Three Mistakes to Avoid After an Auto Accident

Car Accident Tips from the St. Louis Auto Accident Attorneys at OnderLaw

Lawsuit News from OnderLaw

Monday, December 9, 2019 – Car Accident LawyerNo one leaves home anticipating that they might be involved in an auto accident, yet every hour of every day, car crashes happen. It’s no wonder that, when they do, most people are not prepared.

For nearly 20 years, the St. Louis car accident lawyers at OnderLaw have protected the rights of auto accident victims, and we’ve seen how devastating car accidents can be. When you are injured in a car crash, physical pain is only compounded by unexpected expenses, lost wages, the inconvenience caused by loss of your own vehicle, and the psychological trauma you endure.

You can make it easier to focus on healing by avoiding these three common mistakes many people make after a car accident:

Failing to seek medical attention. When you are in a car accident, adrenaline — the “fight or flight” hormone — floods your body. In earlier times, adrenaline would have allowed you to fine-tune your focus and avoid feeling pain so that you could escape danger. Today, it does much of the same thing, but with very different circumstances.

Often, people who have been involved in car accidents don’t realize they are injured until hours or days afterward. That’s because adrenaline and other hormones take a while to pass through your system. Also, back, neck and shoulder injuries, in particular, can become apparent weeks after an accident. When the bones of the spine become misaligned, as they can do in a car wreck, you may not feel the injury and inflammation to the surrounding tissues right away.

Seek medical attention right away after an accident. Go to the emergency room if you need to, and at a minimum, visit your family physician or chiropractor as soon as possible.

Settling with the insurance company. Whether you are working with your own insurance company or the other driver’s company, there is one thing to remember: they are not on your side. Insurance adjusters have one job. They are paid to settle with you as quickly as possible, and for as little money as possible.

Insurance companies count on the fact that you probably don’t know all of your rights. They often seem very caring and concerned at first, but if you ask too many questions, or if you refuse to accept less than you deserve, they can become difficult.

Do not sign or agree to anything until you have had an opportunity to speak to a lawyer who knows how to protect you, and what you are truly entitled to if you have been injured in a car accident.

Failing to contact an attorney. To reiterate, insurance companies are not on your side. In fact, they are backed by attorneys who are paid to protect their financial interests. They know that you probably don’t have knowledge of your rights, or the time or energy to fight them. That’s why we’re here.

At OnderLaw , we will fight for you. You may be entitled to compensation for damage to your vehicle, your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering and other hardships you have endured. We can help you recover what you deserve from the insurance company.

If you have been involved in a car accident, don’t make these mistakes. Call the auto accident attorneys in St. Louis at OnderLaw at 341-963-9000, or click here to request a free consultation. There is no obligation, and we only get paid if you get paid.