Average Payout for a Dog Bite in Missouri

Dogs are one of the most popular pets in the U.S. Unfortunately, millions of dog bites occur every year across the United States due to lack of discipline or training. Thousands of people require medical attention for the bites they have sustained, but the vast majority survive the attack. Still, dog bites can be significant with long-term effects. Injured individuals may walk away with physical and psychological injuries.

Unexpected costs can pile up due to experiencing a major dog bite, such as medical treatment or lost wages. Many people have to go through reconstructive surgery to repair the damage they have sustained as a result of a dog bite. Fortunately, those who suffer injuries from dog bites can pursue legal remedies to recover their losses. However, navigating the legal system can be overwhelming on your own, especially while you are recovering from injuries.

At OnderLaw, our dog bite lawyers are dedicated to easing your stress so that you can focus on healing while we handle your legal case for you. Learn more about local dog bite laws and the average payout for a dog bite in Missouri by contacting our firm today.

Liability Affects Compensation

Missouri state law ensures that owners are liable for injuries caused by their dog to another person when they are on public property or the dog owner’s property if the injured person is there lawfully. Specifically, state law establishes that a dog owner is automatically liable for any resulting injuries and must pay a $1,000 fine. That means the owner will be responsible for paying the damages and medical bills resulting from the bite. However, you must prove that the owner was negligent—which is when they failed to uphold their duty of care and you suffered injuries as a direct result.

The defendant will often do everything possible to prove you were at fault for the dog bite instead of taking responsibility for their actions. They will try to show that an exception to the law applies: that you were trespassing or provoking the dog. They may also try to prove that you were negligent and contributed to your injuries, which would affect the compensation you can win. That’s where we come in. Our team of experienced attorneys will collect evidence and devise a strong winning strategy on your behalf. We will protect you and fight for your right to the compensation needed to fully recover from your losses.

What the Average Payout Looks Like

Different factors can affect the total compensation that an injured person can receive. In dog bite cases, the plaintiff may choose to accept a settlement offer or go to court. The circumstances of the incident and the type and severity of injuries will affect the damages an injured party can seek. Damages are usually economic or non-economic and can cover costs like rehabilitation expenses, medical bills, pain and suffering, and loss of income.

The owner’s insurance company will usually offer a settlement to cover their liability. The average settlement payout for dog bite cases in Missouri can range from $30,000-40,000. Insurance companies aim to protect their own resources. That results in inadequate settlement offers that do not completely compensate injured parties for their losses. It is important to protect yourself by hiring the right attorney, and our team at OnderLaw is ready to take on your case.

Contact a Trusted Dog Bite Attorney in Missouri Today

OnderLaw is committed to helping people in our communities who experience significant dog bite injuries seek justice. No one should have to worry about suffering long-term damage from interacting with a dog. When an aggressive dog attacks you or a loved one, reach out to our reliable injury lawyers as soon as possible for legal assistance.