Environment engineer Collect samples of wastewater from industrial canals in test tube, Close up hand with glove Collect samples of wastewater from industrial canals in test tube. mobile water laboratory check

Environmental pollution comes in many forms. At most Superfund sites, the dangers are associated with air, soil, and water pollution. Missouri knows this well, and residents should be aware of the dangers of water pollution in their state, especially at the Compass Plaza Superfund site. This hazardous waste site located in Rogersville has been identified as a potential source of water contamination, containing dangerous amounts of trichloroethylene (TCE). This chemical has been linked to several adverse health effects that can be devastating to those exposed to them. An environmental lawyer in Missouri can help those affected by this water pollution seek compensation for their suffering.

History of the Compass Plaza Superfund Site

The Compass Plaza Superfund Site is a contaminated groundwater plume located in Rogersville, Missouri. This site has been a cause for concern due to the presence of trichloroethylene (TCE), a toxic chemical, in the groundwater. The contamination is believed to have occurred from an unidentified source, leading to the need for further investigation and monitoring activities.

When TCE contamination was discovered in the Compass Plaza Well Site, the EPA quickly found out just how significant the pollution was. It was found that not only was the groundwater plume contaminated, but several private wells and two non-community public wells were also affected. This raised serious concerns about the safety of the drinking water in the area.

The presence of TCE in drinking water has been linked to a number of health effects. Long-term exposure to TCE has been associated with an increased risk of cancer, particularly kidney and liver cancer. Additionally, it has been found to have detrimental effects on the nervous system, liver, kidneys, and respiratory system. It is a potent solvent that can penetrate the skin and affect the body through inhalation or ingestion.

In response to the contamination, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has classified the Compass Plaza Superfund Site as a Superfund site, which means it is a priority for cleanup and remediation efforts. The EPA, along with state and local agencies, is actively working on investigating and addressing the contamination to ensure the safety and well-being of the affected community.

TCE and the Dangers Associated With It

At the Compass Plaza Superfund Site, the amount of TCE in the groundwater and soil is extremely hazardous to human health and the environment. Exposure to this chemical can result in a wide range of adverse health effects, including damage to the immune and reproductive systems, liver, kidneys, and central nervous system.

Trichloroethylene is a highly toxic industrial solvent that has been linked to a number of health problems. Long-term exposure to TCE can increase the risk of kidney cancer, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and liver cancer.

The potential for a person to experience a health effect depends on the amount of a chemical they are exposed to and the length of the exposure. It is important to note that the chemicals at Compass Plaza are not just a localized issue – water pollution in Missouri can also carry these harmful chemicals to other areas and further contaminate the environment.

An Environmental Lawyer in Missouri May be Able to Help

When it comes to water contamination caused by the presence of Trichloroethylene (TCE), those affected have legal options to seek compensation for their damages. Due to the harmful health effects associated with TCE exposure, it is crucial for individuals to understand their rights and the legal avenues available to them.

One option for seeking justice is to hire an experienced environmental lawyer in Missouri. At OnderLawyers, our legal professionals specialize in handling cases involving environmental pollution and are well-versed in the complex laws surrounding these issues. We can provide guidance and support throughout the legal process, ensuring that the rights of those impacted by the contamination are protected.

In cases where a large number of individuals have been affected by TCE contamination, a mass tort lawsuit may be appropriate. This type of lawsuit allows multiple plaintiffs to join together and file individual claims against a common defendant. By consolidating their claims, plaintiffs can pool their resources and increase their chances of success. Mass tort lawsuits are often more efficient and cost-effective than individual lawsuits, as they eliminate the need for each plaintiff to file a separate case.

Another option for seeking compensation is through a class action lawsuit. In a class action, a representative plaintiff files a lawsuit on behalf of a larger group of individuals who have suffered similar harm. This allows for a collective approach to litigation, where the outcome of the case will affect all members of the class. Class actions are beneficial in cases where the harm suffered by each individual is relatively similar, such as in instances of water contamination.

It is important to consult with an environmental lawyer to determine the most appropriate legal strategy for your specific situation. They can assess the facts of your case and guide you toward the best course of action. Remember, holding responsible parties accountable through legal action not only helps individuals recover their losses, but it also sends a powerful message that negligence and environmental pollution will not be tolerated.

At OnderLaw, we are dedicated to sending this message. Whether you have been impacted by this Superfund site or any of them around the state, our Missouri environmental attorneys may be able to help you seek justice. If you have been impacted, do not hesitate to contact us today.