Halloween Safety: How to Protect Your Trick or Treater this Halloween

Halloween safety has taken on new meaning in 2020 as Covid-19 has changed the way we live, work, and play. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) have come out with a list of ways you can keep your little ghost or witch safe this year.

trick or treat

  1. Practice safe hygiene. Make sure the whole family covers mouths and noses when you are around others. Also, don’t forget to practice social distancing, and wash hands frequently.
  2. Avoid flammable costumes. Many online stores in particular sell costumes that do not follow consumer safety regulations. With lighted jack-o-lanterns and other decor nearby, Halloween night makes these guidelines even more important. Make sure your and your child’s costumes carry labels that specifically state that they are flame resistant. If you make your own costume, use nylon, polyester, or other flame-resistant fabrics.
  3. Be wary of face paint. Cheap or off-brand face paints can contain all kinds of irritants, some of which can cause serious problems. Formaldehyde is the worst of the most common face paint ingredients, but other additives may also cause mild or severe skin irritation. Redness, hives, swollen lips, and blisters are some of the most frequent forms of irritation. Test make-up a day or two before it’s going to be worn by putting a small amount on the top of the wearer’s hand or on their arm. Do not use it if redness or a rash develop. Be ready to wash face paint off immediately if you or your child notices itching, burning, or other symptoms. The FDA has compiled a list of approved color additives. Check the list to make sure your face or body paint colors are approved. 
  4. Do not wear colored contact lenses unless you obtain them by prescription. We’ve put together an article on their dangers here.
  5. Wear reflective, bright costumes, or add reflective tape, to ensure you and your child are visible to vehicular traffic.
  6. Avoid tripping hazards. Little ones are especially prone to accidents, including falling into lighted displays, when costumes are too long. Make sure your child’s costume isn’t too tight in the legs or too long for little legs.
  7. Make sure masks do not obscure vision. This is valid any year, but with kids wearing safety face masks as well as costumes, make sure vision is not obstructed.

Halloween Treat and Safety

Halloween wouldn’t be fun without bags full of candy! Before your children set out for tricking and treating, here are some safety tips to stay safe:

  • Tell children ahead of time that all candy must be inspected by an adult before it is eaten.
  • Eat dinner or a snack before you head out to help kids avoid the temptation of snacking on candy before it’s inspected.
  • If your child has food allergies, check all labels before allowing them to dig in. 
  • Do not allow children to eat food that is not commercially packaged unless you know the person who made it.
  • If your children are under three years old, remove gum, hard candies, or small toys from their stash to avoid choking hazards.
  • Check treats for signs of tampering. This can include pinholes or tears in wrappers or unusual coloring. Toss anything that looks suspicious.

Also, this year, please take extra precautions to protect your family and those you love from the threat of coronavirus. Practice social distancing, wear masks, and avoid crowds. Have fun making Halloween memories, but please stay safe!