How to Make the Most of Staying Safe at Home

As winter falls upon us, COVID-19 will likely continue to take its toll on our country and the world. Many of our clients are among the most susceptible to dangerous coronavirus side effects due to cancer treatments or other pre-existing conditions that put them at risk. We like to look on the positive side of things, so as another unprecedented winter falls upon us, we’re all about using the increased time we’ll likely all be spending staying safe at home to enrich our lives for the better. 

We’ve compiled a list of gifts you can give yourself to keep your body and mind healthy, and to use this time for personal growth and enrichment.

  1. Challenge yourself with a journal. Every day, give yourself a subject to dig into. For example:
    • Create bucket lists of things you want to do in your lifetime, in 10 years, in five years, and in two years. Be as specific as possible.
    • Write down 20 things for which you’re grateful.
    • Pick 10 words you would use to describe yourself, then pick 10 words that you would like to use to describe yourself.
    • Make a list of lessons you’ve learned in the last year.
  2. Get outside. Take a walk in your neighborhood or spend time in your yard. Fresh air and nature are one of the best ways to keep your spirits high.
  3. Take a social media time-out. Though social media is good for keeping us connected, it also provides a lot of mental noise. Taking a break for a day or a week can be cathartic.
  4. Learn something new at least once a week. YouTube videos, online community college classes, language courses, and many other sources are great ways to keep your mind moving. Learn to cook, paint, do a home repair, or anything else you’ve been meaning to do but have never had the time.
  5. Cut the clutter. Nearly everyone has a drawer, desk, closet, or room that can use a little love. Organizing these spaces can provide a pick-me-up that perks you up each time you see your finished work.
  6. Make your bed every day. Not only will you be less tempted to get back in it, but the old adage, “The state of your bed is the state of your head,” really does ring true.
  7. Give someone a call by phone, FaceTime, or video chat. There’s nothing hearing the voice of a family member or friend. Use this time to catch up on relationships that may have been neglected during busier times.
  8. Make breakfast. Nurture yourself by taking the time to prepare a good meal to start the day, then eat it without distractions from your phone, television, or anything else that normally keeps your mind busy. You’ll be amazed at how much better food tastes when you put love and attention into it.
  9. Purge the junk. Pick five things a week that you never use to donate. Put them in a bag or a bin, and take them to your favorite donation drop-off when it gets full. There are also charities that will pick up large items or big loads for free.
  10. Check out podcasts on interesting subjects. From comedy to business management and everything in between, there is no limit to people’s creativity! There’s a lot to learn, and a lot to enjoy, in the digital world of podcasts.
  11. Send uplifting messages to friends, family, or co-workers. Whether it’s by email or by hand-written messages, lifting others up can help us lift ourselves. Make it a goal to send at least one message a day. Spreading love never hurts, and it’s free!
  12. Spend one hour a day without electronics. Whether you read, go for a walk, meditate, or anything else you’d like to do, quiet solitude is different than loneliness, and it’s much more nurturing for your soul.
  13. Get rid of things that don’t give you joy. This can include social media accounts, toxic relationships, extra “stuff” in your home, garage, or basement, or anything else that weighs heavily on you. Your load will be lighter outside and inside.
  14. Go inward. Whether you spend time in prayer or meditation, close your eyes and connect. Feel yourself breathe in, and feel the tensions leave as you breathe out. No matter what thoughts interrupt you, keep bringing yourself back to your breath. Apps like Calm, Headspace, and Insight Timer can be helpful, too.

Crisis Resources

If your feelings of depression or hopelessness are overwhelming, please know that there are people who care. Talking to family members and friends can be helpful, and employee assistance programs and crisis hotlines are waiting to help those of us who are struggling. 

  • The Crisis Text Hotline is a free resource that allows you to reach out to a volunteer counselor at times of need. Just text “HOME” to 741741 to reach a counselor. You can visit their website,, for more information.
  • The Suicide Prevention Lifeline is available 24/7 for free and confidential support. Just call 800-273-8255.
  • There are a number of resources specific to cities and counties in your area, anywhere in the United States. Just do a quick Google search for “crisis hotline” from your computer and you’ll see a number of resources available, provided by people who care and who want to help.

You are not alone. We’re all in this together. With every adversity comes opportunities to grow and become something better, more kind, and more loving. By caring for yourself, you will find that you have more, not less, to give.

Please know that your team at OnderLaw cares about you. As we fight for you in court and behind the scenes, we are on your side.