What Percentage Do Most Personal Injury Lawyers Take?
On top of being physically painful and disruptive to every part of your professional and personal life, getting seriously injured in an accident caused by someone else's negligence can also be extremely expensive. From medical bills and missed work income...
When Should You Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer?
Any type of accident that leaves you with a serious physical injury is a traumatic experience that can disrupt every one of your short-term plans and potentially even alter the course of your life. It’s a chaotic time, and adding...
Balancing the Scales: The Question of Fairness in Colorado’s New Air Quality Rules
Environmental justice and corporate responsibility have long been intertwined issues, with corporations and communities often at odds when it comes to ensuring both the protection of the environment and economic growth. The recent decision by Colorado’s Air Quality Control Commission...
AI: A Game-Changer for Workplace Safety
In the modern age, where technology intersects with almost every aspect of our daily lives, it's a natural progression to leverage these advancements for safety. At OnderLaw, we champion efforts to prevent workplace injuries and recognize the monumental potential of...
The Unexpected Danger Season: Why Fall Tops the Charts for Auto Accidents
As we embrace the pumpkin-spiced lattes and vibrant foliage of Fall, there’s something else we need to be cognizant of – the heightened risk of auto accidents. Contrary to popular belief, icy winters aren’t the prime time for vehicle mishaps....
Breaking the Age-Old Silence: The Hidden Crisis of Elder Abuse
One of the areas we're most passionate about is shedding light on issues often left in the shadows. Elder abuse is one such glaring issue. Many are under the misconception that it's rare, that it doesn't happen often. However, the...
Recent Study Finds Contaminated Water in Soda Fountains
We often take for granted the quality of the water we drink, especially when it comes from establishments we frequent, like fast-food restaurants. However, a recent study from Loma Linda University (LLU) offers a cautionary tale for all those who...
The Glittering Waters of Lake Tahoe: More Than Meets the Eye
The pristine waters of Lake Tahoe, an emblem of California’s untouched beauty, are under siege. While the South Lake Tahoe Public Utility District proudly speaks of the lake's purity, a darker tale lurks beneath the surface, and it's one that...
Peloton’s Safety Concerns and the Importance of Product Accountability
When we invest in a product, especially one designed to enhance our well-being, we expect it to be safe, thoroughly tested, and free from inherent risks. But as recent events highlight, this is not always the case. The tragic story...
Motorcycle Safety: Not Just a Choice, But a Responsibility
At OnderLaw, we've seen our fair share of accidents, injuries, and tragedies. Yet, some remain as jarring as motorcycle incidents. The recent BikeFest at Lake of the Ozarks, which saw over a thousand bike riders congregate, brought this ever-pertinent issue...