Product manufacturers are legally obligated to ensure their items are not defective or unreasonably dangerous. Any manufacturer who fails to meet this duty could be financially liable to any consumers injured as a result. However, there is a big difference between knowing a manufacturer should be liable for your injuries and actually holding them accountable.

Our team of injury attorneys and legal professionals at OnderLaw is not afraid to take on the big corporations and stand up for your rights. We don’t just stand up for you; we stand with you throughout the process of seeking justice. A Creve Coeur defective products lawyer from our firm will demand the compensation you deserve and support you in your recovery. We know this is more than just a case—this is your life, and we are dedicated to helping you move forward after an incident involving unsafe consumer goods.

Types of Product Defects

Under Missouri product liability law, three types of defects could make a manufacturer strictly liable for any injuries caused directly by their product. While it is possible to sue product makers for traditional negligence leading to injuries, it is more common for cases to be built around one of these defects.

Design Defects

If a product is designed or formulated in such a way that every unit of it is unreasonably dangerous in the same way, our Creve Coeur lawyers could bring a product liability claim for a design defect. A skilled attorney could also show that a reasonably safe alternative design was available to the manufacturer.

Manufacturing Defects

While a design defect makes every unit dangerous, a manufacturing defect makes a specific unit or batch of a product dangerous because it was produced or assembled incorrectly. For example, suppose a single link in a swing set chain was welded improperly, leading to the swing coming apart and injuring someone. In this situation, our product liability attorneys could pursue a lawsuit for a manufacturing defect.

Marketing Defects

Marketing defects in the context of product liability law are failures by a manufacturer to sufficiently warn consumers about known hazards associated with the regular use of their products. Failure to provide sufficient instructions for safely using a product can also constitute a marketing defect.

Product liability law is complex, making it essential to consult an experienced lawyer on your claim. At OnderLaw, our legal team in Creve Coeur will be your guiding hand throughout the process of getting the compensation you deserve.

Filing Deadlines for Product Liability Claims in Creve Coeur

Product liability lawsuits are a type of personal injury claim. This means that the five-year filing deadline for personal injury claims—generally beginning from when an injury occurred— applies to most defective product lawsuits.

Some states have what is called a statute of repose limiting the amount of time that can pass between someone purchasing a product and bringing a defective product claim. In Missouri, a person injured by a defective or unsafe product has five years to bring a claim for damages. It’s a good idea to contact our local attorneys as soon as possible to discuss a product liability claim. The sooner you reach out to OnderLaw, the sooner we can begin supporting you in your healing process and working to hold the manufacturer accountable for your injuries.

Call Our Creve Coeur Defective Product Attorneys for Support

Holding a product manufacturer liable for a dangerous defect can be a time-consuming and legally complex process. Without guidance from experienced legal counsel, you may have slim odds of getting a positive result from your claim.

Our dedicated attorneys at OnderLaw don’t just take on cases—we take on causes. We understand the devastating impact a severe injury can have on your life, and we are prepared to fight for the compensation you need to make things right. Working with a Creve Coeur defective products lawyer at our firm is the first step in taking back your life. Call us today to learn how we can support you in this vulnerable time.