Construction can be a dangerous line of work even if everyone on your worksite acts responsibly and safely. When someone is careless or reckless and causes an accident, you have the right to hold them accountable for your injuries.


Civil litigation over injuries on construction sites can be complex, making it essential to work with an experienced injury attorney. A St. Louis construction accident lawyer at OnderLaw will take care of your case while you focus on making your best recovery. We are proud of our commitment to helping hardworking members of our community take back their lives after severe accidents.

When Is a Construction Accident Lawsuit Possible?

Construction companies in Missouri must purchase workers’ compensation insurance for employees. Anyone classified as an employee who is injured while doing construction work should have access to workers’ comp benefits. This can include reimbursement for all reasonable medical expenses and a portion of lost wages during recovery.

However, employees covered by workers’ comp cannot file suit directly against their employers for work-related injuries. To file a lawsuit or demand a private settlement after a construction accident, the injured worker must show that someone other than their direct employer was negligent.

Our St. Louis construction accident attorneys can take the lead in investigating a construction accident and determining who may be held accountable. We can also help injured construction employees file workers’ compensation claims to get the benefits they need.

Compensation for a Worksite Accident in St. Louis

Various actions or inactions can lead to liability for a construction accident. This could include contract workers making errors on the site, third-party companies giving insufficient training or safety equipment, or third-party suppliers providing low-quality building materials and tools. A skilled St. Louis lawyer at our firm will work to hold every negligent party accountable for a construction worker’s injuries. Our team is dedicated to standing up to defense attorneys and insurance companies—we know how to fight for fair compensation for injured victims.

A legal claim following a construction accident can account for a victim’s past and future losses stemming from their injuries, including:

  • Medical expenses and income losses related to the injury that are not covered by workers’ comp, including expected future medical costs and lost long-term earning capacity
  • Personal property damage
  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Psychological and emotional trauma
  • Lost consortium
  • Lost quality or enjoyment of life

Our local construction accident attorneys can further explain what losses may be factored into a lawsuit during a confidential consultation.

Talk to a St. Louis Construction Accident Attorney Today

A serious injury sustained during construction work can be devastating for you and your family. You may need significant resources to protect your financial future while you are getting back on your feet. Sadly, many construction and insurance companies will try to exploit you at a vulnerable time by offering lowball settlements or flat-out denying your claims. You need a strong legal advocate on your side to stand up for your rights.

With help from a St. Louis construction accident lawyer, you can pursue the compensation you need to cover your losses and hold the negligent parties accountable for the harm they caused you. At OnderLaw, we don’t just take on cases—we take on causes. We know that this is about so much more than just a legal process for you, and we are ready to help you take back your life. Call us today to get started.