Mass Torts 101: Case Progress
Thank you to everyone who has kept up with our Mass Torts 101 series so far! We hope that our articles have been helpful in understanding the complex and confusing aspects of these litigations. This month, we are covering the...
Mass Torts 101: Litigation Updates
How long does this process take? It’s a very common question that we get, both from new clients as well as those that have been with us for years. We understand that the process of a mass torts litigation can...
Mass Torts 101: Medical Records
Medical records are some of the most important documents in a mass torts case. They often contain the crucial evidence we need that a client’s injuries have been caused by a defective product, like a prescription drug. However, because medical...
Mass Torts 101: Statutes of Limitation
A statute of limitations is, simply put, the amount of time you have to file a lawsuit against a company or individual based on the laws in your state. The last day that a case can be filed is known...
Comunidades Indígenas Se Defienden Ante la Crisis de los Opioides
Las naciones tribales son particularmente vulnerables a la explotación de parte de las compañías farmacéuticas y vendedores de opioides. Ahora se están defendiendo en la corte – y ganando. Casi todos los días, escuchamos algo sobre la epidemia de opioides...
Clínica Investigada por Engañar a Trabajadores de Plomo de Tampa Se Cierra Inesperadamente
  Clínica de COMBI contratada por Gopher Resource Minimizó la Posible Exposición a Plomo y Cadmio Trabajadores de una fábrica de plomo en Florida fueron, en el mejor de los casos, engañados por su empleador quien no les informó que...
Productores de Leche Se Ven Obligados a Botar Leche Debido a Contaminación por PFAS
  Reportera para el Wall Street Journal Kris Maher entrevistó a una pareja de Maine que se vio obligada a botar todos sus suministros de leche de su granja lechera después de que se descubrieran niveles tóxicos de PFAS. El...
Clinic Investigated for Misleading Tampa Lead Workers Closes Unexpectedly
  COMBI Clinic contracted by Gopher Resource Minimized Potential Lead and Cadmium Exposure Workers in a Florida lead plant were, at best, misled by a clinic contracted through their employer who failed to tell them their health was at risk...
Dairy Farmers Forced to Dump Milk due to PFAS Contamination
  Wall Street Journal reporter Kris Maher interviewed a Maine couple who were forced to dump their dairy farm's entire milk supply after toxic levels of PFAS were discovered. The source: sludge from a waste water treatment plant that was...