ST. LOUIS, MO – A new Missouri law will go into effect next week to allow cameras inside nursing homes and other care facilities in hopes of protecting the elderly and disabled from instances of abuse, according to KMOV.
The new law will go into effect next Wednesday, September 3.
The COVID-19 pandemic made the law, which was reportedly already being worked on prior to March lockdowns, even more practical as scores of senior citizens across the nation died of the novel coronavirus.
The law will require families to provide their own cameras and equipment, and possibly to work out their own internet in the case of newer smart cameras. The care facilities, while not obligated to provide these tools, also will not be able to prevent residents and families from installing them.
Residents must provide consent to be monitored, and in the case of non-private rooms, their roommate must do so as well.
This article is one in a series presented by OnderLaw to inform our neighbors about car accidents and traffic news across our city. It should not be interpreted as legal advice. However, if you or someone you love has been injured while staying in a nursing home or care facility, we would like to discuss your case in detail. Depending on the circumstances, you may be entitled to financial compensation for your medical bills, your lost income, and other expenses. More importantly, the only way to fight against nursing home abuse or fix the root cause of many accidents is to enlist the help of an experienced attorney that has the possibility to effect change and can prevent this from happening to another family. Contact us today to speak to one of our compassionate St. Louis nursing home abuse attorneys.