How Can a Personal Injury Case Change the World?


In 2002, a young mother named Linda Kaiser walked in our door bearing the worst pain a parent could imagine. During nap time, her 12-month-old daughter, Cheyenne, managed to entrap herself in a cord hidden inside her window blinds. Tragically, Cheyenne died, but her death was not in vain.

Jim Onder took on the Kaisers’ case and won. It didn’t end there. One by one, other parents began to come forward to say that their children, too, were killed or permanently injured in window covering accidents. Every one of them fought the shame of thinking they were to blame, but they soon realized that their only mistake was in trusting a product they thought was safe. 

Like so many others who fall victim to corporate negligence and greed, they all thought that, if blinds were so unsafe, surely some regulatory agency would stop their sale. What they all learned is that, until we stand together and hold accountable those manufacturers, retailers, and others who cause harm, more families will be destroyed.

We are the change we are waiting for.

Linda and Matt Kaiser went on to start an organization called Parents for Window Covering Safety, which we proudly support. Together, we have forced window covering manufacturers to change the way they do business. Though there is still improvement to be made, window blinds are now safer than they have ever been, and countless lives have been saved.

OnderLaw holds individuals and corporations accountable when no one else does. Together, we are making a difference. Let us stand with you.


james onder profile 
Our mission is the pursuit of justice and our clients are our priority. Quote

James G. Onder

Founder And Attorney

Catastrophic Injury, Products Liability, Pharmaceutical & Medical Products Litigation, Trucking Accidents, Construction Litigation, Premises Liability – Rape & Sexual Assault, Class Action, Wage & Hour, Auto Accidents, Trucking, Workers’ Compensation, Slip & Fall, Dog Bite, Premises Rape & Sexual Assault

Jim Onder is the senior member and founder of The OnderLaw. Since founding the firm in August of 2002, Jim has distinguished himself and compiled an impressive record of success, working with his partners to collect over 3.5 billion dollars on behalf of those he’s represented.


Meet the rest of our team

Kayla Ferrel Onder - Attorney
Kayla R. Ferrel Onder
Sexual Abuse Attorney
Kayla Ferrel joined OnderLaw in 2014; but before joining the firm, she was known nationally for competing in the television series, America’s Next Top Model, where she was then invited...
W. Wylie Blair - Attorney
W. Wylie Blair
Pharmaceutical & Medical Products Litigation Attorney
Wylie's family ties to the St. Louis legal community trace back to 1866 when his great-great-grandfather, Isaac Stephen Coe, began practicing as a trial lawyer in the Old Courthouse in...
Matt P. O'Grady - Attorney
Matt P. O’Grady
Bad Faith Insurance Claims and Personal Injury Attorney
In practice since 1998, Matt now focuses primarily on disputes, claims, and litigation of bad faith insurance and personal injury litigation. Matt has also drawn upon many years of experience...
Martin Daesch - Attorney
Martin L. Daesch
Consumer Protection Law Attorney
Mr. Daesch graduated from Southern Illinois University Carbondale in 1987 with a bachelor's degree in accounting and finance. He then became a CPA in 1989 while attending law school at...
Jesse B Rochman - Attorney
Jesse B. Rochman
Class Actions Attorney
Jesse's practice is devoted primarily to consumer protection law. He is an avid litigator who believes in the importance of fighting for the people who can least afford to be...
Cynthia L. Garber - Attorney
Cynthia L. Garber
Pharmaceutical and Medical Products Litigation Attorney
Cynthia is a third generation California attorney. Her grandfather and father were both trial lawyers practicing in Los Angeles and Orange County, California. Cynthia followed suit receiving her Juris Doctorate...
Mark J. Becker
Mark J. Becker
Personal Injury Attorney
Mark Becker is an esteemed attorney with a wealth of experience and a strong commitment to legal excellence. With admissions to the Missouri Bar in 1991 and the Illinois Bar...
Stephanie L Rados - Attorney
Stephanie L. Rados
Medical Products Litigation Attorney
A native of Palatine, Illinois, Stephanie attended the University of Missouri-Columbia where she graduated with dual degrees in English and classical humanities. Her work ethic resulted in her earning departmental...

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