What Does Remote Work Mean For Workers’ Compensation?

The pandemic brought a monumental shift in the way Americans work, with millions transitioning to remote work arrangements. This newfound flexibility allowed individuals to set up personal offices or work from the comfort of their bedrooms. However, as remote work became the new norm, it raised an important question: What happens if an employee sustains an injury while working from home? Does the home office still qualify as a “workplace,” and are they entitled to workers’ compensation benefits?

Data from the U.S. Census Bureau indicates a significant increase in the number of individuals primarily working from home, from 9 million in 2019 to nearly 28 million in 2021. While remote work offers numerous advantages, it also presents unique challenges for both employees and employers. The absence of witnesses and unfamiliarity with remote environments may lead to ambiguities when assessing the nature of work-related accidents.

Understanding Workers’ Compensation for Remote Work Injuries

It is crucial to recognize that employees who suffer injuries during the course and scope of their employment, even while working remotely, are generally eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. Workers’ compensation is mandatory for most employers in every state except Texas. The requirement is akin to carrying auto insurance while driving a car. Regardless of the number of employees, businesses incorporated within a state must have workers’ compensation insurance.

Workers’ compensation typically covers medical bill coverage and approximately two-thirds of an employee’s wages at the time of the injury. However, wages are typically capped at the state’s average wage. Nevertheless, complications arise when the line between work and non-work activities blurs, leading to ambiguities in defining a work-related injury.

Addressing Remote Work Injuries: A Proactive Approach

While remote work may entail fewer work-related hazards than traditional workplaces, it has its own set of health issues, particularly related to prolonged sedentary behaviors. The ability to work from home is a significant predictor of prolonged sitting, which has been linked to an increased risk of diabetes, dementia, and heart disease. While workers’ compensation generally covers work-related diseases, proving such cases can be challenging, further emphasizing the need for robust medical evidence to support the claim.

Reporting and Seeking Medical Treatment

Addressing work injuries at home requires prompt action. Seek medical treatment immediately and report any work-related injuries to your employer within the stipulated timeline. While the complexities of remote work injuries may seem daunting, understanding your rights and taking proactive steps can protect your well-being and financial security.

The Changing Landscape of Remote Work Injuries

The landscape of workplace injuries has evolved with the advent of remote work. While the concept of remote work has its benefits, it also presents unique challenges concerning workers’ compensation. Remote work injuries demand thorough investigation and legal expertise to ensure that employees receive the benefits they are entitled to.

At OnderLaw, we understand the complexities surrounding remote work injuries and are committed to advocating for your rights. Our experienced team is here to offer guidance and support, ensuring that you receive the compensation you deserve in the face of injury. If you have questions or concerns about remote work injuries and workers’ compensation, contact us today for your free, no-obligation consultation. Our lawyers are here to help you navigate the changing landscape of remote work safety.