Getting hurt in a work-related accident or becoming ill due to conditions you were exposed to at work can disrupt your professional and personal life. In situations like these, most Missouri workers should have access to workers’ compensation coverage through their employer. These policies cover medical bills and provide other benefits to account for short-term or long-term disability—but only if they follow all the steps necessary to correctly file a workers’ comp claim.  Knowing how to apply for workers’ compensation in Webster Groves before an on-the-job injury or illness occurs can go a long way toward simplifying and streamlining the claims process. Likewise, retaining and working closely with a qualified workers’ compensation attorney at OnderLaw can ensure your claim is as strong as possible and that you get all the benefits you are legally entitled to receive.

At OnderLaw, we are dedicated to standing up for the rights of injured workers in our local communities. When you hire us, we will thoroughly investigate the incident and collect the evidence necessary to prove that your injury or illness is work-related and legitimate. We will be by your side throughout the entire claim process, fighting for the rightful payments you need and deserve.

What to Do Immediately After a Work-Related Accident

Contrary to what some might assume, applying for workers’ compensation in Webster Groves usually does not involve the injured worker filing a claim directly with the state Division of Workers’ Compensation Insurance. Instead, that responsibility typically falls to the worker’s employer, who must notify both the division and their workers’ comp insurance provider promptly after being notified of an employee’s injury or illness—or they may face serious legal consequences.

However, injured workers need to understand that their employers will not start this process on their own. You must notify your employer in writing of the harm you have sustained as soon as possible after suffering a work-related injury or illness—and at most no more than 30 days afterward. You can either fill out a form provided to you by your employer or use the generic one provided on the State Department of Labor’s website. An experienced attorney from our firm can help you properly fill out either form to avoid unnecessary delays.

The Importance of Following Through with Medical Care

Assuming they comply with state law, your employer should provide a list of physicians you can choose from to treat your work-related injury or illness. While you can still choose your own doctor or other specialist, workers’ comp does not cover expenses for physicians not on the approved list.

To preserve your benefits, you must seek treatment when and where you are instructed to do so by your employer. Then, you must follow all instructions from your doctors and attend all scheduled appointments. Failure to do these things could not only slow your recovery process, but it would also qualify as failure to comply with the Webster Groves workers’ compensation claims process. This could potentially give the insurance company grounds to deny your claim altogether.

Our trusted legal team at OnderLaw will not allow the insurance company to bully you. We stand up to insurance companies and fight for the fair compensation you deserve for your losses. We’re not just on your side, we’re by your side.

A Webster Groves Attorney Can Go Over How to Apply for Workers’ Compensation in More Detail

Applying for workers’ comp benefits in Missouri work differently than in other states. Most of the filing process falls on the employer rather than the injured or sick employee. That said, there are still several things you need to do as a prospective claimant to keep your claim on track, and guidance from experienced legal counsel can ensure your rights are protected.

If you have any further questions about how to apply for workers’ compensation in Webster Groves, a knowledgeable workers’ comp lawyer at OnderLaw can provide the answers you need during a confidential consultation. Schedule yours by calling today.