I-270 and caused traffic delays on Monday morning. According to KSDK, the crash occurred before the I-64 exits (12A & 12B) around 8:46 a.m. Traffic was backed up from...
18-year-old severely injured in Perryville head-on collision
PERRYVILLE, MO (PERRY COUNTY) – An 18-year-old driver was airlifted to the hospital after being struck by another driver head-on in Perry County yesterday afternoon. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred about 3.5 miles west of...
Man severely injured during rollover motorcycle accident in St. Charles Co.
DARDENNE PRAIRIE, MO (ST. CHARLES COUNTY) – A man from O’Fallon was seriously injured after being ejected from a motorcycle in St. Charles County late last night. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the crash happened on the ramp...
39-year-old woman injured after being rear-ended in Pulaski County
WAYNESVILLE, MO (PULASKI COUNTY) – A woman was injured after her vehicle was rear-ended in Pulaski County this afternoon, according to a report by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred at 12:37 p.m., about 4 miles northwest of...
4 people, including 2 young children, hurt in multi-vehicle crash on I-270
FLORISSANT, MO – Four people, including a 1-year-old and 2-year-old child, were injured in a multi-vehicle wreck on I-270 this afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened in Florissant, near the 29.2 mile marker of eastbound...
21-year-old woman severely injured after crashing into tree near Salem
SALEM, MO (DENT COUNTY) – A 21-year-old woman was seriously injured after she collided with a tree in Dent County yesterday, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident occurred on Highway H, about 8 miles west of Salem,...
28-year-old driver injured after Equinox hits fence, pole
CADET, MO - A 28-year-old Bonne Terre driver was injured after his 2005 Chevrolet Equinox hit a fence and telephone pole on Friday morning. Police report Michael R. Withrow was traveling north on Highway E when his Chevrolet traveled off...
Two people injured in single-vehicle crash on Missouri 79
LINCOLN COUNTY, MO - Two people were injured in a single-vehicle crash on northbound Missouri 79 on Thursday evening. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 31-year-old James R. Lautenschlager was traveling north on Missouri 79 in a 2007 GMC Envoy....
43-year-old driver sustains moderate injuries in Imperial crash
IMPERIAL, MO - A 43-year-old Imperial driver sustained moderate injuries in a crash at the intersection of US-61 and Highway K on Thursday afternoon. Sara D. Sellers was traveling west on Highway K in a 2020 Hyundai Santa Fe and...
Two people seriously injured in St. Francois County accident
BONNE TERRE, MO - Two people sustained serious injuries in a crash at the intersection of US-67 and Shannon Road on Thursday afternoon. Paige D. Niklin, 20, was traveling east on Shannon Road in a 2010 Ford Escape and failed...
Reckless driver conducts improper pass, crashes into embankment
PIKE COUNTY, MO - A 57-year-old Sedalia driver conducted an improper pass on eastbound US-54 and crashed into an embankment on Thursday afternoon. Police report Judy N. Hernton was traveling east on US-54 in a 1997 Ford Crown Victoria when...
48-year-old woman injured in three-vehicle crash in Imperial
IMPERIAL, MO - A 48-year-old woman was injured in a three-vehicle crash on Imperial Main Street on Wednesday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, a 2007 Chevrolet Impala and a 2005 Hyundai Elantra were stopped in traffic on eastbound...
Shiloh accident blocks lane on westbound I-64
SHILOH, IL - An accident blocked at least one lane on westbound I-64 at the N. Green Mt. Rd. exit (16) on Friday afternoon. KSDK reports the crash happened around 12:36 p.m. They did not report when they expect the...
Westbound I-70 crash blocks right lane, right shoulder
ST. PETERS, MO - An accident blocked the right lane and right shoulder on westbound I-70 just after the Missouri 370 exit (1A) on Friday morning. According to KSDK, the crash happened around 8:51 a.m. and blocked traffic for several...
Troy driver crashes into emergency vehicle in Lincoln County
TROY, MO - A 65-year-old driver failed to yield to a vehicle with emergency lights causing a crash at the intersection of Cap Au Gris Street and 2nd Street on Saturday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 27-year-old Tyler...
Eastbound I-44 crash blocks left lane, causes traffic delays
PACIFIC, MO - An accident blocked the left lane on eastbound I-44 and caused significant traffic delays of at least 13 minutes on Thursday night. The crash was reported on KSDK around 5:33 p.m. It occurred just after the Viaduct...
Chesterfield crash blocks lane on eastbound I-64
CHESTERFIELD, MO - An accident blocked the right lane on eastbound I-64 on Thursday night. KSDK reports the traffic-blocking crash happened around 6:38 p.m. They did not report when the interstate will be fully re-opened. It is unknown if anyone...
St. Louis crash causes traffic delays on northbound I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident on northbound I-270 blocked two lanes and caused traffic delays on Thursday night. According to KSDK, the crash occurred at the Missouri 340 exit (14) around 5:52 p.m. Traffic was delayed six minutes from...
Teenage driver injured in overturned-vehicle accident
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - A 17-year-old Arnold driver was injured after his 2003 Pontiac Sunfire crashed and overturned on Thursday morning. The teenage driver was traveling east on Old State Road M when the Pontiac traveled off the right side...
19-year-old driver injured in rear-end collision on Highway 32
STE. GENEVIEVE COUNTY, MO - A 19-year-old Park Hills driver was injured in a rear-end collision on eastbound Highway 32 on Wednesday afternoon. Donald E. Simms, 60, was traveling east on Highway 32 in a 2014 Chevrolet Tahoe when he...
Two people injured in Franklin County accident
VILLA RIDGE, MO - Two people sustained injuries in a two-vehicle crash in a Franklin County intersection on Wednesday afternoon. Police report 60-year-old David W. Armstrong was traveling west on Missouri 100 in a 2010 Ford Fusion. Rhonda R. Payton,...
Emergency vehicles respond to incident on northbound I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO - Emergency vehicles responded to an incident on northbound I-55 just before the Reavis Barracks Road exit (199) on Wednesday evening. According to KSDK, two lanes on northbound I-55 were closed due to the incident that happened...
Macon motorcyclist injured in Callaway County crash
CALLAWAY COUNTY, MO - A 62-year-old motorcyclist was injured in a crash on eastbound Highway O on Sunday afternoon. Tamela S. Crane was traveling east on Highway O in a 2008 Harley Davidson when she lost control of the motorcycle,...
16-year-old driver injured after Chevrolet Cruze overturns
OWENSVILLE, MO - A 16-year-old St. James driver was injured after he crashed his 2012 Chevrolet Cruze and it overturned on Saturday night. The teenage driver was traveling south on Highway 19 when his Chevrolet traveled off the right side...
73-year-old Winfield woman injured in three-vehicle accident
ST. CHARLES, MO - A 73-year-old Winfield woman was injured in a three-vehicle crash at the intersection of US-61 and Highway W on Wednesday morning. Police report 25-year-old Samantha M. Cryts was traveling east on Highway W in a 2005...
Two people killed after Buick crashes into utility pole
ARNOLD, MO - Two people were killed after a 1998 Buick Regal crashed into a utility pole on Jeffco Boulevard early Wednesday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 34-year-old Joseph L. Resinger was traveling north on Jeffco Boulevard when...
50-year-old woman moderately injured in Warren County crash
TRUESDALE, MO - A 50-year-old Warrenton woman sustained moderate injuries in a collision at E.  Veterans Memorial Parkway and N. Spoede Lane on Tuesday night. Police report 35-year-old Brian L. Frzer was traveling north on N. Spoede Lane in a...
Two people injured in three-vehicle crash in Chesterfield
CHESTERFIELD, MO - Two people were injured in a three-vehicle crash at the intersection of Chesterfield Airport Road and Olive Street Road on Tuesday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 21-year-old Kyle C. Lindley was traveling east on Chesterfield...
Cedar Hill woman injured in Jefferson County accident
DE SOTO, MO - A 32-year-old Cedar Hill woman was injured in a single-vehicle accident on Highway V on Tuesday morning. Police report Ashley N. Hicks was traveling south on Highway V in a 2011 Ford Escape when she traveled...
29-year-old pedestrian seriously injured in I-44 crash
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - A 29-year-old man was airlifted to a hospital after sustaining serious injuries in a four-vehicle crash on westbound I-44 on Sunday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, a 2006 Ford F-250, 1993 Cadillac Seville, and...
Eastbound I-70 crash blocks express lanes, expect traffic delays
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash on eastbound I-70 closed the express lanes at the Union Boulevard exit (244A) on Tuesday night. According to KSDK, the accident occurred around 5:18 p.m. They expect it to be cleared around 6:18 p.m....
Shelbyville man sustains serious injuries in single-vehicle crash
SHELBY COUNTY, MO - A 21-year-old Shelbyville man was seriously injured in a single-vehicle accident on State Highway U early Saturday morning. Police report Nicholas R. Vonthun was traveling east on State Highway U in a 1999 Buick Century when...
51-year-old motorcyclist seriously injured in Macon County crash
MACON COUNTY, MO - A 51-year-old man was seriously injured in a motorcycle crash on eastbound Missouri 156 on Friday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Timothy L. Wagner was traveling east on Missouri 156 on a 2005 Harley...
Wentzville motorcyclist injured in Highway O accident
WARREN COUNTY, MO - A 35-year-old Wentzville motorcyclist was injured in a crash on Highway O on Saturday afternoon. Salaman Ahmad was traveling south on Highway O in a 2019 Kawasaki Ninja 400 when he hit gravel and lost control...
Two children injured in northbound US-67 accident
FESTUS, MO - Two De Soto children were injured in an accident on northbound US-67 at Montauk Drive on Sunday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 32-year-old Zachary A. Stevenson was traveling south on US-67 in a 2005 Dodge...
21-year-old driver sustains moderate injuries in I-55 crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 21-year-old driver from Detroit, MI sustained moderate injuries in a crash on northbound I-55 on Tuesday morning. Ariel R. Kennedy-Giles was traveling north on I-55 in a 2015 Chevrolet Trax when the passenger side of...
30-year-old driver killed in single-vehicle crash on Halls Ferry Road
JENNINGS, MO - A 30-year-old man from St. Louis was killed in a single-vehicle crash on Halls Ferry Road at St Cyr Road just after midnight on Monday. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, the fatal accident happened when Jabari...
27-year-old man seriously injured in Ste. Genevieve County crash
STE. GENEVIEVE COUNTY, MO - A 27-year-old Festus man was seriously injured in a single-vehicle crash early Monday morning. Police report Irvin T. Robertson was traveling south on State Route DD in a 2012 Chevrolet Equinox when he traveled across...
Truxton motorcyclist killed in Lincoln County accident
TRUXTON, MO - A 66-year-old motorcyclist was killed after his 2006 Kawasaki 900 crashed into a utility pole on Monday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, James L. Durr was traveling west on Highway A when his motorcycle traveled...
St. Louis crash blocks multiple lanes on eastbound I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash blocked two lanes on eastbound I-70 for a stretch between the Union Boulevard exit (244A) and Kingshighway Boulevard exit (244B) on Monday evening. KSDK reports the traffic-blocking accident happened around 5:22 p.m. They anticipate...
Accident blocks lane on I-64 in Richmond Heights
RICHMOND HEIGHTS, MO - An accident blocked at least one lane on I-64 just before the S. Big Bend Boulevard exits (33A & 33B) on Monday night. According to KSDK, the crash happened around 5:38 p.m. and they expect it...
73-year-old driver suffers medical emergency, crashes into tree
CRAWFORD COUNTY, MO - A 73-year-old driver suffered a medical emergency and crashed into a mailbox and tree on North Outer Road on Monday afternoon. Joan M. King was traveling east on North Outer Road in a 2002 GMC Yukon...
Two people injured in Washington County car accident
CALEDONIA, MO - Two people were injured in a single-vehicle accident on northbound Missouri 21 on Friday afternoon. Police report 52-year-old Michael P. Civey was traveling north on Missouri 21 in a 2009 Chevrolet Tahoe when he traveled into oncoming...
Man and teenager seriously injured in motorcycle vs. minibike accident
PACIFIC, MO (FRANKLIN COUNTY) – A man and a 14-year-old boy were seriously injured in an accident involving a motorcycle and a minibike in Franklin County this morning. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred at 10:48...
Woman, teen, and two children hurt in Hwy 67 hit-and-run crash
WEST ALTON, MO (ST. CHARLES COUNTY) – Two young children, an 18-year-old, and a 21-year-old woman were injured in a speed-related crash on Highway 67 yesterday afternoon. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident happened south of West...
Woman and 11-year-old boy injured in chain-reaction crash in St. Robert
ST. ROBERT, MO (PULASKI COUNTY) – An 11-year-old boy and a 25-year-old woman were injured in a multi-vehicle chain-reaction crash on I-44 in Pulaski County this morning. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the crash happened in St. Robert...
18-year-old driver dead after attempting to pass truck on I-44
ST. GENEVIEVE COUNTY, MO – An 18-year-old driver was killed after rear-ending a truck in St. Genevieve County yesterday evening, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened at 6:43 p.m., about 3 miles northeast of Ozora, on...
Pedestrian fatally struck by car on I-70 in North St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO – A pedestrian was killed after being struck by a car on I-70 in North St. Louis early this morning, according to KMOV. The crash occurred in the westbound lanes of the highway, near Carrie, at about...
41-year-old bicyclist seriously injured in Stoddard County crash
STODDARD COUNTY, MO - A 41-year-old bicyclist sustained serious injuries after he was ejected from his bike on Friday morning. Police report Raven W. Gogol was operating a Jeep 2600 motorized bicycle in an unknown location. The bike ran off...
60-year-old driver sustains moderate injuries in US-40 crash
MONTGOMERY, MO - A 60-year-old Portland driver sustained moderate injuries in a crash on eastbound US-40 on Thursday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Gregory L. Curdt was traveling east on US-40 in a 2007 Ford F-150 when he...
Three people injured in Jefferson County accident
FESTUS, MO - Three people were injured in a crash on northbound US-67 at Montauk Drive on Friday morning. Henry Patrick, 76, was traveling west on Montauk Drive in a 2020 Hyundai Elantra, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. He...
61-year-old Robertsville woman injured in Highway YY crash
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - A 61-year-old Robertsville woman was injured in a single-vehicle crash on Highway YY on Friday morning. Police report Ruby G. Abel was traveling north on Highway YY in a 2012 Buick Enclave when it traveled off...
Rosebud driver injured after Dodge hits fence, utility pole
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - A 20-year-old male driver was injured after his 2017 Dodge Challenger hit a fence and utility pole on Friday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Thomas L. Henderson was traveling east on West Red Oak...
Accident in Troy blocks lane on eastbound I-70
TROY, IL - A car crash blocked at least one lane on eastbound I-70 at Riggins Road on Friday afternoon. KSDK reports the traffic-blocking incident happened around 3:20 p.m. It is unknown if anyone was injured in the crash. Investigations...
Dardenne crash blocks left lane on westbound I-64
DARDENNE, MO - An accident blocked the left lane on westbound I-64 just after the Highway 364 exits (4, 4A, and 4B) on Friday afternoon. According to KSDK, the crash occurred around 2:08 p.m. and they anticipate it will be...
St. Louis accident blocks left lane on westbound I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident blocked the left lane on westbound I-270 just after the Riverview Drive exit (34) on Thursday night. According to KSDK, the accident happened around 5:59 p.m. They expect the crash to be cleared around...
47-year-old woman sustains serious injuries in ATV crash
BARNETT, MO - A 47-year-old woman was seriously injured in an ATV crash on Marvin Cutoff Road on Wednesday afternoon. Mary B. Thompson was traveling west on Marvin Cutoff Road in a 2015 Honda Rancher ATV when it began to...
Three-vehicle crash leaves two people injured in Troy
TROY, MO - Two people were injured in a three-vehicle crash on northbound US-61 on Wednesday afternoon. Police report 30-year-old Adam M. Hecker west traveling east on Creech Lane in a 2018 RAM 1500. He crossed into the path of...
Two people injured in eastbound I-70 accident
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two people from St. Louis were injured in a crash on eastbound I-70 on Wednesday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 38-year-old Kevin Miller was traveling east on I-70 in a 2012 Ford Focus when...
Multiple-vehicle crash causes significant traffic delays on I-44
ST. LOUIS, MO - A multiple-vehicle crash caused significant traffic delays on eastbound I-44 near Jefferson on Thursday morning. KMOV4 reports the accident involved at least four vehicles and happened around 5:45 a.m. Traffic in the area began moving again...
Speeding driver runs stop sign, hits ambulance in St. Louis intersection
ST. LOUIS, MO - A speeding driver ran a stop sign and hit an ambulance, then fled the crash scene early Thursday morning. According to KMOV4, a driver was speeding and ran a stop sign at the intersection of S....
Marine crash closes approximately five mile stretch on I-70
MARINE, IL - An accident closed an approximately five mile stretch on eastbound I-70 on Thursday evening. KSDK reports the closure was between the Illinois 4 exit (21) and the I-270 exit (15A) on eastbound I-70. The crash occurred around...
Richmond Heights crash blocks two lanes on eastbound I-64
RICHMOND HEIGHTS, MO - A crash blocked two lanes on eastbound I-64 just before the Big Bend Boulevard exit (33A) on Wednesday night. According to KSDK, the accident happened around 5:27 p.m. and is expected to be cleared by 6:29...
One person killed, one person injured in Boone County crash
COLUMBIA, MO - A 43-year-old woman was killed and a 34-year-old man was injured in a head-on collision on West Route K on Friday night. Joseph D. Richards, of Columbia, was traveling west on West Route K in a 2001...
13-year-old sustains serious injuries in Morgan County ATV crash
MORGAN COUNTY, MO - A 13-year-old sustained serious injuries in an ATV crash on Syracuse Road on Saturday morning. Police report a 12-year-old male was traveling north on Syracuse Road in a 2018 Polaris Sportsman 450 ATV when he lost...
Chevrolet goes airborne in Moniteau County, one person injured
MONITEAU COUNTY, MO - A 67-year-old California, MO man was injured after his 2019 Chevrolet Tahoe went airborne and hit a ditch on Monday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Michael C. Ponder was traveling north on Missouri 87...
Macon driver sustains serious injuries in Missouri 3 crash
MACON COUNTY, MO - A 37-year-old Macon driver sustained serious injuries in a crash on southbound Missouri 3 on Thursday night. Chrystal L. Mathis was traveling south on Missouri 3 in a 2009 Pontiac G5 when the vehicle traveled off...
Higbee driver injured in Randolph County accident
RANDOLPH COUNTY, MO - A 26-year-old Higbee driver was injured in a crash on County Road JJ on Monday night. Collin L. Bogart, 20, was traveling east on County Road JJ in a 2002 Ford F-250 when he crossed over...
21-year-old Moscow Mills driver injured in US-61 accident
WENTZVILLE, MO - A 21-year-old Moscow Mills driver was injured in a crash on northbound US-61 early Wednesday morning. Police report that Matthew D. Turner was traveling north on US-61 in a 2018 Hyundai Elantra when he failed to maintain...
Two killed, one injured in accident on I-270 in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two men were killed and a third was injured in an accident on northbound I-270 on Tuesday night. According to Missouri State Highway, the accident happened at mile marker 21.4 around 7:50 p.m. Joseph J. Dunn,...
Police release names of person killed, four injured in Pagedale crash
PAGEDALE MO - Police released the names of the person who was killed and the four people that were injured in Wednesday's crash. This is an update to a previous post discussing the charges the driver might face. According to...
38-year-old driver injured in westbound I-270 crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 38-year-old driver from Balthalo, IL was injured in a crash on westbound I-270 early Saturday morning. Police report Brandon D. Nettles Davidson, 30, was traveling west on I-270 in a 2011 Dodge Charger when he...
Two Sullivan people injured in single-vehicle accident on I-44
SULLIVAN, MO - Two Sullivan people were injured in a single-vehicle crash on eastbound I-44 early Saturday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Cierra K. Castilleja, 21, was traveling east on I-44 in a 2006 Pontiac G6 when the...
St. Peters accident blocks two lanes on westbound Missouri 364
ST. PETERS, MO - An accident blocked two lanes on westbound Missouri 364 on Tuesday afternoon. According to KSDK, the traffic-blocking crash occurred near the St. Peters Parkway exits (9 & 10) around 12:56 p.m. They anticipate the area will...
Eldon man killed after crashing into tree in Miller County
MILLER COUNTY, MO - A 44-year-old Eldon man was killed after his 2000 Dodge Caravan crashed into a tree on Monday night. Kevin L. Reeves was traveling west on Highway M when he traveled off the right side of the...
34-year-old speeding driver injured in Franklin County crash
UNION, MO - A 34-year-old speeding driver was injured after her 2008 Kia Sportage crashed into a tree just after midnight on Saturday. Police report Amanda G. Wehmeyer, of Union, was traveling too fast for road conditions on southbound Highway...
Speeding Marthasville driver crashes into tree in Franklin County
LESLIE, MO - A speeding Marthasville driver crashed into a tree and sustained injuries early Saturday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Theodore G. Meyer, 21, was traveling too fast for conditions on eastbound Highway YY in a 2015...
Chesterfield accident blocks right lane on eastbound I-64
CHESTERFIELD, MO - An accident blocked the right lane and caused traffic delays on eastbound I-64 on Tuesday night. According to KSDK, the crash happened just after the Timberlake Manor Parkway around 7:47 p.m. It is unclear if anyone was...
Kirksville woman sustains injuries in westbound I-64 accident
LAKE ST. LOUIS, MO - A 49-year-old Kirksville woman was injured in an accident on westbound I-64 on Sunday night. Police report Randal K. La Motte, 62, was traveling west on I-64 in a 2003 Ford Explorer when he failed...
32-year-old driver injured in St. Louis rear-end collision
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 32-year-old driver from Venice, IL was injured in a rear-end collision on the Blanchette Bridge on Sunday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Durant T. Wilson, 27, was traveling east on I-70 in a...
Two Truxton people injured in eastbound I-70 accident
WENTZVILLE, MO - Two Truxton people were injured in an accident involving a semi on eastbound I-70 on Saturday morning. Karen E. Gruber, 79, was merging from Highway A onto eastbound I-70 in a 2019 Nissan Sentra, according to Missouri...
22-year-old DeSoto driver injured in Highway JJ accident
DE SOTO, MO - A 22-year-old DeSoto driver was injured in an accident on Highway JJ on Saturday morning. Police report Brendan M. Cautrell, 25, was traveling south on Highway JJ in a 2001 Chevrolet Tahoe when he swerved to...
Richwoods driver sustains moderate injuries in Franklin County crash
LONEDELL, MO - A 63-year-old Richwoods driver sustained moderate injuries in a single-vehicle crash on Saturday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Timothy L. Earley was traveling north on Highway FF in a 2004 Chrysler Tow and Country. He...
61-year-old driver injured after Toyota Camry hits ditch
FESTUS, MO - A 61-year-old Bloomsdale driver was injured when her 2013 Toyota Camry hit a ditch on Sunday afternoon. Debra C. Sevier was traveling east on Highway DD when her Toyota traveled off the right side of the highway...
27-year-old motorcyclist injured in westbound Highway 47 crash
TROY, MO - A 27-year-old motorcyclist was injured in a crash on westbound Highway 47 on Sunday afternoon. Micheal L. Somers was traveling west on Highway 47 in a 2015 Harley Davidson and rear-ended a 2018 Ford Focus, according to...
Mineral Point man severely injured after being ejected in Franklin Co. crash
CALVEY TOWNSHIP, MO (FRANKLIN COUNTY) – A man from Mineral Point was seriously injured after colliding with a tree on Route HH in Franklin County this afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened in Calvey Township...
7-year-old and 13-year-old hurt in Friday-night crash in Union
UNION TOWNSHIP, MO (FRANKLIN COUNTY) – Two children were injured in a collision in Franklin County on Friday evening, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened south of Washington and northwest of Union Township, on Highway A...
Bonne Terre woman seriously hurt in single-vehicle rollover on US-67
VALLES MINES, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – A woman from Bonne Terre was seriously injured during a rollover accident in Jefferson County this morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident occurred at 8:48 a.m. in Valles Mines, which...
22-year-old man hurt in head-on collision in High Ridge Township
HIGH RIDGE TOWNSHIP, MO – A 22-year-old man was hurt in a head-on collision in Jefferson County this afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened west of High Ridge on eastbound Twin River Road (Route PP)...
Union woman killed in rollover crash on Hwy WW in Sullivan
SULLIVAN, MO (CRAWFORD COUNTY) – A woman from Union was killed in a rollover accident in Crawford County earlier this week, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident occurred on N Outer Road, near Highway WW, at 3:09...
Driver injured in single-vehicle crash on MO 364 near MO 94
ST. CHARLES, MO - A woman was injured yesterday when her Chevrolet Camaro ran off MO-364 and collided with a concrete barrier, the Missouri Highway Patrol reports. The incident happened on eastbound MO-364, west of MO-94, shortly before 1:20 p.m....
2 injured in single-vehicle accident in Weldon Spring
WELDON SPRING, MO - Two people were injured yesterday when their vehicle left the roadway on I-64 and collided with a copse of trees. According to an incident report filed by the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the crash happened on...
Accident reported on WB I-70 past Wentzville Pkwy
WENTZVILLE, MO - The Missouri Department of Transportation has reported a collision on westbound I-70 west of Wentzville Parkway. ACCIDENT I-70 WB PAST WENTZVILLE PKWY CLEARED AT 12:38 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) March 12, 2021 The collision was...
Multiple injuries reported following chain-reaction crash in Union
UNION, MO - Two people were injured yesterday after an inattentive driver rear-ended a second vehicle and sent it spinning into a third, according to an MSHP incident report. The collision happened on MO-47 at Copperfield Drive at 10:19 a.m....
2 injured in 2-vehicle collision on US 67 at Riverlands Way
WEST ALTON, MO - Two people were injured following a two-vehicle collision on northbound US 67 at Riverlands Way yesterday evening. The Missouri State Highway Patrol reports that Emmett Anderson, 73, pulled onto US 67 from Riverlands without yielding to...
Truck fire reported on NB I-55 near Bayless Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO - Emergency services responded to a truck fire on northbound I-55 near Bayless Avenue this morning, reports Fox 2 Now. Two lanes of the interstate were closed as firefighters battled the blaze, which they extinguished shortly after...
Accident reported on EB I-270 west of MO 367
ST. LOUIS, MO - The Missouri Department of Transportation reported a collision on eastbound I-270 west of MO 367 late this morning. ACCIDENT I-270 EB BEFORE MO 367 CLEARED AT 11:25 AM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) March 12, 2021...
Driver responsible for fatal Pagedale accident may face charges
PAGEDALE, MO - The driver who caused a car accident that killed one person and injured four others is likely to face charges, reports Fox 2 Now. This is an update to a previous post. The crash happened at about...
Westbound I-44 accident blocks right lane Thursday night
VALLEY PARK, MO - An accident closed the right lane on westbound I-44 just after the Missouri 141 exit (272) on Thursday evening. KSDK reports the accident happened around 7:31 p.m. It is unclear how long the lane will be...
St. Louis crash blocks multiple lanes on southbound I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash blocked at least two lanes on southbound I-55 at the Arsenal Street exit (206C) on Thursday night. According to KSDK, the accident happened around 6:07 p.m. They expect the crash and all lanes to...
55-year-old motorcyclists injured in St. Louis County accident
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 55-year-old St. Louis motorcyclist was injured in a crash on eastbound Route 180 on Tuesday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Lillian D. Hess, 87, was in the center turn lane on eastbound Route...
Two De Soto people injured in rear-end collision on Highway 21
CADET, MO - Two De Soto people were injured in a rear-end collision on northbound Highway 21 on Tuesday night. Gordon L. Thornton, 69, was traveling north on Highway 21 in a 1999 Ford F-350 when he came to a...
Infant, 24-year-old woman injured in Warren County semi crash
WRIGHT CITY, MO - An infant and a 24-year-old Wright City woman were injured in a collision with a semi truck on Tuesday night. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, Ashley N. Junte failed to yield to a semi...
Ford Excursion hits embankment, two Arnold people injured
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 2001 Ford Excursion crashed into a ditch injuring two Arnold people early Wednesday morning. Police report Daniel A. Todaro, 45, was traveling south on I-55 when he traveled off the right side of the road...
Two people injured in westbound US-50 accident
BEAUFORT, MO - Two people were injured in an accident on westbound US-50 east of Greenstreet Road on Wednesday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Christopher R. Helling, 26, was traveling east in 2009 Dodge Charger when he traveled...
Collision reported on southbound I-55 past Butler Hill Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident affected traffic on southbound I-55 south of Butler Hill Road this evening, according to the official St. Louis MoDOT Twitter account. ACCIDENT I-55 SB PAST BUTLER HILL RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 5:48...
Accident slows traffic on I-70 EB at I-170
ST. LOUIS, MO - The Missouri Department of Transportation reported a collision on I-70 eastbound at I-170 at 5:10 p.m. this evening. ACCIDENT I-70 EB AT I-170 LEFT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:00 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) March...
Eastbound I-64 accident blocks lane, expect traffic delays
CASEYVILLE, IL - An accident blocked a lane on eastbound I-64 and caused traffic delays on Wednesday evening. KSDK reports the crash happened around 5:30 p.m. and is anticipated to be cleared around 7:21 p.m. It is unknown if anyone...
Washington Park accident blocks lane on eastbound I-64
WASHINGTON PARK, MO - An accident blocked at least one lane on eastbound I-64 at the Kingshighway exit (6) on Wednesday night. According to KSDK, the traffic-blocking incident occurred around 5:51 p.m. They expect the interstate to be cleared around...
Two-year-old in hospital dies from injuries after Saturday’s crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - The two-year-old child who was injured in a car accident that killed her mother on Saturday was taken off life support on Tuesday. This is an update to a previous post. KMOV4 reports that the accident...
Pagedale crash kills one, four people seriously injured
PAGEDALE, MO - A crash on Page Avenue killed one person and seriously injured four others on Wednesday morning. According to KMOV4, the fatal accident happened in the 6700 block of Page Avenue around 10 a.m. They report at least...
Saint Thomas crash blocks lane on westbound I-270
SAINT THOMAS, IL - A crash blocked at least one lane on westbound I-270 at the exits for Illinois 3 on Tuesday afternoon. KSDK reports the accident happened around 2:08 p.m. and they expect it to be cleared up around...
Accident closes portion of westbound I-64, expect traffic delays
EAST ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident closed a portion of westbound I-64 between the N. 25th Street exit (4B) and the Kingshighway exit (6) on Tuesday afternoon. According to KSDK, the accident happened around 12:33 p.m. They expect it...
60-year-old Arnold man injured in rear-end chain-reaction crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 60-year-old Arnold man was injured in a rear-end chain-reaction crash involving four vehicles on southbound I-270 on Friday afternoon. Police report Philip K. Austin, 71, was heading south on I-270 in a 2019 Nissan Frontier...
18-year-old driver injured in four-vehicle crash on northbound I-270
MARYLAND HEIGHTS, MO - An 18-year-old Lake St. Louis driver was injured in a four-vehicle crash on northbound I-270 on Friday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 47-year-old Jason V. Mueller was traveling north on I-270 in a 2011...
Milan woman injured in Sullivan County single-vehicle crash
SULLIVAN COUNTY, MO - A 60-year-old Milan driver was injured in a single-vehicle crash on Highway V about five miles northwest of Winigan on Tuesday morning. Christy A. Fanning was traveling north on Highway V in a 2004 Chrysler PT...
40-year-old driver sustains serious injuries in Highway D accident
MONROE COUNTY, MO - A 40-year-old Wellsville driver was seriously injured in an accident on eastbound Highway D on Monday night. Jennifer A. Chappins was traveling east on Highway D in a 2005 Chevrolet Trailblazer when she failed to negotiate...
Jacksonville man killed in Randolph County motorcycle crash
RANDOLPH COUNTY, MO - A 50-year-old Jacksonville motorcyclist was killed an crash on Highway JJ on Sunday afternoon. Police report 20-year-old Ashley M. Lewis, of Warrensburg, was turning out of the Randolph County Justice center parking lot onto westbound Highway...
70-year-old woman injured in Perry County rear-end crash
PERRYVILLE, MO - A 70-year-old Perryville woman was injured in a rear-end collision on southbound US-61 on Tuesday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Christina M. Roth, 47, was stopped on southbound US-61 in a 2000 Chevrolet Suburban to...
Two people injured in eastbound I-70 accident
MARYLAND HEIGHTS, MO - Two people injured in a two-vehicle accident on eastbound I-70 on Friday afternoon. Kyra J. Campbell, 22, was traveling east on I-70 in a 2017 Volkswagen Passat when she made an improper lane change, according to...
60-year-old man hurt in southbound I-55 accident
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 60-year-old Wellsville man was injured in a single-vehicle accident on I-55 on Saturday night. Police report Guy M. Sumner was traveling south on I-55 in a 1996 Ford Ranger when he traveled off the right...
Accident blocks right shoulder on westbound I-70
ST. PETERS, MO - An accident blocked the right shoulder on westbound I-70 on Monday evening. According to KSDK, the accident happened just after the Cave Springs Road exit (225) around 6:16 p.m. It is expected to be cleared around...
Florissant driver injured in single-vehicle accident on I-270
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO - A 32-year-old Florissant driver was injured in a single-vehicle accident on eastbound I-270 just after midnight on Monday. Ryan C. Harper was traveling east on I-270 west of Highway N in a 2007 Chevrolet Silverado...
61-year-old driver injured in overturned-truck accident
EOLIA, MO - A 61-year-old Louisiana man was injured in a single-vehicle crash on westbound Highway FF on Monday afternoon. Darrell R. Chatman was traveling west on Highway FF in a commercial truck when he traveled off the right side...
Fenton man killed, Fenton woman seriously injured in I-44 crash
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - A 43-year-old Fenton man was killed and a 43-year-old Fenton woman was seriously injured in a single-vehicle accident on westbound I-44 on Monday morning. Police report Ethan A. Beakley was traveling west on I-44 in a...
Three people injured in rear-end collision on eastbound I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - Three people were injured in a rear-end collision involving three vehicles on eastbound I-270 on Monday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, a 2008 Hyundai Elantra and a 2017 Dodge Grand Caravan both slowed to...
Woman killed, 2-year-old on life support, man hurt after high-speed crash
ST. LOUIS, MO – A woman was killed, and her 2-year-old daughter is on life support after the victim's ex-boyfriend reportedly ran a stop sign on Halls Ferry Circle early yesterday morning. According to KSDK, 29-year-old Domonique Hicks, of Florissant,...
25-year-old man hurt after rear-ending truck in Laclede County
PHILLIPSBURG, MO (LACLEDE COUNTY) – A 25-year-old man was injured after he reportedly rear-ended an 18-wheeler in Laclede County yesterday, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened east of Phillipsburg on eastbound I-44, near the 118.8 mile...
Woman found dead after High Ridge apartment catches fire
HIGH RIDGE, MO – A woman was killed in an apartment fire in Jefferson County last night, according to KSDK. The blaze happened at the Brennen’s Point Townhomes complex, located in the 1800 block of Gravois Road, at about 5...
Two people hurt after driver crashes into utility pole on Highway FF
LONEDELL, MO (FRANKLIN COUNTY) – Two people were hurt when a car crashed into a pole in Franklin County last night, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident occurred on northbound Highway FF, near Old Mount Hope Road,...
Three people hurt in wrong-way crash on Hwy B in Phelps County
ST. JAMES, MO (PHELPS COUNTY) – Three people were injured, one of them seriously, in a head-on crash on Highway B in Phelps County this afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened about two miles north...
33-year-old driver sustains serious injuries in Highway B crash
LEWIS COUNTY, MO - A 33-year-old Canton man sustained serious injuries in a crash on Highway B on Wednesday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Zachary L. Logsdon was traveling north on Highway B in a 2005 Chevrolet Malibu...
St. Louis accident blocks lane on eastbound Missouri 364
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident blocked the left lane on eastbound Missouri 364 on Friday afternoon. The accident happened around 3:30 p.m. and is expected to be cleared by 4:19 p.m., according to KSDK. It is unknown if anyone...
St. Louis accident blocks westbound I-70 exit ramp
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident blocked the North Broadway exit ramp at Exit 246A from westbound I-70 on Friday afternoon. According to KSDK, the accident happened around 2:07 p.m. It is unclear if anyone was injured in the crash....
St. Charles driver injured in eastbound Highway 94 crash
ST. CHARLES, MO - A 51-year-old St. Charles driver was injured in crash on eastbound Highway 94 last  Friday morning. Michelle A. Schelbrink was traveling east on Highway 94 in a 2017 Chevrolet Malibu when she traveled off the left...
86-year-old man injured in Franklin County car accident
SAINT CLAIR, MO - An 86-year-old Londell man was injured in a single-vehicle accident on Peacock Road last Friday morning. Joseph C. Zieroff was traveling east on Peacock Road in a 2000 Toyota Camry when it traveled off the right...
Robertsville driver injured in Jefferson County accident
HOUSE SPRINGS, MO - A 47-year-old Robertsville driver was injured in a single-vehicle accident on Hillsboro-House Springs Road on Friday morning. Police report Michelle M. Kidd was traveling south on Hillsboro-House Springs Road in a 2006 Chevrolet Uplander. The vehicle...
Motorcyclist sustains moderate injuries in St. Charles Co. crash
ST. PETERS, MO - A 22-year-old motorcyclist sustained moderate injuries in a crash on westbound I-70 on Thursday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Jacob R. Fritz, of St. Charles, was traveling west on I-70 in a 2020 Harley...
18-year-old driver sustains serious injuries in Bonne Terre crash
BONNE TERRE, MO - An 18-year-old Desloge motorcyclist was injured in a crash on Vo-Tech Road on Thursday afternoon. Alexander L. Ramsey was traveling south on Vo-Tech Road in a 2004 Yamaha Road Star when he traveled off the right...
33-year-old driver injured in three-vehicle crash on I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 33-year-old driver was injured in a three-vehicle collision on westbound I-70 on Thursday afternoon. Police report Angela R. Williams, 49, was stopped in traffic on westbound I-70 in a 2010 Mercedes GLK350. Howard S. Petit,...
Motorcyclist killed in hit-and run crash on eastbound I-70
O'FALLON, MO - A 65-year-old motorcyclist was killed in a crash involving a hit-and-run driver on eastbound I-70 on Thursday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, John R. Hawley, of Wentzville, was traveling east in a 2007 Harley Davidson...
32-year-old man injured in Highway EE accident
WINFIELD, MO - A 32-year-old Winfield man was injured in a crash on Highway EE on Thursday morning. Justin D. Woodland was traveling west in a 2007 Pontiac Grand Prix and attempted to turn left in front of a 2006...
St. Louis woman injured after semi rear-ends her Pontiac
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 26-year-old St. Louis woman was injured after a semi hit the rear of her 2005 Pontiac Grand Prix on Wednesday night. Clint C. Ludeking, 38, was traveling west on I-70 on Blanchette Bridge in a...
27-year-old motorcyclist seriously injured when ejected from bike
STE. GENEVIEVE, MO - A 27-year-old motorcyclist was seriously injured after he was ejected from his bike in a crash on Wednesday night. Police report Ryan E. Mattison, of Ste. Genevieve, was traveling east on US-61 in a 1976 Kawasaki...
Two people injured in Washington County motorcycle crash
CADET, MO - Two people were injured in a motorcycle crash on westbound Missouri 47 on Wednesday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Michael S. Boltzman, 55, was traveling west on Missouri 47 in a 2003 Yamaha YZF-R6 when...
Maryland Heights driver injured in westbound I-70 crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 24-year-old Maryland Heights woman was injured in a crash on westbound I-70 on Saturday morning. Hadiya J. Fleming-Sayeed was traveling west on I-70 in a 2010 Chevrolet Cobalt when she swerved to avoid another vehicle,...
Lincoln County motorcycle crash injures Wright City man
LINCOLN COUNTY, MO - A 56-year-old Wright City motorcyclist was injured in a crash on Highway 8 on Saturday afternoon. Jeffrey L. Hoke was traveling north on Highway 8 in a 2012 Harley Davidson Wide Glide when he encountered a...
62-year-old motorcyclist sustained moderate injures in crash
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - A 62-year-old motorcyclist was injured after he crashed on northbound US-61 on Saturday afternoon. Police report Billy G. Dicus was traveling north on US-61 in a 2001 Harley Davidson when he traveled off the right side...
31-year-old man injured in St. Francois County accident
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO - A 31-year-old French Village man was injured in a crash on Highway Y on Saturday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Road, Trevor A. Denoyer was traveling east on Highway Y in a 2000 Ford...
53-year-old motorcyclist sustains injuries in Lincoln County crash
TROY, MO - A 53-year-old motorcyclist was injured in a crash at 568 Walker Road on Wednesday afternoon. Mark S. Avery was traveling north on Walker Road when his 2008 Harley Davidson Dyna Super Glide went off the right side...
Three people injured in four-vehicle crash on Highway DD
WENTZVILLE, MO - Three people were injured in a four-vehicle crash on northbound Highway DD on Wednesday afternoon. A cargo van, driven by 29-year-old Dean B. Anthony, and a 2015 Jeep Cherokee, driven by 57-year-old Douglas S. Lee, were stopped...
DeSoto man injured in single-vehicle crash in Jefferson County
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - A 76-year-old DeSoto man was injured in a crash on Buck Creek Road on Wednesday afternoon. Police report Darrell L. Dolmage was traveling west on Buck Creek Road in a 2014 Ford Fusion when he lost...
75-year-old driver suffers medical emergency, crashes into residence
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - A 75-year-old driver suffered a medical emergency and crashed into multiple objects, including a residence, on Wednesday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Earl L. Bunton was traveling west on I-44 in a 2006 Ford...
One person seriously injured in crash involving two motorcycles
VILLA RIDGE, MO - One person was seriously injured in a crash involving two motorcycles on eastbound Missouri 100 on Saturday afternoon. David R. English, 25, was traveling east on Missouri 100 in a 2019 Suzuki GSXR and failed to...
40-year-old driver injured in Lincoln County motorcycle crash
MOSCOW MILLS, MO - A 40-year-old Foley man was injured in a motorcycle accident on Mette Road on Saturday afternoon. Dustin A. Carroll was traveling east on Mette Road in a 2011 Harley Davidson when he traveled off the right...
Two people sustain injuries in Franklin County intersection crash
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - Two people were injured in a crash at the intersection of Highway O and Robertsville Road on Saturday night. Police report Michael A. Frederick, 82, was stopped in a 2018 Subaru Legacy at the intersection. As...
60-year-old De Soto man injured in Jefferson County accident
FESTUS, MO - A 60-year-old De Soto man was injured in a single-vehicle accident at 4743 Victoria Road on Saturday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, William A. Clark was traveling east on Victoria Road in a 2017 Chevrolet...
Two St. Louis people injured in single-vehicle crash on I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two St. Louis people were injured in a single-vehicle crash on southbound I-55 early Sunday morning. Jacob C. Croley, 20, was traveling south on I-55 in a 2020 Hyundai Elantra when the vehicle traveled off the...
27-year-old St. Louis driver injured in northbound I-55 accident
PEMISCOT COUNTY, MO - A 27-year-old St. Louis driver was injured in an accident on northbound I-55 on Monday night. Nicholas C. Neal, 24, was traveling north on I-55 in a 2015 Chevrolet Impala when he rear-ended a 2009 Ford...
13-year-old boy, two adults hurt in eastbound I-270 rear-end crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 13-year-old boy and two adults were hurt in a rear-end crash on eastbound I-270 on Monday night. Police report Marlin D. Knabach, 61, was traveling east on I-270 in a 2016 Chevrolet Silverado when he...
Speeding semi driver causes three-vehicle crash on I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 26-year-old St. Louis semi driver was speeding and caused a three-vehicle crash on eastbound I-70 on Monday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Anthony M. Woodland was speeding on eastbound I-70 in a semi....
Accident closes section of southbound US-67 in St. Louis County
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO - An accident closed down a section of southbound US-67 for several hours on Monday afternoon and evening. According to KSDK, southbound US-67 was closed between Clerbrook Lane and Donoho Place. The accident occurred around 1:52...
Semi driver falls asleep behind wheel, sustains moderate injuries
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 37-year-old truck driver fell asleep behind the wheel of the semi he was driving on westbound I-255 early Sunday morning. Jason A. May was traveling west on I-255 in a semi when he fell asleep...
One person injured in three-vehicle collision on northbound I-270
HAZELWOOD, MO - One person was injured in a three-vehicle collision on northbound I-270 at Highway 370 on Sunday afternoon. Police report Kenneth P. Watson, 43, was merging onto northbound I-270 from Highway 370 in a 2004 Ford Mustang and...
23-year-old woman injured in rear-end crash on westbound I-255
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 23-year-old woman from Kewanee, IL was injured in a rear-end accident on westbound I-255 on Sunday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Isidro Martinez, 52, was traveling west on I-255 in a 2001 Ford...
Imperial man sustains serious injuries in Jefferson County crash
IMPERIAL, MO - A 23-year-old Imperial man sustained serious injuries in a single-vehicle crash on Old State Highway M on Sunday night. Cody A. Haynes was traveling west on Old State Highway M in a 2008 Honda Civic when he...
24-year-old woman, infant injured in rear-end collision on I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 24-year-old woman and an infant were injured in a rear-end collision on westbound I-270 on Sunday night. Rodney Brown, 52, was stopped in a lane on westbound I-270 in a 2001 Honda Civic his due...
66-year-old driver injured in semi crash on Highway C
LINCOLN COUNTY, MO - A 66-year-old Troy man was injured in a semi crash on Highway C on Monday morning. Police report Charles S. Lindsey was traveling west on Highway C in a semi north of Old Route C when...
Two people injured in southbound US-61 accident
WENTZVILLE, MO - Two people were injured in an accident on southbound US-61 north of North Point Prairie Road on Monday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Justin B. Gribbin, 31, was traveling south on US-61 in a cement...
Winfield woman ejected, severely injured in motorcycle rollover crash
WINFIELD, MO (LINCOLN COUNTY) – A woman from Winfield was seriously hurt during a rollover motorcycle accident in Lincoln County yesterday afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened west of Winfield on Birkhead Road, near Highway...
One dead, man and 11-year-old hurt in multi-vehicle Hwy 30 accident
DITTMER, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – A man was killed, and two other people, including an 11-year-old boy, were severely injured during a multi-vehicle crash on Highway 30 on Friday night. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident happened...
13-year-old boy hurt in early-morning accident in Perry County
PERRY COUNTY, MO – A 13-year-old boy was hurt during a two-vehicle accident in Perry County early this morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident occurred on I-55 northbound, near the 123 mile marker and about 2...
St. Louis man injured in motorcycle accident in St. Joe State Park
FARMINGTON, MO – A man from St. Louis was hurt after being ejected during a motorcycle accident this afternoon in St. Francois County, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident occurred on St. Joe State Park Trail 150...
Illinois woman killed, man injured in Benton Park hit-and-run
ST. LOUIS, MO – A hit-and-run in the Benton Park area late Friday night led to the death of a woman from Illinois and the serious injury of a man, according to KSDK. The crash occurred near the intersection of...
Five children injured in bus accident near Rolla
ROLLA, MO (PHELPS COUNTY) – Five children from ages 8 to 11 were injured during a bus accident in the Rolla area on Friday afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred on Highway V, near County...
St. Louis accident blocks two lanes on I-64, causes traffic delays
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident blocked two lanes on eastbound I-64 and caused traffic delays on Friday afternoon. According to KSDK, the traffic-blocking accident happened at the Hampton Avenue exit (34B) around 1:36 p.m. They report there are delays...
27-year-old driver sustains moderate injuries in rear-end collision
FENTON, MO - A 27-year-old Imperial driver sustained moderate injuries in a rear-end collision on Missouri 141 on Friday morning. Julia E. Farrell was traveling north on Missouri 141 in a gray 2013 Hyundai Elantra when she rear-ended a silver...
Poplar Bluff man sustains serious injuries in Missouri 147 crash
RIPLEY COUNTY, MO - A 43-year-old Poplar Bluff man was seriously injured in a crash on eastbound Missouri 147 early Tuesday morning. Police report Larry A. Crider was traveling east on Missouri 147 in a 1990 Chevrolet Silverado when the...
Seven people injured in Scott County accident on I-55
SCOTT COUNTY, MO - Seven people were injured in a two-vehicle crash on northbound I-55 on Thursday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Mickey C. Boatwright, 69, was traveling north on I-55 in a 2014 Chevrolet Camaro. For unknown...
18-year-old Fayette driver injured after Honda hits tree
HOWARD COUNTY, MO - An 18-year-old Fayette driver was injured after his 1999 Honda Civic crashed into a tree on Thursday morning. Alexander C. Scott was traveling east on Highway FF when his Honda traveled off the right side of...
Jefferson City driver sustains moderate injuries in Cole County crash
COLE COUNTY, MO - A 19-year-old Jefferson City driver sustained moderate injuries in a crash on Highway W on Tuesday morning. Devin S. Koelling was traveling north on Highway W in a 2001 Chevrolet S10 pickup truck, according to Missouri...
19-year-old driver injured after Pontiac hits tree in Franklin County
BERGER, MO - A 19-year-old driver was injured after her 2005 Pontiac G6 crashed into a tree around midnight on Monday. Police report Geena C. Lee was traveling west on Highway 100 when she served to miss a deer. Her...
Arcadia man seriously injured in three-vehicle accident
FESTUS, MO - An Arcadia man was seriously injured in a three-vehicle accident on southbound U.S. 67 on Thursday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, a cargo van, driven by 29-year-old David B. Warmoth, and a box truck, driven...
38-year-old Frankford man injured in overturned-semi crash
MONROE, COUNTY, MO - A 38-year-old Frankford man was injured in an overturned-semi crash on Friday morning. Adam G. Epperson was traveling south on Missouri 15 in a semi when he traveled off the right side of the road, according...
Chevrolet truck overturns into creek, one person injured in crash
CLARK COUNTY, MO - A 23-year-old Kahoka driver was injured after his 1996 Chevrolet 1500 overturned into a creek on Friday morning. Police report Justin D. Woods was traveling north on County Road 173 when he lost control of his...
Macon man sustains injuries in Lewis County accident
LEWIS COUNTY, MO - A 25-year-old Macon man sustained minor injuries in an accident on Missouri 6 on Tuesday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, William H. Hitchcock, 61, was traveling east on Missouri 6 in a 1996 Chevrolet...
Shooting victim found unconscious after driver crashes
ST. LOUIS, MO - Police responded to an accident and discovered a shooting victim unconscious after the driver crashed on Thursday night. According to KMOV4, a driver crashed while transporting a shooting victim to the hospital around 6 p.m. Police...
Foristell crash blocks left lane on westbound I-70
FORISTELL, MO - An accident blocked the left lane of westbound I-70 just after the Highway W exit (203) on Thursday night. According to KSDK, the accident occurred around 6:39 p.m. They expect to have it cleared by 7:39 p.m....
Hillsboro driver runs red light, crashes into Jeep Gladiator
FESTUS, MO - A 41-year-old Hillsboro driver ran a red light at a Jefferson County intersection and crashed into a 2019 Jeep Gladiator on Thursday afternoon. Shaun D. Wood was traveling on the southbound I-55 ramp to US-61 in a...
82-year-old woman injured after Lexus hits tree in Perry County
PERRYVILLE, MO - An 82-year-old Perryville woman was injured after her 2008 Lexus LS460 hit a tree on Thursday morning. Police report Rhonda L. Buchheit was traveling south on Perry County Road 532 at My Lane when she traveled off...
37-year-old driver injured in semi crash on westbound I-70
WENTZVILLE, MO - A 37-year-old man was injured in a crash involving a semi on westbound I-70 on Wednesday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Scott D. Jones, of Wentzville, was traveling west on I-70 in a 2009 Ford...
St. Louis accident blocks lane on westbound I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident blocked the left lane on westbound I-70 at the I-170 exit (238C) on Wednesday afternoon. According to KSDK, the accident happened around 2:33 p.m. They expect it to be cleared around 3:22 p.m. It...
One person injured in four-vehicle accident on Highway 30
HIGH RIDGE, MO - One person was injured in a four-vehicle accident at the intersection of Highway 30 and Little Brennan Road on Tuesday afternoon. Police report George P. Flynn, 77, was stopped at the intersection in his 2018 Toyota...
Update: 32-year-old man injured in yesterday’s I-55 crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 32-year-old man from Belleville, IL was injured in Tuesday afternoon's crash on southbound I-55. This is an update to a previous post. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Michael J. McCalla failed to account for...
Overturned semi blocks all lanes of eastbound I-270
GLEN CARBON, IL - An overturned semi blocked all lanes of eastbound I-270 east of Illinois 157 on Friday afternoon. According to KMOV4, the crash involved an overturned semi and no other vehicles. Police report all lanes were cleared around...
Vehicle fire blocks right lane of southbound I-170
ST. LOUIS, MO - A vehicle fire blocked the right lane on southbound I-170 just south of I-70 on Wednesday night. According to KSDK, the incident happened around 5:52 p.m. They expect it to be cleared by 6:50 p.m. It...
24-year-old Imperial driver crashes into grass embankment
BLACKWELL, MO - A 24-year-old Imperial driver crashed into a grass embankment in St. Francois County on Wednesday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Melissa A. Wheat was traveling west on Upper Blackwell Road when she lost control in...
Semi loses tires on I-70 causing Jeep Wrangler to crash
WRIGHT CITY, MO - A semi lost its tires on I-70 and caused a 2018 Jeep Wrangler to crash on Tuesday night. Alex Oshkov, 44, was traveling west on I-70 when the right front axle tires came off his semi,...
St. Louis accident blocks two lanes on southbound I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident blocked two lanes on southbound I-55 at the Reavis Barracks Road exit (199) on Tuesday afternoon. According to KSDK, the accident happened around 3:59 p.m. It is unclear if anyone was injured in the...
Two teenagers injured in Pike County accident
PIKE COUNTY, MO - Two teenagers were injured in a crash at the intersection of Highway D and Highway WW on Friday afternoon. Police report a 16-year-old Eolia resident was driving west on Highway WW in a 2007 Honda Acura...
17-year-old driver injured after vehicle hits tree in Jefferson County
DE SOTO, MO - A 17-year-old driver was injured after he crashed his 2014 Jeep Patriot into a tree on Tuesday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, the teenager was traveling north on Highway V when he traveled off...
Old Monroe driver injured in Lincoln County accident
LINCOLN COUNTY, MO - A 47-year-old Old Monroe driver was injured in a two-vehicle accident on Highway U on Tuesday morning. A 17-year-old Troy driver was traveling east on Highway U in a 2001 Volkswagen Bettle when he traveled into...
33-year-old Florissant man dies in westbound I-70 crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 33-year-old Florissant man was killed in a crash on westbound I-70 east of I-170 around midnight on Tuesday. Anthony B. Hayes was traveling west on I-70 in a 2000 Ford Explorer when he lost control...
7-year-old boy, 31-year-old woman injured in I-70 accident
O'FALLON, MO - A 7-year-old boy and 31-year-old woman were injured in an accident on westbound I-70 east of Highway 79 on Monday night. Police report La Aunshe K. Briggs, of Columbia, was stopped on the side of I-70 due...
3 injured in crash when driver runs red light near Festus
FESTUS, MO - A 45-year-old Arnold driver ran a red light at a Jefferson County intersection and caused a two-vehicle crash that injured three people on Monday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Denny A. Write was traveling east...
Two people injured in rear-end crash on southbound Missouri 47
UNION, MO - Two people were injured in a rear-end collision on southbound Missouri 47 on Friday afternoon. John M. Schupp, 33, was traveling south on Missouri 47 in a 2009 Toyota Camry when he became distracted, police report. He...
38-year-old man injured in rear-end collision on Highway 47
WINFIELD, MO - A 38-year-old Winfield man was injured in a rear-end collision on Highway 47 at West Horseshoe Bend Drive on Saturday afternoon. Lucas M. Perlow was traveling east on Highway 47 in a 2006 GMC Sierra when he...
Two people injured in Jefferson County intersection accident
FESTUS, MO - Two people were injured in a single-vehicle crash at the intersection of Highway A and Morgan Road on Saturday evening. Police report Robert H. Dittmaier, 79, was traveling west on Highway A around 5:23 p.m. when his...
31-year-old Eolia driver injured in southbound I-270 crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 31-year-old Eolia driver was injured in a crash on southbound I-270 south of Missouri 30 on Sunday afternoon. Bo A. Jones was traveling south on I-270 in a 2009 Chevrolet Malibu when he changed lanes...
18-year-old St. Charles driver injured in I-70 head-on collision
ST. CHARLES, MO - An 18-year-old St. Charles driver was injured in a head-on collision on westbound I-70 on Sunday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Taj B. Boyd was traveling west on I-70 in a 2005 Toyota Camry....
Speeding driver rear-ends Tahoe on westbound I-70 ramp
ST. CHARLES, MO - A speeding 22-year-old St. Charles driver rear-ended a 2013 Chevrolet Tahoe on the westbound I-70 ramp from Convention Center Boulevard early Monday morning. Donyae'r Lucius was traveling west on the I-70 ramp at high speeds in...
Icy road causes crash in St. Francois County, two people injured
DOE RUN, MO - Icy road conditions caused a 2002 Chevrolet Tahoe to crash on Missouri 221, injuring two people, on Monday morning. Police report Brandon M. Pate, 30, was traveling east on Missouri 221 when his Chevrolet slid due...
Three people injured in Wentzville accident on Highway Z
WENTZVILLE, MO - Three people were injured in a crash on Highway Z south of Stealey Road on Monday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Kyle J. Wendt, 30, was traveling south on Highway Z in a 2015 Toyota...
St. Louis woman seriously hurt after rear-end accident in Franklin County
UNION TOWNSHIP, MO – A woman from St. Louis was severely injured after she was rear-ended by another driver in Franklin County yesterday afternoon. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred on eastbound Highway 50, west of...
7-year-old boy killed, 3 others injured in rollover crash NE of Lebanon
SLEEPER, MO (LACLEDE COUNTY) – A 7-year-old boy was killed, and three other people, including a 5-year-old boy, were injured during a rollover crash in Laclede County early this morning. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred...
Woman dead after 18-year-old with gunshot wounds crashes vehicle
ST. LOUIS, MO – A woman was killed, and an 18-year-old was critically hurt after their vehicle crashed in the Greater Ville area while they were fleeing a shooting early this morning. According to KMOV, the accident happened on Natural...
Columbia woman injured after rear-end crash on I-70
WARRENTON, MO (WARREN COUNTY) – A woman from Columbia was injured after her vehicle was rear-ended on I-70 last night, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened in Warren County on eastbound I-70, near mile marker 190.8,...
21-year-old Jefferson City driver injured in Cole County crash
COLE COUNTY, MO - A 21-year-old Jefferson City driver was injured in a crash at 5403 Bagnall Drive on Thursday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Mariah M. Houston was traveling east on Bagnall Drive when she traveled off...
54-year-old driver injured in semi crash on westbound I-70
CALLAWAY COUNTY, MO - A 54-year-old driver was injured in a semi crash on westbound I-70 early Wednesday morning. Police report John L. Sessions was traveling west on I-70 in a semi when he traveled off the right side of...
20-year-old driver seriously injured in Highway F crash
MONTGOMERY, MO - A 20-year-old Montgomery City driver was seriously injured in a crash on Highway F on Thursday afternoon. Alex M. Clark, 20, was traveling south on Highway F in a 2015 GMC 3500, according to Missouri State Highway...
Three people injured in crash involving two semi trucks
MADISON, MO - Three people were injured in a crash involving two semi trucks on Wednesday night. Police report that Quanotho Kyles, 47, was traveling south on Missouri 15 in a 2020 semi when his truck skidded on the ice....
Glen Carbon crash blocks eastbound I-270 Friday morning
GLEN CARBON, IL - A crash blocked eastbound I-270 between exits 7 and 9 on Friday morning. KSDK reports the crash happened around 11:40 a.m. It blocked the road from the IL-157 exit and the IL-159 exit. They expect it...
Pedestrian injured in St. Louis intersection accident
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 55-year-old male pedestrian was injured in a crash at the intersection of Benton Street and North Florissant Avenue on Thursday night. According to KSDK, a 37-year-old woman was traveling north on North Florissant Avenue in...
40-year-old driver sustains moderate injuries in US-67 crash
FARMINGTON, MO - A 40-year-old Farmington driver sustained moderate injuries in a crash on US-67 at Highway DD on Thursday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Joshua L. Gray was attempting to turn left onto Highway DD from northbound...
St. Louis crash closes left lane on eastbound I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - An incident closed the left lane on eastbound I-70 at I-170 on Thursday evening. KSDK reports the accident happened around 7:03 p.m. They expect the interstate to be cleared around 7:18 p.m. It is unclear what...
St. Charles accident blocks left lane on westbound I-64
ST. CHARLES, MO - An accident blocked the left lane on westbound I-64 at the US-40 exits 9 and 10 on Thursday night. According to KSDK, the accident happened around 6:19 p.m. and is expected to be cleared around 7:43...
One person injured in three-vehicle crash on northbound US-67
FESTUS, MO - One person was injured in a three-vehicle crash on northbound US-67 on Thursday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Justin D. Tiefenauer, 39, was traveling north on US-67 around 4:35 p.m. when he collided with a...
62-year-old driver sustains injuries in Missouri 8 accident
MINERAL POINT, MO - A 62-year-old Mineral Point driver was injured in an accident on eastbound Missouri 8 on Thursday afternoon. Stanley D. Drennen was attempting to turn left onto Bohr Road from eastbound Missouri 8 in a 1997 Ford...
One person killed in Highway 79 accident, one person seriously injured
LINCOLN COUNTY, MO - One person was killed and another was seriously injured in an accident on Highway 79 on Thursday morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. Roger M. Flerlage, 44, was traveling south on Highway 79 when...
Centreville driver sustains moderate injuries in I-70 accident
ST. LOUIS, MO - Brianna N. Smith, 25, sustained moderate injuries in an accident on westbound I-70 on Wednesday night. Police report Smith, of Centreville, IL, was traveling west on I-70 at the I-270 exit (232) when her 2010 Nissan...
44-year-old St. Peters driver injured in Missouri 364 crash
ST. CHARLES, MO - A 44-year-old St. Peters driver was injured in a crash on eastbound Missouri 364 on Wednesday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Robin L. Edman was traveling east on Missouri 364 in a 2014 Hyundai...
71-year-old driver injured in Ralls County accident
NEW LONDON, MO - A 71-year-old New London driver was injured in a crash on Highway V on Wednesday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Robert E. Platte, 71, was traveling east on Highway V in a 2013 Ford...
Accident blocks northbound I-55 lane in Collinsville
COLLINSVILLE, IL - An accident blocked at least one lane on northbound I-55 on Wednesday night. KSDK reports the crash happened around 6:10 p.m. and should be cleared by 8:05 p.m. They did not report if anyone was injured in...
St. Louis accident blocks right lane on eastbound I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident blocked the right lane on eastbound I-70 at the Adelaide Avenue exit (246B) on Wednesday night. The crash happened around 6:55 p.m., according to KSDK. They report it should be cleared around 8 p.m....
O’Fallon crash causes traffic delays on Wednesday night
O'FALLON, MO - A crash on Market Center Boulevard caused traffic delays on Wednesday night. According to KSDK, the accident happened around 6:22 p.m. and is expected to be cleared up by 7:41 p.m. It is unclear if anyone was...
34-year-old Florissant driver injured after crashing into wall
ST. CHARLES, MO - A 34-year-old Florissant driver was injured after crashing her 2005 Honda Civic into a wall on Wednesday afternoon. Angela M. Habeck was traveling west on Missouri 370 when she failed to stay in her lane, according...
33-year-old driver sustains moderate injuries in semi crash
CHESTERFIELD, MO - A 33-year-old O'Fallon driver sustained moderate injuries in a semi crash on westbound I-64 on Tuesday night. Police report Clarence M. Aldridge was traveling west on I-64 on Daniel Boone Bridge in 2002 Ford F150. He failed...
Warrenton driver killed in two-vehicle crash on Highway 47
WARRENTON, MO - A 51-year-old Warrenton man was killed in a two-vehicle crash on Highway 47 on Tuesday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Jonothan R. Schneider, 51, was traveling southbound too fast for the icy road conditions in...
59-year-old Moberly driver killed in crash involving dump truck
STURGEON, MO - A 59-year-old Moberly driver was killed in a crash between a dump truck and a 2005 GMC Sierra on Monday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Brandon L. Wainman, 25, was traveling westbound on Breedlove Drive...
O’Fallon accident blocks right lane on eastbound I-70
O'FALLON, MO - An accident blocked the right lane on eastbound I-70 at the Bryan Road exit (216) on Tuesday night. According to KSDK, the crash happened around 7:41 p.m. and is expected to be cleared around 7:58 p.m. They...
Multiple accidents close Jefferson Barracks Bridge on I-255
ST. LOUIS, IL - Multiple accidents closed the eastbound lanes of Jefferson Barracks Bridge on I-255 Tuesday morning. According to KMOV4, numerous crashes and impassable road conditions due to snow and ice blocked all lanes on the eastbound side of...
St. Louis accident blocks right lane on eastbound I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident blocked the right lane on eastbound I-64 near McClauseland Avenue on Monday morning. The crash involved a box truck and pick-up truck, according to KMOV4. They report snowy-road conditions likely played a role in...
St. Louis accident closes eastbound I-70 express lanes
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident closed the express lanes of eastbound I-70 at Union Boulevard on Monday morning. According to KMOV4, snowy-road conditions were reported on I-70 during the time of the crash. They report the accident happened around...
Semi rear-ends Dodge truck on westbound I-44
VILLA RIDGE, MO - A semi rear-ended a 2000 Dodge 3500 on westbound I-44 at mile marker 251 on Tuesday afternoon. Police report James M. Key, 62, was traveling too fast for road conditions on westbound I-44 in a semi....
Two people injured in eastbound Missouri 30 accident
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - Two people were injured in a head-on collision on eastbound Missouri 30 on Tuesday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Lea M. Tourville, 57, was traveling west on Missouri 30 in a 2008 Chevrolet Silverado...
Crash blocks several lanes on eastbound I-44 in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash blocked multiple lanes on eastbound I-44 near Washington Avenue early Monday morning. KMOV4 reports the accident happened around 5:30 a.m. It is unclear how many vehicles were involved in the crash or if anyone...
Snowy-road crash blocks all lanes on I-44 in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO - Snowy road conditions caused a crash that blocked all lanes on I-44 on Monday morning. According to KMOV4, the accident happened at Cole Street around 9 a.m. They report a tow truck was loading a dark...
East St. Louis crash blocks lane on westbound I-255
EAST ST. LOUIS, IL - A crash blocked at least one lane and caused traffic delays on westbound I-255 on Monday night. KSDK reports the accident happened at the State Street exit (19) around 7:15 p.m. They predict it will...
St. Louis accident blocks left lane on southbound I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident blocked the left lane of southbound I-55 at the Gasconade Street (exit 205) on Monday night. According to KSDK, the crash was reported around 7:12 p.m. and is anticipated to be cleared around 8...
St. Louis driver injured in semi crash on eastbound I-70
ST. CHARLES, MO - A 24-year-old St. Louis driver was injured in a semi crash on eastbound I-70 on Sunday morning. Garland S. Young was traveling east on I-70 in a 2006 Hyundai Sonata when he lost control of the...
23-year-old driver sustains injuries in Highway KK crash
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - A 23-year-old Washington driver sustained injuries in a crash on Highway KK on Monday afternoon. Police report that Ashley L. Kuhlmann was traveling too fast for snowy road conditions, causing her 2005 Jeep Laredo to skid...
Ford F150 hits ATV on Jefferson County, one person injured
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - A 1995 Ford F150 hits a 2021 Polaros RZR at the intersection of Old Lemay Ferry Road and East Four Ridge Road on Monday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, David P. Rell, 28, lost...
71-year-old woman hurt after man runs red light in Barnhart
BARNHART, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – An elderly woman was injured after her vehicle was struck by a driver who ran a red light in Jefferson County on Friday morning. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident happened on...
St. Charles man injured after crashing into ditch in Bridgeton
BRIDGETON, MO (ST. LOUIS COUNTY) – A man from St. Charles was injured after he crashed into a ditch in the Bridgeton area yesterday morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident occurred on the eastbound ramp from...
90-year-old driver severely injured after rear-ending unattended vehicle
MARTHASVILLE, MO (WARREN COUNTY) – A 90-year-old man was seriously hurt after he collided with a parked vehicle in Warren County yesterday, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident occurred on eastbound Route D, near Tuque Creek Road,...
25-year-old woman hurt in Pulaski Co. accident after falling asleep at wheel
BUCKHORN, MO (PULASKI COUNTY) – A 25-year-old woman was hurt after she fell asleep at the wheel, then crashed in Pulaski County late last night, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred a mile and a half...
Speeding driver crashes on Highway C in Lincoln County
LINCOLN COUNTY, MO - A speeding driver crashed into a ditch on eastbound Highway C on Saturday night. Brad M. Grossman, 37, was traveling too fast for road conditions on Highway C in a 2010 Ford F-150, police report. Grossman...
35-year-old woman injured in St. Charles County accident
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - A 35-year-old woman from Wentzville was injured in a two-vehicle crash on Highway P on Saturday night. Police report an unknown vehicle slid from Guthrie Road onto Highway P. Parker R. Wagner, 18, was traveling...
Snowy roads cause 28-year-old St. Louis driver to crash into tree
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - Snowy road conditions caused a 28-year-old St. Louis driver to crash her 202o Ford Escape into a tree on Saturday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Chelsea N. Vautheir was traveling north on Highway N...
Two people injured in ATV crash on Ste. Genevieve County road
ST. GENEVIEVE COUNTY, MO - Two people were injured in an ATV crash on Bidwell Creek Road late Saturday night. Garrett W. Meder, 23, was traveling north on Bidwell Creek Road about 1.7 miles north of Lenz Drive in a...
Two people sustain injuries in southbound I-270 accident
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two people were injured in an accident on southbound I-270 south of I-44 early Sunday morning. Alex Matukin, 20, was traveling south on I-270 when he lost control of his 2019 Mercedes-Benz CLA, according to Missouri...
34-year-old driver sustains injuries in St. Francois County crash
BONNE TERRE, MO - A 34-year-old Bonne Terre driver sustained injuries in a single-vehicle crash on House Road on Thursday night. Police report Brittany C. Butcher was traveling west on House Road when she failed to negotiate a curve properly...
St. Louis driver injured after vehicle hits tree in West Alton
WEST ALTON, MO - A 28-year-old St. Louis driver was injured after her 2014 Nissan Pathfinder hits a tree on Thursday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Sarah A. Gomez was traveling north on US-67 when she lost control...
Icy roads cause car to slide under semi in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO - Icy road conditions caused a car to slide under a semi on I-70 near the I-270 interchange early Tuesday morning. According to KMOV4, the accident happened near St. Louis Lambert International Airport around 5 a.m. It...
Glen Carbon accident blocks right lane on eastbound I-270
GLEN CARBON, IL - An accident blocked the right lane on eastbound I-270 at Oaklawn Drive on Thursday night. KSDK reports the traffic-blocking incident happened around 6:17 p.m. and is anticipated to be cleared by 7:41 p.m. It is unclear...
46-year-old St. Louis woman injured in three-vehicle crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 46-year-old St. Louis woman was injured in a three-vehicle crash on southbound I-170 early Tuesday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Romeo Sanchez Juarez, 38, was traveling south on I-170 in a 1999 Chevrolet...
17-year-old driver injured in overturned-vehicle accident
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 17-year-old St. Louis driver was injured in an overturned-vehicle accident on eastbound I-70 on Wednesday night. A 17-year-old male driver was traveling east on I-70 at Lucas and Hunt Road in a 2009 Chevrolet Impala...
37-year-old O’Fallon driver injured in westbound I-70 accident
O'FALLON, MO - A 37-year-old O'Fallon driver was injured in a westbound I-70 accident on Wednesday night. Christopher E. Rector was traveling west on I-70 west of TR Hughes Boulevard in a 2005 Mercury Grand Marquis GS, according to Missouri...
One person injured in hit-and-run crash on Highway N
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - One person was injured in a three-vehicle crash involving a hit-and-run driver on Highway N on Wednesday night. Police report that Dakota L. Sohn was traveling south on Highway N at Valley Drive in a 2006...
10-year-old girl sustains injuries in semi crash on I-44
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 10-year-old Villa Ridge girl was injured in a crash involving a semi on eastbound I-44 on Wednesday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Dustin L. Clifton, 31, was traveling east on I-44 west of...
42-year-old driver sustains moderate injuries in I-55 accident
STE. GENEVIEVE, MO - A 42-year-old driver sustained moderate injuries in a northbound I-55 crash at mile marker 153 on Wednesday afternoon. Clarine D. Daniels, of Fosteps, AL, was traveling north on I-55 in a 2012 Lincoln MKZ when the...
Two people sustain injuries in westbound I-70 accident
O'FALLON, MO - Two people were injured in an accident on westbound I-70 east of Missouri 79 on Wednesday morning. Police report Shawn K. Wilkerson, 35, was traveling west on I-70 in a 2011 Kia Soul when he lost control...
40-year-old St. Louis driver injured in overturned-vehicle crash
IMPERIAL, MO - A 40-year-old St. Louis was injured in an overturned-vehicle crash on southbound US-61 on Wednesday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, John R. Conti, 40, was traveling south on US-61 when his 2001 Nissan Pathfinder slid...
Icy road conditions cause two-vehicle crash on Highway 21
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - Icy road conditions caused a two-vehicle crash on southbound Highway 21 north of Britton Road on Wednesday morning. Donald E. Melton II, 40, was stopped for traffic in a 2013 Chevrolet Cruze on southbound Highway 21,...
Driver injured when SUV slams into median barrier in S St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO - A motorist was injured when his 2018 Nissan Rogue struck a median barrier on eastbound I-255 west of Highway 231 on Wednesday morning. Bobby G. Rhine, 70, was traveling east on I-255 at about 7:45 a.m....
Hillsboro driver injured in northbound Highway 21 accident
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - A 38-year-old Hillsboro driver was injured in a crash on northbound Highway 21 on Wednesday morning. Police report that Cathy L. Harrison was traveling north on Highway 21 south of Britton Road at about 7:40 a.m.,...
42-year-old driver injured when vehicle hits tree on Highway H
DE SOTO, MO - A 42-year-old Hillsboro driver was injured after his 2004 Pontiac Grand Prix hit a tree on Wednesday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Buddy J. Bennett, 42, was traveling east on Highway H west of...
68-year-old driver sustains moderate injuries in Highway 8 crash
MINERAL POINT, MO - A 68-year-old Farmington driver sustained moderate injuries in a crash on Highway 8 on Tuesday afternoon. Sheena D. Benson, 36, was traveling east on Highway 8 in a 2002 Ford Ranger when she slowed to turn...
10-year-old girl hurt in Jefferson County intersection crash
ARNOLD, MO - A 10-year-old Imperial girl was injured in a crash at the intersection of Vogel Road and Miller Road on Tuesday afternoon. Sarah C. Brammer, 42, was stopped in an eastbound lane of Vogel Road in a 2018...
Two people sustain minor injuries in eastbound I-70 accident
ST. CHARLES, MO - Two people sustained minor injuries in an accident on eastbound I-70 east of South 5th Street on Tuesday afternoon. Police report Charla R. Montgomery, 24, was traveling east on I-70 in a 2007 Saturn Vue when...
43-year-old driver rear-ends patrol car on southbound I-170
UNIVERSITY CITY, MO - A 43-year-old St. Louis driver rear-ended a patrol car on southbound I-170 at Delmar Boulevard on Tuesday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Joseph V. Bondurant, 27, was stopped in the right lane of I-170...
Fenton driver runs stop light, crashes into Buick Encore
FENTON, MO - A 44-year-old Fenton driver ran a stop sign and crashed into a 2016 Buick Encore on Missouri 141 on Tuesday morning. Jason A. Brundick was traveling southbound on Missouri 141 and failed to stop at a stop...
St. Louis driver sustains moderate injuries in I-55 accident
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 69-year-old St. Louis driver sustained moderate injuries in an accident on northbound I-55 on Tuesday morning. David J. Henry was traveling north on I-55 in a 1992 Toyota Corolla when it slid off the road...
Wrong-way driver causes two-vehicle accident on I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - A wrong-way driver caused a two-vehicle accident on eastbound I-270 east of North Hanley Road on Monday night. Police report Kemara C. Elliott, 27, was traveling westbound in the eastbound lanes of I-270 in a 2015...
Teenager killed, two people injured in Highway A crash
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - A teenager was killed and two people seriously injured in a crash on Highway A west of Pioneer Road on Monday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Jimi L. Williams, 41, was traveling eastbound on...
Two people injured in rear-end accident on westbound I-44
EUREKA, MO - Two people were injured in a rear-end accident on westbound I-44 east of State Highway 109 early Sunday morning. Madison K. Monti, 22, was traveling west on I-44 when she lost control of her 2008 Honda Pilot,...
40-year-old driver sustains serious injuries in Franklin County crash
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - A 40-year-old Gerald driver was seriously injured in a crash on US-50 at Flint Hill Road on Sunday night. Police report John T. King lost control of his 2002 Chevrolet Trailblazer and it traveled off the...
Bridgeton woman injured in three-vehicle crash on I-270
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO - A 50-year-old Bridgeton woman was injured in a three-vehicle crash on eastbound I-270 east of North Hanley Road on Sunday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Hannah K. Beck, 20, was traveling on eastbound...
Multiple people injured in police-chase crash on I-70
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO - Three people were injured in a police-chase crash on eastbound I-70 east of the Blanchette Bridge early Monday morning. Police were pursuing a 17-year-old driver in a 2013 Infiniti G37 when it ran over spikes...
52-year-old driver sustains injuries in eastbound I-70 accident
LAKE ST. LOUIS, MO - A 52-year-old driver sustained injuries in a crash on eastbound I-70 east of Lake St. Louis Boulevard early Monday morning. Kevin D. Davis, 52, was traveling eastbound on I-70 in a 2004 Chevrolet Trailblazer when...
Three-vehicle crash leaves two people injured in St. Charles County
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - Three-vehicle crash on Highway A at Mexico injures two people on Monday morning. Police report both a 2017 Chevrolet Equinox and a 2014 Nissan Pathfinder were stopped on eastbound Highway A to turn left. The...
Two people sustain injuries in northbound US-61
PIKE COUNTY, MO - Two people were injured in a crash on the ramp from Highway B to northbound US-61 on Monday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Nathan J. Kueck, 63, was traveling north on US-61 when his...
13-year-old girl and 2 adults hurt in crash on I-270
CASTLE POINT, MO (ST. LOUIS COUNTY) – Three people, including a 13-year-old girl, were injured after a rear-end collision on I-270 on Saturday afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened in Castle Point, located northwest of...
Crawford County man killed in winter-weather accident on I-44
CUBA, MO (CRAWFORD COUNTY) – A man from Crawford County was killed during a winter-weather rollover accident in the same county yesterday evening, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred west of Cuba, on eastbound I-44, near...
19-year-old seriously hurt after crashing into tree in Franklin Co.
CALVEY TOWNSHIP, MO (FRANKLIN COUNTY) – A 19-year-old driver was seriously hurt after he collided with a tree in Franklin County early this morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened on Honeyridge Road, near Rock Church...
Guard injured after disturbance at Justice Ctr involving 115 inmates
ST. LOUIS, MO – A security guard was injured during an incident at the St. Louis City Justice Center that led to over 100 inmates setting objects on fire and throwing them out of a broken window early this morning....
Chesterfield crash blocks right lane on eastbound I-64
CHESTERFIELD, MO - An accident blocked the right lane on eastbound I-64 at the Long Road exit (16) on Friday night. According to KSDK, the crash happened around 6:46 p.m. and is anticipated to be cleared by 8:08 p.m. It...
One person injured in rear-end crash on northbound US-67
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO - One person was injured in a rear-end crash on northbound US-67 south of Fairgrounds Drive on Friday afternoon. Police report Albert E. Sutter, 48, was traveling northbound on US-67 in a 2003 Chevrolet Suburban when...
79-year-old driver fails to yield, causes three-vehicle crash
FESTUS, MO - A 79-year-old Ironton driver failed to yield to oncoming traffic at US-67 and Montauk Drive and caused a three-vehicle crash on Friday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Victoria A. Rodriguez, 79, attempted to cross US-67...
Two people injured in two-vehicle accident on Highway 221
IRONTON, MO - Two people were injured in a two-vehicle accident on southbound Highway 221 at Shy Road on Friday afternoon. Mark A. Tinkler, 64, was attempting to turn onto Shy Road from southbound Highway 221 in a 1998 GMC...
Two people injured in Franklin County head-on collision
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - Two people were injured in a head-on collision at the intersection of Highway A and Rock Creek Drive on Friday morning. Judith A. Donnelly, 80, was stopped at Rock Creek Drive in a 2008 Cadillac CTS...
24-year-old St. Louis driver injured in semi crash on I-70
WARREN COUNTY, MO - A 24-year-old St. Louis driver was injured in a semi crash on eastbound I-70 on Friday morning. Police report Dennis E. Allen Jr. was traveling east on I-70 in a 2010 Chevrolet Impala when he swerved...
Two teenagers injured when car hits tree in Jefferson County
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - Two teenagers were injured when a 2005 Honda Accord hit a tree on Highway FF on Thursday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, a 16-year-old was driving south on Highway FF when she became distracted...
Snowy road conditions cause semi crash on eastbound I-70
ST. CHARLES, MO - Snowy road conditions caused a semi to crash on eastbound I-70 near Highway T/W on Wednesday morning. According to KMOV4, the semi slid off I-70 and crashed around 10 a.m. The eastbound lanes of I-70 were...
St. Louis accident blocks right lane on southbound I-170
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident closed the right lane on southbound I-170 at the Scudder Avenue exit (8) on Thursday night. KSDK reports the crash happened around 7:40 p.m. It is unknown if anyone sustained injuries in the accident....
Valley Park crash causes traffic delays on northbound Missouri 141
VALLEY PARK, MO - A crash caused traffic delays and closed a left lane on northbound Missouri 141 on Thursday night. According to KSDK, the accident happened at Centurion Drive around 6:04 p.m. The incident is expected to be cleared...
One person injured in crash involving hit-and-run driver
CLARKSVILLE, MO - One person was injured in a crash involving a hit-and-run driver on Highway N last Thursday night. Jessie E. Callaway, 45, was stopped on the shoulder of Pike County Road 234 in a 2019 Dodge Ram with...
Two people injured in head-on collision on eastbound I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two people were injured in a head-on collision on eastbound I-270 at the Lindbergh Avenue exit (25) on Thursday morning. Kush K. Modi, 22, was traveling east on I-270 in a 2009 Ford Ranger when the...
27-year-old driver sustains moderate injuries in Highway O crash
STE. GENEVIEVE COUNTY, MO - A 27-year-old St. Charles driver sustained moderate injuries after his vehicle hit a tree early Thursday morning. Police report Zachery T. Gould was traveling westbound on Highway O east of Highway 32 in a 1998...
Two people injured in wrong-way driver accident on I-255
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two people were injured in a wrong-way driver accident on westbound I-255 west of the Telegraph Road exit (2) on Wednesday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Bernadette R. Stapleton, 68, was traveling eastbound in...
St. Louis crash closes two lanes on westbound I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident closed two lanes on westbound I-70 at the Branch Street exit (248B) on Wednesday night. According to KSDK, the crash happened around 8:22 p.m. and is expected to be cleared around 9:09 p.m. It...
20-year-old driver runs stop sign, Mitsubishi hits multiple trees
IRONDALE, MO - A 20-year-old Potosi driver ran a stop sign in Washington County and then crashed into multiple trees on Friday morning. Police report Scott A. Ferguson failed to stop at the stop sign at Highway U and Highway...
Pevely driver injured in southbound US-61 accident
CRYSTAL CITY, MO - A 26-year-old Pevely driver sustained injuries in a two-vehicle accident on southbound US-61 on Friday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, W.H. Williamson, 77, turned right onto southbound US-61 from 12th Street in a 2013...
18-year-old driver injured in Washington County crash
WASHINGTON COUNTY, MO - An 18-year-old Ironton driver was injured after her 2013 Chevrolet Equinox hit a ditch on Friday night. Hannah K. Colyott was traveling northbound on Missouri 21 when she traveled off the east side of the road...
Eolia driver sustains moderate injuries in US-61 crash
TROY, MO - A 69-year-old Eolia driver sustained moderate injuries in a crash on US-61 at North Lincoln Drive on Wednesday afternoon. Alesia M. Skinner was traveling eastbound on North Lincoln Drive in a 2010 Buick Lucerne and traveled into...
St. Clair driver suffers medical emergency, crashes on Missouri 30
PARKWAY, MO - A 57-year-old St. Clair driver suffered a medical emergency and crashed into a 2008 Jeep Patriot on Missouri 30 on Wednesday afternoon. Police report Michael L. West was traveling east on Missouri 30 in a 2009 Chevrolet...
One person injured in t-bone crash on Old Highway 21
HOUSE SPRINGS, MO - One person was injured in a t-bone crash on Old Highway 21 south of Edgewood Acres Drive on Wednesday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Nickolas W. Dottsealk, 24, was attempting to turn left onto...
Catawissa man injured in rear-end crash on northbound US-61
IMPERIAL, MO - A 52-year-old Catawissa man was injured in a rear-end crash on northbound US-61 on Friday night. Robert A. Gray, 48, was stopped in traffic on northbound US-61 south of River Dale Drive in a 1996 Chevrolet 1500,...
Two people injured in wrong-way driver crash on I-270
MARYLAND HEIGHTS, MO - Two people were injured in a wrong-way driver crash on southbound I-270 north of Dorsett Road on Friday night. Tracy L. Lindsay, 51, was traveling northbound in the southbound lanes of I-270 in a 2013 Toyota...
59-year-old driver sustains serious injuries in Missouri 370 crash
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - A 59-year-old St. Charles driver sustained serious injuries in a two-vehicle crash on eastbound Missouri 370 on Friday night. Police report Drew T. Stahlheber, 36, was traveling east on Missouri 370 in a 1999 Jeep...
Labadie driver injured in Franklin County accident
GRAY SUMMIT, MO - A 35-year-old Labadie driver was injured after his 2006 Infiniti G35X crashed on Thornton Road on Friday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Samuel M. Hagemann was traveling northbound on Thornton Road when his Infiniti...
Two people injured in Franklin County intersection collision
BEAUFORT, MO - Two people were injured in a two-vehicle crash at the intersection of U.S. 50 and Highway 185 on Tuesday afternoon. Philip W. Hubenthal, 87, was traveling northbound Highway 185 when he failed to yield to a 2011...
18-year-old woman injured in Jefferson County rear-end crash
HIGH RIDGE, MO - An 18-year-old woman was injured in a rear-end collision on westbound Highway 30 on Tuesday morning. Shelby A. Miller, 18, was traveling west on Highway 30 in a 2007 Ford Focus when she rear-ended a 2015...
70-year-old driver killed in Ste. Genevieve accident
BLOOMSDALE, MO - A 70-year-old Ste. Genevieve driver was killed after he crashed and was ejected from his 2005 Chevrolet Uplander on Tuesday morning. Police report John H. Taylor traveled off the left side of northbound I-55 at mile marker...
28-year-old St. Ann driver injured after Kia hits concrete barrier
BLOOMSDALE, MO - A 28-year-old St. Ann driver was injured after her 2006 Kia Optima hit a concrete barrier on northbound I-55 on Monday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Kai P. Wood was traveling northbound on I-55 and...
41-year-old Foley driver injured in overturned-vehicle accident
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - A 41-year-old Foley driver was injured after his 2004 Chevrolet Impala overturned on US-61 on Saturday morning. Jacob A. Baker was traveling north on US-61 when his Chevrolet ran off the road, hit a ditch,...
22-year-old driver sustains injuries in semi crash on I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 22-year-old Arnold driver was injured after 2013 Chevrolet Impala hit a semi on southbound I-55 on Saturday afternoon. Molly P. Alshanski was traveling southbound on I-55 when she lost control of her Chevrolet and it...
Bourdon driver seriously injured in eastbound I-44 crash
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - A 28-year-old Bourdon driver was seriously injured in a crash on eastbound I-44 on Saturday afternoon. Police report Alexandra M. Ausley was traveling eastbound on I-44 in a 2013 Hyundai Elantra when it hydroplaned and traveled...
40-year-old driver sustains serious injuries in U.S. 67 crash
BONNE TERRE, MO - A 40-year-old driver sustained serious injuries after crashing into a tree on southbound U.S. 67 on Saturday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Bradley L. Owen, of Sikeston, was traveling southbound on U.S. 67 when...
Union driver sustains injuries after vehicle hits tree
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - A 29-year-old Union driver was injured after her 2012 Chevrolet Silverado hit a tree on Highway A early Sunday morning. Heather E. Sullivan was traveling southbound on Highway A when her Chevrolet traveled off the right...
Three people injured when 16-year-old driver runs stop sign
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - Three people were injured in a crash after a 16-year-old St. Charles driver ran a stop sign on Sunday afternoon. A 16-year-old male driver was traveling southbound on Seeburger Road in a 2000 Chevrolet Silverado...
St. Louis driver sustains injuries in northbound US-67 accident
WEST ALTON, MO - A 51-year-old St. Louis driver was injured in an accident on northbound US-67 on Sunday afternoon. Police report Stacy M. Jones lost control of her 2007 Toyota Avalon on northbound US-67 and it traveled off the...
21-year-old Potosi driver injured in Highway 21 crash
POTOSI, MO - A 21-year-old Potosi driver was injured after his 2005 Dodge Neon overturned in a crash on Highway 21 on Sunday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Austin L. Akers was traveling southbound on Highway 21 when...
32-year-old man killed in Maries County rollover accident
VICHY, MO (MARIES COUNTY) – A driver was killed after he collided with two buildings in Maries County on Friday afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The collision occurred in Vichy, on Highway 63, at 5:35 p.m., when...
Five people injured in St. Louis County house fire
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO - Five people, including two children, were injured in a house fire on Sunday morning. According to KMOV4, the fire occurred at a house in the 700 block of Regina Avenue around 9:40 a.m. All five...
Local authorities respond to semi crashing into St. Louis building
ST. LOUIS, MO - Local authorities responded to a semi crashing into a building on North Broadway on Sunday afternoon. According to KMOV4, the crash occurred near the Adelaide Avenue bridge on North Broadway around 3:20 p.m. The photo shared...
One person sustains serious injuries in van vs. bus crash
FAIRVIEW HEIGHTS, IL - One person was injured after a van rear-ended a bus on Old Bunkum Road on Friday morning. According to St. Louis Post Dispatch, a Morrison Plumbing Company van and school bus were both traveling west on...
Four people injured in St. Louis crash involving patrol car
ST. LOUIS, MO - Four people were injured in a crash involving a patrol car at the intersection of U.S. 50 and Missouri 21 on Sunday night. Nicholas W. Stevens, 27, was traveling northbound on Missouri 21 in a 2019...
4-year-old St. Louis boy injured in northbound I-55 accident
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 4-year-old boy sustained injuries in a two-vehicle accident on northbound I-55 on Wednesday morning. Kaelen W. Gmerek, 19, was traveling northbound on I-55 when her 2007 Dodge Dakota spun out and came to a stop...
Four people sustain injuries in St. Francois County intersection crash
FARMINGTON, MO - Four people were injured in a two-vehicle crash at the intersection of State Highway O and Hillsboro Road on Thursday night. Police report Daniel E. Bochantin, 32, was traveling northbound on Hillsboro Road in a 1997 GMC...
Sullivan driver injured after vehicle hits tree in Franklin County
SULLIVAN, MO - A 52-year-old Sullivan driver was injured after his 1992 Ford F150XLT hit a tree on Erni Road early Thursday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, James E. Burnett was traveling southbound on Erni Road when the...
St. Louis crash blocks right shoulder on eastbound I-44
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident blocked the right shoulder on eastbound I-44 at the I-270 exit (277) on Thursday afternoon. According to KSDK, the crash happened around 2:36 p.m. and is anticipated to be cleared around 3:24 p.m. It...
41-year-old driver injured in two-vehicle St. Charles County crash
O'FALLON, MO - A 41-year-old Wentzville driver was injured in a two-vehicle crash at East Lake St. Louis Boulevard and the I-70 westbound exit ramp early Thursday morning. Hestine Mason failed to stop at a red light when she was...
Two people injured in Wright City crash on eastbound I-70
WRIGHT CITY, MO - Two people were injured in a two-vehicle crash involving a semi on eastbound I-70 on Wednesday night. Police report 43-year-old Lataisha S. Murry, of Jefferson City, lost control of her 2007 Dodge Calibur on eastbound I-70...
One person killed, two injured in three-vehicle crash on Missouri 367
ST. LOUIS, MO - One person was killed and two people were injured in a three-vehicle crash on Missouri 367 on Wednesday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 47-year-old Joseph T. Reddin was traveling southbound in the northbound lanes...
Speeding driver sustains moderate injuries in Missouri 370 accident
ST. CHARLES, MO - A 53-year-old Florissant driver sustained moderate injuries after speeding and crashing on eastbound Missouri 370 on Wednesday night. Anthony S. Jefferson was traveling too fast for road conditions on eastbound Missouri 370 east of Elm Street...
Distracted driver crashes into Ford F250 on westbound I-70
ST. CHARLES, MO - A 37-year-old St. Peters driver became distracted and crashed into a 2010 Ford250 on westbound I-70 on Wednesday afternoon. Lauren C. Asbridge was traveling west on I-70 east of S. 5th Street when she became distracted...
Warrenton woman sustains injuries in three-vehicle collision
WENTZVILLE, MO - A 35-year-old Warrenton woman was injured in a three-vehicle collision on westbound I-70 on Wednesday morning. Police report Brittney Y. Acevedo was traveling westbound on I-70 near mile marker 208 when her 2008 Mercury Grand Marquies slid...
44-year-old Perryville driver seriously injured after hitting tree
PERRY COUNTY, MO - A 44-year-old Perryville driver sustained serious injuries after her 2015 Ford Escape crashed into a tree on Wednesday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Amanda J. Baker was traveling on Highway J at Perry County...
25-year-old speeding driver crashes head-on into Nissan Cube
UNION, MO - A 25-year-old speeding driver traveled into oncoming traffic and struck a 2013 Nissan Cube head-on on E. State Missouri 47 on Wednesday morning. Alexander S. Frankenberg, of Union, was traveling too fast for the snowy road conditions...
34-year-old driver injured after crashing on snow-covered road
STE. GENEVIEVE, MO - A 34-year-old driver from Des Moines, IA was injured after crashing on a snow-covered Highway M on Wednesday morning. Amber L. Foland was traveling south on Highway M when her 2009 Chevrolet Impala slid on the...
St. Louis driver injured after crashing into garbage truck on I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 21-year-old St. Louis driver was injured after her 2006 Mercedes-Benz ML350 collided with a garbage truck on I-270 on Wednesday morning. Police report Karli S. Hughes was traveling east on I-270 when her Mercedes slid...
Cargo van rear-ends semi on eastbound I-70, one person injured
WARREN COUNTY, MO - A 2017 Ford Econoline cargo van rear-ended a semi on eastbound I-70 at mile marker 203 on Wednesday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 64-year-old Steven E. Crawford, of Snellville, GA, was traveling east on...
Pleasant Hill driver sustains moderate injuries in Highway UU crash
LOUISIANA, MO - A 64-year-old Pleasant Hill driver sustained moderate injuries in a crash on eastbound Highway UU on Tuesday night. John L. Parker was traveling eastbound on US-54 in a 1999 Chevrolet Suburban when he swerved to miss a...
Two people injured in four-vehicle crash on eastbound I-70
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - Two people were injured in a four vehicle crash that occurred on eastbound I-70 on Tuesday morning. Caitlin L. Dolezal, 26, rear-ended a 2007 Ford Taurus, driven by 34-year-old Steven J. Paffrath, in her 2019...
29-year-old Wentzville driver injured in rear-end crash
BARNHART, MO - A 29-year-old Wentzville driver was injured after a 1993 Acura Vigor rear-ended his 2005 Chevrolet Cobalt on an I-55 exit ramp. Police report Austin J. Vines, 24, rear-ended the Chevrolet when he failed to keep a proper...
72-year-old semi driver ran red light, hit Ford Escape head-on
FENTON, MO - A 72-year-old Laredo semi driver ran a red light at Missouri 30 and Northwest Boulevard and hit a 2008 Ford Escape early Tuesday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Stefan Evanics was attempting to turn left...
29-year-old driver sustains injuries in rear-end crash on I-270
HAZELWOOD, MO - A 29-year-old Florissant driver was injured in a rear-end crash on westbound I-270 on Monday afternoon. Brittany C. Cook was traveling westbound on I-270 in a 2015 Hyundai Elantra when she failed to switch lanes due to...
45-year-old driver fell asleep, crashes Monte Carlo in ditch
WASHINGTON COUNTY, MO - A 45-year-old driver fell asleep behind the wheel and crashed his 2005 Chevrolet Monte Carlo in a ditch on Monday afternoon. Larry D. Dontrich, of Mineral Point, was traveling northbound on Highway P when he fell...
57-year-old driver injured in two-vehicle crash in Lincoln County
LINCOLN COUNTY, MO - A 57-year-old St. Clair driver was injured in a two-vehicle crash at State Highway 47 and College Road on Monday afternoon. Police report Tina M. Tichacek was traveling westbound on College Road in a 2003 Chevrolet...
Troy driver injured after car hits multiple trees in Lincoln County
LINCOLN COUNTY, MO - A 59-year-old Troy woman was injured after her 2014 Chevrolet Impala struck multiple trees on Monday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Kimverly A. Rahmier was traveling southbound on Highway AA when she traveled off...
Driver sustains moderate injuries in Jefferson County crash
FESTUS, MO - A 23-year-old Robertsville woman sustained moderate injuries in a single-vehicle crash on Highway TT on Monday night. Kaylen K. Austin was traveling southbound on Highway TT in a 2001 Chevrolet Cavalier when she lost control of the...
32-year-old driver sustains serious injuries in three-vehicle crash
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - A 32-year-old driver sustained serious injuries in a three-vehicle crash on the south outer 70 on Monday night. Police report 29-year-old William M. Hodge, of O'Fallon, was traveling east on the south outer 70 in...
Patton driver injured in single-vehicle crash on Highway 51
PERRY COUNTY, MO - A 29-year-old Perry driver was injured after his 2009 Pontiac G5 crashed into a tree on Highway 51 on Monday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Dustin R. Smith's Pontiac traveled off the right side...
Kidde Fire Extinguisher Maker Ordered to Pay $12 Million 
A federal judge ordered the maker of popular Kidde Fire Extinguishers to pay $12 million after a U.S. Department of Justice investigation claims that the company “buried consumer complaints” and hid defects that led to at least one death. According...
35-year-old driver sustains serious injuries in US-67 crash
BONNE TERRE, MO - A 35-year-old Bonne Terre man sustained serious injuries in a crash on northbound US-67 on Sunday morning. Alexander A. Rodriguez was traveling northbound on US-67 in a 2001 Acura TL when he traveled off the right...
St. Louis woman injured in westbound I-70 accident
O'FALLON, MO - A 33-year-old woman from St. Louis was injured in a two-vehicle crash on westbound I-70 on Sunday afternoon. Danielle N. Walls was traveling on westbound I-70 east of Bryan Road when she failed to maintain her lane,...
43-year-old Union man killed in Franklin County crash
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - A 43-year-old Union man was killed in a crash on Old County Farm Road on Sunday evening. Police report Andrew T. Riggins lost control of his 2002 Chevrolet Trailblazer while traveling westbound in a curve on...
Four kids, 31-year-old man injured in hit-and-run crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - Four kids and a 31-year-old man were injured in a three-vehicle crash instigated by a hit-and-run driver on westbound I-70 on Sunday evening. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, an unknown vehicle was traveling westbound on...
51-year-old St. Louis woman injured in semi crash on I-70
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO - A 51-year-old St. Louis woman was injured after a semi struck her 1999 Pontiac Grand Prix on Sunday night. Holly A. Livezey, 57, was traveling in the second from the right lane on eastbound I-70...
Two people injured in Washington County accident
MINERAL POINT, MO - Two people were injured in a rear-end collision on westbound Highway 8 on Sunday night. Gerald T. Grubbs, 57, was slowing down on westbound Highway 8 to turn left onto Airport Road when Evan J. Knox,...
One person injured when emergency vehicle crashes on US-61
MOSCOW MILLS, MO - A 24-year-old Moscow Mills driver was injured when his vehicle, with emergency equipment activated, crashed on southbound US-61 on Saturday morning. Police report Mark A. Porter was responding to a call with the emergency equipment activated...
24-year-old woman injured after vehicle crashes into guardrail on I-70
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - A 24-year-old woman was injured after she crashed into a guardrail on westbound I-70 on Monday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Samantha D. Rogers, of O'Fallon, was traveling westbound on I-70 west of...
Two people injured during eight-vehicle crash in Fenton
FENTON, MO – Two people were injured in an accident in Fenton yesterday afternoon that involved a total of eight vehicles, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred on northbound Highway 141, south of Gravois Road, at...
Texas man severely injured during Rolla truck accident
ROLLA, MO (PHELPS COUNTY) – A man from Texas sustained severe injuries during a truck rollover accident near Rolla early this morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred at 2:35 a.m. on I-44, near Dillon Outer...
Two IL residents killed in crash with allegedly reckless driver on I-270
DES PERES, MO (ST. LOUIS COUNTY) – Two people from Illinois were killed when their vehicle was struck by a man who was allegedly driving in a reckless manner on I-270 late last night. According to the Missouri State Highway...
Motorcyclist seriously injured after being ejected in Pulaski Co. crash
ST. ROBERT, MO (PULASKI COUNTY) – A motorcyclist from Waynesville was severely injured after being ejected during an accident in Pulaski County early this morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident occurred on I-44 westbound, near the...
16-year-old passenger injured in overturned-vehicle crash
BONNE TERRE, MO - A 16-year-old driver was injured after she crashed on US-67 and her 2006 Pontiac G6 overturned late last Friday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, a 16-year-old female driver from Bonne Terre was speeding on...
Derailed train blocks Highway 3 in Fairmont City
FAIRMONT CITY, IL - A train derailed and blocked traffic on Highway 3 near Packers Avenue on Thursday night into Friday. According to St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the Alton & Southern Railway train derailed around 11:48 p.m. on Thursday night. It...
One person injured in crash involving two tractor-trailers on I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - One person was injured after a tractor-trailer rear-ended another tractor-trailer on eastbound I-70 on Friday morning. Joshua A. Atkinson, 19, was traveling eastbound on I-70 west of Jennings Station Road in a tractor-trailer when he failed...
Update: 20-year-old St. Louis man charged in fatal police chase crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 20-year-old St. Louis man was charged in the fatal police chase crash that happened at Bellefontaine Road and Chain of Rocks Road on Wednesday afternoon. This is an update to a previous post. According to...
35-year-old driver sustains moderate injuries after vehicle overturns
MINERAL POINT, MO - A 35-year-old Potosi driver sustained moderate injuries in an overturned-vehicle crash on Missouri 8 on Friday morning. Shirley J. Nash was traveling eastbound on Missouri 8 in a 2005 Pontiac G6 when she crossed over into...
De Soto driver fails to yield causes two-vehicle crash on Highway 67
DE SOTO, MO - A 56-year-old driver failed to yield and crashed into a 2002 Saturn SL2 on southbound Highway 67 on Friday morning. Police report Sheila K. Poncet was traveling southbound on Highway 67 south of Flucom Road in...
73-year-old driver killed after driving under semi in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 73-year-old male driver was killed after crashing under a semi on North Hanley Road early Friday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Robert E. Lee was traveling northbound on North Hanley Road when he...
One person killed in two-vehicle crash on southbound I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - One person was killed in a two-vehicle crash on southbound I-270 north of I-64 on Thursday afternoon. Lee E. Walls, 55, was stopped on the far right lane of southbound I-270 with emergency lights and arrow...
Two people airlifted to hospital after single-vehicle crash
ST. FRANCOIS, MO - Two people were airlifted to the hospital after a single-vehicle crash on Highway 47 on Thursday afternoon. Police report Courtnee L. Givens, 21, was speeding on eastbound Highway 47 and failed to yield to an emergency...
Cargo van collides with dump truck on Highway 30
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - A 24-year-old driver failed to stop at a stop sign and caused a two-vehicle collision at Highway 30 and North Hendricks Road on Thursday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Jerika E. Todd was traveling...
26-year-old driver seriously injured in I-270 crash
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO - A 26-year-old driver sustained serious injuries in a single-vehicle crash on southbound I-270 on Thursday morning. Alexandra Celia M. Schultz, of St. Louis, was traveling southbound on I-270 when she lost control of her 2007...
40-year-old driver rear-ended Scion FRS on Highway 30
FENTON, MO - A 40-year-old driver rear-ended a 2014 Scion FRS in her 2012 Nissan Altima on Highway 30 on Thursday morning. Andrea L. Werner, 22, was stopped for traffic on eastbound Highway 30 west of Delores Drive when Danessa...
Houston driver runs stop sign, causes two-vehicle crash in West Alton
WEST ALTON, MO - An 18-year-old driver failed to stop at a stop sign at US-67 and Riverlands Drive and caused a two-vehicle crash on Wednesday night. Police report Jamiah Cole, of Houston, was traveling eastbound on Riverlands Drive in...
62-year-old woman injured in head-on crash on Highway T
ST. CHARLES, MO - A 62-year-old woman was injured in a head-on crash at 3832 Highway T on Wednesday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Carolyn S. Brown, of Lake Sherwood, was traveling northbound on Highway T when she...
40-year-driver ran stop sign causing three-vehicle crash
HIGH RIDGE, MO - A 40-year-old Ballwin driver ran a stop sign at Missouri 30 and Little Brennan Road and caused a three-vehicle crash on Wednesday morning. Police report Jason J. Leeker was traveling westbound on Missouri 30 in a...
Eight-vehicle crash on I-64 leaves two people injured
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - An eight-vehicle crash on westbound I-64 injured two people on Wednesday evening. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, the multiple-vehicle collision occurred on the Daniel Boone Bridge around 5:05 p.m. A 2006 Volvo XC90, driven...
East St. Louis crash blocks one lane on eastbound I-64
EAST ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident blocked at least one lane on eastbound I-64 at the I-70/I-55 exits (3, 3A, 3B) on Wednesday afternoon. According to KSDK, the crash occurred around 1:25 p.m. They report it should be cleared...
Distracted driver crashes Kia Spectra into Culvert on I-44
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO - A distracted driver crashed into a culvert on westbound I-44 on Saturday morning. Police report Nathaniel J. Coker, 22, was traveling westbound on I-44 in a 2005 Kia Spectra when he became distracted and traveled...
19-year-old motorcyclist injured in St. Francois County crash
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO - A 19-year-old motorcyclist was injured after his 2015 Kawasaki KX 250 crashed on Saturday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Jared A. Quick, of Robertsville, was traveling on an off-road area at St. Joe...
Multiple incidents block westbound I-70 on Wednesday night
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two separate incidents blocked traffic on westbound I-70 on Wednesday afternoon. According to KSDK, the first traffic-blocking accident was reported at the Shreve Avenue exit (245A) around 8:51 p.m. It blocked a left lane on westbound...
One person killed, two injured in police chase crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - One person died and two were injured when a police pursuit ended in a collision in a St. Louis intersection on Wednesday afternoon. The crash happened at Bellefontaine Road and Jennings Station Road, according to KMOV4....
Women Join Paragard Lawsuits after IUD Breaks
Women who needed hysterectomy, hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, and laparotomy may be eligible for compensation. For decades, women have been implanted with an interuterine device (IUD) called Paragard T 380A, or simply “Paragard.” These women, and their doctors, trusted that The Cooper...
Two people seriously injured in head-on crash on US-61
TROY, MO - Two people sustained serious injuries when two vehicles collided head-on on northbound US-61 on Monday night. Police report 91-year-old Harold A. Harke was traveling southbound in the northbound lanes on US-61 in a 2017 Dodge Journey and...
42-year-old woman sustains serious injuries in single-vehicle crash
PACIFIC, MO - A 42-year-old woman sustained serious injuries in a single-vehicle crash on State Route FF at John McKeever Road on Tuesday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Kimberly S. Bryan, 42, was traveling southbound on Route FF...
Two people injured in Pike County intersection crash
PIKE COUNTY, MO - Two people sustained injuries in a crash south of Moscow Mills on Tuesday evening. A 2004 Chevrolet Silverado, driven by 54-year-old William Hinnch, was headed north on US-61 at 5:35 p.m. when a 1997 Ford F-150...
Three-vehicle crash on I-44 leaves one person injured
SULLIVAN, MO - A 42-year-old man was injured in a three-vehicle crash on eastbound I-44 at the 225.0 mile marker on Tuesday afternoon. A 2009 Lincoln Towncar, driven by 50-year-old Carl M. McLaughlin, was attempting to merge onto eastbound I-44...
Speeding driver crashes into culvert, sustains moderate injuries
WRIGHT CITY, MO - A speeding driver traveled off of Highway J and crashed into a culvert on Tuesday morning. Police report Shelby E. Shults, 22, was traveling too fast for road conditions in a 2014 Buick Encore. The Buick...
Four people sustain injuries in crash on westbound I-270
FLORISSANT, MO - Four people sustained injuries in a three-vehicle crash on westbound I-270 west of the Florissant Avenue exit (29) on Tuesday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 58-year-old Stephen Johnson, of Indianapolis, IN, was traveling west on...
St. Louis crash blocks two lanes on westbound I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident blocked two lanes on westbound I-64 at the South Mason Road exit (24) on Tuesday night. According to KSDK, the crash occurred around 8:28 p.m. They project the crash will be cleared by 9:21...
53-year old St. Louis driver crashes into pole, vehicle overturns
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - A 53-year-old St. Louis driver crashed into a pole and his 2001 Dodge Durango overturned on Sunday night. Todd H. Eschenbrenner was traveling westbound on East Highway D when he traveled off the left side...
38-year-old driver ejected from SUV in Chesterfield, seriously injured
CHESTERFIELD, MO - A 38-year-old driver sustained serious injuries after he was ejected from his SUV in a crash on eastbound I-64 early Monday morning. Anthony W. Howard, of High Hill, was traveling east on I-64 when his 2012 Cadillac...
46-year-old man killed in St. Louis County semi crash
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO - A 46-year-old male passenger, of St. Louis, was killed in a crash involving a semi on North Lindbergh Avenue on Monday afternoon. Police report 46-year-old Craig E. Sutberry, of O'Fallon, was traveling southbound in a...
73-year-old woman injured in rear-end accident in Wentzville
WENTZVILLE, MO - A 73-year-old St. Ann woman was inured after a 2009 Toyota Highlander rear-ended the vehicle she was riding in on Monday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Steven E. Howard, 26, was traveling southbound on Wentzville...
East St. Louis crash blocks right lane on eastbound I-64
EAST ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident blocked the right lane on eastbound I-64 at the I-70 exits (3, 3A, and 3B) on Monday evening. The traffic-blocking accident happened around 8:51 p.m., according to KSDK. They anticipate the accident will...
One mile stretch of eastbound I-44 closes due to crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - An approximately one mile stretch of eastbound I-44 closed due to a crash on Monday night. According to KSDK, eastbound I-44 was closed between the South Grand Boulevard exit (288) and the I-55 exit (290A) after...
North City crash critically injures one person
ST. LOUIS, MO - One person sustained critical injuries after a red pickup truck hit a pole in a North City neighborhood intersection late Sunday night. The pickup truck truck crashed into a pole near West Florissant Avenue and Pope...
Semi crash causes SUV to overturn in Lenzburg, two people killed
LENZBURG, IL - Two people were killed when their SUV collided with a semi at the intersection of North Main Street and Illinois Route 13 on Sunday afternoon. According to KMOV4, the SUV was driving northbound on North Main Street...
Florissant man killed when Jeep rolls down ditch in Berkeley area
BERKELEY, MO (ST. LOUIS COUNTY) – A man was killed when his Jeep overturned in an accident this evening in the Berkeley area on I-170, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The collision occurred on northbound I-170, near Airport...
15-year-old dead, 5 other teens injured in E St. Louis rollover crash
EAST ST. LOUIS, IL – A 15-year-old girl was killed and four other teenagers sustained severe injuries during a rollover crash in East St. Louis early this morning. According to KMOX, the crash occurred on I-55/I-70 just before 1 a.m.,...
8-year-old boy hurt in rear-end accident in Wentzville
WENTZVILLE, MO – An 8-year-old boy was injured after the vehicle he was riding in was rear-ended by another car in Wentzville yesterday. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred on eastbound I-70, near the Wentzville Parkway...
2 children hurt when car crashes into tree in Maries County
VIENNA, MO (MARIES COUNTY) – Two little girls were injured when a vehicle collided with a tree in Maries County yesterday evening, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident occurred at 35812 Highway 63 at 5:08 p.m., when...
Speeding driver causes two-vehicle crash on Missouri 47
WASHINGTON COUNTY, MO - A 26-year-old driver crashed into a 2013 Dodge Journey on Missouri 47 Thursday afternoon, injuring its driver. Jessica L. Owens, of DeSoto, was traveling too fast for road conditions on northbound Missouri 47, police report. Her...
Update: MSHP releases more details in Thursday’s fatal I-64 crash
LAKE SAINT LOUIS, MO - Missouri State Highway Patrol continues to investigate the fatal crash on I-64 that killed a Troy woman on Thursday morning. This is an update to a previous post. MSHP released additional details about the crash....
Driver injured after Jeep hits light pole in SW St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 57-year-old male driver was injured after his 2016 Jeep Wrangler struck a light pole and overturned on US-50 on Wednesday night. Police report Timothy J. Seager was traveling on southbound US-50 when he attempted a...
Update: 46-year-old man injured in Highway 370 semi crash
ST. CHARLES, MO - A 46-year-old man was injured after he crashed his semi and it caught fire on westbound Highway 370 on Wednesday morning. This is an update to an earlier post. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Curtis...
Clayton crash blocks northbound I-170 exit ramp
CLAYTON, MO - An incident blocked the Forest Park Parkway exit (1E) on northbound I-170 on Friday afternoon. The accident is expected to be cleared by 4:14 p.m., according to KSDK. No further details have been released on the cause...
Westbound I-70 crash blocks right shoulder at I-270
BRIDGETON, MO - An accident blocked the right shoulder on westbound I-70 at the I-270 exit (232) on Friday afternoon. According to KSDK, the crash is anticipated to be cleared by 4:12 p.m. It is unclear if anyone was injured...
Overturned car crash causes traffic delays on northbound I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO - An overturned-vehicle crash caused traffic delays on northbound I-55 at the Loughborough Avenue exit (202C) on Friday afternoon. According to KMOV4, one vehicle was scene flipped over in the median and at least four ambulances were...
21-year-old driver injured after crashing into utility pole
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - A 21-year-old High Ridge man was injured after he crashed into a utility pole on Rock Creek Road early Wednesday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Joseph M. Zink was traveling westbound on Rock Creek...
St. Clair woman injured in eastbound Highway 30 accident
ST. CLAIR, MO - A 27-year-old woman was injured in a rear-end collision on eastbound Highway 30 on Tuesday night. The accident occurred on eastbound Highway 30 west of T-Box Drive around 6:43 p.m., police report. A 2002 Ford F-150,...
33-year-old Wentzville woman injured after rear-ending Ford F-150
WENTZVILLE, MO - A 33-year-old Wentzville woman was injured after she rear-ended a 1994 Ford F-150 on northbound US-61 on Tuesday night. Jessica L. McDaniel was traveling northbound on US-61 in a 2016 Hyundai Sonata when she rear-ended the Ford...
Pevely woman killed in Jefferson County car accident
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - A 28-year-old Peverly woman was killed in a crash on Highway Z on Tuesday afternoon. Police report Sanja M. McGregor was traveling on eastbound Highway Z east of Tower View when she lost control of her...
67-year-old Cedar Hill driver injured after rear-ending Toyota Rav4
FENTON, MO - A 67-year-old driver, of Cedar Hill, was injured after rear-ending a Toyota Rav4 on northbound Highway 141 on Tuesday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Edward H. Riiff was traveling northbound on Highway 141 in a...
Two men sustain injuries in eastbound I-64 accident
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO - Two men were injured in a crash on eastbound I-64 past S. Mason Road on Thursday afternoon. The two men, including one with life-threatening injuries, were transported to a local hospital, according to KMOV4. It...
37-year-old woman killed after car overturns, catches fire on I-64
LAKE SAINT LOUIS, MO - A 37-year-old woman died after crashing into a concrete block causing her vehicle to overturn and catch fire on Thursday morning. According to KMOV4, the fatal crash happened on eastbound I-64 east of the Prospect...
72-year-old man seriously injured in Jefferson County crash
CEDAR HILL, MO - A 72-year-old man sustained serious injuries in a crash at eastbound Highway 30 and Cedar Hill Road on Tuesday afternoon. Deryl L. Lill was traveling southbound on Cedar Hill Road in a 2001 Jeep Cherokee when...
Two people injured in three-vehicle crash on Highway 100
NEW HAVEN, MO - Two people were injured in a three-vehicle collision that involved a semi and cargo van on Highway 100 on Tuesday morning. Jerome H. Fritzemeyer, 65, was slowing down in his 1998 Chevrolet Silverardo on eastbound Highway...
One person injured in chain-reaction, rear-end accident on Highway 94
WELDON SPRING, MO - One person sustained injuries after a 54-year-old driver caused a chain-reaction, rear-end collision on westbound Highway 94 on Sunday morning. Police report Tina L. Bueker was traveling westbound on Highway 94 in a 2005 Chrysler 300...
Three people injured in three-vehicle crash on US-61
IMPERIAL, MO - Three people sustained injuries in a three-vehicle collision on northbound US-61 on Monday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Eutonia M. Bilderback, 48, was traveling southbound on US-61 when she crossed over into oncoming traffic in...
Update: Police identify man killed in fatal intersection crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - Police identified the man who died in the December 15 collision at Riverview Drive and Hall Street. This is an update to an earlier post. According to KMOV4, police identified the man who was ejected from...
55-year-old female pedestrian killed on westbound I-64
FAIRVIEW HEIGHTS, IL - A 55-year-old woman was hit and killed after she got out of a black Chevrolet Malibu and walked into oncoming traffic on westbound I-64. Rena Wood, of Hartsville, TN, got out of the Chevrolet, which pulled...
Two-vehicle crash impact pushes truck into building, 3 injured
ST. LOUIS, MO - A collision between a silver sedan and food delivery truck caused the truck to crash into Triple Crown Bar & Cafe on Tuesday afternoon. The accident occurred on Gravois Avenue around 12:30 p.m., according to KMOV4....
Both directions of Highway 370 close due to semi fire
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - Both directions of Highway 370 were closed due to a semi fire on Wednesday morning. According to KMOV4, the semi fire occurred by the Discovery Bridge around 7:30 a.m. The driver of the semi was...
Seven people injured in St. Louis intersection collision
ST. LOUIS, MO - Seven people, including 4 children, sustained injuries when a 2010 Ford Fusion struck a 2015 Kia Sorento head-on at Lucas-Hunt Road and W. Florissant Avenue on Sunday morning. Adrian O. Brown, 30, was traveling northbound on...
25-year-old driver injured in Bridgeton County overturned-vehicle crash
BRIDGETON, MO - A 25-year-old driver was injured after crashing on the eastbound I-70 ramp to northbound I-270 on Sunday night. Brendan O. Murphy, of St. Peters, was traveling on the eastbound I-70 ramp to northbound I-270 in a 2008...
22-year-old man injured in Lincoln County accident
TROY, MO - A 22-year-old man sustained moderate injuries in a two-vehicle crash at the intersection of US-61 and Highway KK on Monday afternoon. Police report Ellen D. Guevara, 80, was traveling southbound on US-61 in a 2009 Chevrolet Silverado...
36-year-old woman killed after car strikes tree
STE. GENEVIEVE COUNTY, MO - A 36-year-old woman was killed after her 2005 Ford Focus struck a tree on Highway C on Monday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Traci L. Ranta, of Ste. Genevieve, was speeding on eastbound...
Update: Police release more details on Friday’s fatal crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - Police released the identify of the man killed in Friday night's crash as well as additional details on the incident. This is an update to an earlier post. According to St. Louis Post-Dispatch, police identified the...
Update: Police release names of two people killed in hit-and-run
ST. LOUIS, MO - Police released the names of the man and woman killed in the hit-and-run that occurred on Friday morning. This is an update to a previous post. According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, police identified the female...
St. Louis accident blocks westbound I-70 ramp from I-170
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash blocked the westbound I-70 ramp from northbound I-170 on Tuesday morning. The accident occurred around 6:58 a.m. and is expected to be cleared by 7:54 a.m., according to KSDK's traffic map. It is unclear...
Emergency vehicles respond westbound I-44 incident
WEBSTER GROVES, MO - Emergency vehicles responded to an incident on westbound I-44 just before the S. Elm Avenue exit (280) on Tuesday morning. According to KSDK's traffic map, the right lane was blocked around 6:07 a.m. and is anticipated...
55-year-old woman sustains serious injuries in Franklin County crash
UNION, MO - A 55-year-old female passenger sustained serious injuries after the vehicle she was in traveled off of Missouri 47 and struck a tree on Sunday night. Thomas C. Smith, 66, was traveling southbound on Missouri 47 when his...
31-year-old driver injured after rear-ending Chevrolet Silverado
FLORISSANT, MO - A 31-year-old driver sustained injuries after rear-ending a 2013 Chevrolet Silverado on westbound I-270 early Monday morning. Police report Lamonae L. Oliver, 31, was traveling westbound on I-270 in a 2017 Chevrolet Malibu when he rear-ended the...
Two people injured in Pike County intersection accident
PIKE COUNTY, MO - Two people sustained injuries after their two vehicles collide at US-61 and State Highway NN on Monday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 66-year-old Rosalie A. White, of Bowling Green, was traveling eastbound on US-61...
Person injured after crashing in hospital parking garage
RICHMOND HEIGHTS, MO - A driver sustained injures after driving through a hospital's second story parking garage and the vehicle landed upside down on the below level. A patient drove through the second story of a parking garage at SSM...
Driver dies in crash near South St. Louis intersection
ST. LOUIS, MO - A driver was killed in a crash near the intersection of Meramec Street and South Broadway on Friday evening. St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department responded to the crash around 5 p.m., according to KMOV4. Police report...
Update: More details released in fatal St. Louis crash on Friday
ST. LOUIS, MO - Police identified the vehicles involved in the accident that killed two people early Friday morning and labeled the crash as a hit-and-run accident. This is an update to an earlier post. According to KSDK, the fatal...
St. Louis crash blocks one lane on westbound I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident blocked one lane on westbound I-64 between the S. Lindbergh Boulevard exit (28A) and the Forty Drive exit (27) on Monday. According to KSDK's traffic map, the crash happened around 11:31 a.m. and is...
Local authorities close I-70 after fatal pedestrian accident
O'FALLON, MO - Local authorities closed down a portion of westbound I-70 after a pedestrian was hit and killed on Sunday afternoon. According to KMOV4 News, the fatal pedestrian accident occurred on westbound I-70 near Highway K at mile marker...
Two people seriously hurt when vehicle crashes into two concrete walls
NORWOOD COURT, MO (ST. LOUIS COUNTY) – Two people from St. Louis sustained serious injuries when a car collided with two concrete walls on I-70 yesterday morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The collision occurred in Norwood Court,...
Woman dead after crashing into Metro bus in N St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO – A woman was killed when her vehicle collided with a Metro Transit bus on N Broadway this morning, according to KSDK. The collision occurred at E Taylor Avenue and N Broadway at around 6 a.m., when...
Mississippi truck driver injured in rear-end collision on I-55 in Perry County
PERRYVILLE, MO (PERRY COUNTY) – A truck driver from Mississippi was injured when he was rear-ended by another driver on I-55 last night, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The collision occurred in Perryville, near the 127 mile marker...
4-year-old and 2 women injured in Perry County rollover accident
PERRYVILLE, MO (PERRY COUNTY) – Three people, including a 4-year-old child, were injured following a rear-end collision in Perry County early this morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened in Perryville on I-55 southbound, near the...
24-year-old driver injured in crash after suffering medical emergency
FESTUS, MO - A 24-year-old driver was injured after he suffered a medical emergency and crashed into a tree on New Year's Eve. Logan R. Hughes, of DeSoto, was traveling southbound on US-67 when he suffered a medical emergency which...
85-year-old male driver injured after traveling off I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - An 85-year-old man was injured after traveling off of northbound I-70 and hitting a rock bluff on New Year's Eve. Police report Jerry A. Laaker was traveling northbound on I-270 in a 2002 Lincoln Continental when...
Cadet woman injured in Washington County intersection crash
CADET, MO - A 68-year-old female driver was injured at the intersection of Missouri 21 and Meadow Hill Road on Friday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Marsha K. Williams failed to yield to Mary M. Courtois, 49, and...
Eastbound Gravois Road closed from I-270 to S. Lindbergh Boulevard
ST. LOUIS, MO - Eastbound Gravois Road was closed between I-270 and S. Lindberg Boulevard on Friday afternoon. Emergency vehicles were at the scene, according to KSDK. They did not report if a crash or something else caused the road...
Local authorities close exit ramp on I-70 due to accident
ST. LOUIS, MO - Local authorities closed a westbound I-70 ramp to Woodland Avenue (exit 242) due to an accident on Friday afternoon. According to KSDK's traffic map, the accident occurred around 2:13 p.m. They expect it to be cleared...
Westbound I-70 crash blocks one lane Friday afternoon
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash blocked one lane on westbound I-70 at the St. Louis Avenue on Friday afternoon. According to KSDK's traffic map, the accident happened around 2:05 p.m. and is expected to be cleared by 3:46 p.m....
Two people killed in St. Louis intersection crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two people were killed in a two-vehicle crash at N 11th Street and St. Louis Avenue early Friday morning. According to KMOV4 News, the fatal accident occurred around 2:30 a.m. Police report one person was pronounced...
Four people injured in St. Louis County intersection crash
DES PERES, MO - Four people sustained various injuries in a crash at eastbound Manchester Road and the northbound I-270 ramp on Wednesday evening. Javier L. Gonzalez, 20, was traveling eastbound on Manchester Road in a 2007 Cadillac Escalade when...
Two drivers sustain serious injuries in Highway N head-on crash
ROBERTSVILLE, MO - Two drivers sustained serious injuries in head-on collision on Highway N on Wednesday morning. Rocky W. Lachance, 42, was traveling in the southbound lanes of Highway N when he drove his 2010 Volkswagen Jetta into oncoming traffic,...
31-year-old driver injured after attempting to flee from police
POTOSI, MO - A 31-year-old driver was injured after he attempted to flee from the Potosi police at a traffic stop last Thursday afternoon. Police report Isaac W. Dobbs, 31, was traveling northbound on Highway F when he fled the...
37-year-old passenger injured after vehicle hits tree
ST. CLAIR, MO - A 37-year-old male passenger was injured after a vehicle crashed into a tree on Mill Hill Road on Friday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Kristin M. Lenz, 40, was traveling eastbound on Mill Hill...
Two people injured in Jefferson County accident
ARNOLD, MO - Two people sustained injuries in a crash at Lonedell Road and East Drive on Friday night. Teresa A. Klag, 41, was traveling westbound on Lonedell Road when she failed to negotiate a curve and lost control of...
Speeding driver injured in southbound US-67 accident
BONNE TERRE, MO - A 58-year-old driver was traveling too fast for road conditions and was injured after crashing on southbound US-67 on Saturday morning. Mary J. Marler, of Leadington, was driving too fast for road conditions and lost control...
48-year-old driver injured in Franklin County hit-and-run crash
ST. CLAIR, MO - A 48-year-old male driver was injured in a hit-and-run crash on Highway K on Saturday afternoon. Police report Brian A. Chitwood, of St. Clair, was traveling southbound on Highway K near Whispering Oaks Drive when a...
35-year-old man injured in rear-end collision on southbound I-55
IMPERIAL, MO - A 35-year-old man was injured in a rear-end collision on southbound I-55 south of the Imperial Main Street exit (186) on Tuesday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Joshua D. Human, 35, was traveling southbound on...
St. Louis man injured in northbound Highway 79 accident
O'FALLON, MO - A 43-year-old man sustained minor injuries after he rear-ended a 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee in his 2000 Honda Civic on Highway 79 on Wednesday afternoon. Gene M. Bargery, 43, was traveling northbound on Highway 79 north of...
57-year-old man sustains moderate injuries in I-270 crash
KIRKWOOD, MO - A 57-year-old man sustained moderate injuries after his vehicle overturned on southbound I-270 on Tuesday afternoon. Nathan E. Gornet, 57, was traveling southbound on I-270 when he experienced a medical emergency around 2:23 p.m., according to Missouri...
69-year-old man killed in overturned-vehicle crash on Missouri 21
CADET, MO - A 69-year-old man was killed in an overturned-vehicle crash on northbound Missouri 21 on Tuesday morning. Police report Larry E. Wilson, 69, was traveling northbound on Missouri 21 in a 2006 RAM 2500 pickup and suffered an...
26-year-old male driver injured in two-vehicle crash on I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 26-year-old man was injured after his 2006 Pontiac G6 collided with a 2011 Ford Ranger on westbound I-70 on Tuesday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Jaycell C. Aldridge, 26, was traveling westbound on...
Hit-and-run driver rear-ends car causing it to strike someone’s house
ST. LOUIS, MO - A driver rear-ended another vehicle causing it to hit someone's house at the intersection of N Broadway and Wall Street late Tuesday night. Car vs house 8600 block of N. Broadway St Louis Missouri details on...
St. Louis crash blocks two lanes on southbound I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two lanes were blocked on southbound I-55 at the Potomac Street exit (206A) due to a crash on Wednesday afternoon. According to KSDK's traffic map, the accident occurred around 2:14 p.m. and is anticipated to be...
One person injured after Amtrak train collides with vehicle
KIRKWOOD, MO - One person sustained non-life threatening  injuries after an Amtrak train struck their vehicle 212 S. Taylor Avenue on Tuesday afternoon. According to KMOV4 News, the train was leaving the Kirkwood station and was en-route from Jefferson City...
Driver injured after running stop sign in Franklin County intersection
ST. CLAIR, MO – A 28-year-old female driver was injured after running a stop sign and crashing her 2006 Ford F-150 in a ditch at Old Cove Road and Mill Hill Road on Tuesday morning. Rachel R. Farmer, 28, was...
Driver runs red light, causes T-bone collision in St. Charles
ST. CHARLES, MO – A 63-year-old driver ran a red light at Missouri 94 and Portwest Drive and caused a T-bone collision on Monday night. Police report Michael J. Day, 63, was traveling westbound on Portwest Drive in a 2009...
56-year-old man sustains moderate injuries in eastbound Highway 30 crash
ST. CLAIR, MO – A 56-year-old man sustained moderate injuries in a two-vehicle crash on eastbound Highway 30 on Monday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Eric W. Hawkins, 56, was traveling eastbound on Highway 30 east of Highway...
One person killed in vehicle fire in Hamilton Heights neighborhood
ST. LOUIS, MO – A person was killed in a vehicle fire at Montclair Avenue and Wells Avenue on Tuesday morning. Local authorities responded to the fire around 7:30 a.m., according to KMOV4 News. The cause of the fire is...
St. Louis crash blocks two lanes on northbound I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO – An accident blocked two lanes on northbound I-55 at the Potomac Street exit (206A) on Tuesday afternoon. According to KSDK News, the crash occurred around 12:52 p.m. and is anticipated to be cleared by 2:08 p.m....
Icy conditions cause 15-car crash near Stan Musial Veterans Memorial Bridge
FAIRMONT CITY, IL – Icy road conditions caused a 15-car pile-up on westbound I-70 near the Stan Musial Veterans Memorial Bridge early Friday morning. According to KMOV4 News, the multiple-vehicle accident occurred in the early hours on New Year’s Day...
38-year-old man killed, involved in five-vehicle crash on I-255
COLLINSVILLE, IL – A 38-year-old man of Swansea was outside his vehicle after a crash to warn others of the accident when a vehicle struck and killed him just after 1 a.m. on New Year’s Day. Colt Hoffarth was involved...
53-year-old male pedestrian dies after car hits him on Highway 367
ST. LOUIS, MO – A 53-year-old man was hit and killed while standing near his mailbox on northbound Highway 367 on Monday afternoon. According to KMOV4 News, a 2011 GMC Sierra was traveling northbound on Highway 367 near Sunbeam lane...
St. Louis driver injured after vehicle strikes concrete barrier on I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 27-year-old driver sustained minor injuries after hitting a concrete barrier on westbound I-70 on Sunday evening. Police report Pavon E. Satterfield, 27, was traveling westbound on I-70 in a 2012 Nissan Versa when he attempted...
Stalled vehicle reported on EB I-64 past Hwy 141
ST. LOUIS, MO - A stalled vehicle is affecting eastbound traffic on I-64 east of the Maryville Centre Drive exit, according to the Missouri Department of Transportation. STALLED VEHICLE I-64 EB PAST MARYVILLE CENTRE DR RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
47-year-old driver rear-ends Nissan truck on northbound I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 47-year-old driver rear-ended a 1996 Nissan Hardbody truck on northbound I-55 south of Reavis Barracks Road on Sunday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Enrique Cervantes Tapia, 47, was traveling northbound in a 2006...
30-year-old driver injured after vehicle hits tree in St. Francois Co.
FARMINGTON, MO – A 30-year-old male driver sustained moderate injuries after crashing into a tree on Highway OO on Saturday evening. Police report Robert L. Millmaker was traveling southbound in a white Toyota Corolla when he traveled off the left...
Two people seriously injured in Jefferson County accident
FESTUS, MO – Two people sustained serious injuries after crashing at the intersection of US-67 and Meyer Road on Saturday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 26-year-old Ryan S. Bahr was traveling southbound on US-67 at Meyer Road when...
Two people injured after vehicle overturns in northbound I-170 crash
ST. LOUIS, MO – Two people sustained injuries after their 2017 Chevrolet Cruze slid off northbound I-170 and overturned on Saturday night. Katie D. Pruitt, 24, was traveling northbound on I-170 south of St. Charles Rock Road when the Chevrolet...
St. Peters woman injured after hitting concrete barrier on Highway 94 ramp
ST. PETERS, MO – A 37-year-old woman sustained minor injuries after crashing into a concrete barrier on a westbound Highway 94 ramp from westbound Highway 364 early Sunday morning. Katy L. Black’s 2007 Nissan Versa slid on the highway ramp...
Rolla man severely injured on I-270 rollover crash
TOWN AND COUNTRY, MO – A man from Rolla sustained severe injuries in a rollover accident this afternoon on I-270, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident occurred on I-270 S, near MO-100, at 12 p.m., when 52-year-old...
St. Charles man injured in head-on collision on Hwy 79 in O’Fallon
O’FALLON, MO – A man from St. Charles was injured after another driver crashed into his vehicle head-on in St. Charles County this afternoon. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the collision occurred at the intersection of Route M...
Man killed, woman injured in crash on icy bridge in Crawford County
LEASBURG, MO (CRAWFORD COUNTY) – A man was killed and a woman was injured when a car crashed while crossing an icy bridge in Crawford County this morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The collision happened near Leasburg,...
Firefighter, 3 others injured in apartment fire SW of St. Louis
SHREWSBURY, MO (ST. LOUIS COUNTY) – An apartment fire southwest of St. Louis injured a firefighter and three other people on New Year’s Day, according to KMOX. The incident happened at the Geneva Apartments in Shrewsbury, on 700 Nottingham Avenue,...
Woman hurt in Jefferson County crash on New Year’s Eve
GRUBVILLE, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – A woman was injured after two vehicles collided in Jefferson County on New Year’s Eve, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident occurred at 1:18 p.m. in Grubville, located about four miles southwest...
53-year-old man injured after Tahoe overturns on Highway PP
HIGH RIDGE, MO - A 53-year-old male driver was injured after he crashed on Highway PP and his 2003 Chevrolet Tahoe overturned on Wednesday afternoon. Police report John D. Puzzo, 53, was traveling westbound on Highway PP east of Del...
24-year-old driver sustains moderate injuries in St. Francois County crash
DOE RUN, MO - A 24-year-old male driver sustained moderate injuries after his 1999 Ford Explorer overturned on Highway 221 on Wednesday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, William G. Steele, 24, was traveling northbound on Highway 221 near...
18-year-old driver ejected from vehicle in I-55 crash, dies from injuries
ST. LOUIS, MO - An 18-year-old driver was ejected from her vehicle after crashing on northbound I-55 Wednesday afternoon and died in the hospital from her injuries. According to 5 On Your Side News, the fatal crash occurred on northbound...
Eastbound I-44 vehicle fire blocks right lane for hours
PACIFIC, MO - A vehicle fire blocked the right lane of eastbound I-44 for several hours on Thursday. According to 5 On Your Side's traffic map, the right lane of eastbound I-44 was blocked from the Viaduct Street exit (257)...
One person killed in westbound I-70 crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - A female driver was killed after crashing on westbound I-70 just before the Goodfellow Boulevard exit (243A) on Wednesday morning. The driver was traveling westbound on I-70 when her 2009 Chevrolet Impala traveled off the road,...
Police investigate fatal crash at Chesterfield intersection
CHESTERFIELD, MO - Police are investigating a fatal crash that occurred at the intersection of Olive Boulevard and River Valley Drive on Wednesday evening. According to KMOV4 News, one person was trapped in their vehicle after it crashed around 5:45...
Ferguson fire officials respond to West Florissant crash Wednesday night
FERGUSON, MO - Ferguson fire officials responded to a crash on southbound West Florissant around 7:15 p.m. on Wednesday night. According to KMOV4 News, local authorities shut down the road until around 8 p.m. to clear up and investigate the...
59-year-old driver sustains moderate injuries in Franklin County crash
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - A 59-year-old woman sustained moderate injuries in a two-vehicle crash on Highway H on Wednesday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Connie S. Jost, 59, was turning left into a private drive on Highway H...
Distracted driver crashes into concrete barrier on southbound I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 48-year-old female driver was distracted by pedestrians on the shoulder and crashed into a concrete barrier on southbound I-270 on Tuesday night. Christine A. Esterline, 48, was traveling southbound on I-270 north of Missouri 100...
18-year-old pedestrian injured after vehicle hits him on I-70 ramp
ST. PETERS, MO - An 18-year-old pedestrian was injured after a 2012 Chevrolet Suburban struck him while traveling on an I-70 exit ramp on Tuesday afternoon. Matthew L. McCoy, 18, was crossing the exit ramp from eastbound I-70 to Cave...
56-year-old driver injured after Trailblazer strikes utility pole
WRIGHT CITY, MO - A 56-year-old woman was injured after her 2005 Chevrolet Trailblazer struck a utility pole in a Lincoln County intersection. Police report Connie S. Tinker, 36, was traveling northbound on Highway J when she lost control at...
70-year-old woman injured in Franklin County head-on collision
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - A 70-year-old woman was injured in a head-on collision on Maupin Road on Tuesday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Susan A. Crowder, 70, failed to yield to a 2008 Mini Cooper on Maupin Road...
Two lanes closed on westbound I-64 due to crash, expect traffic delays
CHESTERFIELD, MO - Two lanes of westbound I-64 were closed due to a crash and traffic delays were building on Wednesday afternoon. The accident occurred just after the Highway 141 exit (22) around 1:15 p.m., according to 5 On Your...
St. Louis crash blocks two lanes on northbound I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two lanes were closed due to a crash on northbound I-55 just after the S. Broadway exit (204) on Wednesday afternoon. According to 5 On Your Side's traffic map, the traffic-blocking accident occurred around 1:33 p.m....
74-year-old driver injured after vehicle overturns in Missouri 185 crash
SULLIVAN, MO -  A 74-year-old male driver was injured after his vehicle overturned on southbound Missouri 185 on Tuesday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Raymond E. Laramore, 74, was traveling southbound on Missouri 185 when he lost control...
Two people sustain injuries in Jefferson County intersection crash
DE SOTO, MO - Two people were injured in a crash at the intersection of Highway 110 and Fountain City Road on Tuesday morning. Juanita L. Carrithers, 76, failed to yield when turning from eastbound Highway 110 onto Fountain City...
39-year-old wrong-way driver seriously injured in I-270 ramp crash
BRIDGETON, MO - A 39-year-old driver was injured when he collided with a semi after driving the wrong direction on a ramp to northbound I-270 early Tuesday morning. Jeffery T. Pearson, 39, was traveling eastbound in the westbound lanes traveling...
Two people injured after 28-year-old driver runs red light
HIGH RIDGE, MO - Two people were injured after a 28-year-old driver failed to stop at a red light in a Jefferson County intersection on Monday night. Police report Marcus D. Duke, 28, failed to stop at a red light...
27-year-old driver sustains serious injuries in I-70 crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 27-year-old female driver sustained serious injuries in a three-vehicle crash on westbound I-70 on Monday evening. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, an unknown vehicle was at a stop in one of the lanes on...
Six people taken to hospital after collision involving ambulance
ST. LOUIS, MO - Six people were transported to local hospitals for various injuries after an ambulance and an SUV collided in a St. Louis intersection early Christmas morning. Just after 2 this morning a St Louis Ambulance involved in...
Two people injured in Highway 67 crash on Christmas night
FESTUS, MO - Two people were injured in a crash on northbound Highway 67 at S. Buck Creek Road on Christmas night. According to local reporting, the two injuries include 80-year-old Austin D. Robertson, of St. Louis, and a 17-year-old...
One person injured in four-vehicle crash on southbound US-67
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - A 29-year-old woman was injured in a four-vehicle crash on southbound US-67 north of Old Highway CC on Monday afternoon. Police report William E. Denby, 28, was traveling southbound on US-67 in a 2000 Ford Ranger...
Six people injured in Franklin County three-vehicle crash
BEAUFORT, MO - Six people, including four minors, sustained injuries in a three-vehicle crash in a Franklin County intersection on Monday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Amos L. Petrie, 39, was traveling eastbound on U.S. 50 in a...
56-year-old woman killed after vehicle overturns in Cole County crash
COLE COUNTY, MO - A 56-year-old woman died after her vehicle overturned on U.S. 50 on Sunday. Kelly Sullivan, 56, was killed when her vehicle traveled off U.S. 50 and overturned, according to 5 On Your Side News. It is...
Wrong-way driver causes fatal crash on Christmas, 2 killed
JACKSON COUNTY, MO - A wrong-way driver caused a fatal crash, that killed two people, on southbound I-470 on Christmas. According to 5 On Your Side News, the fatal accident occurred when a driver was traveling northbound in the southbound...
St. Louis crash closes exit ramp on southbound I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident blocked the South McKnight Road exit ramp (exit 30) from southbound I-64 on Monday night. The traffic-blocking accident occurred at 5:41 p.m., according to 5 On Your Side's traffic map. They report the accident...
Southbound I-55 crash blocks two lanes in Arnold
ARNOLD, MO - A crash blocked two lanes on southbound I-55 at Richardson Road on Monday evening. According to 5 On Your Side's traffic map, the crash occurred around 6:52 p.m. and all lanes are expected to be cleared by...
Multiple people sustain injuries in westbound I-70 crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - Multiple people sustained minor injuries in a crash on westbound I-70 on Monday night. According to KMOV4 News, the crash occurred on westbound I-70 near I-170. All lanes on westbound I-70 were closed due to the...
Man injured during head-on collision with truck in Festus
FESTUS, MO – A driver was injured during a wrong-way crash on Highway A in Jefferson County yesterday evening, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident occurred on Highway A, west of Glen Oaks Drive, at 6:47 p.m.,...
Man killed, two people injured on Christmas in Creve Coeur wrong-way crash
CREVE COEUR, MO (ST. LOUIS COUNTY) – A man was killed and two people were injured as a result of a multi-vehicle wrong-way collision in Creve Coeur on Christmas night. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred...
27-year-old driver suffers serious injuries in Town and Country rollover
TOWN AND COUNTRY, MO (ST. LOUIS COUNTY) – A 27-year-old man suffered serious wounds after rear-ending another driver in a Christmas-Eve crash in Town and Country, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened on Ladue Road, near...
Man killed in Christmas rollover crash on Kingshighway Blvd
ST. LOUIS, MO – A fiery car accident in the Central West End claimed the life of one person on Christmas, according to KSDK. The accident occurred near the intersection of Lindell Boulevard and N Kingshighway Boulevard at about 10:40...
Accident reported on I-70 near Memorial Park Cemetery
St. LOUIS, MO – A vehicle accident was reported on Interstate 70 near the Memorial Park Cemetery on Thursday morning. According to the Missouri Department of Transportation Twitter feed, the crash happened in the eastbound lanes near Lucas and Hunt...
20-year-old woman injured after vehicle cuts around her at stop sign
HIGH RIDGE, MO - A 20-year-old woman sustained injuries after a reckless driver cut around her while she was stopped at a stop sign on eastbound Highway PP. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Nikki H. Eaton, 20, was stopped...
21-year-old driver after rear-ending Chrysler on Missouri 30
HIGH RIDGE, MO - A 21-year-old male driver failed to stop when a 2015 Chrysler Town And Country slowed down for traffic ahead on westbound Missouri 30 and rear-ended the vehicle on Monday night. Dylan M. West, 21, was traveling...
45-year-old driver hits tree, sustains moderate injuries
PIKE COUNTY, MO - A 45-year-old male driver lost control of his vehicle in a curve and struck a tree on northbound Highway W on Monday morning. Raymond T. Miller, 45, was traveling northbound on Highway W north of Highway...
61-year-old female injured after Honda HR-V overturns in Franklin County crash
LABADIE, MO - A 61-year-old woman sustained minor injuries after her 2018 Honda HR-V overturned on Missouri 100 on Sunday afternoon. Police report Melody P. Buehrle, 61, was traveling eastbound on Missouri 100 just east of Decker Road when she...
16-year-old driver injured after speeding, hits tree in Perry County
PERRY COUNTY, MO - A 16-year-old driver was speeding on westbound Perry County Road 206 when he struck a tree and his 2002 Pontiac Grand Prix overturned on Saturday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, the teenage driver crashed...
Update: Police identify woman killed in Tuesday’s I-270 crash
HAZELWOOD, MO - Police identified the woman that was hit and killed when her semi broke down on westbound I-270 on Tuesday afternoon. This is an update to an earlier post. According to St. Louis Post-Dispatch, police identified the semi...
Ford Taurus hits Metro Link train in Washington Park
EAST ST. LOUIS, IL - A 2006 Ford Taurus went around the gates on northbound Highway 111 and hit a Metro Line train on Tuesday morning. According to KMOV4 News, the crash occurred near 59th street on northbound Highway 111...
FDA Tells Whole Foods to Stop Selling Products with Undeclared Allergens
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a stern warning to Whole Foods Market following a series of recalls involving misbranded foods with labels that failed to disclose allergens. This warning is a first for the FDA; never before...
Elderly woman injured after Ford Taurus overturns in Franklin County crash
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - A 71-year-old woman was injured when her 2002 Ford Taurus overturned on Saturday evening. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Sarah L. Lacroix, 71, was traveling westbound on Project Road when she traveled off the right...
32-year-old St. Clair man sustains moderate injuries in Franklin County crash
PARKWAY, MO - A 32-year-old man sustained moderate injuries after crashing his motorcycle on westbound Parkway Drive late Friday night. Michael W. Junge, 32, was traveling westbound on Parkway Drive in a 2016 Harley Davidson XL883L when he traveled off...
19-year-old driver sustains moderate injuries after Grand Prix overturns
DE SOTO, MO - A 19-year-old driver sustained moderate injuries after her 2004 Pontiac Grand Prix overturned on northbound Missouri 21 on Friday night. Angelina J. Portell, 19, was traveling northbound on Missouri 21 when she traveled off the right...
29-year-old man sustains moderate injuries after vehicle overturns
ST. PETERS, MO - A 29-year-old man sustained moderate injuries after his vehicle overturned after traveling off westbound I-70 on Friday evening. Police report Cody M. Maki, 29, was traveling westbound on I-70 just west of Mid Rivers Mall Drive...
Driver flees scene after causing multiple-vehicle crash on I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - A driver unexpectedly braked causing a chain-reaction, rear-end crash involving three other vehicles on I-270, then fled the crash scene on Friday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, the four-vehicle crash occurred when an unknown...
Northbound I-255 crash blocks lane at Illinois 3 exit
COLUMBIA, IL - A crash blocked one lane of northbound I-255 at the Illinois 3 exit (6) on Tuesday evening. According to 5 On Your Side's traffic map, the accident occurred around 6:07 p.m. and is anticipated to be cleared...
Woman struck, dies after semi stalled on westbound I-270
HAZELWOOD, MO - A woman who was on the side of the road after her semi broke down on westbound I-270 was hit and killed by another vehicle on Tuesday afternoon. According to 5 On Your Side News, the fatal...
Three people seriously injured in Jefferson County crash
DE SOTO, MO - Three people sustained serious injuries in a crash at State Highway 21 and State Highway 110 on Friday afternoon. Kendra A. Gleeson, 20, was waiting to turn left onto Highway 21 from Highway 110 when she...
24-year-old driver rear-ends Ford Fusion on westbound I-64
WENTZVILLE, MO - A 24-year-old driver rear-ended a 2013 Ford Fusion on westbound I-64 just east of I-70 on Friday afternoon. Sharmila P. Nowrang, 24, was traveling westbound on I-64 and failed to sufficiently brake for a 2013 Ford Fusion...
Update: MSHP releases more information in fatal pedestrian accident
JENNINGS, MO - A 20-year-old male driver hit and killed a 74-year-old female pedestrian at the intersection of Halls Ferry Road and Cozens Avenue on Thursday night. This is an update to an earlier post. Police report the fatal crash...
52-year-old driver lost control, crashed into Chevrolet Traverse on I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 52-year-old driver lost control of his vehicle and struck a 2020 Chevrolet Traverse on southbound I-55 on Thursday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Dennis B. Garrett, 52, was traveling southbound on I-55 and...
Eastbound I-70 accident blocks right lane at Missouri 370
ST. PETERS, MO - An accident blocked the right lane on eastbound I-70 at Missouri 370 (exit 224) on Monday night. The incident occurred around 6:32 p.m. and is anticipated to be cleared from the interstate by 7:50 p.m., according...
Southbound I-55 crash blocks Bates Street exit ramp
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash on southbound I-55 blocked the Bates Street exit (203) and the right lane of the interstate on Monday night. According to the 5 On Your Side traffic map, the crash occurred around 6:18 p.m....
One person seriously injured in I-44/55 split crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - One person sustained serious injuries in a crash on southbound I-55 at the I-44/55 split on Friday night. According to KMOV4 News, the single-vehicle crash occurred near Gravois Avenue around 9:30 p.m. Local authorities reported one...
Two people hurt in St. Francois County rollover accident
BONNE TERRE, MO (ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY) – Two people were hurt after a vehicle rolled over in St. Francois County this morning. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred in Bonne Terre, on Old Bonne Terre Road,...
20-year-old driver injured in Franklin County T-bone crash
VILLA RIDGE, MO (FRANKLIN COUNTY) – A 20-year-old woman was injured in Franklin County yesterday after she was struck by another driver, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The collision occurred in Villa Ridge, on eastbound Highway 100, near...
13-year-old girl hurt in ATV rollover crash in Pulaski County
DIXON, MO (PULASKI COUNTY) – A 13-year-old was hurt after being ejected from an ATV in Pulaski County this afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The collision occurred on Cave Road, near Clemens Creek, at 2:30 p.m., as...
Four people injured after driver fails to stop at stop sign in Lebanon
LEBANON, MO (LACLEDE COUNTY) – Four people were injured after a driver disregarded a stop sign in LaClede County this afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred in Lebanon, at the intersection of Dunklin Road and...
They Wanted the Healthy Hair this Shampoo Promised. Instead, they Lost their Hair.
OnderLaw is representing consumers who have experienced hair loss after using TRESemme Keratin Smooth shampoo after it was discovered that it contains a chemical that has been linked to a number of products. A new litigation has been filed against...
6-year-old boy injured in Highway 21 crash, driver suffered medical emergency
CADET, MO - Two people, including a 6-year-old boy, were injured after a driver suffered a medical emergency and crashed on northbound Highway 21 on Thursday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 27-year-old Bradford D. Farley was traveling northbound...
Two people injured after vehicle hits tree in St. Francois County
BONNE TERRE, MO - Two people were injured after hitting a tree off of southbound US-67 just south of Cherokee Landing on Wednesday night. Christopher L. Duncan, 32, was traveling southbound on US-67 in a 2007 Chevrolet Uplander when he...
Update: MSHP release more details for Highway 364 fatal crash
ST. CHARLES, MO - Julian Dichiaro, 29, died from injuries sustained in a crash on westbound Highway 364 just east of Gutermuth Road on Wednesday evening. This is an update to an earlier post. Dichiaro was traveling westbound on Highway...
29-year-old driver injured after avoiding deer on Highway NN
POPLAR BLUFF, MO - A 29-year-old man was injured after crashing when attempting to avoid a deer on Highway NN on Wednesday night. Police report Sonny J. Storie, 29, was traveling eastbound on Highway NN when he traveled off the...
23-year-old driver rear-ends Ford Freestar in Franklin County
UNION, MO - A 23-year-old driver rear-ended a 2005 Ford Freestar on northbound E. State Highway 47 on Wednesday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 73-year-old Dorothy A. Pruessner was traveling northbound on E. State Highway 47 in a...
Automobile accident fatalities higher than last three years in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO - Fatal vehicular accidents are higher than they have been over the last three years in St. Louis. According to St. Louis Post-Dispatch, St. Louis police reported the 2020 accident statistics at 73 deaths, 22 of which...
Collinsville crash blocks one lane on southbound I-55
COLLINSVILLE, MO - A crash blocked one lane on southbound I-55 at Route 159 on Friday afternoon. According to 5 On Your Side's traffic map, the crash occurred around 1:01 p.m. It is unclear which lane is blocked. The cause...
Female pedestrian dies after vehicle hits her in Jennings intersection
JENNINGS, MO - A 74-year-old female pedestrian died after a vehicle struck her at the intersection of Halls Ferry Road and Cozens Avenue on Thursday evening. According to KMOV4 News, the fatal accident occurred around 8 p.m. Authorities identified the...
Baby Fatality Risk Forces Graco Pack ‘n Play Rock ‘n Grow Playard Recall
Popular infant accessories Graco Pack ‘n Play Day2Dream Playard with Bedside Sleeper, Graco Pack ‘n Play Nuzzle Nest Playard, Graco Pack ‘n Play Everest Playard and Graco Pack ‘n Play Rock ‘n Grow Playard have all been named as part...
23-year-old driver travels into oncoming traffic on US 61, hits semi
IMPERIAL, MO - A 23-year-old driver traveled into oncoming traffic on US-61 and struck a semi on Wednesday afternoon. Police report Jasmine M. Alford, 23, was traveling northbound on US-61 in a 2005 Nissan Altima when she traveled into oncoming...
Honda CRV crashes on northbound I-55 due to excessive water from water main break
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 2012 Honda CRV crashed after traveling through excessive water from a water main break on northbound I-55 on Wednesday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Nura M. Haic, 25, lost control of the Honda...
Car hydroplanes, causes two-vehicle crash on northbound I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO - A vehicle hydroplaned and caused a two-vehicle crash on northbound I-55 at Weber Road on Wednesday morning. Taryen R. Crump-Tuttle, 51, was traveling northbound on I-55 when her 2007 Toyota Camry hydroplaned and struck a 2008...
Driver avoiding deer sustains moderate injuries in Missouri 185 crash
POTOSI, MO - A 38-year-old man from Mineral Point sustained moderate injuries after crashing in an attempt to avoid a deer on Wednesday morning. Jonathan H. Jacobs, 38, was traveling southbound on Missouri 185 just north of Gun Club Road...
7-year-old girl, 30-year-old woman injured in I-70 ramp crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 7-year-old girl and a 30-year-old woman were both injured in a crash on a westbound I-70 ramp from Bermuda Road on Wednesday morning. Police report a 2016 Chevrolet Silverado was stopped with it's emergency equipment...
23-year-old woman injured after vehicle overturns on icy highway
STE. GENEVIEVE, MO - A 23-year-old woman sustained injuries in a crash after her vehicle slid on ice on eastbound Missouri 32 on Wednesday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Kyla L. Whited, 23, was traveling eastbound on Missouri...
St. Louis crash blocks three lanes on southbound I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash blocked three lanes and caused traffic delays on southbound I-270 on Thursday afternoon. According to 5 On Your Side's traffic map, the crash occurred at the Dougherty Ferry Road exit (8) around 1:32 p.m....
29-year-old man dies in crash on westbound Highway 364
ST. CHARLES, MO - A 29-year-old man died at a local hospital from injuries sustained in a crash on westbound Highway 364 on Wednesday night. According to KMOV4 News, Julian Dichiaro, 29, was traveling westbound on Highway 364 in a...
St. Louis crash blocks right lane on westbound I-44
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident blocked the right lane of westbound I-44 right before Vandeventer Avenue on Wednesday evening. According to 5 on Your Side's traffic map, the accident occurred around 6:01 p.m. The cause of the crash is...
Car fire blocks two lanes on westbound I-44, 10 minute delays
PACIFIC, MO - A vehicle fire blocked two lanes on westbound I-44 and caused up to 10 minute delays on Wednesday evening. According to 5 On Your Side News, the incident occurred right after the Viaduct Street exit (257) on...
Update: 19-year-old female sustains serious injuries in I-270 crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 19-year-old female sustained serious injuries after crashing on the exit ramp from northbound I-270 to Tesson Ferry Road on Tuesday night. This is an update to an earlier post. Police report Autumn C. Beno, 19,...
9-year-old girl, 46-year-old woman injured in St. Francois County crash
VALLES MINES, MO - A 9-year-old girl and 46-year-old woman were injured in a crash on westbound Highway Y on Tuesday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, a semi driven by Nolan R. Boeving, 20, and a 2011 GMC...
Update: Three people injured in fatal semi crash in St. Louis intersection
ST. LOUIS, MO - One person was killed and three others injured in a semi crash at the intersection of Riverview Drive and Hall Street on Tuesday morning. This is an update to a previous post. A 2013 Volkswagen Passat...
Eastbound I-64 crash blocks lane in O’Fallon
O'FALLON, IL - An accident blocked a lane on eastbound I-64 at Old Collinsville Road on Wednesday evening. The incident occurred around 5:42 p.m., according to 5 On Your Side. It is unclear how many vehicles were involved in the...
Southbound I-64 exit ramp closed due to crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash blocked the exit ramp from southbound I-64 to S. McKnight Road on Wednesday night. The traffic-blocking incident occurred around 5:21 p.m., according to 5 On Your Side's traffic map. It is anticipated that the...
33-year-old female driver injured in Wentzville intersection crash
WENTSVILLE, MO - A 33-year-old female driver sustained minor injuries in a two-vehicle crash at the intersection of Highway N and Princess Lane on Tuesday evening. Jennah L. Wise, 33, was traveling eastbound on Highway N in a 2012 Mazda...
55-year-old semi driver injured after traveling off Missouri 8, truck overturns
MINERAL POINT, MO - A 55-year-old male semi driver sustained minor injuries after traveling off the road on eastbound Missouri 8 on Monday night. Police report Andrew D. Baker, 55, was traveling eastbound on Missouri 8 when he failed to...
56-year-old driver injured in rear-end, chain-reaction collision on westbound I-64
WENTZVILLE, MO - A 56-year-old male driver sustained minor injuries in a three-vehicle, chain-reaction collision that occurred on westbound I-64 on Monday evening. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, a semi braked due to traffic congestion on westbound I-64 just...
Update: Second person dies from injuries in Alton crash
ALTON, IL - A second person, who was airlifted to a St. Louis hospital for their injuries, died after being involved in a crash on Berm Highway on Saturday afternoon. This is an update to an earlier post. According to...
Crash closes northbound I-270 exit ramp to Tesson Ferry Road
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash closed the northbound I-270 exit ramp to Tesson Ferry Road (exit 2) on Tuesday night. According to 5 On Your Side's traffic map, the accident occurred around 9:22 p.m. and traffic is expected to...
Update: 41-year-old man identified in fatal I-70 crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - Local authorities identified the deceased man in Sunday night's fatal crash on westbound I-70 as 41-year-old Terrell Clifton Madison. This is an update to an earlier post. According to KMOV4 News, Madison was speeding in a...
Semi crash in St. Louis intersection kills one person
ST. LOUIS, MO - A person was killed in a semi vs. car crash at the intersection of Riverview Drive and Hall Street on Tuesday morning. According to KMOV4 News, the fatal crash occurred around 8 a.m. Police report a...
Two people injured in police pursuit in Franklin County
VILLA RIDGE, MO - Two people were injured in a crash during a police pursuit on Highway AT on Sunday morning. 29-year-old Brandon H. Burton was involved in a police pursuit in a 2018 Nissan Versa when he swerved to...
32-year-old female driver injured in westbound I-70 crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 32-year-old female driver was injured in a two-vehicle crash on westbound I-70 on Sunday night. Police report 32-year-old Lonnetta L. Burks was stopped in two lanes on westbound I-70 just west of Bermuda Drive when...
15-year-old female passenger sustains serious injuries in St. Louis County crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 15-year-old female passenger was seriously injured in a crash on West Florissant Road just after midnight on Monday. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, a 16-year-old male driver was traveling northbound on West Florissant Road...
31-year-old woman, three teenagers in southbound I-55 crash
FAIRMONT, IL - A 31-year-old woman and three teenagers were injured in a crash on southbound I-55 early Saturday morning. According to 5 On Your Side News, a 31-year-old woman was fleeing the Madison Police Department at a traffic stop....
One person dead, another airlifted to St. Louis hospital after Alton crash
ALTON, IL - A person was killed and another airlifted to a St. Louis hospital for their injuries after crashing on Berm Highway on Saturday afternoon. According to Alton Daily News, the fatal crash occurred on Berm Highway just west...
Speeding driver dies in crash on westbound I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - A man died after crashing into a guardrail and highway sign on westbound I-70 late Sunday night. According to KMOV4 News, a male driver was speeding on westbound I-70 in a red Chevrolet Camero and lost...
Rollover crash on Route 143 kills two people
ALTON, IL - Two women were killed in a rollover crash on eastbound Route 143 on Saturday afternoon. According to KMOV4 News, the crash killed 24-year-old Chastity Montoya and 25-year-old Mia Womack. Montoya was pronounced dead at the crash scene....
Woman injured after rear-ending vehicle in I-70 rollover crash
ST. LOUIS, MO – A woman was injured in a rear-end collision on I-70 this morning that caused her vehicle to overturn, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident occurred in the westbound lanes of I-70, near Goodfellow...
St. Louis woman severely injured in wet-weather rollover crash in Imperial
IMPERIAL, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – A St. Louis woman was severely injured in a rollover accident related to rainy weather in Jefferson County yesterday, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident occurred on Eastbound Old Highway M, east...
Woman and 5-year-old girl hurt in Defiance wrong-way crash
DEFIANCE, MO (ST. CHARLES COUNTY) – A woman and a 5-year-old girl were injured after they were struck by a wrong-way driver in St. Charles County on Friday afternoon. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred at...
Richland man killed in rollover crash on Hwy 17 in Pulaski County
LAQUEY, MO (PULASKI COUNTY) – A 60-year-old man was killed after being ejected during a crash in Pulaski County this morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident occurred near Laquey on Highway 17 (Route 66), north of...
55-year-old driver injured after crashing into utility pole
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - A 55-year-old male driver sustained minor injuries after hitting a Chevron sign and utility pole on Friday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, the one-vehicle accident occurred on westbound Binning Road just east of Paul...
75-year-old driver t-bones Chevrolet Silverado in Lincoln County intersection
TROY, MO - A 75-year-old driver failed to yield at the US-61 and Creech Lane intersection and t-boned a 2020 Chevrolet Silverado on Thursday afternoon. Gary L. Mealey, 75, was traveling eastbound on Creech Lane in a 2011 Mitsubishi Endeavor...
66-year-old driver sustains moderate injuries in I-55 crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 66-year-old female driver sustained moderate injuries in a crash on southbound I-55 on Thursday afternoon. Jean M. Atkens, 66, was traveling southbound on I-55 in a 2013 Kia Rio when she struck a 2011 Ford...
65-year-old motorcyclist dies in St. Francois County crash
VALLES MINES, MO - A 65-year-old motorcyclist died in a crash at 4682 State Highway Y on Thursday afternoon. Police report Donald J. Holstein was traveling westbound on State Highway Y in a 1998 Harley Davidson FXDS when he lost...
34-year-old driver falls asleep behind the wheel, hits semi on I-44
HIGH RIDGE, MO - A 34-year-old driver fell asleep behind the wheel and struck a semi truck on eastbound I-44 in the early morning hours on Thursday. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, the crash occurred on I-44 at the...
Crash causes traffic delays on westbound I-64, debris on interstate
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident and debris it caused created traffic delays and blocked the right lane of westbound I-64 on Friday afternoon. According to 5 On Your Side's traffic map, the crash occurred right after the Forty Drive...
Vehicle fire blocks three lanes of southbound I-170 before I-70 exits
ST. LOUIS, MO - A vehicle fire blocked three lanes on southbound I-170 right before the I-70 exits (7A & 7B) on Friday afternoon. The fire and potential accident occurred around 12:40 p.m., according to 5 On Your Side's traffic...
Crash blocks lane on northbound I-55 after Potomac Street exit
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash blocked a lane on northbound I-55 after the Potomac Street exit (206A) on Friday afternoon. According to 5 On Your Side's traffic map, the traffic-blocking crash occurred around 2:15 p.m. The cause of the...
Two people injured in southbound I-170 ramp crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two people were injured when a driver crashed on the southbound I-170 ramp to Ladue Road on Wednesday evening. Police report Bernard Little, 24, was traveling too fast on the exit ramp which caused his 2019...
Speeding driver strikes tree in Washington County, sustains minor injuries
WASHINGTON COUNTY, MO - A 26-year-old male driver sustained minor injuries after crashing into a fence and tree on northbound Brickey Road on Wednesday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Zachary A. Wreath, 26, was traveling northbound on Brickey...
23-year-old driver sustains serious injuries in Highway 61 crash
PEVELY, MO - A 23-year-old male driver sustained serious injuries in a collision on northbound Highway 61 just north of Wontour Road on Wednesday afternoon. Police report Michael J. Woods, 23, was traveling southbound in a 2007 Chevrolet Equinox in...
43-year-old motorcyclist seriously injured in Jefferson County crash
FENTON, MO - A 43-year-old motorcyclist sustained serious injuries in a crash on westbound Highway 30 on Wednesday afternoon. Donald W. Pangburn, 43, was traveling westbound on Highway 30 just east of New Sugar Creek Road in a 2011 Harley...
44-year-old driver sustains moderate injuries after rear-ending a van
BRIDGETON, MO - A 44-year-old driver sustained moderate injuries after rear-ending a van on Discovery Bridge on Wednesday morning. John P. Ayers, 44, was traveling eastbound on Missouri 370 in a 2006 Nissan Frontier when he struck a 2019 Chevrolet...
Three people, including infant, injured after vehicle overturns on I-64
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - Three people, including a one-year-old infant, sustained injuries after their vehicle crashed on westbound I-64 on Tuesday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, a 2019 Ford Fiesta was traveling westbound on I-64 west of...
Female pedestrian dies when vehicle strikes her on Watson Road
ST. LOUIS, MO - A female pedestrian was struck and killed in the Sunset Hills area on Wednesday evening. According to St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the fatal accident occurred in the 10500 block of Watson Road around 6 p.m. The unidentified...
Police chase results in two separate crashes, two drivers killed
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two people were killed after a police chase resulted in two separate two-vehicle crashes on Page Boulevard near Whittier Street on Wednesday night. According to KMOV4 News, the fatal collisions involved four vehicles and occurred around...
18-year-old driver injured when semi hits their Honda Civic
ST. LOUIS, MO - An 18-year-old driver sustained minor injuries when her 2010 Honda Civic was hit by a semi on westbound I-70 just west of Lake St. Louis Boulevard on Tuesday night. Police report McKenzie I. May, 18, was...
Update: Two people injured in four-vehicle crash on eastbound I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two people were injured in a four-vehicle crash that caused significant traffic delays on eastbound I-70 at the Cypress Road exit (235C) on Tuesday afternoon. This is an update to an earlier post. According to Missouri...
21-year-old reckless driver inured in westbound I-70 crash
WENTZVILLE, MO - A 21-year-old driver sustained minor injuries when driving reckless and crashing into a box truck on westbound I-70 on Tuesday morning. Vaughn M. Abbott, 21, was reported as driving recklessly and attempting unsafe lane changes in a...
19-year-old driver sustains moderate injuries in Old Highway 100 crash
WASHINGTON, MO - A 19-year-old driver sustained moderate injuries in a crash on eastbound Old Highway 100 east of E. Fifth Street on Tuesday morning. Police reports suggest Adrian McDaris, 19, was attempting to evade police while traveling eastbound on...
65-year-old driver injured in crash when his SUV overturns
CADET, MO - A 65-year-old driver sustained minor injuries when his 2006 Mercury Mariner traveled off southbound Route E and overturned on Friday night. Police report Marvin A. Eckhoff was traveling southbound on Route E just south of Bottom Diggins...
Two people injured in head-on collision in Jefferson County intersection
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - Two people sustained minor injuries in a head-on collision at the intersection of Missouri Highway Y and Sunset Drive on Saturday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 57-year-old Lindol Evans was traveling southbound in a...
Crash blocks eastbound I-70 exit ramp at Jennings Station Road
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash blocked the Jennings Station Road exit on eastbound I-70 on Wednesday morning. According to 5 On Your Side's traffic map, the crash occurred around 7:43 a.m. and is expected to be cleared up by...
Man dies after crashing into tree on River Des Peres Boulevard
ST. LOUIS, MO - A man died after he crashed into a tree off River Des Peres Boulevard on Tuesday evening. According to KMOV4 News, the fatal crash occurred near Loughborough Avenue around 10:45 p.m. Investigations into the cause of...
Two people sustained moderate-injuries in Jefferson County head-on collision
FESTUS, MO - Two people were injured in a head-on collision at the intersection of US-67 and Sunnyside Road on Monday evening. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, a 1996 Pontiac Grand Am, driven by 32-year-old Amanda Pitts, attempted to...
Car accident causes severe delays on eastbound I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash blocked eastbound I-70 at the Cypress Road exit (235C) and caused significant traffic delays on Tuesday afternoon. According to 5 On Your Side's traffic map, the traffic-blocking accident occurred around 1:04 p.m. and is...
Update: Child dies from injury that occurred Friday night in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO - A child died from injuries sustained in a crash that occurred on eastbound I-64 on Friday night. This is an update to an earlier post. While our original post reported it was a male 30-year-old driver...
36-year-old male driver sustains serious injuries in Missouri 21 crash
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - Tyler Brand, 36, sustained serious injuries when he crashed on northbound Missouri 21 just after midnight on Tuesday morning. Brand was traveling southbound on Missouri 21 in a 2011 Chevrolet Colorado when crossed the median and...
Jefferson County intersection collision injures four people
HIGH RIDGE, MO - Four people sustained injuries when a 21-year-old driver failed to stop for a red light at Missouri 30 and Dillon Road on Monday evening. Hunter A. Hassler, 21, was traveling westbound on Missouri 30 in a...
Two people injured when 43-year-old driver ran red light
FENTON, MO - Two people were injured when Jessica Lamb, 43, ran a red light at Westbound Highway 30 and New Sugar Creek Road and caused an accident on Monday night. Police report Lamb was traveling southbound on New Sugar...
Three people sustain serious injuries when car overturns
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO - Three people were seriously injured when a car struck a median cable barrier and overturned on northbound US-67 early Sunday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, a 2018 Infiniti Q50, driven by 35-year-old Jose...
Update: Pedestrian dies from injuries in Moline Acres crash
MOLINE ACRES, MO - Police Sergeant Herschel Turner, 54, died from his injuries after he was struck by a vehicle while conducting an overnight traffic stop on Saturday morning. This is an update to an earlier post. According to 5...
One person killed after car hits tree, catches fire
WELDON SPRING, MO - A car struck a tree and caught fire killing one person in a St. Charles County intersection on Sunday evening. According to 5 On Your Side News, the fatal single-vehicle crash occurred in the area of...
Motorcyclist sustains moderate injuries in Warren County crash
WARREN COUNTY, MO - A 53-year-old motorcyclist sustained moderate injuries after his 2005 Honda Shadow overturned and he was ejected from the motorcycle on Friday afternoon. Gary L. Redwine was traveling too fast for current road conditions on northbound U.S....
Two people injured in rear-end crash by vehicle evading police
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO - Two people were injured when a 2000 Chevrolet S10, whose driver was evading the police, struck their 2013 Kia Sorento on Saturday morning. Kyle Morgeson, 31, was traveling northbound on US-67 south of Missouri 32...
53-year-old pedestrian seriously injured in Franklin County crash
PACIFIC, MO - Robert Apperson, 53, was seriously injured when he was struck by someone driving a piece of construction equipment at 1559 Highway 100 on Monday afternoon. Police report 37-year-old Ryan Terbrock was backing up a 2014 Bobcat T650...
St. Louis crash blocks left lane on westbound I-270, severe traffic delays
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash blocked the left lane of westbound I-70 at exit 33 for Lilac Avenue on Monday evening. According to 5 On Your Side's traffic map, the accident occurred around 5:23 p.m. and caused a 19...
28-year-old dead after driving car into Meramec River in Fenton
FENTON, MO – A 28-year-old man drowned yesterday after driving his vehicle into the Meramec River in Fenton, according to KOLR. The accident occurred at the George Winter Park at about 11:35 a.m. when 28-year-old Kyle Goebel drove his vehicle...
Man airlifted to hospital in St. Louis after rear-ending semi on Hwy 67
FARMINGTON, MO (ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY) – A 27-year-old man sustained serious injuries after he rear-ended a semi-truck in St. Francois County on Friday morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident occurred on Highway 67, near Fairground Road...
St. Louis man severely injured in Moline Acres pedestrian crash
MOLINE ACRES, MO (ST. LOUIS COUNTY) – A pedestrian was seriously hurt after he was struck by a vehicle in Moline Acres early this morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened near the intersection of Chambers...
3 children in critical condition following accident in Central West End
ST. LOUIS, MO – Three children and their father were taken to the hospital after a fiery car accident in the Central West End last night, according to KMOV. The accident happened on I-64 near Kingshighway Boulevard at about 10:30...
2 injured in T-bone accident at St. Francois Co. intersection
ST. FRANCOIS CO., MO - Two people were injured in a collision that occurred at the intersection of US 67 and MO H yesterday night. According to the official Missouri State Highway Patrol account of the incident, the incident occurred...
Accident reported on WB I-70 at Adelaide Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident occurred this afternoon on westbound I-70 at Adelaide Avenue, according to a tweet from the official MoDOT St. Louis Twitter account. ACCIDENT I-70 WB AT ADELAIDE AVE CLEARED AT 4:39 PM — MoDOT STL...
Pedestrian hit, killed in Fenton parking lot
FENTON, MO - A man was hit and killed by a vehicle in a parking lot southeast of the MO-30/MO-141 interchange last night, reports KSDK. The collision occurred in the 600 block of Gravois Bluffs Boulevard at about 6:30 p.m....
Accident reported on I-270 north of I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident occurred on northbound I-270 past I-64 shortly  before 4:08 p.m. this afternoon. ACCIDENT I-270 NB PAST I-64 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:52 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) December 4, 2020   According...
2 injured in rear-end collision on Blanchette Bridge
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two people were injured in a two-vehicle collision that took place on the Blanchette Bridge yesterday evening, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. Monique Johnson, 34, was traveling west on I-70 when her 2006 Chevrolet...
Accident reported on EB I-44 near MO-100
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident took place on eastbound I-44 to the east of MO-100 at 3:20 p.m. today, according to the Missouri Department of Transportation. ACCIDENT I-44 EB BEFORE MO 100 WEST RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:02...
Motorcyclist killed in Princeton Heights crash ID’d
ST. LOUIS, MO - Authorities have identified the motorcyclist killed in a two-vehicle collision in Princeton Heights last month. The crash happened on November 17, when the driver of a Chrysler Town and Country attempted to make a U-turn in...
Woman, child injured in rollover caused by mechanical defect
JEFFERSON CO., MO - A woman and a child were injured this morning when a mechanical defect caused their SUV to run off the road and overturn. According to the official report filed by the Missouri State Highway Patrol, Sonya...
Fire breaks out at well-known CWE restaurant
ST. LOUIS, MO - A fire erupted at a popular restaurant and bar in the Central West End this morning, reports NBC 5. Firefighters could be seen entering 316 N Euclid Avenue, the new address for the upscale restaurant and...
Vehicle catches fire on NB I-55 near Bayless Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO - A vehicle caught fire on northbound I-55 north of Bayless Avenue early this afternoon, blocking the right two lanes of traffic. VEHICLE FIRE I-55 NB PAST BAYLESS AVE 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 1:24...
St. Louis residents request stricter speeding enforcement
ST. LOUIS, MO - Citizens across the city are complaining to their elected officials about the prevalence of speeding vehicles in residential areas, according to a short report by KMOV4. Ward 3 Alderman Brandon Bosley told KMOV that his constituents...
Accident reported at EB I-270 at Florissant
ST. LOUIS, MO - The Missouri Department of Transportation reported an unspecified auto accident on eastbound I-270 at Florissant Road this afternoon. ACCIDENT I-270 EB AT NEW FLORISSANT RD RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 2:06 PM — MoDOT STL...
Driver injured in head-on crash in Cadet
CADET, MO - A man was injured on a highway in Washington County yesterday when a vehicle crossed into his lane and slammed head-on into his vehicle, according to the Missouri Highway Patrol. The incident happened on MO-47 east of...
Emergency vehicles called to incident at I-44 EB near Murdoch
ST. LOUIS, MO - Emergency vehicles responded to an incident on eastbound I-44 before Murdoch Avenue this morning, according to a tweet from the official MoDOT St. Louis account. EMERGENCY VEHICLES I-44 EB BEFORE MURDOCH AVE RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE...
Accident slows traffic on WB I-70 past Lucas and Hunt Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident on westbound I-70 past Lucas and Hunt Road has closed at least one traffic lane, according to the Fox 2 Now traffic map. The nature of the accident is unknown at this time, as...
Woman injured in two-vehicle accident in Warren Co.
WARREN CO., MO - A woman was injured near Wright City earlier this week when her sedan collided with a pickup truck hauling a trailer. According to the official report taken by the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the incident occurred...
Emergency vehicles reported at I-55 and Reavis Barracks Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO - Emergency vehicles were reported on northbound I-55 at Reavis Barracks Road this morning, according to a tweet from the official MoDOT St. Louis Twitter feed. EMERGENCY VEHICLES I-55 NB AT REAVIS BARRACKS RD RIGHT LANE CLOSED...
Pedestrian struck, killed in Madison Co., IL
MADISON CO., IL - A man was struck and killed by a pickup truck in Mitchell early this week, according to KMOV. The incident occurred on East Chain of Rocks Road, just east of Lennox Avenue, at about 6 p.m....
2 injured when vehicle strikes tree Washington Co.
POTOSI, MO - Two people were injured on Monday when their car collided with a tree in rural Washington County. Scotty Allen, a 27-year-old resident of Farmington, was driving his 2008 Toyota Tundra on MO-8 when he lost control of...
Pedestrian seriously injured in Villa Ridge collision
VILLA RIDGE, MO - A man was seriously injured yesterday when he was struck by a vehicle in eastern Franklin County, according to an official report taken by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. Susan Ketcherside was driving her 2003 Ford...
Accident reported on EB I-64 near Rte K
ST. LOUIS, MO - The Missouri Department of Transportation reported that an accident occurred on eastbound I-64 before Route K this morning during rush hour. ACCIDENT I-64 EB BEFORE ROUTE K RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 9:32 AM —...
Passenger killed in Thanksgiving crash in Springfield ID’d
SPRINGFIELD, MO - Police have released the identity of a man killed in a two-vehicle crash in north Springfield on Thanksgiving. According to KY3, 52-year-old Daniel Roberts was a passenger in a Honda that was struck by a Ford as...
Elderly woman injured in two-vehicle crash in Murphy
MURPHY, MO - A 75-year-old woman was injured on Friday in a two-vehicle crash southwest of Fenton, Leader Publications reports. Eve Smith, 75, was driving east on Highway 30 when she collided with a 2020 Chevrolet Equinox that was stopped...
Accident reported at I-270 NB near Page Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident was reported this morning on northbound I-270 near Page Avenue, according to the Missouri Department of Transportation. ACCIDENT I-270 NB AT PAGE AVE RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 10:44 AM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Police respond to South St. Louis crash, find car abandoned
ST. LOUIS, MO - Police responded to a single-vehicle collision on Thanksgiving morning only to find that the vehicle had been abandoned, Fox 2 Now reports. Police received reports of a pickup vs. tree collision on River Des Peres Boulevard...
Woman struck by pickup, killed while walking near Fenton
FENTON, MO - A woman was struck by a pickup truck and killed last Wednesday night as she was crossing the road at Highway 141 and Fielder. Leader Publications reports that 40-year-old Dittmer woman Cassaundra M. Parker was crossing the...
5 injured in 2-vehicle crash in northwest St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO - Five people were injured Friday in a two-vehicle crash that occurred at an intersection in northwest St. Louis, Fox 2 Now reports. The crash took place at Shreve Avenue and Natural Bridge Avenue at 12:30 a.m....
Pedestrian hospitalized following collision in House Springs
HOUSE SPRINGS, MO - A man was seriously injured early last Tuesday when he was struck by a vehicle while assisting a motorist who was backing backing up at an intersection in rural Jefferson County. Leader Publications reports that Marvin...
What Happens if my Case isn’t Chosen for Trial?
Multi-district litigations (MDLs), such as lawsuits against Bayer-Monsanto or Johnson & Johnson talc cases, can be a bit confusing for those who aren’t familiar with legal lingo and processes.  We’ve talked quite a bit about bellwether trials, including the fact...
Herobility Eco Baby Spoon Sets Recalled for Choking Hazard
Herobility’s Eco baby spoons included in their baby spoon and fork sets, feeding spoons, and four-piece placemat feeding sets have been recalled after it was discovered the utensils can break into pieces small enough to cause little ones to choke....
Driver killed in head-on crash at Hwy HH and Wildwood Ln
ROBERTSVILLE, MO - A man was killed Saturday when a pickup truck slammed head-on into his Ford Fiesta at an intersection in rural Franklin County. According to 5 On Your Side, the incident occurred at approximately 2 p.m. on Highway...
Driver injured in single-vehicle crash in Wentzville
WENTZVILLE, MO - A driver was seriously injured Sunday morning when he lost control of his vehicle, which overturned and landed on its roof. According to the official report taken by the Missouri Highway Patrol, the crash occurred on northbound...
Passenger ejected, injured in 3-vehicle crash on MO-364
ST. CHARLES, MO - One person was injured in a three-vehicle collision that took place southwest of St. Charles early Sunday evening. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the incident occurred on westbound MO-364 at Upper Bottom Road shortly...
Accident reported on SB I-170 near Page Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident occurred this morning on southbound I-170 south of Page Avenue, according to  MoDOT STL Traffic's Twitter account. ACCIDENT I-170 SB PAST PAGE AVE RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 8:51 AM — MoDOT STL...
Accident reported near Discovery Bridge
ST. LOUIS, MO - MoDOT St. Louis reported an accident near the Discovery Bridge this morning via its official Twitter feed. ACCIDENT MO 370 EB AT MO RIVER CLEARED AT 10:20 AM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) November 30, 2020...
2 injured in crash near Spirit of St. Louis Airport
CHESTERFIELD, MO - Two people were injured late last night when their vehicle crashed into a truck that was parked near Spirit of St. Louis Airport, Fox 2 Now reports. The crash occurred at Edison Avenue and Spirit of St....
Semi truck fire reported on NB I-270 at Olive
ST. LOUIS, MO - A semi truck burst into flames this morning on northbound I-270 near the exit for eastbound Olive Boulevard/Highway 340. Fox 2 Now reports that the incident occurred sometime before 7:10 a.m. It is unclear whether anyone...
Troy man, 51, killed in rollover crash on Highway 47
TROY, MO – A 51-year-old man was killed in a rollover car crash west of Troy on Saturday morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The collision occurred at about 10:30 a.m., about a mile and a half west...
Motorcyclist killed after crashing into van making U-turn in Princeton Heights
ST. LOUIS, MO – A motorcyclist is dead after colliding with a van in the Princeton Heights neighborhood, located in south St. Louis, on Friday, according to KMOV. The collision occurred in the 5900 block of S Kingshighway when the...
25-year-old severely injured after car strikes multiple trees in Phelps County
ARLINGTON, MO (PHELPS COUNTY) – A 25-year-old man was severely injured after colliding with multiple trees in an accident in Phelps County early yesterday morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred in the Arlington area on...
53-year-old driver injured when another driver ran red light
HIGH RIDGE, MO - Sheila James, 53, was injured when Mary Turner, 48, ran a red light at westbound Highway 30 and Little Brennan Road on Monday afternoon. James was traveling southbound on Little Brennan Road at Highway 30 in...
28-year-old female injured in semi crash on I-270
FLORISSANT, MO - Juanita Ellis-Edwards, 28, sustained minor injuries in a collision with a semi on westbound I-270 on Monday morning. Police report Ellis-Edwards was merging onto I-270 in front of a semi west of New Halls Ferry Road around...
Two children seriously injured in five-vehicle crash
O'FALLON, MO - Two children, ages 6 and 9, sustained serious injuries in a five-vehicle, chain-reaction crash on Highway 79 North on Monday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, a 2011 Toyota Sienna, 2019 Mazda CX5, and 2011 Toyota...
Two people sustain moderate injuries in three-vehicle crash
IMPERIAL, MO - Two people sustained moderate injuries in a three-vehicle crash on southbound I-55 north of Imperial Main on Monday morning. A 2004 Chevrolet Silverado, driven by 44-year-old Jackie Johnson, attempted to pass a 2012 Nissan Juke, driven by...
35-year-old pedestrian injured by hit-and-run driver in Washington County
POTOSI, MO - A 35-year-old female pedestrian was struck and killed by a hit-and-run driver at 10122 Delbridge Road on Sunday afternoon. Emma Sancegrow was walking southbound on Delbridge Road when she was hit by an unknown vehicle around 4:30...
Three-vehicle crash injures one person on southbound I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 32-year-old man was injured in a three-vehicle crash on southbound I-270 north of Olive Boulevard early Sunday morning. Police report a 2021 Kia K5, driven by 39-year-old Tomas Santiago-Rios, rear-ended a 2013 Ford Escape. The...
18-year-old female sustains serious injuries in I-255 crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - An 18-year-old female was seriously injured in a crash on eastbound I-255 at Telegraph Road on Saturday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, a 2005 Chevrolet Equinox, driven by a 16-year-old female, was stopped in...
St. Louis crash blocks right lane of eastbound I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - A car accident blocked the right lane of eastbound I-70 at exits 242 and 243A on Wednesday afternoon. According to 5 On Your Side's traffic map, the accident occurred around 12:07 p.m. and the interstate is...
Toyota Corolla loses tire on I-64, rear-ends Ford Edge
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - A 2013 Toyota Corolla lost it's tire while traveling on westbound I-64 and rear-ended a 2019 Ford Edge on Saturday afternoon. Police report Anthony Floyd, 57, was traveling westbound on I-64 when his Toyota lost...
61-year-old sustains moderate injuries after car hits tree on Highway N
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - Richard Johnson, 60, sustained moderate injuries in a crash on Highway N south of Finney Road on Saturday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Johnson was traveling northbound on Highway N when his 2006 Subaru...
Speeding driver crashes into embankment on southbound US-67
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - A 21-year-old driver crashed into an embankment after speeding on southbound US-67 early Saturday morning. Derek Watters, 21, was traveling at high rates of speed for the wet road conditions on southbound US-67 when slide on...
Five-vehicle crash on eastbound I-70 injures one person, all vehicles totaled
ST. PETERS, MO - A 42-year-old woman was injured in a five-vehicle crash on eastbound I-70 west of Highway 79 on Friday evening. Jovan Lindo, 24, was speeding in his 2015 Mitsubishi Mirage when he lost control and came to...
One person injured after Hyundai Elantra rear-ends Chevrolet Traverse on I-70
ST. PETERS, MO - A 58-year-old man sustained minor injuries after his 2013 Chevrolet Traverse was rear-ended by a 2004 Hyundai Elantra on eastbound I-70 on Friday evening. Police report Dorian Guy-Bey, 58, was slowing down for an accident when...
47-year-old man sustained moderate injuries in I-370 crash
ST. CHARLES, MO - A 47-year-old driver sustained moderate injuries after his 1999 Dodge Ram overturned on eastbound I-370 on Friday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Christopher Hollander was traveling eastbound on I-370 west of Highway 94 when...
Two people die in five-vehicle crash on I-55 in Jefferson County
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - Two people were killed and another sustained moderate injuries in a five-vehicle crash, involving a semi, on Monday afternoon. According to St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Jacob Stevenson, 23, suffered a medical emergency and was traveling below the...
Female driver dies from injuries after running a red light, struck MetroBus
ST. LOUIS, MO - A female driver die in the hospital from injuries sustained in a crash at the Cass Avenue and Jefferson Avenue intersection on Monday morning. According to KMOV4 News, the woman was traveling eastbound on Cass Avenue...
27-year-old man seriously injured in Franklin County accident
VILLA RIDGE, MO - Ethan Brunk, 27, was seriously injured when he crashed his 2006 Ford Fusion on westbound St. Louis Rock Road on Friday afternoon. Brunk was traveling westbound on St. Louis Rock Road and was distracted which caused...
Teenage driver sustains moderate injuries in Jefferson County crash
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - A 16-year-old male driver sustained moderate injuries when his 2009 Honda Civic overturned and struck a tree on Friday afternoon. Police report the teenager was traveling southbound on Hillsboro Victoria Road when he lost control of...
29-year-old speeding driver sustains minor injuries in I-70 crash
BRIDGETON, MO - Amber Byars, 29, sustained minor injuries after crashing into a 2015 Buick Enclave on westbound I-70 on Friday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Byars was speeding in a 2003 Chevrolet Impala and made an improper...
21-year-old driver seriously injured in Gasconade County crash
OWENSVILLE, MO - 21-year-old Alexa Viehmann was airlifted to a St. Louis hospital after sustaining serious injuries in a crash on southbound Missouri 19 on Tuesday afternoon. According to 13KRCG News, Viehmann was traveling southbound on Missouri 19 when she...
Motorcyclist killed in crash on North 4th Street
ST. LOUIS, MO - A motorcyclist died after crashing his 2005 Harley Davidson on North 4th Street near Cole Street on Wednesday evening. According to 5 On Your Side News, the fatal crash occurred when the motorcyclist was traveling northbound...
51-year-old man injured in Camden County t-bone crash
RICHLAND, MO - Scott Ecker, 51, sustained minor injuries after he t-boned a 2020 Mercedes Sprinter 2500 cargo van at Route A and 7 Springs Road on Thursday morning. According to local reporting, 24-year-old Tyler Severns was turning left from...
Update: Police release photos of hit-and-run suspect in St. Louis pedestrian accident
ST. LOUIS, MO - Police released a photo of a hit-and-run suspect whom they believe recently struck and seriously injured a 24-year-old woman on Manchester Avenue last Saturday night. This is an update to a previous post. 24-year-old Destiny Frey,...
Southbound I-55 closed after rollover crash in Arnold
ARNOLD, MO - Authorities shut down southbound I-55 after a crash occurred between Richardson Road and Imperial Main early Monday morning. According to KMOV4 News, all lanes opened around 6:45 a.m. and were originally closed around 6 a.m. The cause...
Two passengers severely injured in early-morning rollover crash in Pacific
PACIFIC, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – Two passengers were seriously injured in a single-vehicle collision in Jefferson County early this morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The collision occurred at the intersection of Route O and Highway F in...
20-year-old severely injured after hydroplaning into semi in Laclede Co.
CONWAY, MO (LACLEDE COUNTY) – A 20-year-old woman was seriously injured after a rainy-weather truck accident on the interstate in Laclede County yesterday, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened at about 5:45 p.m. in Conway, which...
22-year-old man severely injured after colliding with tree in Farmington
FARMINGTON, MO (ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY) – A 22-year-old driver was severely injured after his vehicle collided with a tree in Farmington early this morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred on Route OO near Plum Creek...
14-year-old arrested after group of teens steals car, leads police on chase
ST. LOUIS, MO – A teenage boy has been brought to the juvenile court system after he and four other teenagers stole a car, then led police officers on a chase that ended when the car collided with a fence...
27-year-old woman killed after driver backs over her in Dent County
SALEM, MO (DENT COUNTY) – A 27-year-old woman was killed in rural Dent County after a vehicle backed over her yesterday afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened on County Road 330, about eight miles north...
43-year-old driver injured after semi strikes concrete median on I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO - Mark Weeks, 43, sustained minor injuries after the semi he was driving hit both a guardrail and concrete median on northbound I-55 on Saturday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred when Weeks...
63-year-old driver injured when car hits tree in Franklin County
WASHINGTON, MO - Connie Tuttle, 63, sustained minor injuries after her 2008 Pontiac Grand Prix struck a tree on eastbound Route KK on Saturday morning. The accident occurred on eastbound Route KK near Northern Sky Drive, which is off of...
One person injured after Ford Focus rear-ends Chevrolet Sonic on I-70
BRIDGETON, MO - A 2016 Ford Focus rear-ended a 2014 Chevrolet Sonic on westbound I-70 east of I-270 on Friday morning. Police report Robyn Conner, 30, was traveling too closely to the Chevrolet and hit it when it slowed to...
28-year-old driver injured after Hyundai runs into ditch
ST. PETERS, MO - A 28-year-old male driver sustained injuries after he struck a ditch in his 2018 Hyundai Elantra on the Missouri 370 on-ramp from westbound I-70 around midnight Friday. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Matthew Goldschmidt traveled...
One person injured in Missouri 141 head-on collision
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - A 23-year-old woman sustained minor injuries in a head-on collision on Missouri 141 on Thursday afternoon. Raymond Kolafa Jr., 66, was traveling northbound on Missouri 141 and failed to yield to oncoming traffic when he attempted...
51-year-old female injured after car strikes tree in Jefferson County
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - Holly Goldblum, 51, sustained minor injuries after traveling off Dulin Creek Road and hitting a tree on Thursday afternoon. Goldblum was traveling Dulin Creek Road southbound in a 2015 Nissan Sentra when she traveled off the...
29-year-old driver sustains serious injuries in motorcycle crash
PIKE COUNTY, MO - A 29-year-old male motorcyclist was seriously injured when his motorcycle overturned on State Highway W on Thursday afternoon. Police report Vincent Burton was traveling southbound on State Highway W at North Water Street when he lost...
36-year-old man sustains moderate injuries in semi crash on I-270
FLORISSANT, MO - David Jones, 36, sustained moderate injuries after hitting a semi on westbound I-270 on Thursday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Jones was traveling westbound on I-270 in a 2013 Nissan Altima when he improperly changed...
Motorcyclist dies in St. Louis intersection crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - A male motorcyclist died from injuries sustained in a crash at North Broadway and Biddle Street on Wednesday night. According to KMOV4 News, the fatal crash occurred around 10:45 p.m. The motorcyclist was transported to a...
St. Louis crash blocks right lane of westbound I-44
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash blocked the right lane of westbound I-44 at South Grand Boulevard on Thursday night. According to 5 On Your Side's traffic map, the crash occurred around 7:39 p.m. It is unclear what caused the...
Pedestrian killed in St. Clair County accident
CASEYVILLE, IL - Joseph J. Maly, Jr., 73, was struck and killed by a Saturn Outlook when he was crossing northbound Illinois Route 159 on Wednesday evening. According to 5 On Your Side News, the fatal accident occurred near the...
Two people injured in Jefferson County intersection collision
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - Two people were injured when a 1995 Chrysler Lebaron GTC rear-ended a 2007 Chevrolet Silverado on southbound Highway F on Thursday morning. A 17-year-old driver in the Chrysler failed to stop for the Silverado that was...
Two people injured after motorcycle overturns in St. Charles County crash
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - Two people were injured after a motorcycle overturned in a crash on westbound Highway B on Thursday morning. Robert Hickman, 64, was traveling westbound on Highway B in a 2018 Honda Goldwing when he veered...
56-year-old woman sustains moderate injuries in head-on crash
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - A 56-year-old female was injured in a head-on crash on northbound Highway NN early Thursday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, a 20-year-old driver in a 1991 Oldsmobile 88 Royale traveled into oncoming traffic and...
Two teenagers injured in northbound Highway 367 crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two teenagers sustained minor injuries in a crash on northbound Highway 367 on Wednesday afternoon. Police report a 17-year-old driver in a 2013 Ford Fusion failed to stop for a 2008 Scion XD and rear-ended the...
Speeding driver injured in Washington County crash
WASHINGTON COUNTY, MO - Nathaniel Atchely, 24, sustained minor injuries after crashing his 2014 Chevrolet Sonic on Highway A on Wednesday morning. Police report Atchely was traveling eastbound on Highway A when he took a turn to fast and crashed...
64-year-old driver injured in St. Francois County crash
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO - A 64-year-old man was injured after crashing a dump truck on King School Road on Wednesday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Thomas Yarbro was traveling northbound on King School Road in a 1982...
One person injured after Toyota Corolla rear-ends a Ford Explorer
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 2013 Toyota Corolla rear-ended a 2015 Ford Explorer on the on-ramp to northbound I-270 from northbound I-55 on Wednesday morning. Kayla Dabbs, 25, rear-ended the Ford around 7:50 a.m., according to Missouri State Highway Patrol....
36-year-old woman injured in crash when driver runs red light
WELDON SPRING, MO - A 36-year-old woman sustained minor injuries when her 2007 Chevrolet Trailblazer was struck by a 26-year-old driver who ran a light at Missouri 94 and O'Fallon Road on Wednesday morning. Ashley Hamilton, 36, was traveling southbound...
33-year-old driver injured after rear-ending a semi on US-61
IMPERIAL, MO - Kyle Harrison, 33, sustained moderate injuries after rear-ending a semi on southbound US-61 on Tuesday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Harrison was traveling southbound on US-61 just north of Imperial Main Street in a 1993...
28-year-old woman seriously injured in Missouri 221 crash
IRONTON, MO - A 28-year-old female driver, an infant, and a 3-year-old were injured in a crash on southbound Missouri 221 on Tuesday morning. Police report Caitlin Thomue was traveling southbound on Missouri 221 when she traveled off the right...
17-year-old carjacker injured in I-70 police-chase crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 17-year-old male carjacked a vehicle from a Papa John's employee and then sustained injuries after crashing during a subsequent police chase on eastbound I-70 early Wednesday morning. According to 5 On Your Side News, the...
Traffic blocked after semi-rollover crash on westbound I-70 ramp
TROY, IL - A semi crashed and rolled over on the westbound I-70 ramp to southbound I-55 on early Wednesday morning. According to KMOV4 News, the accident occurred around 4 a.m. and police closed the ramp for an unknown amount...
Two people injured when car overturns at Washington County intersection
MINERAL POINT, MO - Two people were injured when their car overturned on Old Highway 8 (Old 8e) on Monday afternoon. Police report 20-year-old Ethan Henry was traveling eastbound on Old Highway 8 in a 2004 Suzuki Verona when he...
Two people injured in crash involving a dump truck on US-50
UNION, MO - Two men were injured when a 2007 Ford F250 rear-ended a dump truck on westbound US-50 on Monday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 35-year-old Joseph Lauth was traveling westbound on US-50 when he failed to...
23-year-old woman injured after hitting tree on Missouri Route AA
POTOSI, MO - Ciara Smith, 23, sustained moderate injuries after crashing into a tree on Missouri Route AA on Sunday night. Smith was traveling eastbound on Missouri Route AA in a 2001 Ford Taurus when she lost control in a...
One person killed, three people injured in Missouri Route 94 crash
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - A 43-year-old male driver was killed and three other people were injured in a head-on collision on Missouri Route 94 on Sunday evening. Justin Luckett was traveling northbound on Missouri Route 94, approximately .9 miles...
Two people injured in Jefferson County police chase
DITTMER, MO - Two people sustained minor injuries when they crashed head-on to a police vehicle during a police chase on Canyon Lane and State Route WW on Sunday evening. Police report a 2014 Ford Taurus was pursuing a 2002...
One teenager dies, two teenagers injured in Hillsboro crash
HILLSBORO, MO - One teenager died and two other teenagers were injured in a crash on southbound Highway B (Hillsboro Road) on Saturday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, a 1999 Ford Ranger lost control in a curve on...
24-year-old pedestrian seriously injured in hit-and-run crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 24-year-old woman was hit by a hit-and-run driver and seriously injured in the 4400 block of Manchester Avenue on Saturday evening. According to KMOV4 News, the crash occurred when an unknown vehicle hit Destiny Frey...
23-year-old man charged with DWI-death of another
FLORISSANT, MO - 23-year-old Frederick Schaljo was charged with DWI-death of another on Monday, November 16 for a May 24 crash. According to St. Louis Post Dispatch, Shaljo lost control of his vehicle and crashed into a fence in the...
Three people sustain injuries in Highway 61 head-on collision
ST. MARY, MO - Three people were injured in a head-on collision between a 2005 Ford Freestar and 2009 Hyundai Sonata on Highway 61 on Saturday afternoon. Police report Charlotte Berry, 58, lost control of her Ford due to heavy...
Two 15-year-old girls injured in St. Francois County head-on crash
BONNE TERRE, MO - Two 15-year-old girls sustained moderate injuries when a 1992 Toyota Camry struck a 2004 Acura SUV head-on at 7484 House Road on Saturday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Nicole McNeal, 34, was traveling too...
2015 Dodge Charger hydroplanes, crashes into 2009 Chevrolet HHR on I-44
SULLIVAN, MO - Odis Marshall, 53, hydroplaned on westbound I-44 and crashed into both a concrete barrier and 2009 Chevrolet HHR on Saturday afternoon. Marshall was traveling westbound on I-44 in a 2015 Dodge Charger when he hydroplaned, which caused...
36-year-old pedestrian sustains moderate injuries in I-270 crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 36-year-old male pedestrian sustained moderate injuries when a 2014 Infiniti Q50 struck him on eastbound I-270 early Saturday morning. Deep Shah, 27, was traveling eastbound on I-270 when he hit debris east of West Florissant...
Ford Expedition driver rear-ends Jeep on westbound I-44
SULLIVAN, MO - A 2019 Ford Expedition rear-ended a 2018 Jeep Sport on westbound I-44 just west of the 251 Highway West (Highway W) on-ramp on Friday afternoon. Police report Joseph Diep, 75, was traveling westbound on I-44 and failed...
27-year-old driver sustains moderate injures in I-44 crash
UNION, MO - A 27-year-old male driver sustained moderate injuries when he crashed his 2007 Ford Freestyle into a tree on Friday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, John Skaggs traveled off the right side of westbound I-44, down...
Southbound I-55 crash blocks three lanes, traffic delays expected
ST. LOUIS, MO - Authorities shut down three lanes on southbound I-55 after a crash involving a fuel truck leaked fuel on the interstate on Saturday afternoon. The crash occurred on southbound I-55 near Reavis Barracks Road around 12:30 p.m.,...
43-year-old driver killed, three people injured in head-on collision
ST. CHARLES, MO - Justin Luckett, 43, was killed and three others injured in a head-on collision on Missouri Route 94 on Sunday night. According to KMOV4 News, the fatal crash occurred on Missouri Route 94 near the Weldon Springs...
79-year-old killed, another woman injured in crash southwest of Lebanon
SPRING HOLLOW TOWNSHIP, MO (LACLEDE COUNTY) – An elderly woman died of wounds sustained during a collision on Wednesday that also seriously injured another woman southwest of Lebanon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened at about...
Driver airlifted to hospital after De Soto crash
DE SOTO, MO - A 25-year-old female driver lost control of her 2008 Chevrolet HHR in a curve on Flucom Road and struck a tree on Thursday night. The crash occurred on westbound Flucom Road east of Tracy Lane around...
22-year-old driver sustains moderate injuries after car overturns
CEDAR HILL, MO - Devon Chotrow, 22, sustained moderate injuries after crashing his 2005 Ford Focus on Highway B on Thursday evening. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Chotrow was traveling southbound on Highway B when he traveled off the...
Moped driver dies from injuries sustained in Ferguson crash
FERGUSON, MO - A 19-year-old male moped driver was hit by a 2015 GMC Yukon and died from his injuries on Thursday evening. Police report the fatal crash occurred at the intersection of Hereford Avenue and N. Florissant Road (Highway...
56-year-old driver injured in rear-end crash on eastbound I-70
ST. CHARLES, MO - A 56-year-old driver sustained minor injuries when a 2001 Dodge Ram rear-ended his 2015 Chevrolet Silverado on eastbound I-70 on Thursday evening. The crash occurred when Bryson Mueller, 24, failed to notice Carroll Woodson, 56, had...
43-year-old woman injured when 84-year-old driver ran red light
ARNOLD, MO - Rebekah Reeves, 43, sustained minor injuries when her 2002 Chevrolet Silverado was struck by an 84-year-old driver who failed to yield for a red traffic light on US-61 on Thursday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol,...
24-year-old man injured in Earth City hit-and-run crash
EARTH CITY, MO - Dedrick Hill, 24, sustained minor injuries in a hit-and-run crash on westbound I-70 on Thursday afternoon. Police report the accident occurred on westbound I-70 west of Highway 141 around 2:50 p.m. Hill was traveling westbound on...
Pedestrian dies in St. Louis crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - A pedestrian was hit and killed on Airport Road on Thursday evening. According to FOX2 NOW, the fatal accident occurred around 7:30 p.m. Investigations into the cause of the crash are ongoing. It is unclear if...
Northbound I-255 crash blocks lane at Horseshoe Lake Road
COLLINSVILLE, IL - A crash blocked at least one lane on northbound I-255 on Friday morning. According to 5 On Your Side's traffic map, the traffic blocking accident occurred on northbound I-255 around 10:59 a.m. It is unclear what caused...
44-year-old driver injured after car overturns three times
ST. PETERS, MO - Nasser Fawwaqa, 44, sustained minor injuries after his 2012 Nissan Rogue struck another vehicle than overturned three times on westbound I-70 on Thursday afternoon. Police report the crash occurred on westbound I-70 east of Mid Rivers...
Toddler injured in three-vehicle crash on Missouri 84
HAYTI, MO - A two-year-old and two adults were injured in a three-vehicle crash on Missouri 84 on Wednesday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, a 2009 Nissan Armada, driven by 24-year-old Marquis Wiggins, was traveling eastbound on Missouri...
23-year-old female dies in Scott County crash
MORLEY, MO - A 23-year-old woman died after crashing on southbound US-61 south of Benton on Wednesday evening. The fatal crash occurred when Kylie Jackson swerved her 2007 Chevrolet Cobalt to avoid an animal on southbound US-61 and hit a...
Florissant crash blocks two right lanes on westbound I-270
FLORISSANT, MO - An accident blocked two right lanes of westbound I-270 east of Elizabeth Avenue on Thursday morning. ACCIDENT I-270 WB BEFORE ELIZABETH AVE 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 12:21 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) November...
St. Louis police chase crossed into Illinois, ended in crash
WOOD RIVER, IL - Hillsdale and St. Ann police officers were pursuing a suspect that led them on a car crash from north St. Louis County to Wood River and resulted in a crash on Wednesday. According to KMOV4 News,...
St. Peters crash closes multiple lanes on I-70, severe traffic delays
ST. PETERS, MO - Five lanes of westbound I-70 were closed and traffic was severely delayed due to a crash on Thursday afternoon. The crash occurred around westbound I-70 after Missouri 370 around 3:17 p.m., according to 5 On Your...
East St. Louis crash closes one lane of traffic on I-64/I-55
EAST ST. LOUIS, IL - A car crash closed one lane off to traffic on westbound I-64/I-55 on Thursday afternoon. According to 5 On Your Side's traffic map, the crash and traffic block occurred around 2:55 p.m. and is expected...
18-year-old driver sustains injuries in Franklin County crash
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - An 18-year-old female driver sustained minor injuries when she crashed on Highway N on Wednesday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Mackenzie Collins was traveling southbound in a 2013 Kia Forte on Highway N near...
65-year-old driver sustains moderate injuries in Highway 79 crash
LINCOLN COUNTY, MO - Samuel Copeland, 65, experienced a medical condition that caused him to travel off the road and crash on northbound Highway 79 on Sunday afternoon. Police report Copeland was traveling on northbound Highway 79 south of Route...
Northbound I-55 crash injures one person after driver hit a deer
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 47-year-old male driver sustained minor injuries after hitting a deer on northbound I-55 on Saturday night. Amy Franklin was traveling on northbound I-55 in a 2018 Chevrolet Equinox when he hit a deer south of...
51-year-old driver injured after hitting deer in Union
UNION, MO - Eugene Ashworth, 51, sustained minor injuries after hitting a deer on southbound Highway 47 on Wednesday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Ashworth was traveling southbound on Highway 47 north of Kylee Drive when a deer...
60-year-old ejected from motorcycle during Jefferson County crash
IMPERIAL, MO - Michael Seevers Jr., 60, sustained moderate injuries when he was ejected from his vehicle in a crash on Old Antonio Road Wednesday evening. Seevers was traveling westbound on Old Antonio Road when he lost control of his...
Perryville driver sustains moderate injuries in I-55 crash
PERRY COUNTY, MO - A 45-year-old female driver sustained moderate injuries when her 2004 Chevrolet crashed into a cable barrier on Wednesday evening. Police report Tonya Bruce's Chevrolet traveled off the left side of southbound I-55 at mile marker 136.6...
24-year-old woman speeding on Missouri 79 crashes, sustains injuries
CLARKSVILLE, MO - 24-year-old Olivia Brown crashed into a utility pole after traveling too fast for road conditions on northbound Missouri 79 on Tuesday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Brown was traveling north on Missouri 79 south of...
Driver dies after crashing into concrete wall
EAST ST. LOUIS, IL - A woman died when the vehicle she was driving crashed into a concrete wall supporting train tracks, sometime overnight Tuesday. According to 5 On Your Side News, the fatal crash occurred on River Park Drive...
42-year-old driver sustains moderate injuries after striking several trees
WEST ALTON, MO - A 42-year-old male driver sustained moderate injuries after his 2010 Acura MDX traveled off northbound US-67 and struck several trees early Friday morning. Michael Lauterwasser was traveling northbound on US-67 north of Highway 94 when he...
60-year-old woman injured after hit-and-run crash on I-270
HAZELWOOD, MO - Laurie Farmer, 60, sustained minor injuries after her 2015 Buick Encore was struck by a hit-and-run driver on Sunday afternoon. Police report the crash occurred on southbound I-270 at James S McDonnell Boulevard around 5:05 p.m. The...
Dump truck t-bones 2005 Ford Freestyle in Franklin County
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - A dump truck t-boned a 2005 Ford Freestyle on Highway E at Highway VV on Monday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, 58-year-old Mark Stump was traveling southbound on Highway VV when he struck the...
Semi driver causes three-vehicle crash on westbound I-70
EARTH CITY, MO - A semi driver failed to observe traffic when switching lanes on westbound I-70 causing a three-vehicle crash on Monday morning. According to police reports, 61-year-old Robert Aeschlman was traveling westbound on I-70 east of Earth City...
20-year-old driver totals PT Cruiser after taking curve to fast
LONEDELL, MO - A 20-year-old male driver crashed his 2004 Chrysler PT Cruiser after taking a curve too fast on Highway FF on Monday morning. Buddy Friend was traveling northbound on Highway FF and over-corrected after taking a turn too...
Two people sustain injuries in westbound I-70 crash
O'FALLON, MO - Two people sustained injuries when a 2020 Kia Sorento rear-ended a 2017 Chevrolet Cruze on westbound I-70 on Sunday evening. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred on westbound I-70 east of Bryan Road around...
Westbound I-64 crash blocks three lanes of traffic
ST. LOUIS, MO - Three lanes of traffic were blocked on westbound I-64 past the South Kingshighway Boulevard exit on Tuesday afternoon. A crash caused traffic delays and blocked three lanes of westbound I-64 right after Exit 36A around 2:45...
Teenage driver sustains moderate injuries in Jefferson County crash
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - An 18-year-old male driver lost control of his 2005 Chevrolet Corvette and struck a tree on Saturday morning. Police report the crash occurred on westbound Marble Springs Road near Moloney Cabin Ridge Road around 11:55 a.m....
Motorcyclist injured after Ducati overturns on Highway 141
VALLEY PARK, MO - A 55-year-old male motorcyclist sustained moderate injuries after his 2004 Ducati overturned on Highway 141. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, the crash occurred on southbound Highway 141 north of I-44 around 2:55 p.m. Police report...
Northbound I-55 crash blocks right lane at South Broadway
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash blocked the right lane and right-hand shoulder on Northbound I-55 at Exit 204 on Monday morning. The crash occurred around 8:11 a.m. on northbound I-55 at Missouri 231 (South Broadway), according to 5 On...
Westbound I-70 crash blocks traffic at Missouri 141
EARTH CITY, MO - A car accident blocked the right lane and right-hand shoulder on westbound I-70 at Missouri 141 on Monday morning. According 5 On Your Side's traffic map, the crash caused a minimum of a four minute delay...
Three-vehicle crash injures two 18-year-olds on Route MM
HOUSE SPRINGS, MO - A three-vehicle crash on Route MM (also known as Gravois Road) east of Missouri 30 injured two 18-year-olds on Sunday evening. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Gregory Benefield, 64, was driving a 2014 Chrysler Town...
Two people injured in Jefferson County motorcycle crash
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - Two people were injured in a motorcycle crash on eastbound Missouri 30 east of Candela Road on Sunday afternoon. 54-year-old Brett Feurer was driving a 2014 Harley Davidson Electra Ultraglide Limited eastbound on Missouri 30 at...
16-year-old driver injured after car overturns on Highway NN
CEDAR HILL, MO - A 16-year-old male driver lost control of his 1998 Ford Crown Victoria and crashed on Highway NN north of Windy Ridge Road on Sunday afternoon. Police report the teenager was driving southbound on Highway NN when...
Driver killed after striking landscaping truck, two pedestrians seriously injured
ST. LOUIS, MO - A driver died after hitting a landscaping truck and two landscaping workers were seriously injured in the crash in the 6900 block of North Hanley Road on Monday morning. According to 5 On Your Side News,...
31-year-old man ejected, injured in Potosi motorcycle crash
POTOSI, MO (WASHINGTON COUNTY) – A 31-year-old motorcyclist was taken to the hospital after he crashed in a rollover accident north of Potosi this afternoon. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred at the intersection of MO-21...
26-year-old motorcyclist seriously hurt in Festus collision
FESTUS, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – A 26-year-old motorcyclist was seriously hurt after he reportedly caused an accident with another vehicle in Festus yesterday evening, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The collision occurred just after 7:15 p.m. at the...
17-year-old boy ejected after vehicle goes airborne in Lebanon crash
LEBANON, MO (LACLEDE COUNTY) – A 17-year-old boy was ejected from a car and seriously hurt when his vehicle went airborne in a crash this afternoon in Lebanon. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the crash happened on Pecos...
29-year-old man killed in high-speed rollover crash in Earth City
EARTH CITY, MO (ST. LOUIS COUNTY) – A 29-year-old man was killed early this morning in a rollover accident reportedly related to speeding, located northwest of St. Louis. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident happened in Earth...
Passenger injured after 15-year-old Lebanon boy rear-ends vehicle
LEBANON, MO – A woman was injured after being involved in a rear-end collision in Laclede County yesterday afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident occurred about three miles west of Lebanon on Highway 64, near Highway...
Driver injured after car goes airborne, overturns on eastbound I-70
ST. PETERS, MO - A 24-year-old female driver sustained moderate injuries after her car went airborne and overturned on Sunday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, the one-vehicle crash occurred when a 2000 Subaru Outback blew out a tire...
Teenage driver rear-ends Jeep Renegade on westbound US-50
UNION, MO - A 16-year-old driver rear-ended a 2018 Jeep Renegade on westbound US-50 east of Route UU on Friday morning. Police report the Jeep was slowing down to make a left-hand turn when a 2007 Honda CR-V struck it...
Driver seriously injured when car overturns on Highway 30
FENTON, MO - A 21-year-old man was seriously injured when his car crashed and overturned on westbound Highway 30 early Friday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Matthew Siebert was traveling westbound on Highway 30 in a 2016 GMC...
Driver’s vehicle rear-ended while assisting stranded motorist on I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 2016 Hyundai Sonata was struck by a 2012 Chevrolet Malibu when it was improperly stopped on eastbound I-70 to assist a stranded motorist on Thursday night. Joseph John, 22, was improperly stopped in a right-hand...
Motorcyclist injured in two-vehicle collision in Imperial
IMPERIAL, MO - A 49-year-old male motorcyclist was injured on Route M when a 2010 Mazda CX-7 hit his 2007 Harley-Davidson FXSTD on Thursday evening. Police report the crash occurred on westbound Route M east of Old Lemay Ferry Road...
Two-vehicle crash blocks southbound I-270
BRIDGETON, MO - A 2015 Chevrolet Trailblazer driver failed to stay in his lane on southbound I-270 and collided with a 2008 Jeep Grand Cherokee on Thursday afternoon. After going outside of his lane on southbound I-270 south of I-70,...
Woman injured in two-vehicle crash on MO 79
O'FALLON, MO - A 36-year-old woman sustained minor injuries when a 2003 Honda Odyssey rear-ended her 2015 GMC Sierra on Missouri 79 on Thursday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, the two-vehicle crash occurred on northbound Missouri 79 north...
Eastbound I-44 crash blocks two lanes at Park Avenue
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident blocked two lanes on eastbound I-44 on Friday afternoon. According to KMOV4's traffic map, the accident occurred on eastbound I-44 at Exit 208 for Park Avenue. Investigations into the cause of the crash are...
Hit-and-run driver hits patrol car in Jefferson County
HOUSE SPRINGS, MO - A driver of a refrigerated box truck struck a patrol car that was at the scene of an undergoing investigation on Wednesday afternoon. According to 5 On Your Side News, police had responded to a report...
Driver dies when car overturned in Troy crash
TROY, MO - A 40-year-old man was killed when he struck a utility pole and electrical box which caused his 1999 Honda Accord to overturn on Wednesday morning. According to St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the fatal crash occurred on westbound Cap...
Bridgeton crash blocks multiple lanes of southbound I-270
BRIDGETON, MO - An accident caused three lanes to close and traffic delays on southbound I-270 on Thursday evening. According to KMOV4's traffic map, the crash occurred on southbound I-270 at the I-70 interchange and caused a traffic delay of...
Yeti Recalls Rambler Mugs Due to Burn Hazard
If you are one of about 15,000 Americans who have supported sustainability by investing in a 20-ounce Yeti Rambler travel mug with a Stronghold Lid, you may need a replacement. Yeti has announced that the popular reusable mugs have been...
One person injured in Route M crash
BARNHART, MO - A 34-year-old man was injured when a 2012 Mazda CX-9 failed to yield to his 2006 Toyota Tacoma on Route M on Thursday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, the Tacoma was traveling eastbound on Route...
Driver fails to yield, rear-ends car on northbound Highway 141
FENTON, MO - A 23-year-old female driver failed to slow down for a stopped car ahead on northbound Highway 141 and rear-ended a 2016 Ford Escape in the early hours of Thursday morning. Police report Rhonda Payne, 37, was seriously...
Speeding driver wrecks car, car engulfed in flames after crash
PARK HILLS, MO - A 31-year-old female driver was traveling too fast on Missouri 32 when she lost control of her car and crashed just after midnight on Wednesday morning. Keri Smith was traveling westbound on Missouri 32 east of...
Pedestrian seriously injured in Festus crash
FESTUS, MO - A 42-year-old pedestrian was struck by a 2012 Chevrolet Cruze and seriously injured on southbound Route CC on Wednesday night. Police report the crash occurred north of Sunnyside Road around 8:45 p.m. At the time of the...
Driver causes chain-reaction crash on Highway 30
MURPHY, MO - A driver rear-ended another vehicle which caused a chain-reaction crash involving four vehicles total on Highway 30 on Wednesday evening. Police report a 2007 Honda Odyssey rear-ended a 2008 Chevrolet Equinox on westbound Highway 30 east of...
One person injured after collision with deer, car totaled
WASHINGTON, MO - Robert Kuhlmann, 38, sustained minor injuries after hitting a deer on eastbound Highway 100 on Tuesday night. Kuhlmann was traveling eastbound on Highway 100 in a 2017 Kia Forte when he struck a deer at St. John's...
Driver rear-ends cargo van, 14-year-old girl injured in crash
POTOSI, MO - A 14-year-old girl was injured in a crash on southbound Highway 185 when a 2015 Dodge Dart rear-ended a cargo van on Tuesday evening. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the cargo van was turning left...
14-year-old child injured in Jefferson County crash
MAPAVILLE, MO - Two people, including a 14-year-old boy, were injured in an intersection collision at Route A and Route Z on Tuesday night. According to police reports, a 2017 Hyundai Accent was traveling northbound from Plass Road across Route...
Two people sustained injuries after driver failed to yield
WEST ALTON, MO - A 68-year-old female driver of a 2015 Ford Focus failed to yield to a 2012 Dodge Avenger resulting in a crash on Highway 67 on Tuesday evening. Police report the crash occurred on northbound Highway 67...
One person injured after two vehicles merge into same lane on I-70
ST. CHARLES, MO - Two vehicles collided after attempting to merge into the same lane on eastbound I-70 on Tuesday morning. Christopher Baker, 31, was transported to SSM Health St. Joseph Hospital St. Charles for minor injuries after a crash...
Three-vehicle crash on I-55 injures one
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two vehicles and a dump truck collided on southbound I-55 on Tuesday morning, resulting in at least one injury. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, a 1998 Honda Accord, driven by 27-year-old Kyle Kellogg, traveled...
Eastbound I-70 crash blocks left lane
ST. LOUIS, MO - A car accident blocked the left lane of eastbound I-70 on Tuesday afternoon. According to 5 On Your Side's traffic map, the blocking accident occurred just before O'Fallon Park around 2:14 p.m. It is unclear what...
Two people injured after pickup truck crashes into Hope Vineyard Church
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two people were injured after a pickup truck crashed into Hope Vineyard Church, located at 2923 Telegraph Road, on Monday evening. According to 5 On Your Side News, a 40-year-old male driver became ill and lost...
Pedestrian dies at local hospital after car hits her
AFFTON, MO - An 87-year-old woman was struck and killed in the 9800 block of Mackenzie Road on Tuesday morning. According to KMOV4 News, the fatal crash occurred at around 6 a.m., when the 26-year-old driver of a Honda Accord...
Three-vehicle crash injures multiple people, including pedestrian
ST. LOUIS, MO - A three-vehicle crash resulted in multiple injuries on northbound I-55 south of Union Road on Monday evening. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, a a 2008 Scion TC had become stalled in the rightmost lane of...
Driver seriously injured after crashing into traffic warning sign
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - Jason Hussey, 33, was seriously injured after losing control of his 1995 Ford F150 and crashing on Highway WW on Monday night. Hussey lost control of his vehicle south of Running Deer Drive around 6:15 p.m.,...
Wrong-way driver crash injures two people
SULLIVAN, MO - A 27-year-old driver of a 2007 Ford 500 traveled into oncoming traffic on Highway H north of Evergreen Drive and struck a 2017 Chevrolet Trailblazer on Monday afternoon. The Ford was traveling northbound on Highway H when...
Motorist injured in crash on I-70 involving two semis
WRIGHT CITY, MO - Two semis and a 2016 Ford Fusion were involved in a crash on westbound I-70 at mile marker 195.4 just after noon on Monday. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the crash occurred as a...
Female driver seriously injured after hitting deer on Highway 141
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO - A 43-year-old female driver was seriously injured after hitting a deer on Highway 141 at Mitchell Drive on Monday morning. According to police reports, Harmony Parrish was transported to Mercy Hospital South for serious injuries...
Eastbound I-270 crash involves two Chevrolet Malibu cars
FLORISSANT, MO - A 2012 Chevrolet Malibu hit the rear of a 2014 Chevrolet Malibu when it merged into its lane on Sunday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, the crash occurred on eastbound I-270 at W. Florissant Avenue...
One person sustained injuries in head-on crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 29-year-old driver failed to stop at a traffic signal on South Lindbergh Avenue and crashed head-on into a 2011 Honda Accord in the early morning hours Sunday. Police report the crash occurred when Nicholas Rhoden's...
How to Make the Most of Staying Safe at Home
As winter falls upon us, COVID-19 will likely continue to take its toll on our country and the world. Many of our clients are among the most susceptible to dangerous coronavirus side effects due to cancer treatments or other pre-existing...
Driver rear-ends Ford Focus stopped for traffic on Missouri 32
PARK HILLS, MO - A 52-year-old driver failed to slow down and rear-ended a 2017 Ford Focus on Missouri 32 east of Pine Ridge Trail on Saturday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Daniel Cooper was driving a 2005...
Two people injured in De Soto intersection collision
DE SOTO, MO - Two people were injured in a collision on Highway 110 at Athena School Road on Saturday night. Police report Ashley Baker, 22, was driving a 2002 GMC Envoy northbound on Athena School Road when she traveled...
Motorcyclist crashes after avoiding debris, sustains moderate injuries
WASHINGTON COUNTY, MO - A motorcyclist was injured Saturday afternoon when he crashed after hitting debris at 15972 Highway P. The motorcycle driver was identified as 65-year-old Clyde McGill and was transported to Mercy Hospital South, according to Missouri State...
Head-on collision leaves two people injured
BERKELEY, MO - Two people sustained injuries in a head-on collision on Airport Road at Garfield Avenue around 1:47 a.m. Police report 30-year-old Dieera Bradshaw was traveling westbound on Airport Road in a 2013 Hyundai Sonata when she traveled into...
Rollover crash injures 66-year-old truck driver
VILLA RIDGE, MO - A 66-year-old man driver sustained minor injuries when his 2018 Kenworth semi truck rolled over on Friday night. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, the one-vehicle crash occurred on westbound I-44 at mile marker 250 around...
St. Francois County crash causes two moderate injuries
FARMINGTON, MO - Two people were transported to Parkland Health Center for moderate injuries after a collision on Highway D on Friday evening. Thomas Gant, 27, lost control of his 2000 Jeep Wrangler and struck a 2013 Lincoln MKS driven...
Teenage driver t-bones Honda Pilot in St. Clair
ST. CLAIR, MO - A 17-year-old driver failed to yield to another driver and t-boned their car on Friday afternoon. Police report the crash occurred on Highway 30 at Highway K around 4:52 p.m. Nahni Hallmon, 17, was traveling eastbound...
Police take driver into custody after fatal crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 23-year-old male driver was taken into custody after he ran a red light and caused a crash which killed a woman and injured four other people Sunday evening. According to Fox2Now, the fatal crash happened...
30-year-old man killed in De Soto rollover accident
DE SOTO, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – A 30-year-old man was killed in Jefferson County last night after being ejected in a rollover collision that struck multiple mailboxes and a culvert. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident happened...
One killed, three seriously injured, 19-year-old hurt in Rolla crash
ROLLA, MO (PHELPS COUNTY) – A woman was killed, three people were seriously injured, and a 19-year-old was hurt in a three-car collision near Rolla yesterday afternoon. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident happened at 4 p.m....
77-year-old man in serious condition after wrong-way crash on Hwy 64
LEBANON, MO – A 77-year-old man was seriously hurt in a head-on collision in Laclede County yesterday afternoon that totaled both vehicles involved, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident occurred at noon near Bennett Spring State Park...
Springfield man struck and killed by truck driver in Laclede County
RICHLAND, MO (LACLEDE COUNTY) – A pedestrian from Springfield who was walking on I-44 was hit and killed by a semi-truck driver from Oklahoma in Laclede County on Thursday night. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident happened...
Driver seriously injured after vehicle entered her lane on I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 46-year-old female driver was seriously injured in a crash after another driver entered her lane on I-55 and she was pushed off the road on Friday morning. Police report Tina Rudloff was transported to Mercy...
Car strikes light pole, overturns in St. Louis parking lot
ST. LOUIS, MO - A driver lost control of their vehicle on St. Charles Rock Road, struck a light pole, and overturned into a Schnucks parking lot in the early hours Friday morning. St. John Missouri— Breaking Overnight. Driver and...
I-70 crash blocks two lanes, traffic delays expected
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash blocked two lanes on westbound I-70 and caused traffic delays on Friday evening. The accident occurred just after the MO-141 around 4:29 p.m., according to the 5 On Your Side traffic map. It is...
Pedestrian struck by hit-and-run driver in St. Louis intersection
ST. LOUIS, MO - A pedestrian was struck by a hit-and-run driver at N. Grand Boulevard and Natural Bridge Avenue on Friday afternoon. According to 5 On Your Side, the pedestrian was transported to a local hospital for treatment of...
What’s Going on Behind the Scenes of My Case?
Being a plaintiff in any lawsuit can be a big test in patience, but waiting months or years for developments in a mass tort litigation can be especially frustrating. We get it. We really do. Sometimes weeks or months go...
Mueller Austria Onion Chopper Pro Recalled After 137 Injuries
Shoppers may have thought they were getting a good deal on the Mueller Austria Onion Chopper Pro, sold on Amazon for about $20, but the seemingly safe kitchen tool turned out to cause more harm than good for 137 people....
Northbound I-270 crash blocks right lanes
DES PERES, MO - A crash blocked the right lane of northbound I-270 at Manchester Road on Friday morning. ACCIDENT I-270 NB AT MANCHESTER RD RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 11:17 AM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) October 30,...
I-270 crash blocks right shoulder, traffic delays expected
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash blocked the right shoulder on southbound I-270 on Friday evening. ACCIDENT I-270 SB PAST TESSON FERRY RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:44 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) October 30, 2020 MoDOT tweeted...
1 injured in three-car crash on I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - A distracted driver caused a three-car crash on northbound I-270 on Friday afternoon, injuring a child in another vehicle. Police report that 23-year-old Derrick Ford was driving 2006 Ford F150 when he struck the rear of...
Crash ejects driver from Trailblazer, seriously injuring him
ST. LOUIS, MO - A driver was seriously injured after being ejected from his 2003 Chevrolet Trailblazer on Friday morning. The one-vehicle crash occurred on eastbound Highway 30 east of W Watson Road at around 11:09 a.m., per police reports....
Female pedestrian dies after Jeep Cherokee hits her on Tesson Ferry Road
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 72-year-old female pedestrian was hit by a 2007 Jeep Grand Cherokee on Thursday morning and died from crash-related injuries at the crash scene. According to 5 On Your Side News, the fatal crash occurred on...
Update: Woman injured in North Broadway hit-and-run crash dies
ST. LOUIS, MO - After sustaining critical injuries in a hit-and-run collision two weeks ago, 39-year-old Melissa Bassett died in the hospital on Wednesday. This is an update to an earlier story. The fatal crash occurred on North Broadway near...
Update: Police identify woman killed in fatal I-70 crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - Police identified the woman killed in a fatal crash that took place on I-70 Wednesday morning as 42-year-old Mariaraphaella Nguyen-Truong. This is an update to an earlier story. Nguyen-Truong crashed in the express lanes of eastbound...
Accident blocks traffic on southbound I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident blocked traffic on southbound I-270 just before I-55 on Thursday evening. ACCIDENT I-270 SB BEFORE I-55 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 5:25 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) October 29, 2020 MoDOT tweeted the...
Update: Driver identified in fatal pedestrian crash on South Broadway
ST. LOUIS, MO - Police have identified the suspected drunk driver behind Monday night's fatal pedestrian crash as 23-year-old Kevin Harrison. This is an update to an earlier story. Police report that Harrison was driving a 1985 Ford Crown Victoria...
Two vehicles extensively damaged in head-on collision
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - Two vehicles sustained extensive damages after a head-on collision on Route A on Monday evening. The head-on crash occurred on southbound Route A near Meyer Road around 9:57 p.m. according to police reports. A driver in...
Teenage driver sustains injuries after striking tree on Highway 21
ST. LOUIS, MO - A teenage driver lost control of her vehicle in a curve and struck a tree on northbound Highway 21 on Thursday afternoon. Police report the driver was identified as 17-year-old Amber Boyd. She crashed a 2012...
Crash blocks two lanes of westbound I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash blocked two lanes of westbound I-64 west of S Spoede Road on Thursday evening. 5 On Your Side reports the traffic blocking incident occurred around 5:35 p.m. and is expected to be clear around...
Halloween Safety: How to Protect Your Trick or Treater this Halloween
Halloween safety has taken on new meaning in 2020 as Covid-19 has changed the way we live, work, and play. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) have come...
Pedestrian struck by hit-and-run driver
ST. CLAIR, MO - A 29-year-old female pedestrian was struck by a hit-and-run driver on North Commercial Avenue on Wednesday night. The pedestrian, identified as Ruby Gann, was transported to Mercy Hospital Washington, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol reports....
Two transported to Mercy Hospital South after Washington County crash
JOHNSON TOWNSHIP, MO - Two people were transported to Mercy Hospital South after a crash at 10157 Emerald Drive on Wednesday evening. Police reported that a 2009 Polaris Ranger 570 driven by 42-year-old Victor Owens was heading northbound when the...
Driver rear-ends vehicle moderately injuring other driver
IMPERIAL, MO - A 43-year-old male driver failed to stop and struck a vehicle slowing to turn onto Lions Den Road from northbound Old Missouri 21 on Wednesday evening. The causing driver was traveling northbound on Old Missouri 21 in...
Elderly driver crashes into tree, sustains minor injuries
IMPERIAL TOWNSHIP, MO - An elderly driver drove her Toyota Rav off Seckman Road into a creek and struck a tree on Wednesday morning. Police report the 73-year-old female driver was identified as Barbara Kellner. She was transported to Mercy...
Driver seriously injured in flipped-car crash
CADET, MO - A female driver was seriously injured in a flipped-car crash on southbound State Highway E on Wednesday morning. Roxana Hall, 49, hit an embankment and overturned her 1996 Ford Explorer when she attempted to avoid another crash...
Driver ejected from car during I-270 crash, sustained seriously injured
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 39-year-old female driver was ejected from her vehicle following a crash on northbound I-270 on Wednesday morning. Police report that the accident occurred on I-270 north of St. Charles Rock Road at around 7:05 a.m....
Eastbound I-270 crash blocks two lanes
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash blocked two lanes on eastbound I-270 at MO-367 Lewis and Clark Boulevard on Wednesday. KMOV4 reported the lane closures on their traffic map as a high alert to St. Louis drivers. It is unclear...
Fatal crash closes I-70 express lanes near Florissant
ST. LOUIS, MO - One person was killed in a crash in the express lanes on I-70 early Wednesday morning. According to KMOV4 News, the fatal crash occurred near Carrie Avenue at around 6:35 a.m. The victim was pronounced dead...
Two pedestrians hit by semi after stopping for another crash
EUREKA, MO - Two pedestrians were struck by semi on westbound I-44 on Tuesday morning, after they stopped to assist with a previous crash involving a semi and pickup truck. The crash occurred on westbound I-44 near Highway 109 around...
Suspected drunk driver kills pedestrian on South Broadway
ST. LOUIS, MO - A suspected drunk driver hit and killed a pedestrian on South Broadway on Monday night, then fled the scene. According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, a Ford Crown Victoria heading southbound struck a pedestrian just north...
Two people injured in two-vehicle Jefferson County crash
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - Two people, including one 7-year-old child, were injured in a crash on Route V at Reynolds Creek Road on Tuesday afternoon. A 2004 Ford Escape driven by 29-year-old Chelsie West struck a 2017 Mack Truck around...
Speeding driver crashes into utility pole
BOONE TOWNSHIP, MO - A 68-year-old male driver was speeding on eastbound Route D and crashed into a utility pole on Tuesday morning. Police reported the crash occurred east of Cappeln Osage Road around 11:30 a.m. The driver was identified...
Franklin County crash leaves two injured, one child sustained minor injuries
BOEUF TOWNSHIP, MO - A 39-year-old female driver was traveling too fast on westbound Missouri Route 100 when she lost control and crashed on Tuesday morning. The crash injured the driver, identified as Amanda McDaris, and a 12-year-old male passenger...
Flipped-car crash kills driver on State Highway 47
KINGSTON TOWNSHIP, MO - A 30-year-old male driver was killed after his car overturned on State Highway 47 on Tuesday morning. Police report the fatal crash occurred just north of Kingston Road at around 9:55 a.m. The driver, identified as...
Crash closes right lane on eastbound I-44
EUREKA, MO - An accident blocked the right lane on eastbound I-44 before exit 264 for MO-109 on Tuesday evening. The crash occurred around 7:43 p.m., according to 5 On Your Side's traffic map. It is unclear what caused the...
Crash causes traffic delays on westbound I-64
WENTSVILLE, MO - An accident caused traffic delays on westbound I-64 near I-70 on Tuesday afternoon. ACCIDENT I-64 WB NB AT I-70 CLEARED AT 3:23 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) October 27, 2020 It is unclear when the accident...
FDA Says Don’t Use Illegal Colored Contact Lenses
As Halloween approaches, holiday costume sales have begun. The FDA is reminding consumers that one popular Halloween costume accessory -- illegal colored contact lenses -- should not be part of your fun. According to the FDA, all contact lenses require...
Two teenagers seriously injured in I-70 crash
FORISTELL, MO - Two 19-year-olds were seriously injured in a crash on westbound I-70 on Sunday evening. Both the driver and passenger of a 2007 Ford 500 were transported to Mercy Hospital St. Louis for serious injuries after the crash,...
One person injured in eastbound I-270 crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 28-year-old male sustained minor injuries in a two-vehicle crash on eastbound I-270 on Sunday evening. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, a 2015 Ford Mustang hit the rear of a 2006 Kia Sorento on eastbound...
Wrongway driver causes four-vehicle crash, one person injured
ST. LOUIS, MO - A wrong-way driver caused a four-vehicle crash on eastbound I-70 at South 5th Street on Sunday night. Missouri State Highway Patrol report that the causing driver, identified as 30-year-old William Edwards, was transported to SSM Health...
Driver hit concrete median after falling asleep behind the wheel
ST. CHARLES, MO - A 49-year-old male driver fell asleep driving and crashed on eastbound I-70 early Monday morning. The Missouri State Highway Patrol reported the crash occurred just east of 5th Street on eastbound I-70 around 5:10 a.m. It...
Teenage driver crashes, child injured in crash
EUREKA, MO - A 16-year-old driver crashed into a construction fence and injured his 10-year-old passenger on Thursday morning. The crash occurred on Route FF at Schoenfeld Drive at around 8:15 a.m., according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. Their...
Car hits child on Brantner Place
ST. LOUIS, MO - A car hit a child in the 3100 block of Brantner Place on Sunday evening. According to KMOV4 News, the collision happened in the Jeff-Vander-Lou neighborhood at around 5:30 p.m. It was not reported whether the...
Two I-270 eastbound lanes closed after accident
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two lanes of eastbound I-270 were closed after a crash on Monday afternoon. The crash was reported on 5 On Your Side's traffic map around 7:12 p.m. on eastbound I-270 at MO-367 Lewis And Clark Boulevard....
Man dies from injuries in St. Louis crash on Interstate 270
ST. LOUIS, MO - A 47-year-old man passed away Friday due to injuries he received in a crash on I-270 Wednesday night. According to St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the crash occurred on northbound I-270 north of Clayton Road at around 10:30...
Man and elderly woman killed, woman hurt in Jennings house fire
JENNINGS, MO – Two people were killed and a woman was injured after a house fire broke out in Jennings this afternoon, according to KMOV. The blaze began at about 2:30 p.m. at a home located on Clifton Ave, near...
Woman fatally ejected during ATV rollover accident in Perry County
PERRYVILLE, MO (PERRY COUNTY) – A woman was killed late Friday night when she was ejected from an ATV during a rollover accident on private property in Perry County, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened at...
Woman and 10-year-old boy hurt in rollover crash with semi in Waynesville area
WAYNESVILLE, MO (PULASKI COUNTY) – A 10-year-old boy and a woman were injured in a rollover collision with a semi-truck in Pulaski County this afternoon, according to a crash report posted by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened...
23-year-old woman killed in early-morning crash north of Dixon
BRINKTOWN, MO (MARIES COUNTY) – A 23-year-old woman was killed Monday in an early-morning head-on collision in rural Maries County, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened on Hwy 133, south of Hwy Dd and 11 miles...
Farmington man ejected from Corvette in St. Francois County crash
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO -  A man from Farmington was rushed to the hospital after being ejected from his Corvette on Hurryville Road Thursday night. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred in...
Elderly woman hospitalized after wheel falls off vehicle on U.S. 67
ST. FRANCOIS, MO - A Farmington woman was taken to the hospital after a vehicle she was a passenger in lost a wheel and crashed on U.S. 67 Thursday night. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State...
3 hospitalized after single-vehicle crash in St. Charles
ST. CHARLES, MO - Three individuals are recovering in the hospital after a single-vehicle crash on I-70 early Friday morning. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred in the westbound lanes on I-20 just west of Harry S....
Sullivan woman seriously injured after striking horse on Highway 185
WASHINGTON COUNTY, MO - A woman from Sullivan was rushed to the hospital after colliding with a horse standing in the roadway on Highway 185 Friday morning. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, 62-year-old...
Early morning crash closes multiple lanes on I-55
ARNOLD, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol were forced to close two lanes on I-55 following an accident early Friday morning. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the accident occurred shortly...
Imperial woman in critical condition following multi-vehicle Arnold crash
ARNOLD, MO  - A 22-year-old woman from Imperial was rushed to the hospital in critical condition following a two-car crash on I-55 Wednesday night. According to the Leader Paper, the accident occurred on the interstate north of Highway 141 shortly...
Vehicle fire closes lane on MO-364
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the ST. Louis Fire Department responded to a vehicle fire on MO-364 late Friday morning. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the accident occurred in the eastbound lane...
Illinois man killed in St. Clair tractor-trailer crash
ST. CLAIR COUNTY, MO - An Illinois man was killed as the result of an accident involving a tractor-trailer on I-64 Wednesday night. According to STL Today, the accident occurred on I-64 near the 13.5 mile marker shortly before midnight....
2 hospitalized after single-vehicle crash in Pike County
PIKE COUNTY, MO - Two people are recovering in the hospital after a single-vehicle collision in Pike County Wednesday night. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred at about 9:10 p.m. along...
St. Louis man injured in Jefferson County hit-and-run
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - A man from St. Louis was hospitalized following a hit and run collision on I-55 early Thursday morning. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred in the southbound...
Update: Perryville woman hospitalized following rear-end crash in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO - A woman from Perryville was taken to the hospital after a three-car rear-end collision on I-270 Thursday morning. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred in the northbound...
Irondale woman injured after rear-end crash on Missouri Route 8
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO -  A woman from Irondale is recovering in the hospital following a rear-end collision on MO-8 Thursday morning. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred in the eastbound...
Woman and dogs escape early morning fire in Florissant
FLORISSANT, MO - Fire officials in Florissant responded to a residential fire on Aberdeen Drive early Wednesday morning. According to Fox 2 Now, the fire erupted shortly before 2:30 a.m. the woman inside the home immediately called her daughter who...
Accident halts afternoon traffic on I-255
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol are urging motorists to proceed with caution after an accident halts traffic on I-255 Thursday afternoon. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the...
Seven injuries reported following multi-vehicle crash in Town and County
TOWN AND COUNTRY, MO - Seven people sustained injuries as the result of a three-car collision in Town and County late Wednesday night. According to Fox 2 Now, the accident was reported along I-270 near I-64 at about 10:30 p.m....
Woman hospitalized after being ejected from vehicle on I-55
ARNOLD, MO - An Arnold woman was seriously injured after being ejected from a vehicle on I-55 Wednesday evening. According to Fox 2 Now, the accident occurred at the 191 mile marker on I-55 near the exit to Meramec Bottom...
Stalled vehicle causes rush-hour delays on I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol were forced to close one lane on I-64 as the result of a stalled vehicle during Wednesday evening's rush-hour traffic. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri...
Desoto woman injured in St. Francois County crash
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO - A woman from Desoto is recovering in the hospital after a single-vehicle car crash in St. Francois County Tuesday night. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, 27-year-old Lisa Greggs...
Pickup truck collides with tree in St. Charles County
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol responded to a single-vehicle collision on U.S. 61 Wednesday afternoon. According to the official crash report, the accident occurred in the northbound lanes of U.S. 61 and Farris...
Barnhart man seriously injured in rear-end collision
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - A man from Barnhart was rushed to the hospital after being involved in a three-vehicle rear-end collision near I-55 Tuesday night. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred...
Woman hospitalized after head-on collision in Jefferson County
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - A woman from Pevely was seriously injured as the result of a head-on collision on Highway Z Monday evening. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred at about...
Park Hills woman injured in St. Francois County rollover crash
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO - A woman from Park Hills is recovering in the hospital after being involved in a single-vehicle crash in on Old Irondale Road Monday morning. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway...
Accident shuts down 2 lanes near I-170
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol were forced to shut down two lanes along I-70 following a late morning crash Wednesday. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the accident...
Entire Nursing Home Infected by Covid-19
Ten residents of a rural Kansas nursing home have died after Covid-19 infected all 62 residents of the home, according to a news release from the Norton County Health Department. Andbe Home, a privately owned nursing home located in Norton,...
3 children hospitalized after multiple school busses crash near Lake St. Louis
LAKE ST. LOUIS, MO - Three children were transported to the hospital after two busses from the Wentzville School District crashed near Lake St. Louis Tuesday afternoon. According to Fox 2 Now, the accident occurred near the intersection of Holloway...
Rush-hour crash halts traffic on I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol reported significant delays following a rush-hour accident on I-270 Tuesday evening. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the accident occurred in the southbound...
Bismark man hospitalized after colliding with tree in St. Francois
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol reported one injury resulting from a single-vehicle crash on Old Cadet Rd. Monday evening. According to the official crash report, the accident occurred along Old Cadet Road just...
Injuries reported following single-vehicle crash on I-33
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - One woman was taken to the hospital after being involved in a single-vehicle crash on I-44 Tuesday morning. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred in the eastbound...
St. Peters man injured in Franklin County crash
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - A man from St. Peters is recovering in the hospital after a single-vehicle rollover crash on Highway 100 Tuesday morning. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the crash occurred along...
Crash blocks lanes on MO-141
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials in Valley Park were forced to close multiple lanes on MO-141 following an afternoon crash on Tuesday. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the accident occurred in the southbound...
Fire in North St. Louis leaves family of 8 without a home
ST. LOUIS, MO - A family of eight were displaced after their North St. Louis home burned down in the St. Louis Place neighborhood Sunday evening. According to KMOV, Officials with the St. Louis Fire Department responded to the scene...
Carjacking suspect dies after being shot, crashing stolen vehicle
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials in North St. Louis are investigating a fatal shooting that led to a stolen car crash in the Grand Center neighborhood Monday afternoon. According to KMOV, the suspect carjacked a vehicle belonging to a 29-year-old...
Accident shuts down 2 lanes on I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol were forced to close two lanes on I-70 following an afternoon collision Tuesday. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the accident was reported...
Villa Ridge man injured in single-vehicle crash
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - One man was hospitalized following a single-vehicle collision in Franklin County Sunday evening. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred shortly before 4:30 p.m. in the northbound lanes...
Union woman injured after rollover collision on Route T
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - A woman from Union was taken to the hospital after a single-vehicle collision on Missouri Route T Sunday evening. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident was reported shortly...
Rear-end collision injures Perryville woman
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - A woman from Perryville is recovering in the hospital after a collision on I-44 Sunday evening. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred in the eastbound lanes of...
High Ridge man injured in I-270 crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - A man from High Ridge is recovering in the hospital after a single-vehicle collision on an I-270 exit ramp crash Sunday evening. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident...
St. Louis man injured following multi-vehicle crash on I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - A man from St. Louis was hospitalized following an early morning crash on I-270 Monday. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred in the westbound lanes of I-270...
Accident closes lanes on I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO - Commuters in Southeast St. Louis were forced to close multiple lanes on I-55 following a Monday morning collision. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the accident happened at about 8:10...
Rush-hour crash reported on I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol reported delays resulting from a car accident on I-70 Monday morning. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the accident occurred shortly after 9:00...
20-year-old charged in connection to fatal Ballwin crash
BALLWIN, MO - A 20-year-old Ballwin man has been charged with a number of crimes after crashing into an urgent care building and killing an employee Sunday night. According to KMOV, the accident occurred at about 8:15 p.m. at the...
22-year-old woman seriously injured in high-speed crash on Old Hwy 100
WASHINGTON, MO (FRANKLIN COUNTY) – A 22-year-old woman was seriously injured yesterday morning when her vehicle rolled over in a car accident related to speeding on Old Highway 100. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the crash happened at...
Woman killed, two injured in SUV vs semi-truck accident in Lincoln County
AUBURN, MO (LINCOLN COUNTY) – A woman was killed, and two people received minor injuries following a collision between an 18-wheeler truck and an SUV in Lincoln County yesterday afternoon. According to a crash report posted by the Missouri State...
24-year-old Potosi man seriously hurt in Washington Co. rollover accident
WASHINGTON COUNTY, MO – A 24-year-old man was seriously injured after his vehicle rolled over on MO-32 in Washington County this morning, according to a crash report published by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened at 14079 MO-32...
Driver killed, another injured in early-morning I-70 rollover crash
ST. LOUIS, MO – A two-vehicle rollover crash on I-70 early this morning caused the death of one man and the injury of another driver, according to KSDK. The accident occurred near I-170 at about 12:50 a.m. when the driver...
St. Louis man seriously injured following I-270 crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol responded to a single-vehicle crash on I-270 that sent one man to the hospital in serious condition late Thursday night. According to the official crash report, the accident occurred...
3 teens injured after Pike County crash
PIKE COUNTY, MO - Three teenagers from Louisiana, Missouri were hospitalized after their vehicle collided with a tree on Pike County Road 130 Thursday evening. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred...
Driver injured after semi-truck overturns in Franklin County
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - A Union man was injured after his truck overturned along Route O near St. Marys Road Thursday evening. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred at about 4:40...
St. Louis woman hospitalized after I-270 rear-end collision
ST. LOUIS, MO - A woman from St. Louis is recovering in the hospital after a rear-end collision on I-270 Thursday evening. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred in the northbound...
Rush-hour collision causes delays on I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - Commuters in Northwest St. Louis faced delays Friday morning as the result of a rush-hour crash on I-270. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred in the westbound...
Lanes closed on I-70 following afternoon crash
ST. CHARLES, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol were forced to close at least one lane on I-70 following a Friday afternoon crash. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident...
Driver, passenger flee after multi-vehicle crash that seriously injured St. Louis woman
ST. LOUIS  - A woman is recovering in the hospital after a serious collision in which the other driver fled the scene on North Broadway Friday morning. According to Fox 2 Now, the accident was reported at about 12:15 a.m....
Driver flees after involved in East St. Louis rollover crash
EAST ST. LOUIS - Police in East St. Louis are seeking the public's help in identifying the driver and possible other suspects who fled the scene of a crash early Friday morning. According to Fox 2 Now, the accident occurred...
Arnold man seriously injured in Jefferson County head-on collision
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - A man from Arnold was hospitalized after a head-on collision on Route M Wednesday evening. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred in the westbound lane of Route...
House Springs woman injured in single-vehicle crash on Twin Rivers Rd.
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - A woman from House Springs is recovering in the hospital after a single-vehicle crash early Thursday morning. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred near the intersection of...
Arnold woman seriously injured following rollover crash in Ste. Genevieve
STE. GENEVIEVE, MO - A woman from Arnold was hospitalized following a single-vehicle rollover crash in on Route B in Ste. Genevieve Thursday morning. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred on...
Multiple injuries reported in St. Francois County head-on collision
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO - Two people are recovering in the hospital after a head-on collision on Old Bonne Terre Road Thursday morning. According to the official Crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred minutes before...
Collinsville man seriously injured in I-170 rollover collision
ST. LOUIS, MO -  A man from Collinsville was hospitalized in serious condition following a multi-vehicle crash on I-170 Wednesday morning. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred in the northbound lanes...
Rush-hour collision reported in Northwest St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol reported significant delays following a crash on I-170 Thursday morning. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the accident occurred on the southbound ramp...
Accident reported on Missouri River Bridge
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials in Northwest St. Louis were forced to close one lane on I-70 following a late-night crash Wednesday. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred in the eastbound...
Fire damages home in South St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the St. Louis Fire Department responded to a residential fire South of Downtown Monday afternoon. According to Fox 2 Now, the fire sparked on the second floor of a two-story home. Initial reports were...
Juvenile injured after car strikes tree in St. Francois
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO - A 15-year-old boy from Farmington was hospitalized after a single-vehicle crash on Laws Road early Sunday morning. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred on Laws Road...
Accident closes 2 lanes on I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol were forced to close at least 2 lanes on I-64 following a Wednesday afternoon crash. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the collision...
Illinois woman injured following St. Louis rear-end crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - A woman from Roxana, Illinois was injured following a car accident on I-270 late Tuesday night. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident happened in the northbound lanes of...
Union man injured in Franklin County collision
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - A man from Union is recovering in the hospital after a collision on U.S. 50 Tuesday evening. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the collision was reported at about 4:23...
Kansas woman killed in Jenkins head-on collision
JENKINS, MO - A woman from Anthony, Kansas died as the result of a head-on collision on Highway 39 Tuesday night. According to KY3, 59-year-old Shirley Bell was killed after crossing the centerline and running head-on into a vehicle driven...
Child killed in Lone Jack T-bone collision
LONE JACK, MO - One 9-year-old child was killed and two other young children injured following a T-bone collision in Lone Jack early Sunday morning. According to KCTV, the accident occurred near the intersection of Highway 50 and Lover's Lane...
Incident blocks exit ramp off I-55
CAPE GIRARDEAU, MO - Officials in Cape Girardeau are urging motorists to find an alternate route into town since the I-55 exit has been closed following an incident. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation,...
Motorcycle vs. car accident slows traffic near St. Louis airport
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol responded to a crash involving a motorcycle and vehicle Wednesday morning. According to KSDK, the accident occurred around 11:20 a.m. on I-170 just before St. Louis Lambert International...
St. Louis teen hospitalized after falling asleep at the wheel, crashing
WASHINGTON COUNTY, MO - A 19-year-old man from St. Louis was hospitalized after a single-vehicle crash on Route N early Sunday morning. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident happened at about 6:20...
Barnhart woman injured after rear-end collision in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO - One woman was taken to the hospital following a multi-vehicle crash near the Mississippi River Monday morning. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred on I-70 just west...
Motorcyclist hospitalized after multi-vehicle crash in Franklin County
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - Officials in Franklin County have reported one injury following an auto vs. motorcycle collision Wednesday afternoon. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred on MO-47 near East Happy...
St. Peters man injured following motorcycle crash in St. Charles County
ST. CHARLES, MO - A man from St. Peters is recovering in the hospital after a single-vehicle motorcycle accident Sunday afternoon. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred within the 3201 block...
Child killed while attempting to cross I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - An 11-year-old child from St. Louis was struck and killed while attempting to cross I-270 Monday evening. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident was reported just before 6:30...
Rush-hour crash blocks two lanes on I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol shut down two lanes on I-270 northwest of St. Louis following a rush-hour crash Tuesday morning. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the...
Accident shuts down multiple lanes on I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials in Chesterfield were forced to shut down two lanes on I-64 following an afternoon collision Tuesday. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the accident occurred in the Westbound lanes...
St. Louis man shot, killed following collision
ST. LOUIS, MO - A man was killed following a car accident in the North Pointe Neighborhood that ended in gunfire. According to KSDK, the incident was reported shortly before 11:00 p.m. near the intersection of Riverview Boulevard and Switzer...
Driver hospitalized after struck by debris on Highway 141
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - One woman was taken to the hospital after debris being hauled on Highway 141 struck her vehicle Monday morning. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred moments before...
Illinois man injured in Lincoln County rollover crash
LINCOLN COUNTY, MO - A man from Collinsville Illinois was taken to the hospital following a single-vehicle rollover crash in Lincoln County Monday morning. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred at...
Two lanes closed following rush-hour crash on I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials west of St. Louis closed down at least three lanes following a rush-hour crash on I-64 Monday evening. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the crash occurred in the...
Rush-hour crash causes delays on I-170
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol have reported major delays as the result of a collision on I-170 Monday evening. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the crash occurred...
House Springs man injured following single-vehicle crash in Jefferson County
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - One man was transported to the hospital after colliding with a tree near the Fore Honor Golf and Event Center Sunday evening. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the crash...
Rush-hour shuts down at least one lane on I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol were forced to shut down at least one lane on I-70 following a rush-hour crash Monday morning. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation,...
Victim identified in fatal I-70 crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - Police in North St. Louis have identified the man killed in a collision on I-70 Friday evening. According to KMOV, the accident occurred when 24-year-old Jeremy Williams was traveling in the eastbound lanes of I-70 before...
2 hospitalized after crashing into North St. Louis building
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two people were rushed to the hospital after a vehicle collided with a North St. Louis building early Monday morning. According to KMOV, the accident occurred near the intersection of North Broadway and Thrush Avenue shortly...
Woman severely hurt after crashing into trees, pole in Franklin Co rollover crash
GERALD, MO (FRANKLIN COUNTY) – A woman from Union was severely injured when her vehicle crashed into a light pole and two trees early this morning in Franklin County, according to a crash report published by the Missouri State Highway...
Minnesota woman allegedly crashes into and kills pedestrian in Lake St Louis
LAKE ST. LOUIS, MO – A driver from Minnesota collided with and killed a pedestrian in an accident in Lake St. Louis early this morning, according to a report by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened in the...
Four people and dog killed in De Soto house fire, another two people seriously hurt
DE SOTO, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – A house fire in De Soto early this morning led to the death of four people and a dog, and caused two others to suffer serious burn injuries, according to KPLR. The fire began...
Driver and two police officers hurt in car crash in St. Louis Co.
ST. FERDINAND TOWNSHIP, MO (ST. LOUIS COUNTY) – A civilian and two police officers were injured after the driver ran a traffic light in St. Ferdinand Township, east of Florissant, this morning. According to KSDK, the accident happened near the...
Rollover crash in N St. Louis leaves one with critical injuries, causes traffic delays
ST. LOUIS, MO – One person suffered severe, life-threatening injuries yesterday in a rollover crash on I-70 that also caused traffic delays, according to KPLR. The accident happened in north St. Louis, in the eastbound lanes of the highway, near...
De Soto woman hospitalized following T-bone crash in Jefferson County
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - A woman from De Soto was taken to the hospital after being involved in a rear-end collision on US-67  Tuesday evening. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the incident was...
Injuries reported following multi-vehicle collision in St. Charles
ST. CHARLES, MO - A St. Louis woman was hospitalized following a multi-vehicle crash in St. Charles County early Thursday morning. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred in the eastbound lanes...
Woman hospitalized following St. Charles rear-end collision
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - A Jefferson City woman was taken to the hospital after a rear-end collision on I-70 Thursday evening. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident happened in the westbound...
Park Hills man in serious condition after St. Francois collision
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO - A man from Park Hills is recovering in the hospital after colliding with a tree on MO-221 Thursday evening. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred in...
Overnight crash closes lanes on I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol closed one lane following an early morning crash on I-70 early Friday morning. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the crash happened in...
Collision causes delays on MO-141
ST. LOUIS, MO - Authorities east of downtown St. Louis were forced to shut down at least one lane on MO-141 following an accident Friday morning. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the crash...
Woman killed after South St. Louis County pedestrian crash
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO - Officials south of St. Louis reported one fatality resulting from a crash in Oakville Friday morning. According to KSDK, the incident happened within the intersection fo Telegraph Road and Greymonte Estates Drive shortly after 8:22...
Fatal hit-and-run collision reported in North St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials in North St. Louis are seeking any information that may lead to a suspect in a hit-and-run crash that claimed the life of one woman Thursday night. According to KMOV, the incident occurred within the...
Rush-hour crash shuts down lanes on I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO - Troopers with the Missouri State Highway Patrol were forced to close down at least one lane along I-64 following a rush-hour accident Thursday evening. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation,...
Two women injured following multi-vehicle crash
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO - Two women from Bismark were taken to the hospital following a crash near Highway 32 Thursday afternoon. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred when the driver...
Pedestrian in serious condition following St. Charles hit-and-run
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - A man from Wentzville was hospitalized in serious condition after being struck by a vehicle that immediately fled the scene in St. Charles Tuesday night. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State...
Rush-hour crash causes delays in O’Fallon
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol were forced to close down at least one lane on I-70 following a rush-hour crash Thursday evening. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation,...
Accident causes major delays near Wentzville Parkway
ST. LOUIS, MO - Authorities in Wentzville have reported major traffic delays resulting from a late afternoon crash on I-70. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the crash occurred in the eastbound lanes of...
Early morning crash closes lanes on I-44
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol were forced to close one lane on I-44 for several hours following an early morning crash Thursday. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation,...
Car crashes into Oakville home, driver flees on foot
ST. LOUIS, MO - Investigators with the St.Louis County police are seeking any information that may lead to an arrest of the driver who crashed into an Oakville home early Thursday morning. According to KMOV, the crash occurred around 2:30...
Pizza delivery driver saves 15-year-old ATV crash victim
SOUTH ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO - A Domino's pizza delivery driver is receiving praise after his actions potentially saved the life of a young ATV accident victim on September 20th. According to KMOV, 15-year-old Kyan Krull was driving an ATV...
Accident closes one lane on busy St. Louis highway
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol were forced to close at least one lane along MO-141 following a late evening crash Wednesday. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the...
Rush-hour crash blocks multiple lanes on I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials in Northeast St. Louis were forced to shut down two lanes on I-55 following a rush-hour accident. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the accident occurred in the southbound...
Rolla woman seriously injured after falling asleep at the wheel
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - A woman from Rolla was hospitalized in serious condition after her pickup truck overturned on I-44 Tuesday night. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident happened at the 248...
St. Clair woman seriously injured after semi-truck collision
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - A woman from St. Clair was rushed to the hospital after being hit with debris following an I-44 trucking accident Wednesday morning. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident...
High Ridge Woman injured in Jefferson County motorcycle accident
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - One woman was hospitalized following a single-motorcycle collision south of Fenton Tuesday evening. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred just east of the intersection of Romaine Creek...
Accident closes lanes on US-67 near east St. Louis mall
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials in East St. Louis were forced to closed multiple lanes following an accident near the Plaza Frontenac Wednesday afternoon. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the accident occurred just...
Victim identified in fatal Olivette Starbucks crash
OLIVETTE, MO - Officials in Olivette have identified the elderly woman that was killed after a car careened into a Starbucks over the weekend. According to Fox 2 Now, Glenda Simmons, 73, of University City, died after a car driven...
Woman killed, several others injured in North St. Louis collision
ST. LOUIS, MO - One woman is dead and six others in the hospital following a collision north of downtown St. Louis early Wednesday morning. According to KSDK, the accident occurred within the 7900 block of North Broadway at about...
Rush-hour accident closes several lanes on I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol were forced to close at least three lanes on I-70 following a late evening crash. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the accident...
2 people injured after rear-end collision in St. Francois County
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol have reported two injuries resulting from a rear-end collision east of Knob Lick Tuesday afternoon. According to the official crash report, the accident occurred in the Northbound lanes...
Stalled vehicle causes rush-hour delay in Northeast St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials have reported a stalled vehicle causing rush-hour traffic to slow along I-70 Tuesday evening. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the vehicle is on the should of I-70 eastbound...
Bonne Terre woman injured in St. Francois County rollover crash
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO - One woman was rushed to the hospital following a single-vehicle rollover crash in Perry Township Tuesday afternoon. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred on Highway K...
Multiple injuries reported in Jefferson County T-bone collision
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - Two people were taken to the hospital after a T-bone crash along Highway Z Tuesday morning. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred at the intersection of Highway...
Rush-hour crash causes major delays on I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - Troopers with the Missouri State Highway Patrol responded to a collision southwest of downtown St. Louis that caused major delays for rush-hour commuters Tuesday morning. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of...
2 dead after car careens into Butler County home
BUTLER COUNTY, MO - Officials in Butler County have reported two fatalities after a car crashed into a home Sunday night. According to KFVS, the accident was reported at about 10:30 p.m.at a home just off of Highway 51 near...
Crash shuts down lane on MO-109
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials in Southwest St. Louis were forced to close at least one lane along South MO-109 following a Tuesday afternoon accident. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the accident occurred...
Hawk Point woman injured in Lincoln County single-vehicle collision
LINCOLN COUNTY, MO - A woman from Hawk Point was rushed to the hospital after careening off the side of Route A in Lincoln County Monday morning. According to the official report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the collision...
St. Clair man injured after experiencing medical emergency behind the wheel
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - A man from St. Clair was transported to the hospital after a medical emergency caused led to a head-on collision in Franklin County Monday. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol,...
Accident closes several lanes in Southwest St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO - Troopers with the Missouri State Highway Patrol closed three lanes along I-270 following an afternoon crash in Southwest St. Louis. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the accident occurred in...
Elderly man injured in single-vehicle Jefferson County crash
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - A 95-year-old man from Cedar Hill was hospitalized after a single-vehicle crash in Jefferson County Sunday afternoon. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred on Local Hillsboro Road...
Robertsville man hospitalized following Franklin County rollover crash
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - One man was taken to the hospital after a single-vehicle rollover crash in Franklin County Sunday afternoon. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred along Route T near...
Rush-hour crash causes delays on I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - Authorities were forced to close two lanes on I-270 after a rush-hour crash southwest of St. Louis Monday morning. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the accident happened in the...
Car crashes into Fenton garage in overnight crash
FENTON, MO - Emergency services in Fenton responded to an incident wherein a vehicle collided with a garage connected to a Fenton home early Monday morning. According to Fox 2 Now, the accident happened on Feliz Lane near the intersection...
Collision closes lane near New Chain of Rocks Bridge
ST. LOUIS, MO - Troopers with the Missouri State Highway Patrol closed one lane along I-270 north of downtown St. Louis late Monday morning. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the accident occurred in...
18-year-old hurt after car goes into ditch near St. James
ST. JAMES, MO (PHELPS COUNTY) – An 18-year-old girl was hurt last night in a single-vehicle crash in Phelps County, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened at 9 p.m. on County Road 3520, a little over...
21-year-old woman hurt in Rolla rollover car accident
ROLLA, MO (PHELPS COUNTY) – A 21-year-old woman was injured in a single-vehicle crash near Rolla on Friday night, according to a report by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened on Highway E, about two miles north of...
Mineral Point woman seriously hurt in Hwy 8 rear-end crash
BRETON TOWNSHIP, MO (WASHINGTON COUNTY) – A 30-year-old woman was seriously hurt in a rear-end accident in Washington County yesterday afternoon, according to a crash report published by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened at the intersection of...
Wisconsin man airlifted to hospital after crash in Crawford Co.
CRAWFORD COUNTY, MO – A Wisconsin man was airlifted to the hospital with serious wounds after a car crash in Crawford County last night. According to a crash report published by the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident happened on...
One seriously hurt after car crashes into Starbucks in W St. Louis suburb
OLIVETTE, MO (ST. LOUIS COUNTY) – At least one person was severely injured this morning after a car crashed into a Starbucks in Olivette, a suburb in west St. Louis, according to KSDK. The crash happened in the 9200 block...
Six teenagers injured in Lincoln County rollover crash
ELSBERRY, MO (LINCOLN COUNTY) – Six teenagers who had been riding together were injured after their vehicle crashed in Lincoln County last night, according to a crash report published by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened on Route...
St. Charles woman injured in rear-end collision
ST. CHARLES, MO -  A woman from St. Charles was transported to the hospital after a rear-end collision on Highway 94 Thursday evening. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred in the...
Accident causes delays near downtown St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol closed down one lane after an accident on I-70 late Friday morning. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the incident occurred shortly before...
Two men killed following head-on crash on U.S. 67
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO - Two men are dead after a wrong-way head-on collision along U.S. 67 Friday morning. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred in the southbound lanes of U.S....
Woman hospitalized following Franklin County T-bone crash
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - A woman from Washington was taken to the hospital after being involved in a T-bone collision late Friday afternoon. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the incident occurred near the...
One hospitalized following multi-vehicle rear-end collision on I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO - A man from Troy was hospitalized after a rear-end collision caused a chain reaction involving four vehicles Friday evening. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred in the...
Lanes closed following crash on I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO - At least one lane was closed on I-64 following a rush-hour accident in St. Louis Friday evening. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the accident occurred in the westbound lanes...
Rush-hour crash reported near O’Fallon Park
ST. LOUIS, MO - Troopers with the Missouri State Highway Patrol shut down multiple lanes on I-70 following a rush-hour collision Friday evening. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the accident happened at about...
Teen killed following accident in Savannah
SAVANNAH, MO - Officials in Savannah have reported a single fatality following a Wednesday night collision. According to News-Press Now, 17-year-old Brodee Becerra was in the passenger seat of a pickup truck driving southbound on Country Road 333 when the...
Accident closes lanes on I-70 near Florissant
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol closed down at least one lane following a rush-hour crash on I-70 Thursday evening. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the crash occurred...
Teen seriously injured in St. Louis rollover crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials have reported a single fatality resulting from a rollover collision in St. Louis Thursday afternoon. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred at about 3:45 p.m. in...
Union man killed in early morning Franklin County crash
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - One man is dead following a single-vehicle crash in Franklin County early Thursday morning. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the crash happened along Route V near St. Johns Road...
Desoto man injured after colliding with a tree on U.S. 67
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - A man from Desoto was taken to the hospital after striking a tree in Jefferson County Thursday afternoon. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred in the southbound...
Rush-hour collision closes multiple lanes on I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - Authorities in Southwest St. Louis closed multiple lanes on I-270 following a rush-hour collision Thursday evening. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the accident occurred in the southbound lanes of...
Man killed in crash on Highway 76
MILDRED, MO - Troopers with the Missouri State Highway Patrol have reported one fatality following a collision on Highway 76 Wednesday night. According to KY3, the single-vehicle crash occurred along Highway 76 near the town of Mildred at about 9:30...
Kennett man killed after multi-vehicle crash
KENNETT, MO - Officials in Kennett have reported a single fatality as well as injuries following a multi-vehicle crash Tuesday afternoon. According to KAIT, the two-car crash happened on Highway 412 near the intersection with County Road 431 shortly after...
Passenger injured after accident involving Metro bus
ST. LOUIS, MO - Investigators with the St. Louis Police Department are looking into the cause of a vehicle vs. bus collision early Thursday morning. According to Fox 2 Now, the accident occurred on Lee Avenue near the intersection with...
Driver crashes into Missouri Highway Patrol headquarters after medical emergency
ST. JOSEPH, MO - A woman careened into Missouri State Highway Patrol's Troop H headquarters after passing out behind the wheel Tuesday afternoon. According to KQ2, the driver was attempting to make a turn on the Belt Highway when she...
Collision causes delays on I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - Troopers with the Missouri State Highway Patrol closed multiple lanes on I-70 following a crash Wednesday night. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the accident happened in the eastbound lanes...
St. Louis man seriously injured in Jefferson County T-bone collision
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - A man from St. Louis was hospitalized in serious condition following a T-bone collision on MO-141 Wednesday morning. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident happened at the intersection...
2 hospitalized after Jefferson County pedestrian accident
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - Two people were transported to Mercy Hospital South after a vehicle vs. pedestrian crash on Bear Creek Road Wednesday morning. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred in...
Accident shuts down multiple lanes on I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol closed two eastbound lanes on I-70 following a Wednesday afternoon accident. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the accident occurred along I-70 just...
Off-duty nurse assists St. Louis hit-and-run victim
ST. LOUIS, MO - A nurse stopped to help the victim of a hit-and-run in South St. Louis early Wednesday morning. According to Fox 2 now, the nurse was on her way home after a 16-hour shift when she witnessed...
IDOT employees save man from flaming vehicle on I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two workers with the Illinois Department of transportation pulled a man from a flaming car accident on I-55 last Friday. According to KMOV, David Taylor noticed a vehicle swerving on the interstate east of St. Louis...
Woman arrested after St. Louis police pull her, 2 children from flaming car after pursuit
ST. LOUIS, MO -  A 27-year-old mother was arrested following a police chase and crash involving two children Tuesday morning. According to KSDK, Police attempted to pull the woman over for driving recklessly on I-55 at about 10:00 a.m. when...
Accident stops traffic on I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - Rush-hour commuters on I-270 faced significant delays following an accident Tuesday evening. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the incident occurred just before 4:40 p.m. in the southbound lanes of...
St. Louis woman hospitalized after rollover crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - A woman from St. Louis was rushed to the hospital after being involved in a rollover crash on I-55 late Tuesday morning. According to the official accident report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident...
Teen injured in multi-vehicle Franklin County collision
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - One man was taken to the hospital following a rear-end collision in Franklin County Tuesday afternoon. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred at the intersection of MO-47...
Rush-hour collision reported on I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol were forced to close down two lanes along I-70 following a rush-hour accident Tuesday evening. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the accident...
Woman hospitalized following crash in St. Francois
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO - A woman from St. Francois was taken to the hospital following a Monday night rollover crash. According to the Daily Journal, the accident occurred in the northbound lanes of U.S. 67 near Stormy Lane at...
Troopers close lanes following accident on I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol were forced to shut down one lane on I-55 following an afternoon collision in South St. Louis Tuesday. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of...
St. Louis woman injured in house fire
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO - One woman was taken to the hospital after her Riverview house caught fire early Tuesday morning. According to KSDK, The fire was reported at about 1:00 a.m. within the 400 block of Lanark Road. Initial...
Robbery suspects pulled from flaming car in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the St. Louis Police department rescued two female teenage suspects in a weekend armed from a flaming vehicle Tuesday morning. According to KSDK, the chase began at about 9:00 a.m. near the intersection of...
Accident closes multiple lanes on I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol were forced to close two lanes following a rush-hour crash on I-55 Monday morning. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the accident occurred...
Man hospitalized following crash on I-70 on-ramp
ST. CHARLES, MO - One man was sent to the hospital after crashing into a ditch along an on-ramp to I-70 late Sunday night. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident happened on...
2 injured while tending to stalled vehicle on I-44
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - Two women were seriously injured after being struck while standing next to a broken-down vehicle on I-44 Monday afternoon. According to the official accident report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident happened at mile...
Bonne Terre police officer injured, girlfriend killed in weekend crash
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO - One woman is dead and an off-duty Bonne Terre police officer severely injured following a single-vehicle crash early Sunday morning. According to Fox 2 Now, 27-year-old Emily Clifford failed to negotiate a sharp turn in...
Driver crashes into pole after having seizure
ST. ANN, MO - The driver of a vehicle carrying children collided with a utility pole after having a seizure behind the wheel Sunday. According to Fox 2, the crash occurred along St. Charles Rock Road before 5:00 p.m. Officials...
St. Louis man hospitalized following Imperial crash
IMPERIAL, MO - A man from St. Louis was sent to the hospital following a single-vehicle crash in Imperial Saturday night. According to My Leader Paper, the accident occurred when 60-year-old Ermin Krajina lost control of his 2008 Ford Focus...
Pedestrian killed in North St. Louis crash
ST. LOUIS - One man is dead after being struck by a vehicle north of downtown St. Louis Sunday evening. According to KSDK, the incident was reported shortly after 6:40 a.m. near the intersection of Wright Street and North Florissant...
Early morning tractor-trailer crash closes Eads Bridge
ST. LOUIS — A tractor-trailer collision forced officials to shut down the Eads Bridge during Monday morning's rush-hour traffic. According to STL Today, the accident occurred along the bridge at about 5:30 a.m. Authorities blocked the bridge to all traffic...
Is Your Online Pharmacy Safe?
The U.S. The Food and Drug Administration has launched a national campaign called BeSafeRx to educate consumers on the dangers of online pharmacies. As drug costs continue to rise, many consumers are turning to online resources for their medications because...
Rush-hour collision reported in Northeast St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO - Rush-hour commuters in North St. Louis faced delays following an accident on I-270 Friday evening. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the accident occurred at about 6:46 in the eastbound...
Accident closes several lanes on I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol are reporting several lane closures due to an accident on I-270 Friday night. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the accident happened in...
Woman seriously injured in Jefferson County T-bone collision
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - Investigators with the Missouri State Highway Patrol are looking into the cause of a T-bone collision that sent one woman to the hospital in serious condition Friday morning. According to the official accident report from the...
2 elderly women injured in rear-end collision
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - Two elderly women were hospitalized following a minor collision in Jefferson County Friday afternoon. According to the official accident report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred in the northbound lanes of Highway 141...
Illinois woman injured in Jefferson County crash
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - A woman from Illinois was injured following a collision on Saline Road Friday afternoon. According to the official accident report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident happened at about 12:45 p.m. near the intersection...
Collision reported on I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol have reported delays resulting from a collision on I-270 Friday evening. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the collision happened shortly before 7:30...
Firefighter hospitalized during early morning blaze
ST. LOUIS, MO - A St. Louis firefighter was taken to the hospital after sustaining injuries battling an early morning blaze northwest of downtown. According to KMOV, the commercial fire erupted at about 3:00 a.m. at a building near the...
Multiple lanes closed following I-44 crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol were forced to close down multiple lanes on I-44 after a Friday afternoon crash. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the accident occurred...
Rush-hour crash closes multiple lanes on I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two lanes were closed along I-270 causing delays for rush-hour commuters in St. Louis Thursday morning. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the accident occurred in the westbound lanes of...
One hospitalized following St. Louis hit-and-run
ST. LOUIS, MO - One man was taken to the hospital after colliding with a tree following a hit-and-run in St. Louis Tuesday evening. According to the official accident report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident happened along...
Late-night accident reported on I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials northwest of downtown Oklahoma City were forced to shut down one lane along I-270 following a late-night crash Thursday. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the accident occurred in...
One hospitalized after construction zone accident
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - One man was sent to the hospital after a crash at a construction site along I-70 Thursday afternoon. According to an official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident happened in the...
Rush-hour crash shuts down lane on I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol closed off one lane following a crash on I-64 during Thursday evening's rush-hour traffic. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the accident occurred...
Fatal crash reported on U.S. 40
KANSAS CITY, MO - Authorities with the Kansas City Police Department are investigating the cause of a Thursday afternoon crash that killed one person. According to Fox 4 KC, the multi-vehicle crash occurred at about 3:20 p.m. near the intersection...
1 killed, others injured following I-270 crash
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO - One woman was killed and three other hospitalized following a crash on I-270 Thursday morning. According to KSDK, the incident occurred in the westbound lanes of I-270 at the Washington Elizabeth exit shortly before 3:00...
Pedestrian struck by car in North St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO - Police in North St. Louis are investigating the cause of a crash that injured a pedestrian Thursday afternoon. According to KSDK, the incident occurred near the intersection of Wabada Avenue and Union Boulevard sometime before 4:00...
Man hospitalized after falling asleep at the wheel in St. Francois
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO - One man has been hospitalized after falling asleep at the wheel and colliding with a tree Tuesday evening. According to an official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident happened on Route...
1 injured following crash in Jefferson County
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - One man has been hospitalized following a rollover crash in Jefferson County Tuesday evening. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident happened within the northbound lanes of Route TT...
Woman injured after rollover crash on Highway JJ
LINCOLN COUNTY, MO - Troopers with the Missouri State Highway Patrol responded to a rollover collision that sent one woman to the hospital late Tuesday night. According to the official crash report, the incident occurred along Highway JJ near the...
Accident shuts down lane on I-44
ST. LOUIS, MO - Troopers with the Missouri State Highway Patrol closed one lane following an accident on I-44 Wednesday evening. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the accident happened in the westbound lanes...
Drugs seized after Chesterfield car crash
CHESTERFIELD, MO - Law enforcement officials in Chesterfield arrested one individual after a collision Monday night. According to KSDK, the single-vehicle rollover collision occurred on Eatherton Road and Wild Horse Creek Road. Police noticed a significant amount of controlled substances...
Stalled vehicle closes lane on I-44
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol closed off one lane after a vehicle stalled along I-44 during Wednesday evening's rush-hour. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the accident occurred...
Sheriff’s office employee dies in Newton County crash
NEWTON COUNTY, MO - Officials with the Newton County Sheriff's Department are investigating the cause of a collision that killed one woman Tuesday morning. According to Four State Homepage, the two-vehicle collision involving a tractor-trailer and SUV was reported around...
Fatal crash reported in Chesterfield
CHESTERFIELD, MO - Officials with the Chesterfield Police Department are reporting one fatality following a crash early Wednesday morning. The collision occurred on Olive Boulevard near the intersection with Oak Creek Meadows Court at about 2:45 a.m., according to Fox...
Woman injured in rear-end collision on I-270
ST. CHARLES, MO - A 50-year-old woman was taken to the hospital following a rear-end collision along I-270 early Tuesday morning. According to an official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the incident occurred in the southbound lanes...
Afternoon collision closes lanes on US-64
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol were forced to shut down at least one lane along U.S. Highway 67 following an accident late Tuesday morning. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department...
1 injured in early morning crash on I-64
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - One man was hospitalized following a single-vehicle collision on I-64 early Tuesday morning. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred in the eastbound lanes of I-64 on...
1 hospitalized following single-vehicle rollover crash in St. Charles
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - One woman was transported to a local hospital after a rollover collision occurred along I-70 Tuesday afternoon. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the female driver in a 2002...
Accident causes rush-hour delays on I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - Motorists have been advised to proceed with caution around an accident that occurred on I-70 early Tuesday evening. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the accident happened in the westbound...
Accident shuts down 1 lane on I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol shut down the right lane following an accident early Tuesday evening. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transporation, the incident occurred within the southbound...
2 dead, 1 arrested following Andrew County crash
ANDREW COUNTY, MO - One man is in police custody following a head-on collision that killed two people near Savannah Sunday evening. According to KQ2, the collision occurred along C Highway just south of Country Road 180 shortly before 8:00...
Victim identified in fatal South St. Louis hit-and-run
ST. LOUIS, MO -Detectives with the St. Louis Police homicide unit have identified the man killed in a hit-and-run collision early Friday morning. According to KMOV, the incident occurred within the 2700 block of Gravois Avenue shortly before 1:00 a.m....
When a Loved One is Neglected or Abused in a Nursing Home
Nursing home neglect and abuse are among the fastest-growing complaints in the fallout of COVID-19. Now that families are able to visit their loved ones in person, they are discovering that their loved ones are suffering from injuries resulting from...
Injuries reported in Jefferson County rear-end collision
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - Troopers have reported injuries resulting from a rear-end collision on Highway 57 in Jefferson County Monday afternoon. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the collision occurred in the southbound lanes...
2 hospitalized following rush-hour crash in St. Charles County
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - Two people were transported to the hospital after a crash on Highway 67 early Monday evening. According to an official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the incident occurred at the intersection of...
1 hospitalized following multi-vehicle collision on I-70
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - A motorcyclist was taken to the hospital following a three-car collision on I-70 Monday evening. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the crash occurred within the eastbound lanes of...
Accident closes multiple lanes on I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol closed two lanes along I-70 following a collision early Monday afternoon. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the incident occurred along I-70 near...
Teenager killed in Springfield crash
SPRINGFIELD, MO - Officials have reported a fatality following a collision involving two teenagers under 15 Sunday afternoon. According to KY3, the incident occurred at about 4:00 p.m. along North Dade 217 several miles from Everton. Investigators with the Missouri...
Crash shuts down several lanes on I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - Troopers with the Missouri State Highway Patrol were forced to close three lanes along I-270 following an accident early Monday evening. The incident happened in the southbound lanes of I-270 near Ladue Road at about 3:20...
Vehicle fire closes lanes on I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol have closed multiple lanes on I-70 following a reported vehicle fire Monday night. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the fire erupted in...
Police investigating possible arson at St. Louis liquor store
ST. LOUIS, MO - Firefighters believe a fire that damaged a north St. Louis liquor store Monday morning could be the result of arson. According to KSDK, officials with the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department received the call about a...
Three people in their 20s hurt in Florissant blind spot crash
FLORISSANT, MO – Three people in their 20’s were injured in a crash likely involving a vehicle's blind spot on I-70 in Florissant yesterday, according to a crash report published by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened on...
Oklahoma man killed after crashing motorcycle into deer in Dent County
GLADDEN, MO (DENT COUNTY) – A man from Oklahoma was killed after crashing into an animal in the road in Dent County yesterday morning, according to a crash report by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened on Highway...
Man, 51, injured in T-bone crash in St. Francois County
DOE RUN, MO (ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY) – A man from Doe Run was injured this afternoon in a T-bone accident in St. Francois County, according to a crash report by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened at the...
Woman killed, another injured in Phelps County wrong-way crash
JEROME, MO (PHELPS COUNTY) – One woman died and another was injured in a wrong-way crash yesterday in Phelps County, according to a crash report published by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened on Highway D, about half...
Man, 30, injured in De Soto rollover motorcycle crash
DE SOTO, MO – A man from Arnold was injured after being ejected during a motorcycle crash in De Soto on Wednesday, according to The Leader. The accident happened east of De Soto on Highway 67, near Flucom Road, at...
2 hospitalized following Jefferson County rollover collision
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - Two people were sent to the hospital after being involved in a single-vehicle rollover crash in Jefferson County Thursday night. According to an official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the incident occurred shortly...
Driver leaves the scene after striking pedestrian on I-70
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - Law enforcement officials in St. Charles County are searching for the driver responsible for striking a pedestrian then leaving the scene early Friday morning. According to an official crash report from the Missouri State Highway...
Multiple injuries reported following crash on MO-94
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - Two people were hospitalized following a multi-vehicle collision along MO-94 Friday afternoon. According to an official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the incident occurred in the eastbound lanes of MO-94 near Sidentop...
Accident shuts down ramp on I-70
ST LOUIS, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol were forced to shut down an I-70 on-ramp following an accident Friday afternoon. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the crash occurred along...
Bystander pulls victims from fatal St. Louis crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - Investigators with the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department are looking into the cause of a single-vehicle collision that killed one one and severely injured another early Friday. According to Fox 2 Now, the collision occurred along...
Overnight collision reported on I-270
ST LOUIS, MO - Officials in St. Louis responded to an accident that shut down one lane on I-270 early Friday morning. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the incident occurred in the eastbound...
St. Louis police searching for drivers who ignored injured man lying near roadway
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the St. Louis Police Department are seeking the public's help in identifying a number of drivers who ignored an injured man on the side of the road. The man eventually died from his injuries....
Police seeking suspect in fatal St. Louis hit-and-run
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the St. Louis Police Department are searching for the suspect responsible for a hit-and-run crash that took the life of one person early Thursday morning. According to Fox 2, the collision occurred near the...
4 juveniles, 1 adult injured in Franklin County rollover collision
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - Five people, including 4 children, were transported to a local hospital following a rollover crash in Franklin County Thursday afternoon. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the collision occurred at...
Rush-hour collision blocks lanes on I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials in East St. Louis were forced to shut down one lane on I-64 following a rush-hour accident Thursday morning. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred in...
Vehicle fire reported on I-44
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials in Southwest St. Louis responded to a vehicle fire along I-44 Thursday morning. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the vehicle caught fire within the eastbound lanes of I-44...
1 hospitalized after flatbed overturned in St. Francois County
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO - One man was taken to the hospital after a single-vehicle accident involving a flatbed truck Thursday afternoon. The incident occurred where Lick Skillet Road meets Route F southwest of downtown St. Louis, according to an...
2 hospitalized following collision in southwest St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two men were transported to the hospital following a collision southwest of downtown St. Louis Thursday evening. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the crash occurred at the intersection of...
Accident closes lanes on I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol were forced to close the right lane following a rush-hour crash on I-270 Thursday evening. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the accident...
Accident causes delays on I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials in Florissant have reported delays following a late-night collision on I-70 Thursday. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the incident occurred along I-70  a few miles east of Florissant...
Police officer involved in North St. Louis crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - A St. Louis police officer was transported to the hospital following a collision north of downtown Wednesday night. According to Fox 2 Now, the accident occurred near the intersection of Natural Bridge Avenue and Marcus Avenue...
1 injured in single-vehicle St. Charles crash
ST. CHARLES, MO - One woman was transported to the hospital after being involved in a single-vehicle collision on I-70 early Wednesday morning. According to an official crash report by the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred shortly before...
Woman injured in early morning Franklin County crash.
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - A Sullivan woman was rushed to the hospital after a Franklin County crash early Wednesday morning. According to the official accident report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the single-vehicle crash occurred just after 5:00 a.m....
Motorcyclist hospitalized after St. Charles collision
ST. CHARLES, MO - One man was taken to the hospital after being involved in a single-vehicle rollover crash in St. Charles Wednesday morning. According to an official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, 58-year-old Charles Russell was...
Accident shuts down all eastbound lanes on I-44
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials were forced to shut down all eastbound lanes on I-44 following a crash Wednesday morning. The accident occurred shortly after 9:00 a.m. along I-44 near the Madison Avenue exit, according to the official Twitter page...
Multiple lanes closed following crash on MO-141
ST. LOUIS, MO - Authorities with the Missouri State Highway Patrol closed down two lanes along MO-141 following a collision Wednesday afternoon. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the incident occurred in the northbound...
Several children injured in Texas County crash
ROBY, MO -Five children and two adults were injured in a head-on collision south of Roby Tuesday night. According to Ozarks First, the collision occurred along Highway 17 south of Roby at about 8:00 p.m. Police say the driver of...
Reeds Spring motorcyclist killed in collision with truck
REEDS SPRING, MO - A Reeds Spring man was killed after he collided with a truck while riding a motorcycle Tuesday afternoon. According to KY3, 35-year-old Joshua Beasley died after crossing into oncoming traffic along Keystone Road at about 1:30...
Crash closes lane on I-55
ST. LOUIS - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol closed down the left lane on I-55 following a collision late Wednesday afternoon. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the incident happened within the...
Reminder: Don’t Use Benzocaine for Infant Teething Pain
For many years, brands like Orajel, Anbesol, Orabase, and Topex were household names for anyone with an infant. Manufacturers spent billions of dollars marketing these products as safe methods of soothing teething pain. Yet lurking beneath the wholesome images of...
Stalled vehicle causes delays on I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO - Motorists faced minor delays resulting from a stalled vehicle along I-64 Tuesday night. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the vehicle was reported out of commission within the eastbound lanes...
Roadwork to close multiple lanes on I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the Missouri Department of Transportation have announced scheduled roadwork to take place along I-70 overnight Tuesday. According to the official Twitter page of MDoT, the work will begin at about 7:30 p.m. and end...
Rush-hour accident closes one lane on I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol closed off one lane along I-64 following a collision early Tuesday evening. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the accident happened within the...
1 hospitalized after Franklin County rollover crash
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - One person was transported to the hospital following a rollover collision in Franklin County Tuesday evening. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the incident occurred near the intersection of Oak...
Vehicle fire erupts on I-170
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials east of St. Louis were forced to shut down at least one lane along I-170 following a reported vehicle fire Tuesday afternoon. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, officials...
Collision shuts down lanes on I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol were forced to shut down two lanes along I-64 following a collision late Tuesday evening. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the crash...
School bus collision reported in St. Charles
ST. CHARLES, MO - Fourteen students were on board a school bus when it collided with another vehicle near Veterans Memorial Parkway Tuesday. According to Fox 2 Now, the collision occurred along Cave Springs Boulevard sometime before 4:30 p.m. Officials...
Cannondale Treadwell Front Racks Recalled Due to Fall Hazard
Cycling Sports Group Inc. of Wilton, Conn. has recalled front racks with bamboo trays for Cannondale Treadwell bicycles due to the potential for the racks to detach and cause the bike to stop abruptly. About 1,975 racks were sold in...
Accident shuts down lane on I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol shut down one lane along I-270 following a collision late Monday night. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the accident happened shortly before...
St. Charles man seriously injured in multi-vehicle rollover collision
ST. CHARLES, MO - A man from St. Charles was rushed to the hospital in serious condition after being involved in a two-vehicle rollover crash Sunday night. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the...
2 hospitalized following Perry County motorcycle crash
PERRY COUNTY, MO - Two individuals were rushed to the hospital following a motorcycle accident in Perry County late Monday morning. According to the official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the incident occurred along Highway N Near...
2 lanes closed after accident on I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials in northeast St. Louis were forced to close 2 lanes along I-270 following a rush-hour crash Monday evening. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the accident happened within the...
Whill Personal Electric Vehicles Recalled for Safety Concerns
 About 1,150 Whill Model Ci personal electric wheelchairs have been recalled due to a problem with the mobility device’s control pad. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), the motorized vehicles can suddenly accelerate or decelerate and the...
BD Alaris Infusion Pumps Recalled after Patient Death
Fifty-five injuries and one death have been attributed to Becton Dickinson Alaris infusion pumps, prompting a swift recall of eight different pump systems and their modules from thousands of hospitals and other healthcare facilities that use the pumps. In total,...
J&J Asks Missouri Supreme Court to Overturn $2.1B Talc Ruling
As expected, Johnson & Johnson has filed an appeal with the Missouri Supreme Court asking it to throw out a $2.1 billion ruling awarded to 22 women who suffered ovarian cancer after years of using Johnson’s Baby Powder and Shower...
Early morning collision reported in North St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials in North St. Louis closed off one lane following an early morning crash Monday. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the crash occurred within the westbound lanes of I-270...
Woman in critical condition after being struck while changing tire on I-70
CALLAWAY COUNTY, MO - Officials with MU Health say a woman is in serious condition after being struck by another car while attempting to change a flat tire on I-70 Saturday evening. According to ABC 17 News, Whitney Watson of...
Rush-hour accident shuts down lanes on Manchester Road
ST. LOUIS, MO - Authorities southwest of St. Louis were forced to shut down one lane on Manchester Road during Monday morning's rush-hour. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the incident occurred in the...
Arnold man hurt after pickup hits guardrail in Mehlville
MEHLVILLE, MO (ST. LOUIS COUNTY) – An Arnold man was injured yesterday afternoon in a single-vehicle collision in Mehlville, according to a report by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened at the interchange between I-55 northbound and I-270...
Passenger in serious condition in Washington County rollover crash
CADET, MO (WASHINGTON COUNTY) – One person experienced serious injuries in Washington County after being ejected this morning in a single-vehicle collision that also hurt the driver. According to a crash report by the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident...
St. Louis man ejected, seriously hurt in Arnold rollover motorcycle crash
ARNOLD, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – A St. Louis man was seriously hurt as a result of a single-vehicle motorcycle crash in Jefferson County early this morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened at the intersection of...
One dead, two injured in car crash at Jennings intersection
JENNINGS, MO – A man died and two others were injured as a result of a two-vehicle car accident in Jennings last night, according to KMOV. The accident occurred at the Lewis and Clark Boulevard and Jennings Station Road at...
Salem man seriously injured in Dent County rollover crash
BOSS, MO (DENT COUNTY) – A man from Salem was seriously injured in a single-car accident in Dent County on Thursday, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened about three miles west of Boss on Highway 32,...
Injuries reported following multi-vehicle collision in St. Francois County
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO -  One person was transported to the hospital following a two-car in St. Francois Friday morning. According to an official accident report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the crash occurred within the westbound lanes of...
Woman hospitalized after single-vehicle crash in Lincoln County
LINCOLN COUNTY, MO - A woman was hospitalized following a single-vehicle crash along Route U Friday morning. According to an official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the incident occurred shortly after 10:20 a.m., just north of Route...
Accident halts traffic near Mississippi River
ST. LOUIS, MO - Authorities in downtown St. Louis were forced to shut down one lane along I-64 following an accident late Friday afternoon. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the crash occurred within...
Injuries reported in Moscow Mills police chase crash
MOSCOW MILLS, MO - One person has been hospitalized after finding themselves in the middle of a police pursuit that ended in a collision Friday afternoon. According to an official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the incident...
Incident causes rush-hour delays on I-70
ST. CHARLES, MO - Emergency services in St. Charles are reporting significant delays as a result of a crash along I-70. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the incident occurred in the westbound lanes...
Farmington man seriously injured in off-road vehicle crash
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO - A man from Farmington needed to be airlifted to the hospital following a collision in Pendleton Township Friday afternoon. According to an official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the incident occurred along...
Rush-hour crash closes lanes on I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO - Emergency services in St. Louis are reporting delays resulting from a collision along I-55 during rush-hour Friday evening. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the incident occurred at about 3:50...
Truck accident shuts down I-55 ramp for several hours
ST. LOUIS, MO - Commuters into downtown St. Louis faced a number of delays Friday morning resulting from a semi-truck accident along I-55. According to Fox 2 Now, the accident occurred overnight along the ramp connecting I-55 to the Poplar...
Rush-hour accident shuts down lanes along I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials west of downtown St. Louis were forced to shut down lanes along I-64 following a crash during Thursday evening's rush-hour traffic. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the incident...
4 teens hospitalized following single-vehicle crash in Warren County
WARREN COUNTY, MO - Four people, including two juveniles were rushed to the hospital after a single-vehicle crash in Warren County Thursday afternoon. According to an official crash report by the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the crash happened along Highway...
5 hospitalized after Florissant car cash
FLORISSANT, MO - Officials with the Florissant Valley Fire Protection District responded to a crash with several injuries Saturday evening. According to Fox 2 Now, the incident happened at about 9:15 p.m. within the intersection of Manresa Lane and North...
Elderly man from St. Louis found dead after vehicle rolls into Lake Tishomingo
HILLSBORO, MO - An elderly man from St. Louis has died after being trapped inside a vehicle that rolled into Lake Tishomingo Wednesday afternoon. According to US News, the incident happened with 86-year-old John McKenzie was left in the passenger...
1 killed, 2 injured in Hollister golf cart crash
HOLLISTER, MO - Investigators with the Missouri Highway Patrol are looking into the cause of a golf cart crash that killed one woman and sent two to the hospital Sunday night. According to KY3, the crash occurred near Emerald Point...
1 hospitalized after rollover crash in Pike County
BOWLING GREEN, MO - One woman was transported to the hospital after her vehicle rolled over along Bowling Green freeway Wednesday night. According to the official accident report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred at 13628 Highway...
Collision reported on I-70 in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol were forced to shut down the right shoulder along I-70 in St. Louis following an accident Thursday afternoon. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation,...
Driver arrested after DWI crash kills one in Newton County
NEWTON COUNTY, MO - Authorities have one individual in custody in connection to a fatal collision near Joplin Tuesday evening. According to KSN, the crash occurred within the 3500 block of Reinmiller Road at about 5:20 p.m. Officials discovered two...
Woman injured after striking tree in Jefferson County
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - One woman was taken to the hospital after striking a tree in Jefferson County Tuesday night. According to an official report from the Missouri Highway Patrol, 25-year-old Emily Schmitz lost control of her 2000 Chevy Cavalier...
Jefferson County man hospitalized after striking deer
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - A motorcyclist in Jefferson County has been hospitalized after striking a deer on Tuesday night. According to an official accident report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the crash occurred along Route 61 northbound at Rose...
Rush-hour vehicle fire reported in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials in northwest St. Louis have reported a vehicle fire causing delays along I-70 during Wednesday evening's rush-hour traffic. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the incident happened shortly after...
One hospitalized after striking median on I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO - One woman has been hospitalized after colliding with a median along I-55 during Wednesday morning's rush-hour. According to an official accident report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred when 41-year-old Jennifer Laflen had...
Driver injured after falling asleep at the wheel, rolling vehicle
CADET, MO - One woman has been hospitalized following a single-vehicle collision that left her car overturned along Route E Tuesday evening. According to an official crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the incident occurred on Route E...
UPDATE: Victim identified in fatal off-road vehicle accident
STE. GENEVIEVE, MO - Officials in St. Genevieve County have identified the man killed in a previously reported off-roading accident last Friday evening. According to KMOV, 46-year-old Jason Olliges was killed when his 2005 Polaris Sportsmen traveled off the side...
Collision closes lane on I-44
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol shut down one lane along I-44 following an accident early Wednesday afternoon. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the accident occurred at about...
Explosion, fire destroys home in North St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the St. Louis Fire Department responded to a reported explosion at a home north of downtown late Tuesday night. According to Fox 2 Now, firefighters responded to the scene near the intersection of Newhouse...
Pedestrian killed after being hit by two cars in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO - A male pedestrian was killed after being struck by two cars in northeast St. Louis Saturday night. According to KMOV, the incident occurred near the intersection of Union Boulevard and Highland Avenue at about 11:15 p.m....
Accident closes lane in northeast St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials were forced to shut down at least one lane along I-270 following a Tuesday night accident. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the incident occurred shortly before 8:15 p.m....
Man hospitalized after motorcycle crash in Cadet
CADET, MO - One man was transported to the hospital with serious injuries following a motorcycle crash in Cadet Monday afternoon. According to an official accident report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the single-vehicle collision occurred on Tiff Road,...
2 Injured in collision on St. Charles freeway
ST. CHARLES, MO - Two motorists were hospitalized following a collision along State Highway 94 Tuesday morning. According to an official accident report filed by the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the collision occurred along SH 94 near the Pralle Lane...
Accident shuts down lanes on I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials northeast of St. Louis were forced to shut down at least one lane along I-70 Tuesday afternoon. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the crash occurred around 3:16 p.m....
Large fire displaces 20 people and injures firefighter in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO - 20 people were evacuated from their south St. Louis homes after a large fire took over early Monday morning. According to KSDK, officials with the St. Louis Fire Department responded to the fire at a four-family...
One dead after colliding with a tree off St. Louis freeway
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO - A man from St. Louis was killed following an early morning crash on SH 367 last Friday. According to STL Today, 20-year-old Carl Evans died after losing control of his vehicle and striking a tree...
Teen killed in North County crash
MOLINE ACRES, MO - A teen from Florissant died after being involved in a North County crash late Sunday night. According to KMOV, the crash occurred on Route 367 close to Sunbeam Lane at about 11:00 p.m. Dav'yon Horton, 18,...
Two people injured, one seriously, in off-road ATV crash in Jefferson Co.
MERAMEC, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – Two people were hurt, one of them seriously, after an ATV went over a cliff in Jefferson County last night, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened off-road, near Route F and...
Three people seriously injured following collision in Florissant
FLORISSANT, MO – Five people, three of them severely injured, were taken to the hospital following a collision in Florissant last night, according to Fox 2 Now. The crash happened at Manresa Lane and N Lindbergh Boulevard at around 9:15...
Gerald man killed in late-night collision in Franklin County
LYON, MO (FRANKLIN COUNTY) – A man from Gerald was killed in a single-vehicle accident last night in Franklin County, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened at the intersection of Route YY and Highway 185 at...
California man seriously injured in Pulaski County rollover truck accident
ST. ROBERT, MO (PULASKI COUNTY) – A man from California was seriously injured yesterday in Pulaski County after a semi-truck rolled over on I-44, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened in the westbound lanes of the...
Multiple lanes closed following accident on I-255
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol were forced to close the eastbound lanes along a busy freeway during Friday evening's rush hour. According to the Missouri Department of Transportation Twitter page, the collision occurred within...
20-Year-old man killed in St. Louis single-vehicle crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - A St. Louis man was killed as a result of a single-vehicle collision northeast of St. Louis early Friday morning. According to an official crash report by the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the incident occurred along...
2 Injured in St. Louis multi-vehicle crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - One person was hospitalized and another treated for minor injuries at the scene following a collision south of downtown St. Louis Friday evening. The four-car collision occurred along I-255 just west of Missouri State Highway 231...
1 Child, 1 adult severely injured in off-road vehicle accident
STE. GENEVIEVE, MO - A 3-year-old was hospitalized in serious condition after being thrown from an off-road vehicle in a Friday evening accident. According to a report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the incident occurred on a trail near...
Lanes closed following accident on I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials west of St. Louis were forced to shut down at least one eastbound lane along I-70 following a collision Friday night. According to the official Twitter page of the Missouri Department of Transportation, the crash...
20 People left without a home after St. Louis apartment fire
ST. LOUIS, MO - Fire officials in St. Louis are investigating the cause of an apartment fire that left 20 people looking for a new place to live Friday morning. According to KSDK, fire officials responded to the Les Chateaux...
1 Killed, another injured in St. Louis crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - A St. Louis woman was killed and her passenger injured following a fatal collision early Friday morning. According to KSDK, officials responded to a reported collision at the intersection of Natural Bridge Avenue and Shreve shortly...
Fatal crash reported in Jeff-Vander-Lou neighborhood
ST. LOUIS, MO - One person is dead and two others sustained serious injures resulting from a crash in the Jeff-Vander-Lou neighborhood Friday. According to STL Today, the two-vehicle collision occurred within the 2700 block of Bacon Street near the...
1 injured in multi-vehicle collision in Jefferson County
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO  - Officials with the Missouri State Highway Patrol responded to a collision involving four vehicles on an I-55 on-ramp. According to a report by the MSHP, the incident occurred on the ramp from Richardson Road to I-55...
I-44 ramp to close for month-long repairs
ST. LOUIS, MO - Commuters in St. Louis should expect to find an alternate route around the I-44 exit to Jefferson Avenue starting Wednesday, September 9th. According to the Missouri Department of Transportation, the westbound ramp from I-44 to Jefferson...
Two injured in Franklin overturned vehicle crash
FRANKLIN, MO - Two individuals were transported to the hospital after losing control of a Polaris off-road vehicle in Franklin Thursday evening. According to a report by the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the incident occurred along an off-roading trail within...
Accident shuts down multiple lanes on I-44
ST. LOUIS, MO - Emergency services in St. Louis were forced to shut down three lanes following a late-night collision along I-44 Thursday. According to the Missouri Department of Transportation official Twitter page, the incident occurred just after 10:00 p.m....
Woman severely injured in downtown St. Louis crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials in St. Louis rescued a woman whose car had landed on top of her following a high-speed crash Tuesday evening. According to KSDK, the 28-year-old woman was traveling at a high rate of speed along...
Three hospitalized after Jefferson County crash
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - Three people were hospitalized with serious injuries following a collision in Jefferson County late Wednesday evening. According to reports from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the three-vehicle collision occurred within the intersection of northbound MO-141 and...
Man escapes after crashing vehicle into Mississippi River
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials responded to reports of a vehicle careening into the Mississippi River early Thursday morning. According to Fox 2 Now, the incident occurred at the Riverfront at about 6:00 a.m. The driver apparently lost control of...
Teen dies after weekend parking garage accident
ST. LOUIS, MO - A teenager involved in an incident that left 2 severely injured on Saturday succumbed to his injuries while in the hospital Wednesday night. According to KMOV, William Jordan, 17, suffered an extreme neck and head injury...
Hit-and-run driver kills pedestrian in N St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO – A man was left for dead late Wednesday night after being hit by a car in north St. Louis, according to KSDK. The accident happened at the crossing of Sullivan Avenue and North Florissant Avenue at...
At least one injured after man crashes into multiple vehicles, police car, during pursuit
ARNOLD, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – A man reportedly crashed his vehicle into a police cruiser in Jefferson County, ending a police chase and injuring at least one individual, according to KMOV. The crash happened near Route 21 and Route 141...
St. Louis-Based OnderLaw Joins Ben Crump in Federal Lawsuit to Stop Sale of Roundup
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Federal lawsuit against St. Louis-based Bayer-Monsanto aims for injunction against glyphosate due to cancer risk.             https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTkRvtwucbs   (ST. LOUIS, MO) August 31, 2020 - St. Louis-based OnderLaw has joined nationally renowned civil...
Woman hurt after I-55 single-vehicle accident in Mehlville
MEHLVILLE, MO (ST. LOUIS COUNTY) – A woman from Arnold was taken to the hospital after a car accident on Interstate 55 Monday afternoon, according to a report by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened in the southbound...
New York state woman hurt in Phelps Co. crash after falling asleep at wheel
JEROME, MO (PHELPS COUNTY) – A woman from New York state was hurt in a car accident in Phelps County after falling asleep at the wheel early this morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened on...
2 seriously injured, another hurt in St. Francois Co. head-on truck accident
PARK HILLS, MO (ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY) – Three people were hurt, two of them seriously so, in a head-on collision involving a semi-truck in St. Francois County Monday afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident occurred on...
St. Clair teen hurt in Sullivan single-vehicle crash
SULLIVAN, MO (FRANKLIN COUNTY) – An 18-year-old boy from St. Clair was hurt in a single-vehicle car accident in Sullivan early Sunday morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened near 4086 Plum Ford Road at 12:15...
Woman seriously injured, man hurt in Pulaski County head-on collision
RICHLAND, MO (PULASKI COUNTY) – A woman was airlifted to the hospital with serious injuries yesterday evening in a head-on collision in Pulaski County that also resulted in another person being hurt. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the...
St. Charles man, 22, hurt in Hwy 94 head-on collision
ST. CHARLES, MO – A young man was hurt in a head-on car accident on Highway 94 Monday morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened in the westbound lanes of the highway, near Little Hills Expressway,...
Two seriously injured, another person hurt in Waynesville rear-end crash
WAYNESVILLE, MO (PULASKI COUNTY) - Three people were injured in a rear-end collision this afternoon in Pulaski County, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol.  The accident happened in the eastbound lanes of Interstate 44 near mile marker 154 at...
68-year-old truck driver beaten to death in road rage incident
O’FALLON, MO – A 68-year-old truck driver was killed Sunday morning when a person beat him to death in a road rage accident on Interstate 64 in O’Fallon, according to KTVI. The incident occurred in the westbound lanes of the...
Mexican man hurt in Rolla semi-truck accident
ROLLA, MO (PHELPS COUNTY) – A man from Mexico was injured this morning following a single-vehicle semi truck collision on Interstate 44 in Phelps County, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened in the eastbound lanes of...
Two men injured in late-night, single-vehicle crash in W St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO – Two people were injured late Monday night in a single-vehicle collision on Interstate 64 in west St. Louis, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened in the westbound lanes of the interstate, west...
Two women hurt after I-44 truck rear-end crash
EUREKA, MO – Two women were injured this weekend when their vehicle was rear-ended by a semi-truck on Interstate 44, according to a crash report published by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred Saturday at 6:13 p.m. in...
Valley Park man seriously injured after being ejected from jet ski
LAKE OZARK, MO – A man from Valley Park was seriously hurt this weekend in an accident while on the water at the Lake of the Ozarks, according to KJLU Radio. The accident happened Friday afternoon when 31-year-old Zachary Strothkamp...
Two people hurt in semi-truck rear-end collision in St. Peters
ST. PETERS, MO (ST. CHARLES COUNTY) – Two people were hurt Sunday afternoon in St. Charles County when three vehicles collided in a chain-reaction collision, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened in the eastbound lanes of...
Man seriously injured in ATV rollover accident in Union
UNION, MO (FRANKLIN COUNTY) – A man was airlifted to the hospital with serious wounds after an ATV rolled over in Franklin County Sunday afternoon, reports the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened at 1055 Brush Creek Road in...
Dixon man airlifted to Columbia after ATV accident in Phelps County
NEWBURG, MO (PHELPS COUNTY) – A man was seriously hurt after being ejected from an ATV in Phelps County this evening, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred on Highway P, north of FS-7695, located about 3...
Man, 28, dead after high-speed I-70 rollover crash
ST. LOUIS, MO – A 28-year-old man died in a single-vehicle collision Sunday morning on Interstate 70, according to KMOV. The crash happened in the westbound lanes of the interstate near Shreve Avenue around 8 a.m. when 28-year-old De’andre Larkins,...
Trials to Resume against Bayer Monsanto for Cancer Linked to Roundup
As we explained last month, Bayer/Monsanto has come to the table with a less-than-fair settlement offer that would leave thousands of victims with less than $10,000 to compensate them for what has often been hundreds of thousands of dollars in...
Imerys Bankruptcy Still Pending
The mining company that exclusively supplied Johnson & Johnson with talc for decades is in the middle of ongoing bankruptcy proceedings that will ultimately result in payouts for more-than 25,000 plaintiffs who suffered ovarian cancer or mesothelioma related to use...
Affton man seriously hurt after MO-30 motorcycle accident
MURPHY, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – A motorcyclist from Affton was seriously hurt in Jefferson County after he attempted to pass another vehicle Sunday evening, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened at the intersection of Missouri Highway...
Update: Man found dead in Lake St. Louis has been ID’d
LAKE SAINT LOUIS, MO – The body of a man who had been found dead Thursday morning in Lake Saint Louis has been identified by authorities, according to KMOV. The victim is 80-year-old O’Fallon man Jack Brooks. He was found...
19-year-old suffers serious injuries after Washington County car crash
COURTOIS, MO (WASHINGTON COUNTY) – A 19-year-old driver was seriously hurt in Washington County following a single-vehicle collision Sunday afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened on 29544 Highway C at noon, when Cadet resident Devin...
Two people taken to hospital after St. Charles County rear-end crash
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO – Two people were hurt early Sunday morning in St. Charles County in a rear-end collision, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened in the westbound lanes of Interstate 64, near Highway 94,...
Two people seriously injured after car crashes into tree in Pulaski Co.
ST. ROBERT, MO (PULASKI COUNTY) – Two people were seriously hurt in Pulaski County after a car crashed into a tree Sunday morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened at 11:10 a.m. on Highway 28, near...
Fenton man hurt after I-255 motorcycle rollover accident
ST. LOUIS, MO – A 25-year-old motorcyclist was injured early Sunday morning in a single-vehicle collision on the Interstate 255 ramp, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened on the westbound I-255 ramp leading to southbound Interstate...
Woman suffers head injury after being hit by car in Tower Grove Park
ST. LOUIS, MO – A pedestrian in a park suffered a head injury after being struck by a car on Sunday afternoon, according to KSDK. The accident happened at Tower Grove Park, located at 4257 Northeast Drive, at about 1:30...
Lebanon teen injured in Hwy 64 wrong-way crash
LEBANON, MO (LACLEDE COUNTY) – A 16-year-old boy was injured Sunday morning in a wrong-way crash in Laclede County, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened on Highway 64, about 10 miles west of Lebanon, near the...
Salem woman, Illinois man injured in Crawford Co. rollover accident
BOURBON, MO (CRAWFORD COUNTY) – Two people were injured in Crawford County following a single-vehicle rollover crash Saturday night, according to a crash report by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened on Interstate 44 at milepost 220.2 around...
Two injured after woman crashes into back of semi-truck on I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO – Two people were hurt early Saturday morning after a Jeep crashed into the back of a semi-truck on Interstate 70, according to a report by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened in the eastbound...
Wright City teen injured in I-70 rear-end crash
WENTZVILLE, MO (ST. CHARLES COUNTY) – An 18-year-old was injured early Friday morning when his vehicle rear-ended a commercial truck on Interstate 70, according to a crash report published by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened on I-70...
Woman, 25, injured in single-vehicle accident in rural Laclede County
LEBANON, MO (LACLEDE COUNTY) – A 25-year-old woman was taken to the hospital Friday evening following a car accident in rural Laclede County, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened on Kinfolk Road near Mountain Creek, about...
Silex man injured in Lincoln County single-vehicle crash
SILEX, MO (LINCOLN COUNTY) – A man received serious injuries Friday afternoon in a single-vehicle collision on Highway E in Lincoln County, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident occurred at 721 Highway E, which is located near...
Pedestrian hit by car in early-morning crash near St. Charles riverfront
ST. CHARLES, MO – A vehicle struck a pedestrian near the Historic District of St. Charles early this morning, according to Fox 2 Now. The accident occurred in the 100 block of North Main Street, near the riverfront area, at...
Man injured after colliding with trees in Crawford County accident
STEELVILLE, MO (CRAWFORD COUNTY) – A Steelville man was injured on Highway 8 in a single-vehicle collision this morning in Crawford County, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened on Highway 8, near Cedar Lane and a...
87-year-old woman dead in South County house fire
MEHLVILLE, MO – An 87-year-old woman died in south St. Louis County this afternoon when a home caught fire, according to KMOV. The fire occurred in the 5300 block of Autumnwinds Drive in Mehlville at about 3 p.m. An 87-year-old...
Three, including 19-year-old, injured in Hwy F collision in Laclede Co.
SLEEPER, MO (LACLEDE COUNTY) – Three people, including a 19-year-old, were injured in Laclede County this afternoon in a two-vehicle accident on Highway F. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the crash occurred on Highway F near Pecos Drive...
Jefferson City woman dead in Hwy 94 motorcycle crash
AUGUSTA, MO (ST. CHARLES COUNTY) – A woman from Jefferson City died Friday afternoon in a single-motorcycle collision on Highway 94, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened in the eastbound lanes of the highway, near Montelle...
3-year-old boy and two others injured in Troy car accident
TROY, MO (LINCOLN COUNTY) – Three people, including a 3-year-old boy, were injured in a crash in Lincoln County on Thursday afternoon, according to a report by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened at the intersection of Highway...
4-year-old and woman dead, two teens injured in dramatic N St. Louis collision
ST. LOUIS, MO – A 4-year-old boy and a 25-year-old woman died, and two teenagers were severely injured, in a two-vehicle crash on Halls Ferry Road in north St. Louis Thursday night. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the...
Fisherman finds dead body in Lake Saint Louis
LAKE SAINT LOUIS, MO – The body of a person was found this morning after they presumably drowned in Lake St. Louis, according to KMOV. A fisherman reportedly found the victim’s body near the shoreline of the lake, near Lake...
16-year-old boy seriously injured in Phelps County rollover accident
FLAT, MO (PHELPS COUNTY) – A 16-year-old boy was airlifted to Children’s Hospital in St. Louis following an overnight rollover accident in Phelps County. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the crash happened on Highway T, about 3 miles...
Ironton woman, 25, injured in St. Francois County rear-end crash
DOE RUN, MO (ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY) – A woman from Ironton was injured following a rear-end collision in St. Francois County on Sunday morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened at the intersection of Route NN...
22-year-old truck driver injured in rollover crash in Lake St. Louis
LAKE SAINT LOUIS, MO – A truck driver was taken to the hospital after a single-vehicle collision in Lake Saint Louis Thursday afternoon, reports the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened on Interstate 70, near Lake Saint Louis Boulevard,...
Man seriously hurt after hitting fence and parked cars in St. Charles accident
ST. CHARLES, MO – A man was seriously hurt after he crashed into a fence and two parked vehicles on Highway 94 Thursday morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened in the southbound lanes of MO-94...
Suspect hits officer with car and flees the scene in Jennings
JENNINGS, MO – Authorities are searching for a driver after they struck a police officer with their vehicle, then fled the scene in Jennings Thursday morning. According to KMOV, the crash happened in the 8800 block of Darnell Place and...
Florida man dies in I-44 wrong-way crash in Pulaski County
ST. ROBERT, MO (PULASKI COUNTY) – A man from Florida is dead after his car collided with another vehicle in a head-on crash in Pulaski County Sunday morning. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident happened at the...
27-year-old St. Louis man dies in Fenton motorcycle crash
FENTON, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – A 27-year-old man died in Jefferson County last night after being ejected from a motorcycle during a crash. The crash happened near the intersection of Fiedler Lane and Highway 141 at about 10:30 p.m., according...
South Dakota man injured in I-64 truck accident
ST. LOUIS, MO – A truck driver was injured in a single-vehicle accident on an Interstate 64 ramp Sunday, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened on the eastbound I-64 ramp to Mason Road around noon when...
Imperial woman injured in T-bone crash on Rte MM in Jefferson County
HOUSE SPRINGS, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – A woman from Imperial was taken to the hospital following a T-bone collision in Jefferson County this afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred at the intersection of Miller Road...
Hillsboro man receives minor injuries in I-270 hit-and-run
ST. LOUIS, MO – A Hillsboro man received minor injuries in a hit-and-run crash in west St. Louis early this morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened on I-270 near I-64 just after midnight, when the...
St. Louis-Based OnderLaw Joins Ben Crump in Federal Lawsuit to Stop Sale of Roundup
PRESS RELEASE                                                             FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Federal lawsuit against St. Louis-based...
Byrnes Mill woman injured in Jefferson County T-bone collision
HIGH RIDGE, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – A woman from Byrnes Hill was injured in Jefferson County after another vehicle collided with hers in a T-bone accident Tuesday. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the crash occurred at the intersection...
Three people injured in Perryville wrong-way crash on PCR 604
PERRYVILLE, MO (PERRY COUNTY) – A man was airlifted to the hospital and another two people were injured Monday in a wrong-way car accident in Perry County, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened on Perry County...
Two elderly people injured in Jefferson County rear-end collision
PLATTIN TOWNSHIP, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – Two people in their 70’s were injured Monday afternoon in a rear-end collision in Jefferson County, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred at the intersection of Meyer Road and Highway...
Two 17-year-old girls injured in Crawford County rollover crash
BOURBON, MO (CRAWFORD COUNTY) – Two teenage girls were injured late Tuesday night in a single-vehicle rollover accident in Crawford County, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred on Turkeyfoot Road at 11:23 p.m., when a 2005...
Family sues driver and trucking company after 2019 motorcyclist death in Metro East
PONTOON BEACH, IL – A trucking company and driver are facing a lawsuit after a St. Louis motorcyclist died last year in a crash last year in the Metro East area, according to KMOV. The wrongful death lawsuit has been...
St. Louis woman injured after being rear-ended on I-270 ramp
ST. LOUIS, MO – A woman was injured Sunday evening on the Interstate 270 ramp after she was rear-ended by another driver in northwest St. Louis, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened on the eastbound ramp...
19-year-old hurt in rear-end crash near Lebanon
LEBANON, MO (LACLEDE COUNTY) – A 19-year-old was injured this afternoon in a rear-end collision in Laclede County, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened around 12:30 p.m. on Highway 5, six miles south of Lebanon, when...
Two injured in Franklin County rear-end crash
WASHINGTON, MO (FRANKLIN COUNTY) – Two people were injured in a chain-reaction crash Friday afternoon in Franklin County, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident occurred at 2:10 p.m. on Highway 47, near Cedar Berry as a 2002...
New law allowing cameras inside care facilities is meant to prevent abuse
ST. LOUIS, MO – A new Missouri law will go into effect next week to allow cameras inside nursing homes and other care facilities in hopes of protecting the elderly and disabled from instances of abuse, according to KMOV. The...
Two children, two adults hurt after being rear-ended by truck in St. Charles Co.
LAKE ST. LOUIS, MO – Two children and two adults were hurt in a crash Saturday morning in St. Charles County after a semi-truck rear-ended their vehicle, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened at 9:45 a.m....
Three Perryville teens injured after car crashes into barn
PERRY COUNTY, MO – Three teenage boys were taken to the hospital Saturday when their car crashed into a barn in a late-night accident in Perry County, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened at 1:32 a.m....
Ballwin man drowns in Warren County pond
WRIGHT CITY, MO (WARREN COUNTY) – A 23-year-old man died yesterday while attempting to swim across a private pond in Warren County, according to KSDK. The accident happened in the 600 block of Sunshine Lane in Wright City yesterday afternoon...
Two people ejected, injured in Washington County ATV accident
MINERAL POINT, MO (WASHINGTON COUNTY) – Two people were injured, one of them seriously, after being ejected from an ATV in Washington County on Saturday afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened in Mineral Point at...
Two teenage boys hurt in Pike County ATV accident
PIKE COUNTY, MO – One teenage boy was airlifted to St. Louis and another was treated at the scene following an ATV accident in rural Pike County Friday evening. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident happened just...
3 children, 3 adults injured in Wentzville T-bone crash
WENTZVILLE, MO – Three adults and three children, aged 5 to 8, were hurt Friday in a T-bone accident in St. Charles County, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred just before 2 p.m. at the intersection...
Woman injured after car crashes into tree in House Springs
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO – A woman was hurt Thursday evening after her vehicle collided with a tree in Jefferson County, northwest of House Springs, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened at 5:16 p.m. on 3994 West...
Fenton chain-reaction crash leads to two injuries
FENTON, MO – Two women were hurt Thursday afternoon in a chain-reaction collision in Fenton, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The incident happened at 2:34 p.m. at the intersection of Missouri Highway 30 and Northwest Boulevard as a...
Motorcyclist thrown into Missouri River after being hit by truck in hit-and-run
ST. CHARLES, MO – A motorcyclist was thrown into the Missouri River early Saturday after being hit by a truck in a hit-and-run accident on the Discovery Bridge, according to Ozarks First. The crash happened on Interstate 370 on the...
Dittmer man airlifted to St. Louis after rollover crash in Franklin Co.
LONEDELL, MO (FRANKLIN COUNTY) – A man from Dittmer was seriously hurt Sunday morning following a rollover accident in Franklin County. According to a report by the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the crash happened just before 9 a.m. on Old...
Two men seriously hurt in ATV rollover accident in Jefferson Co.
JOACHIM TOWNSHIP, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – Two men were severely injured Monday night in a single-vehicle ATV accident in Jefferson County, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened at 8 p.m. on Rice Road, near Marble Springs...
New MO motorcycle helmet law goes into effect Friday
JEFFERSON CITY, MO – A new law will allow motorcyclists in Missouri to ride without a helmet starting on Friday, according to KJFF. Motorcyclists ages 26 and older will have the option to drive a motorcycle without wearing a helmet,...
Small plane crashes near Chesterfield middle school, injures pilot
CHESTERFIELD, MO – A pilot was injured after a small plane crashed Saturday near a middle school parking lot, according to KMOV. The accident happened near Parkway West Middle School at about 11:15 a.m. after a small plane took off...
22-year-old dead in single-vehicle car accident in Potosi
POTOSI, MO (WASHINGTON COUNTY) – A 22-year-old man is dead following a car accident Saturday night in Washington County, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened at 10:05 p.m. on Lick Skillet Road, near Pelican Road, when...
Three people injured in golf cart accident at Lake of the Ozarks
OSAGE BEACH, MO (CAMDEN COUNTY) – Three people were hurt in an accident involving a golf cart in the Lake of the Ozarks area in Camden County, according to the Neosho Daily News. The accident happened Friday night on Yacht...
Imperial man injured in Jefferson Co. rollover crash
OLYMPIAN VILLAGE, MO (JEFFERSON  COUNTY) – A man from Imperial was seriously injured Friday morning in a single-vehicle car accident in Jefferson County. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the crash happened at 12:51 a.m. on Wegman Road, near...
Cape Girardeau woman airlifted to Creve Coeur after Rt MM crash
LEASBURG, MO (CRAWFORD COUNTY) – A Cape Girardeau woman was airlifted to the hospital in critical condition following an accident Friday afternoon near Leasburg, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened on Route MM, about a mile...
Closed lanes, barricades part of safety measures to cut reckless driving, violence downtown
ST. LOUIS, MO – The downtown St. Louis area is seeing an increase in safety measures, including barricaded streets, in an attempt to reduce the number of traffic incidents and violent crime in the area. According to KMOV, as of...
High Ridge woman and Illinois man hurt in Perry County rollover crash
BIEHLE, MO (PERRY COUNTY) – A driver was seriously hurt Thursday afternoon in a single-vehicle crash in Perry County that also caused injuries to her passenger. According to a crash report published by the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident...
Two seriously injured in Pulaski County motorcycle crash
CROCKER, MO (PULASKI COUNTY) – Two people were seriously injured in a single-motorcycle accident yesterday afternoon in Pulaski County, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened at 3:33 p.m. on Highway 17, about two miles north of...
One injured in Ferguson apartment fire
FERGUSON, MO – A fire at a Ferguson apartment building early this morning led to one person being taken to the hospital, according to Fox 2 Now. The incident began at the apartments on Canfield Drive at about 3 a.m....
Lebanon pedestrian struck on head by cargo in MO-32 hit-and-run
LEBANON, MO (LACLEDE COUNTY) – A pedestrian was injured after being hit in the head with cargo from a passing vehicle in Laclede County Thursday morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The incident happened at 6 a.m. on...
Two dead in Natural Bridge car crash
ST. LOUIS, MO – Two people died Friday night in a car accident in North St. Louis in which few concrete details have been publicly released. According to KMOV, the crash occurred at about 9:10 p.m. on North Taylor Avenue...
Man crashes motorcycle while allegedly fleeing from police and is sent to hospital
BONNE TERRE, MO (ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY) – A man was seriously injured Wednesday night in St. Francois County after colliding with a vacant vehicle while allegedly fleeing from a police officer, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash...
Man allegedly crashes car while fleeing police in Town & Country, injures one
TOWN & COUNTRY, MO – Gunshots fired outside of the Missouri Baptist Hospital on Wednesday morning led to a police pursuit and a hit-and-run car crash in Town & Country, according to KMOV. The incident began at about 9 a.m....
Man airlifted to hospital, another injured in Dent County rollover crash
DENT COUNTY, MO – A man was airlifted to the hospital with serious wounds and another was injured in a rollover crash Monday morning in Dent County, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred at 11:55 a.m....
Man backs entire car into large hole after attempting to turn down closed street
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="1140"] Photo Credit: KSDK[/caption] ST. LOUIS, MO – A driver backed his vehicle into a hole after attempting to drive down a blocked street on Wednesday, according to KSDK. The incident was reported around 2:30 p.m. and...
16-year-old and man injured in Laclede County collision
LEBANON, MO (LACLEDE COUNTY) – Two people, including a 16-year-old boy, were injured Saturday night in a collision in Laclede County, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened at 8:50 p.m. on Highway 5, near Lebanon, when...
Toddler and woman injured in Laclede County crash
LACLEDE COUNTY, MO – Two people, including a 2-year-old toddler, were injured Sunday afternoon in a single-vehicle crash on Highway 32. According to a crash report published by the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the crash happened just before 5 p.m....
Phelps County crash splits pickup in half, seriously injures driver
PHELPS COUNTY, MO – A 27-year-old man was seriously injured in a dramatic single-vehicle car accident early Saturday morning in Phelps County that ended up splitting a pickup truck in half, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash...
Man injured in multi-motorcycle collision
TROY, MO – A man from St. Peters was injured Wednesday in a multi-motorcycle accident in Lincoln County, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened just before 1 p.m. on Pauls Myer Road, near Route E, when...
Two injured in St. Charles Co. T-bone crash
WELDON SPRING, MO (ST. CHARLES COUNTY) – Two people were injured in an accident at an intersection in St. Charles County Tuesday evening, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened at Missouri Highway 94 and Siedentop Road...
Downtown bomb threat closes multiple streets
ST. LOUIS, MO – Investigators closed multiple streets in the downtown area Wednesday afternoon as they investigated a possible bomb threat, according to Fox 2 Now. A suspicious package was reported to authorities in the 1400 block of Olive Street,...
71-year-old man injured in Jefferson County rear-end collision
FESTUS, MO – A 71-year-old man was injured after he rear-ended another vehicle Tuesday afternoon in Jefferson County. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the crash happened just after 1 p.m. at the intersection of Meyer Road and U.S....
Man on tractor hurt after woman backs car into him
BLACKWELL, MO (WASHINGTON COUNTY) – A man operating a tractor was hurt Tuesday morning after another vehicle collided with him in Washington County, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident occurred at 11:15 a.m. on Campground Road, located...
Texas man injured after two semi-trucks collide in Franklin County
SULLIVAN, MO (FRANKLIN COUNTY) – A collision between two semi-trucks Wednesday morning in Franklin County led to one man being airlifted to the hospital, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened in the eastbound lanes of Interstate...
16-year-old boy seriously hurt in Wentzville motorcycle crash
WENTZVILLE, MO – A teenage boy was seriously injured in a motorcycle accident Wednesday morning in St. Charles County, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened just before 7:30 a.m. at the intersection of Dietrich Road and...
Man hurt in I-70 rollover crash in NW St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO – A 22-year-old man was hurt Tuesday morning in a rollover car accident on Interstate 70 in northwest St. Louis, according to a crash report published by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The collision occurred in the...
Woman injured, car totaled in Lake St. Louis car accident
LAKE ST. LOUIS, MO – A woman from Lake St. Louis was injured Sunday morning in a car accident on Interstate 70, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened at 11:15 a.m. in the westbound lanes of...
Rural Missouri doctor loses license after amputating patient’s toe on porch
DEEPWATER, MO (HENRY COUNTY) – A doctor in Missouri had his medical license revoked after amputating a patient’s toe on his office porch in Deepwater, located in Henry County, in the western part of the state. According to Fox 2...
Pedestrian hospitalized after being hit by car in Overland
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="1920"] Photo Credit: FOX 2 Now[/caption] OVERLAND, MO – A person was taken to the hospital following a pedestrian accident this morning in the Overland area, according to a report by Fox 2 Now. The accident occurred...
Pilot injured in Lake of the Ozarks plane crash
LAKE OZARK, MO – A pilot suffered injuries after a small plane crashed into the Lake of the Ozarks yesterday, according to KZRG. The pilot of the craft swam to land and suffered minor injuries during the accident. The accident...
7-year-old boy, 3 adults injured in head-on collision in Warren County
WRIGHT CITY, MO (WARREN COUNTY) – Four people, including a 7-year-old boy, were injured last night in Warren County in a head-on collision on Route F. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the crash occurred at 9:15 p.m. on...
Woman injured in accident on Route AT
VILLA RIDGE, MO (FRANKLIN COUNTY) – A woman was injured yesterday afternoon following a car accident on Route AT in Franklin County, according to a crash report posted by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred just before 1...
Three injured in Lake of the Ozarks boat explosion
LAKE OZARK, MO – A boat explosion Sunday at Lake of the Ozarks led to three people being hurt, one of them seriously, according to KMZU. O’Fallon woman Debra Kiely was standing on a dock while the boat stopped for...
Two teens injured in Wentzville I-70 crash
WENTZVILLE, MO – Two teenagers were injured in a single-vehicle car accident on Interstate 70 Monday morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened at 7:10 a.m. in the eastbound lanes of I-70, on the ramp to...
Mayor Krewson announces traffic changes following fatal Monday accident
ST. LOUIS, MO – The mayor of St. Louis, Lyda Krewson, has announced changes to the roadways in the downtown area following a series of fatal crashes of late, including one on Monday that claimed the life of a teenage...
Man seriously injured in Route FF motorcycle accident
EUREKA, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – A man from Robertsville was seriously injured Sunday afternoon in a motorcycle accident on Highway FF, according to a crash report published by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident occurred near Cedar Bend at...
Two women injured in wrong-way crash on Highway 370
ST. PETERS, MO – Two people were injured Sunday morning as a result of a wrong-way collision in St. Charles County, reports the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened at 12:51 a.m. on Highway 370, near Salt River Road,...
19-year-old seriously injured after colliding with pole
FENTON, MO – A 19-year-old was seriously hurt in a single-vehicle collision on Highway 30 early Sunday morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened in the eastbound lanes of the highway, at the intersection with Delores...
Car crashes into Richmond Heights building, leaves two dead
RICHMOND HEIGHTS, MO – Two people died after a car collided against a building Friday night in the Richmond Heights area, according to KMOV. The crash happened at about 10:30 p.m. near the intersection of Big Bend and Clayton Road...
St. Louis man drowns in Crawford County river
BOURBON, MO (CRAWFORD COUNTY) – A 36-year-old man drowned Saturday in the Meramec River despite the efforts of a group of people to revive him, according to KJFF. The victim, St. Louis man Karl Gander, was spotted just after 3...
17-year-old dead, multiple injured in rear-end collision on Washington Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO – A collision between a pickup truck and a car led to the death of a teenage girl and multiple injuries this morning, according to KSDK. The accident happened at the intersection of 10th Street North and...
Two injured when Ferrari crashes on I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO – Two people were injured Saturday night in a car accident on Interstate 55, according to a crash report published by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened at 7:15 p.m. in the southbound lanes of...
Park Hills man ejected, injured in rollover motorcycle accident
ST. FRANCOIS TOWNSHIP, MO (ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY) – A man was airlifted to the hospital after being ejected from a motorcycle in a collision in St. Francois County Saturday night. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the crash happened...
Two men hurt in single-vehicle accident in Jefferson County
BIG RIVER TOWNSHIP, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – Two men were injured in a single-vehicle crash Saturday morning in Jefferson County, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened on Jones Creek Road near Oermann Road at 10:20 a.m....
Woman seriously hurt in Ste. Genevieve rear-end collision
STE. GENEVIEVE, MO (STE. GENEVIEVE COUNTY) – A woman was seriously injured in a three-vehicle collision Saturday morning in Ste. Genevieve County, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred at 10:40 a.m. at the intersection of Village...
Byrnes Mill man injured in I-44 car accident
HIGH RIDGE, MO – A man from Byrnes Mill was injured Friday afternoon after a vehicle collided with a tree in St. Louis County, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened at 4:40 p.m. on the westbound...
Minnesota man seriously injured in truck rollover accident
WARRENTON, MO (WARREN COUNTY) – A man from Minnesota was seriously injured Saturday afternoon after a semi-truck overturned on Interstate 70, according to a crash report published by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened just before 4 p.m....
Two injured in Lake Saint Louis single-vehicle crash
LAKE SAINT LOUIS, MO – Two people were injured in a single-vehicle car crash Saturday morning in St. Charles County, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened at 5:50 a.m. on Interstate 70, near Lake Saint Louis...
Imperial woman hurt after vehicle backs into hers
WINDSOR TOWNSHIP, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – A woman from Imperial was injured Friday afternoon after another car backed into hers in Jefferson County, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened just before 4 p.m. on Miller Road,...
St. Clair motorcyclist hurt after collision in Franklin County
HILLSBORO, MO (FRANKLIN COUNTY) – A motorcyclist was seriously injured Friday afternoon in a crash in Franklin County, according to a report published by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened at 1 p.m. at the intersection of Routes...
Three injured in Jefferson Co. chain-reaction crash
FENTON, MO – Three people, including an 18-year-old, were injured in a chain-reaction collision yesterday afternoon in Fenton. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident happened at the intersection of Highway 30 and Old Sugar Creek Road at...
Jefferson Co. officer dragged by car during drug arrest
BIG RIVER TOWNSHIP, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – An officer was dragged by a vehicle after his arm got stuck in a car door during a drug-related arrest Friday. According to KSDK, the incident happened at about 1:30 a.m. when a...
Man’s body found inside crashed vehicle in S St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO – Authorities are trying to determine what led to a man being found dead inside a vehicle Wednesday in south St. Louis, according to Fox 2 Now. The victim, who has yet to be publicly identified pending...
St. Louis man dead in Jefferson Co. car accident
ARNOLD, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – A man from St. Louis is dead following a single-vehicle accident Friday morning in Jefferson County, according to KSDK. The crash happened on Interstate 55, near Richardson Road and Vogel Road, when St. Louis man...
Woman riding scooter injured in downtown crash
ST. LOUIS, MO – A woman on a scooter was hurt Friday after being struck by a vehicle downtown, according to KSDK. The accident happened near the intersection of North 7th Street and Washington Avenue, a little after midnight. The...
Florida man, 76, hurt in Ste. Genevieve Co. car crash
BLOOMSDALE, MO (STE. GENEVIEVE COUNTY) – A 76-year-old man from Florida was hurt Thursday morning in a car accident on Interstate 55 in Ste. Genevieve County, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The collision happened at 8:40 a.m. in...
Man from Hermann seriously injured in Warren Co. single-vehicle crash
HERMANN, MO (WARREN COUNTY) – A man from Hermann was seriously injured in a crash on Missouri 94 in Warren County Wednesday afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened at 2:25 p.m. on MO-94, near Route...
Three people injured in wet-weather crash in Jefferson Co.
HIGH RIDGE, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – Three young people, including a 19-year-old, were injured Thursday afternoon in a car accident partially caused by wet weather conditions. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident happened on Little Antire Road,...
Man and 15-year-old passenger injured in Pike Co. multi-vehicle accident
LOUISIANA, MO (PIKE COUNTY) – Two people, including a 15-year-old boy, were injured Thursday afternoon in a car accident in Pike County, reports the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened at 3:35 p.m. at the intersection of U.S. Highway...
Springfield man injured in accident after falling asleep while driving
POWELLVILLE, MO (PHELPS COUNTY) – A man from Springfield was injured Wednesday morning in a car accident in Phelps County caused by falling asleep at the wheel. According to a crash report published by the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the...
Woman injured in Maries Co. T-bone accident
BELLE, MO (MARIES COUNTY) – A woman from Bland was injured last night in a T-bone car accident in Maries County, according to a crash report published by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred at 6:10 p.m. in...
73-year-old man injured in Gravois Rd rollover accident
HOUSE SPRINGS, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – A 73-year-old man was injured Sunday afternoon in a rollover accident in Jefferson County, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened at 2:05 p.m. at Gravois Road, near Terrace Drive and...
Wentzville teen injured in I-70 car crash
O'FALLON, MO – A teenage boy from Wentzville was injured Tuesday morning in a car accident on Interstate 70 in O'Fallon. According to a crash report published by the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident happened just after 8 a.m....
Teen and adult hurt in Jefferson County head-on collision
WINDSOR TOWNSHIP, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – Two people were injured after a teenage driver struck another vehicle head-on Monday morning in Jefferson County. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident happened just before 10 a.m. on Old Lemay...
Cade man seriously hurt after being ejected from ATV
CADET, MO (WASHINGTON COUNTY) – A Cade man was seriously injured after being ejected from an ATV in Washington County last night. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident happened just before 8:30 p.m. in the northbound lane...
Barnhart man injured in rear-end crash near Franklin County
PACIFIC, MO (ST. LOUIS COUNTY) – A man was injured following a rear-end collision yesterday morning on Interstate 44 near the border of Franklin and St. Louis Counties, according to a crash report published by the Missouri State Highway Patrol....
23-year-old man seriously injured in I-255 rear-end crash
ST. LOUIS, MO – A man was seriously injured after being involved in a rear-end collision in St. Louis yesterday afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident occurred at 12:40 p.m. in the eastbound lanes of Interstate...
Man injured after driving off road to avoid collision on HWY 100
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - A man was injured after skidding off the road to avoid a wrong-way driver on Highway 100 Tuesday morning, the Missouri State Highway Patrol. Chris Smiley, 48, was traveling west of Decker Road in a 2001...
Teen seriously injured in US 54 two-vehicle collision
PIKE COUNTY, MO - A male teen was injured when another vehicle hit the front side of the vehicle he was traveling in Monday afternoon on US 54, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. While traveling across Kelly Lane the...
Towed vehicle rear-ended on I-270
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO - Two people were injured after a vehicle assisting officers was rear-ended on the side of Interstate 270 Sunday afternoon, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. Haleigh Stevenson, 23, pulled over her 2005 Chevrolet Silverado 3500...
One injured in two-vehicle collision in Jefferson County
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - A woman was injured in a two-vehicle collision on Elm Drive Sunday afternoon, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. The incident occurred shortly before 2:55 p.m., when an eastbound Chevrolet Sonic left the roadway, crashed into...
Man injured after vehicle overturns in Jefferson county
Female injured in rear-ending near Circle Dr
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - A two-vehicle accident injured one woman after her vehicle rear-ended another on Route O Sunday morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. A 2019 Chevrolet Trax was travelling near Circle Drive when it failed to...
Farmington man killed when vehicle overturns on Highway AA
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY. MO - A man was killed Sunday morning after driving his truck off the left side of Highway AA and rolling over, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. The incident occurred at 9:30 a.m., when 18-year-old Wyatt...
Two women injured in crash on US 61
WENTZVILLE, MO - Two women were injured when their 2013 Ford Focus collided with a trailer being towed by the Volvo V3 in front of them. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the collision occurred shortly before 7 p.m....
Teen injured in Perry County ATV accident
PERRY COUNTY, MO - A teenage boy was injured on Saturday when he flipped his ATV on a county road southwest of Menfro. The Missouri State Highway Patrol reports that the unnamed 15-year-old was driving his 2014 Polaris Sportsman too...
ROUTE OO head-on collision kills one and seriously injures another
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO - One person was killed and another was seriously injured Saturday in a head-on collision on Route OO, southeast of Farmington. According to a report filed by the Missouri State Highway Patrol, 71-year-old Sandra Gallagher was...
Two-vehicle collision leaves one injured at Highway F
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - A man was injured Saturday afternoon when a minivan struck his motorcycle south of New Melle, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. James Crain was driving north on Highway F near Callaway Ridge Drive...
Two injured after vehicle overturns on Stoney Point Road
WASHINGTON COUNTY, MO - Two people were injured Saturday when their motorcycle left the roadway and overturned. According to a report filed by the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the incident occurred on Stoney Point Road, west of LaPorte Road, shortly...
Man seriously injured in single-vehicle crash on I-170
ST. LOUIS, MO - A man was seriously injured when his car ran off the side of I-170 and crashed into a sign Saturday morning. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the incident occurred on southbound I-170, just south...
Driver killed in single-vehicle accident in New Melle
NEW MELLE, MO - One man was killed and a second was injured in a single-vehicle accident Saturday, according to a report filed by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. Anthony Huddleston was driving south on Route Z when he lost...
St. Peters man injured in Route 370 hit-and-run
ST. PETERS, MO – A man was injured Friday night in St. Peters after being rear-ended by another vehicle that then fled the scene. The accident happened at 9:26 p.m. on Missouri Route 370, near Salt River Road, according to...
Man dead, woman seriously injured in Farmington head-on collision
FARMINGTON, MO (ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY) – A 39-year-old man was killed and a 71-year-old woman was airlifted to the hospital following a crash Saturday afternoon in St. Francois County. According to a crash report published by the Missouri State Highway...
Teenage boy dead in Blue Springs car crash
BLUE SPRINGS, MO – An 18-year-old is dead following a single-vehicle accident in Blue Springs this morning, according to a crash report published by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened at 9:30 a.m. at 1835 Highway AA, when...
O’Fallon man injured in St. Charles County crash
NEW MELLE, MO (ST. CHARLES COUNTY) – An O’Fallon man was sent to the hospital after a crash Saturday afternoon in St. Charles County. According to a crash report published by the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident happened just...
One dead, one seriously injured in St. Charles County rollover accident
WENTZVILLE, MO (ST. CHARLES COUNTY) – A man is dead and another is in serious condition after a car accident in St. Charles County early this morning , according to a crash report published by the Missouri State Highway Patrol....
Two-vehicle accident in St. Charles County injured one
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - A woman was injured at Riverlands Way Wednesday night when the front of her car was hit by an oncoming vehicle, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. The accident occurred at 10:45 p.m. when a...
Novartis to Pay $642 Million for Kickbacks, Medicare Schemes
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation has agreed to pay more than $642 million to settle two separate claims brought by the U.S. Department of Justice that the company violated the False Claims Act. According to the lawsuits filed against the pharmacy giant,...
Fatal SUV and van accident backs up traffic on I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO — A fatal accident on Interstate 55 Thursday afternoon backed up traffic for multiple hours, KSDK reports. Officials report that the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department responded to a call around 2:35 p.m on the northbound lanes...
Two seriously injured after rear-ended vehicle hits rock
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO — Two people are seriously injured after their vehicle was hit and then flipped over on US 67 Wednesday night, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. While traveling south of Route JJ on the roadway a 2013...
Driver overcorrected on I-70 and hit another vehicle
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO - A male driver was injured when he was hit in his 2012 Chevrolet Malibu by a 2009 Chevrolet Cobalt and then collided with the median on I-70 Wednesday afternoon, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports....
Head-on collision reported in Franklin County
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - Three people were injured after their vehicle was hit head-on Wednesday afternoon on Route FF, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. A 2010 GMC drove in front of a 2006 Jeep Wrangler while attempting to make...
Tractor overturned on Missouri 21 leaving one injured
WASHINGTON COUNTY, MO - The driver of a tractor was injured on Missouri 21 when his vehicle went off the side of the road and flipped Wednesday morning, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. Earl Woodward, 61, was conducting a...
Two men seriously injured in truck accident on Highway 76
AVA, MO -Both a truck driver and passenger were injured in a crash Monday on Highway 76, the Douglas County Herald reports. Officials report that a 1992 FORD F250 driven by 70-year-old Ronnie Williams veered off the side of the...
Two in custody after hitting parked car and police cruiser
ST. LOUIS, MO – A driver is in custody after striking a police vehicle and another vehicle early Thursday on Tennesse Avenue, FOX2Now reports. According to officials, at 12:30 a.m. a driver hit the driver’s side rear door of a...
Two injured after truck crashes into St. Louis Health Center
MEHLVILLE, MO - Two people were injured after a truck crashed into a local health center Thursday, KMOV reports. According to authorities, emergency crews arrived on scene at South County Health Center at 11:30 a.m., where a truck had crashed...
Two in critical condition after vehicle crashes into home in St. Louis County
OLD JAMESTOWN, MO - Two people were transported to the hospital in critical condition after their car ran into a house Thursday afternoon, KSDK reports. Officers arrived at the 3900 block of Del Lago Drive at 1:50 p.m. and found...
Multiple vehicles rear-ended along Highway 94
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - A distracted driving rear-ended one vehicle causing it to force two other vehicles into each other Wednesday morning on Highway 94, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. Terry Ammel, 67, failed to pay attention as...
Driver seriously injured after swerving in and out of highway lanes and crashing
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO -  A motorist was seriously injured when he overturned his vehicle on Route MM Tuesday night, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. At 11:20 p.m. Herbert Carpenter was headed west at Buckeye Valley Road in a 2006...
Improperly parked vehicle rear-ended and flipped over in St. Francois County
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO - A man was injured after his vehicle rear-ended and then flipped over on US 67 Tuesday night, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. Officials said Jose Bustamantz improperly parked his 1995 Chevrolet S-10 and it...
Vehicle overturns and partially ejects driver at Country Trails Lane
LINCOLN COUNTY, MO - A male driver was seriously injured after he lost control of his vehicle and was ejected in a crash on Highway U Tuesday afternoon, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. Paul Bruning III, 27, was traveling...
Distracted driver hits utility pole and tree north of Coyote Lane
WASHINGTON COUNTY, MO - The driver of a 1994 GMC Sierra was moderately injured after failing to pay attention and driving off the road hitting a utility pole and tree Tuesday afternoon north of Coyote Lane, the Missouri State Highway...
Passengers moderately injured in rear-ending accident in Washington County
WASHINGTON COUNTY, MO - Two passengers were injured when their vehicle rear-ended another on Missouri 8 Friday afternoon, the Daily Journal Online reports. A 2009 Hyundai Sonata driven by Charles D. Moentmann, 28, was traveling eastbound at Germania Road when...
St. Louis county man killed in Colorado highway crash
FALCON, CO. — A head-on collision killed a Missouri man and injured four others on Highway 24 Monday afternoon, FOX 21 News reports. The accident occurred at 5 p.m. between Garrett Road and Constitution Avenue when a GMC pickup truck...
St. Louis man involved in two-vehicle accident that injures bystander
REYNOLDS COUNTY, MO - A St. Louis man struggled to manage a turn, rear-ended a vehicle, and hit a nearby pedestrian Tuesday afternoon on Highway 21, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. At 4:30 p.m., a 2016 Toyota Highlander hit...
Is Your Gas Grill Safe?
When you fire up the grill for a BBQ this weekend, make sure it’s safe to do so. Your propane grill could be a ticking time bomb. From faulty gas lines, grease build up, and distracted cooks, propane grills are...
Female driver passes away in fiery vehicle accident on I-55
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - A female driver died Tuesday morning after her 2000 Ford Expedition skidded into a concrete bridge on I-55, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. The accident occurred at 10:55 a.m. when 32-year-old Rachael Bailey veered off...
Man in serious condition after his vehicle goes airborne in Washington County
WASHINGTON COUNTY, MO - A driver is injured after his 2000 Lincoln Towncar veered off the road and had multiple collisions on Cedar Creek early Tuesday, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. At 1 a.m. north of Rieffer Road, 57-year-old...
Fatal accident on Page Avenue after driver runs red light
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO -  One man is dead and three others are seriously injured after a driver sped down the interstate and ran a red light early Tuesday morning, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. The incident occurred at...
Driver and vehicle occupant injured after back-to-back collisions
STE. GENEVIEVE COUNTY, MO - Two people were injured after the driver of a 2017 Kia Sorento lost control of the vehicle on I-55 and got in multiple collisions, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. The accident occurred Monday at...
Motorcyclist injured after bike flips over due to failed turn on Plass Road
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - A male driver was injured after failing to properly execute a turn and flipping his motorcycle on Plass Road Monday afternoon, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. Shawn Niccum was riding his 2020 Yamaha YZF-R3 near...
Female injured speeding during unsafe conditions on Highway 370
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO - A female driver sustained moderate injuries after speeding down Highway 370 during unsafe conditions Monday morning, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. Katlin Worland was traveling westbound in a 2007 Kia Rondo when she lost...
Two injured after driver falls asleep at the wheel and hits multiple signs
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO - Two people are injured after a driver fell asleep at the wheel and crashed into multiple signs on Highway 67 Sunday night, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. Joshua Dilbeck, 27, was driving a 2010...
17-Year-Old Dies in UTV accident southeast of Route O
SALINE COUNTY, MO - A female teenager passed away after she and another rider were ejected from an overturned UTV at 270th Road Monday afternoon, Marshall News reports. Sydnee M. Soendker, 17, and Katelin R. Stiles, 17, were in a...
Mental Check-In: Are You Emotionally Exhausted?
It’s a crazy time to be a human. Adjusting and adapting to a global pandemic is exhausting, and there is no rule book to tell us how to do it. Many of our personal injury and mass tort clients have...
Two injured in Franklin County rollover accident
ROBERTSVILLE, MO (FRANKLIN COUNTY) – Two people were injured Sunday morning as a result of a rollover accident in Franklin County, according to a crash report provided by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened on Holtwick Trail and...
21-year-old man critically injured in Jefferson Co. motorcycle accident
MERAMEC, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – A young man was seriously injured Sunday afternoon in a single-vehicle motorcycle accident in Jefferson County. According to a crash report provided by the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred at noon on Lynch...
Woman injured after suffering medical emergency while driving in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO - A woman was injured in a single-vehicle accident after suffering a medical emergency while driving westbound on I-44 Sunday night, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. As 32-year-old Tabetha Korman was traveling west of Missouri 141...
Driver ejected after vehicle skids and overturns at Old Fredericktown Road
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO - A man was seriously injured after his motorcycle skidded and flipped over in an attempt to make a turn Saturday night, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. The incident occurred at 7 p.m. on Kollmeyer...
SUV rear-ends vehicle slowed for animal north of Henson Road
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO - A female driver was injured after her 2011 Chevrolet Impala was rear-ended Friday afternoon north of Henson Road, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. The accident occurred at 4:55 p.m. on Southbound 221 as a...
Teen injured after hitting vehicle in construction zone
MONROE COUNTY, MO. — A 19-year-old male was injured after rear-ending a semi-truck in a construction zone in Paris Wednesday afternoon, KTVO reports. The accident happened just before 1:45 p.m., one mile west of Stoutsville, when Michael Pollitt drove his...
Three injured in Jefferson County head-on collision
DE SOTO, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – Three people were injured today in a head-on collision in Jefferson County, according to a crash report published by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened at 12:15 p.m. on Route E, near...
Pedestrian hit and killed by SUV in Kansas City
KANSAS CITY, MO - An SUV hit and killed a pedestrian near 75th Street Saturday morning, the Kansas City Star reports. The incident occurred around 4 a.m. on The Paseo parkway while the victim was standing near their car and...
Driver hits light pole on Kingshighway
ST. LOUIS, MO – A vehicle hit a light pole on Kingshighway Boulevard early Friday morning, FOX 2 Now reports. The accident occurred around 2:30 a.m. at the intersection of Page Boulevard, when an unnamed driver hit the light pole...
Road improvement project to close I-270 exit ramp for one month
ST. LOUIS, MO  – A roadwork project on I-270 will close roads for one month starting Monday at 9 a.m., FOX 2 Now reports. According to the Missouri Department of Transportation road crews will close Dunn Road and the westbound...
Train derailment partially closes Highway WW
MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MO - A train derailed in New Florence Sunday morning caused traffic adjustments in the area, KY3 reports. Investigators say the accident occurred at 7:25 a.m. on Highway WW. No hazardous materials were involved and no one was...
Annapolis man seriously injured in St. Francois motorcycle crash
ST. FRANCOIS TOWNSHIP, MO (ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY) – A man was seriously injured Saturday night after being thrown from his motorcycle in St. Francois County. According to a crash report posted by the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident happened...
Two injured after car crashes into tree in Franklin County
STANTON, MO (FRANKLIN COUNTY) – Two people were injured in an accident this morning in Franklin County when a vehicle crashed into a tree. According to a crash report published by the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred just...
Two-vehicle accident on Natural Bridge Ave injures several
ST. LOUIS, MO - Multiple people were injured in a two-vehicle crash at North Newstead and Natural Bridge Friday morning, FOX 2 Now reports. Officials report the accident happened at 12:45 a.m. at the intersection. The details of the accident...
Poor weather conditions cause driver to lose control and hit two trees
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - A male driver is injured after poor weather conditions caused him to lose control of the vehicle Friday afternoon on Highway 100, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. Mason Piccinino, 18, was driving east at Oak...
Vehicle rear-ended after driver fails to yield
WASHINGTON COUNTY, MO - Three people were injured after the vehicle they were riding in was rear-ended Friday afternoon on Missouri 8, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. Charles Moentmann, 28, was making a left turn at Germania Road in...
Unknown driver loses control of vehicle and crashes into tree off road
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - A woman was seriously injured Friday morning when the vehicle she was riding in drove off Whiskey Creek Road and hit a tree. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol,  at 4 a.m. 40-year-old Jennifer Phipps...
Failed U-turn attempt leaves one injured
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - A woman was injured after her vehicle was hit by another vehicle attempting to make a U-turn on Highway 79 Thursday night, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. At 9:14 p.m. near Firma Road, the...
Vehicle fire on I-70 leaves driver injured
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - The driver of a 2013 Mack Chu was injured after the vehicle caught fire Thursday night on I-70, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. David Mustain, 45, was traveling westbound at mile marker 225 when...
Driver seriously injured after hitting trees exiting highway
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - A man was seriously injured Thursday night when he drove a 2001 Ford F-250 off the Highway Z roadway and hit a tree, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. Officials say David Falkenbury, 47, was driving...
Driver hit by St. Louis man who failed to yield on Highway 17
PULASKI COUNTY, MO - A teenager was injured on Highway 17 Thursday night after a St. Louis man crashed into the vehicle in which he was a passenger, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. A male 15-year-old was inside a...
Multi-vehicle accident on Metropolitan Boulevard leaves many injured
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - Multiple people were injured in to a three-vehicle collision on Metropolitan Boulevard Thursday evening , the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. A 2016 Dodge Ram was traveling south of Engle Creek Road when it strayed into...
Driver runs red light, collides head-on with another vehicle
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - Both the driver and occupant of a 2000 Chevrolet Trailblazer were injured after their vehicle was struck in an intersection on US 67 Thursday afternoon, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. After 23-year-old Mark Madison-Lewis made...
Distracted driver rear-ends vehicle in Dardenne
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - A female driver was injured after her car was rear-ended Thursday morning on Route N in Dardenne, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. The driver of a 2017 Jeep Wrangler was following too closely behind...
Speeding vehicle hits several trees, injuring driver
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - A driver was injured Thursday morning after speeding off Route HH and hitting multiple trees, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. Midge Castillo, 28, was headed southbound down the highway when dangerous conditions caused him to...
Driver injured after vehicle hydroplanes and crashes into guardrail
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - Slippery road conditions contributed to an accident that injured a male driver Thursday morning, as his vehicle hydroplaned and hit a guardrail on Highway 370, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. Brandon Bailey, 28, was...
St. Louis man rear-ended at stop sign
PHELPS COUNTY, MO - A St. Louis man suffered minor injuries from a collision at the intersection of McCutchen Drive and College Hills Drive Wednesday afternoon, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. At 1:06 p.m., a 2018 GMC Acadia made...
St. Louis woman injured after vehicle hydroplanes and crashes
CALLAWAY COUNTY, MO - A St. Louis woman was injured after her vehicle hydroplaned and collided with a second vehicle Wednesday afternoon on I-70, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. Laura Denneny, 30, was traveling westbound in her 2010 Nissan...
Distracted driver rear-ends vehicle on I-55
STE. GENEVIEVE COUNTY, MO - A female driver was injured Wednesday evening after her vehicle was rear-ended on Interstate 55, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. Renee Tlapek, 64, was headed southbound on the interstate at 6:10 p.m. when the...
Fatal motorcycle crash reported in St. Francois County
ST FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO – A motorcyclist died Wednesday night when he drove off the US 67 roadway southwest of Farmington and was thrown from his vehicle, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. Michael Massey, 24, was riding his 1992...
Federal Judge: 3M Must Face Plaintiffs in Military Earplugs Cases
U.S. District Court Judge M. Casey Rodgers made the first substantial ruling in thousands of cases filed against 3M for hearing damage caused by faulty earplugs. In her decision, issued Friday, July 24, Judge Rodgers found that 3M cannot use...
Missouri Courts Plan Re-Opening
When coronavirus arrived in the United States in March, effects of the lockdown crippled both the public and private sectors. The nation’s court system was no exception, as in-person hearings and jury trials were halted across the country. Civil and...
Truvada Trial Affected by COVID-19
As COVID-19 continues to impact in-person court action, bellwether trials for mass torts and other civil court cases will likely be postponed. These continuations include a bellwether trial previously slated to be heard next winter, in January 2022, against Gilead...
Two teens injured after golf car overturns
STE. GENEVIEVE, MO - According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, two teens were seriously injured after their golf car overturned on an uneven road Sunday. The incident occurred in the 126000 block of Tall Pine Drive shortly before 6:40...
Distracted driver loses control causing multi-vehicle accident east of Big Bend Road
ST. LOUIS, MO - A driver lost control of his SUV while driving on I-44 east of Big Bend Road Wednesday afternoon. The vehicle traveled across the roadway and hit two other vehicles, the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident...
One injured after driver loses control and flips vehicle
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - A woman was seriously injured Wednesday afternoon when the 2003 Chevrolet Silverado she was riding in drove off the Missouri 21 roadway and overturned. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident happened at 2:02...
Multiple injuries reported after car hits median barrier on I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO - Multiple people were injured when their vehicle collided with a median barrier on Interstate 55 south of Interstate 270 Wednesday morning, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. According to officials, Jeremy Jones was driving northbound at...
Car ruptures gas main after hitting building
ST. LOUIS – A driver broke a gas main after crashing into a building in South City Friday morning, FOX 2 Now reports. The incident took place at 5 a.m. near Gravois Avenue and California Avenue, officials say. Police report...
Teen killed after falling from vehicle in Madison Co
MADISON COUNTY, MO - A young teen was killed after falling out of a truck on County Road 208, the Daily Journal Online reports. According to a report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the incident occurred five miles east...
One injured in two-vehicle accident on Highway 50
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - Two Ford trucks collided on Highway 50 Monday afternoon after one driver failed to yield to the other, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. Officials said the driver of a eastbound 2013 Ford F-150 made a...
Driver hits fallen tree on Highway 94
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - An elderly man was injured after hitting a tree in the road on Highway 94, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. Authorities said Kenneth Pingle, 70, was headed westbound of Howell Road when a tree...
Fallen power lines block I-270 in Florissant
NORTH ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO - Fallen power lines blocked traffic on I-270 for several hours Friday morning, KMOV4 reports. The downed lines were reported around 8 a.m. and were blocking the eastbound lanes of the interstate at the intersection...
Fatal multi-vehicle crash reported on I-255 in Madison Co
MADISON COUNTY, IL - Unsteady driving conditions caused by rain led to a three-vehicle crash on I-255 east of St. Louis that left one person dead and two hospitalized, RiverBender.com reports. According to a preliminary investigation by officials, the driver...
Seven-vehicle crash creates blockage on US 24
PARIS, MO - A seven-vehicle crash on US 24 Tuesday morning hospitalized two people, the Herald-Whig reports. Authorities report the incident occurred in a construction zone around 9:30 a.m. The accident blocked all traffic on the highway. A tractor-trailer failed...
Driver injured navigating through moving water
JOHNSON COUNTY, MO - A driver was injured after his vehicle overturned while he was driving through moving water, KMZU reports. According to officials, the accident took place Monday on 58 Highway, south of 50 Highway. Loren Moore, 43, was...
Cameron residents injured in two-vehicle accident on Route EE
CAMERON, MO - A driver failed to yield to another vehicle making a left turn north of Cameron Tuesday night, causing the two to collide, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. Officials say the incident occurred at 5:55 p.m. on...
Woman injured after vehicle overturns on Route H
DESOTO, MO - One woman sustained moderate injuries after her vehicle overturned Monday night, the Leader Paper reports. According to authorities, Jessica Cole, 43, was driving a 2004 Chevrolet Impala on Highway H west of Maness Road at around 10:50...
Driver fails to stop at red light causing two-vehicle collision
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - A man crashed his car into the front of another vehicle after failing to stop at a red light on Catlin Road Tuesday night, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. The incident happened at 7:30 p.m.,...
Woman seriously injured in rollover accident on Dunn Road
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO - A female driver is seriously injured after rolling over her vehicle east of Missouri 367 on Sunday, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports.  Officials report that Ronya Hagens, 52, lost control of a 2016 Toyota...
Two injured in single-vehicle crash on Route N
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - A woman lost control of her vehicle and hit a ditch near Finny Lake Drive Sunday, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports.  Two people were injured in the accident. Authorities report the accident occurred at 11:03...
Multiple vehicles rear-ended east of Prospect Road
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - A multi-vehicle rear-ending on Westbound 64 left one driver injured, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports.  The accident happened Friday afternoon at 3:28 p.m. east of Prospect road, officials say, when a 2000 Dodge Dakota...
One injured in two-vehicle collision on Route P
ST. CHARLES, MO - A female driver was injured when her car collided with a vehicle trying to pass hers Friday afternoon, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports.  Officials say that a 2001 Ford F150 and 1991 Chevrolet S10 were...
Franklin County man injured after hitting median barrier
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, a driver was injured after hitting a cable median barrier on I-44 Friday. At 7:05 a.m. Tyler Black, 20, attempted to overtake a tractor-trailer near mile marker 229 and then...
Driver injured after losing control of vehicle hitting mailboxes
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - A driver has minor injuries after losing control of his vehicle during a turn and hitting multiple mailboxes, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. Officials say that Theodore Dunham, 54, was driving a 2014 Chevrolet 1500...
Highway 61 closed due to high-speed chase standoff
LINCOLN COUNTY, MO - A high-speed chase ending in a police standoff closed Highway 61 for several hours Sunday, News 4 reports. Officers say they started to pursue a driver speeding at more than 100 MPH at around 10:30 a.m....
Teen hits pedestrian, claims it was accidental
ST. LOUIS, MO. – A female teenager claims she didn't see the man she hit with her vehicle late Sunday, FOX 2 Now reports. Police say the 17-year-old had a green light while driving on Chambers and Monarch when a...
Safe in the Pool: Water Safety Tips for Your Child
Now that the heat of the 2020 summer has landed in Missouri, families in St. Louis and beyond are looking for safe, socially distant ways to stay cool and have fun. Swimming pools, creeks, and rivers are a wonderful way...
Woman seriously injured in I-270 rollover crash
ST. LOUIS, MO – A woman was seriously injured Saturday night in a rollover crash on Interstate 270 after losing control of her vehicle, according to a crash report published by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened just...
22-year-old man seriously hurt in US-61 rollover crash
WENTZVILLE, MO (ST. CHARLES COUNTY) – A young man was seriously injured in a rollover accident early yesterday in St. Charles County, according to a crash report published by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened at 1:15 a.m....
Barnhart man dead in wrong-way collision on I-55
PEVELY, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – A man from Barnhart died last night as the result of a wrong-way collision on Interstate 55, according to a crash report published by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened at 11:34 p.m....
Man killed while walking alongside his bike in Sauget hit-and-run
SAUGET, IL – An East St. Louis man was killed while walking his bicycle along the side of the road in a hit-and-run accident in Sauget Wednesday night, according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. The accident happened at about 10...
One dead, four injured in Lake of the Ozarks BWI boating accident
CAMDEN COUNTY, MO – A man is facing charges following a boating accident that killed one woman and injured four other people in the Lake of the Ozarks this morning, according to KY3. The accident happened around midnight, according to...
Two teenage boys injured in Pike County rollover accident
CURRYVILLE, MISSOURI (PIKE COUNTY) – Two teenage boys were injured in an accident last night in Pike County when a car overturned, according to a crash report published by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened at 9:24 p.m....
Sedan rear-ends emergency tow vehicle on I-270
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO - A driver sustained injuries after rear-ending an emergency vehicle removing debris on Interstate 270 Thursday, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. The incident occurred at 8:50 a.m. yesterday morning. According to officials, the driver of...
Pedestrian hit on Missouri 30 near Cedar Hill
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, one person was struck by a vehicle and injured while walking westbound on Missouri 30. A pedestrian was walking in the westbound lane of  Missouri 30 at Local Hillsboro...
Head on collision on Highway F
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - One man was seriously injured after his motorcycle hit another vehicle head-on at the intersection of Highway F and Cattail Lane, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. Officials report that at 8:45 p.m. a Harley Davidson...
Rear-ended vehicle on I-44 and Elm
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO - According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, a woman was injured after her car was rear-ended while entering westbound Interstate 44. Officials report the accident occurred at 10:22 a.m. Wednesday. Rachel Bear, 24, was driving...
Vehicle on fire on I-44 right shoulder
ST. Louis, MO - According to a tweet from the Missouri Department of Transportation, a vehicle is on fire at I-44 at US 50/Union Jefferson City. The fire is reported to be on the right shoulder. VEHICLE FIRE I-44 WB...
Drivers prepare to stop due to accident on I-64
ST.LOUIS, MO — MoDOT St. Louis reported an accident on I-64 westbound to Walnut Street this afternoon, via its official Twitter feed. ACCIDENT I-64 WB TO WALNUT ST BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 16:48 — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Exit to Missouri 141 from I-44 blocked
ST. LOUIS, MO - MoDOT St. Louis reported via its official Twitter feed that the exit to Missouri 141 from westbound I-44 is closed. EXIT CLOSED I-44 WB TO MO 141 USE ALT ROUTE EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 17:05 — MoDOT...
Roadwork on I-64 through Thursday night
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to a tweet from the Missouri Department of Transportation, roadwork is being conducted on I-64 westbound on the ramp from Broadway. Officials ask drivers to be prepared to stop. ROADWORK I-64 WB ON RAMP FROM...
Roadwork reported on I-44 before I-50
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to a tweet from the Missouri Department of Transportation or MoDOT, roadwork is happening on I-44 eastbound before US 50. Officials state drivers should be prepared to stop.   ROADWORK I-44 EB BEFORE US 50...
Officials clear debris on 1-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - The Missouri Department of Transportation is reporting that debris has been cleared from I-70 westbound at Missouri 79. DEBRIS I-70 WB AT MO 79 CLEARED AT 15:05 — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) July 23, 2020 Officials...
Bonne man injured after vehicle hits tree
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO -  A one-vehicle accident on Route TT left a Bonne Terre man seriously injured, the Daily Journal Online reports. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred Tuesday at 5:39 a.m. when the driver of...
Traffic backed up due to tractor-trailer collision on I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO – A tractor-trailer crash on I-55 caused significant delays Wednesday, FOX 2 Now reports. The backup stretched almost two miles after a tractor-trailer collided with a black vehicle near Potomac and South Broadway, authorities report. Officials report...
Shooting follows car crash on I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO – A man is in critical condition after getting shot following a car accident Tuesday, KMOV reports. The accident occurred after the gunshot victim says another car hit his on Bates Street at Interstate 55. Both drivers...
Two-injured in two-vehicle accident on 115
ST. LOUIS, MO  – An accident involving a pick-up truck and motorcycle injured two people, Fox 2 Now reports. The crash occurred around 1:15 a.m. on Natural Bridge Avenue at Newstead. Witnesses said a pickup truck driver was speeding down...
Pedestrian dies in two-vehicle accident
ST. LOUIS (AP) — A man is dead after getting struck by two cars on Chambers Road, KMOV reports. Authorities report the accident occurred around 8:30 p.m. Tuesday when Cornell Mahr, 35, stepped off a sidewalk and walked into the...
Woman dead following multi-vehicle accident with stolen car
ST. LOUIS, MO — A woman died in a four-vehicle accident involving a stolen car, the Telegraph reports. The crash happened Tuesday when a stole Mitsubishi came speeding down the road and rear-ended another vehicle. The Mitsubishi then crossed several...
Left lane of I-44 closed for roadwork
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to a tweet from the Missouri Department of Transportation, roadwork is being conducted on I-44 eastbound before US 50. ROADWORK I-44 EB BEFORE US 50 LEFT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 7/23/2020 6:04 AM —...
Emergency vehicles respond to crash on I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO -   Emergency vehicles have responded to a crash on I-70 eastbound at Lindbergh Boulevard, MoDOT’s official Twitter account reported today at 5:57 p.m. EMERGENCY VEHICLES I-70 EB AT LINDBERGH BLVD 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Stalled vehicle on the shoulder of I-70 westbound
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to a Missouri Department of Transportation tweet, the right shoulder of I-70 at Branch Street is blocked by a stalled vehicle. STALLED VEHICLE I-70 WB AT BRANCH RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:58 PM —...
Right lane on I-64 closed due to stalled vehicle
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to a Missouri Department of Transportation tweet, the right lane of I-64 westbound before Mason Road is closed due to a stalled vehicle. STALLED VEHICLE I-64 WB BEFORE MASON RD RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE...
Teen injured in rear-end collision at Saddlebrook Parkway 
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - An unknown vehicle rear-ended the car of a teen driver on Seckman Road, Monday afternoon, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. The accident occurred at 12:25 p.m. when the unknown vehicle hit the a 2008 Chevrolet...
Vehicle rolls multiple times after driver loses control 
St. Charles County, MO - A driver is injured after running their vehicle off the road hitting an embankment then rolling multiple times, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. The accident occurred on Highway T at Humes Rd., Monday evening...
Vehicle overturns on I-70 near Jennings Stations
St. Louis, MO - According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, a driver on I-70 Monday evening lost control of their vehicle and crashed into a second vehicle, rolling over in the process. The accident occurred Monday at 8:54 p.m....
Two injured in head-on collision on US 67
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - Multiple people are injured due to a head-on collision Tuesday at Riverlands way, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. The accident happened at 11:05 a.m. when the driver of a 2015 Dodge Dart approached the...
Collision force pushes vehicle into guardrail on I-270 Tuesday
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, a driver is injured after their vehicle was struck by another car and forced into a guardrail on I-270. Officials report the accident happened east of W. Florissant Avenue...
Several injured in two-vehicle collision on US 67
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO - Two people are injured following a two-vehicle rear-end collision on US 67 Monday afternoon, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. lThe accident occurred at 1:05 PM at the intersection of Highway DD, when the driver...
Woman injured in rear-ending on Highway 79
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, one woman was injured in a rear-ending accident north of Dalbow Road.  Officials report that the driver of a 2005 Chevrolet Tahoe failed to notice that a 2005...
Multiple injured in two-car accident
ST. LOUIS, MO-  One person died and multiple people including two children were injured in a two-car accident, KMOV reports. Officials report the accident happened Monday just before 8:45 p.m. at N. Vandeventer and W. Belle. Four adults, three stable...
Additional lane closed on I-170 Roadwork
ST. LOUIS, MO - MoDOT St. Louis reported via its official Twitter feed that another right lane has been closed to roadwork on I-170 southbound past I-270.   ROADWORK I-170 SB PAST I-270 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Exit to Market Street from I-64 closed
ST. LOUIS, MO - MoDOT St. Louis reported via its official Twitter feed that exit to Market Street from westbound I-64 is closed. EXIT CLOSED I-64 WB TO MARKET ST USE ALT ROUTE EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:00 PM — MoDOT...
Stalled vehicle blocking right shoulder
ST.LOUIS, MO -According to a Missouri Department of Transportation tweet, the right shoulder of I-70 past Jennings Station Road is blocked by a stalled vehicle. STALLED VEHICLE I-70 WB PAST JENNINGS STA RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 12:17 PM...
Accident cleared near St. Louis Airport
ST. LOUIS, MO -  An accident was reported on westbound I-70 before Lambert-St. Louis Airport at 12:03 p.m. via MoDOT’s official Twitter feed. ACCIDENT I-70 WB BEFORE LAMBERT ST LOUIS AIRPORT CLEARED AT 12:01 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Multiple people electrocuted in south St. Louis
ST. LOUIS — Officials rushed four people to the hospital after being shocked by electricity Sunday night, KSDK reports. According to the St. Louis Fire Department, the incident happened at around 8:30 p.m. near the intersection of Louisiana Avenue and...
Car fire reported at Jefferson and I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO- Firefighters responded to a car fire near the intersection of Jefferson and I-64 Saturday afternoon, KMOV reports. Officials report the driver escaped from the fire without injuries. The cause of the fire is not yet known. This...
Motorcyclist hurt in two-vehicle collision on Hwy. 30
FENTON, MO - A two-vehicle collision Saturday afternoon injured a motorcyclist, the Leader Paper reports. Authorities report the accident occurred Saturday at 1:48 p.m. on Hwy. 30 at Summit Road near the Gravois Bluffs Shopping Center in Fenton. Brandon Ballance,...
Suspected drunk driver arrested after hitting patrol car
JENNINGS, MO - Police arrested a driver for suspected DUI after they hit a patrol car on I-70, KMOV reports. The accident occurred Saturday morning near Jennings Station Road around 4:30 a.m. The driver hit a North County Cooperative officer's...
Roadwork closes left lane of I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to a Missouri Department of Transportation tweet, the left lane of I-270 at Old Halls Ferry Road is blocked due to roadwork. ROADWORK I-270 WB AT OLD HALLS FERRY RD LEFT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE...
Roadwork to last through July on I-170
ST.LOUIS, MO - According to a tweet from the Missouri Department of Transportation or MoDOT, roadwork is happening on I-170 southbound past I-270. The roadwork has caused the right lane of the highway to close.   ROADWORK I-170 SB PAST...
Accident on I-270 eastbound closes left lane
ST. LOUIS, MO – MoDOT St. Louis reported an accident on I-270 eastbound before Linderbergh Boulevard that shut down the left lane to traffic. The information came via its official Twitter feed. ACCIDENT I-270 EB BEFORE LINDBERGH BLVD LEFT LANE...
Accident on I-64 westbound closes two lanes
ST. LOUIS, MO – An accident was reported at I-64 westbound before Ballas Road at 2:54 p.m via MoDOT’s official Twitter feed. Officials report the accident has closed the two right lanes of the interstate.   ACCIDENT I-64 WB BEFORE...
Potosi man injured in rollover ATV accident
POTOSI, MO (WASHINGTON COUNTY) – A man was injured in an accident Saturday in Washington County when his ATV overturned, according to a crash report published by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The incident happened around noon on Mayo Lane,...
Woman and 17-year-old boy injured in Jefferson County accident
HOUSE SPRINGS, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – Two people, including a 17-year-old boy, were injured in an accident today in Jefferson County, according to a crash report posted by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The collision occurred at 5:10 p.m. at...
Two injured in Lake St. Louis truck accident
LAKE ST. LOUIS, MO (ST. CHARLES COUNTY) – Two people were injured yesterday in an accident on Interstate 64 in Lake St. Louis, according to a crash report published by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened around 9:15...
Two injured in Jefferson County T-bone accident
IMPERIAL, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – Two people were injured in a car accident in Jefferson County Saturday afternoon, according to a crash report published by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened at 12:10 p.m. at the intersection of...
Steelville man dead in Washington County rollover accident
COURTOIS, MO (WASHINGTON COUNTY) – A man was killed in a rollover accident overnight in Washington County after he was ejected from the vehicle. A crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol states that the accident happened at 12:15...
Man killed in bicycle accident near Stillwater
STILLWATER, OK – A bicyclist was struck and killed late Tuesday night in an accident near Stillwater, according to an article by KFOR. At about 11:30 p.m. on U.S. Highway 177, near 32nd Avenue, a man pushing a bicycle was...
O’Fallon man dead in Franklin County motorcycle accident
LABADIE, MO (FRANKLIN COUNTY) – A motorcyclist is dead after he crashed his vehicle into a tree this afternoon in Franklin County. A crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports that the incident happened at 2:34 p.m. on...
Authorities clear stalled vehicle before Reavis Barracks Road
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to a Missouri Department of Transportation tweet, authorities have cleared a stalled vehicle on I-55 northbound before Reavis Barracks Road.   STALLED VEHICLE I-55 NB BEFORE REAVIS BARRACKS RD CLEARED AT 4:07 PM — MoDOT...
Two lanes closed due to accident on I-55 northbound
ST. LOUIS, MO - MoDOT St. Louis reported an accident on I-55 northbound past Arsenal Stree that shut down two right lanes to traffic, via its official Twitter feed.   ACCIDENT I-55 NB PAST ARSENAL ST 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED...
Medical emergency causes two-vehicle collision on Highway 50
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO — According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, one man was injured after a medical emergency caused him to cross the centerline of Highway 50 and crash into another vehicle near the road's intersection with Highway C. ...
Motorcyclist and passenger ejected from bike after hitting deer
WASHINGTON COUNTY, MO — A motorcyclist and his passenger were injured after hitting a deer and getting thrown from the bike on Route F, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. Mark Matthews, 33, and his passenger Tammy Drennan, 31, were...
Road-service vehicle rear-ended on interstate 270
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO — According to the  Missouri State Highway Patrol, the driver of a road-service truck was injured after their vehicle was rear-ended Wednesday night. The accident occurred at 6:03 p.m. south of Manchester Road. Antwan Boyd, 48,...
Driver hit and killed on I-435 after previous two-vehicle collision
Kansas City, MO — A woman was hit and killed after exiting her vehicle on the side of Interstate 435 following a collision that just occurred, the St. Louis-Dispatch reports. Police report, Heather Fitzgerald‘s car had just collided with a...
Two dead and two injured in a head-on collision on Route HH
JASPER COUNTY, MO — A head-on collision on Route HH close to Carthage resulted in two fatalities and two serious injuries, Ozarks First reports. The accident happened on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. when 24-year-old Baylee Shorter's 2008 Ford Taurus crossed...
Two injured in head-on collision on Route H
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO — According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, two individuals sustained moderate injuries following a head-on collision on Route H near Stone House Road. The crash occurred at 5 p.m.  Wednesday when a 2003 Mitsubishi eclipse traveling...
Right lane of I-70 closed by stalled vehicle
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to a Missouri Department of Transportation tweet, the right lane of I-70 westbound before Route A is closed due to a stalled vehicle. STALLED VEHICLE I-70 WB BEFORE ROUTE A RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE...
One person injured in collision on 30 and LA Kenny Lane
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - One person was injured after a vehicle ran through the intersection on LA Kenny Lane at Highway 30, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports.  The accident occurred at 4:22 p.m. Wednesday when a 2011 Honda pilot...
Two vehicle accident leaves one injured on I-70
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO —  According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, one individual has sustained minor injuries following a two-vehicle collision on the Church Street roundabout and I-70. The crash occurred at 10:51 a.m. Wednesday when a 2018 GMC...
Motorcyclist injured in collision at Florissant and Champlin
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO — A motorcyclist was injured Tuesday after abruptly stopping their vehicle, causing it to collide with a second vehicle on Florissant Avenue, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. The accident happened at 11:41 p.m. near Champlin...
Accident cleared on I-170 before I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO – An accident was reported at the intersection on southbound I-170 before I-64 round 2:11 p.m. via MoDOT’s official Twitter feed.   ACCIDENT I-170 SB BEFORE I-64 CLEARED AT 2:11 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) July...
Stalled vehicle on I-270 westbound cleared
ST. LOUIS, MO – MoDOT St. Louis reported a stalled vehicle on I-270 westbound past Missouri 367, via its official Twitter feed.   STALLED VEHICLE I-270 WB PAST MO 367 CLEARED AT 2:03 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) July...
Accident cleared on I-70 at Branch
ST. LOUIS, MO – An accident was reported at westbound I-70 at Branch Street around 1:10 p.m. via MoDOT’s official Twitter feed. ACCIDENT I-70 WB AT BRANCH CLEARED AT 1:09 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) July 16, 2020 The...
Accident reported at I-70 eastbound
ST. LOUIS, MO - MoDOT St. Louis reported an accident on the right shoulder of northbound I-70 at I-64, via its official Twitter feed.   ACCIDENT I-70 EB AT I-64 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 12:54 PM — MoDOT STL...
Accident on left shoulder of Missouri 30 past Route MM
ST. LOUIS, MO - MoDOT St. Louis reported an accident on the left shoulder of Missouri 30 past Route MM, via its official Twitter feed at 3:55 p.m.   ACCIDENT MO 30 EB PAST ROUTE MM LEFT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE...
Driver hits embankment after losing control of vehicle on I-170
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO — A male driver was injured after losing control of his vehicle and eventually hitting an embankment, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. According to officials, at 5:50 PM Tuesday Clyde Pulliam was driving in a...
Vehicle has multiple collisions on Highway W
WARREN COUNTY, MO — According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, one individual has sustained moderate injuries after crashing their vehicle multiple times along Highway W. The accident occurred north of Township Line Road at 5:05 p.m. on Tuesday.  Ryan...
Driver collided with guardrail in attempt to pull over
WARREN COUNTY, MO — According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, a car accident on Missouri 47 left one woman injured after her 2010 Dodge Grand Caravan hit the guard rail. The accident happened at 1:08 p.m. near Big Creek....
Driver injured after losing control of vehicle and striking utility pole
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO — According to the Missouri State Highway, a driver suffered minor injuries after veering off the road and hitting a utility pole. The accident happened at 11:36 a.m. Tuesday on Finney Road, west of Route H, when...
Right lane of I-70 closed due to vehicle fire
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to a tweet from the Missouri Department of Transportation or MoDOT, a vehicle is on fire at I-70 at Missouri 141. The fire has closed the right lane to traffic.   VEHICLE FIRE I-70 WB...
Stalled vehicle reported on right shoulder of I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to a Missouri Department of Transportation tweet, a stalled vehicle is on the right shoulder of I-70 eastbound past Hanley Road. STALLED VEHICLE I-70 EB PAST HANLEY RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 16:52 —...
Stalled vehicle cleared on I-55 northbound
ST. LOUIS, MO – MoDOT St. Louis reported a stalled vehicle on I-55 at Virginia Ave, via its official Twitter feed at 4:22 p.m. today.   STALLED VEHICLE I-55 NB AT VIRGINIA AVE CLEARED AT 4:19 PM — MoDOT STL...
Stalled vehicle I-70 eastbound at Cave Springs
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to a Missouri Department of Transportation tweet, the center lane of I-70 at Cave Springs and Truman Road is closed due to a stalled vehicle.   STALLED VEHICLE I-70 EB AT CAVE SPRINGS/ TRUMAN RD...
I-270 right lane closed to traffic due to accident
ST. LOUIS, MO - MoDOT St. Louis reported via its official Twitter feed that an accident on I-270 west at Missouri 367 that shut down the right lane to traffic. ACCIDENT I-270 WB AT MO 367 RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST....
Right shoulder of I-44 blocked by accident
ST. LOUIS, MO - MoDOT St. Louis reported an accident on I-44 east at its intersection with I-55 blocking the right shoulder, via its official Twitter feed. ACCIDENT I-44 EB AT I-55 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 3:54 PM —...
Vehicle fire blocks two right lanes of I-170
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to a tweet from the Missouri Department of Transportation, a vehicle is on fire at I-170 at Olive Boulevard. The fire has closed the two right lanes. VEHICLE FIRE I-170 NB AT OLIVE BLVD 2...
Multi-vehicle crash leaves two seriously injured
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two people are injured following a multi-vehicle crash on I-70, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. The crash happened at 9:40 p.m. Tuesday. According to the report, a 2004 Chevrolet Trailblazer was stopped in the road...
Driver mismanages turn causing accident in Jefferson County
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, a car crash on West Outer Road left two drivers injured. The crash happened at 5:33 p.m. on Monday south of Rhodes Drive. The accident occurred after the driver...
Two injured in rear-end collision in Jefferson County
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - Two drivers are injured after one vehicle rear-ended another on Hillsboro House Springs Road, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. According to officials, the driver of a 2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee got distracted and rear-ended a...
Driver injured after losing control flipping vehicle on Highway 47
WARREN COUNTY, MO - According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, a driver is injured after losing control and flipping their vehicle on Highway 47. The incident happened at 11:30 p.m. Sunday south of Coventry Circle. The driver 53-year-old Burton...
Man hit and killed by SUV on Highway OO
MADISON COUNTY, MO — A man died after an SUV struck him on Highway OO Saturday morning, KSDK reports. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, around 4 a.m. a 2003 Ford Excursion was driving on Highway OO north of...
Truck accident injures two and knocks out power
LAKE OZARK, MO - A truck accident knocked out the power in Lake Ozark, KRMS radio reports. Over the weekend two people were injured after Erin Tiller, 37, lost control of her truck while on Carol Road and crossed the...
Ambulance crash slows traffic on I-55
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO — A single-vehicle accident involving an ambulance slowed traffic on Interstate 55 near Highway Z, the St. Louis Post- Dispatch reports. According to Missouri Highway Patrol, the crash occurred Sunday afternoon just before 2 p.m. There were...
Motorcyclist injured after accident ejects them from vehicle
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, one individual has sustained minor injuries following a single-vehicle collision on Missouri 94 east of Rees Road. The crash occurred at 4 p.m. Sunday when the driver of  a...
Driver dies after motorcycle crashes into sign
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - A motorcyclist died after traveling off Highway 47 and hitting a sign, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. Officials report that 28-year-old Garrett Kennedy was driving in a 2004 Suzuki Hayabusa when he veered of the...
Incident reported on I-64 eastbound
ST. LOUIS, MO- MoDOT St. Louis reported an accident on I-64 eastbound to 14th Street, via its official Twitter account. The report initially came in at 1:18 p.m. INCIDENT I-64 EB TO 14TH ST EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 1:57 PM —...
Authorities report accident on ramp of I-64 and I-44
ST. LOUIS, MO - MoDOT St. Louis reported an accident on I-64 westbound to I-44 east and westbound that shut down the two left lanes to traffic, via its official Twitter feed at 11:54 a.m.   ACCIDENT I-64 WB TO...
Stalled vehicle reported on westbound I-44 ramp from I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to a Missouri Department of Transportation tweet, a stalled vehicle is blocking the right shoulder of I-44 westbound on the ramp from I-64. The report of the obstruction came today at 11:33 a.m. STALLED VEHICLE...
Motorcyclist dead after crashing into MoDOT truck
ST. LOUIS, MO – A man is dead after he crashed his motorcycle in an accident in Old North St. Louis last night, reports KTVI. The accident happened before 9 p.m. at the intersection of I-70 and St. Louis Avenue,...
St. Charles man injured in chain-reaction crash on Discovery Bridge
ST. CHARLES, MO – One person was injured in a multi-vehicle crash yesterday in St. Charles, according to a crash report published by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened at 5:16 a.m. on the Discovery Bridge of westbound...
Elderly Fenton man and woman injured in Festus crash
FESTUS, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – Two elderly people were injured this afternoon in a car accident in Jefferson County, according to a crash report published by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened at 12:50 p.m. at the intersection...
One dead, two injured in Jefferson County crash
HOUSE SPRINGS, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – A 70-year-old woman was killed and two men were seriously injured this morning in a head-on collision in Jefferson County, according to a crash report published by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident...
Officials clear accident on I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO – An accident was reported at the intersection of I-64 eastbound at Grand Boulevard at 6:23 p.m via MoDOT’s official Twitter feed.   ACCIDENT I-64 EB AT GRAND BLVD CLEARED AT 18:22 — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Debris closes two lanes on I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - The Missouri Department of Transportation is reporting debris closing the two right lanes of I-270 at Page Avenue. The report was issued via Twitter at 4:44 p.m. this afternoon.   DEBRIS I-270 NB AT PAGE AVE...
Accident reported on eastbound I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - MoDOT St. Louis reported an accident on I-270 eastbound at I-170, via its official Twitter feed. ACCIDENT I-270 EB AT I-170 USE CENTER LANES EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 6:03 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) July 10,...
Stalled vehicle reported on I-70 before West Florissant
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to a Missouri Department of Transportation tweet, there was a stalled vehicle on I-70 westbound before West Florissant.  The report of the obstruction was issued today at 4:08 p.m. STALLED VEHICLE I-70 WB BEFORE WEST...
One injured in two-vehicle collision on Highway 79
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, one individual has sustained minor injuries following a two-vehicle collision on Highway 79 at Route M. The crash occurred just before 9:56 p.m. Thursday and involved a 2015...
Debris of head-on collision damages third vehicle
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, a two-vehicle crash on northbound US 61 injured two women and sent debris flying across lanes and into a third vehicle. The crash happened at 1:01 p.m. Thursday at...
Two pedestrians hit by car in collision on Highway 30
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - Two pedestrians and a driver were injured in a two-vehicle collision on Highway 30 Thursday, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. The accident happened at 12:46 p.m. when a 2016 Honda HRV hit a 2004 Dodge...
Motorcyclist injured in accident on Highway 61
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, a motorcyclist has sustained serious injuries following a two-vehicle collision on Highway 61. The crash happened at 10:15 p.m. Wednesday at the highway's intersection with I-55, when a 2002...
Fatal two-vehicle collision on Route EE
LINCOLN COUNTY, MO - A motorcyclist is dead after their vehicle hit the side of another on Route EE, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. The accident happened at 9:03 p.m. at Mansion Road. A 2005 Kawasaki ZZR600 was headed...
Driver injured after vehicle flips on Highway 370
ST. CHARLES, MO - According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, one individual has sustained minor injuries following a single-vehicle accident on Highway 370 at Harry S. Truman Boulevard. The accident occurred at 8 p.m. Monday. The police report states...
Fatal motorcycle collision on Tiny Ridge Way
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, a crash on Tiny Ridge Way killed a motorcyclist after they were hit in the front by another vehicle. The crash happened at 10:29 a.m. Tuesday east of Cedar...
Passenger killed after vehicle overturns on Route B
COPPER COUNTY, MO - One individual is dead following a single-vehicle accident near Route B north of Bridge A1691, KRCG TV reports. The crash occurred around 3:20 p.m. Tuesday afternoon when a car started swerving out of control off the...
Roadwork reported from I-64 to McCausland Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to a tweet from the Missouri Department of Transportation, roadwork is being conducted on I-64 eastbound to McCausland Ave. Officials say drivers should be prepared to stop.   ROADWORK I-64 EB TO MC CAUSLAND AVE...
Emergency vehicles deployed on I-270 southbound
ST. LOUIS, MO – Emergency vehicles responded to a crash on I-270 southbound at Page Avenue, MoDOT’s official Twitter account reported today at 12:55 p.m. The incident had already been cleared by the time it was reported.   EMERGENCY VEHICLES...
Stalled vehicle on I-170 southbound closes left lane
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to a Missouri Department of Transportation tweet, the left lane of I-170  southbound at Page Avenue is closed due to a stalled vehicle.  STALLED VEHICLE I-170 SB AT PAGE AVE LEFT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE...
Roadwork reported on I-44 eastbound for the rest of July
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to a tweet from the Missouri Department of Transportation or MoDOT, roadwork is happening on I-44 eastbound at  I-270. The roadwork has caused the right lane of the highway to close.   ROADWORK I-44 EB...
Driver injured after hitting utility pole near Highway 364
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO - A driver is injured after losing control of their vehicle and hitting a utility pole, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. The accident happened Tuesday at 2:15 a.m. on the Bennington Place Ramp from Westbound...
Two vehicle collision on US-61 results in multiple injuries
LINCOLN COUNTY, MO - According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, a car crash on US-61 left multiple people injured. The crash happened at 2:28 p.m. Tuesday on US-67 at North Lincoln Drive. The accident occurred after the driver of...
Two injured after vehicle hits tree on Buck Mountain Road
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO - According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, two individuals sustained minor injuries after their vehicle hit a tree at Buck Mountain Road Monday. The crash occurred at 4:45 p.m. south of Effin Road. According to...
Six injured in multi-vehicle accident
ST. LOUIS, MO - A four-vehicle accident injured six individuals late Tuesday night, FOX 2 NOW reports. The accident happened at 12:30 a.m. on Page Boulevard at North Skinker Parkway. The details of the accident are unknown. Emergency responders treated...
Fatal three-vehicle collision on south Broadway
ST. LOUIS, MO - One individual has sustained serious injuries and another died following a three-vehicle collision on South Broadway and Eichelberger Street, KSDK reports. Police say the crash occurred Saturday at 11:38 p.m. when the 38-year-old driver of a...
Accident cleared on I-70 and Goodfellow
ST.LOUIS, MO - An accident was reported at the intersection of I-70 eastbound and Goodfellow at 2:32 p.m via MoDOT’s official Twitter feed. ACCIDENT I-70 EB AT GOODFELLOW CLEARED AT 14:29 — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) July 8, 2020 The...
Accident reported on eastbound I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident was reported on and I-64 eastbound past Woods Mill Road via MoDOT’s official Twitter feed. ACCIDENT I-64 EB PAST WOODS MILL RD CLEARED AT 1:05 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) July 8, 2020...
Accident reported on right shoulder of I-70 past I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - MoDOT St. Louis reported an accident on I-70 west past I-270 on the right shoulder, via its official Twitter feed. ACCIDENT I-70 WB PAST I-270 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 1:20 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Emergency Vehicles respond to crash on I-170
ST. LOUIS, MO – Emergency vehicles have responded to a crash on I-170 southbound before Page Avenue, MoDOT’s official Twitter account reported today. The left lane of traffic has been closed.   ER VEHICLE I-170 SB BEFORE PAGE AVE LEFT...
Overturned vehicle in St. Francois Co. leaves one injured
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO - A driver sustained minor injuries after their vehicle flipped over Saturday, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. The accident occurred at 10 p.m. when the driver of a 2002 Pontiac Grand AM headed north on...
Driver ejected from vehicle after hitting ditch
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, a motorcycle accident on US-67 left one man injured after he hit a ditch. The crash happened at 1:20 a.m. on south US-67 south of the Clark Bridge....
Driver injured after repeatedly hitting guardrail
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, one individual sustained minor injuries following a single-vehicle crash at the intersection of westbound I-64 and I-70. The accident happened at 7:32 a.m. Saturday when a driver of...
Stalled Vehicle reported on eastbound I-64
ST.LOUIS, MO - According to a tweet from the Missouri Department of Transportation or MoDOT, there is a stalled vehicle on I-64 eastbound at I-70 on the right shoulder.   STALLED VEHICLE I-64 EB AT I-170 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE...
Stalled vehicle on the right shoulder of I-270 northbound
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to a Missouri Department of Transportation tweet, the right shoulder of I-270 northbound past I-55  is blocked by a stalled vehicle. The report of the obstruction came today at 2:07 p.m. STALLED VEHICLE I-270 NB...
Accident on Manchester Road closes right lane
ST. LOUIS, MO – An accident was reported on Manchester Road past Knollhaven Lane at 12:58 p.m via MoDOT’s official Twitter feed. ACCIDENT MANCHESTER RD WB PAST KNOLLHAVEN LN RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 1:26 PM — MoDOT STL...
Two lanes closed due to reported accident on MO 370
ST. LOUIS, MO – MoDOT St. Louis reported via its official Twitter feed that an accident on Missouri 370 eastbound at the Missouri River that shut down the two left lanes to traffic. ACCIDENT MO 370 EB AT MO RIVER...
Distracted driver rear-ends vehicle resulting in two injuries
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO - According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, two people sustained injuries after a rear-ending accident on Friday. The accident happened at 3 p.m. westbound I-70 at Earth City Expressway, when the driver of a 2013...
Emergency vehicle on I-70 eastbound to Goodfellow Boulevard
ST.LOUIS, MO - Emergency vehicles have responded to a crash on I-70 eastbound at its intersection with MO 141, MoDOT’s official Twitter account reported today at 5 p.m.  ER VEHICLE I-70 EB TO GOODFELLOW BLVD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Stalled vehicle on I-70 at Mid Rivers Mall Drive
ST. LOUIS, MO - MoDOT St. Louis reported a stalled vehicle on the right shoulder of I-70 at Mid Rivers Mall Drive, via its official Twitter feed. STALLED VEHICLE I-70 WB AT MID RIVERS MALL DR RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE...
Officials report accident on I-55 past Union Road
ST. LOUIS, MO – An accident was reported at the intersection of I-55 past Union Road at 3:55 p.m via MoDOT’s official Twitter feed. ACCIDENT I-55 NB PAST UNION RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 16:43 — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Emergency vehicle report to accident on westbound I-70 before I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - Emergency vehicles have responded to a crash on I-70 westbound before I-270 MoDOT’s official Twitter account reported today at 1:52 p.m.    EMERGENCY VEHICLES I-70 WB BEFORE I-270 CLEARED AT 1:51 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Malfunctioning vehicle causes head-on collision
WASHINGTON COUNTY, MO -  One individual has sustained moderate injuries following a head-on collision after a car malfunctioned on Chin Kapin Oak, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol.  The accident happened at 10:55 a.m. Friday when a 1988 Ford...
Motorcyclist killed in two-vehicle collision on Highway J
LINCOLN COUNTY, MO - According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, a motorcyclist died after another vehicle failed to yield and hit their side door on southbound Highway J Friday.  The crash happened at 8 a.m. when a 2018 Kawasaki...
Reynolds County man injured in single-vehicle accident on Hwy 30
REYNOLDS COUNTY, MO - A man is seriously injured after his vehicle hit a concrete pole on Highway 30 and Industrial Drive, the Leader paper reports. The crash occurred just before 4 a.m. when 53-year-old Wayne Dahley lost control of...
Single-vehicle crash kills female passenger
ST. LOUIS, MO - A female passenger died after the vehicle she was in left the road and hit a pole on I-44, FOX 2 Now reports. The crash happened just after 8 a.m. Saturday near South Compton Avenue, when...
Two children, two adults injured in Washington Co. collision
WASHINGTON COUNTY, MO – Four people, including two children, were injured in a head-on collision on Independence Day in Washington County, according to a crash report published by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened at 10:45 a.m. on...
Three young people injured in Franklin Co. rollover crash
VILLA RIDGE, MO (FRANKLIN COUNTY) – Three young adults were injured in a rollover accident this evening in Franklin County, according to a crash report published by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened at 6:44 p.m. at St....
Pedestrian killed in accident in N St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO – A pedestrian died after being hit by a car last night in north St. Louis, according to KSDK. Around 10 p.m., an unidentified man apparently aged somewhere between 50 and 60 was walking across the street...
Man seriously injured in Franklin County motorcycle accident
LABADIE, MO (FRANKLIN COUNTY) – A man was seriously injured following a motorcycle accident in Franklin County on Independence Day, according to a crash report published by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened at 12:46 p.m. on Highway...
89-year-old man injured in Jefferson Co. rear-end collision
DE SOTO, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – An 89-year-old man was injured after rear-ending a pickup and its trailer this morning in Jefferson County, according to a crash report published by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened at 10:45...
Two injured in I-70 rear-end collision
ST. LOUIS, MO – Two people were injured yesterday afternoon in a rear-end collision on Interstate 70 westbound, according to a crash report by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. This is an update to a previous story. The accident happened...
St.Louis man seriously injured after vehicle flips on I-55
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, a man has sustained serious injuries after his vehicle flipped on I-55. The accident occurred after the driver of a 1997 Ford F150 tried to overcorrect and the vehicle...
Officials report accident on westbound I-70 and Missouri 141
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident was reported at the intersection of I-70 westbound and Missouri 141 at 4:48 p.m via MoDOT’s official Twitter feed.   ACCIDENT I-70 WB AT MO 141 LEFT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 17:12 —...
Accident reported at Carondelet Boulevard closes two lanes
ST. LOUIS, MO - MoDOT St. Louis reported an accident on I-55 northbound at Carondelet Boulevard that shut down the two right lanes to traffic, via its official Twitter feed.   ACCIDENT I-55 NB AT CARONDELET BLVD 2 RIGHT LANES...
Accident reported on Missouri 141
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident was reported at Missouri 141 southbound past Springdale at 3:42 p.m via MoDOT’s official Twitter feed. ACCIDENT MO 141 SB PAST SPRINGDALE LEFT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 15:53 — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Reported stalled vehicle blocking right shoulder of I-64 eastbound
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to a Missouri Department of Transportation tweet, the right shoulder of I-64 eastbound at Wood Mills Road is blocked by a stalled vehicle.   STALLED VEHICLE I-64 EB AT WOODS MILL RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST....
Two injured in head-on collision on Highway O
WARREN COUNTY, MO - Two drivers are injured after their vehicles hit each other head-on, according to a report published by the Missouri State Highway Patrol.  The crash happened at 8:20 p.m. Monday night when a 2008 Chrysler PT Cruiser...
Driver injured after hitting guardrail on Mid Rivers Mall Drive Ramp
ST.CHARLES COUNTY, MO - According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, a driver sustained moderate injuries after losing control of a vehicle and hitting a guardrail. The accident occurred at 8:03 p.m Monday on the Mid Rivers Mall Drive Ramp...
Wrong-way driver kills two others on Highway B
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, two people were killed in a three-vehicle collision on southbound Highway B, south of Elm Spring Drive. According to the police report, the accident occurred at 3:27 p.m. when...
Emergency vehicles deployed on I-55 southbound
ST. LOUIS, MO - Emergency vehicles have responded to a crash on I-55 southbound past Route M, MoDOT’s official Twitter account reported today at 3 p.m. Officials warn vehicles to be prepared to stop. EMERGENCY VEHICLES I-55 SB PAST ROUTE...
Stalled vehicle reported on I-70 westbound
ST.LOUIS, MO - According to a Missouri Department of Transportation tweet, the right shoulder of I-70 past Route A is blocked by a stalled vehicle.    STALLED VEHICLE I-70 WB PAST ROUTE A RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 3:00 PM...
Motorcyclist killed in two-vehicle accident on Highway 221
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO - According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, a two-vehicle crash on Highway 221 killed one person. The crash happened at 2:55 p.m. Tuesday at the highway's intersection with Bray Road. The accident occurred after the...
Stalled vehicle reported on I-70 past Missouri 79
ST. LOUIS, MO - MoDOT St. Louis reported a stalled vehicle on I-70 westbound past Missouri 79 closed the left lane to traffic, via its official Twitter feed. STALLED VEHICLE I-70 WB PAST MO 79 LEFT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE...
Emergency vehicle report to accident on westbound I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO -  Emergency vehicles have responded to a crash on I-70 westbound before Route T/W, MoDOT’s official Twitter account reported today at 1:26 p.m.  EMERGENCY VEHICLES I-70 WB BEFORE ROUTE T/W CLEARED AT 1:24 PM — MoDOT STL...
Two people injured after car flips over on Highway N
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - Two people are injured after their vehicle veered off the road and turned over, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. At 2:31 p.m. on Highway N the driver of a 2001 Ford Explorer crossed the centerline...
Two people injured in head-on collision on Highway 47 at Linns Mill Road
LINCOLN COUNTY, MO - According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, two drivers are injured following a head-on collision on Highway 47 at Linns Mill Road. The crash occurred at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday after a 2018 Ford Focus made a...
Driver injured after vehicle hits utility pole
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, one individual sustained minor injuries following a single-vehicle accident on southbound Hillsboro Hematite Road north of Dorothy Drive. The accident happened at 11:35 a.m. after the driver of a...
Reported accident on northbound I-270 past Missouri 370
ST. LOUIS, MO - MoDOT St. Louis reported an accident on northbound I-270 past Missouri 370 that shut down three right lanes of traffic, via its official Twitter feed.   ACCIDENT I-270 NB PAST MO 370 3 RIGHT LANES CLOSED...
Reports of debris blocking left lane of I-70 at Goodfellow
ST. LOUIS, MO – The Missouri Department of Transportation is reporting debris obstructing the left lane of I-70 at Goodfellow. The report was issued via Twitter at 1:47 p.m. this afternoon. DEBRIS I-70 EB AT GOODFELLOW LEFT LANE CLOSED EST....
Vehicle rear-ended in traffic at Jennings Station Road
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO - An accident on I-70 left one person injured after their vehicle was rear-ended. The accident happened at 7:50 a.m. eastbound near Jennings Station Road, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. The crash occurred after a...
Vehicle overturns on Missouri 94
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, multiple people are injured after a vehicle traveled off the road and turned over on  Missouri 94 east of Alice Avenue. The crash at 8:30 p.m. Monday and...
Accident cleared on westbound I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO – An accident was reported at the intersection on westbound I-70 at Church Street at 1:05 p.m. via MoDOT’s official Twitter feed.   ACCIDENT I-70 WB AT CHURCH ST CLEARED AT 1:02 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Vehicle hits embankment in police chase
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO – According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, a car crash on US-67 left one woman injured after her car hit an embankment. The crash happened just after 2:30 p.m. Monday near Cash lane. The accident...
Accident cleared on northbound I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO – An accident was reported at the intersection on northbound I-55 past Imperial Main Street around 10:30 a.m. via MoDOT’s official Twitter feed.   ACCIDENT I-55 NB PAST IMPERIAL MAIN ST CLEARED AT 10:30 AM — MoDOT...
Roadwork reported on northbound US 67
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to a tweet from the Missouri Department of Transportation or MoDOT, roadwork is happening on US-67 northbound past I-64. The roadwork has caused the right lane of the highway to close.   ROADWORK US 67...
Officials report stalled vehicle on I-270 southbound at Dorsett Road
ST. LOUIS, MO - The Missouri Department of Transportation is reporting a stalled vehicle on I-270 southbound at Dorsett Road. STALLED VEHICLE I-270 SB AT DORSETT RD RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 5:17 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Accident reported on I-55 northbound
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to a Missouri Department of Transportation tweet, the left lanes of I-55 past Potomac Street are blocked due to an accident. ACCIDENT I-55 NB PAST POTOMAC ST 3 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:19...
Multiple people injured in head-on collision on Missouri 100
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - Three people are injured after a head-on collision on Missouri 100 Monday afternoon, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. The crash happened at 2 p.m. near Route M. The driver of a 2014 Buick Regal, stopped...
Emergency vehicles deployed on I-44
ST. LOUIS, MO – Emergency vehicles have responded to a crash on I-44 eastbound past Elm Ave, MoDOT’s official Twitter account reported today at 10:38 a.m. The right lane of traffic was closed in response. EMERGENCY VEHICLES I-44 EB PAST...
Accident reported on I-44 eastbound
ST. LOUIS, MO – MoDOT St. Louis reported an accident on I-44 eastbound before Big Bend Boulevard, via its official Twitter feed. ACCIDENT I-44 EB BEFORE BIG BEND BLVD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 1:49 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Driver injured after vehicle hits a tree west of Hillsboro Road
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - A driver sustained serious injuries after their vehicle veered off the road and hit a tree, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. A 2007 GMC Sierra traveled off the right side of Graham Road west of...
Vehicle slides and overturns on Pike County Road 128
PIKE COUNTY, MO - According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, two people were injured when a vehicle overturned on Pike County Road 128. The accident happened at 10:40 a.m. Monday east of Pike County 229. A 1982 Ford Bronco...
Overturned vehicle on Highway 8
WASHINGTON COUNTY, MO - According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, two people sustained serious injuries after their vehicle ran off the road and overturned on Highway 8. The incident occurred Sunday at roughly 1:25 p.m. The driver of a...
Driver injured after vehicle rear-ended on US 67
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, one individual sustained minor injuries following a rear-ending on US 67, south of Meyer Road. Officials report the accident occurred around 11:30 a.m. Friday when the driver of a...
Multiple injured after two-vehicle accident on US 67
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO – According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, multiple people are injured following a two-vehicle collision on US 67 at Montauk Drive.  Officials responded to the accident at 11 a.m. Friday and involved a Pontiac G6 and...
Driver injured in two-vehicle accident on Highway 94
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO -  According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, two vehicles collided at an intersection on Highway 94 injuring one driver.  The crash happened just after 10 a.m. on Friday near Siedentop Road. The accident occurred after...
Semi-truck driver hits deer on I-55
PERRY COUNTY, MO - The driver of a semi-truck has minor injuries after hitting a deer Friday morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. Officials report the driver was heading down I-55 at 5:11 a.m. and hit a deer...
Roadwork closes I-70 eastbound ramp from Kings Highway Boulevard
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to a tweet from the Missouri Department of Transportation or MoDOT, roadwork is happening on the I-70 eastbound ramp from Kings Highway Boulevard through tonight.    ROADWORK I-70 EB ON RAMP FROM KINGSHIGHWAY BLVD BE...
Debris closes lanes on eastbound I-70 before Natural Bridge Road
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to a Missouri Department of Transportation tweet, two right lanes of eastbound I-70 before Natural Bridge Road are closed due to debris. DEBRIS I-70 EB BEFORE NATURAL BRIDGE RD 2 RIGHT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE...
Roadwork reported on eastbound I-270 at New Florissant Raod
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to a tweet from the Missouri Department of Transportation, roadwork is being conducted on eastbound I-270 at New Florissant Road. The roadwork has caused the right lane of the highway to close.   ROADWORK I-270...
Roadwork reported on westbound I-64 to Mason Road
ST. LOUIS, MO – MoDOT tweeted this morning that roadwork is happening on I-64 westbound to Mason Road through the afternoon.  ROADWORK I-64 WB TO MASON RD BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:00 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Modavari Forrest Live Edge Benches Recalled Due to Tipping Danger
About 5,400 Modavari Forrest Live Edge Benches sold at Fred Meyer and Smith’s Marketplace stores have been recalled after two injuries were reported due to the benches’ instability.  The benches, which were imported from India by Furniture Connexion, Inc. of...
Burned body found inside N St. Louis house
ST. LOUIS, MO – A dead man's severely burned body was found Sunday inside a blazing home in north St. Louis, according to KMOV. The incident happened around 5:30 a.m. in the 4900 block of Thrush Avenue when emergency officials...
17-year-old injured in Pulaski Co. crash
WAYNESVILLE, MISSOURI (PULASKI COUNTY) – A 17-year-old boy was injured Thursday afternoon in a single-vehicle car accident in Pulaski County, according to a crash report published by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened just before 4 p.m. on...
Motorcyclist injured in Laclede County accident
LEBANON, MO (LACLEDE COUNTY) – A man was injured in an accident involving a car and a motorcycle on Thursday afternoon near Lebanon, according to a crash report by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened at 12:40 p.m....
Pedestrian hit in N St. Louis Co. accident
JENNINGS, MO – A pedestrian was struck Friday in an accident in north St. Louis County, reports KMOV. The accident happened around 7:45 p.m. on Lewis and Clark Boulevard and Saint Cyr Road. The unidentified victim was taken to the...
One dead, one seriously injured in I-70 wrong-way crash
ST. LOUIS, MO – A man died and another person was critically injured today in a wrong-way crash on Interstate 70, reports KMOV. The accident happened around 4 a.m. on eastbound I-70, near Shreve Avenue. The victim, 62-year-old Larry Reed, was...
UPDATE: Fatal crash where I-44 merges into I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - Police have uncovered more details regarding a crash that left one person dead Thursday, KSDK reports.  The Missouri Department of Transportation reported a fatal accident in the express lanes of I-44 around 2:39 a.m. yesterday morning. ...
Left lane of I-44 closed due to debris
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to a Missouri Department of Transportation tweet, the left lane of I-44 westbound at Shrewsbury Avenue is closed due to debris.  DEBRIS I-44 WB AT SHREWSBURY AVE LEFT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:27 PM...
Stalled vehicle on I-64 westbound
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to a Missouri Department of Transportation tweet, the left lane of I-64 westbound at Hampton is closed due to a stalled vehicle.  STALLED VEHICLE I-64 WB AT HAMPTON LEFT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 4:03...
Accident reported on westbound I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO – An accident was reported on westbound I-70 before Missouri 141 at 2:51 p.m via MoDOT’s official Twitter feed. ACCIDENT I-70 WB BEFORE MO 141 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 3:41 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Accident reported on southbound I-270 ramp
ST. LOUIS, MO – MoDOT St. Louis reported an accident on the southbound I-270 ramp from Page Avenue, via its official Twitter feed at 2:36 pm. ACCIDENT I-270 SB ON RAMP FROM PAGE AVE WB BE PREPARED TO STOP EST....
Two-vehicle collision reported on Missouri 30
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO - Two vehicles collided early Tuesday morning leaving one driver injured, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports.  The incident occurred when a 2006 Ford F150 entered the intersection at Missouri 30 on Northwest Boulevard despite the...
Driver injured after hitting a tree
LINCOLN COUNTY, MO - According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, one individual sustained minor injuries after veering off the road and hitting a tree Thursday afternoon on Highway KK near Our Lane. Officials say the driver of a 2017...
Multiple injuries from head-on collision on Spencer Road
ST. PETERS, MO - Two people have serious injuries after a head-on collision Thursday, KMOV reports.  Officials say the accident occurred just north of I-70 at Spencer Road and Spencer Road Loop North around 4:30 p.m. Two trucks hit each...
OnderLaw, Crump Say Roundup Settlement is a Bad Deal for Victims
National Civil Rights and Personal Injury Attorney Ben Crump Says Roundup Weedkiller Settlement is Bad Deal for Victims, Pledges to Fight On Crump says Bayer-Monsanto taking advantage of COVID exhaustion, economic strain to push inadequate settlements on the most vulnerable...
Fatal three-vehicle accident on Lewis and Clark Boulevard
ST. LOUIS, MO - A driver was killed yesterday after a vehicle crossed lanes and caused two other vehicles to collide, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. The accident happened on Wednesday at 7:37 p.m. on Lewis and Clark Boulevard...
Vehicle stalled on I-44 right lane before I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO – The Missouri Department of Transportation is reporting a stalled vehicle on I-44 in the right lane. STALLED VEHICLE I-44 WB BEFORE I-270 RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 2:52 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) June...
Vehicle overturns as man attempts to avoid turtle
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, a man's vehicle overturned while he was attempting to avoid a turtle in the road Thursday morning.  John Sandlin, 22, was driving his 2000 Chevrolet S10 east on Glade...
Accident reported on westbound I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO – An accident was reported at westbound I-64 before Prospect Road at 1:30 p.m via MoDOT’s official Twitter feed. The left lane of the interstate is closed. ACCIDENT I-64 WB BEFORE PROSPECT RD LEFT LANE CLOSED EST....
Fatal crash partially closes westbound I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - The Missouri Department of Transportation reported a fatal crash on the express lanes of I-70 Thursday morning, KSDK 5 reports.  St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department arrived at the scene around 2:39 a.m. and reported one person...
Westbound I-64 closes due to fatal crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - Officials closed all westbound lanes of Interstate 64 near Mason  Road due to a fatal crash Thursday, KMOV reports.  Officials say the accident happened Thursday around 4 a.m. only closing three lanes of the interstate. Two...
Speeding driver kills mother of two
ST. LOUIS, MO - A speeding vehicle ran into an SUV Tuesday afternoon, killing a mother of two, FOX 2 reports. Officials believe the driver of the other vehicle may have been illegally street racing at the time. St. Louis...
Johnson & Johnson Loses Appeal in Talc Case
The Missouri Court of Appeals has denied Johnson & Johnson’s attempt to overturn a jury’s decision to award 22 women billions of dollars in compensation for ovarian cancer caused by talc in Johnson’s Baby Powder. The ruling, which upheld the...
Person dies in three-vehicle crash near Chambers Road
BELLEFONTAINE NEIGHBORS, MO - A three-vehicle crash on Route 367 near Chambers Road killed one person Wednesday night, KMOV 4 repots. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, two other people involved in the accident were taken to the hospital...
Roadwork reported on I-44 before US 50
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to a tweet from the Missouri Department of Transportation or MoDOT, roadwork is being done on I-44 eastbound before US 50. The roadwork has closed the left lane of the highway to traffic. ROADWORK I-44...
Officials identify man killed in crash on I-70 near St. Charles County
ST. CHARLES COUNTY, MO - Officials have identified the man who died in a crash on I-70 Tuesday afternoon, KSDK reports. Raymond Moore, 86, was speeding in the westbound lanes and tried to pass a vehicle on the right shoulder....
Stalled vehicle blocking shoulder of I-70 eastbound
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to a MoDOT tweet, a stalled vehicle is blocking the right shoulder of I-270 southbound near Cave Springs and Truman Road. STALLED VEHICLE I-70 EB BEFORE CAVE SPRINGS/ TRUMAN RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME:...
Roadwork reported on I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to a tweet from the Missouri Department of Transportation, roadwork is happening on I-270 westbound near Old Halls Ferry Road. The roadwork has caused the left lane of the highway to close. ROADWORK I-270 WB...
Roadwork reported on eastbound I-270
ST.LOUIS, MO - The Missouri Department of Transportation has tweeted a report of roadwork on I-270 eastbound before MO-367. This event has caused the left lane of the highway to close.   ROADWORK I-270 EB BEFORE MO 367 LEFT LANE...
Rear-end crash results in multiple injuries
WASHINGTON COUNTY, MO - Multiple people were injured following a rear-ending accident on Highway P Tuesday evening, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports.  According to Highway Patrol, a 2008 Dodge Charger came to a complete stop when preparing to make...
Driver dies in single-vehicle accident
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - A driver is dead after their vehicle overturned on Missouri 21 Tuesday afternoon, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports.  Officials said a 1999 Jeep Grand Cherokee was traveling southbound on Missouri 21 when it veered off...
High-speed driver killed in multi-vehicle accident
WARREN COUNTY, MO - A person died after striking multiple semi trucks with their car on I-70, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. According to Highway Patrol, a 2004 Ford Taurus was travelling at a high speed westbound on I-70...
What is a Bellwether Trial?
Bellwether trials are an important part of all mass tort litigations with large numbers of plaintiffs. But what does that mean? What are bellwether trials and how do they affect your case? What is a Bellwether Trial and Why is...
Accident reported on I-70, lanes closed
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident occurred on westbound I-70 before Route A, MoDOT's official Twitter account reported today a 6:02 p.m. The left lane of traffic is currently closed.   ACCIDENT I-70 WB BEFORE ROUTE A LEFT LANE CLOSED...
Emergency vehicles respond to crash on I-70 Tuesday
ST. LOUIS, MO - Emergency vehicles responded to a crash on I-70 westbound, MoDOT’s official Twitter account reported today at 6 p.m. EMERGENCY VEHICLES I-70 WB PAST ROUTE T/W CLEARED AT 4:54 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) June 23,...
Four injured in multi-vehicle pileup in St. Charles
ST. CHARLES, MO - Four people were injured in a multi-vehicle accident that began when an SUV pulled into traffic in front of a police vehicle, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. Officials say a police-operated 2016 Ford Explorer was...
Vehicle rollover on US 67 results in injuries
St. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO - A driver is injured after their vehicle overturned off of US 67, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. Troopers said the driver, 33-year-old Michael Duncan, veered off the left edge of the road then overcorrected....
Pedestrian killed on St. Charles Rock Road
St. LOUIS, MO - A pedestrian died after being hit by a car while he was crossing the roadway on St. Charles Rock Road Monday. The Missouri State Highway Patrol reports that unknown driver hit the pedestrian and failed to...
Accident occurred on I-44
ST. LOUIS, MO - The Missouri Department of Transportation tweeted that an accident occurred on westbound I-44 past Arsenal Street this morning. ACCIDENT I-44 WB PAST ARSENAL ST CLEARED AT 9:10 AM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) June 23, 2020...
Vehicle strikes tree off Highway 30
HOUSE SPRINGS, MO - A woman was injured when her vehicle veered off Highway 30 and struck a tree, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. Officials report 42-year-old Dana Harris' car ran off the road and hit a tree, leaving...
Fatal two-vehicle crash on Route 66
PACIFIC, MO - A driver died in a truck accident Monday, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. A 2001 International Durstar traveling westbound on Route 66 attempted to make a right turn into a parking lot when it collided...
Head-on collision between golf cart and ATV results in injuries
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO - A woman and two children received minor injuries when their homemade golf cart collided with a Can-Am Maverick Saturday afternoon, according to a report filed by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The vehicles collided head-on...
Part of Riverview Drive closed through July
ST.LOUIS, MO - Riverview Drive will be closed between I-270 and Chain of Rocks Drive for roadwork beginning Monday, FOX 2 Now reports. According to the Missouri Department of Transportation, crews will be resurfacing the road and installing a concrete...
Overturned motorcycle on I-44
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - A motorcyclist had moderate injuries after veering off the road and overturning their vehicle early Monday morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident occurred at 12:55 a.m. The cause of the crash is unknown....
Vehicle overturns after hitting tree in Jefferson Co.
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - The driver of a 2002 Ford Mustang traveling northbound on Missouri 21 lost control of the vehicle and veered off the road Sunday night, crashing into a tree and then flipping over. Missouri State Highway Patrol...
Driver shoots motorist after hitting car in downtown St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO - The driver of a white Dodge Charger fired shots at the occupants of a vehicle he crashed into near downtown St. Louis early Saturday morning, FOX 2 reports. Police say the incident occurred at the I-55/I-44...
Two-car crash results in minor injuries
ST.LOUIS, MO - Two people are injured from a two-vehicle accident Sunday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident happened on US -50 when a 2005 Ford Explorer attempted to make a left turn and a 2001 Chevrolet...
Fatal motorcycle accident Friday night in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO  – A motorcyclist died in a two-vehicle collision in Dutchtown Friday night, FOX 2 reports. According to police, the accident occurred near the intersection of Alberta Street and Giles Avenue shortly before 11:30 p.m. The cause and...
Reported motorcycle accident leaves man injured
ST.LOUIS, MO - A St. Louis man was injured in an apparent motorcycle accident, Leader Publications reports. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, troopers responded to a reported accident at Saline Road and Lakeview Ridge Drive on June 17....
Three injured in five-vehicle crash on MO-47
LINCOLN COUNTY, MO – Three people were injured in a five-vehicle accident Friday afternoon on Missouri Highway 47 in Troy, according to a crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident occurred at 3:45 p.m. on MO-47, east...
3-year-old boy and woman injured in US-50 crash in Union
UNION, MO – Two people, including a three-year-old boy, were injured in a car accident this afternoon on U.S. Highway 50, according to a crash report by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The incident occurred at 12:15 p.m. at the...
Three injured in Pike Co. rollover crash
LOUISIANA, MO (PIKE COUNTY) – Three people were injured in a rollover crash on Friday afternoon crash in Pike County, according to a report by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened at 3:40 p.m. on Highway NN, south...
Motorcyclist dead in Dutchtown collision
ST. LOUIS, MO – A motorcyclist is dead following a two-vehicle accident last night in the Dutchtown neighborhood. Fox 2 Now reports that the accident happened around 11:30 p.m. at the intersection of Alberta Street and Giles Avenue. The unidentified...
Crash reported on I-270 southbound past Big Bend Blvd
ST. LOUIS, MO – The Missouri Department of Transportation has tweeted a report of an accident on I-270 southbound past Big Bend Blvd. The accident has caused the right two lanes of the highway to close. ACCIDENT I-270 SB PAST...
Two injuries reported following truck crash on I-70 eastbound
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to the MSHP, two people were injured a crash in the eastbound lanes of I-70 just east of Zumbehl Road. The crash happened at around 5:30 p.m. yesterday, when a semi-truck made an unsafe lane...
One injured in crash on I-55 north of Meramec Bottom Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to a police crash report, one person was injured in crash on I-55 in the southbound lanes, north of Meramec Bottom Rd. The accident took place yesterday afternoon around 4:10 p.m. The crash occurred when a...
Crash reported on Old Missouri 21
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, a car accident took place yesterday afternoon on Old Missouri 21. The accident occurred when Pontiac Solstice failed to notice a Dodge Caravan that was stopped to turn. Around...
Two injured in single-vehicle crash on I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to a Missouri State Highway Patrol report, two people were injured yesterday in a single-vehicle crash in the westbound lanes east of I-170. The crash took place around 10:40 a.m. when a 2003 Ford Explorer...
Truck accident reported on MO-47
ST. LOUIS, MO – A car accident occurred yesterday on MO-47 north of Quarry Rd, reports the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident took place around 10:17 a.m. A 1998 Honda Oddysey and an 18-wheeler collided head-on when the Honda...
Truck crash reported on US-50 east of County Line Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to a police crash report, a truck accident took place yesterday on US-50 east of County Line Rd. The accident happened around 9:35 a.m. when a semi-truck lost control and crossed the center of the roadway....
Pedestrian seriously injured in crash on I-55
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, a pedestrian was seriously injured in a crash on I-55 in the northbound lanes, south of Weber Rd. The accident took place Wednesday night at around 11:15 p.m. A...
Crash reported on US-61
ST. LOUIS, MO – The Missouri State highway Patrol has reported an accident on US-61 at 8th street in Jefferson County. The accident occurred yesterday at 5:25 p.m. when a Harley Davidson motorcycle was hit by a Ford Explorer. According...
Crash reported on I-70 west of Bryan Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO – The Missouri State highway Patrol has reported a car crash on I-70 in the westbound lanes, west of Bryan Rd. The accident occurred yesterday at 10:15 p.m. The crash occurred when a Ford Focus traveled off...
Crash reported on I-270 westbound near West Florissant
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to a police crash report, a car accident occurred yesterday around 5 p.m. on I-270 westbound east of  West Florissant. The accident was caused by a failure to notice that a vehicle ahead had stopped...
Accident reported on I-55 southbound before Route Z
ST. LOUIS, MO – The Missouri Department of Transportation has tweeted a report of an accident on I-55 southbound before Route Z. ACCIDENT I-55 SB BEFORE ROUTE Z CLEARED AT 12:27 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) June 18, 2020...
Five injured following three vehicle crash on I-44
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, a car accident has occurred on I-44 near mile marker 260. The accident occurred when a towed unit became detached from a Ford F 150. A pedestrian was in...
Man in critical condition following moped crash
ST. LOUIS, MO –According to KSDK, a man is in critical condition following a moped crash that took place around 3:30 yesterday. The crash happened near the intersection of Chippewa St and Morganford Rd. The accident occurred when the 63-year-old...
Crash closes lanes on I-44 eastbound near Kingshighway Blvd
ST. LOUIS, MO – The Missouri Department of Transportation has tweeted a report of a car crash in the eastbound lanes of I-44 before Kingshighway Blvd. The report was made today at 11:39 a.m. ACCIDENT I-44 EB BEFORE KINGSHIGHWAY BLVD...
Accident reported on I-55 at Butler Hill Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to a MoDOT tweet, a car accident has occurred on I-55 in the southbound lanes at Butler Hill Rd. ACCIDENT I-55 SB AT BUTLER HILL RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 12:06 PM — MoDOT...
Accident reported on I-64 eastbound past Mason Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO – The Missouri Department of Transportation has tweeted a report of a car accident on I-64 in the eastbound lanes past Mason Rd. ACCIDENT I-64 EB PAST MASON RD CLEARED AT 1:57 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
Man faces DWI charge for crash that killed four
ST. LOUIS, MO – A man has been charged for the February 14 crash that killed four people on I-64, reports KMOV4. The crash took place on February 14th, when Elijah Henderson, 29, crossed the median of I-64 and hit...
Crash reported eastbound on I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO – The Missouri State Highway Patrol has reported an accident on I-64, west of State Highway K. The crash occurred yesterday at 2:30 p.m. and injured one. The crash was caused by the driver of a Ford...
Two injured in crash on State Highway U
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, two people were injured yesterday in a crash on State Highway U west of US-61. The accident occurred around 1:45 p.m. yesterday when the driver of a Toyota Corolla...
One injured in rear-ending accident on MO-21
ST. LOUIS, MO – An accident occurred yesterday on MO-21 at John Smith Rd, reports the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred around 1:35 p.m. when a Chevrolet City Express van stopped for a turning vehicle, leading a Kia...
Three-vehicle crash reported on Highway 67 north of Meyer Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO – The Missouri State Highway Patrol has reported a three-vehicle car crash on Highway 67 north of Meyer Rd. The accident happened yesterday morning at 7:10 when a Ford Expedition failed to stop for a red light....
One injured in crash caused by wheel falling off
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to a Missouri State Highway Patrol crash report, one person was injured yesterday in a crash on MO-185 south of Route T. The accident occurred Monday when the front right wheel of a Chevrolet Silverado...
Accident reported on I-270 eastbound at MO 367
ST. LOUIS, MO – The Missouri Department of Transportation has reported a vehicle accident on I-270 in the eastbound lanes at MO 367. ACCIDENT I-270 EB BEFORE MO 367 RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 8:08 AM — MoDOT STL Traffic...
One injured in single-vehicle crash
ST. LOUIS, MO – One person was injured in a single-vehicle on Meyer Rd west of Meyerwood Rd, reports the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred around 7:30 p.m. yesterday. A Chevrolet Impala traveled off the right side of the...
Three injured in crash on I-270 at MO-21
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to a Missouri State Highway Patrol crash report, three people were injured in a crash in I-270's southbound lanes at MO-21. The accident occurred yesterday, around 5:30 p.m., when a Dodge Avenger made an unsafe...
Accident reported on I-270 at Lilac Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to a MoDOT tweet, a car accident has occurred in the westbound lanes of I-270 at Lilac Ave. ACCIDENT I-270 WB AT LILAC AVE CLEARED AT 12:53 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) June 16,...
Injuries reported in rear-ending accident
ST. LOUIS, MO – The Missouri State Highway Patrol has reported multiple injuries due to a rear-ending accident on State Highway BB, south of State Highway A. The accident took place yesterday at 2:00 p.m. when a Ford Edge rear-ended...
Two injured in single-vehicle crash
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to a police crash report, two individuals were injured in a single-vehicle crash in Jefferson County yesterday. The crash took place around 11:45 a.m. on June 15, in the southbound lanes of Old Lemay Ferry...
Multiple injuries reported following two-car crash
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, an accident at Glen Rd and Westwoods Rd left three individuals injured. The crash occurred Sunday around 9:20 p.m. when a Chevrolet Cruz failed to stop for a turning...
One dies in I-70 crash in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to KMOV4, one individual has died following a car crash in the westbound lanes of I-70. The crash occurred near West Florissant Ave around 3:45 this morning. The accident caused the interstate to close until...
Driver in police custody following fatal hit and run
ST. LOUIS, MO – A driver is in custody after a 5-year-old girl was hit and killed by a car yesterday evening, reports KMOV4. The accident occurred around 7:30 p.m. when Demyhia Bates was hit by a car while playing...
Emergency vehicle blocking I-55 northbound shoulder
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to a Missouri Department of Transportation tweet, the left shoulder of I-55 to Loughborough Ave is blocked by emergency vehicles. ER VEHICLE I-55 NB TO LOUGHBOROUGH LEFT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 1:23 PM — MoDOT...
I-64 eastbound exit to Hanley Rd closed
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to an MoDOT tweet, the eastbound I-64 exit to Hanley Rd is closed. The report came today just after 12 p.m. EXIT CLOSED I-64 EB TO HANLEY RD USE ALT ROUTE EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 2:00...
One injured in I-55 car crash
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to a police crash report, one person was injured yesterday in a crash on I-55 in the southbound lanes. The accident took place around 9:20 p.m. at mile marker 197.8, near US-255. A Ford Escape...
One injured in rear ending accident on I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO – One person was injured in a crash in the eastbound lanes of I-270 at W Florissant Ave, reports the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred yesterday around 7:20 p.m. when a Ford Expedition rear-ended a...
Accident reported on I-70 in eastbound express lanes at Florissant Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to the Missouri Department of Public Transportation, a vehicle accident has been reported on I-70 in eastbound express lanes at Florissant Ave. The crash is affecting the right shoulder. ACCIDENT I-70 EB EXPRESS LANES AT...
Single-vehicle crash reported on I-270 at Tesson Ferry Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to a Missouri State highway Patrol crash report, one person was injured in a collision on I-270 at Tesson Ferry Road. The accident took place yesterday around 6:45 p.m. 29-year-old Michael Conley was driving his...
UPDATE: Man killed in early-morning I-70 accident identified
ST. LOUIS, MO – The man who died in a crash around 3 a.m. on Saturday has been identified, reports KMOV4. The crash took place when 35-year-old Calvin Harrell hit a street sign while entering I-70. His GMC Yukon then...
Car crash reported on MO 370 at MO 141
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to a MoDOT tweet, a car crash has occurred on MO 370, in the eastbound lanes, at MO 141. The crash is obstructing the right shoulder. ACCIDENT MO 370 EB AT MO 141 RIGHT SHOULDER...
Woman injured in rear-end accident in Franklin Co.
WASHINGTON, MO (FRANKLIN COUNTY) – A woman was taken to the hospital after her sedan was rear-ended by another vehicle Friday afternoon in Franklin County, according to a crash report by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The incident happened around...
Man injured after he rear-ends stalled vehicle on MO-364
ST. PETERS, MO – A man was taken to the hospital after he rear-ended another driver Friday afternoon in St. Charles County, according to a report by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened at about 3:40 p.m. at...
Moscow Mills man seriously hurt in Lincoln Co. motorcycle accident
LINCOLN COUNTY, MO – A man was seriously injured in a single-vehicle motorcycle accident in Lincoln County Friday evening, according to a report by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened at about 5:45 p.m., as 25-year-old Charles C....
St. Louis man dead after rear-ending 18-wheeler
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO – A man from St. Louis is dead after he crashed his car into an 18-wheeler this morning on Interstate 270. The accident happened just before 7 a.m. at mile marker 32.2 on I-270, according to...
Man dead in early-morning I-70 accident
ST. LOUIS, MO – A man died in a fatal car accident early this morning on Interstate 70, according to a report by KTVI. The accident happened around 3 a.m. near the intersection of I-70 and Madison and involved two...
Accident reported on I-270 southbound past I-44
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to a tweet from the Missouri Department of Transportation, an accident has occurred in I-270's southbound lanes just past I-44. ACCIDENT I-270 SB PAST I-44 BE PREPARED TO STOP EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 15:30 — MoDOT...
Five injured in single vehicle crash on Highway 94
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, five people were injured in a single-vehicle crash on Highway 94 at Route H. The crash occurred around 2:30 a.m. this morning. The accident took place when a Honda...
Crash reported on Highway BB at Veterans Dr
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to a police report, a crash took place yesterday around 6:30 p.m. on Highway BB at Veterans Dr in Cedar Hill. The crash occurred when a Chevy Malibu attempted to pass another Chevy Malibu but...
Stalled vehicle blocking right shoulder of I-44 eastbound
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to a MoDOT tweet, a stalled vehicle is currently blocking the right shoulder of I-44's eastbound lanes past Antire Road. STALLED VEHICLE I-44 EB PAST ANTIRE RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 1:37 PM —...
Two vehicle accident reported on Highway 30 at Gravois Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO – Yesterday a crash occurred in the westbound lanes of Highway 30 at Gravois Rd, reports the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened when a Dodge Dakota failed to stop at a red light, causing the...
Rear ending accident reported on US-61
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to the Missouri State highway Patrol, one individual was injured in a crash yesterday on US-61 north of Perry County Rd 904. The crash occurred around 1:45 p.m. yesterday when Chevrolet Cruz rear-ended a Chevrolet...
I-55 northbound on ramp from US-67 blocked by crash
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to the Missouri Department of Transportation, the I-55 northbound on-ramp from US-67 was blocked by an accident this morning. The report of the accident was tweeted this morning, just after 6:30. ACCIDENT I-55 NB ON...
Car accident reported on I-64 westbound before Market St
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to a MoDOT tweet, a car accident occurred this morning on I-64 in the westbound lanes before Market St. The crash was reported at 11:16 a.m. ACCIDENT I-64 WB BEFORE MARKET ST 2 RIGHT LANES...
Stalled vehicle blocking shoulder of I-270 southbound
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to a MoDOT tweet, a stalled vehicle is blocking the right shoulder of I-270 southbound near Tesson Ferry Rd. STALLED VEHICLE I-270 SB BEFORE TESSON FERRY RD RIGHT SHOULDER EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 2:56 PM —...
Accident reported on I-55 southbound at Reavis Barracks Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO – The Missouri Department of transportation has tweeted a report of an accident on I-55 southbound at Reavis Barracks Rd. ACCIDENT I-55 SB AT REAVIS BARRACKS RD 2 LEFT LANES CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 2:40 PM —...
Single-car crash reported on Highway Ww east of Highway D
ST. LOUIS, MO – The Missouri State Highway Patrol is reporting a single-vehicle car crash on Highway Ww east of Highway D. The crash took place yesterday, June 10th, at 3:50 p.m. when a Jeep Cherokee failed to negotiate a...
Accident reported on I-70 westbound at Lucas and Hunt Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO – A car accident has been reported on I-70 in the westbound lanes westbound at Lucas and Hunt Rd, according to a police crash report. The accident happened around 6:30 p.m. yesterday when a Chrystler Concord blew...
Truck accident reported on Highway U west of US-61
ST. LOUIS, MO – A vehicle accident occurred yesterday, just after noon, on Highway U west of US-61, reports the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened when a Freightliner dump truck failed to stop at a red light, causing...
Crash reported on US-67 at Riverlands Way
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to a police report, one man was seriously injured yesterday due to a car crash on US-67 at Riverlands Way. The crash occurred around 10:40 a.m. when a Ford Explorer traveled into the path of...
Police searching for drivers who fled scene of an overnight crash
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to Fox2Now, police are searching for the drivers involved in an accident that occurred at Page Blvd and N Sarah St early this morning. The crash happened around 12:30 a.m. on June 11th. Police arrived...
Fatal single-vehicle crash reported on MO-47
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to a Missouri State Highway Patrol accident report, one individual was killed and another was seriously injured in a single-vehicle crash on MO-47 north of Rye Creek Rd. The accident occurred on Tuesday the 9th,...
Accident reported on I-55 southbound past Potomac St
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to a MoDOT tweet, an accident has occurred on I-55 past Potomac St, in the southbound lanes. The crash has led to the closure of the right two lanes. ACCIDENT I-55 SB PAST POTOMAC ST...
Two injured in on northbound I-55 past Meramec Bottom Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, two individuals were injured in a crash at 5:20 a.m. this morning. The accident took place in the northbound lanes of I-55 just north of Meramec Bottom Rd. The...
One injured in Route M crash in Wright City
ST. LOUIS, MO – One individual was injured yesterday in a single-vehicle crash on Route M at South String Town Road, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred around 9:30 p.m. 28-year-old Beau Ford sustained minor injuries...
One injured in motorcycle rollover crash in Rock Township
ST. LOUIS, MO – Yesterday one man was injured in a motorcycle crash on West Rock Creek Rd at Romaine Creek Rd. in Rock Township, according to a police crash report. The crash occurred around 8 p.m. and involved a...
Fatal motorcycle crash reported on MO-185
ST. LOUIS, MO – A single-vehicle motorcycle crash on MO-185 north of US-50 at 3:35 yesterday killed one individual, reports the Missouri State highway Patrol. According to the crash report, Lynn Voss, 58, was traveling too quickly on his Harley...
Single-vehicle crash reported on MO-32
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, a single-vehicle crash took place on MO-32 east of Flieg Dr around 10 a.m. yesterday. The crash occurred when a Ford van, driven by 47-year-old Sherman Vonarx, traveled off...
Police chase ends in crash, arrest
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to KMOV4, a police chase Monday night ended in a car crash and several arrests. The chase began around 7:20 p.m. on Monday when an officer spotted a car that matched the description of a...
Two injured in I-270 car crash
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to a crash report by the Missouri State Highway Patrol, two individuals were injured yesterday in a car crash in the southbound lanes of I-270. The accident occurred around 9:30 a.m., just north of I-55....
Right shoulder of I-70 obstructed by vehicle
ST. LOUIS, MO – The Missouri Department of Transportation's Twitter account has reported a stalled vehicle blocking I-70's right shoulder. The vehicle is located in the eastbound lanes of I-70 before I-64. STALLED VEHICLE I-70 EB BEFORE I-64 RIGHT SHOULDER...
Stalled vehicle blocking right lane of I-44 westbound
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to a MoDOT tweet, a stalled vehicle is currently blocking the westbound right lane of I-44 past Berry Road. The report was made at 2:47 p.m. this afternoon.   STALLED VEHICLE I-44 WB PAST BERRY...
Driver ejected from car in single-vehicle crash
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, a man was seriously injured due to a single-vehicle crash on Lakota Road near Water's Edge Road. The accident took place just before 7:30 p.m. on June 8th. The...
Left lanes of I-270 northbound reopened following car accident
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to a tweet sent by the Missouri Department of Transportation, an accident that caused the closure of the left lanes of I-270 northbound was cleared this morning at 10:19 a.m. ACCIDENT I-270 NB PAST DORSETT...
Driver seriously injured in single vehicle crash on Route H
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the driver of a Dodge Dakota was seriously injured in a single-vehicle car crash on Route H. The accident took place just south of Hildebrecht Rd around 2:50 p.m....
I-55 northbound left lanes closed due to crash
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to the MoDOT Twitter account, an accident has been reported in the northbound lanes of I-55 at Potomac St. The crash occurred around noon today and caused the left lanes of the highway to closed....
One injured in single vehicle motorcycle crash on US-61
ST. LOUIS, MO – One man was injured in a motorcycle accident on US-61 around noon yesterday, reports the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred on US-61 at Willow Bend Rd, in Imperial. According to the crash report, Donald...
Single vehicle crash reported on Highway 30 in Murphy
ST. LOUIS, MO – The Missouri State Highway Patrol is reporting a single-vehicle car crash in the westbound lanes of Highway 30 at Little Brennan Rd. The accident took place at 8:18 a.m. on Monday, June 8th. The driver and...
Vehicle blocking right shoulder of I-44
ST. LOUIS, MO – A vehicle is currently obstructing the shoulder of I-44 in the eastbound lanes, reports a MoDOT tweet sent out at 2:35 p.m. The stalled vehicle is on I-44 eastbound to I-55 southbound.   STALLED VEHICLE I-44...
Stalled vehicle on I-70 near Florissant Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO – The Missouri Department of Transportation is reporting a stalled vehicle blocking the shoulder of I-70. According to a 2:20 p.m. tweet, the vehicle is in the right shoulder of I-70's westbound lanes just past Florissant Road....
Reports of debris blocking I-44 on-ramp from Jefferson Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO – The Missouri Department of Transportation is reporting debris obstructing the I-44 westbound on-ramp from Jefferson Ave. The report was issued via Twitter at 1:02 p.m. this afternoon. DEBRIS I-44 WB ON RAMP FROM JEFFERSON AVE BE...
Man seriously injured in one vehicle crash on I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO – One man was injured Saturday afternoon on the eastbound I-70 ramp to I-141 southbound, reports the Missouri State Highway Patrol. According to the accident report, 44-year-old David Costa was driving too fast for the conditions, causing...
Accident on I-270 closes right lane
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to a MoDOT tweet, a car crash on I-270 at I-70 has caused the closure of the right lane and shoulder. ACCIDENT I-270 SB AT I-70 RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 12:27 PM —...
Diver injured in crash on I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol a woman was injured Sunday in a crash on I-70. The crash took place just before 8 a.m. west of Airflight Dr near Lambert International Airport. One woman, 37-year-old...
Minor injuries reported following three vehicle crash south of St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, a car crash on US-67 left one woman injured after her car flipped. The crash happened just after 7 a.m. this morning on US-67 at Route Y near Valles...
Pedestrian hit by car on North Grand Blvd
ST. LOUIS, MO – A pedestrian was hit by a car around midnight on June 7th while he was attempting to cross North Grand Blvd, reports Fox2Now. The crash occurred near the intersection of North Grand Blvd and Kossuth Ave....
13-year-old girl crashes ATV, injures 3 passengers, including 8-year-old boy
FRENCH VILLAGE, MO (STE. GENEVIEVE COUNTY) – A 13-year-old girl driving an ATV led to an accident yesterday that injured three people, including an 8-year-old boy, according to a report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened just...
Man, 22, injured after rear-ending 82-year-old woman in Jefferson County
HIGH RIDGE, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – A man was seriously injured after he drove his vehicle into that of an 82-year-old woman in what Missouri State Highway Patrol described as a “careless and reckless manner.” The accident happened yesterday just...
Weldon Spring woman, 36, injured in St. Charles County accident
WELDON SPRING, MO (ST. CHARLES COUNTY) – A woman was sent to the hospital after an accident last night in St. Charles County, according to a crash report published by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened around 6:45...
Four SLPD officers injured in car accident in Carr Square
ST. LOUIS, MO – Four St. Louis Police Department officers were injured when they were hit by a car late Friday night. The accident occurred around 11 p.m. near the intersection of 20th Street and Cass Avenue when the police...
Man drives through, shoots at Brentwood protest crowd
BRENTWOOD, MO – A man in Brentwood drove into and fired a gun at a crowd of protestors on Thursday, according to KSDK.   The incident occurred Thursday night in the Brentwood Promenade parkway, near a Target store.  The suspect has been identified as...
Two people injured in I-70 accident
ST. LOUIS, MO – Two people were taken to the hospital following a three-vehicle car crash this morning on Interstate 70, according to a report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident occurred just before noon today on I-70...
One dies following 3 vehicle crash on Highway 67
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, one individual was killed and two were injured due to a June 3rd crash on Highway 67. The crash occurred around 12:50 p.m. According to the police report, a...
Car crash reported on I-64 near Olive Blvd
ST. LOUIS, MO – A car crash has been reported on I-64 by a Missouri Department of transportation tweet. The accident took place in the eastbound lanes of I-64 past Olive Blvd. ACCIDENT I-64 EB PAST OLIVE BLVD 2 RIGHT...
One seriously injured in single vehicle car crash
ST. LOUIS, MO – A man has been seriously injured after colliding with a utility pole. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the crash occurred around 11:40 this morning on Highway 47 north of Kingston Road, southeast of St....
Accident reported on MO 141 near Page Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO – A car accident has been reported in the southbound lanes of MO 141 (Maryland Heights Expressway) just past Page Avenue, reports MoDOT via Twitter. The accident caused the right lane of the expressway to close. ACCIDENT...
Vehicle stalled on I-70 at Grand Ave
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to MoDOT tweet sent out at 12:40 p.m., a vehicle is currently stalled on I-70 at Grand Ave. The vehicle is located on the right shoulder in the highway's westbound lanes. STALLED VEHICLE I-70 WB...
Police find man shot following crash on I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO – Police responding to a crash on I-70 around 1 a.m. this morning found that a man involved in the crash had been shot, reports KMOV4. The crash took place in the westbound lanes of I-70 near...
Motorcycle driver injured in single vehicle accident on Mill Hill Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO – Yesterday around 5 p.m. a driver was ejected from his motorcycle after exiting the roadway, reports the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The driver of a Kawasaki Edge veered off the right side of Mill Hill Road,...
One injured due to rollover crash on I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO – The Missouri State Highway Patrol is reporting that one individual due to a single-vehicle rollover crash on I-70. According to the crash report, around 4:30 p.m. on June 4th, the driver of a Mercury Mountaineer lost...
I-44 eastbound lanes closed for roadwork
ST. LOUIS, MO – The Missouri Department of Transportation is reporting lane closures on I-44. According to a tweet sent out this afternoon, the right two eastbound lanes of I-44 before Vandeventer Ave are closed for roadwork. ROADWORK I-44 EB...
Stalled vehicle blocking I-70 right shoulder near First Capitol Dr
ST. LOUIS, MO – A vehicle is currently stalled on  I-70 at First Capitol Drive. According to a Missouri Department of Transportation tweet sent out around 3:20 p.m., the vehicle is blocking the right shoulder of the eastbound lanes in...
I-55 northbound exit to Arsenal St closed
ST. LOUIS, MO – The I-55 northbound exit to Arsenal Street is currently closed, according to a tweet sent out around 2:45 this afternoon by MoDOT. EXIT CLOSED I-55 NB TO ARSENAL ST USE ALT ROUTE EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 15:44...
Multiple injuries reported following crash on I-64 west of Highway K
ST. LOUIS, MO – According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, a crash on I-64 has left two drivers injured. The crash occurred around 11:30 this morning in the westbound lanes of I-64 west of Highway K. Police say the...
Accident reported on I-270 near New Halls Ferry Road
ST. LOUIS, MO – MoDOT is reporting an accident on I-270 past New Halls Ferry Road. The crash occurred in the eastbound lanes just past New Halls Ferry Road. Vehicles are blocking the right shoulder of the highway. ACCIDENT I-270...
Vehicle stalled in I-64 westbound lanes near Mason Road
ST. LOUIS, MO – The Missouri Department of Transportation is reporting a stalled vehicle on I-64 in the westbound lanes. STALLED VEHICLE I-64 WB PAST MASON RD RIGHT LANE CLOSED EST. CLEARANCE TIME: 12:58 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic)...
Westbound lane of I-70 closed due to accident near Lambert St. Louis Airport
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident has occurred on westbound I-70 before Lambert St. Louis Airport, reports MoDOT via their official twitter. The collision has closed the right lane of westbound traffic.   ACCIDENT I-70 WB BEFORE LAMBERT ST LOUIS...
Three vehicle crash reported on I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, one individual has sustained minor injuries following a three-vehicle collision in the eastbound lanes of I-70 near Lucas and Hunt Road. The crash occurred just before 4 a.m. this...
Accident reported at I-44 and I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident was reported at the intersection of I-44 and I-270 at 8:06 p.m via MoDOT's official Twitter feed. ACCIDENT I-44 EB AT I-270 CLEARED AT 8:05 PM — MoDOT STL Traffic (@StLouisTraffic) June 4, 2020...
Salem woman injured in Sunday crash
SALEM, MO - A Salem woman was injured in a two-vehicle collision Sunday when she lost control of her 2010 Chevrolet Cobalt and overcorrected, striking another vehicle in the process. The Salem News reports that Briana M. Bacon, 23, was...
Driver falls asleep at the wheel on Highway 100
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - On Tuesday evening, a woman suffered serious injuries when she fell asleep while driving and then crashed into a tree. At 5:22 on June 2, 47-year-old Jennifer Moody fell asleep while driving her 2011 Ford Taurus....
Mechanical failure causes rollover accident
ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY, MO - A man was seriously injured when his car experienced a mechanical failure and then rolled over Tuesday night. The Missouri State Highway Patrol responded to a rollover accident at approximately 5:15 on June 2. Adam...
Vehicle rolls over when driver passes out
BEAUFORT, MO - A driver passed out behind the wheel on Highway 50, injuring three when the car to crash into a tree and rollover. Charles Owen, 40, was driving a 2009 Honda CRV on Highway 50 near Vienna Woods...
Woman seriously injured in I-70 crash
WARREN COUNTY, MO - A 53-year-old woman was seriously injured on Tuesday when a car cut-off the woman's vehicle and caused her to crash into a cable barrier. Jean Stock was driving her 2016 Buick Encore in the left lane...
Military vehicle hits a car
ST. LOUIS, MO - A U.S. Army Humvee crashed into a car on Interstate 70 early on Wednesday morning. Fox 2 Now reports that the vehicles crashed at approximately 1:30 on June 3. The incident occurred on I-70 near West...
Police officer hit by car
ST. ANN, MO - A driver and a passenger are in police custody on Tuesday after they hit and injured a police officer with their truck. Two men were driving their truck on St. Charles Rock Road on the night...
Accident shuts down lane on I-70 near Florissant Rd
ST. LOUIS, MO - MoDOT St. Louis reported an accident on I-70 west of its intersection with Florissant Road that shut down the right lane to traffic, via its official Twitter feed. ACCIDENT I-70 WB PAST FLORISSANT RD RIGHT LANE...
Woman injured in two-vehicle collision on I-270 at MO-180
ST. LOUIS, MO - A woman was injured when she collided with the vehicle in front of hers on I-270 north of its intersection with MO-180 Tuesday afternoon, according to a report filed by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. Ashleigh...
Accident blocks lanes on I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - A car accident on Tuesday afternoon blocked three lanes of traffic on Interstate 270 near MO 367. The official Missouri Department of Transportation twitter reports that police responded to the accident at approximately 4:11 p.m. on...
Curfew in effect to reduce violence in St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO - The mayor of St. Louis, Lyda Krewson announced that the city will be enforcing a curfew from 9:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday after violence escalated during protests on Monday night. On Monday, June 1,...
Protesters shut down Interstate 64
ST. LOUIS, MO - Over 1,000 peaceful protesters marched in downtown St. Louis on Monday evening, blocking traffic on Interstate 64. The demonstration for George Floyd started near the Gateway Arch with approximately 300 to 500 protesters, organized by the...
Uninsured driver causes five-car crash on Highway 141
FENTON, MO - On Monday, night two people were injured during a five-car collision with a reckless, uninsured driver. The accident occurred at approximately 7:02 p.m. at the intersection of Highway 141 and Fielder Lane, according to the Missouri State...
Motorcycle runs off road and crashes on Route AA
FARMINGTON, MO - A motorcyclist was injured on Tuesday afternoon after his motorcycle ran off the road, crashed into a ditch, and then overturned. Around 1:20 p.m. on June 2, 63-year-old Ricky Webers crashed his 2000 Suzuki motorcycle on State...
Man injured in Highway 30 accident
MURPHY, MO - Two cars collided and injured one, on Tuesday morning, when a car failed to stop behind a turning driver. Johnny Marcrum, 46, was driving his 2002  GMC 3500 on westbound Highway 30. According to the Missouri State...
Uninsured driver injured in rollover crash
FENTON, MO - An uninsured driver sustained minor injuries after his vehicle hit a concrete wall and rolled over early on Monday morning. The incident occurred around 1:43 a.m. on June 1, while 19-year-old Jeramey Cobert was driving on I-44...
Police search for hit-and-run driver in north St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO - Police are searching for a driver who fled the scene following a late-night wreck in north St. Louis, Fox 2 Now reports. Authorities say a Jeep of indeterminate model ran a red light at the intersection...
Emergency vehicles respond to crash on I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - Emergency vehicles have responded to a crash on I-70 westbound at its intersection with MO 141, MoDOT's official Twitter account reported today at 3:26 p.m. The left two lanes of traffic have been closed. EMERGENCY VEHICLES...
Motorcyclist shoots stopped driver on Goodfellow Boulevard
ST. LOUIS, MO - A motorcyclist shot and critically injured a man in a car on Monday morning, while both motorists were stopped at a traffic light. According to KMOV, police officers are investigating a shooting incident that occurred early...
Emergency vehicle blocking I-64 right shoulder
ST. LOUIS, MO - An emergency vehicle arrived to assist during an incident that occurred on I-64 Monday afternoon. The official Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) twitter reports than an ER vehicle responded to an incident that occurred at approximately...
Owensville Woman Injured in Rollover Accident
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - A 29-year-old woman was injured on Sunday night when her car rolled over on Highway NN. Brianna Boehm was driving a 2007 Buick Lucerne northbound on Highway NN near Dutch Creek Road. Around 6:37 p.m. on...
Driver runs off the road and crashes into a ditch
DESOTO, MO - On Monday morning, a man sustained moderate injuries after he drove off the road, hit a mailbox, and then crashed into a ditch. At around 8:04 a.m. on June 1, Michael Allen, 69, drove his 2007 Ford...
60-year-old pedestrian struck by car
ARNOLD, MO - Local firefighters reported that a 60-year-old woman hit by a car on Monday afternoon. KMOV reports that the incident took place just after 3:00 p.m. on June 1. The woman was walking near the intersection of Melody...
Two women injured in I-55 rear-end crash
ST. LOUIS, MO – Two women were injured in a rear-end collision Friday evening in St. Louis, according to a crash report published by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened around 5:35 p.m. on Interstate 55, near Reavis...
St. Louis woman injured in St. Charles crash
ST. CHARLES, MO – A St. Louis woman was injured in a crash last night that involved a Wentzville teen and caused significant vehicular damage. The Missouri State Highway Patrol reports that the accident occurred just before 10 p.m. on...
Man from Imperial injured in Jefferson County car accident
FESTUS, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – A man from Imperial was injured in a car accident on Victoria Road in Jefferson County yesterday evening, according to a crash report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The incident happened just after 6:30...
Two people injured in rear-end collision in St. Charles County
WELDON SPRING, MO (ST. CHARLES COUNTY) – Two people were injured in a three-vehicle crash this afternoon in St. Charles County, according to a report by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred just after 4 p.m. at the...
Motorcyclist injured in St. Peters rear-end crash
ST. PETERS, MO (ST. CHARLES COUNTY) – A man was seriously injured whenever a woman rear-ended his motorcycle this morning in St. Peters, according to a report by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened just after 11:30 a.m....
Man dies in FedEx truck accident during downtown demonstration
ST. LOUIS, MO – A man died early this morning in a FedEx truck accident that took place during a demonstration downtown, according to Fox 2 Now. The accident occurred around 3 a.m. at the intersection of North Broadway and...
Vehicles collide on Eastbound I-70
LOUIS, MO - On Friday afternoon, a vehicle collision closed the left lane of traffic on Interstate 70 near Missouri Route 370. The accident occurred on May 29 at approximately 3:59 p.m., according to the Missouri Department of Transportation Traffic...
Accident closes lane on I-270
ST. LOUIS, MO - The right traffic lane on Northbound I-270 closed on Friday afternoon, after a vehicle collision. The Missouri Department of Transportation Twitter account reported that the accident occurred on May 29 at approximately 4:17 p.m. The vehicles...
Motorcycle overturns near Katrina Drive
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - 51-year-old Patrick Ruzika of House Springs was taken to the hospital after his motorcycle crashed along Route MM Friday afternoon. According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Ruzinga's Harley Davidson skidded off the freeway, struck a ditch...
Wet roads cause accident on I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two women were transported to the hospital with minor injuries after slick roads caused them to collide on I-70 Thursday. Shanice Pope, 24 was traveling westbound on I-70 when she hit a wet patch and lost...
Two people in serious condition after major collision in St. Charles
ST. CHARLES, MO - Two people, including one minor, were transported to a local hospital in serious condition after being ejected from their vehicles Wednesday night. Samantha Christie, 29, was traveling westbound on Highway 94 when the driver of a...
Two injured in head-on collision on Highway 367
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two motorists have been transported to a local hospital after a serious collision on Highway 367 Friday morning. Shaun Morring, 19, was traveling northbound when he crossed the dividing line and struck a vehicle driven by...
Woman killed in crash on Highway 50
MONITEAU COUNTY, MO - A California woman died after being struck by a truck on Highway 50 Tuesday evening. According to KRCG, Adrea Bondurant, 36 was hit on the driver's side door by a truck as she was attempting to...
Two men charged in Jefferson County hit-and-run
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO - In an update to an earlier story, two men from St. Louis have been arrested and booked on hit-and-run charges from a May 20th incident that left a man in critical condition. 26-year-old Branden VanDoren stole...
Attempt to move turtle from roadway results in crash, injury
PIKE COUNTY, MO - The Missouri State Highway Patrol reports that two motorcyclists collided at Highway 79 near its intersection with Highway YY on Saturday afternoon, when one biker stopped to remove a turtle from the road. Carolyn Hemphill, 67,...
Warrentown man seriously injured in two-vehicle crash
WARRENTON, MO - One person was seriously injured when the 1995 Ford Ranger he was driving slammed in to the back of a stopped vehicle in the middle of a Warren County roadway Saturday morning, according to a Missouri State...
Two lanes closed in traffic accident on I-70
ST. LOUIS, MO - MoDOT St. Louis is reporting an accident on I-70 westbound at I-170. Two right lanes are closed. Drivers are encouraged to find an alternative route. Lanes are estimated to reopen at 8:18 p.m. Disclaimer: This article...
Traffic report for 5/27/20
ST. LOUIS, MO - KMOV traffic reports 2that an accident at Exit 261 Six Flags Road blocked two lanes of traffic on I-44 westbound. Lanes are blocked through Exit 257 Viaduct. The accident is classified as severe. A stalled vehicle...
Woman dies in Washington County rollover
WASHINGTON, MO - A woman died in a two-vehicle collision that occurred at 1:41 p.m. Saturday on Missouri 47 North Carp Lake Road, as reported by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. Joshua Parker, 24, lost control of his vehicle while...
Two people ejected from vehicles in St. Charles Co. collision
WELDON SPRING, MO - Two people were ejected from their vehicles Wednesday night when an underage driver ran a red light and struck another vehicle, according to a the Missouri State Highway Patrol report. An unnamed 16-year-old male driver failed...
Man dies after early May crash that killed child
ST. LOUIS, MO - A man has died from injuries he sustained in a May 4 accident at the intersection of W Florissant Avenue and Riverview Avenue, KMOV reports. Robert Dixon, 40, was turning onto Florrisant from Riverview when his...
Woman injured while pulling into Washington Co driveway
WASHINGTON COUNTY, MO - A woman was injured while pulling into her driveway Thursday morning when another motorist failed to slow down, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. The incident occurred at 9:30 a.m. at the intersection of Missouri Route...
Woman injured in collision with tree
JEFFERSON, MO - A woman was injured Wednesday morning when her vehicle struck a tree at 10175 Jones Creek Road, as reported by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. Emma Fields, 19, failed to navigate a turn and drove off the...
Vehicles collide while avoiding a previous crash, injuring one
ST. LOUIS, MO - A passenger vehicle and semi truck collided while attempting to avoid a previous accident Wednesday afternoon on I-70 west of Jennings Station Road, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. One person was injured. A previous...
Poor weather conditions cause pile up on I-55 in Jefferson Co.
ARNOLD, MO - Four vehicles collided on wet roads Monday afternoon on I-55 near Route Z, as reported by the Missouri State highway Patrol. One person was hospitalized. Jody Fowler, 50, lost control of his 2011 Kia Forte due to...
Three minors ejected from ATV on Port Perry Drive
PARKER LAKE, MO - Three minors were partially ejected from their vehicle after hitting loose gravel on Port Perry Drive at Shelter Way Monday night, as reported by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. Seventeen-year-old Elijah Bierk’s 2019 Kawasaki Mule struck...
71-year-old woman seriously injured in Lafayette Farms crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - A Sullivan woman was seriously injured when she failed to stop at a red light Wednesday afternoon while exiting I-444 onto MO-141 and hit another vehicle, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. Carmela Anglin, 71, failed...
Two hospitalized after woman fails to yield to oncoming traffic
ST. CHARLES, MO - Three women were injured in collision after a vehicle failed to yield to traffic Monday morning on Highway 79 at North Main Street, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. Jada Waters, 19, failed to yield...
One dead, one in critical condition after early morning house fire
ST. LOUIS, MO - One woman has died and one man is hospitalized after a house fire that broke out Wednesday morning on Idaho Avenue, as reported by FOX2NOW. A two-story brick house caught fire in the Dutchtown neighborhood. The...
Three injured in two-vehicle crash south of Hillsboro
JEFFERSON, MO - Two cars collided on Highway 21 at Highway 10 Tuesday night when one vehicle turned left in front of the second vehicle, as reported by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. Three people were injured. Ralph Ackerman, 43,...
Two vehicles collide while attempting to avoid deer, one injured
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO - Two vehicles collided Monday afternoon when one slowed down to avoid a deer in the road, according to a report by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident occurred at the 229.6-mile marker of I-44. Police...
Three injured in hit and run accident in Maryland Heights
ST. LOUIS, MO - Three people were injured in a hit-and-run accident in Maryland Heights early Monday morning, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. Jazmynn Lester, 19, was driving southbound on Highway 367 near of North Lindbergh Boulevard when...
Two injured in North Kingshighway crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two people were injured in a two-vehicle crash on Bircher Boulevard at North Kingshighway at about 2:30 a.m. Tuesday, according to FOX2NEWS. Two vehicles and four people were involved in the crash. Two individuals were hospitalized,...
Family of 11 survives house fire
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two adults and seven children survived a house fire that broke out at 5:00 a.m. on Tuesday according to FOX2NOW. The home was located at the 4500 block of S. Compton Road. The fire took approximately...
Juvenile driver and passenger injured in St. Francois ATV accident
ST. FRANCOIS, MO - A juvenile driver and passenger were injured in St. Francois County yesterday when their vehicle hit an embankment and overturned, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reports. The incident occurred  on Highway 185 near Lake Hannah Flats...
Vehicle stolen after fender bender in Near North Riverfront
ST. LOUIS, MO - A man’s car was stolen by two suspects after they rear-ended him at a stop sign Monday night, reports 5 On Your Side. The incident occurred near North 11th Street and Angelica Street at around 6:15...
Two injured in three-vehicle crash in North St. Louis
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two people were injured in a Tuesday morning crash on I-70 in North St. Louis, FOX2NOW reports. Three vehicles collided on I-70 and Goodfellow Boulevard at 1:30 a.m. Two individuals were taken to the hospital. Their...
Driver trapped by utility pole
ST. LOUIS, MO - A driver became trapped in their pickup truck after colliding with a utility pole in Buchana Road near North Broadway, according to FOX2NOW. The vehicle struck the pole at about 7 a.m. on Tuesday, with enough...
Car chase ends in McBride-Officer Park crash
LOUIS, MO - Police officers arrested two people for stealing a vehicle on Sunday night after the suspects crashed the car during a police chase. Fox 2 Now reports that an adult and a juvenile threatened a driver and then...
Woman injured in distracted driving crash in Franklin County
FRANKLIN COUNTY, MO – A woman was injured as a result of a rear-end crash this afternoon in Franklin County that was caused by inattentive driving. The accident happened just after 2 p.m. today on Highway 47, south of Myrick...
Woman, 75, dead in Washington County crash
RICHWOODS TOWNSHIP, MO (WASHINGTON COUNTY) – One woman is dead following a car accident on State Highway 47 in Washington County yesterday afternoon. A fatality report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol states that the incident happened at the intersection...
O’Fallon man, 28, dead in Washington County ATV accident
WASHINGTON COUNTY, MO – An O’Fallon man died yesterday evening following a single-vehicle ATV crash in Washington County, according to a report by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident occurred just after 5 p.m. at New Sugar Creek Road...
Phelps County teenager airlifted following ATV crash in Maries County
MARIES COUNTY, MO – A teenager from Rolla was seriously hurt following an ATV crash on Thursday night in Maries County, according to a report by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident occurred at about 6:20 p.m. on Maries...
Two men hospitalized after Route 8 collision
WASHINGTON COUNTY, MO – Two men were hospitalized as the result of a crash yesterday evening in Washington County, according to a report by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident occurred just after 5 p.m. at the intersection of...
Two people seriously injured in ATV rollover crash
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO – Two people were seriously injured as a result of an ATV rollover crash in Jefferson County last night, according to a report by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash occurred near Saline Road and Romaine...
Driver falls asleep, totals vehicle in crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - A driver fell asleep at his wheel and traveled off the road Thursday afternoon, as reported by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. At 3:50 p.m. 69-year-old Clifford Brummit’s 2000 Ford F150 overturned when he fell asleep...
5/22/20 accident report
ST. LOUIS, MO - An accident occurred on the Missouri 370 ramp from Spencer Road, Friday around 10 a.m. as reported by the MoDOT’s Real-time Traffic Alerts. The accident was cleared about an hour later at 11:40 a.m. Another accident...
Vehicle overturns in Jefferson County
JEFFERSON, MO - A man was injured when his motorcycle overturned while driving on Missouri 30 near Route B at 11:47 p.m. Thursday, as reported by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. Raymond Hatton, 42, lost control of his 2003 Suzuki...
Man injured in dump truck accident in Beaufort
FRANKLIN, MO - A dump truck traveled off the road and overturned when its driver overcorrected while attempting to avoid oncoming traffic early Friday on Missouri 185 north of US 50, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol.  Michael Shannon,...
One injured in two-vehicle collision in Wentzville
WENTZVILLE, MO - Two vehicles collided Friday morning when one motorist failed to yield and drove into the path of a second vehicle at Highway N near Wilmer Road, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. At 10:15 a.m. Brooke...
Truck overturns after striking concrete median
ST. LOUIS, MO - A truck overturned Friday morning after the driver lost control and his towed unit hit the concrete median, as reported by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. At 4:43 a.m. Kirk Hitchings, 63, lost control of his...
4 St. Charles residents injured in rainy day accident
ST. CHARLES, MO - Four St. Charles residents were injured in a crash Friday, May 8, when their vehicle slid on the road due to rainy weather, as reported by the Daily Herald. Jennie Kull had four passengers with her,...
Vehicle crashes into downtown restaurant
ST. LOUIS, MO - A vehicle crashed into a restaurant in downtown St. Louis Friday morning, according to FOX2. A witness reports that at 1 a.m. a driver lost control of their car and hit a traffic light before crashing...
Runner hit by vehicle near gas station
ST. LOUIS, MO - A runner was hit by a vehicle while running from a gas station on Local Hillsboro Road, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. Monday at 8:37 p.m. Joseph Bates,30, was running from a Motomart when...
Vehicle overturned on Highway Y, one hospitalized
FLATWOODS, MO - A vehicle overturned when the driver lost control while driving on Highway Y Wednesday afternoon, as reported by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. Heather Greenway, 42, lost control of her 2000 Chevrolet Suburban while driving south on...
Woman injured in Wednesday afternoon fender bender
IMPERIAL, MO - A woman was injured in a rear-end collision that occurred on US 61 at Montebello Road Wednesday afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. A 2001 Ford Escape, driven by 79-year-old Delores McClain, stopped to turn...
Three hospitalized in two-vehicle accident in Poplar Bluff
POPLAR BLUFF, MO - Two vehicles collided on Highway A near Township line Road when they both crossed the center line while turning, according to a report filed by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. Three people were hospitalized following the incident....
Four injured in three-vehicle accident
ST. LOUIS, MO - Four people were injured in a three-vehicle collision in Washington County this morning, according to a report filed by the Missouri State highway Patrol. Joshua Gibson, 37, backed his 1996 Ford F-350 into the driving lane...
Johnson & Johnson Pulls Talc from Shelves for Good
    At OnderLaw, we’ve long said our primary goals are to fight for justice for our clients and hold companies accountable when they put profits over people. This week’s news that Johnson & Johnson has removed its talc-based Johnson’s...
Three minors arrested for stealing vehicle
JENNINGS, MO - Three minors were arrested for car theft Wednesday afternoon, according to FOX2Now. Police responded to a report of a stolen vehicle near the 1800 block of Mora Lane at 2:15 p.m. They overheard sounds of a vehicle...
Fires in Vacant St. Louis commercial building
ST. LOUIS, MO - Firefighters battled a fire that broke out in a commercial building in south St. Louis Wednesday morning, as reported by KMOV4. The firefighters responded to a fire at the 4100 blocks of Bingham Avenue at 3...
Man hit by stolen car
CEDAR HILL, MO - A man is hospitalized after being hit by a stolen car Wednesday at 8:40 p.m. at a gas station near Highway 30 and Local Hillsboro Road, according to KMOV4. Joseph Bates, 30, was inside a gas...
Three injured in Highway 72 collision
SALEM, MO - Three people were injured in a two-car collision on Highway 72 and Route C on May 12, the Salem News reports. A 2002 Chevrolet 2500 pickup driven by Wade Mendenhall, 50, was hit by a 2006 Chrysler...
Man injured in merging accident on I-44
PHELPS COUNTY, MO - A man was injured in a two-car crash on I-44 May 13 at 9:13 a.m. as reported by the Salem News. Timothy Hance, 32, was merging onto I-44 westbound at the 189.8 mile marker when 82-year-old...
Vehicle hits truck towing trailer in Salem
SALEM, MO - A truck hit a trailer being towed by a second truck while it was turning right on Sligo at West Franklin on May 7, according to the Salem News. At 6:18 p.m. Lester Isaacs’ failed to yield...
Accident while pulling out of gas pumps
SALEM, MO - Two vehicles received minor damage at a gas station on May 5th when a woman made contact with a parked vehicle while leaving the gas pumps, as reported by The Salem News. A 2011 Kia Sedona, driven...
Minor fender bender at stop sign
SALEM, MO - A car backed up into the car behind at a stop sign on May 4th, as reported by the Salem News. At 3:27 p.m. Andrea Johnson was at a stop sign in the Walmart parking lot in...
Car causes minor damage pulling out of driveway
SALEM, MO - Two vehicles received minor damage when one backed into the other on May 3rd, as reported by the Salem News. The accident occurred at 11:26 p.m. on Russell Street. Larry Ray backed his 2007 Chevy Malibu out...
Woman killed in crash on Route 367
ST. LOUIS, MO - A woman was killed in a car accident in Moline Acres Tuesday night, according to KMOV4. Terri Jackson, 55, crashed into another car while turning onto Route 367 from Prestige Court at approximately 8:40 p.m. Jackson...
Paramedic hurt in hit and run
ST. LOUIS, MO - A paramedic was injured in a hit and run incident Wednesday at 1:30 a.m., as reported by FOX2. The driver of an unidentified car hit an ambulance near the intersection of Kossuth Avenue and Redbud Avenue....
Path Lights Sold at Home Depot Recalled for Electric Shock Risk
Hampton Bay, Patriot Lighting, and Paradise light kits with power supplied by Sterno Home LED have been recalled due to a plug defect that poses the potential for electric shock. The recall was initiated by the manufacturer, Sterno Home, Inc.,...
Driver Loses control on I-64
ST. LOUIS, MO - A driver lost control of his vehicle while driving on I-64 Monday night, as reported by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. Vincent Byiringiro, 25, lost control of his 2005 Saturn Vue and collided with the median...
Man collides with truck pulling camper
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two trucks, one pulling a camper trailer, collided when the driver of one of the trucks failed to yield at a flashing yellow light, according to a report in the Salem News. The accident occurred at...
Cars collide backing out of Sonic Drive-In
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two cars collided while simultaneously backing out of a Sonic Drive-In, as reported by the Salem News. At 12:15 p.m. on April 15th Tania Wood backed out of her stall in her 2008 Ford F-150, while...
Walmart hit and run
ST. LOUIS, MO - On April 18th a Salem woman was the victim of a hit and run incident in a Walmart parking lot, according to the Salem News. At 4 p.m. Victoria White parked her 2013 Toyota Camry at...
Man tragically killed by Volvo truck
ST. LOUIS, MO - Police report that a man walked into the path of a semi Friday afternoon, according to a story by 5 On Your Side. Larry Jones, 62, drove his car into a median in I-70 in Bond...
Man collides with parked vehicle
ST. LOUIS, MO - A man hit a parked car, then went on to strike a porch in an accident on Rolla Road at Henderson, according to the Salem News. On April 28th Warren DuBois struck the side of Jacob...
Three people injured in Camden County crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - Three people were injured Monday morning in a collision, as reported by Lake News Online. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, the accident occurred at Irontown Drive and Alta Drive. A Chevrolet HHR driven by...
Late-night fire damages food mart
ST. LOUIS, MO - King’s Food Mart was heavily damaged in a fire Monday night, as reported by News Break. The fire was reported to have begun around 11 p.m. at the King’s Food Mart on Dr. Martin Luther King...
Vehicle collides with oncoming traffic
ST. LOUIS, MO - A car crossed the center of the road and struck the front of a vehicle in Town and Country on Sunday afternoon, as reported by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. At 12:45 p.m. Ronny Smith, 24,...
Driver loses control of vehicle and strikes traffic barrier
ST. LOUIS, MO - A driver collided with a concrete traffic barrier after losing control of his vehicle while traveling east on I-70, as reported by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. Sunday afternoon, before 2 p.m. Andrew Howell, 34, lost...
Car collides into gate and mailbox
ST. LOUIS, MO - A vehicle traveled off the road and struck a gate and a mailbox Sunday evening. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, Christopher Barton, 48, struck a gate and a mailbox while driving a 2012 Chevrolet...
Man killed in Sunday morning crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - A man died in a crash Sunday morning in the 4600 blocks of Goodfellow Boulevard, according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. The man was driving in the Mark Twain I-70 neighborhood when he hit a center...
Vehicle overturns in midnight accident
ST. LOUIS, MO - A vehicle overturned after driving off the road Monday around midnight, as reported by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. Sixty-two-year-old Samuel Lafrank was driving a 1999 Acura CL when he hit a rock bluff and his...
I-44 closes with multiple accidents
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two accidents occurred on I-44 Saturday, closing all eastbound lanes and all but one westbound lane for the afternoon, as reported by KMOV4. The first accident occurred around 2 p.m. on I-44 near 7th st. The...
Non-compliant man hit with stun gun
ST. LOUIS, MO - Arnold Police used a stun gun to arrest a man after he collided with a light pole and attempted to flee the scene, according to Leader Publications. On May 4th, a 56-year-old man driving a 2007...
Distracted driver crashes while reaching for phone
ST. LOUIS, MO - A man crashed into a business Monday morning while reaching for his phone, as reported by FOX2. The incident occurred at 2:30 a.m. on south Kingshighway near McRee Avenue, when the man lost control of his...
Swurfer Kiwi Baby and Toddler Swing Recalled for Fall Hazard
About 3,000 Swurfer Kiwi toddler and baby swings have been recalled after the company received six reports of swings’ ropes detaching and creating fall hazards. Though no injuries have been reported, the company has pulled the swings, which retailed for...
Head-on collision south of St. Louis leaves two men in hospital
IMPERIAL, MO (JEFFERSON COUNTY) – Two men were involved on Friday in a head-on collision south of St. Louis that left both of them in the hospital, according to The Leader. The incident occurred at 6:45 a.m. Friday on Black...
Man dies in overnight single-vehicle crash
ST. LOUIS, MO – A man died early this morning whenever he veered off the road in a single-vehicle crash, according to a report by KSDK. The accident was reported to police just after midnight this morning and happened near...
Allegedly racing driver smashes 18-wheeler in hit-and-run
ST. LOUIS, MO – A person who was allegedly racing on Interstate 270 hit an 18-wheeler and then fled the scene on Monday, according to a report by KMOV. The incident occurred in the afternoon in the westbound lanes of...
Kirkwood apartment fire injures two, displaces residents of four units
KIRKWOOD, MO – An apartment fire on Wooddell Court Sunday night led to the injuries of two people and displaced the residents of four apartment units, according to a press release by the Webster-Kirkwood Times. The blaze was reported at...
7-year-old boy shot, 12-year-old boy injured in attempted home break-in
ST. LOUIS, MO – A 7-year-old boy was shot and a 12-year-old boy was injured on Tuesday evening after the children attempted a home break-in in the St. Louis Place neighborhood, according to KMOX. The shooting happened around 6 p.m....
Police officer hit and dragged by vehicle during traffic stop
HILLSDALE, MO – A Hillsdale police officer was hit and dragged by a vehicle following a traffic stop on Thursday night, reports KTVI. According to the Hillsdale Police Department, the officer was performing a traffic stop and standing beside the...
Women ejected from motorbike
ST. LOUIS, MO - A woman was injured when, while accelerating her bike, she was partially ejected, according to Sedalia Democrat. Friday morning, Cynthia Bonar, 66, was injured in a crash while riding a 49cc Mini 3 Wheel Cycle on...
Three vehicle crash injures all drivers
ST. LOUIS, MO - 3 men were injured in a 3-car crash Friday before 3 p.m. in Pettis County, as reported by Sedalia Democrat. The Missouri State Highway Patrol reports 17-year-old Blake Jenkins was driving north on Route 65 when...
One dead, 2 injured in morning crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash in Kirkland has left one dead and two in severely injured, 5 On Your Side reports. The accident occurred at 11 a.m. Wednesday on Big Bend road. The identities of those involved have not...
Morgan County man struck by car
ST. LOUIS, MO - Sedalia Democrat shared, a man was hit by a northbound vehicle while leaving a private driveway at Peter Pan road Friday at 1:40 p.m. Edward Coleman, 78, was hit by 25-year-old Jessica Reed Friday while crossing...
Motorcyclist severely injured in accident
ST.LOUIS, MO - According to Sullivan Independent News, an accident between a car and a motorcycle sent a motorcyclist to a St. Louis hospital. The two-vehicle accident occurred Thursday at 6:14 p.m. on Elmont road. The motorcyclist was reported to...
Women ejected from car downtown
ST. LOUIS, MO - A woman was ejected from her car after colliding with another vehicle at midnight, as told by Fox2now. The two vehicles collided at North 4th street and Washington avenue. The woman was rushed to the hospital....
Women killed in speeding accident
ST. LOUIS, MO - A St. Louis man was charged with involuntary manslaughter and resisting arrest, as reported by St. Louis Post Dispatch. Twenty-four-year-old Danny Harris was charged Tuesday for an accident last year in which he killed a woman...
Man injured in highway crash
ST. LOUIS, MO - A man was injured in a single-vehicle accident Monday afternoon, according to My Leader Paper. James Rhodes, 28, was driving his 1998 Isuzu Rodeo on Pioneer Road when he left the road and hit a retaining...
3 injured in accident caused by deer
ST. LOUIS, MO - The Missouri State Highway Patrol reported a single-vehicle accident that occurred on Highway B at 11:30 p.m. Saturday night, according to DailyJournalOnline. Megan Johnson, 33, was driving near Salem when she swerved to avoid hitting a...
Pedestrians intentionally struck near Highway N
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to the Daily Journal, two men were intentionally struck by a driver in Lesterville, MO on Saturday at 11:30 p.m. Daryl Black, 58, hit pedestrians Brantley Mathes, 21, and Chris Whitbey, 44, with his 2011...
Two vehicles totaled in Jefferson County collision
ST. LOUIS, MO - Two vehicles collided in Jefferson County early Sunday morning, the Daily Journal reports. The Missouri State Highway Patrol reports that Jason Houzenga, 31, drove his 2007 Dodge Charger into the left side of 22-year-old Justin Bieser's 2014...
Man seriously injured in Camden County
CAMDEN COUNTY, MO - According to KRMS radio, a man was injured when his vehicle drove off the roadway of Highway 54 Wednesday morning. The Missouri State Highway Patrol reports the incident happened at 4 a.m. Robert Livingston was driving...
Pedestrian killed crossing I-64
ST.LOUIS, MO - A man was killed while crossing I-64 near Clayton Road late Tuesday night, 5 On Your Side reports. The man has been identified by Missouri State Highway patrol as Forrest Green, 39.  Green was hit by a...
Man dies one month after traffic accident
ST.LOUIS, MO - The Belleville News-Democrat reports that Anthony Drakes, a 61-year-old man from O’Fallon, has passed away, one month after being involved in a fiery traffic collision.  The occurred on April 12 at around 1:30 a.m. Drakes ran through...
Accident Closes I-44 Westbound
ST. LOUIS, MO - A crash on I-44 has shut down traffic between Hampton and Arsenal, according to KMOV. All westbound lanes were closed Monday afternoon, after an accident on I-44. The crash occurred shortly after 3:40 p.m St. Louis...
Documents Prove 3M Knew Combat Arms Earplugs Were Defective
Documents unsealed by a Florida court confirm that 3M officials not only knew that their Combat Arms earplugs (CAEv2) were defective, but they withheld that information from both the military and from soldiers whose hearing was damaged as a result....
5 killed in tragic North County accident
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to 5 On Your Side, five people were killed in a car crash north of West Florissant Avenue Saturday evening, including three children. Two vehicles collided on Lucas and Hunt Road at around 5 p.m....
$100 Million Talcum Powder Lawsuit
OnderLaw Delivers Fourth Defeat to Johnson & Johnson in Baby Powder Ovarian Cancer Trial, Wins $110 Million for Client James Onder and OnderLaw have now won $307 million in baby powder cancer lawsuits https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YYraD_sdyI   (St. Louis, Missouri) May 5,...
New London – Motorcycle Accident with Injuries
Two riders were injured in a motorcycle crash in New London Saturday afternoon. The incident occurred on State Highway T around five miles east of the city center. At 3:25 p.m., 56-year-old Philip C. Chenoweth and 58-year-old Martha R. Chenoweth...
Bois D’Arc – Injuries In One-Car Accident
A roadside crash was reported in Bois D'Arc Saturday afternoon. At 2:54 p.m., 30-year-old Amber N. DeGuise was driving on Route O when she lost control of her vehicle about a mile and a half south of Halltown. The car...
Ashburn – Two Injured in Motorcycle Accident
Two motorists were injured in a crash in Ashburn Saturday afternoon. At 1:20 p.m., 38-year-old Joshua D. Okeefe and 40-year-old Laura J. Okeefe, both from Troy, were on a 2018 Harley Davidson Straight Glide and traveling north on State Route...
Bowling Green – Injuries In Rear-End Collision
A motorist was injured in a highway crash in Bowling Green Friday evening. At 8:04 p.m., a 2006 Ford F-150 driven by 37-year-old Julio C. Moriel Cardoza was traveling south on US Highway 61 when it was rear-ended by a...
Dittmer – Multiple Victims In Single-Car Crash
A single-vehicle accident was reported in Dittmer Saturday afternoon. At around 2:45 p.m., a car with multiple occupants crashed near the intersection of Highway 30 and Dittmer Road. A motorist died in the accident, while another sustained significant injuries and...
Kansas City – Wrong-Way Crash With Multiple Victims
An early morning crash was reported in Kansas City last weekend. At around 2:00 a.m., two vehicles collided on 12th Street. According to reports, a vehicle traveling east suddenly veered onto the opposite lane, crashing into a westbound SUV. The...
Carthage – Single-Vehicle Accident With Multiple Injuries
A vehicle overturned on the interstate in Carthage midday Saturday. 25-year-old Armando Flores was driving east on I-44 when, at approximately 11:49 a.m., his vehicle suddenly veered off the highway and rolled over. Flores sustained serious injuries and was transported...
Blackwell – Serious Injuries In Rear-End Collision
Two vehicles collided in Blackwell late Saturday afternoon. The incident occurred at the intersection of Whispering Hills Drive and Highway 21. 18-year-old Matthew Weaver was driving a 1995 Toyota Camry on MO-21 South and attempting to turn left onto Whispering...
Four Things You Must Do after a Motorcycle Accident
May is Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month, and as warming weather becomes more inviting for motorcyclists and other outdoor enthusiasts, it is also a great time for a reminder from our motorcycle accident attorneys about what to do if you...
Springfield – Pedestrian Killed In Highway Accident
A pedestrian incident was reported in Springfield Saturday evening. The accident occurred on the northbound side of US Highway 65 just north of the Chestnut Expressway junction. At around 9:30 p.m., a tow truck driven by 29-year-old Alan Goodkin of...
Marthasville – Fatal Head-On Accident
A head-on crash was reported in Marthasville late Friday afternoon. The incident occurred on Highway T south of Rayginsons Lane. At around 4:05 p.m., a Chevy Malibu driven by 26-year-old Brett N. Varady of Wentzville was traveling north when it...
Callaway County – Vehicle Crash And Fire
Two vehicles caught fire in an accident in Callaway County Saturday afternoon. The incident occurred on State Road AA and involved two pickup trucks. According to reports, the first vehicle crashed into power lines and caught fire, though the driver...
New London – Teen Killed In Road Accident
A Palmyra teen was killed in an accident in New London early Sunday morning. At 1:15 a.m., 19-year-old Jarrad Verdier was traveling on Oak Hill Road when his vehicle suddenly veered off the roadway and crashed into a fence, throwing...
Saddlebrooke – Fatal Weekend Accident
A single-vehicle crash was reported in Saddlebrooke, Christian County Sunday morning. At around 9:40 a.m., 23-year-old Matei Pop of Springfield was approaching the intersection of US Highway 65 and Saddlebrooke Drive when his vehicle suddenly veered off the roadway and...
Cedar Hill – Multiple Victims In Highway Accident
An SUV accident was reported in Cedar Hill Saturday afternoon. At approximately 2:36 p.m., a 1990 Mitsubishi SUV was traveling east on State Route 30 when it crashed east of Ficken Road. According to authorities, the vehicle was at a...
Joplin – Motorist Dead Following Highway Chase
A highway police chase in Joplin Sunday afternoon results in a fatality. At approximately 2:00 p.m., a Lexus SUV crashed and rolled over on I-44 East, just past Exit 6 (South Main Street). According to authorities, 23-year-old Adam Whittington of...
St. Louis – Multiple Injuries In Head-On Interstate Accident
A head-on crash on the highway in St. Louis Friday evening resulted in multiple injuries. The incident occurred on the eastbound lanes of I-270 just west of Riverview Drive. At 8:30 p.m., a 1998 Chevrolet S-10 driven by a 71-year-old...
What Do I Do if I’m Injured in an Accident with a Delivery Driver
Delivery trucks are more common than ever, and so are delivery truck accidents. Friday, May 1, 2020 - Now more than ever, food, household items, office supplies, and other online delivery services are important. GrubHub, Uber Eats, Instacart, Amazon, Postmates, and...
St. Louis – Junction Accident With Critical Injuries
An intersection crash in St. Louis Thursday resulted in multiple injuries. Authorities responded to the intersection of West Florissant Avenue and Riverview Boulevard and discovered two vehicles that collided in the area. Four motorists sustained critical injuries and three of...
Purdy – Fatal ATV Accident
An ATV crashed and overturned in Purdy early Wednesday morning. The incident occurred on County Road 1035 northeast of Wheaton. A few minutes past 2:00 a.m., an ATV operated by 49-year-old Donald Gunter ran off the road, hit an embankment,...
Sedalia – Injuries In Multi-Vehicle Accident
Three vehicles collided at an intersection in Sedalia Thursday afternoon. At around 1:52 p.m., a 2016 Dodge Caravan collided with a 2017 Kia Niro and a 2019 Chevy Colorado at the junction of US-65 and Rebar Road/Radio Hill Drive. 70-year-old...
St. Clair – Interstate Accident Update
Officials have released more details regarding Wednesday's highway crash in St. Clair. At around 10:00 a.m., 67-year-old Kevin Broshous of Sullivan was killed in I-44 West after the SUV he was driving crashed into the highway guardrail. This forced the...
Poplar Bluff – Rollover Accident Update
Officials have released more details regarding Tuesday's rollover crash in Poplar Bluff. At 12:30 p.m., a vehicle traveling west on County Road 450 crashed and overturned about a mile west of the city center, injuring three motorists. The driver, 22-year-old...
Goodman – Teen Passenger Injured in Truck Accident
A teen motorist was injured in a crash in Goodman Wednesday evening. The incident occurred on Highway B around eight miles west of the city center. At 6:40 p.m., a pickup truck traveling west left the road and crashed. The...
St. Louis – Officer Charged In Pedestrian Incident
A local officer was charged in connection with a pedestrian incident that killed a young girl. On Wednesday, authorities filed a charge of second-degree involuntary manslaughter on Preston Marquart. This is in connection with an October 14 incident where 12-year-old...
Seligman – Serious Injuries In Truck Crash
A truck accident was reported in Seligman early Wednesday evening. At around 6:20 p.m., 66-year-old James F. Passmore of Garfield, Arkansas was driving a pickup truck east on State Highway DD when the vehicle swerved off the roadway and crashed...
St. Louis – Motorcyclist Killed By Runaway SUV
A motorcycle accident was reported in St. Louis early Tuesday evening. The incident occurred at the intersection of Winnebago Street and Virginia Avenue. At 5:20 p.m., a motorcyclist was approaching the intersection when he was struck by an SUV whose...
Barnhart – SUV Crash With Multiple Injuries
An SUV crashed into a tree in Barnhart early Tuesday morning. The incident occurred on Kock Valley Road near Mulberry Road. At approximately 1:15 a.m., a 2010 Mercedes-Benz M Class with three occupants swerved off the roadway and crashed into...
Poplar Bluff – Multiple Injuries In Single-Car Accident
Several motorists were injured in a car crash in Poplar Bluff midday Tuesday. At around 12:30 p.m., a car traveling west on County Road 450 swerved off the roadway and overturned around a mile west of the city center, injuring...
Barnhart – Intersection Accident With Multiple Injuries
A junction crash in Barnhart last Thursday morning resulted in heavy damage and significant injuries. At 7:55 a.m., a 20-year-old Barnhart resident was driving a 2016 Chevrolet Spark on Catlin Drive when it failed to stop at the Highway M...
Vienna – Patrol Vehicle Accident Update
Authorities have released additional details regarding Monday's highway crash in Vienna. 42-year-old Brian Crawford and 67-year-old Mark Moss were both injured when the vehicles they were driving collided on US Highway 63. According to reports, Crawford was driving a patrol...
Campbell – Minor Injured In Accident
A girl was injured in an accident in Campbell Tuesday evening. The incident occurred on County Road 237 around three miles east of the city center. At approximately 8:00 p.m., 41-year-old Shaun Rankin tried to move a 2009 Chevrolet Malibu...
Ste. Genevieve – Serious Injuries In Interstate Accident
A minivan crashed and caught fire on the highway in Ste. Genevieve late Tuesday afternoon. At 3:50 p.m., a 2005 Chrysler Town and Country was traveling north on I-55 when it suddenly veered to the right, striking a tree and...
St. Clair – Fatal Interstate Accident
Several vehicles collided on the highway in St. Clair Wednesday morning. The incident occurred on the westbound lanes of I-44. A Ford Edge driven by 67-year-old Kevin Broshous suddenly veered off the highway and crashed into a guardrail. This started...
9 Things to Do After an Auto Accident
OnderLaw St. Louis car accident attorneys share tips for getting the compensation you deserve. Wednesday, April 29, 2020 - Auto accidents can occur at any time, especially when we least expect it. Chances are good that, at some point in our...
Bayer Uses COVID-19 to Backpedal Roundup Settlement Negotiations
OnderLaw continues to fight for Roundup glyphosate cancer victims. Wednesday, April 29, 2020 - Though a shareholder board meeting this week has put pressure on Bayer to settle nearly 100,000 lawsuits filed on behalf of cancer victims, Bayer attorneys are now...
Ash Grove – Truck Accident with Injuries
A truck crash was reported in Ash Grove early Saturday morning. At approximately 5:30 a.m., a tractor-trailer driven by 45-year-old Jianmin Dong of Alhambra, California was traveling east on Interstate 44 when it suddenly veered off the roadway around three...
Parma – Fatal Vehicle Crash Update
More details have been released regarding Sunday's crash in Parma that killed one motorist. 24-year-old Kayla D. Atchley was driving north on Route 153 when, at approximately 9:10 p.m., her vehicle suddenly veered to the right. According to reports, she...
Vienna – Two-Vehicle Highway Accident
Two motorists were injured in a collision in Vienna late Monday afternoon. At around 5:10 p.m., two vehicles collided on US Highway 63 approximately half a mile south of State Route 42. According to officials, a vehicle driven by 67-year-old...
Windsor Township – Injuries In Intersection Accident
Two vehicles collided at an intersection in Windsor Township Monday morning. At 8:25 a.m., a 2012 Honda Civic driven by a 29-year-old Bloomsdale resident collided with a 2004 Chevrolet Silverado at the intersection of Old Lemay Ferry Road and Black...
Climax Springs – Fatal Pedestrian Accident
A pedestrian was struck by a vehicle in Climax Springs early Friday morning. At around 4:20 a.m., 53-year-old Richard D. Land of Clinton was walking along MO-7 when he was struck by a vehicle driven by 24-year-old John Q. Loftis...
Harviell – Multiple Injuries in Head-On Collision
Several motorists were hospitalized following an accident in Harviell Friday morning. The incident occurred on US Highway 160 in front of Ringo Ford Access. At 8:30 a.m., a 2009 Chevy HHR driven by 21-year-old Charlee D. Horn was attempting to...
Arbyrd – Rollover Accident With Serious Injuries
A truck crashed and overturned in Arbyrd Monday morning. The incident occurred on US Highway 412 just north of the town center. According to reports, a 2001 Ford F-150 driven by 37-year-old Douglas T. Brown veered off the highway and...
Middleton Township – Multiple Injuries in RV Accident
A junction crash was reported to authorities in Middleton Township early Sunday evening. At 6:45 p.m., a 1985 Holiday Rambler RV was stopped at the intersection of Route 23 and US-24 when it started moving backward, crashing into a 2015...
Sunrise Beach – Highway Accident With Serious Injuries
A highway crash in Sunrise Beach was reported to authorities Sunday evening. The accident occurred on State Highway MM, around half a mile west of the toll bridge. 25-year-old Spencer Garrett of Camdenton was traveling west when his vehicle swerved...
Shell Knob – Motorist Injured In Two-Vehicle Accident
A vehicle collision was reported in Shell Knob midday Sunday. The incident occurred on State Highway 39, around five miles north of the CDP center. 28-year-old Scott Flamling of Aurora was driving a vehicle north when he unexpectedly swerved onto...
Nixa – Highway Accident with Multiple Injuries
Two vehicles crashed on the highway in Nixa late Friday afternoon. The incident occurred on the eastbound side of State Highway CC. Two vehicles crashed in the area, resulting in injuries to an unspecified number of motorists. According to reports,...
Savannah – Multiple Injuries In Rollover Accident
A rollover crash in Savannah Saturday evening resulted in serious injuries. At 7:30 p.m., a vehicle traveling on County Road 180 crashed and overturned around five miles north of the city center. EMS teams arrived on-site and transported two people...
Parma – Fatal Single-Vehicle Accident
A road accident in Parma Sunday evening killed a female motorist. The incident occurred on Highway 153, about three miles north of the city center. At 9:10 p.m., a car traveling north suddenly veered off the roadway and overturned. The...
Sunrise Beach – Motorcycle Accident With Serious Injuries
A female motorcyclist was seriously injured in an accident in Sunrise Beach Sunday evening. 45-year-old Dawn Shipers was riding a motorcycle east on State Highway MM when the vehicle suddenly swerved to the right and crashed. Shipers was thrown off...
Agency – Rollover Accident With Serious Injuries
A motorist was ejected from her vehicle in an accident in Agency last Saturday. The incident occurred on Pigeon Hill Road Southeast and involved one vehicle. A female motorist was driving in the area when her car swerved into an...
Blackwell – Multiple Injuries In ATV Accident
Three people were injured in an ATV crash in Blackwell Sunday afternoon. At approximately 3:20 p.m., a 2004 John Deere Gator CX was traveling on Keystone Drive when it crashed and overturned east of Peppersville Road. 22-year-old Brianna A. Kunz...
Judge Rules 15,000 Talc Lawsuits Can Go to Trial
U.S. District Judge Freda Wolfson granted more than 15,000 women a significant victory Monday, April 27, 2020. In a Daubert hearing, Wolfson ruled that expert testimony and evidence that Johnson & Johnson talcum powder causes cancer is admissible in court...
Perry Township – Truck Crash With Multiple Injuries
A truck crashed into a tree in Perry Township Thursday afternoon. A 2000 Ford F-250 driven by 38-year-old Tiona L. Sampson of Mineral Point crashed at the intersection of State Highway 47 and Pine Grove Lane. The truck veered off...
Prairie Township – Serious Injuries In ATV Accident
An ATV crashed and overturned in Prairie Township Thursday evening. At 9:10 p.m., a 2002 Kawasaki Prairie was approaching the intersection of Highways HH and 30 when it swerved off the roadway, crashed into an embankment, and overturned. The operator,...
Kansas City – Arrest Following Road Accident
A motorist was arrested following a fatal accident in Kansas City Saturday evening. The incident occurred at approximately 7:20 p.m. at a still-unspecified location on the east side of the city. According to reports, a westbound Cadillac sedan struck two...
High Ridge – Truck Accident with Injuries
A truck accident was reported to authorities in High Ridge Friday afternoon. A 2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee was traveling east on Schumacher Road when it suddenly swerved off the roadway and crashed into several trees before stopping. 51-year-old Bryan Webb...
Potosi – Rollover Crash With Multiple Injuries
An SUV crashed and rolled over in Potosi midday Sunday. At 12:50 p.m., a 2012 Cadillac SRX was traveling west on Gildea Road when it went off the road, struck a tree, and rolled over just west of Highway 21....
Kansas City – Critical Injuries in Accident
An intersection crash was reported in Kansas City late Saturday afternoon. The incident occurred at the junction of Independence Avenue and Benton Boulevard. At around 4:20 p.m., at least one person was critically injured in an accident involving an unspecified...
Clinton – Fatal Pedestrian Accident
A pedestrian was struck and killed by a vehicle in Clinton early Friday morning. At 4:20 a.m., 53-year-old Richard Lane of Clinton was struck by a vehicle at an unspecified section of Route 7. Lane was killed in the crash....
Wentworth – Fatal Rollover Accident
A rollover crash in Sarcoxie Thursday afternoon resulted in a fatality. 59-year-old John Young of Aurora was driving a pickup truck on County Road 1010 when, according to officials, his vehicle hit a bridge and overturned. Young was killed in...
Pierce City – Teen Injured In Highway Accident
A teen motorist was injured in a crash in Pierce City midday Wednesday. The incident occurred on Highway 60 around two miles west of the city center.  At around 12:05 p.m., a vehicle driven by 17-year-old Tristan W. Green collided...
Fordland – Accident Victims Identified
Authorities have identified all parties involved in Tuesday's head-on accident in Fordland. At around 5:00 a.m., a 2007 Ford Crown Victoria and a 2014 Ford F-150 collided on Highway 60 just east of the Fordland city center. 64-year-old Frank King...
Kirksville – Head-On Crash Victims Identified
Officials have identified the victims of Tuesday's accident in Kirksville. Shortly before 10:00 p.m., two vehicles collided in the vicinity of 4700 North Lincoln Street. According to reports, 29-year-old Jeffery Sullivan of Glenwood was driving south when he veered onto...
House Springs – Rider Injured in Motorcycle Crash
A motorcycle accident was reported in House Springs early Wednesday evening. At 5:30 p.m., 22-year-old Alexander M. Johnson was riding a 1994 Honda CBR in the vicinity of 3300 Rock Creek Road when his bike swerved off the roadway. Johnson...
Holden – Single-Vehicle Crash Update
Authorities have released more info regarding Saturday's crash in Holden. 25-year-old Kevin Barron was driving a 1997 Chevrolet Camaro on MO-2 when, at approximately 2:40 a.m., he veered off the roadway near Southwest County Road 1651, crashing into an embankment...
Paris – UTV Crash Update
Officials have released more info regarding Sunday's accident in Paris that injured three minors. At 6:40 p.m., a Polaris Ranger traveling on County Road 410 left the roadway and crashed into a tree around 3.5 miles east of the city...
St. Louis – Cyclist Injured In Hit-And-Run Incident
A hit-and-run incident was reported in St. Louis Wednesday morning. At around 10:00 a.m., authorities responded to the intersection of Ulena Avenue and Eichelberger Street after receiving reports of a crash in the area. They found a cyclist who was...
Emden – ATV Accident
A Sunday morning accident in Emden injured two people. At around 2:00 a.m., a 2018 Kawasaki ATV was traveling west on County Road 250 when it crashed and rolled over about five miles north of the community center. 31-year-old Christopher...
St. Louis – Multi-Vehicle Interstate Accident
Three vehicles collided on the highway in St. Louis late Tuesday evening. The incident occurred near the junction of I-55 and Butler Hill Road. At 10:24 p.m., a 2009 Hyundai Elantra driven by 33-year-old Alecia R. Adams was traveling south...
Paris – Motorcycle Accident
A local motorist was injured in a crash in Paris early Tuesday evening. At 6:18 p.m., 36-year-old Daniele N. McGlasson was riding a 2009 Kawasaki motorcycle west on MO-154 when she left the roadway while negotiating a curve around a...
Jefferson City – Single-Vehicle Highway Accident
A motorist was injured in a highway crash on US-54 Tuesday afternoon. At approximately 12:25 p.m., 21-year-old Michael Spalj was driving west at an unspecified section of US-54 when his vehicle veered to the left, hitting a guardrail before leaving...
Frankford – Highway Accident with Injuries
A truck pulling a trailer crashed on the highway in Frankford late Tuesday afternoon. At 4:50 p.m., a 2017 GMC Sierra was traveling north on US-61 when the trailer it was pulling suddenly broke off just south of the city...
Festus – Fatal Car Crash
A local motorist was killed in an accident in Festus late Tuesday afternoon. At 4:15 p.m., 44-year-old Russel B. McKenzie was driving a 2010 Chevrolet Impala on Bailey School Road when the vehicle unexpectedly left the road and crashed into...
Jefferson City – Multiple Injuries in Highway Crash
Two motorists were hurt in a car crash in Jefferson City Friday afternoon. The incident occurred in the vicinity of 1700 US-50. At around 2:32 p.m., emergency teams arrived in the area and found 65-year-old Benjamin Weaver and his passenger,...
Rock Township – Motorcyclist Injured In Accident
A motorcycle crash was reported in Rock Township early Tuesday evening. The incident occurred at approximately 4:51 p.m. at the intersection of Romaine Creek and Green Creek Drives. 26-year-old Jessica A. O’Dell was riding a 2019 Kawasaki EX650 east on...
Kirksville – Serious Injuries in Head-On Collision
Two vehicles collided head-on in Kirksville late Tuesday evening. The incident occurred in the vicinity of 4700 North Lincoln Street. Just before 10:00 p.m., a northbound SUV driven by a 17-year-old motorist collided with a southbound car. The drivers of...
Lamar – Intersection Crash with Multiple Injuries
A junction crash was reported to officials in Lamar Monday afternoon. The incident occurred on Southeast 30th Road, around two miles southeast of the city center. A pickup truck driven by 26-year-old Jessica Smith collided with another vehicle driven by...
Pevely – Motorcycle Accident With Injuries
A motorcyclist was injured in an accident in Pevely late Sunday afternoon. At 4:03 p.m., a 2001 Harley-Davidson Softail Deuce operated by 54-year-old John K. McCallister of St. Louis was traveling west on Abbey Lane when it crashed in an...
Kansas City – Serious Injuries in Pedestrian Accident
A pedestrian was struck by a vehicle in Kansas City late Monday evening. At around 11:00 p.m., a person walking on Blue Ridge Boulevard was struck by a passing vehicle. The still-unidentified pedestrian sustained serious injuries and was quickly tended...
Pleasant Hope – Minor Killed In Accident
A teenager was killed in a bike accident in Pleasant Hope early Tuesday morning. At around 4:30 a.m., a 15-year-old boy riding a 2001 Kawasaki KX85 dirt bike crashed into a tree at Pleasant Hope Elementary School. He sustained critical...
Fordland – Fatal Head-On Collision
Two vehicles collided on the highway in Fordland early Tuesday morning. At around 5:00 a.m., 64-year-old Frank King of Gladstone was driving on Highway 60 when his vehicle suddenly swerved onto the opposite lane, hitting another car head-on. King was...
Joplin – Injuries in Truck Accident
A truck crash was reported in Joplin Sunday morning. At 8:18 a.m., 17-year-old Carlos Fiero was driving west on Route 66 when his pickup truck veered off the roadway and crashed several miles west of the city center. Fiero sustained...
Camden – Two Victims In Train-Car Collision
A train accident was reported in Camden Sunday evening. A vehicle with two occupants was struck by a train. 32-year-old Ashley Harder of Richmond was driving the car and was killed in the crash, while her passenger, 30-year-old Adam Allred,...
St. Louis – Motorist Injured In Highway Shooting
A shooting incident was reported in St. Louis Tuesday afternoon. At around 2:13 p.m., emergency responders were dispatched to I-55 near Union Road after authorities received reports of an incident in the area. A motorist traveling on the highway was...
Park Hills – Single-Vehicle Accident With Serious Injuries
A motorist was seriously injured in a vehicle crash in Park Hills early Monday morning. 37-year-old Robert N. Stienkemeyer of Park Hills was driving a 2009 Pontiac G6 on Loughboro Road when, at approximately 2:30 a.m., he swerved off the...
Otterville – Multiple Injuries In ATV Accident
Three people, including two minors, were injured in a crash in Otterville Sunday afternoon. At 2:25 p.m., 57-year-old Linda L. Sanders was operating an ATV on a field about a mile east of Morgan County Drive and just off of...
Camdenton – Fatal Head-On Accident
Two vehicles collided head-on in Camdenton last Sunday. A vehicle driven by 44-year-old Samuel Burrell of Silverton, Oregon collided with a pickup truck driven by 22-year-old Jordan Rabenold on Highway 5 just south of Greenview. According to reports, Burrell attempted...
Paris – UTV Accident With Serious Injuries
Three minors were injured in a crash in Paris Sunday evening. At around 6:40 p.m., a UTV with three occupants crashed on County Road 410 or about 3.5 miles east of the city center. A 15-year-old was operating the vehicle....
Caruthersville – Minor Killed In Accident
A single-vehicle crash was reported in Caruthersville late Sunday afternoon. At 5:14 p.m., a minivan with two occupants veered off the road and crashed into a tree near the intersection of Maple and East 7th Streets. 24-year-old Joshua A. Lacey...
Bonne Terre – ATV Accident With Serious Injuries
An ATV crashed and overturned in Bonne Terre Saturday evening. At 7:10 p.m., 41-year-old David A. Bacallao of Bonne Terre was driving a 2020 Honda Recon on Hazel Run Road, with 56-year-old Terrie L. Rich as his passenger, when they...
Deepwater – Highway Accident With Injuries
A single-vehicle accident was reported in Deepwater Friday evening. At 9:25 p.m., 34-year-old Nickita M. Key of Springfield was traveling north on State Route 13 when her vehicle swerved off the roadway and rolled over just before State Route Z....
Gasconade – Fatal ATV Accident
A rider was killed in an ATV crash in Gasconade Friday evening. At approximately 7:25 p.m., a Lake St. Louis resident was riding an ATV at an unspecified location in Gasconade when his vehicle crashed and overturned. The victim was...
Farmington – Intersection Collision with Serious Injuries
Several motorists were injured in a crash in Farmington late Friday afternoon. At around 4:00 p.m., a 2006 Chevrolet Cobalt driven by 88-year-old Sarah McFarland collided with a 2014 Nissan Altima driven by 23-year-old Rachel Bone at the intersection of...
Scott City – Fatal Two-Car Accident
Two motorists were killed in a Scott City crash last Friday. Two vehicles collided at an unspecified section of Nash Road, killing two motorists. This prompted authorities to temporarily close down a portion of the roadway. The area has since...
Pickering – Fatal Rollover Accident
A motorist was killed in a car crash in Pickering early Friday evening. At 6:15 p.m., 33-year-old David Piveral of Hopkins was driving a 2005 Pontiac G6 east on Route NN when his vehicle crashed and rolled over about seven...
St Paul – ATV Accident
An ATV rider was killed in an accident in St Paul last weekend. At around 7:30 p.m., 36-year-old Matthew Hewitt was riding a 2004 Polaris Range on private property along Church Road when the vehicle suddenly overturned. Hewitt was pronounced...
Joplin – Interstate Truck Accident
A tractor-trailer crashed on the highway in Joplin Thursday morning. At around 6:20 a.m., emergency teams were dispatched to I-44 East above the Kansas City Southern railroad tracks just east of Rangeline. According to authorities, a tractor-trailer carrying packaged fabrics...
Leeton – Motorist Dead in Single-Car Accident
A rollover accident was reported to authorities early Saturday morning. Emergency teams were dispatched to an unspecified section of MO-2 after officials received reports of a crash on the roadway. According to initial reports, 25-year-old Kevin Barron was driving west...
Fredericktown – Motorist Injured in Truck Accident
A driver was seriously hurt in an accident in Fredericktown Friday afternoon. At around 1:00 p.m., 38-year-old Brian K. Reynolds was driving a 1994 Chevrolet Silverado west on Highway 72 when he crashed approximately three miles west of the city...
Columbia – Rollover Accident
A vehicle crashed and rolled over in Columbia Thursday evening. 60-year-old Raymond Guzy was driving a 2009 Chevrolet Cobalt north on North Stadium Boulevard when he crashed near Primrose Drive. According to officials, the vehicle veered off the roadway, hit...
Jefferson City – Officer Injured in Police Chase
A police chase was reported in Jefferson City late Wednesday evening. At around 10:20 p.m., officers patrolling near the intersection of Hughes and West McCarty Streets noticed a silver Ford and identified it as a wanted vehicle. Authorities attempted to...
Sedalia – Single-Car Accident With Multiple Injuries
Three people were hurt in a car crash in Sedalia Tuesday afternoon. At 3:20 p.m., 48-year-old Dilbert G. Clark was driving on Cherry Tree Lane just north of Bouldin Road when his vehicle swerved off the roadway, crashing into a...
Annapolis – Serious Injuries In Single-Vehicle Accident
A vehicle crash was reported in Annapolis late Wednesday afternoon. At 4:03 p.m., authorities dispatched responders to Highway 49 after receiving reports of a crash that occurred about two and a half miles north of the city center. A 2007...
Grain Valley – Interstate Truck Accident
An interstate accident was reported in Grain Valley Wednesday morning. At 8:39 a.m., 58-year-old Kevin J. McLaughlin of Kansas City was driving a 2017 Peterbilt east on I-70 when a 2012 Mazda unexpectedly veered onto the path of the truck...
Polk Township – Highway Truck Accident Update
Officials have released more info regarding last Thursday's highway crash in Polk Township. At around 12:20 p.m., an SUV traveling on Highway 63 and attempting to turn onto Buck Creek Road was rear-ended by a tractor-trailer operated by 32-year-old John...
Cole Camp – Highway Accident With Injuries
A vehicle crashed and overturned on the highway in Cole Camp Wednesday morning. At 7:30 a.m., William H. Hollaman of Lincoln was driving a 1995 Ford north on US-65 when the vehicle suddenly veered off the roadway and overturned just...
St. Louis – Fatal Truck Accident
A public worker was killed in an accident in St. Louis Tuesday afternoon. The incident occurred at Carondelet Park. A city worker was operating a tractor when it unexpectedly rolled over and crushed the man. The victim was pronounced dead...
Kansas City – Pedestrian Accident Victim Identified
Authorities have identified one of the victims in Wednesday's pedestrian accident in Kansas City. At 4:20 p.m., two pedestrians were struck by a vehicle at the intersection of West 98th Street and Wornall Road. One of the victims was hospitalized...
Kansas City – Pedestrians Struck by Vehicle
Two pedestrians were struck at an intersection in Kansas City late Wednesday afternoon. At around 4:30 p.m., authorities received reports of an incident at the intersection of  Wornall Road and West 89th Street. Responders dispatched to the area discovered a...
St. Charles – Multi-Vehicle Interstate Accident
Several vehicles figured in a highway crash in St. Charles Wednesday morning. The incident occurred near the Cave Springs Road exit of I-70 West. An unspecified number of vehicles collided in the area, resulting in significant damage and multiple injuries....
Sedalia – Minor Injured In ATV Accident
A boy was injured in a crash in Sedalia late Tuesday afternoon. The incident occurred in the vicinity of 27078 Greissen Road. At 5:04 p.m., a seven-year-old boy riding a 2005 Honda Rancher lost control of the vehicle and was...
South Lindsey Township – Serious Injuries After Pole Accident
A motorist was seriously hurt in a crash in South Lindsey Township late Tuesday morning. At 11:26 a.m., a 2013 Jeep Patriot was traveling west on Lost Valley Road when it veered off the roadway and struck a tree just...
Kansas City – Motorists Injured in Shooting Incident
Two motorists were injured in a reported shooting in Kansas City Wednesday afternoon. Local authorities received reports of a crash at the intersection of East 16th Street and Ewing Avenue. At around the same time, reports of gunfire were received...
Sweet Springs – Tractor-Trailer Accident
A rollover crash was reported in Sweet Springs Tuesday evening. At approximately 7:48 p.m., 57-year-old Christopher V. Pugh was driving a 2016 Freightliner north on Route YY when his vehicle veered off the roadway and overturned just south of 139th...
Memphis – Rollover Accident
An SUV crashed and overturned in Memphis Wednesday morning. At around 7:00 a.m., an SUV driven by 25-year-old Nevin Martin of Lancaster crashed and rolled over on Highway 136 about a mile west of the city center. The vehicle veered...
Kansas City – Multi-Vehicle Highway Collision
A multi-vehicle junction crash was reported in Kansas City Wednesday afternoon. At around 3:00 p.m., emergency teams responded to the intersection of Highway 152 and Shoal Creek Parkway after six vehicles collided in the area, resulting in moderate injuries and...
Neosho – Single-Vehicle Accident with Injuries
A motorist was seriously hurt in a single-vehicle crash in Neosho early Monday evening. At around 6:05 p.m., a vehicle traveling west on Holly Road veered off the roadway about five miles northwest of the city center. 28-year-old Desiree R....
Frankford – Multiple Injuries in ATV Accident
A man was seriously injured in an accident in Frankford Sunday last week. 57-year-old Jeff Kugler was operating an ATV on a field when the vehicle unexpectedly overturned. Kugler sustained multiple injuries, including broken ribs, and was taken to the...
Jadwin – Possible DUI in Crash
Authorities are suspecting DUI as the cause of an accident in Jadwin Tuesday last week. At 8:27 p.m., a 2000 Ford Mustang was traveling on State Highway ZZ when it veered off the roadway and struck several trees about two...
Kansas City – Hit-And-Run Victim Identified
Authorities have identified the victim of last week's pedestrian incident in Kansas City. Monday last week, a man was found dead at Blue Valley Park. Initial reports suggest the victim was struck by a vehicle whose driver then fled the...
Sedalia – Standoff In Domestic Violence Incident
A man was arrested following a domestic dispute in Sedalia last Sunday. At 8:36 p.m., 40-year-old Rance M. Noble was arrested after a standoff that lasted around nine hours. At 11:32 a.m., officers were dispatched to the area of 200...
Houston – Fatal Crash Update
Officials have released more details surrounding last Wednesday's rollover crash in Houston. At around 9:30 p.m., 66-year-old John D. Moncrief was driving a 2018 Ford F-150 when the truck veered off the roadway three miles north of Houston. The vehicle...
Columbia – Dead Man Identified
Authorities have identified the body found in Columbia last week. On Tuesday last week, officials received reports of a body floating on Perche Creek near Providence Access. The body was quickly retrieved and endorsed to the medical examiner. After a...
Joplin – Rear-End Collision with Multiple Injuries
Several motorists were injured in an accident in Joplin Tuesday afternoon. At approximately 2:35 p.m., two vehicles collided on Highway 43. 72-year-old Diana D. Matthews and 57-year-old Charles E. Matthews were in a vehicle traveling south and attempting to make...
Versailles – Motorcycle Accident With Injuries
A motorcycle crash in Versailles Friday afternoon resulted in injuries. 56-year-old Mikey Hudson was riding his Harley Davidson motorcycle on Route TT when he crashed about half a mile north of Anchorage Road. According to reports, a dog crossed the...
Mount Vernon – Injuries In Highway Accident
A motorist was injured in a highway incident in Mount Vernon Thursday last week. At around 5:15 a.m., 64-year-old Roger L. Blevins was driving on State Highway 96 when his pickup truck was struck by a tow hook about three...
Riverside – Homicide Under Investigation
Authorities are currently investigating a possible homicide after finding a body in a Riverside suburb Thursday last week. The body of Conrado “Conrad” Mendez was found in a wooded area in Riverside and officials have tagged the case as a...
Van Buren Township – Motorcycle Accident With Multiple Injuries
Two riders figured in an accident in Van Buren Township Thursday evening. At 7:25 p.m., 30-year-old Levi D. Conrad of Carthage and 53-year-old Tami D. Hoult of Grand Prairie, Texas were riding a motorcycle on Walleye Road when they crashed...
Stotts City – Interstate Crash
A senior motorist was injured in a highway crash in Stotts City Thursday last week. At 1:54 p.m., a car with one occupant crashed on the westbound side on Interstate 44, about ten miles west of Mount Vernon. The vehicle...
Warrensburg – Intersection Collision With Injuries
Two vehicles collided at an intersection in Warrensburg last Sunday. At 5:44 p.m., a vehicle driven by 19-year-old Torrie M. Shelly of Warrensburg collided with another vehicle driven by 36-year-old Gregory S. Beard of Knob Noster. The accident occurred at...
French Village – Vehicle Ejection With Serious Injuries
Several people were injured in a collision in French Village Saturday evening. At 7:37 p.m., a 1986 Dodge Ram 1500 and a 2019 Can-Am Defender collided in the vicinity of 6500 County Line Drive. 33-year-old Randall K. Woodruff was operating...
Belgrade – SUV Accident With Injuries
An SUV crashed in Belgrade midday Thursday. A 2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee driven by 76-year-old Angela M. Urbano crashed on Route C west of Route JJ. According to authorities, the vehicle veered off the roadway and hit several roadside structures...
Profits Over People: Are Your Children Safe?
Your home may be harboring the biggest safety risks. Monday, April 13, 2020 - In 2002, I met a young mother named Linda Kaiser who would forever change my life, and who would ultimately save the lives of countless children. Yet Linda...
Brashear – Weekend Crash Injures Teen Motorist
A rollover accident injured a teen in Brashear midday Sunday. 19-year-old Joleen McClaughry was driving east on Highway 6 when her vehicle unexpectedly crashed about two miles outside Brashear. The car went off the roadway and overturned before stopping. McClaughry...
Houston – Fatal Rollover Accident
A pickup truck rolled over several times in Houston Wednesday last week. At around 9:30 p.m., a 2018 Ford F-150 was traveling on Highway 63, just north of Knox Lane, when it suddenly swerved off the roadway, striking an embankment...
Steele – Multiple Injuries In SUV Rollover
Several motorists figured in a rollover accident in Steele late Thursday afternoon. The accident occurred on Highway NN, around two miles north of the Missouri-Arkansas state line. A 2005 Chevy Trailblazer swerved off the northbound side of the roadway, crashing...
Wentzville – Fatal Crash Victims Identified
The victims of last Monday's highway crash in Wentzville have been identified by officials. A 2019 Chrysler 300 crashed at the Highway 61/I-70 interchange, reportedly while trying to flee authorities. Three motorists died in the crash, while a fourth occupant...
Bethlehem Township – UTV Accident With Injuries
A UTV crashed in Bethlehem Township Saturday evening, injuring two people. At approximately 8:30 p.m., a 2019 1000cc CF Moto UTV was operating on private property on Southeast 550 Road when it crashed and rolled over. A couple sustained injuries...
Centerview – Charges Filed Against DUI Suspect
Multiple charges have been filed against a motorist following a recent crash in Centerview. At 11:57 p.m. Monday last week, 23-year-old Emily A. Greer of Centerview was injured when the 2017 Chevy she was driving was struck by a 2004...
Joplin – Multiple Injuries in Highway Rollover Accident
Several motorists, including minors, were injured in a highway crash in Joplin Friday evening. The accident occurred in the vicinity of the Prosperity Road curve and East Zora Street. At around 8:00 p.m., a 2004 Chevy Trailblazer crashed and rolled...
Sullivan – Arrest Following DUI Crash
A motorist suspected of DUI was arrested following an accident in Sullivan Friday evening. At 6:36 p.m., 59-year-old Benjamin E. Hansel of Sullivan was driving his 2008 Chrysler Town and Country south on Highway 185 when a 2016 Ford Focus...
Farmington – Pedestrian Injured in Accident
A woman was run over by a vehicle in Farmington last Monday. The incident occurred on Oak Knoll Drive. 34-year-old Phung Truong was attempting to stop a vehicle after it was pushed by her husband down a driveway. Truong fell...
Monroe City – Fatal Motorcycle Crash
A motorcyclist was killed in an accident in Monroe City late Tuesday afternoon. At 4:23 p.m., a motorcycle and a car collided on US-36 in Ralls County. 79-year-old Joseph Barnett was driving the car and failed to notice 18-year-old Donald...
Florence – ATV Crash with Serious Injuries
An ATV rider was seriously hurt in an accident in Florence Monday morning. At approximately 10:30 a.m., 51-year-old Darrell B. Galbriath of Florence was traveling east on Florence Trail Road on a 2001 Polaris Sportsman 400 when he suddenly veered...
Wentzville – Fatal Highway Crash Update
Authorities have released more info regarding last Monday's highway accident in Wentzville. A vehicle with four occupants crashed at the US-61/I-70 junction, catching fire and killing three motorists, while critically injuring one passenger. The suspects were reportedly attempting to escape...
Polk Township – Rear-End Truck Crash With Injuries
A motorist was seriously hurt in a rear-end crash in Polk Township Thursday afternoon. At 12:20 p.m., an SUV driven by 17-year-old Megan Waddle was stopped at the intersection of Highway 63 and Buck Creek Road when the vehicle was...
Houstonia Township – Two Injured in SUV Accident
An SUV accident was reported in Houstonia Township late Thursday afternoon. The incident occurred at the intersection of Schondeimaier and Hazel Hill Roads. At 4:35 p.m., a 2003 Nissan Pathfinder with two occupants veered off the roadway in a reported...
Adrian – Fatal Single-Vehicle Accident
A vehicle crashed and overturned on the highway in Adrian early Wednesday morning. At around 12:05 a.m., a Ford Fusion driven by 43-year-old Zackery Frazier of Adrian was traveling on I-49/US-71 North when it suddenly crossed the southbound lanes and...
Columbia – Fatal Motorcycle Accident
A motorcyclist was thrown off her vehicle in Columbia last Tuesday. The accident occurred in the vicinity of 6400 I-70 Drive Southeast. 36-year-old Candace A. Stevenson of Columbia was traveling west when her motorcycle unexpectedly swerved off the roadway, crashing...
Potosi – Motorist Hospitalized After Rear-End Crash
A motorist was taken to the hospital following an accident in Potosi Friday afternoon. State authorities responded to Highway 185 after receiving reports of a crash just south of Route AA. A 2001 Chevy S10 with several occupants, and driven...
Lohman – Passenger Killed in Rollover Accident
A teenager was killed in a vehicle crash in Lohman Tuesday afternoon. At around 2:15 p.m., a vehicle traveling on Walnut Acres Road skidded off the roadway and into an embankment, rolling over before stopping. 17-year-old Kelton Sellers of Jefferson...
Farmington – Accident Victim Identified
Authorities have identified the victim of last month's highway crash in Farmington. On Tuesday, officials identified the motorist who was injured in a car crash that occurred on March 25. At approximately 7:42 a.m., 27-year-old Courtney J. Olmstead was driving...
Louisiana – Injuries in Intersection Crash
A junction crash in Louisiana Tuesday afternoon injured a motorist. At 4:45 p.m., 23-year-old Ellen L. Martin was injured when the 2013 Kia Soul she was driving struck a 2003 Chevrolet Silverado that was stopped at the intersection of US-54...
Cadet – Rollover Accident With Serious Injuries
An SUV crashed and rolled over in Cadet Tuesday afternoon. At 1:42 p.m., a 2008 Nissan Pathfinder was traveling on State Highway 47 near Meadow Hill Road when it suddenly veered off the roadway and overturned. The driver, 68-year-old Ching...
Kansas City – Mother Killed in Two-Car Crash
A mother was killed in an accident in Kansas City late Tuesday evening. The incident occurred at the intersection of Blue Ridge Cutoff and the eastbound off-ramp from Interstate 70. At approximately 10:00 p.m., 38-year-old LaShonda C. Johnson of Grandview...
Pineville – Multiple Injuries In Multi-Vehicle Accident
Several motorists were hospitalized following a crash in Pineville Friday afternoon. At approximately 1:15 p.m., four northbound vehicles collided on US Highway 71 crossing Pineville. 30-year-old Peter Khadafy of Webb City was in the lead car. He and two passengers...
Centerview – Motorist Injured In Junction Crash
A motorist was hospitalized following an accident in Centerview late Monday evening. At 11:57 p.m., 33-year-old Kenneth D. Brickey of Knob Noster was driving a 2004 Ford F-150 and attempting to cross US-50 when his vehicle was struck by a...
Brashear – Injuries In Off-Highway Crash
A vehicle went airborne and crashed in Brashear Saturday morning. At around 7:15 a.m., 36-year-old Amanda Ayer was driving on Highway 6 when her van veered off the roadway, jumping over a creek before crashing into an embankment. Ayer sustained...
Monroe City – Single-Vehicle Accident with Injuries
A motorist was hospitalized following an accident in Monroe City Wednesday last week. At around 6:00 p.m., 24-year-old Nathan Wilson of New London was driving on State Highway A when his vehicle suddenly swerved off the roadway and crashed into...
Springfield – Fatal Motorcycle Accident
A pickup truck and a motorcycle collided in Springfield Wednesday last week. At around 2:00 p.m., a 2016 Chevy Silverado pulling a trailer collided with a 2006 Honda motorcycle operated by 25-year-old Brandon Hudson. The driver of the truck was...
Wentzville – Car Chase Ends In Crash
A police chase ended in a crash that killed three people in Wentzville Monday. State Highway Patrol attempted to apprehend a vehicle that was overspeeding on Highway 61. Instead of stopping, the vehicle tried to flee the area. Authorities continued...
Saint Aubert – Injuries In Single-Vehicle Accident
A motorist was injured in a single-car crash in Saint Aubert Monday morning. The incident occurred on Missouri 94 just east of County Road 479. At around 8:25 a.m., 30-year-old Richard Belken was driving when his vehicle suddenly swerved off...
Jackson – Fatal Rollover Crash
A motorist was killed in a rollover crash in Jackson Wednesday last week. At approximately 8:22 p.m., a pickup truck with four occupants veered off Larch Lane and crashed, overturning before coming to a stop. 21-year-old Bobby R. Spears was...
Chaffee – Motorist Airlifted To Hospital Following Accident
A motorist was hospitalized following an ATV crash in Chaffee Tuesday last week. The incident occurred on Highway 77 a few miles north of Oran. At around 6:00 p.m., an SUV and a Kawasaki MULE collided. The driver of the...
Charrette Township – Fatal UTV Crash
A minor was killed in a UTV crash in Charrette Township Wednesday last week. Just before 3:00 p.m., 14-year-old Taylor Ann Kuenzel was operating a UTV on Concord View when she crashed near Concord Hill Road. The teen sustained critical...
GM Settles for $120 Million in Ignition Switch Scandal
GM to pay crash victims after years of covering up dangerous problem. General Motors has hammered out a deal to pay $120 million for faulty ignition switches that killed or injured hundreds of people. The settlement will resolve the final...
Truvada Litigation Update
Truvada litigation continues to move forward. Tuesday, March 31, 2020 - As we reported last month, the overall litigation is still in its early stages, and of course the COVID-19 pandemic has added its own complication with the California courts being...
Ford Recalls Nearly 250K Vehicles for Faulty Door Latches
Ford has announced the recall of 248,912 cars built between 2014 and 2016 after door latches have been found to fail, particularly when used in warm climates. In some cases, doors are unable to close properly, while others may come...
Has Your Loved One Died in a Nursing Home of COVID-19?
Making the decision to entrust a parent or spouse to the care of a nursing home is one of the most emotionally and financially challenging choices we face. There often comes a time when medical needs or physical challenges force...
Ag and Environmental Groups Sue EPA over Glyphosate Approval
Farmers and farm workers say EPA violated the law when they approved the chemical. Tuesday, March 31, 2020 - A federal petition has been filed against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on behalf of a coalition of farmers, farm workers, and conservationists represented by...
Johnson & Johnson Talc Update
Court still considering Daubert rulings. Our OnderLaw talc team is currently awaiting Daubert rulings from Hon. Freda L. Wilson in United States District Court, District of New Jersey. A Daubert hearing, which is a type of hearing to decide whether...
What Does Coronavirus Mean for My Case?
OnderLaw remains committed to you. Monday, March 30, 2020 - Patience is a virtue when dealing with the mass tort process, even in the best of circumstances. COVID-19 has affected every sector of American life, and our legal system is no exception....
COVID-19 Brings New Employment Law Questions
What are your rights as an employee? Monday, March 30, 2020 - Less than a month after coronavirus shuttered businesses and began inundating healthcare providers, new legal questions surrounding the virus have begun to arise. Questions about liability, discrimination against Asian or...
Cancer and COVID 19: What You Should Know
What does coronavirus mean for cancer patients? Friday, March 27, 2020 - An astounding 39.3% of men and women will be diagnosed with cancer sometime during their lifetime. During this global health crisis, those who are receiving treatment for cancers of any kind...
Answers to Common Financial Questions About COVID-19
How can you save your finances in light of coronavirus? Friday, March 27, 2020 - Since the coronavirus derailed our lives, many Americans are facing an uncertain financial future. Worldwide, economies have come to a screeching halt as we've made sacrifices...
9 Ways to Deal with the Stress of Coronavirus
Stress and COVID-19: How you can cope. Wednesday, March 25, 2020 - Ulysses S. Grant once said, "The friend in my adversity I shall always cherish most. I can better trust those who helped to relieve the gloom of my dark hours...
What is the Importance of Warning Labels?
What is the FHSA and why is it needed? Wednesday, March 25, 2020 - Among the recalls this week is the recall on a 100% sodium hydroxide drain cleaner produced by Belle Chemical. The recall was not issued due to the fact that it...
Domestic Violence and Social Distancing
Staying home may not be the safest option for domestic violence survivors. Stay-at-home orders are critical in flattening the curve of coronavirus infections, but according to the National Domestic Violence Hotline (NDVH), staying home may not be the safest option...
Honda Portable Generators Recalled for Fire Hazard
About 340,000 Honda portable generators have been recalled due to the potential for fire and burn hazards. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the generators' inverter assembly can short circuit when salt water is present, possibly causing smoke or...
Kichler Recalls Ceiling Fans Due to Falling Blades
Kichler has recalled nearly 39,000 ceiling fans sold at Lowe's and specialty lighting stores throughout the United States after the company received 62 complaints that fan blades have detached and fallen. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the fans...
Restoration Hardware Camino Floor Lamp Recalled
Iron and antiqued nickel lamps pose fire risk. Tuesday, March 10, 2020 - Restoration Hardware has issued a recall on its Camino floor lamp due to a potential fire hazard. The lamp's foot-controlled power switch has the potential to overheat, melt,...
Holsters Recalled Due to Safety Issues
Browning, Mystery Ranch, and Blackhawk gun holsters have been recalled in recent months due to safety issues, including the potential for straps to become loose, or for the safety mechanism to accidentally be switched off. Browning Multi-Age Thumb Break Leather...
Joules Children’s PJs and Robes Recalled Due to Burn Hazard
About 12,000 boys' and girls' pajamas and robes have been recalled by Joules USA due to their failure to meet US guidelines for flammability standards. The clothing was sold at children's boutiques throughout the United States and online at joulesusa.com...
Backpack Blowers and Shoulder Straps Recalled for Laceration Risk
ECHO and Shindaiwa Backpack Blowers and replacement straps could cause injury. Monday, March 9, 2020 - The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has announced a recall of approximately 67,700 2-cycle gas commercial backpack blowers with shoulder straps, and 6,600 replacement straps manufactured in...
Transvaginal Mesh Study Suggests FDA Took Too Long to Act
Women treated with transvaginal mesh are 40% more likely to need surgery later. Friday, March 6, 2020 - A study of over 54,000 women who were treated with transvaginal mesh for pelvic organ prolapse (POP) revealed that nearly 1 in 5...
IKEA Recalls Kullen 3-Drawer Chests
International retailer IKEA has recalled its Kullen 3-drawer chest due to a potential for tipping that could cause death or significant injury to children. The recall, in effect in Canada and the United States, affects about 820,000 dressers sold in...
Truvada Cases Moving Forward
TDF litigation is in early stages. Thursday, March 5, 2020 - Litigation continues to move forward for plaintiffs who have suffered kidney, bone, and/or teeth issues after using Truvada and other drugs with the active ingredient tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF). The...
FDA Hears Evidence, Arguments for Standardized Talc Testing
Scientists and other experts say talc asbestos regulations are needed. For the first time in 50 years, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) held a public hearing to discuss standardizing testing methods and classification of asbestos found in talc...
What’s Going On with my 3M Earplugs Case?
3M Combat Arms earplugs litigation update. Tuesday, March 3, 2020 - Tens of thousands of veterans have now joined litigation against 3M for faulty Combat Arms earplugs that have led to hearing loss and damage. These cases are progressing rapidly, and...
Bayer-Monsanto Loses Millions in Dicamba Trial
A Missouri peach farmer was awarded $265 million in damages for herbicide drift. But that's not all. Tuesday, March 3, 2020 - Bayer AG's decision to purchase Creve Coeur, MO-based Monsanto has taken yet another downward turn after Missouri's largest peach...
Settlement Talks Continue over Monsanto Roundup Cases
Negotiations moving forward for glyphosate-related cancer victims. Tuesday, March 3, 2020 - One of the most difficult aspects of any mass tort litigation is the waiting, and for tens of thousands of plaintiffs with cases against Bayer-Monsanto for cancer-related claims, we...
Toyota Recalls 700,000 Autos for Fuel Pump Issues
696,000 Vehicles May Have Fuel Pump Safety Issues Tuesday, February 11, 2020 - Toyota is recalling nearly 700,000 of its 2018-2019 model year Toyota and Lexus vehicles due to a problem with fuel pumps that have stopped operating while the vehicles are in...
The Hypocrisy of GSA Recalled Vehicle Sales
The U.S. government regulates vehicle recalls, but it's also selling unfixed recalled vehicles. Tuesday, February 11, 2020 - An investigation by a Washington, D.C. news station has revealed that, while the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is busy educating consumers...
Mercedes-Benz Recalls Cars for Faulty Sunroofs
Luxury car maker Mercedes-Benz has issued a recall on nearly 750,000 vehicles manufactured between 2001 and 2011 after it was discovered that faulty bonding can cause glass from their sunroofs to detach. The recall includes C-Class, CLK-Class, E-Class, and CLS-Class...
Sophie la Giraffe Bead Maze Recalled Due to Choking Hazard
Children's Toy Poses Risk Monday, February 10, 2020 - Juratoys US Corp. has issued a voluntary recall on several batches of its Sophie la Giraffe Bead Mazes due to a potential choking hazard. The toy's triangle-shaped piece has been found to...
DR Walk Behind Leaf Blowers Recalled
Blades Can Break Free, Putting Users at Risk Country Home Products, dba DR Power Equipment, has issued a voluntary recall of about 100 three-wheeled walk-behind leaf blowers due to the potential for blades to break off during use. The recall...
Rawlings Recalls Catchers Helmets
Catchers helmets pose risk of head injury. Monday, February 10, 2020 - Rawlings Sporting Goods, Inc. of St. Louis, Missouri issued a recall Feb. 6, 2020 of its Rawlings CHMACH-SR (Senior) Catchers Helmet due to the helmet's potentially defective back plate....
Infantino Recalls Go Forward 4-in-1, Flip Front2Back, and Up Close Newborn Carriers
Three types of Infantino soft infant and toddler carriers have been recalled due to a potential for the buckles to break. The recall, issued Feb. 6, 2020, involves about 14,000 carriers sold for $30 to $50 each in Target stores...
Has Your Ford or Lincoln been Recalled?
Nearly 600,000 Ford vehicles, including Ford Fusion, Lincoln MKZ sedans, Lincoln MKX SUVs, and Ford's Edge SUV were recalled in August 2019 due to a significant problem with the steering column that could increase risk for crashes. Despite efforts to...
Has Your Chevrolet or GMC Truck Been Recalled?
In late 2019, General Motors recalled almost 3.5 million Chevrolet and GMC pickup trucks manufactured between 2014 and 2018 due to serious brake problems that could potentially lead to a crash. If you own a vehicle involved in this recall,...
Sex Abuse Victims Receiving Justice with New Laws
15 states have now updated sex abuse justice laws. Friday, January 31, 2020 - Fifteen states have now passed and revised laws to allow victims of sexual abuse to seek justice for their suffering. These laws extend or suspend statutes of...
Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect: Protecting Our Most Vulnerable
Are your loved ones safe in a nursing home? OnderLaw explains nursing home neglect and abuse. Friday, January 31, 2020 - The decision to entrust the care of a parent, spouse, or other family member to a licensed nursing home is...
Shhh! Why You Should Avoid Talking about Your Case
Everything you discuss with your legal team is confidential -- for a reason. Friday, January 31, 2020 - When you've been wronged and you're standing up for your rights in court, whether you're involved in a courtroom trial or you're walking...
Why are People Filing IVC Filter Lawsuits
Inferior Vena Cava filters, or IVC filters, were created to eliminate much of the risk of life-threatening pulmonary embolism. For many patients, they've caused other serious problems. Friday, January 24, 2020 - IVC filters have, no doubt, saved lives, but they...
Tango Mini Stroller Fall Hazard Discovered
Baby Trend's Tango Mini Stroller has been recalled due to a potential safety hazard. Thursday, January 23, 2020 - Tango Mini Stroller, manufactured by Baby Trend, has been recalled due to a potential for the stroller's hinge joints to spontaneously release...
CSPC: “Stop Using SwaddleMe By Your Bed Sleeper Immediately”
Infant sleeper poses suffocation risk to babies. Thursday, January 23, 2020 - Sumr Brands, formerly Summer Infant, has been issued a stern warning by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) due to potential suffocation risks to babies who cannot yet hold their heads...
FDA to Hold Public Meeting on Talc
FDA will discuss testing methods, terminology, and other issues related to talc and asbestos. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration will hold a public meeting regarding the testing methods for asbestos in talc and other cosmetic products February 4, 2020....
10 Million More Takata Airbag Recalls Issued
In what is believed to be the last of the Takata airbag recalls, 10 million inflators from 14 U.S. car makers have been recalled. Friday, January 10, 2020 - In the largest product recall in automotive history, Takata has recalled...
Congresswoman Urges FDA to Ban Zantac, Ranitidine Products
Rosa DeLauro (CT-03)has asked the FDA to remove all ranitidine-based products from shelves. Friday, January 10, 2020 - One congresswoman has led a push to ban Zantac and other ranitidine-based medications in the U.S. due to concerns that they are...
Have You Purchased Infants’ Tylenol in the Last 5 Years?
If you have purchased Infants' Tylenol between Oct. 2, 2014 and Jan. 6, 2020, you may be eligible for compensation under a $6.315 million settlement. A federal judge approved the settlement after a class action suit that accused Johnson &...
New Mexico Becomes First State to Sue Over Talc
New Mexico Attorney General files case against Johnson & Johnson for asbestos-related illnesses Monday, January 6, 2020 - The State of New Mexico has become the first in the nation to sue Johnson & Johnson and three other manufacturers over talc products...
Activists Say Gilead Delayed Safer Version of PrEP
There is no question that PrEP has saved lives. At issue is Gilead's strategy to exploit consumers financially and physically for the sake of profits. Monday, January 6, 2020 - PrEP4All Collaboration, an activist group whose goal is to ensure HIV prevention...
France to Ban 36 Glyphosate Products
France has become the latest country to ban the use of glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup herbicide. Glyphosate is now the subject of over 55,000 lawsuits in the United States against Roundup manufacturer Bayer-Monsanto due to scientific evidence that...
Johnson & Johnson CEO Snubs Congressional Request to Appear
  Friday, December 13, 2019 - Johnson & Johnson Chief Executive Officer Alex Gorsky failed to appear in a hearing before the Congressional Subcommittee on Economic and Consumer Policy after he was asked to testify about the safety of the company's baby...
St. Louis Talcum Powder Trial Update
Bellwether talc trial decided in St. Louis Tuesday, December 31, 2019 - Friday, Dec. 20, a two-week case involving a St. Louis woman who used Johnson & Johnson Baby Powder for decades and developed a rare form of ovarian cancer was decided...
Zantac Recalled for Carcinogen Contamination
Popular heartburn medication Zantac has been pulled from the shelves of pharmacies and other suppliers following a US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warning that the pills may be contaminated with NDMA, a toxic chemical and probable carcinogen. Wednesday, December...
How Does the J&J Powder Recall Affect My Talc Lawsuit?
October 18, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration made an announcement that sent shock waves throughout the legal community: After decades of denials, Johnson & Johnson voluntarily pulled 15,000 bottles of its baby powder off of shelves due to possible...
Three Mistakes to Avoid After an Auto Accident
Car Accident Tips from the St. Louis Auto Accident Attorneys at OnderLaw Monday, December 9, 2019 - No one leaves home anticipating that they might be involved in an auto accident, yet every hour of every day, car crashes happen. It's no...
Mexico Becomes Latest Country to Block Glyphosate
With tens of thousands of lawsuits pending against Bayer-Monsanto for cancers linked to its glyphosate-based Roundup weed killer, Mexico has joined a growing list of countries that have now acted to ban the use of the chemical out of concerns...
Boston Scientific, Coloplast Ordered to Stop Selling Surgical Mesh
FDA Pulls Transvaginal Mesh Due to Safety Concerns Friday, December 6, 2019 - Two of the most prominent companies in the transvaginal mesh industry, Boston Scientific and Coloplast, have been ordered by the US Food and Drug Administration to stop selling surgical...
Mass Torts 101: Case Progress
Thank you to everyone who has kept up with our Mass Torts 101 series so far! We hope that our articles have been helpful in understanding the complex and confusing aspects of these litigations. This month, we are covering the...
Mass Torts 101: Litigation Updates
How long does this process take? It’s a very common question that we get, both from new clients as well as those that have been with us for years. We understand that the process of a mass torts litigation can...
Mass Torts 101: Medical Records
Medical records are some of the most important documents in a mass torts case. They often contain the crucial evidence we need that a client’s injuries have been caused by a defective product, like a prescription drug. However, because medical...
Justice Department Investigates Johnson & Johnson Over Talc Cancer Risks
According to a story published by Bloomberg July 12, 2019, the U.S. Justice Department is conducting a criminal probe into Johnson & Johnson's repeated denials of the presence of asbestos in its talcum powder. Earlier this year, it was reported...
Mass Torts 101: Statutes of Limitation
A statute of limitations is, simply put, the amount of time you have to file a lawsuit against a company or individual based on the laws in your state. The last day that a case can be filed is known...
Enfamil Lawsuit St. Louis
The family of a Missouri newborn who contracted bacterial meningitis after she was fed Enfamil Powdered Infant Formula has filed suit against Enfamil maker Mead Johnson. The family of a Missouri newborn who contracted bacterial meningitis after she was fed...
Litigation Saves Lives in Mini Blind Cord Cases
Window blind cords strangle and kill, on average, one child every two weeks. After representing more than 50 grieving families who stood up to the window blind industry, we are proud to announce that the Window Covering Manufacturers Association (WCMA)...
Why is Transvaginal Mesh a Problem?
OnderLaw is dedicated to helping women who have experienced pain, suffering, and medical bills related to use of transvaginal mesh, and to making sure that dangerous products like it are pulled from profit-driven use, regardless of the harm they may...
Why Should I Report My Injury?
Some people feel guilty about reporting personal injuries, or in hiring an attorney to represent them. Here's why you shouldn't feel that way. Tuesday, May 21, 2019 - When tragic things happen, it's easy to sit back and accept that things...
The Negative Side of Truvada PrEP
Truvada’s manufacturer, Gilead, held out on introducing a safer, just-as-effective HIV PrEP deterrent for the sake of profits. Tuesday, May 7, 2019 - Since 2012, Truvada has been an important tool in the fight against the spread of HIV, but it isn't...
Fisher-Price Rock ‘n Play Sleeper linked to infant deaths
Fisher Price marketed Rock 'n Play as a safe product, despite knowing there were risks. We’re standing up for parents whose children have been injured or killed. In 2009, Mattel's Fisher-Price launched the Rock 'n Play, a reclining baby rocker...
Comunidades Indígenas Se Defienden Ante la Crisis de los Opioides
Las naciones tribales son particularmente vulnerables a la explotación de parte de las compañías farmacéuticas y vendedores de opioides. Ahora se están defendiendo en la corte – y ganando. Casi todos los días, escuchamos algo sobre la epidemia de opioides...
Clínica Investigada por Engañar a Trabajadores de Plomo de Tampa Se Cierra Inesperadamente
  Clínica de COMBI contratada por Gopher Resource Minimizó la Posible Exposición a Plomo y Cadmio Trabajadores de una fábrica de plomo en Florida fueron, en el mejor de los casos, engañados por su empleador quien no les informó que...
Productores de Leche Se Ven Obligados a Botar Leche Debido a Contaminación por PFAS
  Reportera para el Wall Street Journal Kris Maher entrevistó a una pareja de Maine que se vio obligada a botar todos sus suministros de leche de su granja lechera después de que se descubrieran niveles tóxicos de PFAS. El...
Clinic Investigated for Misleading Tampa Lead Workers Closes Unexpectedly
  COMBI Clinic contracted by Gopher Resource Minimized Potential Lead and Cadmium Exposure Workers in a Florida lead plant were, at best, misled by a clinic contracted through their employer who failed to tell them their health was at risk...
Dairy Farmers Forced to Dump Milk due to PFAS Contamination
  Wall Street Journal reporter Kris Maher interviewed a Maine couple who were forced to dump their dairy farm's entire milk supply after toxic levels of PFAS were discovered. The source: sludge from a waste water treatment plant that was...
Load More
The Dangers of Defective Equipment on a Construction Site
The construction industry depends on extensive manpower and all types of heavy industrial equipment to get the job done. Even when everyone on the job site follows the applicable safety standards, a defective piece of equipment can wreak havoc and...
A Wake-Up Call for St. Louis: Ensuring Pedestrian Safety on Our Roads
In a span of just two days, St. Louis County witnessed two tragic pedestrian fatalities on the same stretch of Interstate 270. The most recent incident involved 38-year-old Dominique Williams, who lost her life while crossing the eastbound lanes near...
St. Louis: Understanding Our Most Dangerous Intersections
In recent years, St. Louis has witnessed a worrying rise in traffic-related injuries and fatalities, particularly within the city limits. At OnderLaw, we're committed to raising awareness about this pressing issue and offering legal support to those affected by traffic...
Chances of Getting a Settlement After an Accident
If you recently suffered a serious injury as a direct result of another person’s reckless or careless actions, the idea of taking them to court and getting a civil judge to order compensation for your damages can certainly be an...
The Call for More Regulation in the Age of Autonomous Vehicles: A Wake-Up Call from California to the UK
Driverless vehicles, once the stuff of science fiction, have increasingly become a reality on roads across the United States and the world. However, with rapid technological advancements come responsibilities to ensure the safety of the general public. A recent decision...
Hazardous Truck Crashes: The Silent, Growing Threat on Our Highways
The recent tragic train derailment in Ohio captured the nation's attention, shining a spotlight on the need for stricter train regulations. While train accidents involving hazardous materials undeniably have serious implications, there's a different form of transportation that's been quietly...
Motorcycle Fatalities: A Growing Concern We Can’t Ignore
Motorcycle riders cherish the thrill, the freedom, and the connection with the open road that only two wheels can provide. Yet, with this freedom comes an increased risk, as the unfortunate and recent rise in motorcycle fatalities in Portmore and...
The Call for Equal Safety: Why the New Female Car Crash Dummy is a Game Changer
In the field of personal injury law, one aspect becomes abundantly clear: Not all injuries are created equal, and neither are the causes. The recent revelation that car crash tests have historically been designed only around the male physique brings...
Prioritizing Safety on Open Autumn Roads: The Essential Motorcycle Gear Guide
The allure of fall riding is undeniable. With the trees showcasing a spectrum of warm colors and the open roads inviting adventure, motorcycling in autumn is a thrilling experience. However, this beautiful season also brings with it unique challenges for...
Urgent Recall Alert for Onewheel Electric Skateboards: Your Safety is Our Priority
In a crucial announcement from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and Future Motion Inc., California, an urgent recall for 300,000 Onewheel Self-Balancing Electric Skateboards has been issued. The skateboards have been reported to lose their balance, posing a...
Urgent Recall Alert for Onewheel Electric Skateboards: Your Safety is Our Priority
In a crucial announcement from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and Future Motion Inc., California, an urgent recall for 300,000 Onewheel Self-Balancing Electric Skateboards has been issued. The skateboards have been reported to lose their balance, posing a...
Understanding Summary Judgment: What Does It Mean for Your Case?
The legal process is full of terms that seem ambiguous or confusing. One such term is "summary judgment." Knowing what a summary judgment is and how it can affect your case can be really important in certain litigations. What is...
ATV Rental Companies and Liability: Who is Responsible for Your Injury?
ATVs (All-Terrain Vehicles) are popular recreational vehicles known for their thrill and adventure. However, with excitement comes the potential for accidents and injuries. If you've rented an ATV and experienced an accident, it's crucial to understand the legal aspects and...
When Sports Get Dangerous: Understanding Liability and Personal Injury in Extreme Sports
Extreme sports have gained immense popularity, providing thrill-seekers with adrenaline-pumping experiences. However, the inherent risks associated with these activities can lead to accidents and personal injuries. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of liability and personal injury...
EGL Recalls Motor ACE-branded Youth All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs)
EGL Motor has recalled around 4,000 ATVs designed for children aged 10 and above, as they do not conform to federal safety standards. The models K125 and C125 under the ACE brand have been found to exceed the highest permissible...
26-year-old man dead after being ejected during crash on Lakewood Trl
TROY, MO (LINCOLN COUNTY) – A 26-year-old man died after being ejected during a rollover crash on Lakewood Trail in Lincoln County this afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened at 99 Lakewood Trail near Creech...
1-person hurt following 3-vehicle wreck on US 67
ST. LOUIS - A three-vehicle collision hurt one person on US 67 north of MO 32 Friday, MSHP reports. Lisa M. Wigger, 38, was driving a Chrysler Pacifica when she swerved to avoid colliding with a vehicle. Brieanna M. Malady,...
24-year-old severely injured in ATV rollover crash in St. Francois County
LOUGHBORO, MO (ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY) – A 24-year-old man was severely injured after an ATV crashed and overturned on Route B late last night, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The crash happened at 11:50 p.m. near the community...
Two hospitalized after ATV crash on Highway Z in Jefferson County
JEFFERSON COUNTY, MO -- Two passengers were injured Sunday afternoon when an ATV overturned on Highway Z near Pevely, according to Missouri State Highway Patrol. The accident happened in the southbound lanes of Highway Z near Victory Drive and was...
Two hospitalized after ATV collides with tree in Washington County
WASHINGTON COUNTY, MO – Two people were hospitalized after an ATV collided with a tree in Washington County this afternoon, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The collision occurred about halfway between Peoria and Caledonia on Route BB, near...
Vehicular accident blocks left shoulder at I-170NB
ST. LOUIS, MO - According to the Missouri Department of Transportation, a vehicular accident occurred at I-170 NB to Hanley Road causing its left shoulder to close at 11:01 A.M. on October 1.   ACCIDENT I-170 NB TO HANLEY RD...
A Wake-Up Call for St. Louis: Ensuring Pedestrian Safety on Our Roads
In a span of just two days, St. Louis County witnessed two tragic pedestrian fatalities on the same stretch of Interstate 270. The most recent incident involved 38-year-old Dominique Williams, who lost her life while crossing the eastbound lanes near...
The Call for More Regulation in the Age of Autonomous Vehicles: A Wake-Up Call from California to the UK
Driverless vehicles, once the stuff of science fiction, have increasingly become a reality on roads across the United States and the world. However, with rapid technological advancements come responsibilities to ensure the safety of the general public. A recent decision...
Hazardous Truck Crashes: The Silent, Growing Threat on Our Highways
The recent tragic train derailment in Ohio captured the nation's attention, shining a spotlight on the need for stricter train regulations. While train accidents involving hazardous materials undeniably have serious implications, there's a different form of transportation that's been quietly...
The Call for Equal Safety: Why the New Female Car Crash Dummy is a Game Changer
In the field of personal injury law, one aspect becomes abundantly clear: Not all injuries are created equal, and neither are the causes. The recent revelation that car crash tests have historically been designed only around the male physique brings...
The Unexpected Danger Season: Why Fall Tops the Charts for Auto Accidents
As we embrace the pumpkin-spiced lattes and vibrant foliage of Fall, there’s something else we need to be cognizant of – the heightened risk of auto accidents. Contrary to popular belief, icy winters aren’t the prime time for vehicle mishaps....
Navigating the Road to Autonomous Vehicles
The dawn of a new era in transportation is upon us. The streets of Austin are now home to approximately 125 fully electric autonomous vehicles (AVs). Three major companies, including Cruise, Volkswagen ADMT, and Waymo, have dipped their wheels into...
Harley-Davidson’s Major Recall: What Every Owner Needs to Know
Riding a motorcycle can be exhilarating. But it's crucial that our bikes are in perfect condition to ensure our safety. A recent announcement from Harley-Davidson underscores the importance of this, reminding us of the need to be vigilant about our...
Uber’s Accountability: The Tale of Edgard Velarde
A San Francisco bicyclist's case against Uber Technologies Inc. could very well be a landmark moment in how rideshare companies are held accountable in the future. The Backstory: A Collision in a No-Stopping Zone In 2018, Edgard Velarde, a hardworking...
Texas’ $142B Investment in Transportation Infrastructure and What It Means for You
Today, we want to dive into a significant announcement that promises to reshape the landscape of Texas transportation - an investment that is not just about connectivity, but also about your safety on the roads. A Game-Changing Commitment to Infrastructure:...
Dealing with the Aftermath of a Bike Accident
Even if you’re wearing appropriate safety gear and acting as responsibly as any cyclist could, getting involved in any kind of bike crash—especially one caused by a negligent motor vehicle driver—can be a uniquely frightening and traumatizing experience. It’s understandable...
Who Is Usually at Fault if a Bicycle Is Involved in an Accident?
Bicyclists who get into traffic accidents with multi-ton motor vehicles are much more likely to suffer serious injuries from the incident compared to anyone inside the cars or trucks involved. That said, It is not uncommon for police officers who...
The Importance of Bike Lanes in Accident Reduction
At OnderLaw, we believe in championing the rights of the injured and emphasizing the importance of proactive safety measures. Bike lanes stand as a testament to this principle. A recent statement by Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, asserting that there...
Bicycling Towards a Safer Future: How Bike Plans Are Shaping Illinois Communities
Biking isn't just about transportation anymore; it's about shaping the future of our communities. As an advocate for the safety of everyone on our roads, from cyclists to pedestrians and drivers, OnderLaw takes immense pride in seeing communities transition towards...
Embracing Safety: The Revolution of New York City’s 10th Avenue
At OnderLaw, our priority has always been the safety and well-being of the community. With New York City's bustling streets becoming more diverse in their modes of transportation, it’s never been more important to design roadways that prioritize the safety...
Uber’s Accountability: The Tale of Edgard Velarde
A San Francisco bicyclist's case against Uber Technologies Inc. could very well be a landmark moment in how rideshare companies are held accountable in the future. The Backstory: A Collision in a No-Stopping Zone In 2018, Edgard Velarde, a hardworking...
Bike Lanes: Our Next Big Infrastructure Project?
In the 20th century, America dreamt big and built bigger, constructing an intricate interstate highway system that changed the fabric of our nation. But as we step into an era marked by climate change and a need for sustainable development,...
E-Bike Injuries: A New Legal Challenge on Our Roads
Electric bikes, popularly known as e-bikes, have taken the world by storm. With the promise of quicker commutes, reduced carbon footprints, and bringing the joy of cycling to more people, e-bikes have become the choice of transportation for many. However,...
How GPS Bike Computers Are Enhancing Bicycle Safety
The future of cycling is being shaped significantly by GPS bike computers, a technological marvel that is not only enhancing performance but also introducing vital safety measures for cyclists around the world. Here's a closer look at how this technology...
NYC DOT’s Progressive Initiatives Promote Safer Biking and Soar Bike Ridership to Record Levels
The New York City Department of Transportation (NYC DOT) has unveiled a series of ambitious measures aimed at expanding bike infrastructure and ensuring the safe operation of e-bikes within the city. Under the leadership of Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez, the agency...
Is Hemp a Lithium Battery Alternative?
We have made phenomenal progress electrifying our roads in the last century. Gas guzzling cars are gradually going out of style, and a more economic and environmentally friendly alternative is becoming a universal sight at traffic lights. Electric powered cars,...
Nearly 20,000 U.S. Deaths Caused by Air Pollution Each Year
  Biden Administration Urged to Improve Air Quality Standards “Mr. President, Americans are depending on your administration to protect their right to clean air and healthy communities," said more than 160 public health and climate activists acting as the Climate...
EPA Seeks to Classify PFOA/PFOS as Hazardous Substances
  The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS), two of the most common per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), as hazardous substances. This would classify them as Superfund chemicals under the Comprehensive Environmental Response,...
Understanding Summary Judgment: What Does It Mean for Your Case?
The legal process is full of terms that seem ambiguous or confusing. One such term is "summary judgment." Knowing what a summary judgment is and how it can affect your case can be really important in certain litigations. What is...
When Sports Get Dangerous: Understanding Liability and Personal Injury in Extreme Sports
Extreme sports have gained immense popularity, providing thrill-seekers with adrenaline-pumping experiences. However, the inherent risks associated with these activities can lead to accidents and personal injuries. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of liability and personal injury...
Carbon monoxide exposure on kills 1, injures 4 at Lake of the Ozarks
LAKE OF THE OZARKS, MO - An elderly man died and four other people on a boat were injured after being exposed to Carbon Monoxide at Lake of the Ozarks Saturday, according to The Kansas City Star. Steven Sutton, 66,...
2 injured in boating accident on Meramec River
MERAMEC RIVER, MO - A boating accident injured two men on Saturday, according to 70 West Sentinel. The incident happened around 8:30 p.m. at the Meramec River. Joshua J. Rigsby, 38, was traveling downstream in a boat as Bradley J....
Child killed in boat accident at Lake of the Ozarks
CAMDEN CO., MO - A child died on Saturday when they fell off the back of a boat in Lake of the Ozarks, Fox 2 Now reports. The Missouri State Highway Patrol responded to the incident at about 3:40 p.m....
Elderly man injured in boat accident on Bull Shores Lake
OZARK CO., MO - An elderly man from St. Louis was injured in a two-boat collision on the Spring Creek arm of Bull Shores Lake on Monday, KTLO reports. A boat operated by 49-year-old Michael Bye collided with the back...
Three injured in Lake of the Ozarks boat explosion
LAKE OZARK, MO – A boat explosion Sunday at Lake of the Ozarks led to three people being hurt, one of them seriously, according to KMZU. O’Fallon woman Debra Kiely was standing on a dock while the boat stopped for...
One dead, four injured in Lake of the Ozarks BWI boating accident
CAMDEN COUNTY, MO – A man is facing charges following a boating accident that killed one woman and injured four other people in the Lake of the Ozarks this morning, according to KY3. The accident happened around midnight, according to...
Can I Get Compensation for a Burn?
A serious burn injury can impact your quality of life, your ability to work, and even your relationships with your family, friends, and other loved ones. When you suffer a serious burn injury caused by someone else’s careless or reckless...
Lawsuits for Third-Degree Burns
Every year, millions of people suffer from burn injuries across the United States. They can happen in a wide variety of ways, including not only fires but also chemicals, hot liquids, radiation, and electricity. Burn injuries can range from a...
The Lahaina Banyan Tree: An Emblem of Resilience and Hope in the Wake of Tragedy
In times of immense adversity and hardship, where do we find hope? For the residents of Lahaina, amidst the devastating aftermath of the Maui wildfires, hope is embodied in the enduring spirit of the 150-year-old Lahaina banyan tree. A Symbol...
Maui’s Hawaiian Electric Removes Key Evidence
In a devastating chain of events, wildfires ravaged through Maui, leading to the unfortunate loss of at least 115 lives. But the distress doesn't end there. Hawaiian Electric, a major electricity provider, stands accused of negligence that possibly sparked the...
Maui Fire Victims: Where Can I Find Help?
Maui’s wildfires have been the most devastating fires in history on the island, and arguably one of the most horrific wildfire in the U.S. since fires were first recorded. There is hope, however. Here are some places where you can...
Lahaina’s Fire and the Ongoing Fight for Water Rights
The tragic fire in Lahaina, one of the deadliest in U.S. history, reignited not only the flames of destruction but also decades-long tensions surrounding water rights in Maui. Native Hawaiians, who have historically been stewards of the island's water resources,...
Learning from Tragedy: Wildfire Prevention and the Role of the State
The haunting aftermath of the West Maui wildfire leaves not just a scar on the land but also raises pressing questions about preparedness and foresight. Through our work at OnderLaw, we've seen firsthand the importance of proactive safety measures, and...
Previous Lawsuits Indicate Maui Was Concerned About Big Oil and Fire Risks
In 2020, Maui County bravely launched a lawsuit against some of the world's colossal oil and gas corporations, including Exxon and Chevron. The suit asserts these companies knew the catastrophic impacts of burning fossil fuels and its contribution to global...
Were The Hawaii Wildfires Preventable? The Responsibility of Hawaiian Electric
The tragic and devastating wildfires that recently ravaged Maui have left countless residents searching for answers and accountability. As more facts emerge, it's apparent that these catastrophic events, which claimed over 95 lives, might have been preventable. The question on...
Scalding Chicken Nugget Case Finalizes Verdict
Today, we delve into a compelling legal case that unfolded in Florida, involving an incident at a renowned fast-food chain. The incident revolves around a young 8-year-old girl named Olivia Caraballo, who suffered second-degree burns from a McDonald's chicken nugget...
How Much Is a Negligence Settlement for a Car Accident?
Most of the time, getting compensated after a car accident is a matter of filing a claim against your own auto insurance policy and that of the other driver or drivers involved in your wreck. After a more severe collision,...
A Wake-Up Call for St. Louis: Ensuring Pedestrian Safety on Our Roads
In a span of just two days, St. Louis County witnessed two tragic pedestrian fatalities on the same stretch of Interstate 270. The most recent incident involved 38-year-old Dominique Williams, who lost her life while crossing the eastbound lanes near...
Determining Fault for a Car Accident in Missouri
After getting hurt in a traumatic car accident, it’s easy to assume that the other person involved is the one responsible for causing the wreck. When it comes to being compensated for the injuries losses you’ve sustained, though, determining fault...
Should I Hire an Attorney After a Car Accident?
If you’ve recently been in a serious car accident or even a minor fender-bender, you’re probably dealing with unexpected bills and personal losses, as well as physical and psychological trauma. With all that’s already on your plate, it’s understandable to...
The Call for More Regulation in the Age of Autonomous Vehicles: A Wake-Up Call from California to the UK
Driverless vehicles, once the stuff of science fiction, have increasingly become a reality on roads across the United States and the world. However, with rapid technological advancements come responsibilities to ensure the safety of the general public. A recent decision...
Hazardous Truck Crashes: The Silent, Growing Threat on Our Highways
The recent tragic train derailment in Ohio captured the nation's attention, shining a spotlight on the need for stricter train regulations. While train accidents involving hazardous materials undeniably have serious implications, there's a different form of transportation that's been quietly...
The Call for Equal Safety: Why the New Female Car Crash Dummy is a Game Changer
In the field of personal injury law, one aspect becomes abundantly clear: Not all injuries are created equal, and neither are the causes. The recent revelation that car crash tests have historically been designed only around the male physique brings...
The Critical Role of Corporate Cooperation in Vehicle Recalls: Kia and Hyundai Lead by Example
As personal injury attorneys, we regularly witness the catastrophic outcomes of defects and malfunctions in vehicles. The safety of drivers, passengers, and even pedestrians often hangs in the balance when car manufacturers delay in addressing potential dangers. That's why the...
The Unexpected Danger Season: Why Fall Tops the Charts for Auto Accidents
As we embrace the pumpkin-spiced lattes and vibrant foliage of Fall, there’s something else we need to be cognizant of – the heightened risk of auto accidents. Contrary to popular belief, icy winters aren’t the prime time for vehicle mishaps....
The Disturbing Rise of Fatal Hit-and-Runs: A Decade in Review
As personal injury attorneys, the team at OnderLaw has always been deeply committed to protecting the rights and well-being of accident victims. A new study reveals a harrowing trend that should concern everyone on the road. A Decade of Deadly...
How Does a Construction Injury Differ from a Workplace Injury?
Construction workers face the risk of serious injuries daily. Even if everyone is doing their part to ensure that workers are properly trained, get the required rest periods, and follow all important safety measures, accidents happen. Sometimes, these construction accidents...
Falling Objects in Construction Areas
Construction areas are filled with potential hazards that could lead to a grave accident. If you or a loved one are in the construction industry, you are likely all too familiar with the daily risks that working on these job...
How Is Safety Regulated on a Construction Site?
Construction sites can be extremely dangerous places. Both federal and state regulations are in place to protect workers and ensure that all necessary precautions are taken to ensure safety in the workplace. Despite this legal framework, accidents can and do...
The Leading Causes of Construction Accidents and How to Seek Justice After One
Construction sites can be an accident waiting to happen. A serious construction site accident can occur when a person or company involved with the job site fails to follow the required standards or procedures. If you are a construction worker...
The Dangers of Defective Equipment on a Construction Site
The construction industry depends on extensive manpower and all types of heavy industrial equipment to get the job done. Even when everyone on the job site follows the applicable safety standards, a defective piece of equipment can wreak havoc and...
Who Is Liable for a Construction Accident?
If you were recently injured in a construction accident, you may have the legal right to multiple forms of financial compensation. When a construction accident happens, there are numerous individuals or entities who could be considered legally responsible for what...
The Top 5 Construction Site Hazards
Construction workers have an inherent degree of risk attached to their daily lives, given the nature of their work environments. These jobs often require workers to be exposed to large equipment and machinery, chemicals, electrical components, and other hazards that...
The Most Common Types of Construction Site Injuries
Construction sites are full of potential hazards due to the presence of heavy machinery, equipment, chemicals, and other environmental dangers that are often present on a daily basis. A serious construction accident can affect your ability to work, to provide...
Steps to Take After a Construction Accident
Construction accident injuries and fatalities are far too common. Workers are frequently subjected to a wide variety of potentially deadly hazards. Construction workers tend to sustain occupational injuries and illnesses at a much higher rate compared to individuals employed in...
The Tragic Miami Crane Collapse: A Grim Reminder of the Importance of Construction Safety
Construction sites are bustling areas where every detail matters. In Miami's HCA Florida Mercy Hospital, a routine renovation took an unexpected turn when a construction crane malfunctioned. As we examine this recent incident, it underscores the significance of safety protocols...
How Much Do Pharmaceutical Companies Pay in Lawsuits?
When you experience dangerous side effects or complications from a pharmaceutical drug, you may wonder what your legal options are and if you could have grounds to seek compensation. Whether or not you may be entitled to sue a pharmaceutical...
Can You Sue a Pharmaceutical Company for Side Effects?
Pharmaceutical companies constantly release new products to the market, many of which are adequately tested, safe, and effective. However, there are far too many instances of dangerous or defective drugs getting into the hands of consumers and causing grave or...
What Is Pharmaceutical Litigation?
Pharmaceutical drugs have revolutionized medicine and can have life-changing benefits for patients. However, when a pharmaceutical company releases a dangerous or defective drug to the market or allows it to remain commercialized even after known safety hazards are revealed, consumers...
The Importance of Vigilance: Blood Pressure Medication Recall Highlights Potential Dangers
When it comes to medication, trust and accuracy are paramount. We place immense faith in manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies, believing that the medicines they provide will help us, not harm us. However, a recent incident serves as a sobering reminder...
The Hidden Danger in Direct-to-Consumer Drug Ads
In an age dominated by technology and information, it has never been easier for consumers to access health-related advice and solutions. The COVID-19 pandemic saw an explosion in direct-to-consumer prescription drug advertising across digital platforms. But with convenience comes a...
When Medical Oversight Can Mean Life or Death: The Hamby v. Glauser Case
Medical care can be a complex world to navigate, especially for patients and their families. While healthcare professionals dedicate their lives to saving others, mistakes do happen. The question we face today is: was the unfortunate passing of Joshua Hamby,...
GLP-1RA Weight-Loss Drugs: A Cause for Concern Among Children and Adolescents?
As personal injury attorneys, our commitment at OnderLaw is not only to those who have suffered due to negligence but also to raise awareness about emerging health concerns. Today, we address the rising apprehensions surrounding the use of GLP-1RA weight-loss...
Dietary Supplements: The Unseen Risks and the Need for Better Oversight
Every day, the majority of Americans consume dietary supplements, believing they are making a choice for their health and wellness. But the reality is, there's a substantial gap in federal oversight of these products. At OnderLaw, we're passionate about ensuring...
Understanding Whistleblower Impact on Employers
Ensuring a safe and accountable work environment is crucial for both employees and employers. In recent developments, the Anti-Money Laundering Whistleblower Improvement Act, part of last year's omnibus spending bill, has taken center stage, raising the stakes for whistleblowers and...
Understanding Summary Judgment: What Does It Mean for Your Case?
The legal process is full of terms that seem ambiguous or confusing. One such term is "summary judgment." Knowing what a summary judgment is and how it can affect your case can be really important in certain litigations. What is...
The Dangers of Defective Equipment on a Construction Site
The construction industry depends on extensive manpower and all types of heavy industrial equipment to get the job done. Even when everyone on the job site follows the applicable safety standards, a defective piece of equipment can wreak havoc and...
The Unspoken Dangers Behind Lifesaving Devices: The CPAP Machine Recall
It was supposed to be a source of relief and recovery—a device to help those with sleep apnea breathe easier at night. Yet, the Philips CPAP machines turned out to be a potential source of danger, prompting a massive recall...
Unmasking the Hazards of Methylene Chloride in Paint Strippers
You might not have heard much about methylene chloride, but it's time we shed some light on this chemical found in paint strippers and various industrial products. Countless Americans have been regularly exposed to its dangers and are now suffering...
The Call for More Regulation in the Age of Autonomous Vehicles: A Wake-Up Call from California to the UK
Driverless vehicles, once the stuff of science fiction, have increasingly become a reality on roads across the United States and the world. However, with rapid technological advancements come responsibilities to ensure the safety of the general public. A recent decision...
Soulard Man Awarded $1.25M in Landmark Bayer-Monsanto Roundup Cancer Trial
New Evidence Shows Glyphosate is Not the Only Carcinogen in the Weed Killer ST. LOUIS, MO. (Oct. 20, 2023) A Soulard man who suffered non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma after using Bayer-Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide has been awarded $1.25 million in a landmark ruling...
The Danger Lurking in Your Seltzer Can: A Vital Recall Alert
We often trust the labels on the products we buy, especially when it comes to our food and beverages. Ingredient lists are vital, especially for those with allergies, and even a minor oversight can lead to severe health complications or...
The Importance of Vigilance: Blood Pressure Medication Recall Highlights Potential Dangers
When it comes to medication, trust and accuracy are paramount. We place immense faith in manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies, believing that the medicines they provide will help us, not harm us. However, a recent incident serves as a sobering reminder...
Urgent Recall Alert for Onewheel Electric Skateboards: Your Safety is Our Priority
In a crucial announcement from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and Future Motion Inc., California, an urgent recall for 300,000 Onewheel Self-Balancing Electric Skateboards has been issued. The skateboards have been reported to lose their balance, posing a...
The Critical Role of Corporate Cooperation in Vehicle Recalls: Kia and Hyundai Lead by Example
As personal injury attorneys, we regularly witness the catastrophic outcomes of defects and malfunctions in vehicles. The safety of drivers, passengers, and even pedestrians often hangs in the balance when car manufacturers delay in addressing potential dangers. That's why the...
Peloton’s Safety Concerns and the Importance of Product Accountability
When we invest in a product, especially one designed to enhance our well-being, we expect it to be safe, thoroughly tested, and free from inherent risks. But as recent events highlight, this is not always the case. The tragic story...
“Exxon Knew”: A Call to Action
“Exxon did know. Between the years 1977 and 2002 … Exxon’s climate change reports have been more accurate than reports made by NASA researchers about how emissions heat the planet.” For environmental activists and avid news readers, the phrase 'Exxon Knew' has become a...
The Unseen Threat in Your Tap Water
Clean water is a cornerstone of good health—a fundamental need that should be met without question. Yet, this vital resource is under siege by a silent but deadly contaminant: trichloroethylene, or TCE. This industrial solvent, a known carcinogen, lurks in...
The Imperative to Ban Trichloroethylene: Safeguarding Public Health
In an era where the intersection of industry and environment is often marked by cautionary tales, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is championing public health with a proposed ban on a hazardous chemical: trichloroethylene (TCE). This toxic substance,...
The Air We Breathe: Understanding the Implications of Texas’ Proposed Cancer Risk Levels
At OnderLaw, we stand firm in our commitment to advocating for public health and safety. We believe that every individual has the right to clean air, a healthy environment, and protection from potential harm. Today, we shed light on a...
Corporate Greed, Negligence, and the Climate Crisis: Why Transparency is Key
The world is in the throes of an unprecedented climate crisis, and while individual actions matter, the lion's share of responsibility rests on the shoulders of big corporations. Recent legislation in California offers a glimpse of hope in this daunting...
Balancing the Scales: The Question of Fairness in Colorado’s New Air Quality Rules
Environmental justice and corporate responsibility have long been intertwined issues, with corporations and communities often at odds when it comes to ensuring both the protection of the environment and economic growth. The recent decision by Colorado’s Air Quality Control Commission...
Missouri Environmental Law Attorneys
  Missouri Environmental Lawyer OnderLaw is a trusted resource for professional plaintiff representation in cases involving environmental pollution caused by irresponsible corporations in Missouri. Our team of experienced Missouri environmental lawyers has decades of experience advocating for the rights of...
Top 10 Cities Identified for PFAS Health Risks: Iowa, IL and NC Worst in Nation
PFAS contamination in drinking water has reached an all-time high, and the top 10 worst areas in the U.S. have been identified in a recent study. Brunswick County, North Carolina and Quad Cities, Iowa and Illinois are leading the nation...
The Glittering Waters of Lake Tahoe: More Than Meets the Eye
The pristine waters of Lake Tahoe, an emblem of California’s untouched beauty, are under siege. While the South Lake Tahoe Public Utility District proudly speaks of the lake's purity, a darker tale lurks beneath the surface, and it's one that...
California Bill Aims to Hold Corporations Accountable for Carbon Emissions
In an age when climate change is top of mind for so many, understanding the exact role major corporations play in carbon emissions is crucial. A groundbreaking bill in California aims to shed light on this matter, potentially changing the...
Huntington’s Disease and the New Frontiers of Neural Circuits: What This Means for Medical Advancement
Huntington's disease, a genetic neurodegenerative condition that affects a significant portion of the adult population, has remained an enigma for medical professionals and researchers for many years. However, a recent breakthrough study conducted by the University of Barcelona has shed...
Qalsody and the Hope it Brings for Veterans with ALS: A New Dawn in Medical Advancement
Medical advancements and the endless search for cures to debilitating diseases have always been at the forefront of healthcare. In recent times, one such advancement has brought renewed hope, especially for a particular segment of the population – the veterans....
Blood-Brain Barrier Opening: A New Frontier in Treating Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson's disease (PD), a neurodegenerative disorder, has posed significant challenges for medical practitioners and researchers worldwide. Despite the immense progress in medical science, finding a cure for this disease, like many of its peers such as Alzheimer’s and Huntington’s disease,...
Antibody-Drug Conjugates (ADCs): The New Frontier in Ovarian Cancer Treatment
Ovarian cancer, an often silent but deadly disease, is perpetually in need of innovative therapies that can efficiently combat its resistance. The latest breakthrough in this direction is the development and approval of an antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) named mirvetuximab soravtansine....
Healing from Motorcycle Accident Injuries
Getting hurt in a serious motorcycle accident can be both physically painful and emotionally devastating, especially if the recovery process for your injuries is prolonged. If you are healing from motorcycle accident injuries, you have the power to keep your...
Can You Get Money from a Motorcycle Accident?
In addition to being physically and mentally traumatic, serious motorcycle accidents tend to be extremely expensive for the riders unfortunate enough to get injured in them. Between medical expenses, damage to your motorcycle, and the potential that you might have...
The Most Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries
Even if you do everything right as a motorcycle rider, you may still be at risk of suffering serious injuries in an accident caused by another driver acting recklessly or carelessly around you. No matter what specifically leads to a...
What to Do After a Motorcycle Accident
Whether or not you’ve been involved in a motor vehicle collision before, getting caught up in a wreck while riding a motorcycle can be a uniquely frightening and traumatic experience. In the aftermath of such an accident, it can be...
Who Is Responsible for Most Motorcycle Accidents?
Both in popular culture and in civil courtrooms, motorcycle riders are often stereotyped as thrill-seekers who intentionally flaunt the rules of the road and of society at large. This belief sometimes leads people to assume that motorcyclists are to blame...
Motorcycle Fatalities: A Growing Concern We Can’t Ignore
Motorcycle riders cherish the thrill, the freedom, and the connection with the open road that only two wheels can provide. Yet, with this freedom comes an increased risk, as the unfortunate and recent rise in motorcycle fatalities in Portmore and...
The Call for Equal Safety: Why the New Female Car Crash Dummy is a Game Changer
In the field of personal injury law, one aspect becomes abundantly clear: Not all injuries are created equal, and neither are the causes. The recent revelation that car crash tests have historically been designed only around the male physique brings...
The Importance of Motorcycle Helmets and the Rising Demand for Safety
The surge in motorcycle riding's popularity brings with it a vital concern: rider safety. A recent report by Allied Market Research underlined the increasing significance and growth of the motorcycle helmet market. At OnderLaw, as advocates for road safety and...
Prioritizing Safety on Open Autumn Roads: The Essential Motorcycle Gear Guide
The allure of fall riding is undeniable. With the trees showcasing a spectrum of warm colors and the open roads inviting adventure, motorcycling in autumn is a thrilling experience. However, this beautiful season also brings with it unique challenges for...
The Next Wave in Motorcycle Safety: Embracing Bike-Mounted Airbag Systems
Accidents on the road can happen in a split second, and for motorcyclists, the consequences can be devastating. While helmets and protective clothing provide a level of safety, innovations in motorcycle safety technology are paving the way for even more...
5 Signs of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect
Nursing home abuse and neglect can take many forms. The signs and symptoms can be very obvious or far more subtle. It’s important to understand what these manifestations of abuse can look like if you believe your loved one may...
How Do I Report a Nursing Home to the State of Missouri?
When your loved one is in the care of a nursing home, you rightly expect that they will be safe and cared for and that their needs will be attended to daily. If you begin to notice physical, emotional, or...
Common Types of Nursing Home Abuse
Everyone wants to protect their loved ones and give them the best life possible. When people place their elders in nursing homes, it is with the hope and expectation that their loved one will be safe and taken care of...
Breaking the Age-Old Silence: The Hidden Crisis of Elder Abuse
One of the areas we're most passionate about is shedding light on issues often left in the shadows. Elder abuse is one such glaring issue. Many are under the misconception that it's rare, that it doesn't happen often. However, the...
Every Voice Matters: The Imperative of Justice in Medical Negligence
Imagine a routine medical procedure turning your life upside down due to a doctor's oversight. You endure pain, heartache, and loss, only to discover that the very system meant to protect you fails to even listen to your story. This...
The Importance of Proper Allegations: Florida Nursing Home Negligence Cases
In recent times, nursing home negligence has been brought to the forefront of legal discussions, revealing the vast and devastating impacts of negligence on our elders. The State of Florida, known for its substantial elderly population, has instituted specific regulations...
Unmasking a Silent Crisis: The Fearful Reality in America’s Nursing Homes
When we place our elderly loved ones in nursing homes, our core expectation is that they receive the care, attention, and respect they rightfully deserve. Yet, a shocking report titled “'They Make You Pay’: How Fear of Retaliation Silences Residents...
Topeka Rehab Center Reminds Us About the Important of Reporting
Today, we are shedding light on the Topeka Center for Rehabilitation and Healthcare (TCRH), a nursing home facing significant issues impacting resident care. Our aim is to raise awareness about such cases and emphasize the critical need to report nursing...
Understanding Whistleblower Impact on Employers
Ensuring a safe and accountable work environment is crucial for both employees and employers. In recent developments, the Anti-Money Laundering Whistleblower Improvement Act, part of last year's omnibus spending bill, has taken center stage, raising the stakes for whistleblowers and...
Understanding Summary Judgment: What Does It Mean for Your Case?
The legal process is full of terms that seem ambiguous or confusing. One such term is "summary judgment." Knowing what a summary judgment is and how it can affect your case can be really important in certain litigations. What is...
J&J’s Talcum Powder Settlement Offer
J&J has come to the table and offered a $6.475 billion settlement proposal to resolve all talcum powder claims – past, present, and future – in a third bankruptcy, this time as a prepackaged bankruptcy. Here’s how that would work:...
Investigating Pediatrician for Drug for Sex Scandal
Investigating Pediatrician for Drug for Sex Scandal Under the Guise of Medical Treatment OnderLaw is investigating allegations that Pediatrician Dr. Craig Spiegel traded drugs for sex and money.  Spiegel, an affiliate of SSM Health DePaul Hospital and a former Voluntary Clinical...
OnderLaw’s Annual Toy Drive
In the spirit of the holiday season, OnderLaw is delighted to share the joy and warmth we've brought to children through our ongoing partnership with the Toys for Tots program. At OnderLaw, we believe in giving back to the St....
Lead in Kids’ Snack: Recall on Cinnamon Applesauce Pouches
No one should have to worry the snacks they are feeding their child will cause them harm. When parents place their trust in food for their children, they expect that is safe for them to consume. Sadly, this is not...
Seeking Justice: Filing a Sex Abuse Claim Against Care Facilities and Trust-Based Settings
When someone is in need of physical, mental, or behavioral help from an inpatient facility or treatment center, it is unimaginable to think that they might be abused by those entrusted with their care. Yet hundreds of former patients and...
Michigan to Lift Statute of Limitations for Sexual Assault Survivors
In a significant move to show support for survivors of sexual assault and ensure abusers are held accountable, Michigan lawmakers have created a comprehensive legislative package known as the Access to Justice initiative. State Representative Julie Brixie of Meridian Townships...
The Unspoken Dangers Behind Lifesaving Devices: The CPAP Machine Recall
It was supposed to be a source of relief and recovery—a device to help those with sleep apnea breathe easier at night. Yet, the Philips CPAP machines turned out to be a potential source of danger, prompting a massive recall...
Soulard Man Awarded $1.25M in Landmark Bayer-Monsanto Roundup Cancer Trial
New Evidence Shows Glyphosate is Not the Only Carcinogen in the Weed Killer ST. LOUIS, MO. (Oct. 20, 2023) A Soulard man who suffered non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma after using Bayer-Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide has been awarded $1.25 million in a landmark ruling...
Simi Valley’s Proactive Approach to Traffic Safety: A Step in the Right Direction
Traffic safety has always been a concern for many cities around the world, and the City of Simi Valley is no exception. But, the recent unanimous approval by the City Council to bolster the police motor traffic unit is a...
Air Quality and Its Unforeseen Connection to Breast Cancer: What Every Woman Should Know
We often think about the quality of the air we breathe in terms of respiratory health, but have you ever considered its potential implications on breast cancer? Recent findings might be surprising and concerning, especially for women living in areas...
A Wake-Up Call for St. Louis: Ensuring Pedestrian Safety on Our Roads
In a span of just two days, St. Louis County witnessed two tragic pedestrian fatalities on the same stretch of Interstate 270. The most recent incident involved 38-year-old Dominique Williams, who lost her life while crossing the eastbound lanes near...
The Call for More Regulation in the Age of Autonomous Vehicles: A Wake-Up Call from California to the UK
Driverless vehicles, once the stuff of science fiction, have increasingly become a reality on roads across the United States and the world. However, with rapid technological advancements come responsibilities to ensure the safety of the general public. A recent decision...
The Call for Equal Safety: Why the New Female Car Crash Dummy is a Game Changer
In the field of personal injury law, one aspect becomes abundantly clear: Not all injuries are created equal, and neither are the causes. The recent revelation that car crash tests have historically been designed only around the male physique brings...
Urgent Recall Alert for Onewheel Electric Skateboards: Your Safety is Our Priority
In a crucial announcement from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and Future Motion Inc., California, an urgent recall for 300,000 Onewheel Self-Balancing Electric Skateboards has been issued. The skateboards have been reported to lose their balance, posing a...
The Unexpected Danger Season: Why Fall Tops the Charts for Auto Accidents
As we embrace the pumpkin-spiced lattes and vibrant foliage of Fall, there’s something else we need to be cognizant of – the heightened risk of auto accidents. Contrary to popular belief, icy winters aren’t the prime time for vehicle mishaps....
The Disturbing Rise of Fatal Hit-and-Runs: A Decade in Review
As personal injury attorneys, the team at OnderLaw has always been deeply committed to protecting the rights and well-being of accident victims. A new study reveals a harrowing trend that should concern everyone on the road. A Decade of Deadly...
Navigating the Road to Autonomous Vehicles
The dawn of a new era in transportation is upon us. The streets of Austin are now home to approximately 125 fully electric autonomous vehicles (AVs). Three major companies, including Cruise, Volkswagen ADMT, and Waymo, have dipped their wheels into...
Bicycling Towards a Safer Future: How Bike Plans Are Shaping Illinois Communities
Biking isn't just about transportation anymore; it's about shaping the future of our communities. As an advocate for the safety of everyone on our roads, from cyclists to pedestrians and drivers, OnderLaw takes immense pride in seeing communities transition towards...
Embracing Safety: The Revolution of New York City’s 10th Avenue
At OnderLaw, our priority has always been the safety and well-being of the community. With New York City's bustling streets becoming more diverse in their modes of transportation, it’s never been more important to design roadways that prioritize the safety...
2022 Saw Highest Children’s Product Recalls Since 2013
Children's safety is a top priority for every parent. At OnderLaw, we champion the rights of families affected by injuries due to defective products. Today, we shine a spotlight on a concerning trend. The Stark Numbers: 2022 witnessed a staggering...
How Does a Construction Injury Differ from a Workplace Injury?
Construction workers face the risk of serious injuries daily. Even if everyone is doing their part to ensure that workers are properly trained, get the required rest periods, and follow all important safety measures, accidents happen. Sometimes, these construction accidents...
Average Payout for a Dog Bite in Missouri
Dogs are one of the most popular pets in the U.S. Unfortunately, millions of dog bites occur every year across the United States due to lack of discipline or training. Thousands of people require medical attention for the bites they...
How Much Compensation Do You Get for TBI?
A traumatic brain injury (TBI) can have a detrimental impact on someone's quality and even length of life. While some TBI cases may conclude with a full recovery, others can leave ongoing and even deadly disabilities. When you or your...
Is A Burn A Catastrophic Injury?
Practically everyone has experienced a burn—whether spilling hot water, accidentally touching a candle, or even getting a carpet burn. Because of the perception that burns happen too often to be considered very serious, sometimes people minimize the pain of their...
Long-Term Effects of Catastrophic Injuries
A catastrophic injury is one that permanently affects your quality of life and leaves you dealing with permanent physical, psychological, and emotional effects. These injuries have a deep impact, both personally and professionally, leaving a mark on virtually every area...
What Is the Statute of Limitations on a Dog Bite in Missouri?
Being attacked or injured by another person’s dog can be unexpected and frightening. We see dogs every day, and more often than not they do not attack. But when the worst happens, juggling everyday life on top of the injuries...
Proving a Traumatic Brain Injury
A traumatic brain injury or TBI can occur in a wide range of settings, including motor vehicle accidents, terrible falls, and workplace incidents. While some traumatic brain injuries may be immediately obvious, other TBIs may take days to fully manifest...
What Is Considered a Long-Term Injury?
A long-term injury is a serious injury that permanently impacts your ability to live as you did before the incident. While long-term injuries occur for a variety of reasons, acts of negligence are responsible for far too many of these...
Seeking Justice: Filing a Sex Abuse Claim Against Care Facilities and Trust-Based Settings
When someone is in need of physical, mental, or behavioral help from an inpatient facility or treatment center, it is unimaginable to think that they might be abused by those entrusted with their care. Yet hundreds of former patients and...
Calculating Pain and Suffering in a Personal Injury Lawsuit
Any comprehensive personal injury claim should account for every financial loss you’ll experience because of your injury—both in the short term and the long term. Establishing the financial value of many losses is straightforward. When it comes to being compensated...
Investigating Pediatrician for Drug for Sex Scandal
Investigating Pediatrician for Drug for Sex Scandal Under the Guise of Medical Treatment OnderLaw is investigating allegations that Pediatrician Dr. Craig Spiegel traded drugs for sex and money.  Spiegel, an affiliate of SSM Health DePaul Hospital and a former Voluntary Clinical...
Seeking Justice: Filing a Sex Abuse Claim Against Care Facilities and Trust-Based Settings
When someone is in need of physical, mental, or behavioral help from an inpatient facility or treatment center, it is unimaginable to think that they might be abused by those entrusted with their care. Yet hundreds of former patients and...
Michigan to Lift Statute of Limitations for Sexual Assault Survivors
In a significant move to show support for survivors of sexual assault and ensure abusers are held accountable, Michigan lawmakers have created a comprehensive legislative package known as the Access to Justice initiative. State Representative Julie Brixie of Meridian Townships...
The Changing Landscape of Railway Safety: Protecting Your Rights
Railroads have played a crucial role in our transportation system, offering cost savings and improved safety. But recent stats and concerns from union workers point to a potential tipping point in railway safety. Over the past decade, train accident rates...
From the Archives: Palsgraf v. Long Island Railroad and Proximate Cause
Back in 1928, something seemingly ordinary happened at a train station that had a profound impact on the legal world. Helen Palsgraf, while trying to board a moving train, got caught in a series of events that led to her...
Understanding Summary Judgment: What Does It Mean for Your Case?
The legal process is full of terms that seem ambiguous or confusing. One such term is "summary judgment." Knowing what a summary judgment is and how it can affect your case can be really important in certain litigations. What is...
Distracted Driving Epidemic: The Rise of Personal Injury Cases Due to Cell Phone Use
In today's fast-paced world, smartphones have become an integral part of our lives. While these devices offer convenience and connectivity, they have also contributed to a concerning rise in distracted driving accidents. Personal injury cases stemming from cell phone use...
Train collides with semi-truck near College Hill
ST. LOUIS, MO - A train struck a semi-truck near East Grand Ave and Hall St Friday, according to Fox 2 Now. Authorities have not provided additional information, such as the time of the crash or the condition of the...
Derailed train blocks Highway 3 in Fairmont City
FAIRMONT CITY, IL - A train derailed and blocked traffic on Highway 3 near Packers Avenue on Thursday night into Friday. According to St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the Alton & Southern Railway train derailed around 11:48 p.m. on Thursday night. It...
One person injured after Amtrak train collides with vehicle
KIRKWOOD, MO - One person sustained non-life threatening  injuries after an Amtrak train struck their vehicle 212 S. Taylor Avenue on Tuesday afternoon. According to KMOV4 News, the train was leaving the Kirkwood station and was en-route from Jefferson City...
Ford Taurus hits Metro Link train in Washington Park
EAST ST. LOUIS, IL - A 2006 Ford Taurus went around the gates on northbound Highway 111 and hit a Metro Line train on Tuesday morning. According to KMOV4 News, the crash occurred near 59th street on northbound Highway 111...
Train derailment partially closes Highway WW
MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MO - A train derailed in New Florence Sunday morning caused traffic adjustments in the area, KY3 reports. Investigators say the accident occurred at 7:25 a.m. on Highway WW. No hazardous materials were involved and no one was...
How Much Are Most Truck Accident Settlements?
Generally speaking, personal injury claims based on collisions between tractor-trailers and commuter cars tend to involve more compensation than claims built around crashes just involving commuter cars. However, it’s a lot harder than you might think to get more specific...
The Most Common Injuries in Truck Accidents
Even at relatively low speeds, collisions involving tractor-trailers tend to cause especially serious injuries compared to any other type of traffic collision. Because of that, truck accidents also tend to make for uniquely complicated civil claims, especially if there is...
Hazardous Truck Crashes: The Silent, Growing Threat on Our Highways
The recent tragic train derailment in Ohio captured the nation's attention, shining a spotlight on the need for stricter train regulations. While train accidents involving hazardous materials undeniably have serious implications, there's a different form of transportation that's been quietly...
Texas Ranks Most Fatal State for Truck Drivers 3-Year Study Finds
When it comes to truck accidents, the Lone Star state is unfortunately living up to its larger-than-life reputation. The data paints a sobering picture: Texas, with its sprawling highways and bustling trade routes, has recently emerged as the nation's most...
Safety In Jeopardy: Prioritizing Larger Cars over Street Safety
The roads of the United States are witnessing a disturbing surge in deadly traffic incidents, and the blame lies on one culprit: ever-larger cars and trucks that dominate our streets. As a leading personal injury law firm, we are deeply...
How Underride Guard Regulations Impact Your Safety
Underride truck accidents pose a significant threat to passenger vehicle occupants, given the massive size and weight of trucks. In particular, underride accidents can be devastating, often resulting in catastrophic injuries or even fatalities for those involved. Let's examine nature...
What Does the Greyhound Bus Crash Teach Us About Truck Driver Safety?
Tragic accidents involving public transportation vehicles like buses and trains can have a devastating impact on the lives of passengers and other road users. A recent tragic Greyhound bus incident in Illinois highlighted a concerning issue—the presence of parked trucks on...
6 Reasons to Exercise Caution on Rural Roads During Summer Road Trips
What does a summer road trip evoke in your mind? Freedom, adventure, and the open road, perhaps? While hitting the road and exploring the countryside can be an exciting experience, it's crucial to be aware of the potential risks, especially...
Understanding Summary Judgment: What Does It Mean for Your Case?
The legal process is full of terms that seem ambiguous or confusing. One such term is "summary judgment." Knowing what a summary judgment is and how it can affect your case can be really important in certain litigations. What is...
Enhancing Safety Defect Analysis: DOT Audit Highlights Areas for Improvement at NHTSA
The Department of Transportation's Inspector General (DOTIG) recently conducted an audit of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), specifically examining the agency's analysis of safety defects in vehicles. The audit revealed areas where improvements are needed to expedite the...
A Wake-Up Call for St. Louis: Ensuring Pedestrian Safety on Our Roads
In a span of just two days, St. Louis County witnessed two tragic pedestrian fatalities on the same stretch of Interstate 270. The most recent incident involved 38-year-old Dominique Williams, who lost her life while crossing the eastbound lanes near...
The Call for More Regulation in the Age of Autonomous Vehicles: A Wake-Up Call from California to the UK
Driverless vehicles, once the stuff of science fiction, have increasingly become a reality on roads across the United States and the world. However, with rapid technological advancements come responsibilities to ensure the safety of the general public. A recent decision...
Hazardous Truck Crashes: The Silent, Growing Threat on Our Highways
The recent tragic train derailment in Ohio captured the nation's attention, shining a spotlight on the need for stricter train regulations. While train accidents involving hazardous materials undeniably have serious implications, there's a different form of transportation that's been quietly...
Motorcycle Fatalities: A Growing Concern We Can’t Ignore
Motorcycle riders cherish the thrill, the freedom, and the connection with the open road that only two wheels can provide. Yet, with this freedom comes an increased risk, as the unfortunate and recent rise in motorcycle fatalities in Portmore and...
The Call for Equal Safety: Why the New Female Car Crash Dummy is a Game Changer
In the field of personal injury law, one aspect becomes abundantly clear: Not all injuries are created equal, and neither are the causes. The recent revelation that car crash tests have historically been designed only around the male physique brings...
Prioritizing Safety on Open Autumn Roads: The Essential Motorcycle Gear Guide
The allure of fall riding is undeniable. With the trees showcasing a spectrum of warm colors and the open roads inviting adventure, motorcycling in autumn is a thrilling experience. However, this beautiful season also brings with it unique challenges for...
The Next Wave in Motorcycle Safety: Embracing Bike-Mounted Airbag Systems
Accidents on the road can happen in a split second, and for motorcyclists, the consequences can be devastating. While helmets and protective clothing provide a level of safety, innovations in motorcycle safety technology are paving the way for even more...
Urgent Recall Alert for Onewheel Electric Skateboards: Your Safety is Our Priority
In a crucial announcement from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and Future Motion Inc., California, an urgent recall for 300,000 Onewheel Self-Balancing Electric Skateboards has been issued. The skateboards have been reported to lose their balance, posing a...
The Unexpected Danger Season: Why Fall Tops the Charts for Auto Accidents
As we embrace the pumpkin-spiced lattes and vibrant foliage of Fall, there’s something else we need to be cognizant of – the heightened risk of auto accidents. Contrary to popular belief, icy winters aren’t the prime time for vehicle mishaps....
Navigating the Road to Autonomous Vehicles
The dawn of a new era in transportation is upon us. The streets of Austin are now home to approximately 125 fully electric autonomous vehicles (AVs). Three major companies, including Cruise, Volkswagen ADMT, and Waymo, have dipped their wheels into...
The Unseen Threat in Your Tap Water
Clean water is a cornerstone of good health—a fundamental need that should be met without question. Yet, this vital resource is under siege by a silent but deadly contaminant: trichloroethylene, or TCE. This industrial solvent, a known carcinogen, lurks in...
The Imperative to Ban Trichloroethylene: Safeguarding Public Health
In an era where the intersection of industry and environment is often marked by cautionary tales, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is championing public health with a proposed ban on a hazardous chemical: trichloroethylene (TCE). This toxic substance,...
The Air We Breathe: Understanding the Implications of Texas’ Proposed Cancer Risk Levels
At OnderLaw, we stand firm in our commitment to advocating for public health and safety. We believe that every individual has the right to clean air, a healthy environment, and protection from potential harm. Today, we shed light on a...
Pentagon Investigation Reveals Worrying Levels of PFAS Contamination in Minnesota
Recent revelations have brought alarming news for the residents of Minnesota. The Department of Defense (DoD) is delving deep into investigations regarding PFAS contamination in six significant sites across the state. The implications of these findings can be dire, especially...
Corporate Greed, Negligence, and the Climate Crisis: Why Transparency is Key
The world is in the throes of an unprecedented climate crisis, and while individual actions matter, the lion's share of responsibility rests on the shoulders of big corporations. Recent legislation in California offers a glimpse of hope in this daunting...
The Hidden Danger in Your Tap: Why We Must Advocate for Cleaner Drinking Water
Drinking water is a fundamental need and right. When we turn on our faucets, we expect the water that flows to be pure and safe. However, new research from the University of New Mexico sounds the alarm on a hidden...
Balancing the Scales: The Question of Fairness in Colorado’s New Air Quality Rules
Environmental justice and corporate responsibility have long been intertwined issues, with corporations and communities often at odds when it comes to ensuring both the protection of the environment and economic growth. The recent decision by Colorado’s Air Quality Control Commission...
Recent Study Finds Contaminated Water in Soda Fountains
We often take for granted the quality of the water we drink, especially when it comes from establishments we frequent, like fast-food restaurants. However, a recent study from Loma Linda University (LLU) offers a cautionary tale for all those who...
The Glittering Waters of Lake Tahoe: More Than Meets the Eye
The pristine waters of Lake Tahoe, an emblem of California’s untouched beauty, are under siege. While the South Lake Tahoe Public Utility District proudly speaks of the lake's purity, a darker tale lurks beneath the surface, and it's one that...
Lead in Drinking Water: A Crisis of Corporate Accountability
Water is life. Yet, recent revelations indicate that this life-giving resource could also be harboring a silent killer: lead. This heavy metal, now found to be more deadly than smoking in terms of heart disease, is a concern not just...
The Lahaina Banyan Tree: An Emblem of Resilience and Hope in the Wake of Tragedy
In times of immense adversity and hardship, where do we find hope? For the residents of Lahaina, amidst the devastating aftermath of the Maui wildfires, hope is embodied in the enduring spirit of the 150-year-old Lahaina banyan tree. A Symbol...
How to Avoid Scams when Donating Money to Maui Wildfire Victims
Disasters like Maui's Lahaina Fire, Olinda Fire, and Kuna Fire tend to bring out the best in human nature. Many people want to do what they can to help people, pets and wildlife — especially in a devastated area that...
Maui’s Hawaiian Electric Removes Key Evidence
In a devastating chain of events, wildfires ravaged through Maui, leading to the unfortunate loss of at least 115 lives. But the distress doesn't end there. Hawaiian Electric, a major electricity provider, stands accused of negligence that possibly sparked the...
Maui Fire Victims: Where Can I Find Help?
Maui’s wildfires have been the most devastating fires in history on the island, and arguably one of the most horrific wildfire in the U.S. since fires were first recorded. There is hope, however. Here are some places where you can...
How Can I Make My Window Blinds Safe for Children?
Most homeowners and renters across the nation have window blinds in their homes, but too few are aware of the significant risk these products can pose to children in their households. If you are a parent of young children, there...
How Does a Construction Injury Differ from a Workplace Injury?
Construction workers face the risk of serious injuries daily. Even if everyone is doing their part to ensure that workers are properly trained, get the required rest periods, and follow all important safety measures, accidents happen. Sometimes, these construction accidents...
Benefits for Injured Workers Under Workers’ Compensation
A serious work injury can leave you dealing with tremendous pain, not to mention worried about how your injury will affect your ability to keep up with your job duties and financial responsibilities. If you have been injured on the...
How Long Does it Take to Get a Workers’ Comp Settlement in Missouri?
If you are suffering from a work-related injury or disease, you may be entitled to receive workers’ compensation benefits on a temporary or even permanent basis. While some workers’ compensation cases may be relatively smooth and proceed through the system...
Average Workers’ Comp Settlement Amount
A serious injury can affect every area of your life, from your ability to work to your interactions with loved ones. If you have suffered a serious injury while at work, you likely have cause to pursue a workers’ compensation...
How Long Can You Stay on Workers’ Comp in Missouri?
Workers’ compensation benefits are designed to cover costs associated with injuries sustained on the job. Through your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance, you could not only get coverage for your medical bills, but also for part of your lost income caused...
AI: A Game-Changer for Workplace Safety
In the modern age, where technology intersects with almost every aspect of our daily lives, it's a natural progression to leverage these advancements for safety. At OnderLaw, we champion efforts to prevent workplace injuries and recognize the monumental potential of...
New Missouri Law Benefitting First Responders with PTSD
Missouri has taken a significant step forward in acknowledging and supporting the sacrifices of our first responders. A new law now recognizes Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as a legitimate reason for workers' compensation among this brave cohort. The Silent Struggles...
Empowering New York Workers: Groundbreaking Legislation Steps Forward
At OnderLaw, we are not only dedicated to defending the rights of those who have suffered injuries but also steadfastly stand by the rights of every worker. The recent legislation package signed by Governor Kathy Hochul is a tremendous step...
Labor Day: More Than Just a Day Off – A Reflection on the Workers Who Built America
Labor Day is upon us. For many, this means barbecues and last-minute summer getaways. But do we truly grasp the depth of its significance? Labor Day is far more than just a day off; it’s a tribute to the backbone...
Implications of NCCI’s Proposed Reduction in Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rates for Florida
The potential for a 15.1% reduction in workers' compensation insurance rates in Florida is a headline that's caught the attention of many businesses and employees across the state. But what does this really mean for workers, especially those who've unfortunately...
How Long Do You Have to File a Wrongful Death Suit in Missouri?
When you lose a loved one, the pain of such a staggering loss can impact your ability to even function on a daily basis. When your loss was brought about by someone else’s negligent actions, this knowledge will not only...
A Wake-Up Call for St. Louis: Ensuring Pedestrian Safety on Our Roads
In a span of just two days, St. Louis County witnessed two tragic pedestrian fatalities on the same stretch of Interstate 270. The most recent incident involved 38-year-old Dominique Williams, who lost her life while crossing the eastbound lanes near...
Who Can Sue for Wrongful Death in Missouri?
If you recently lost a loved one through a traumatic accident or criminal act, you know better than anyone that no amount of money can make up for the immense impact their loss will have on your life. However, a...
The Unspoken Dangers Behind Lifesaving Devices: The CPAP Machine Recall
It was supposed to be a source of relief and recovery—a device to help those with sleep apnea breathe easier at night. Yet, the Philips CPAP machines turned out to be a potential source of danger, prompting a massive recall...
Unmasking the Hazards of Methylene Chloride in Paint Strippers
You might not have heard much about methylene chloride, but it's time we shed some light on this chemical found in paint strippers and various industrial products. Countless Americans have been regularly exposed to its dangers and are now suffering...
The Call for More Regulation in the Age of Autonomous Vehicles: A Wake-Up Call from California to the UK
Driverless vehicles, once the stuff of science fiction, have increasingly become a reality on roads across the United States and the world. However, with rapid technological advancements come responsibilities to ensure the safety of the general public. A recent decision...
Hazardous Truck Crashes: The Silent, Growing Threat on Our Highways
The recent tragic train derailment in Ohio captured the nation's attention, shining a spotlight on the need for stricter train regulations. While train accidents involving hazardous materials undeniably have serious implications, there's a different form of transportation that's been quietly...
The Call for Equal Safety: Why the New Female Car Crash Dummy is a Game Changer
In the field of personal injury law, one aspect becomes abundantly clear: Not all injuries are created equal, and neither are the causes. The recent revelation that car crash tests have historically been designed only around the male physique brings...
Urgent Recall Alert for Onewheel Electric Skateboards: Your Safety is Our Priority
In a crucial announcement from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and Future Motion Inc., California, an urgent recall for 300,000 Onewheel Self-Balancing Electric Skateboards has been issued. The skateboards have been reported to lose their balance, posing a...
Breaking the Age-Old Silence: The Hidden Crisis of Elder Abuse
One of the areas we're most passionate about is shedding light on issues often left in the shadows. Elder abuse is one such glaring issue. Many are under the misconception that it's rare, that it doesn't happen often. However, the...