Settlement Talks Continue over Monsanto Roundup Cases

Negotiations moving forward for glyphosate-related cancer victims.

Lawsuit News from OnderLaw

Tuesday, March 3, 2020 – One of the most difficult aspects of any mass tort litigation is the waiting, and for tens of thousands of plaintiffs with cases against Bayer-Monsanto for cancer-related claims, we understand the struggles.

Settlement talks have been underway with Bayer-Monsanto for some time now. Unlike what many people imagine, there is far more to these talks than simply sitting down in a room and hammering out a solution. With large companies like Bayer-Monsanto, settlement talks always take time. Facts must be weighed, and shareholders’ interests must be taken into consideration by the corporation. On our end, we must push to ensure our clients are adequately compensated for the suffering and losses they have endured.

We feel confident that a settlement is on the horizon. Though we cannot yet discuss details, know that our attorneys are representing you well, and that we are actively engaged in negotiations. If Bayer-Monsanto makes an offer we don’t believe is just and fair, we will continue to push for trial to make sure you receive adequate compensation.

Our call team receives inquiries regularly about individual cases, and we are sympathetic to every one of our clients. So many of you are continuing to fight illness, and your stories are heartbreaking to us. That’s why we continue to fight for justice.

We will always update you about developments in your case, either directly by call, text, or email or through our newsletter. We will never leave you in the dark about important developments.

In the meantime, thank you for your patience and for putting your trust in OnderLaw to hold corporations accountable for putting profits over people.