OnderLaw knows all too well that there are no words to describe the horrors parents go through when their child is involved in a window blind strangulation accident. For more than 20 years, we have stood by parents as vocal advocates for change. Though window blind cord recalls have been issued and retrofit devices developed, for too many children, these changes are not enough.

For our window blind injury and death attorneys, it’s a personal fight.

In 2002, when Jim Onder was a young but eager personal injury lawyer, a grieving mother walked through the doors of our OnderLaw offices and changed everything–for all of us. That woman was Linda Kaiser, and she had just lost her toddler daughter, Cheyenne Rose, in a tragic window blinds accident. Little did we know at the time, but in the few years prior to Cheyenne’s death, more than 600 children had been injured or killed in window blind strangulation accidents, and most parents were not even made aware of the dangers.

The Kaiser’s case impassioned Jim and the rest of the OnderLaw team. What began as a quest for justice for one family turned into a life-long purpose. After the Kaiser’s won their case and founded Parents for Window Blind Safety, more families began coming forward with horrible, tragic stories. Lawsuit after lawsuit, people began to become more aware of the risks—and the monetary losses caught the attention of the window blind industry.

More than two decades later, Jim’s efforts and support of Parents for Window Blind Safety have played a significant role in changing the way window blinds are made. Significant actions have been taken to alter designs and save lives. However, these changes are still not enough and the fight is not over.

Today, though countless lives have been saved, innocent children continue to suffer serious suffocation injuries due to dangerous window blinds. While the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (USCPSC) has taken a series of steps over the years in an effort to reduce the potential danger that these mainstay household products can present to consumers, these actions have not been enough to prevent the harm far too many families continue to grapple with from window blind cord injuries.

The USCPSC has issued a series of recalls over the years. In addition, several companies have issued window blind cord recalls and retrofit kits, but the damage from these dangerous and defective products has persisted.

If your child has been harmed due to cord strangulation or another incident involving a custom or stock window covering, we hope you stand with us. We are committed to helping families in our local communities stand up to corporate wrongdoing and hold window covering manufacturers and retailers accountable for their negligent actions.

Our Firm’s History with Window Blind Cord Lawsuits

OnderLaw has played a pivotal role in transforming the landscape of window blind cord lawsuits.

Brave parents have taken a stand so that other families don’t have to suffer the unspeakable pain of losing a child in such senseless and preventable incidents, and we are proud to stand with them, We’ve taken on and are currently managing more window blind cord death claims than any other law firm in the country.

It is our goal to eliminate corded products and promote safer alternatives. We’ve initiated class action lawsuits against major players in the industry to enforce change. We continue to work with families who have suffered due to the window blind cord industry’s negligence, advocating for children’s safety at every turn.

Understanding Window Blind Cord Recalls and Retrofits

The history of corded window blind recalls and the issuance of retrofit kits traces back many decades, but far too little progress has been made while child injuries and fatalities from these products continue to mount. This is despite a series of well-publicized recalls by the USCPSC and window blind companies across a range of product types, from Roman shades to cellular shades to Venetian blinds. Retrofit kits have also been posed as a solution by many in the window blind industry as a means of reducing or eliminating the hazards that their products otherwise pose to children.

The ongoing wave of child injuries and deaths from corded blinds reported by families across the country can be traced back to multiple lingering factors. For one, many of the standards published by the USCPSC and other relevant agencies have been voluntary. Too many companies in the window-covering industry have found loopholes to these standards, and there are reports of some companies ignoring them altogether.

While recalls have continued, these companies often fail to notify parents and caretakers of such developments. Others have still allowed potentially hazardous corded blinds to flood the market by taking advantage of ambiguities within the existing regulatory framework. Even worse, some retrofit kits which make parents feel as if they’ve created safer products for their family, have introduced new hazards that pose grave risks to young children.

Recovering Compensation for Window Blind Cord Injuries

If your child has suffered harm in a case of strangulation or other incident involving a window blind cord or retrofit kit, we send our most sincere condolences. We understand, and our hearts go out to you. We also want to stand with you to create a safer world for more children.

We are dedicated to holding window blind manfacturers and seller responsible for the harm they have done. Together, we can continue to create change.

If your child has been injured by a corded window blind, it may be possible to recover a range of compensation related to that injury, including the cost of:

  • Medical bills
  • Ongoing medical care
  • Pain and suffering
  • Other damages they and your family have endured due to the incident

For families who have lost a child due to a window blind cord incident, our compassionate team of experienced lawyers can help you evaluate your options to file a wrongful death claim against the responsible party or parties. At OnderLaw, we’re here with you every step of the way.

Our Attorneys Can Answer Your Questions About Window Blind Cord Recalls and Retrofit

If your family has been affected by a window blind cord incident, you need to make sure your legal rights are protected. You may also be entitled to claim compensation for what has happened. Many companies hope that by issuing window blind cord recalls and retrofit kits for products, they can reduce or deflect liability if consumers are injured.

Jim Onder and the OnderLaw team of attorneys work tirelessly to hold window blind manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, retailers, and other responsible parties liable when their hazardous or defective products injure vulnerable children. These companies and their insurers will do everything possible to avoid paying out claims. Our firm has navigated the pitfalls of this convoluted industry many times before in seeking fair compensation for those injured by the negligent or willful disregard for consumer safety shown by window blind manufacturers.

There is no charge to speak to our window blind attorneys about your child and the legal opportunities you have to hold companies accountable. You will never pay us a dime out of your own pocket. Together, we have an opportunity to turn horrific incidents into meaningful prevention and change. Call us today for a confidential consultation. Together, we are making a difference.