Most medications you get over-the-counter or through prescriptions are reasonably safe and effective to use as directed. Unfortunately, some exceptions to this rule are put on the market every year. Even worse, eventual recalls of dangerous drugs often come too late to prevent thousands of people from suffering serious physical harm.

At OnderLaw, we are dedicated to holding pharmaceutical companies and distributors accountable for the harm they cause. Our team of diligent injury attorneys has decades of experience helping those hurt by defective medications get the payments they need to recover. We have gone up against some of the biggest drug makers in Big Pharma, and we are not afraid to fight for what you deserve.

A Maryland Heights dangerous drugs lawyer can demand comprehensive compensation for all your losses, including medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. We will be with you every step of the way, fighting for your rights and future.

How Mass Tort Litigation Over Dangerous Drugs Works

Filing lawsuits over dangerous drugs can be complex. This is because the defendants in these claims are almost always massive pharmaceutical corporations with millions—sometimes even billions—of dollars budgeted toward contesting civil litigation against them. Even the strongest lawsuit against a large drug company will most likely end poorly if you try to pursue it alone.

For this reason, most successful dangerous drug cases proceed not as individual lawsuits but as mass tort claims. These claims involve multiple people with similar causes of action filing individual claims against the same defendant who harmed all of them in the same way. Plaintiffs in a mass tort litigation, also called a multidistrict litigation (MDL) may share evidence and legal resources but will keep their claims separate. Many mass tort claims are already in progress for defective drugs of all kinds. If there is no ongoing lawsuit for the medication that caused you harm, a proactive Maryland Heights dangerous drugs attorney from our firm can help start a new one. We will do whatever it takes to hold the negligent parties who hurt you accountable for their careless actions.

What Damages Could Be Recoverable?

Even though mass tort litigation involves multiple people working together, each person pursuing litigation over a defective drug can still demand compensation for every economic and non-economic loss they experience due to their injuries. This could include:

  • Lost overall enjoyment of life
  • Physical discomfort and pain
  • Emotional distress and psychological suffering
  • All past and expected future medical expenses
  • Lost working ability or work earnings and benefits
  • Costs related to long-term injury or illness management for things like assistive equipment and home/vehicle modifications

Guidance from the experienced lawyers at OnderLaw can be key to identifying, assigning an accurate value for, and proactively seeking financial payments for all damages caused by a dangerous drug in Maryland Heights. Let us help you get the compensation you need to move forward with your life and put this traumatic event behind you.

A Maryland Heights Dangerous Drugs Attorney Can Help

Even though drug companies are legally obligated to ensure their products are reasonably safe, not every manufacturer meets this duty of care with every medication they produce. When you sustain serious injuries because of a medicine’s side effect you were not warned about, you may have grounds to demand payments from the drug maker.

Guidance from a dedicated Maryland Heights dangerous drugs lawyer at our firm can be vital to achieving a positive case result under such circumstances. At OnderLaw, we don’t just take on cases, we take on causes—and we’re ready to take on yours. Learn more by calling today.