Large trucks and other commercial vehicles pose significant risks when operated carelessly or recklessly. These vehicles are slow to stop in emergencies and may roll over during a sudden turn. This can create unavoidable hazards on the road that cause devastating, life-changing collisions.

If you or a loved one were involved in an 18-wheeler crash, you deserve support from a dedicated personal injury attorney who will not only stand up with you in court but who will also stand by your side throughout the process. A Brentwood truck accident lawyer at OnderLaw will hold the driver or company accountable for your wreck and fight for your rights every step of the way. We will work to prove liability for the accident, determine the value of your case, and demand that drivers, insurance companies, and trucking companies pay the compensation you deserve.

For over 20 years, OnderLaw has built a reputation in the Brentwood community for our passionate, committed representation of our hard-working neighbors. We don’t just take on cases—we take on causes.

Violations of Local and Federal Trucking Laws

Operating any vehicle, including a truck, comes with many legal obligations. Truckers must follow speed limits, yield when necessary to other drivers, and refrain from texting while behind the wheel. Proving that a trucker caused an accident by violating a local traffic law is one way to show liability for a crash.

Several laws apply specifically to truck operators and companies. For example, there are daily and weekly hour limits for truck drivers. Under Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration regulations, drivers and employers who violate these rules are presumably at fault for a collision.

There are also regulations and responsibilities regarding the maintenance of commercial vehicles that drivers and trucking companies must follow. If they don’t and a crash results, they and their insurance companies are liable for the damage.

Our diligent Brentwood truck accident attorneys can investigate the trucker’s and the trucking company’s actions leading up to the crash to determine if they violated any trucking laws.

Compensation for a Truck Collision in Brentwood

Collisions involving commercial vehicles tend to cause severe damage and injuries. This is due to the massive size of these vehicles and the amount of force involved in these crashes. Common examples of physical injuries in semi-truck collisions include:

The dedicated lawyers at our firm will support you through the recovery process and pursue the compensation you need for every medical expense. Additionally, we understand the emotional, personal, and financial toll these accidents can have on your life and will ensure your claim accounts for these losses. We will stand up for and stand by you, helping you take back your life.

In addition to holding the negligent truck accountable, you may be able to seek compensation from their employer. A legal concept called respondeat superior states that an employer is jointly liable for the actions of their workers while on the clock. Our proactive truck accident lawyers in Brentwood will ensure you get the payments you deserve for your truck accident by holding the trucker, trucking company, or insurance company accountable. We aren’t afraid to take on even the largest corporations and insurance companies to stand up for you and fight for your rights.

Speak with a Brentwood Truck Accident Attorney Today

Tractor-trailer accidents are sudden events that can alter the course of your life. A trucker’s lack of attention to their surroundings, distraction due to talking on a cell phone, or violation of federal trucking hour and maintenance regulations can lead to dangerous situations and severe injuries.

A Brentwood truck accident lawyer at OnderLaw is here for you during this difficult time in your life. On the legal side, we will prove a trucker’s fault for the crash and collect the payments you need for your losses. On the personal side, we will stand with you every step of the way as you put your life back together. Contact us today, and let us guide you when you need us most.