The wide and relatively quiet streets of Webster Groves make our area a popular spot for bicyclists to ride relatively safely. However, cyclists aren’t always safe on our roads. Although state laws provide bicyclists with the same protections as everyone else on the road, many drivers do not give them the respect they deserve. Even if cyclists follow the appropriate rules of the road and wear all recommended safety equipment, they can still suffer severe injuries because of other people’s careless or reckless behavior.

When an irresponsible driver or poorly maintained roadway leads to a crash, OnderLaw is here to help you put the pieces of your life back together. You have the legal right to pursue the compensation you need to make your best recovery. A Webster Groves bicycle accident lawyer at our firm will be the advocate you need to uphold that right.

Our trusted personal injury attorneys will explain your options, determine who was to blame for your bike collision and pursue your case for its full value. We are with you every step of the way, defending your best interests and standing up to insurance companies that want to pay you less than you deserve. Let us help you reclaim your power.

Why Are Crashes Involving Cyclists So Common?

Bicyclists must share the road with motor vehicles and are obligated to follow the same local traffic laws. In many cases, this places them at risk of harm by other drivers who fail to share the road and respect cyclists’ rights.

Many special rules exist to protect bicyclists. For instance, drivers of motor vehicles can never move into bike lanes and must yield to bikers at all appropriate times. Failures to follow these rules contribute to many accidents. If a driver violates a traffic law, they are most likely to blame for an ensuing collision with a cyclist.

Determining Fault for a Biking Accident

Unfortunately, the law will never presume that a driver is at fault for your cycling accident. Missouri Revised Statute § 537.765 allows defendant drivers and their insurance companies to allege that an injured cyclist shares some or all of the blame for the crash. If the court believes this argument, you may only receive a reduced amount of compensation—or be unable to collect anything.

Many insurance companies and defense lawyers will try to shift the blame onto you to avoid paying the full value of your claim. Unfortunately, as you may have heard if you are involved in cycling communities, police officers may contribute to this by being unaware of the laws protecting cyclists. Police errors could lead to an accident report inaccurately stating that you are at fault.

The experienced attorneys at OnderLaw know bicycle laws in Webster Groves and will fight for the rights of our clients. We will investigate the bicycle crash, gather evidence of another person’s liability, and fight for the compensation you deserve. Our lawyers are not afraid to stand up to insurers and provide tireless representation when you need it most. We care about our fellow community members’ safety and will act as your friend, neighbor, and advocate throughout your case.

Compensation for Bike Crashes in Webster Groves

A bicycle accident lawsuit may be the only way for you to obtain the necessary payments to make things right. This requires an assessment of how the event has impacted your life.

All bicycle collision cases will revolve around a physical injury. Common injuries in biking accidents include:

In every instance, a driver who causes a crash must provide full payment for the bicyclist’s necessary medical care.

A cycling accident can impact your life in many ways. Our skilled attorneys in Webster Groves can work to get you paid for every loss connected to your bike accident. This can include compensation for your pain and suffering, mental trauma, and lost wages while you cannot work.

Contact a Webster Groves Bicycle Accident Attorney Now

Bike crashes can force you to put your life on hold while you recover from serious injuries. These events can also impact your emotional well-being and ability to support your family. When a careless driver causes a biking crash, you shouldn’t have to pay for the harm you didn’t deserve.

A Webster Groves bike accident lawyer at OnderLaw is ready to take up your cause and help you take back your life. Our legal team will investigate the cause of your collision, measure your losses, and demand fair payments through insurance settlements and lawsuits. We don’t just stand for you; we stand with you, every step of the way. Call us today for a free, no-obligation consultation.